002 - The Facebook Friend Request - Students

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The Facebook friend request that led to three years in jail

one english

Level • Pre-intermediate / Intermediate

m Wanner
a. Woik with a partner, Write Ihe names of soc Ma! media sites, e,g, roc eboolk.
b. Who do you think uses these social media sites? E.g.
19eriagrers probably use .„

 kty words
MatCh the Key words with the definitions, Then find them in the article to read them in ConteXt. The
paragraph numbers will help you,

________________(pare 2)
2.__________________a bad experience that continues for a long time (pare 3)
3.__________________people who find out the facts about a crime
_________________________________________{Para 3) (pare
4_ a very diSculi or frightening siluatIon: a very frightening dream__________________ di)
5, the act of letting some Ohe leave a prison (pa* 5)
the right lo stay in a country because resuming to your Own country cou[ci be dangerous ror
you (para 6)

7 take someone 10 a police station because they may have commrttecl Crime
(pars 6)

8_ someone who leaves ihelr coUnti)r, eSpetiarly because of war or another dangerous event
(pm 7}
g a lawyer who must try lo prove in court that someone is guilty Of a crime
(pare 9)
people W110 see a Crime happen______________________(para
11.___________________not guilty of a crime (pars 9)
12.___________________Say or think that someone is the reason for your bad situation
(pars )
 Coilorations
Make collocations that are important ILO the story. and write them next to Their meanings. Find the
collocation's in paragraph 2 to clheck your answers.

traffiCker Mistaken human identity

1. someone who moves people illegally, often to a different country, in

return formoney
2. when people think you are someone else
T he
Gu ar one english

The Facebook friend request that led to three years in jail
Level I • Pre-intermediate 1 intermediate

The wrong man; the Facebook friend I On the afternoon of 24 May 2016, Belie, a
request that led to three years In jail refugee from Eritrea, was drinking coffee in a bar
in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Suddenly, six
Lorenzo Tondo
police officers pulled a hood over his head, took
9 August, 2019 him away and put him on a plane to Rome.
1 Every morning for three years, a prison guard 8 Berhe had no idea what he had done wrong.
woke Medrianie Tesfamariam Bathe by calling In Rome, they told me I was Meted, a human
someone else's name. At court, a judge ordered trafficker I thought they were crazy."
him to stand and sit down, using a name thal was 9 Berhe was sent to Palermo's Pagllareill prison.
not his. Lidya Tesfu said that Berhe was not her husband,
2 This is one of Italy's most famous cases of but me prosecutor did not believe her. Two DNA
mistaken Identity. In May 2016, Berhe was accused tests, many witnesses and reporting by the
of being one of the world's most wanted human Guardian and New Yorker, who spoke to the
traffickers, Medhanie Yeticlego littered. Al thattime, realhumantrafficker`,allshowedthathewas
therealcriminalwasHyingagoodlifein Africa.But innocent. but his ordeal continued.
Berne. who had earned money milking cows, was 10 if I could go back in time, I'd cut off the finger
told he could go to Jail for 14 years. I
3 Ms ordeal began when he sent a Facebook used to send the friend request," Berrie said.
friend request to Moran wife, Lidya Tesfu, "I didn't know she was Merecrs wife. She just
because [le thought she was pretty. Because of looked nice, That Facebook contact got me into
this friend request, Investigators decided that he this crazy situation
was the human trafficker using a new name. 11 "While I was in prison, Mered was enjoying hts
4 1 thought about killing myself,'" said Berhe, freedom in Uganda," Berne sand. "But f don't
22. 'My three yeam in Jail were like an endless blame him. It's not his Mull I was arrested in
nightmare, which all started with a friendship Khartoum, and he didn't keep me in jail for
Facebook " three years.'
The story ended in July 2 019 when a Judge in 12uPeopleaskmewhatI'mgoingtodOnowthat I'm
free," he said "Well, first I need to believe that
Sicily confirmed it was a case of mistaken identrly
my nightmare is over and this freedom is not a
and ordered Be rhe's immediate release.
dream. And if it Is, don't wake me up."
6 Today. Berhe lives as a free man in a small 114:.Guardkao Neirs End Media 2010
Flat In Palermo Italy has given him asylum_
eirsi purAihad pin The Guardian. 00.V.01110
'Sometimes, I'm tented the police will arrest me
and my nightmare will start all over again: he
said. 'My life will never be the same."
The one stop english
The Facebook friend request that led to three years in jail
Level 1 • Pre-intermediate I Intermediate
0 Comprehension check
Choose the best answers to complete the Information.

1. Berrie comes torn ..

b.the United Arab Emirates.
c. Eritrea.

2. He sent a Facet•ook friend request to ...

a.a human trafficker
b.a human trafficker's wee.
c.an Italian prosecutor.
3 While Berhe was in prison in Sicily, the real human traMeRer was in
c.the Un lied Arab Emirates.
4. Berrie spent .
a.one year
b. three years
14 years
in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Using the key wards

Use some of the key woods in task 2 to complete the sentences.

1 B e r h e w a s a _ rromEritrea.
2. His began when ii1vestigator5 in illy though! lie was Mered

In 2016, six police officus 'wont into a bar in Sudan to______________________him and take him
to Rome.
4. Serne always said he was_____________________of the Crime, but he was sent lo prison.
In 2019, ajudgeordered his _____________________from prison.
6. italy has now given him ___________________, a ad he lives in Palermo
T he
Gu ar one english

The Facebook friend request that led to three years in jail

Level • Pre-intermediate I Intermediate

m Staying saf• on social media
a. Write one word in each gap to complete these rules for staying site on social media.
I Never share your p_________

2. Think before you p_____________something

3 Only accept friend requests from people you know p________

b, Write two or three more 'rules, Start your rules with some of the words below,

always never don'l make sure you

m Discussion
 Width social media sites do you Lise?
 How often do you post on then?

Whet do you do when sonrieone you don't know sends you a friend request?

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