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Copyright © 1990 by ASME

A Computer Method for Thermal Power

Cycle Calculation
Graz University of Technology

t ... temperature [°C]

ABSTRACT h ... specific enthalpy [kJ/kg]
This paper describes a highly flexible computer method for x ... relative humidity[-]
thermodynamic power cycle calculations (PCC). With this P ... power output [kW]
method the user can model any cycle scheme by selecting
components from a library and connecting them in an appropriate
way. The flexibility is not restricted by any predefined cycle INTRODUCTION
The general energy-supply and environmental situation
A power cycle is mathematically represented by a system of requires an improved utilisation of energy sources. Therefore the
algebraic equations. The structure of mathematical cycle models complexity of power generating units has increased considerably.
as well as different approaches to set up and solve the resulting Plant owners are increasingly demanding strict guarantee
equations with computer programs are discussed in the first performance. This requires thermodynamic calculations of high
section. accuracy. As a result the expenditure for thermodynamic
calculation during design and optimisation has grown
The second section describes the developed method. The
mass and energy balance equations are set up and solved with an tremendously. To be competitive constructors are forced to
reduce planning and designing time as well as the number of
semi-parallel algorithm. As input only the cycle's topology and
component parameters must be entered. Information about the errorsto by applying computer aided methods. Moreover the
calculation sequence and the convergence method can be omitted application of computer aided methods allows optimisation and
completely. The example of two simple steam cycles case studies which otherwise would be too time consuming.
demonstrates the applied technique. At the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery of Graz
The method requires only a few -if any at all- iterations. University of Technology several projects concerned with
Calculation time and storage requirements can be kept low advanced power cycle development have been carried out during
enough to calculate even very complex cycles on personal the last years (Jericha, 1983; Jericha, 1985; Wilplinger, 1986;
computers. At the end of the paper input data and results for a Jericha et al., 1987; Jericha and Ratzesberger, 1989). At the
complex cycle scheme as it may occur in reality are given to beginning programs for each cycle were written to carry out
demonstrate the performance finally. parameter studies. With growing projects a demand for more
powerful software tools emerged.

In ... mass flow [kg's] CALCULATION
p ... pressure [bar] With computer aided power cycle calculation (PCC) two
requirements must be observed: Flexibility and ease-of-use.
t Current Address: Imperial College, London Numerous program packages have been developed for PCC. The

Presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition—June 11-14, 1990—Brussels, Belgium
This paper has been accepted for publication in the Transactions of the ASME
Discussion of it will be accepted at ASME Headquarters until September 30, 1990

