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Khasim peera

His name is khasim peera. He has completed He is from sindhanur district of Karnataka
Insta I’d:- _khasim_peera
Everything limited time this year's
It can't get much worse than this life
It been though year but,
I'm learned a lot about myself
Something beautiful being year
Ending year given space man life
Avoid bad things myself
Improve humanity body
Some space happened this time of life
Every year want be good
For every one of life
Now makes distance from the people
Everything will work
Out in the end this time of life
When locked down came
through the India
Inner feelings happy,
Outside feels unhappy
Vansh vaishtha
दोस्तों इनका नाम है वंश वशशष्ठ और ये अपने मन के
भावों और जीवन के अलग-अलग पहलूओं को अपनी
कलम के माध्यम से व्यक्त करने की कोशशश करते हैं
। अपनी रचनाओं से इनकी यही कोशशश रहती है कक ये
हर बार कोई अलग नज़ररया अपने पाठकों के समक्ष
रख सकें और इसी क्रम में इन्होनें यह कववता शलखी
है ।

Insta id:- @Mr_vansh_0607

चहं ओर ववनाश की आंधी है,

कदरत ने बेड़ियां बांधी हैं

मानव प्रकृ तत का हत्यारा,

पापों का प्रायश्चचत ये सारा

मानव प्रकृ तत का खेल बना

संसार ववशाल ये जेल बना

कल तक जीवन जो कैद करे

अब वही कैदी की मौत मरे

जब-जब प्रकृतत में रोष उठे

डगमग-डगमग भू डोल उठे

ईचवर भी बंदी हए घर पर

अब दस्तक दोगे ककस दर पर

यह समय है दामन साफ करो

प्रकृ तत को बोलो - माफ करो

वरना सब कछ खो जायेगा

मानव अतीत हो जायेगा

Priyanshuu Raool
Hello Dear Reader, He is Priyanshuu (18). And he
has been into writing since he was 7 years old.
And writing has a great impact over him. As
everyone does, he is also looking forward to
become a published author. Looking forward for
your response over The Poetry, "Ek Saal Aisa
Insta id:- @writetosmile

शीषषक:- "एक साल ऐसा भी”

मौसम सहाना था,

वक़्त बेगाना था।

कछ ऐसा ज़लील ककया इस साल ने,

के इंसान भी जानवर सा बन गया था।

वो जो नवाह को बबगा़िते है ,

अब वक़्त है सधर जाओ।

याद रखना ल़िाई किसाम से है,

वरना वक़्त की तरह गूजर जाओ।

एक वक़्त ऐसा भी था

के आफरीन से शमलना तक किस्मत में न था,

अब सब ठीक होने लगा है।

पर इचि इस बार ज़लील था।

अकेला रह गया हूूँ मैं,

ये साल की घडी कोई कफर चला दो।

एक मौका चाहहए बस,

कोई कफर श्ज़न्दगी से शमला दो।

खैर ये सब तो कहने की बातें है ,

जो गज़र गया वो अतीत था।

जो आएगा वो मस्तक्बीर होगा।

राह दे ख रहा हूूँ रौशनी की,

नाजाने ककतने बरस से

अब श्ज़न्दगी में बस अूँधेरा ही रहे गा।

चलो मंज़ूर है एक दलाल ऐसा भी,

किसाम का एक जाल ऐसा भी।

बस उम्मीद ककसी के लौटने की है ,

वरना मंज़ूर है एक साल ऐसा भी,

Yamini sona vaishnavi
Yamini sona vaishnavi is a budding writer who
pursues her III UG of English Literature in Madurai
, Tamil Nadu . She has a great love for playing
with words and passion for reading and writing ,
especially poetry and quote writing . She is
currently co-author for almost 15 anthologies and
wishes to write more. She started writing from her
school days, where she used to contribute for
yearly magazine and continued the same in her
college too.
Title:- Perfectly imperfect

It all started well just like the rest of the years ...
But the only difference being , it got the fancy
number of this century ! Forest fire , earthquakes ,
tsunami and a deadly disease ... Economic
imbalance , Starvation , suicide and bomb blast...
What not in the name of destruction , did the earth
fail to experience ! I've always had this thought
that , mankind is ruling on earth to his fullest ...
And now , nature took it's turn to show how cruel it
can be ! Obviously , nature is sweet enough to
nurture us , But it's us who made it a monster ! I
hope she turns merciful again for it's been a big
wound in minds of mob ! Can , we ever imagine a
virus invisible to naked eye , Made us sit at home
for months together ! Never mind since it's
nature's lessons to us , For the mistakes made by
us for years together !

Ankita jain

इनका अब तक का सफ़र

ये बात उसकी है जो बहत महत्वकांशी है । उसकी

अशभलाषा हमेशा से कछ अलग करने की रही है। अब
जीवन के तीस वषष तनकल गए। वह एक पत्नी, बह,और
माूँ है। शादी के पहले उसने इंजीतनयररंग की पढ़ाई पूरी
कर के अच्छी कंपनी में नौकरी की थी। ग्रहणी होने के
साथ साथ वो अपने जीवन में एक सकारात्मक पररवतषन
करना चाहती थी। अब उस ओर बढ़ रही है ।

Insta id:- @ankitajain8857

शीषषक :- साल अनोखा 2020

ये कैसा साल अनोखा

डरवाने सपनों का झरोखा

ककसी एक दे श का अपने,

प़िोसी दे शों को धोखा कोई

नहीं होता है

सबको सबक शमला है

प्रकृ तत से खखलवा़ि करने का,

क्या अंजाम होता है

ये अब पता चला है
धरती बने आबाद

इंसान न करें कछ ख़राब

सब जीव रहें खशहाल

न हो कोई बबाषद

न ही रहे खओफ़ में

Ninad Gawande

His name is Ninad Gawande. He is 17 years old.

His hobbies are Writing, Photography, singing. He
is currently a student of 11 th standard (general
science student). His goal is to become IAS officer
and serve to nation. His Dream is to fulfill his
parents dreams and make them feel proud. He
proud to be an indian.
Insta id:- @ninadgawande200

