Addendum To Daily Exercises

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Breathing Exercises
“Piston Breath” name coined by Dr. Fulford used to describe the technique.
Information comes from Percival’s book, Thinking and Destiny, called the
“regenerative breath.”

Breathe in through the nose and there is no stopping at the full inhalation, and
breathe out and there is no stopping at the full out breath. Like the piston stroke
of a car’s engine.

Start with 40 breaths in a row. Over time work up to 100. If you can maintain the
“piston breath for 15 minutes you can regenerate every cell in your body.”

Note: Most people are so locked up, they hyperventilate after 4 to 5 breaths.
Have them start with 4 deep breaths 10 times per day. Work up to 5 then 6 in a
row, etc. until they get to 40.

Shower Shrink Wrap Stretch

Designed to counteract the effects of gravity in the modern sedentary person.

Like putting on a cast on a broken appendage, after 8 weeks the body has
adapted to the position of the cast and needs a lot of work to undo the casting
effects on the soft tissues. Likewise do to the nature of the sitting, driving,
keyboarding, bench work, eating, TV watching, recliner, side sleeping habitual
positions; the forward head, round shoulders, Dowagers hump, increased thoracic
kyphosis is the new normal posture and the thoracic/abdominal fascial shortening
(i.e. “shrink wrap”)has locked it into permanence unless these fascial planes are

To be done after each shower. More often if desk/sitting job :

Part 1:
With towel on anterior chest skin (Platysma muscle layer) pull down until tension
is felt.
Push head back, then look up as far as possible (with jaw closed and tongue on
top of hard pallet)
Breathe in and out slowly. Side bend neck to each side.
Work hand/towel position all over chest.

Part 2:
Repeat same procedure with fingers above and putting pressure down on
Sibson’s fascia behind Clavicles.

Part 3:
Repeat only pushing skin on anterior chest and anterior neck up.

Shrink Wrap tightening Test:

Sit or stand with best upright posture.

Push head/neck posterior and look up while keeping tongue at roof of mouth.
When tension is felt, then try to swallow….
If you can swallow keeping tongue at top of mouth and not move neck/head with
ease, then your midline fascia is normal.

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