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My family

I’m the older child in my family.

I’ve got one younger sister . Colette is three years old.She goes to kindergarden
in my village.She likes it very much.
My parents‘ names are Kristína and Štefan. My mum is 42 years old and she
works at municipal office. My dad is 47 years old and he is a  toll officer.We live
in Kravany nad Dunajom.
My mum has an older sister and a  younger brother.My aunt Elvira is 46 years
old and she is a  nurse.She is married and her husbands name is Ján .He is 47
years old. They live in Dvory nad Žitavou.They have got a  son.He is 26 years old
so he is my cousin and he has a  one year old  daughter Nina.
My uncle Koloman is 39 years old and he is married too.His wife is from Chinese
and her name is Nan Zhang.They have got a  son his name is Nathan and he is
10 years old.They live in our capital Bratislava.
My dad has a younger sister.My aunt Katarína is 44 years old.She is married
too.Her husbands name is Csaba.They have not child.They live in Moča.
Then there are my grandparents.Both of my grandparents are alive.My mum‘s
parents names are Elvíra and Koloman.Grandma is 66 years old and grandpa is
68 years old.They are pensioners.They live in Kravany nad Dunajom.
My dad‘s parents names are Katarína and Štefan.Grandma is 66 years old and
grandpa is 74 years old.My grandpa is a  pensior.My grandma still works as
a postwoman.They live in Moča. So,that’s my family.

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