यूूँ तो ( कोववड-19 ) नाम का एक ववषाण आया।

साल 2020 में इसने बहत कोहराम मचाया।

पूरे ववचव को इसने अपनी उं गशलयों पे नचाया।

एक छोटा सा ववषाण क्या-क्या कर सकता हैं,

इसने आज ये पूरे जग को हदखलाया।

कहने को तो यह एक छोटी - सी चीज़ लगती है

पर असल में हैं बहत ब़िी।

अब परू े ववचव के सामने एक चनौती है ख़िी।

पूरे दे श की अथषव्यवस्था को इसने पानी में है डबाया।

कछ बातें इस कोरोना ने अच्छी भी की हैं।

पयाषवरण को खराब करने वालों की इसने क्लास ली है ।

पर कछ बातें इसने बरी की हैं

बेवजह मासूम लोगों की इसने जाने ली है ।

अगर हमें इस पररश्स्थतत का सामना करना है।

तो हम सबको घर पर ही रहना है ,

बहत आवचयक हो तो ही घर से बाहर जाना है ।

बाहर तनकलते समय मंह पर मास्क जरूर लगाना है

और लोगों से दो - गज की दरू ी बनाना है ।

अंत में एक बात बोलना चाहूंगा।

सलाम है उन डॉक्टरों को, कोरोना के योद्धाओं को,

वैज्ञातनकों को,

जो हमारी आज ऐसे समय पे मदद कर रहे हैं।

और सलाम है उन वीर जवानों को

जो वो बॉडषर पर हर वक़्त पेहरा दे रहे हैं

और इन लोगों की बदौलत हम आज़ादी से बाहर घूम

रहे हैं ।
Soumya malhotra

Soumya Malhotra is a 16-year girl who is currently

studying in the 11th class, pursuing humanities,
and belongs to Delhi. She loves to pour out her
emotions through words and she always aim at
spreading good vibes.
Insta id:- @_soumya05_ @The_Doubted_words
The year started with a bang
many people were divided into two gangs.
Where some were ready to accept the law,
others started screaming and proving the flaws.
Even the police felt suppressed,
as the people started to protest.
But this chapter was soon going to be closed,
as a virus was supposed to be diagnosed.
Everyone was planning to rome around
but unfortunately, the government declared a

When everyone was trying to overcome this,

suddenly a news came which no one was able to
resist. Many famous personalities died,
due to which every second day, the whole nation
cried. But as it is said that everything gets better
with time, Everyone now was refreshing their
Every year, we learn something,
but this year told us to become a king.
From virtual classes to work from home, we aced
in everything,
and now because of 2020, we are ready to face
any swing.

Sohini sarkar
Here is Sohini Sarkar. She is just 18 and very
talented and has big aspirations to build her
empire with nice skills. She is Founder of Golden
Talent page and Productions and Owner of a
Brand Sohini Bastralaya. She is 1st year English
honours College student. She loves writing of
every type and a meme writer. She is a Writer and
written many anthologies and a Co-Author now.
Insta id:-
Negative discovery Filled with sorrow and
mournfulness, this year went by with little
happiness. But all of us struggled through times
and again. The catastrophe we faced and still
going through the phase is really pathetic but
totally helpless at the same time. My family really
though faced several ups and downs and walking
through the times of everyday was not smooth
enough to handle. Suddenly when our family went
through a death of our near and dear ones and on
top of that came exams. The family could not
attend the rituals and again came this severe
pandemic Covid 19. Days went by and we were
accustomed to the serious situation of pandemic
when it was heard many of our relatives were
seriously affected by the pandemic. We ran here
and there calling for help,we were nervous and
tensed. When we can't decide what to do then
doctors and nurses came to our help. They took
care and cured and brought our family home.
Days of Quarantine went by and we were relieved.
Days of panic were restless for all. The
masks,sanitizers and lockdowns for the first time
came into our life. Everyone tried to be very
positive which was the last hope.

Shruti gupta
My name is Shruti Gupta. Iam a student. Along
with writing I am doing bcom. I am from jammu.
Writing is not only my dream but my passion also.
I tries to express my feelings through my poetries.
I am a co-author of 10+ anthologies and the
compiler of "The Fluttering Moon" anthology.
Insta id:- @snwritings_
Title:- Corona Virus

Together we stand
Holding each other's hand
Until the storms pass
Ones that affected the mass
Kept us as prisoners
And turned our family into passersby and visitors
Zero contact be our aim
And for this covid19 is to be blamed
Stranded in the middle
Nowhere to go we all are just fiddle
Jobs lost,economies dwindle
Whose gonna take charge for this swindle
Much to learn but got no time
Precautions be foremost and prime
Though we be new to the game
But we are the bearers of our inner flame
Lightening up the paths that follow
Filling up the voids and hollow
Fightening back this sudden disaster
Erasing all those cries with laughter
Lost the job,luxury,independence and academics
But we are together in this pandemic...
Anandita sahoo
She is Anandita Sahoo, an 18 year old. She is a
beginner artist, improving her skills. She loves to
write poems, short stories, stories and quotes. To
her writing, is something that gives her a way to
express her own thoughts and desires.
Insta id:- anandita_.93
It will end
Riding on our passports,
You came like an unwelcomed guest.
And became,
The earth’s most life disastrous threat.
You’re like a messenger,
Who came to serve us,
As mother earth’s reminder!
You made us wash our hands,
And forced us to be in masks.
You made us socially disconnected,
But tied us to our family tasks.
You freed the creatures from the invisible cage,
And made us notice,
How it feels to be at this stage!
You compelled us to be closer to ourselves,
And composed us to think of other selves.
This is a virus planted by other country,
Yet our nation faced it with a discovery.
Our sovereign state made the vaccine,
And we’re enjoying the quarantine.
I’ve seen faces being frown, During this lockdown.
Nonetheless, this corona virus is hazardous as
And, I know we need to dwell.
Nevertheless we’ll fight, And solve it, right?
We’re together, and will be forever ‘INDIAN’.
Aman raj

Aman Raj was born in Jamshedpur (jharkhand)

and raised in banka (bihar). He is a 2nd year
medical student in jaipur the ( pink city of
Rajasthan). He love to study his favourite subject
Biology and some motivational books. In his free
time he love to draw, write all kind of writeup. He
love to hear music to relax his mind as it is a best
way to gain lot of positive energy and he have a
bit interest in gardening also.
Insta id:- am_an1680
Title:- That was the year

Life is full of challenges and a lot of opportunity.

So on everyday is a new beginning for everyone
and bring new challenges to be faced on won over

Like this there comes a begning of new journey of

everybody by the coming of new year in the life of
everyone. As new year also bring new enthusiasm
new opportunity which can change. One's life as
everyone with full enthusiasm welcomes the new
year arrival in their life.

This is 2020 year with a lot of up and down in the

life of everyone as this year arrived by belonging a
dangerous achieves COVID - 19 which is
contagious desieses which is spread by sneezing
or touching by an affected in the life of everyone
special the low society who work hard daily to
work hard for there loved ones.

Pavan Mahendra Waghmare

Pavan Mahendra Waghmare a second year
Engineering Student, working as a literature
teacher and a sex and relationship counsellor in
various NGOs as part of social work. Passionate
in Sports (A Athletics sprinter) and writing poems
and stories (based on sexuality and love).
Insta id:- pavan_waghmare03
No matter any year you keep in mind or not but
this year no one won’t forget for sure as this year
we have a new guest in India, to welcome the
guest everyone were locked in their houses, no
birthdays, no marriages and not even and plans
for any programs….now the guest had arrived
from China seems he will be spending a year with
us. In that case the year had started as usual in
India was not that bad ,here everyone where
happy as usual but don’t know how India
unfortunately got ascendant….In this year the
whole six months everyone were locked in houses
only the doctors and self employed people were
allowed out.
Cores of people died…lakes of people were
suffering On hospital bed….and thousands of
peoples loosed their employment….I won’t say all
the situation was bad but there were some
advantages too like people got a huge break from
their works even students to their schools and
colleges…..people got time to spend with their
loved once with their family and friends which they
never got in their regular schedule.

