Make The Following Sentences Complete

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Ex 3.

It is now very important to understand other people's culture so that there

are no interpersonal misunderstandings, intercultural and ethnic conflicts. Because
of rapid changes in global economy, technology, transportation, the world is
becoming a small intersecting community. In order to achieve effective
communication we have to learn to manage cultural differences flexibly and

Ex 4. challenges (problems), intercultural communication (communication

between representatives of different cultures), cope with cultural differences,
adapt, citizen of the world, global society, impartial, judge (about), successfully,
sensitive, from another person's point of view, avoid, abusive, have close
connection, sincere interest, to promote misunderstandings, to interpret values, (in)
visible differences.

Ex 5. Make the following sentences complete.

1. A person who can easily adapt and understand the culture of others is a
2. To be a multicultural person you need you need to know the culture, customs,
religion, preferences of other people.
3. Not to be "ethnocentric" you should be open-minded which means not judging
one culture as better than another, or believing that the way things are done in your
culture is the best or the only way of doing things.
4. Visible differences you have to adapt to living in another culture include … .
5. Being sensitive means care about people’s feelings, and think deeply before you
6. A multicultural person has a genuine interest in people of other cultures and
wants to learn their language, find out about their country and its history, and
develop a real understanding of their culture.

Ex 6. Read and analyse the following critical incidents which happened during
some training courses abroad. What cultural factors might play a role in these
training situations? Use the vocabulary of the Comments to give your
2. in this situation, a psychological factor played, probably the person is embarrassed to ask a question
to the group

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