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complexity of these programs covers a wide range. It reaches It was not intended to use the program for the analysis of
from programs that can be used for a few fixed cycle schemes up partload behavior. The omission of this feature allows to use very
to packages, which allow the modelling of any cycle configuration. simple mathematical models for the components (e.g. the
performance of a turbine is determined by an constant
Packages, which are restricted to a few cycle schemes are efficiency).
usually easy to handle: Prior to the calculation the user selects a
cycle scheme and enters the required parameters like
temperature at turbine inlet or efficiency of the turbomachine. SYSTEM MODELLING
These packages, however, lack the flexibility that is required for
many advanced investigations. Thermodynamic processes are composed as a connection of
many standard components like turbines, pumps, heat exchangers
At the other end of the scale, there are highly flexible etc.. It is efficient to use these structure of a system containing
all-purpose packages. These packages require not only standardized components also for mathematical cycle modelling.
information about the cycle's topology and parameters but also Therefore the following model structure has been introduced:
about calculation sequence and convergence method. This makes
all-purpose packages very difficult to handle for non-specialist The components of a mathematical model are called 'units'.
users. Units can be connected by:
Somerton et al. (1987) describe a program which can be used — Streams, that are connections allowing transport of mass and
for calculation of cycles based upon the Rankine cycle. This energy. Streams define the state between two units. The state
package allows the calculation of 28 different cycle schemes. is characterized by a mass flow and thermodynamic properties
like pressure, enthalpy or composition.
More flexible programs are necessary for cycle development.
Dittmar (1973) used for the first time a flexible program for — Energetic links that allow energy transport only. An example
power cycle development. Other packages for calculation of of an energetic link is a shaft.
power cycles have been published by Miedema (1981), Mathematically a unit is a collection of all equations that are
Sonnenschein (1982), Sandner (1983), Eisermann et al. (1984) necessary to describe a single component of a cycle, i.e.:
and Ohadi et al. (1985). More theoretical contributions were — Mass balances of a single component
made by Martensen (1984).
— Energy balances of a single component
Extremely powerful packages originally developed for
chemical engineering problems have also been used for power — Functions that describe the behaviour of a particular
cycle calculation. Well known simulators are ASCEND-II (Locke component (e.g. the calculation of the expansion for a turbine
and Westerberg, 1983), ASPEN (Rosen and Scott, 1985), or the pressure drop and the heat loss for a pipe).
PROCESS and SPEEDUP (Pantelides, 1988). A stream is mathematically represented by the equations
necessary for the calculation of the thermodynamic properties.To
For the developments carried out at the Institute for Thermal connect two units by a streams means to set equal their
Turbomachinery of Graz University of Technology those thermodynamic and mass flow properties.
packages were not suitable. While special PCC packages were too
restrictive, other packages like PROCESS turned out to be too To set up a mathematical model of a cycle using this model
complex and too large to be run on personal computers. structure, the units are selected and connected in the desired way
Therefore an own package for power cycle calculation was by streams and energetic links. Mathematically this means to put
developed. all equations together into a system of nonlinear equations. This
system must be solved to obtain all states including the efficiency
of the cycle. The system can have up to 1000 unknowns and even
DEVELOPMENT GOALS more than that. It is the task of a computer aided PCC-package to
set up and solve this system.
The development goal was a computer program for studying
conventional and advanced power cycles. In particular it had to
meet the following requirements:
— Flexibility: The user must be able to calculate arbitrary cycle
schemes without changing the program. There are two basically different approaches to solve these
equations. Firstly it is possible to follow perception and to carry
— Ease of use: The user must only provide information how the out the calculation sequentially, unit after unit. This approach is
cycle scheme is looking like but no information about how to called the 'sequential method'. Secondly one can take the more
carry out the calculation. abstract way of setting up the entire system of equations and
— PC based system: The program's memory requirements must solving it with an appropriate algorithm. The latter approach is
not exceed the 640K limits of DOS personal computers. called the 'equation oriented method'.
— Speed: To carry out case studies easily, calculation time must
not exceed a few minutes. The Sequential Method
— Expansibilty: To allow handling of cycles with novel The sequential method does not use the system of equations
components or unconventional working fluids it must be able explicitly. Instead each unit is represented by a transfer function
to add easily the required capabilities. that calculates all output streams from the input streams.

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With this method calculation starts at an appropriate point of parallelly. Therefore this new method is called "semi-parallel
the cycle with estimated values. The cycle is then calculated unit approach". Similar approaches were used by Miedema (1981) and
after unit following the direction of mass flow. Loops are Sandner (1983).
represented by recycle streams and solved iteratively: For recycle It takes advantage from the fact, that many of the system's
streams properties and mass flow are estimated at the beginning equations are linear equations. If all thermodynamic data of a
of the calculations. Each loop is iterated until all data in the loop cycle is known, mass- and energy balances combine to a system of
is consistent. At the end of a calculation step the result is linear equations. This can easily be solved with standard
compared with the estimated starting values. The starting value is algorithms for linear equation system solution like Gauss-Jordan
modified and the procedure repeated until the result does not Elimination or Lower-Upper Decomposition. Because only the
change any more. mass flow rates are unknowns of the linear equation system its
The advantages of this method are: size is only a few percents of that required for the equation
oriented method.
— It is easy to implement, new unit models can be added easily.
Usually it is not possible however to calculate
— Limited memory is required because the system of equations is thermodynamic data independently from mass flow rates. Mixing
never used explicitly. points and under certain circumstances also heat exchangers need
It's disadvantages are: mass flow data to calculate thermodynamic properties. The
— It is necessary to identify recycle streams. This means it is enthalpy behind a mixing point is calculated from the feed
necessary to provide information how to carry out the streams as follows:
ml m2
— Flexibility is restricted because flow of information must h3= hi + h2 (1)
always be in direction of mass flow. m3 m3
This means that mass flow rates for mixing points must be
nation Oriented Method estimated before the calculation of thermodynamic data. It leads
to an iterative process as shown schematically in figure 1.
The development of the equation oriented method has
started later, but it has gained importance during the last few At the beginning massflow rates are estimated. With this
years, particularly in academic research. The advantages of this estimates all thermodynamic properties are calculated. By setting
method are: up and solving the mass- and energy balance equations improved
— It offers more flexibility because there are no restrictions values for the mass flow rates are obtained. These steps are
imposed by the flow of information repeated until the solution reaches the required accuracy.
— No information on calculation sequence must be provided by
the user because all equations are solved simultaneously.