Rakshith S
Rakshith S (Born on 21st November 1995)
Graduated from Universal College with Bachelor's
of Commerce ! Hobbies make me comfortable in
reading novels, stories, comics and passionate in
writing. Have been participated in Writing
Contests, Word Battles, Organizing Musical
Events and Cultural Fests. Learning new things,
gaining enormous information for the reality is my
Insta id:- @crazybeinglovethewayyouthink
Title:- Australian bushfires

Over the millions of years bush fires make a

significant role in the environment of Australia
across several countries of globe.
People of the country will be facing lot and lots of
challenges when the disaster is emerged.
Maintaining the stratosphere level according to
the biological terms matters a lot.
Challenging concern relating to the disasters,
heading the country with successful strategies in
getting back to pavilion is fascinating.
Supporting and energized mentality with being is
been progressed to the further development in
understanding, plays the vital role.
Even though the country is magnificently
wonderful with the principles headed by the
government and citizens. It stands the best
performing countries with respect to business.
Henceforth the country stands in the rank still and
proves to the entire universe that unity makes
much more noise.
Krishna Motwani
Krishna Motwani is a Student currently. She use
to pen down her feelings. She is a moody girl. She
belongs to Mumbai, Maharashtra. She loves to
write motivational speeches and poetries as well.
She practices artworks too.
You can contact via her mail
Instagram : @unique__blog_

ल़िककयों को तो जैसे खखलौना समझ रखा है,

एक बेटी के बबना माता वपता का सूखा सा है !

ककसी की बेटी है वो,

ककसी की श्जंदगी है वो।

कभी वप्रयंका रै डी तो कभी मनीषा वाश्ममकी,

ककसी मो़ि पर ल़िकी नहीं रुकी,

पर अब हौसला खो चकी।
डरती है वो बहार जाने से,

सहम जाती है ककसी से बात करने से।

2020 में न जाने क्या कछ हो गया है ,

छोटी छोटी बश्च्चयों का बलात्कार ककया गया है,

कब दो साल कघ तो कब दो महहने की ल़िककयों को न

जाने क्या कछ सहना प़िा है।

कब बंद होगी ये बलात्कार की खख़िकी,

न जाने कब आज़ादी से श्जएगी हर ल़िकी।

Sanjay naik

Sanjay Naik is from Kharagpur State of West

Bengal. He is an Economics graduate (Hons), a
writer from the heart and passionate about
singing. Through the platform of anthology, he
wants to spread love & positivity among his
readers and wants to heal his readers’ hearts with
his magical words. Sanjay is at utmost peace
when he pens his emotions.
Insta id:- @the_poetry_wo

शीषषक :- ऐसा था ये साल

ऐसा था ये साल।

एक तरह का आपातकाल श्जसने लोगों की

सोच को मानो झकझोर कर रख हदया

समस्या थी महामारी की श्जसने दे श की

अथषव्यवस्था को भी हहला कर रख हदया

अब तो बाहर कदम बढ़ाने को ल़िख़िाते है ।

ऐसा था ये साल मेरा।

ऐसी श्स्थतत पहले कभी दे खी नहीं थी

मैने लॉकडाउन ने स़िकों को भी सन्नाटा कर हदया

महामारी कोरोना के प्रकोप से बचने के शलए

पूरा दे श अपने ही घरो में कैद हो गया

आज अपने लोग से शमलने के शलए

द रू रयां बनानी प़ि रही है

ऐसा था ये साल मेरा।

हालांकक इस श्स्थतत में कछ तो सटीक हो गया

पूरे पररवार की एकजटता दे ख मैं जैसे खो गया

आज चचड़ियों की चहचहाट कानों को शां ती दे रही है

मस्त मग्न होकर धन में वही कहीं सो गया

ू ण में सही मायने में कमी आ गई

ऐसा था है साल मेरा।

Suhita S.

Suhita, pursuing MA in English Literature, a

Charming girl, who loves the magical spark of life
on holding the air of positivism, she acts to make
the most of every second by loving the simplest
form of each individuals.She had been co-author
of 40+ anthologies under various publications and
published her poems in magazines too.
Insta id:- sparkling_wink
Title:- You…. 2020
My heart is grateful to you
As you taught me many lessons
With the rival flow of life
Friends of fake love and real admiration
Unshown face of close relatives
How world treats us bitter from better
Love! The real word with unreal man
Loving souls visit and blows away
To have the strength by own self
Dismissing the pain of betrayal
Recognition of parents purity
Souls melting without any returns
Value of my own self in solitude
Self realization on my wants and needs
Unfortunately you "2020" turned unforgettable.

Hello world, She is 'HIDDEN DEMOISELLE'. “SHE
Insta id:- @poetry_ordeal_solitude_solace

Title:- Glancing through 2020'

Struggled but triumphant, the HONG KONG

'Anti-extradition law', for martyrs they wrote letters
Worldwide austerity, health severities, virus
named COVID
Adversities vivid, people battling with benevolence
but few faces livid

Shed poppies over the cemeteries of half a million

Ongoing SYRIAN WAR CRISIS, deep invocations
for its civilians

LOCKED DOWN cities, locked down states,

locked mankind's hearts
Bankruptcy and diverse challenges, but united
families living apart

Amidst the commotion, successful launch of

SPACE-X aircrafts
With an aim to achieve colonization of Mars,
follow up with broadcasts

We humans threatened back by nature's wrath

and upcoming hazards
CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS that has left countries
alarmed, implementing standards

Kajal P. Meshram
Kajal is a law student.
Insta id:- @kavyalok

शीषषक :- कछ ऐसा था ये साल

कछ सोचा था कछ ठाना था मन में

कफर 2020 में थो़िा आगे जाना था हमें

ये क्या खब
ू खेल खेला या खदा
ु़ तमने

सपनो की उ़िान कफर पीछे रह गयी मन में

दे खो कछ इस तरह हाल हआ कोरोना में

हर तरफ बस कोरोना का डर छाया हैं मन में

भूख से त़िपे, घर जाने को बेचैन हए,

कफर कद़म हजारो दरू घर जाने को तनकले

जीत गये कोई तो कोई मौत को गले लगा बैठे

हर पल हर घडी ककसी ना ककसीके नमी थी आूँखो में

सोचा ना था कभी ऐसा भी होगा ये साल हमारा

पूँछी घूम रहे गगन में ,

और दे खो आज इंसां कैद हैं जैसे मानो वपंजरे में

आज इंसान कैद हैं जैसे मानो वपंजरे में

Rupanjana das
A teenage girl pursuing psychology in high school
who loves to write, illustrate, read and do
tattooing. She's a big dreamer and a nature lover
besides a social worker.
Insta id:- @blurrd_nights
Title:- The Unheard Calls

Amidst all the modern ambidexterity,

the innocent purs and barks are unsung.
The choking clouds of noxious smoke destroy
the only thing to which they have clung.
The tufted paws know how to cheer a man,
which the tough human hands are incapable of.
They get to know when their master is sad.
But when it comes to us, we just cut them off.
Why have we not yet raised voice for their
inconspicuous innocence and love.
What's the meaning of only reaching to each other
when humanity has no chance to improve.
It seems the qualities that we've left in the path as
we have advanced this far,
Have been picked up by the animals to actually
show us how cruel and treacherous we are.
They have been maligned and killed by the human
fire of viciousness that has raged.
The fact still not yet acceptable is that, its actually
humanity that's getting caged.
In the process of admiring the creations of god
there's a dangerous greed that's grown Ever
wondered how they have felt in the cages.
What if in this world we also became indelibly
Praggyan Panda

Pragyan is persuing her B.Tech in "Chemical

Engineering" from IGIT, Sarang. She's a short girl
from Rourkela, Odisha. With fascination of nature,
she's a spiritual person who motivates people.
She does weird stuff like interacting with non living
ones and pens down her mind.
Insta id:- @quote_love_97
Title:- LESSON: 2020
Well experience;
It taught us lessons.
Forget sacrifice_
It made everything compulsion.

