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Benefits of climbing

Physical health: Climbing uses lots of muscle groups, both in the upper and lower body. Your back,
abdominal and leg muscles all get exercised as well as your fingers, shoulders and arms.

Regular climbing can improve stamina and endurance as well as muscle strength. In addition, all
the reaching and stretching for holds improves flexibility and agility. Getting out and about in the
outdoors, walking to reach the crag you wish to climb on, is also good aerobic exercise.

Mental health and well being: Climbing offers a wealth of health benefits that are not just
physical. It improves your self esteem, mental agility and self awareness. It’s a great stress-buster
and a full body workout, so it’s good for general wellbeing.

Climbing requires a lot of problem solving, mental concentration and focus, so it helps sharpen
your brain. A lot of people like it as it allows you to escape everyday worries and just focus on the
climb. It also can give a great sense of achievement. Read BMC member Jake McMannus’s story
of how climbing is helping him to climb out of depression.

Climbing can be a very sociable activity. Sport England’s Active People Survey results show that
most people say they participate for the social aspect. You develop strong friendships with your
climbing partners due to the level of trust involved and through sharing challenges and

Read an article about the health benefits of climbing on the NHS Choices website

Posted by Tina Gardner on 23/07/2014 Health benefits of climbing and hill


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