The disadvantages of this method are:

— A high amount of memory to store the system of equations. Estimate Mass Flow Ratios
For a system with N unknowns at least a system matrix of size
N*N must be stored. On DOS personal computers with 640K
memory available N is limited to about 250 double precision or Start of Iteration
370 single precision unknowns.
— It requires a robust algorithm for solving the system of Calculate Thermodynamic Properties
nonlinear equations.
— The user is forced to estimate initial values of sufficient
accuracy because all solution methods start from an initial Set Up Balance Equations
guess for each unknown. These values are iterated until
solution is reached.
Solve the Equation System
The two main disadvantages have however been overcome
during the last few years with the development of hardware
making sufficient memory available and of robust algorithms for Check for Convergency
solving nonlinear equation systems. Nevertheless the user must
still provide starting values for iteration.
End of Iteration
The method presented here combines sequential and
equation oriented features. While the thermodynamic data is Figure 1: Calculation Scheme
calculated in a way similar to the sequential method, mass and
energy balance equations are set up explicitly and solved

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Figure 2: Example cycle not requiring iteration Figure 3: Model structure for the cycle of figure 2

TU ... Turbine
CO ... Condenser
FP ... Feedwater Pump In advance of the thermodynamic calculation a topological
FH ... Feed Heater analysis of the system shows the identity of the following mass
BO .... Boiler flows:

m1=m2=m6=m7=m8 (2a)
m3 = m5 (2b)
m4 = m9 (2c)
To give more insight into this method the solution processes
for two simple Rankine cycles are discussed here. The steps
described are exactly the same as the computer program takes. Although this topological analysis is not obligatory it can
reduce the required memory considerably. For this example the
The cycle scheme as shown in figure 2 does not require the
number of unknowns can be reduced to 1/3, resulting in a
iteration process. All thermodynamic properties can be calculated
reduction of the system matrix size to 1/9. The additional effort in
before solving mass and energy balance equations. calculation time is negligible and can usually be compensated by
The different preheater scheme of the cycle shown in figure 4 the time saved for the solution of the reduced system.
leads to a system that must be solved by iteration. The next step is to complete the still unknown
thermodynamic properties. With given live steam conditions '1'
Cycle Not Requiring An Iterative Solution and bleed stream pressure the entire properties of '2' are
determined. The properties at '3' and '4' are also fixed, because
Figure 2 shows a simple Rankine cycle with a single feed there is no alteration of properties at a splitter. The expansion in
heater. The mathematical modelling needs a modified structure the second turbine gives the properties at the inlet of the
as shown in figure 3. The turbine model does not allow any condenser '5'. The properties at '6', the condenser's outlet, are
diverted streams, therefore this is represented by two turbines determined by the demand for complete condensation (x = 0.0).
and a splitter. A shaft connects the both turbines and the The outlet pressure of the feed water pump is not yet known, but
generator. The numbers 1-9 indicate the streams that are to be with the given pressure drop in the boiler, the pressure P8 can be
calculated. calculated. With the given pump efficiency this allows now to
Live steam condition, bleeding pressure, condenser pressure, calculate the entire properties at '7'. The properties at '8' result
and required temperature differences at the in- and outlet of the from the required temperature differences of the preheater.
preheater are given as well as all pressure drops and efficiencies Finally the properties at '9' can be calculated from pressure drop
of the cycle's components. and the required temperature difference of the preheater. The
following balance equations can be written:

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Turbines: m1- m2 = 0 (3a)

m3-m5=0 (3b)
(ht-h2)ml + (h3-h5)m3 = P (3c)
Splitter: m2 - m3 -m4 = 0 (3d)
Condenser m5 + m9 - m6 = 0 (3e)
Pump m6-m7=0 (3f)

Preheater m7 - m8 = 0 (3g)
m4-m9=0 (3h)
(h4-h9)m4 - (h8-h7)m7 = 0 (3i)
Boiler m8 - ml = 0 (3h)
With regard of the mass flow identities, the system can be
transformed to:

(ht-h2)mt + (h3-h5)m3 = P (4c) Figure 4: Model structure for the example cycle requiring
ms - m3 - m4 =0 (4d) an iterative solution
- mt + m3 + m4 =0 (4e)
-(h8-h7)ml + (h4-h9)m4 = 0 (4i)
mg m8
h9 = h8 + ( 1 ) hil (7)
The letters behind the equation numbers correspond to those m9 m9
of equations (3).
This equation contains only the mass flow ratio ms/m9 for
In this system of equations one equation is superfluous. It is which an initial value can be estimated. The resulting equations
difficult to identify this equation, particularly for complex cycle are:
schemes. It is not necessary however to eliminate a certain
equation if a mathematical trick is used: An additional unknown Turbines: m1- m2 = 0 (8a)
is introduced in the system, with coefficient 1.0 in each equation.
This unknown must resolve to zero. m3-m5=0 (8b)
(hi-h2)ml + (h3-h5)m3 = P (8c)
Cycle Reuuiring An Iterative Solution Splitter: m2 - m3 -m4 = 0 (8d)
The model of the cycle shown in fig. 4 has a different
preheating scheme: The condensate from the preheater is fed to Condenser m5- m6 = 0 (8e)
the main stream and not to the condenser as in the cycle shown in
Pump m6 - m7 = 0 (8f)
figure 3. The resulting energy balance for the mixer is:
Preheater m7 - m8 = 0 (8g)
h9m9 = h8m8 + hltmll (5)
m4 - mto = 0 (8h)
In this case h9 depends not only on the enthalpies h8 and hil
but also on the mass flows. Since the resulting equation system is (h4-hlo)m4-(h8-h7)m7 = 0 (8i)
not linear an iterative solution is necessary. The following mass
flow identities can be found by a topological analysis. Mixer m8 + mu i - m9 = 0 (8k)

ml = m2 = m9 (6a) Boiler m9 - ml = 0 (81)

m3 = m5 = m6 = m7 = m8 (6b) Regarding the mass flow identities, the system can be

reduced to:
m4 = mlo = mu (6c)
(hl-h2)ml + (h3-h5)m3 = P (9c)
The completion of properties is done analogously to the ml - m3 - m4 =0 (9d)
scheme without iteration. Equation (5) can be easily transformed
to: + (h8-h7)m3 + (h4-hio)m4 = 0 (9i)
-ml + m3 + m4 = 0 (9k)

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After solving this system an improved ratio mg/m9 can be
calculated. With this value the calculation must be repeated until
old and new ratio m8/m9 correspond with required accuracy.

