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17 February 2011

California Edition

Calendar Reform Could Help 70% Of Uninsured

UCLA Study Says Nearly 5 Million May Get Coveage
February 22-25 A large majority of the Californians currently 2009, the largest such number in the United
lacking healthcare insurance could obtain States. In Los Angeles County and some rural
coverage once key provisions of the Patient areas the rate of uninsured approach or top
FC/4!(40!T-140!A(4(5)H)4=! Protection and Affordable Care Act kick in 25%. The UCLA report on reform noted that
8)*=/>/?(=/-4@!83/4-!U(22)&!A)0/?(2!8)4=)*6! during 2014, according to UCLA researchers. the rates of uninsured would likely be higher if
)01?(=/-4!(40!H(4(5)H)4=!>-*! The report released earlier this week by a federal subsidy to provide coverage to laid
D3&+/?/(4+6!41*+)+6!D3&+/?(2!=3)*(D/+=+!(40! the UCLA Center for Health Policy and off workers had not gone into effect as part of
-=3)*!D*-./0)*+@!I"6"SJLI"VSJ!! Research indicates that as many as 4.7 million the stimulus package. That subsidy has since
Californians could gain coverage through expired.
82/?C!E)*)!M-*!A-*)!N4>-*H(=/-4 federal healthcare reform, either through According to demographic data compiled
purchasing coverage subsidized by tax breaks by UCLA via the vast 2009 California Health
via the health insurance exchanges set to Interview Survey, researchers predict that more
February 23 begin operating in three years, or through the than 3 million Californians will be eligible for
sizable expansion of the Medi-Cal program. Medi-Cal who were not previously eligible.
"Healthcare reform lifts a tremendous Another 1.73 million will be eligible for
98:+;!<3)!).-21=/-4!->!3)(2=3?(*)! burden off the shoulders of all Californians," subsidized coverage through the insurance
0)2/.)*&@!A(**/-==!B1*%(4C!9/*D-*=!E-=)2@! said E. Richard Brown, a UCLA professor and exchanges.
FD-4+-*)0!%&!=3)!8(2/>-*4/(!9++-?/(=/-4!->! the center’s director. “It will be an enormous UCLA predicts that another 1.2 million
E)(2=3!'2(4+6!=3/+!).)4=!140)*=(C)+!(! relief to anyone who's struggling to pay both Californians won’t qualify for tax subsidies
+=(40D-/4=@!IJKLI"## the rent and a medical bill." due to income guidelines, but would be
The number of uninsured Californians eligible to purchase coverage on the
82/?C!E)*)!M-*!A-*)!N4>-*H(=/-4 ranges in ofcial estimates from 7 million to 8 exchanges at full cost.
million, but experts agree it has increased at "The sheer number of Californians
least 15% since the Great Recession began in without health insurance underscores the
February 24-25 December 2007. importance of implementing the healthcare
UCLA researchers say 7 million law successfully," said Robert K. Ross, M.D.,
Californians – slightly more than 21% of the
population – lacked insurance for all or part of
F?3--2!->!O45/4))*/456!P4/.)*+/=&!->! Continued on Next Page
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be Call (877) 248-2360, ext. 2
published in the Calendar section, OR
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Top Placement... Reform (Continued from Page One)

Bottomless Potential CEO of the California Endowment, which co- judge ruled in December that the mandate to
funded the study. purchase insurance was also unconstitutional.
Advertise Here Potential roadblocks still loom prior to The ultimate durability of the
the full implementation – a federal appeals healthcare reform law will almost certainly be
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2
court judge last month ruled the entire reform decided in the coming years by the U.S.
law was unconstitutional, while another Supreme Court.