No one knew that_

Till the end of February;
Everyone captivated;
From jobs till schools of primary.

Blaming every single;

With chocking masks.
Fear of getting mingle_
And used to share household tasks.

Income reduced;
Jobs lost:
Poor ones suffering;
Economy stabilization by high liquor cost.

2020 taught humans!

Way of kindness;
Family times and building dens_
Captivated and patience.

He is a writer and nature lover. He is following his
Insta id:- @prakshyadavom

लहर में था लहर में है ये साल

लहर में है इस साल के घात

आरम्भ मे तय हो गया था

अबके सबको शमलेगी मात

वचषस्व की ललक थी
या गलती से गलत था वो इंसान?

साल के आरं भ मे रचने लगा इततहास ये साल

चहल पहल सब खत्म हो गई

घर मे बंद हो गया इंसान

चंद रोज़ को बंद हए क्या कारोबार

माशलक को नही आये नौकर रास

शहर अब उनका नही शहर के वो नहीं

चल हदये गाूँव को होकर तनराश

स़िक पर पटररयों पर चल गाूँव पहूँ चे कामगार

श्जस रोटी के शलए शहर को आये

रोटी लौटा लायी उन्हें गाूँव आज

बहत बरा बीत गया कब बीतेगा ये साल

आएगा जब पन्नो में वो पन्ने छो़ि आगे पढ़े गा इंसान

और क्या कहे कैसा था ये साल ऐसा था ये साल|

Prashant pachauri
His name is prashant pachauri. Shayari is his
passion and he is engineer by profession. He had
studied in dayal bagh educational institute of agra
. His hobbies are writing shayaris and poetries .
Insta id:- @prashantpachauri15

कछ ऐसा था ये साल,

श्जसमें हए कई बवाल ।

कहहं जलने लगे जंगल,

कहहं प्रकृतत ने ककया इंसान से सवाल।

कोरोना वायरस भी कछ ऐसा आया,

श्जसने द तनया को पूरा हहलाया।

बंद करा हदया सब कछ हआ सबका बरा हाल,

कछ ऐसा था ये साल कछ ऐसा था ये साल।

कई कफलमी शसतारे भी भगवान को प्यारे हो गए,

कछ खदखशी करके आसमान के शसतारे हो गए।

बेरूत के धमाके में लाखों लोग ने अपनी जान गंवा दी,

और ब्लैक लाइव मैटसष ये भी सारी द तनया के लोग

नारा लगा बैठे।

इंडडया में कफर घोटाले रुके नही,

घोटाले करके भी यहाूँ के नेताओं के शसर झके नही।

और पाया नही इंसान ने और कछ खोने को भी बचा


ये साल आया इस बार यारों की इंसानों की प्रजातत को

जचा नहीं।
और भी कई प्रकृ तत की आपदा का हआ इस साल में
बवाल था,

कछ ऐसा ये साल था कछ ऐसा ये साल था।

Trisha mitra
She is Trisha Mitra, a +2 student and a freelance
writer from Odisha. She loves to write on every
theme through which she loves to challenge
herself with more passion. She is also very
passionate about her studies and want to be a
Professor. She indulges herself in writing anytime
and everytime.
Insta id:- @trishamitra04
Title:- It is 20’s era
A Merciful March,
To a November notch,
Some lost gains,
Others have their successful reins.

A pandemic, O my god!
But wait ,chill! It is the reward of our fraud.
Masks and sanitizers became securities,
Crime and death became regularities.

Services stopped festivals,

Obnoxious pleasure made some carnivals.
Troops continued to win,
2020 changed to sin.

Institutions turned home,

Data built a huge Rome,
Falling for the test dates,
Life was an abate.
We waited for short time fun,
Knowing it isn't staying and will run,
Still have a motivation bun,
Not to eat but for the cooking done.

Radhika chejarla
Radhika chejarla, is a student from the city of
destiny, Visakhapatnam. She is an introvert who
loves to write by penning human emotions. She
strongly believes pen can bring a change in
society and also writing can heal everything which
is named as endure. She always plays and gets
attach with words just like breeze. Expressing, is
what she do with her writing.
Insta id:- @my_own_quotes

Title:- This year

Corona had made things good at a point.
Where everyone were busy with career.
Now, there are knowing the values.
Yes, it had removed lovable souls.
Many hearts got indulged in pain.

Soldiers sacrificed their lives.

To protect our country.
But we all know that all of them are fighters.
Who can do anything for country.
We have to give tribute to such families.

Even nature gets angry.

Animals died in fire.
Without knowing left this world.
Eyes became tears.
When stories got listen.
Migrate this made heart heavy.
Life of each is inspiration.
How much struggles those foot went.
Everything got vanished by seeing family.

This year is a curse.

Suffocation till date.
Wish this won't be repeated.
In next year.

Sohail Siddiqur rahman

Sohail Siddiqur Rahman was born on 8th
August,2001 in Barpeta Road,Assam. He
completed his twelfth recently and now he is
preparing for medical entrance. He is a budding
fictional writer and writes in English.Sometimes he
writes in different genre too. He tries to bring
something different in his writeups.
Insta id:- @sohailsiddiqur

Title:- Beirut
On fourth of August, the globe witnessed another
tragic event at Beirut. An oversized quantity of
ammonium nitrate kept at the port of town of
Beirut, the capital of Lebanese Republic,
exploded, inflicting a minimum of 204 deaths,
6,500 injuries, and US$15 billion in property harm,
and effort an calculable 3000 folks homeless. A
loading of 2750 tonnes(equivalent to around 1.1
kilotons TNT) had been kept in a warehouse for
the previous six years without proper measures. It
was confiscated by lebanese authorities from the
ship MV Rhosus. The explosion was preceded by
a fireplace within the same warehouse. However
as date of November 2020, the precise
explanation for detonation remains beneath
investigation. The folks of Lebanese Republic
square are vulnerable than ever before, with quite
one million folks living below the poverty level and
1.5 million refugees. WHO is functioning with
partners to assist Lebanese Republic.