This method was implemented with the intention to offer a TURBINE COMPRESSOR PUMP CONDENSER
user-friendly tool for PCC. While the amount of data required as
input can be minimized by applying this method, it is necessary to
provide additionally a facility to enter input data in a comfortable
A special input language was developed to facilitate the
description of cycle schemes. Currently it is necessary to write an
input file using the system's text editor. As further user support it PREHEATER DEAERATOR SPLITTER MIXER
is planned to use a graphic preprocessor for generation of input
files. However, this preprocessor is not yet available.
The carefully designed program does not restrict further
developments. Figure 5 shows all units that are currently
available. New units can be added if required, although
familiarity with the solution method is necessary for their
The thermodynamic properties calculation has been
completely separated from the other parts of the package by a
standardized interface. This increases the flexibility of the Figure 5: Currently Available Units

2 0-
ri f

Lai p N o
2 V7
BST01 15
z a

w F-
(U 0 0
Z 3 ^
0 In
i- w w
o 3U-
FW06 FW05 L FW03 FW02
BST08 0


Figure 6: Example Cycle: 150 MW Steam Cycle

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Table 1: Part of the input file for the cycle of 6g. 6

header: EXAMPLE 150 MW Plant draint: HPS05 unit: pump

drain2: BST02 name: CONDENSATE PUMP
unit: turbine feed: CON07
name: HP TURBINE 1 unit: splitter drain: CON08
feed: HPS01 (p = 196.12, h = 3374.72) name: PU BLEEDER eta = 0.80
drain: HPS02 (p = 52.27) feed: HPS05
etas = 0.818 drains: HPS06 unit: shaft
etam = 0.955 drain2: BST03 name: GENERATOR SHAFT
connect:HP TURBINE 1, HP TURBINE_ 2,
unit: splitter unit: boiler MP TURBINE, LP TURBINE 1,
feed: HPS02 feed: HPS06 LP TURBINE 4
drainl: HPS03 drain: MPS01 (h = 3543.88) pw = 150000.0
drain2: BST01 dp = 0.0857
etak = 0.92 unit: shaft
unit: turbine name: PUMP SHAFT
name: HP TURBINE_2 connect:PUMP TU 1, PUMP TU 2,
feed: HPS03 "" PUMP TU 3, FEEDW PUMP
drain: HPSO4 (p = 34.321) -
etas = 0.913 unit: mixer composition:
etam = 0.955 name: MIX POINT _2 define: HPS01 (water:1.0)
feedi: BST10 ident: HPS01,ALL
unit: splitter feed2: BST11
name: HP BLEEDER _2 drain: BST12
feed: HPSO4 quot = 0.05

package, since new working fluids can be added by simply Implementations of this method are currently running on
extending the properties data base. It is also possible to interface VAX hardware and DOS personal computers. For
the package with other properties data bases. For the calculation implementation the ANSI standard of the 'C'- programming
of steam properties either the 1967 IFC formulations (Schmidt, language was used.
1969) or the NBS/NRC steam tables (Haar et al., 1984) can be