In Brief
Liver Cancer Soars For State’s Latinos
Registry Data Indicates Rates Have Nearly Doubled
Kaiser Reports 2010
Earnings The state rate of liver cancer among native- compared to those among the Latino
born Latinos has nearly doubled over the last populations.
Oakland-based Kaiser Permanente decade, according to a new report by the Researchers attribute the dramatic
reported modest revenue gains but Cancer Prevention Institute of California. increase of the often terminal condition to
lower net income for calendar
2010. The CPI employed data from the California stark differences in lifestyle for Latino males in
Kaiser reported revenue of Cancer Registry and the recently updated California versus Mexico and Central America.
$44.2 billion, up 4.8% from 2009’s California Health Interview Survey data. it “The fact that the cancer rates differ by
revenue of $42.1 billion. Net examined more than 3,700 cases of Latino birthplace mean that the causes are not
income was $2 billion, down from
males diagnosed with liver cancer between genetic,” said Ellen Chang, the CCPI
$2.1 billion in 2009. The biggest
dip was in operating income, which 1988 and 2004, more than 1,600 cases of researcher who led the study.
dropped to $1.2 billion last year Latinas diagnosed with the disease. More than Chang noted that the cancer data was
from $1.6 billion in 2009, a 2.5% 12,000 cases among Asian and Latino compared against CHIS interviews of Latino
drop. That number was mitigated in populations were studied overall. individuals. The evidence suggested that U.S.-
part by a 33.5% boost in non-
operating net income, to $789 The study’s ndings were grim: liver born Latinos were far more likely to be
million in 2010 compared to $524 cancer rates among U.S.-born Latino males overweight, engage in binge drinking and
million in 2009. have soared 87% since the 1990s, while the intravenous drug use than their counterparts
"Improvement in financial rate among U.S.-born females jumped 83%. born outside of the U.S. Such behaviors can
markets made a contribution to our
That compares to increases of 31% among damage the liver or encourage hepatitis.
overall net income, enabling us to
partially recoup the investment Latino males born outside of the U.S. and 29% Although Chang acknowledged it would
losses sustained in 2008," said among foreign-born Latino females. be difcult to make drastic lifestyle changes to
Kaiser Chief Financial Officer Kathy By contrast, the liver cancer rates among cut down on incidences of liver cancer, she
Lancaster. "We are pleased that our the Asian populations were higher among urged that Latinos engage more in liver cancer
financial performance supports our
continued investment in technology those in the foreign-born groups versus the screenings, which make treatment of the
and our facilities.” native born, which researchers attributed to disease more successful. That normally
Capital spending was up hepatitis b being endemic in Asia. Moreover, includes blood tests and ultrasound
sharply in 2010, to $2.9 billion, the number of case diagnosed were a fraction examinations of the liver.
compared to $2.6 billion in 2009.
In the fourth quarter of 2010 it

IHA Wins $2.9M Grant From AHRQ

reached $1.2 billion, up 33% from
the same quarter in 2009.

Anthem Blue Cross Money Will Test Bundled Payments For Some Care
Gives Grant To Boys
And Girls Club The Integrated Healthcare Association has Bundled payments are being tested in
received a three-year, $3.9 million grant from other forms as precursors for accountable care
Anthem Blue Cross of California
the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and organizations.
has given a sizable grant to the
Boys and Girls Clubs of America in Quality to implement and study bundled “Knee and hip replacements are growing
order to address childhood obesity payment for certain episodes of care. cost concerns for providers,” said Weslie Kary,
and encourage healthier lifestyles. The Oakland-based IHA will work with an IHA program director in medical
The grant, which totals medical groups, health plans and hospitals technology.
$432,892, will sponsor the clubs’
“Triple Play” program. The program throughout California. Payments will be IHA will not have a say in how the
bundled for hip replacement surgeries, bundled payments are apportioned. The
cardiac catheterizations with a stent and money will be used by IHA for ongoing
Continued on Page 3 certain knee arthroscopic procedures. evaluation of the project.

Payers & Providers NEWS/OPINION Page 3

Longer ALOS!*
Advertise Here
The February 3, 2011 edition of Payers & includes policies and procedures designed to
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 Providers repeats the Services Employees ensure that each elderly patient admitted to
International’s allegation that Prime the hospital receives a nutritional screening.!
*For our ads, not your hospital
Healthcare hospitals use a diagnosis of Physicians also routinely order serum albumin
malnutrition to increase reimbursement.! This tests and promptly assess patients based on