Deo pragati
Her name is deo pragati. She is from Deoghar,
Jharkhand. She is currently studying in 12th in
science stream. She is of 16 now and is writing
since the age of 15.. As of now she is a science
student. She wants to be an engineer. But she
likes to write. Writing is her hobby.. But other than
this she likes to sing and dance too...the best of
her is yet to come.
Insta id:- @isaywhatithink
Since the Corona virus pandemic has left
countries struggling to respond to the Rapidly
spreading virus. As month passes, people begin
to adjust to a new way of life under quarantine. It
all started with claps clanging of plates and even
fire crackers in Janata curfew to express gratitude
for workers battling against the Covid-19. We are
living our lives and celebrating festival with Great
restraint against Corona virus. Previously we all
used to gather together in durga pandal it was fair
like atmosphere during Durga puja, but this time it
didn't happen. The things we couldn't have
imagined have come to pass-a talented and
successful actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has died.
As this year made all the family members
together, coz previously we were all busy in our
daily routine but because of this virus we all spend
some times with our Family members we enjoyed
every moment of Life with our family members
during this pandemic.
Shivam sinha

Shivam Sinha is a poet, a writer, book reviewer,

blogger, and co-author of 3 anthologies. He has
been writing for 2+ years and is a rhymester . He
has an optimistic approach towards life. According
to him, writing is the only way to express your
feelings. He loves to write from personal
experiences and words help him portray his
Insta id:- @author_shivam

Dear COVID-19
Why are you so thrilling?
Why are you rapidly killing?
What is your actual feeling...

You are having a vital fame...
It's far less than shame...
Under a stupid name...

Dear COVID-19
You made humanity suffer
Why don't you buffer
Don't you have emotions duffer!!

Dear COVID-19
What you actually want to achieve?
Please leave...
Or be ready for grieve...

Harshita verma

Harshita Verma is a budding writer and poet from

Lucknow. She has completed her education in
commerce and is currently pursuing her hobby of
writing. She prefers to write about the present
issues related to the youth.
Insta id:- 0_hsh
Title:- COVID 19

With 2019 gone we expected 2020 to be fabulous.

The start of the year brought with itself the fear of
a pandemic.
With the change in seasons the curve of the
pandemic started rising.
First a fall then a rise like the waves of ocean
swallowing lives.
Slowly the fear turned into a reality hard to accept.
Changing the living pattern and lifestyle of many.
Living within the confines of one's home like a bird
in it's cage.
The end of the year is near but Covid is still not
But we must keep our hopes alive for better days
to come.
Bandana pandey

She writes poetry, quotes, thoughts. Wherever

you are reading them, it makes perfect sense. She
is best known for her writing in inspirational,
women empowerment, love & romance, Life &
philosophy, and science fiction. She is also
pursuing her PhD in mathematics from BITS Pilani
Goa Campus.
Insta id:- @my_happiness_quotes
Title:- - A tribute to Shushant Singh Rajput

He fought, he rose,
He smiled but inside he was crying,
He was a simple man who dreamt of reaching the
moon, Maybe that was his biggest mistake,
People didn't like an outsiders ride,
An intelligent and extraordinary mind,
Passionate about life and science,
A thinker, A fighter, A great physicist,
Failed to secure the greatest flight,
He knew achieving success attain haters too,
Nevertheless, he was always ready to fight,
Yet he left the world with lots of unanswered
questions, He never imagined his loss would
make his loved ones suffer,
But the truth is that anyone's hurt can never be

Debarati das
She strongly believes that one should never settle
for something less than what one deserves and
with this belief, she have come forward to be a
part of this anthology. She hopes that she will be
getting all of our heartiest love and support
throughout her journey. Her writeups have been
published in more than 40 national and
international anthologies.
Insta id:- debarati69
Title:- The festival of lights- Diwali

Scintillating lights are found all around,

Our festive mood gets dynamic with enthralling
sound. Diya and lighting enhances the beauty,
The Innocent gets justice from maa who are not
guilty. Victory of light rules over darkness,
Knowledge gets priority over ignorance.
Sweets and gifts are happily distributed,
Winners of various cultural competitions are
feliciated. As the time wents by from day to night,
The enthusiasm among the people gets a
stupendous height.
Although Maa Kali comes once in a year,
She leaves us with inexplicable tears.
These five days we celebrate the victory of good
over evil,
The demons shivers with the nature of a harmful
devil. The female deity gets worshipped by the
But still most women are not treated with respect
and equity.
In each and every Puja pandals mantras are being
On the other hand ,the virginity of the living
Goddesses are deliberately hunted

Pradosha Pattanaik
She is 14years old girl from Odisha{Place of lord
jagannath}. She is Contninuing her studies at DAV
PUBLIC SCHOOL CDA. Writing has always been
a part of her life. She scribble event of her life.
She tries to connect with others through her
This year has been the worst year ever I have
Days goes by negative vibes
When eyes looks deeper into days
In a sea of negative waves
Eyes search for a glimpse of positivity
But the reality is humming negativity

This covid 19 rife

Has trapped this year
With negative vibes

Every year Goddess shine

But this year there is no sight
There is only grim touches on real Goddess
Paintings of mortify act on her soul
By vile defilers

One after other

this year lingual "Goodbye"
To the best entertainer of bollywood

This year taught many things as well

We can't control everything
But we can control ourself easily
People whom we are good to
They are not or they will not treat us as we do

My soul feel out of place

Things going wrong .......

But still stepping out of dimness

Searching and hoping for bright light

Shubh chaurasia
She is Shubh Chaurasia . She is 20 years old.
She basically is a person who loves to express
her feelings through short but deep
paragraphs,poems and dance.She has worked in
more than 10+ anthologies. She loves to write; as
the main motive of her writings are to be short and
Insta id:- @writer_aces
This year we lost one of our super hero, the indian
actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
On 14th June 2020 he was found home dead
hanging from the ceiling fan at his home in
Bandra, Mumbai. Many people said that his death
was a suicide not a murder.
But somewhere his family had been urging the
CBI to initiate a murder probe in the case. He was
introduced to dance and theater in college, and
that opened up a new world of expression and
communication for him. His first debut serial was
"Pavitra Rishta"
One of his famous dialogue and also my favourite
one. "Everything happening around me is very
random. I'm enjoying the phase, as the journey is
far mote enjoyable than the destination ".
Prachi gupta

Prachi Gupta, A moddy and Kind-Hearted Lass,

hails from Allahabad, Uttar-Pradesh pursuing her
studies in BBA. She loves to scribble her own
thoughts in her own ways. As, she believes that
writing can heal any pain. Beside this, she works
as A Digital Marketer and A Compiler too. she had
compiled an anthology named "The Harrowing
Heart" and has been a part of many anthologies
as A Co-Author.
Insta id:- @Prachi_gupta_210

2020 का आगाज़

इसका आना तो एक हादसे जैसा था

पर ऐसा लगता है कक

ये साल भी हमें कछ शसखाना चाहता था

इसके शरू होते ही न जाने ककतने चमकते शसतारों ने

अपने दम तो़ि हदये कछ नये तो

कछ पराने कलाकारों ने अपने पैर पीछे ले शलये

श्िषी कपरू , इरफान खान, एस.पी. बाला सभरमनयम

तो तनशशकान्त कामत ने हमारा साथ बीच राह में छो़ि
तो सरोज खान, जगदीप और श्जसने सबसे ज्यादा
ददॆ नाक द ख हदया.. वो थे "सशांत शसंह राजपूत"

इनका यूँू अचानक दतनया से जाना एक बडे सदमें से
कम न था

हमें तो हमे, इस ख़बर ने पूरी कफमम इन्डस्टी को हहला

कर रख हदया।
Jayashree sahoo

Jayashree Sahoo is habitant of ODISHA . Her

writings started on yourquote,notojo and mirakee
like writing platforms. You can search her on
yourquote by name of Jaya Jayashree .
Nowadays She is member of many writing
communities and earned a alots of certificates
through her writings . She is of 100+
anthologies .Also She is Compiler of many
anthologies in Hindi ,English and Odia languages
Insta id:- @mixing_of_emotions
Title:- Corona and Humanity
Corona isn't just pandemic
Its a lesson those who have no humanity
Its a curse of that society where live unrest
Also its a blessing,
for creating nature green.
It learns us,
Handwashing is always been a thing by which we
live pure ,better and cleany.
By corona we learn social distancing,
Which is very necessary for stop transmission.
Due to this virus,
We all are in home now,
Yes ,we far from our friends ,our mates
But again we connects through them by zoom and
google meets.
Where meeting together stops by generally for
prevent corona.
There Internet meets us by online in technically
So yes that is a virus corona,
So it will be stop once there,
But if humanity loss,
There sure "ll a bad adversity on society,
Which may name as Gods curse .