Table 2: Output Listing for Cycle Scheme of Fig. 6

FW08 1 6.06 159.2 672.0 1.9344 0.0011 0.00 127.111
FW09 1 254.0 163.5 705.3 1.9486 0.0011 - 127.111
EXAMPLE 150 MW Plant FW10 1 253.0 198.3 855.5 2.2798 0.0011 - 127.111
FW11 1 252.0 241.4 1048.0 2.6706 0.0012 - 127.111
STREAMS: FW12 1 251.1 266.7 1166.0 2.8946 0.0013 - 127.111
HPS01 1 196.1 541.9 3374.7 6.3217 0.0166 1.00 127.111
NameComp. p t h s v x m HPS02 1 52.27 351.3 3069.1 6.4327 0.0496 1.00 127.111
[bar] [Grad] [kJ/kg] [kJ/kgK] [m3/kg] [-] [kg/s] HPS03 1 52.27 351.3 3069.1 6.4327 0.0496 1.00 119.522
HPSO4 1 34.32 297.4 2974.0 6.4487 0.0695 1.00 119.522
BST01 1 52.27 351.3 3069.1 6.4327 0.0496 1.00 7.590 HPS05 1 34.32 297.4 2974.0 6.4487 0.0695 1.00 108.514
BST02 1 34.32 297.4 2974.0 6.4487 0.0695 1.00 11.007 HPS06 1 34.32 297.4 2974.0 6.4487 0.0695 1.00 90.790
BST03 1 34.32 297.4 2974.0 6.4487 0.0695 1.00 17.724 LPS01 1 2.30 222.1 2913.8 7.5319 0.9820 1.00 90.037
BST04 1 15.00 216.3 2838.8 6.5424 0.1390 1.00 17.724 LPS02 1 1.10 154.9 2785.4 7.5921 1.7828 1.00 90.037
BST05 1 15.00 216.3 2838.8 6.5424 0.1390 1.00 7.697 LPS03 1 1.10 154.9 2785.4 7.5921 1.7828 1.00 86.381
BST06 1 15.00 216.3 2838.8 6.5424 0.1390 1.00 10.027 LPSO4 1 0.451 84.8 2653.6 7.6631 3.6319 1.00 86.381
BST07 1 6.06 159.2 2698.9 6.6228 0.3042 0.97 10.027 LPS05 1 0.451 84.8 2653.6 7.6631 3.6319 1.00 83.035
BST08 1 6.06 159.2 2698.9 6.6228 0.3042 0.97 6.642 LPS06 1 0.215 61.6 2553.9 7.7096 6.9758 0.98 83.035
BST09 1 6.06 159.2 2698.9 6.6228 0.3042 0.97 3.385 LPS07 1 0.215 61.6 2553.9 7.7096 6.9758 0.98 78.456
BST10 1 2.30 124.8 2558.2 6.6911 0.7208 0.93 3.385 LPS08 1 0.023 19.5 2319.0 7.9347 54.3857 0.98 78.456
BST11 1 2.30 222.1 2913.8 7.5319 0.9820 1.00 0.753 MPS01 1 31.38 539.8 3543.9 7.3248 0.1171 1.00 90.790
BST12 1 2.30 124.8 2622.1 6.8517 0.7434 0.96 4.137 MPS02 1 2.30 222.1 2913.8 7.5319 0.9820 1.00 90.790
BST13 1 1.10 154.9 2785.4 7.5921 1.7828 1.00 3.656
BST14 1 0.451 84.8 2653.6 7.6631 3.6319 1.00 3.346 COMPOSITIONS:
BST15 1 0.215 61.6 2553.9 7.7096 6.9758 0.98 4.579 Composition #1:
CON01 1 50.18 251.4 1092.7 2.8041 0.0013 0.00 7.590 Water 1.00
CONO2 1 32.95 208.3 890.5 2.4063 0.0012 0.00 18.597
CONO3 1 14.40 173.5 734.7 2.0751 0.0011 0.00 26.294 HEAT BALANCE:
CON04 1 2.21 109.3 458.3 1.4104 0.0011 0.00 4.137 Fuel Heat Input[kW]: 368182.0
FW01 1 0.023 19.5 81.6 0.2886 0.0010 0.00 78.456 Turbine Power[kW]: 154232.9
FW02 1 9.81 19.5 82.8 0.2892 0.0010 0.00 78.456 Pump Power[kW]: 4340.4
FW03 1 8.83 58.6 246.1 0.8134 0.0010 0.00 78.456 Thermal Efficiency: 0.40711
FW04 1 8.83 53.9 226.4 0.7536 0.0010 0.00 94.175
FW05 1 7.85 75.8 317.9 1.0246 0.0010 0.00 94.175 STATISTICS:
FW06 1 6.87 99.3 416.4 1.2982 0.0010 0.00 94.175 Calculation started: Thu Jan 04 09:36:27 1990
FW07 1 6.06 121.8 511.5 1.5462 0.0011 0.00 94.175 Calculation finished: Thu Jan 04 09:37:29 1990

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data types, a feature that was used extensively. It is possible for Berechnungsverfahren fur Warmekraftwerks - Kreislaufe"
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Figure 6 shows a cycle scheme for a 150 MW steam plant of Graphentheorie", VGB Kraftwerkstechnik 64, Heft 10, Oktober,
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In table 1 a part of the input file is given as an example for Technische Hogeschool Delft, Netherlands.
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Computation time for this problem was 62 seconds. The memory 85-JPGC-Pwr-49.
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109, pp. 222-227.
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