In Brief
allegation is baseless and nothing more than the serum albumin levels and other
another example of the SEIU distorting the malnutrition indicators.! While this initiative
facts in order to mislead the public and extort has undoubtedly improved patient care
concessions from Prime Healthcare.! outcomes and decreased mortality and
encourages participants to eat !!!!!!First, Prime Healthcare hospitals do not morbidity, it has also resulted in more
healthier foods, become more use a diagnosis of malnutrition to increase Medicare patients being properly diagnosed
physically active and engage in reimbursement.! Indeed, the relevant (i.e., with malnutrition and the average malnutrition
healthier relationships.
where the diagnosis affected reimbursement) rates being higher at Prime Healthcare
"The short- and long-term
dangers associated with childhood malnutrition rate at all Prime Healthcare hospitals than other hospitals.! However, the
obesity bring special importance to hospitals was 3.6%, which is much less than increase in malnutrition diagnoses has not
our work with Boys & Girls Club of the rates thrown around by SEIU.! For lead to a similar increase in reimbursement as
America,” said Kurt Tamaru, M.D., example, the relevant malnutrition rate at a substantial majority of the malnutrition
Anthem’s medical director. “We are
excited to partner with our local Huntington Beach Hospital was 5.3% rather diagnoses did not lead to enhanced
clubs to help them to head off one than the 36% claimed by SEIU and was 1.9% reimbursement.! Rather, these quality
of the country's most pressing rather than the 34% claimed by SEIU at measures and Prime Healthcare’s commitment
health challenges." Montclair Hospital Medical Center. to providing the highest quality of patient care
Club officials estimate the
!!!!!!In addition, the higher than average lead to Prime Healthcare being ranked as one
grant will help shepherd 3,500
children in California through the malnutrition rates at Prime Healthcare of the Top 10 Health Systems in the Nation by
program. hospitals are the result of Prime Healthcare’s Thomson Reuters, the only for-prot hospital
Anthem health plans are pledging commitment to providing high quality system to be so recognized.!
$5 million to help implement Triple healthcare for all of its patients for which !!!!!!Like SEIU’s earlier allegations concerning
Play nationwide.
Prime Healthcare should be applauded rather septicemia rates, its most recent allegations
than criticized.! Published studies estimate concerning malnutrition rates are part of
Apollo Acquires that up to 15% of ambulatory elderly patients, SEIU’s concerted corporate campaign of
Aligned In Stock Deal up to 44% of homebound elderly patients, up extortion against Prime Healthcare.! Prime
to 65% of hospitalized elderly patients, and Healthcare has and will continue to stand up
Glendale-based hospitalist firm up to 85% of nursing home patients are to SEIU’s extortion tactics so as to protect the
Apollo Medical Holdings has
malnourished.! Given these statistics and the interests of its 9,000 employees and the
acquired Aligned Healthcare
Group, a provider of physician call morbidity and mortality rates associated with hundreds of thousands of patients it serves.
centers and management services undetected and untreated malnutrition, Prime
to health plans for stock. Healthcare hospitals have implemented a
The deal is worth about $1.1 nutritional screening program in order to Michael J. Sarrao
million based on the current price
of Apollo stock, which trades on improve patient care outcomes and decrease Vice President and General Counsel
the NASDAQ bulletin board. mortality and morbidity.! This program Prime Healthcare Services
Aligned shareholders will receive
about $210,000 worth of stock up
front, with another $900,000 worth
to be paid out over the next three
years based on cash flow of the
"By combining our two ]

organizations, we will broaden our

service offering to improve the PAYERS & PROVIDERS reaches 5,000 hospital, health plan and non-
quality of patient care in hospitals,
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home,” said Adrian Vazquez, M.D., your organization or conference, or recruiting new staff.
Apollo’s chairman and president.
“It also enables us to achieve a
balance between optimal length of
stay and avoidance of LEARN MORE HERE
In addition to the transaction,
Raouf Khalil, Aligned’s chief
executive officer, was given a seat
OR CALL (877) 248-2360, ext. 2
on Apollo’s board of directors.