Astha srivastava
मस्सववर हूं मैं अपने कलाओं की,

शलखना है शौक ए पेशा मेरा,

यही गहदष श-ए-आयाम है मेरा

Insta id:- asthamedico_2002

शीषषक :- ऐसा था ये साल

कछ आशाएं,

कछ तनराशा

खट्टी मीठी हदल की श्जज्ञासा

हर पल के हाल शलए,

कछ सपनों से अरमान शलए

बीत गया ये साल

कछ ऐसे ही इनाम हदए

तमाम मश्चकलें प़िती,

बढ़ती चढ़ान मीलों की

कभी हं सी की बौछार शलए,

खखलखखलाते मंद मंद स्पशष करते

कछ एहसास पराने,

कछ रह गए अनजाने,

ऐसा था यह साल…।
Neena taimoori
Neena is an emerging poet and writer trying to
reach beyond the skies of literary and
philosophical feasts. She has completed her
intermediate, loves art and craft. Celebrates
penning down poesy and fancies of her own. Her
integrity endeavour bestow her wings to fly!
Insta id:- @neena_taimoori

In beginning, everything arose mellow, pertained

like every-year passing by!
From the month 'March', it tangled an' turned the
whole manuscript lines_

Havoc of emotional an' traumatic commotion.

Approximately like a volcanic eruption.

Like fire it dispels, burning an' munching humans

alive. Cadaverous hollows the pandemic felt like!
Carcasses of earthborn scattered throughout the
planet. Till now, nay could've entirely got over
folks they forfeited.

Uncertainty possessed their beloved an' clung

them till eternity.
Existence is questioned by many, "WHY IT
Laxmi dixit

Laxmi Dixit is a freelancer. She finished her post

graduation in Botany, as a College topper. Writing
is her passion. In her words - " life is a bliss which
can be felt by being alive." Presently she is writing
for three apps - Quora, Your Quote and Story
Mirror. She is a published writer on Story Mirror.
Insta id:- @alphabet_street

Title:- Change in the eating habits

This year has brought many changes in the

lifestyle of people. The sudden outburst of Corona
pandemic in the world has altered the lifestyle of
people and the way people were compelled to live
in their houses during the lockdown and doing all
their household chores on their own have
changed their daily diet.

Burdened and stressed by household chores and

work from home, healthy eaters too turned
towards ready to eat foods like pastas, noodles,
chips, etc.

People's eating habits have gone drastic change.

It is also because many people could not store
staples like flour, oils, pulses, fruits and
vegetables for long. People were also panicked by
rumors of a shutdown doing the rounds. So they
stocked up essentials, but keeping in mind the
eating habits of their kids ensured that there must
be enough packets of ready to use instant food
like noodles, pastas, chowmein, puliogare, lemon
rice, etc. at home.

In fact, it is observed that ready to eat meals and

instant noodles were flying off the shelves of
supermarkets, with their sales skyrocketing in the
first month of the lockdown.

Abhinaba dutta
Abhinaba Dutta is a student of English Honours at
Calcutta University. He is a trilingual writer and a
co-author of many upcoming books. He has co-
authored in a magazine called Dugga Elo. He has
won many poetry competitions and recitation
competitions. Recently in Prabhat Khabar his
photo was published along with other participants.
Insta id:- @abhinaba_the_writer

It was March and I had, high hopes;

To finally free me from those evil ropes:
Of anti depressants like Nexito 20 and so on.
Regular counseling sessions on and on.
My exam was also knocking at my door.
I was never this much optimistic, truly, never
before!! Even I thought that in the sky of
academics I'll soar. Breaking the bleeding barriers
with a mammoth roar!
But suddenly lockdown was imposed in our town.
By men who wears metaphorical crown.
Channels were flooded with news of this.
Info was coming through Net, cable and DTH dish.
I was feeling bemused baffled betrayed.
It seemed like even God tired to evade;
From my problems that I have since birth
Maybe God was laughing at my fate with joyous

Bhawna puglia
She is Bhawna Puglia from Sainthia , West
Bengal . She is pursuing B.Pharm second year
from Veerayatan Institute of Pharmacy. She work
with 4 anthology as a co Author and 1 anthology
as a compiler. She wants to be a pharmacist in
future and wants to be a independent women
Insta id:- @Bhawna_jain_1234

शीषषक :- साल 2020

दं गे थे फसाद थे

कोरोना का मवाद था

ककतने अपनों को कर हदया था इसने जदा

बदल हदया था इसने ककतनी श्जंदचगयों को

कछ लोग बबता रहे थे ऐसो आराम से अपनी श्जंद गी

तो कछ लोग मर गए भूखे पेट ही कछ लोग पूरा समय
दे पा रहे थे अपने पररवार को

तो कछ लोग त़िप गए पररवार के पास जाने को जो

इंसान जानवरों को करते थे कैद

दे खो वह इंसान आज खद हो गए कैद

तूफानों ने भी कर हदया था ककतने को बेघर

लगता है कक कदरत का कोई था कहर

रो प़िे थे भगवान भी बंद कपाटों में

अपनों का जनाजा तनकला था अपनों के बबना ही

ऐसा था साल 2020

Swagatika Senapati
She is swagatika, currently a student. She loves
to write, paint, and dance. She likes to do more
creative works and explore herself as well as her
Insta id:-
Title:- That was year 2020

Year 2020...
An unexpected part of our life...
Many impossible became possible
We are just standing on a place,
Surrounded fully by water from all sides.
No more safe place...
Sad cloud approaching towards us,
From every side.
Covid attack, bushfires,
Beirut explosion, hatred everywhere,
Journey of pure souls to heaven...
Oh God please show us a ray of hope....
Please take us out from this suffocation..
Wherever we step, wherever we go,
Only deaths and negativity...
We see and feel...
Sukriti verma

Hello, this is Sukriti Verma btech (CSE) 1st year

student from ITER Bhubaneswar. She has been
writing since 2011 4thstandard . Writings gives her
immense pleasure and the process of shaping a
thoughts and then reaching to people's heart and
brain. Her thought is very delightful.
Insta id:- Write.a.word
I could call it a nightmare but deep down we know
it's a mirror year.
We look up to pray for more but this time he made
us see what mess we created below.
The forest that burnt killed the innocent, they delt
ths pain we gift them.
The fun we planned the days we missed , the
things we lost and the lessons we learnt
messaged us to wakeup and not torture the other
and call it fun.
The lives we lost created a void we could never
The memories we created will never be forgotten
the laughs we shared will be remembered with
This year is unfair we cried but he should us that
it's we who made it not so fine.
We could lend a hand to help but instead we kept
discriminating and hurting our friends.
I saw a kid praying that Santa brings him the
previous life but then his elder one said true
humans just ask for the strength to survive.
With all the bad something good also came , the
light of hope showed us the way.
We worked a lot but had our families back, we felt
the pain but family gave us strength.
To kill the dark candle has to burn Let's change so
the mirror is bright and not so dark ever again.