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

Getting Over The Initial EHR Jitters
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!/+! Most Fears Are Dispelled Once a System is in Place
778@!A4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! Providers and healthcare consumers both more easily on a more global level.
+1%+B*/>C/-4!/+!DEE!(!&)(*! feel that the electronic health records will Through EHRs, practices can also identify
FD$GE!/4!%12H!1>!C-!$#! produce better healthcare outcomes. where and when they are increasing revenue,
+1%+B*/%)*+I@!<C!/+!0)2/.)*)0!%&! However, there is still some disagreement all the way through scheduling, wait time,
)J:(/2!(+!(!'KL!(CC(B3:)4C6! on how each party feels about the security office visit length and more. The real story of
-*!(+!(4!)2)BC*-4/B!4)M+2)CC)*@ of such tools. the changing healthcare landscape is, and
Our physician clients tell us daily that will continue to be, all about reporting and
EHR tools assist them in providing better connecting. Also, the quality of care will
care. However, the patients increase and patients will take health
A22!(0.)*C/+/456!+1%+B*/%)*!(40! of those physicians worry more personally and seriously
)0/C-*/(2!/4N1/*/)+O about security of EHRs. That because they have more ownership
fear is easily countered once over their healthcare regime.
FP==I!"GPJ";Q# they see the technology From this point onward, healthcare
/4R-S>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+@B-: being used. will be about electronic records and
EHRs far outpace paper connection: connection to a system,
records in terms of security and electronic health and
P$P!U@!V-22&M--0!W(&6!X1/C)!Y and accessibility. If of all the information exchanges between
Y1*%(4H6!8A!E$Z#Z times a paper record made physicians and their patients.
its way out of the office in a Connected services are essential, as
W)%+/C) physician’ briefcase and was are accuracy, security and increased
MMM@>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+@B-: lost, stolen or damaged, efficiency.
L(B)%--H think of the time, money and Connection and EHRs will continue
MMM@R(B)%--H@B-:[>(&)*+>*-./0)*+ resources that could have to be the foundation for increased
?M/CC)* been saved had the records been By Tony efficiency in the medical office, and
MMM@CM/CC)*@B-:[>(&)*+>*-./0)*+ electronic instead. Paper records Ryzinski leading to patients’ better understanding
are also nearly impossible to of health and to taking ownership of their
replace, which is not the case with an care. The new healthcare economy -- as it
electronic record. relates to interconnected services and
\0/C-*/(2!Y-(*0 Stockton MRI recovered from a interoperability, is changing the way vendors
disastrous fire to the practice last year with must communicate to physicians and
XC).)4!?@!9(2)4C/4)6!'*)+/0)4C6! all patient records intact because of the healthcare -- is being driven by the healthcare
?3)!8(:0)4!]*-1> clinic’s electronic system. A few months consumer. It is therefore our job as members
after the fire, Stockton MRI was practicing of the healthcare technology industry to be
^-++!]-20%)*56!<::)0/(C)!'(+C! out of a temporary mobile MRI unit at full “physician-focused, patient-centric” and to
capacity while rebuilding. Such a quick continue producing the products that serve
recovery would not have been possible consumers as they seek greater ownership of
A4C3-4&!W*/53C6!\_)B1C/.)! with paper records. their health information and desire to have an
K/*)BC-*6!V)(2C3!ABB)++!8(2/R-*4/(! And it goes without saying that EHRs “always on” connection with their care
make records more accessible. A patient’s providers. As such, we must support
V)4*&!7-1%)C6!83/)R!XC*(C)5&! information can be viewed from any place physicians so that they are able to continually
`RR/B)*6!a))4(4 in the world that has a connection without meet their patients’ expectations.
the record ever having to leave the office. Regarding safety, physicians using an EHR
T(*H!L/41B(4)6!T(4(5/45! In the case of a disaster such as a fire, the are much less concerned about security than
K/*)BC-*6!A2.(*)b!,!T(*+(2 electronic record is backed up and saved patients or physicians in the market for an
multiple times over. EHR. Once they begin using an EHR, much of
Healthcare and the healthcare their fear and apprehension is alleviated.
environment are evolving according to the
'1%2/+3)*[\0/C-*J/4J83/)R changing market, and will continue to do Tony Ryzinski is a senior vice president with
so. With the trend progressing toward Sage Healthcare.
^-4!X3/4H:(4 patients having more complete access to
)0/C-*S>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+@B-: data, the consumption of healthcare
Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
information is growing and the medical welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
community can see across populations and,
manage care – chronic care, for example –

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER TO THE CMO - Works with the Chief Medical Ofcer to assist with monitoring operational
activities, trends and timelines, communication, and coordination of special projects and obligations. Reviews materials and
requests, and helps the CMO determine actions. Helps prepare and review reports, memos, and correspondence for the Board of
Governors meetings, internal and external committee meetings, L.A. Care leadership, external business associates, and other
purposes. Ensures the CMO is well prepared to attend meetings and other functions. In conjunction with the Communications &
Marketing Department, helps prepare and review talking points for the CMO’s presentations and related audio visual materials. May
stand-in for the CMO at committee meetings. ! Key to this role is project management experience, including strong qualitative
analytical skills and excellent verbal & written communication skills.! Experience in a healthcare setting such as HMO/health plan or
other managed care setting is strongly preferred.

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!! .%,+9#+,!"7#-'!#-,!T%7+*%&$!M$'3%B'Q!!N)@!B59;!+'!3;%+&!97)53!G&)@+-G!#'!.%,+9#+,!%-&)77B%-3!+'!2&)O%93%,!3)!')#&!#'!
!! L99)5-3#67%!/#&%!0&G#-+U#3+)-'Q!!L&%!3;%$!)*%&;$2%,S!H;#3!3$2%!)C!;%#73;!9#&%!'$'3%B'!';)57,!6%!25&'5+-G!L/0'I!#-,!
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Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6

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