Deepti rana
दीश्प्त राणा - B.E final year की छात्रा है । ये अपनी
शशक्षा SPPU Pune से कर रही है। इनका जन्म स्थान
अम्बाला है और ये हररयाणा की मूल तनवासी है ।
इन्होंने engineering को अपना पेशा बनाया और
शलखना इन्हें बहत पसंद है । ये अक्सर अपने आस-पास
हो रही गती-ववचधयों से प्रेर णा लेकर शलखती हैं। दीश्प्त
राणा 11 साल की थी जब इन्होंने पहली बार अपने
स्कूल के हहंदी प्रोजेक्ट के शलए शलखा था ककं त सही
मायने में इन्होंने 15 साल की उम्र में शलखना शरू

Insta id:- @alice.thefictiongirl

कोरोना कोरोना हर जगह, कोरोना का दे ख क्या कोहराम

मचा, जानवर खला घमत है, इंसान ये घर में कैद हआ,
साल शरू में बकेट शलस्ट शलखत रहे , उस बकेट शलस्ट
का न एक काम हआ।

माचष अंत में बैठा घर, इंसान कोई का मेंढक सा बना


गमी पूरी राशन पानी भरने में तनकली, चचतयों सा ये

हाल हआ।

मास्क बांध ककराणे की लाइन लगावत, अब मंह पर

मास्क रुपी tan हआ।

दही, बेसन, सब तघस शलया, घरे ल उपचार भी नाकाम


अब बैठ कोने में सोचत है, इ कोरोना का और क्या

क्या दस पररणाम हआ।

कहीं सपनो का धंआ उदात्त है, कहीं कररयर का भा़ि

भना। कोरोना ने दतनया पलटी, दोस्त दोस्त से दरू

स्कूल कॉलेज पे ताला लटका, फीस भरने का हक म

य वा घर बैठा, अपने सपनो को दे ख रहा होते धआूँ

अब तो बस कोरोना की वैक्सीन पर इंसान का भरोषा

हटका हआ।

Bhoomi pandya
Her name is Bhoomi Pandya. She is from Gujrat
and she likes to write poems,gazals,short stories
and microtales.
Insta id:- @bhoomipandya_

ककसी ने हाथ धोए,ककसी ने जान खोई।

नन्नी जान रोई तो ककसीने जान खोई।

ऐसा था यह साल।
सब बन्ध था, ना कोई रास्ते पर ना मोल में , कोई था
डॉक्टर,कोई पशलस तो कोई इंसान के ही रोल में ।

ऐसा था यह साल।

बच्चे गेम्स खेले, पढ़ाई की ओर ल़िाई की घर पर।

बूढ़े दादा दादी ने भी कहतनयां ककस्से सनाए भर भर।

ऐसा था यह साल।

मास्क था, सेनेटाइजर था और था बस डर, मश्न्दर

मश्स्जद भी बंध हए भगवान ने भी चाहा होगा जाना
अपने घर!

ऐसा था यह साल।

कहीं थे पत्थर,कहीं अनाज,कहीं चल रहे थे टे स्ट,

यह कोरोना का साल था बरा...

लेककन इंसातनयत के शलए बन गया यह बेस्ट।

ऐसा था यह साल।

ना दे खा था ना सना था,

बहत कछ सीखा गया,हदखा गया,अनदे खा था यह साल।

Madhuri ramesh
Madhuri is a Biotech engineer and journalist who
has a passion for expressing her thoughts and
opinions through writing. She strongly believes
that ‘A pen is mightier than a sword’.
Insta id:- @madhuri_ramesh_95
Title:- Pandemic days
I stared out the window at the half empty street,
Friends and families unable to meet...
Locked up in our homes all day and night,
Lurking in the air is a killer virus we’re dying to

We walked into this year with hope in our hearts,

Clinking our glasses to a brand new start...
Alas! Little did we know that as days began to
All our plans would be indefinitely delayed...

Hospitals are full,

With patient beds crammed tight...
COVID-19 they call it,
Has had doctors working all night...
Have you realised who our true heroes are
Augustine Susan
Her name is Augustine susan is a poet from
Nigeria. She is a level 200 in the University of
Nigeria, Nsukka but has passion for literary works
and wishes to be found there. She loves writing.
Her goal is to inspire people through her writings.
Insta id:- @Susan.Augustine.102
There was a year.

Dreams were big and plans were made,

Hope aspiring as it was going to be better than the
Smiles broaden and eyes watered with joy,
We welcomed yet another century,
There was a year.

We began the journey filled with hope

But then it happened,
Plague of the year Oh no!
Who will save us?
There was a year.

Freedom was taken from us,

We became prisoners locked in our homes,
Loved ones slowly became strangers,
Hope diminishes as each day passed,
There was a year.

Slowly the year came to an end,

It was here yet so far away,
dreams were left unattended to,
But fear increased as death tolls increases,
There was a year.

Was this truly a year?

Can dreams still be accomplished?
Can hope be restored?
Yes, we are products of our imaginations

Akshat gupta

This is Akshat Gupta .He is 17 year old .He has

worked as Co-Author in many Anthologies(Books)
.He is passionate writer. He believes in "Keep
Smiling and Move Forward ", "Everyone is Unique
Insta id:- @akshat_gupta_471
Kunal baria

Hello my name is Kunal baria. I am a student of 2nd year in S.P.R.C college, Ajmer. When
I was around 21 years old I heard my first poetry
by yahya bhoot wala the name was shayad woh
pyar nahin.
Insta id:- @Mann_bawra2020

ये मीडडया वाले..

अशमताभ को कोरोना हआ तम ने हर तरफ़ इस न्यज़

को फैला हदया असम में आई बाढ़ क्या तम ने उस पे
ध्यान हदया... लोगों के आशशयाने ढह गए ककसी का
बसा बसाया सूँसार उज़ि गया पर

तम्हारा ध्यान तो इस पर हैं क्या अशमताभ ने खाने में

क्या शलया..

यहाूँ लोग अन के मोहताज हो गए क्या तम ने आम

लोगों की श्ज़न्दगी पे ध्यान हदया...

असम के लोग तम से आस लगाए बैठे है सचचन

पायलट ककस पाटी में जाएगा तम्हारा ध्यान उस में हैं..

टीआरपी.. की रे स छो़िो लोग को सच हदखाओ..

श्जन लोगों की आस है तम पे मदद के शलये उनकी

तरह हाथ बढ़ाओ...

दे श के चौथे स्तंभ हो तम िभी तो अपनी इस बात पर

गवष कराओ..
जहाूँ तक हो सके सचे हालात बताओ मत बनाओ भमष
को सच्चाई अपने अंदर के इंसान का ककरदार तनभाओ...

Shaurya sharma
Shaurya Sharma, she is residing in Punjab,
Currently a CA final year student, passionate for
writing, she is currently working as an Intern and a
Project Manager with Spectrum of Thoughts
Compiled Many books, coauthored 15+
anthologies still compiling!
Insta id:- @pristine_fervour

Meeting Me this year

This year I meet myself,
you should also meet yourself,
I tried the things lost in time,
It was like a mystical sign,

That by now I should understand myself,

Be a better person to represent herself,

I spent some time with my family,

It was a hell make over, literally,

From being a side line to being together,

I felt the warmth and love was gathered,

We played carrom, chess, cards,

Rather than being bards,
Working from home for office,
Completing the class syllabus,

Doing everything in mother's shade,

I guess this will improve my grades,
This was a nice life lesson for me,
This year is was good meeting me

Shivika sharma
Shivika Sharma is a writer. She is a college
student. She lives in kawardha Chhattisgarh. She
loves to write poems,quotes & shayaris etc. She
used yourquote app for presenting her views.
Insta id:- @shivika1108

शीषषक :- साल 2020

ये साल कछ ऐसा था,

श्जसमें हर कोई परे शानी में था।

कोरोना काल था ये साल,

हर कोई घर में कैद था।

जो लोग जानवरों को कैद रखते थे,

वो खद वपंज रे में कैद थे।

और लोगों के सारे काम रूक गये,

बस केवल डडश्जटल द तनया चलती थी।

और यही डडश्जटल दतनया चलेगी आगे,

यही सीख हमें दी थी।

बहत कछ सीखा गया ये साल,

प्राकृ ततक को सन्दर बना हदया ये साल।

कछ ऐसा था ये साल,

कछ ऐसा था ये साल।।
Parinita Sareen

A firm believer in law of attraction and the power

of faith. She yields magic through her words.
Putting everything into words has always been her
escapade, solace and talent. She envisions a
future which encompasses world peace and
prosperity, a society which is free from stress and
violence and a global family where people of
different races, religions,castes, cultures and
nationalities will live together in harmony.
Insta id:- @parinitasareen
Title:- Dreams of a Wailing Bird

I feel like a bird with a broken wing,

Damaged by all the injustice I have seen.
I want to fly away and feel new things,
But I can't yet so I walk in rings.

Nestling along the bright white car,

My body heavy with a dark tainted scar,
Lost in oblivion i question afar,
what am I a silver spoon or a rusted jar?

Payback time will come soon enough;

Acceptance and submission to authorities, nothing
but a bluff.
Middle East will witness a new dawn of hope and
Parasitism will have to convert to mutualism.

Opportunity and oppression will be ordered,

Corruption and Cynicism all bordered.
No more Sad suffocating storms,
Toxic tension talking will change the norms.
Silence for the unjust thing will be a thing of the
For, the protests this time are born to last.
Priyam Singh

A multitalented artist, modelling, acting, graphic

designing, poetry, song writing are all just the start
of the list for him. He writes with pure imagination
but beware he can tell your story to the world
without even knowing it.
Insta id:- @mr_awesm

घर अभी दरू है।

सबका महल ख़िा करता है वो, खद झोप़िी में रहने को

मजबूर है

उसका एक ही धमष, एक ही जात है, वो अभागा, दे श

का मजदरू है

ल़ि रहा है वो, हर हदन हर पल, इस महामारी से, ददष

से, भूख से

वो तो बस समाचार की सखखषयों में मशहूर है, वो चल

रहा है पैदल, चाहे हदन हो या रात

क्योंकक उसका घर....अभी दरू है

गांव की शमट्टी से बनी काया, वो शहर की चकाचौंध में


बस चार पैसे कमाने आया

क्या पता था उसे की ऐसा संकट आने वाला है , वो
बेचारा पैसे सारे

बच्चों को खखलाने में खचष कर आया

अब बस ख़ाक में शमलाकर अपनी ख्वाहहशें सारी

खाली हाथ, नंगे पांव लौटने को मजबूर है

कोई मदद उस तक कै से पहं चेगी, वो तो बस एक

मामूली सा मजदरू है

हां पर उसका घर....अभी दरू है

आधे रास्ते में शमला एक आदमी,बोला

मैं ररपोटष र TV वाला ना शमाषओ बताने में

क्या हई कोई समस्या, तमको यहां तक आने में

इसपर मजदरू बोला,

ना साहब ! ना हई कोई समस्या और ना गले से सख
ू ा

केवल 200 km और बचे हैं वैसे मैं 3 हदनों से भूखा हूं

हां मेरे जेब में पैसे नहीं, और अपने साथ एक मजबूत

श्जगर रखता हूं

सरकार हमारे शलए नहीं सोचती पर मैं तो अपने पररवार

के शलए सोचता हूं

हम तो बस यूंही धूप में, पैद ल चलने को मजबूर हैं

अच्छा चलता हूं अब, वो क्या है ना की

घर अभी दरू है ।

Archana rai
Archana Rai, a girl who dwell from capital of India
New Delhi She is a student , currently pursuing
Bachelor in Commerce from University of Delhi.
She is a photographer, writer, social activist and
Kalam books of record holder as a co-author
...and a girl with strong heart who has capability to
fight against wrong and raise her voice on social
issue .

बहत कछ बीती होगी उसपर

लेककन कैसे वो बताती,

कछ कहने से पहले

जीभ काट ज़बान बन्द कर दी।

बहत ददष हए उसे

बहत वो चचमलाई,

ददष में त़िपी

लेककन आवाज़ माूँ तक न पहूँ च पाई।

उसकी रीढ़ की हड्डी नही

इंसातनयत का ररचता टूटा हैं,

आज दे ख उसकी हालत

समाज कफर से रोया हैं।

दे ख कर बेटी की ये हालात बाप का सीना त़िपा हैं,

रो रो कर माूँ के आूँखों से आूँसू ददष बनकर तनकला है ।

नही बदलने वाला ये समाज

बस दो हदन के शलए भ़िकी के लोगों के हदलों में आग,

अब कफर तनकलेगी स़िको पर भी़ि और होगा कैं डल


लेककन नही बदलें गे लोग और न ही बदलेगा ये समाज।

अब न्याय के शलए माूँ बाप सालो साल कोटष के धक्के

खायेंगे बलात्कार के ककस्से अब रोज़- रोज़ कोटष में
सनाए जायेंगे,

अब सरकार अपने मतलब के शलए उस मासूम को

मद्दा बनाएंगे

कफर तनभषया, ज्योतत, की घटनाओं की तरह इस

है वातनयत को कहानी बनाकर सब कफर भूलते जाएंगे।

कफर कछ हदनों बात ये ककस्सा कफर दोहराया जाएगा

अब दे श की ककसी ओर बेटी का नाम सखखषयों में

Divya rashmi dudia
A girl named Divya Rashmi Dudia who lives in
jodhpur(rajasthan).She loves to put her thoughts
into words . Her love for writing keeps her going
and she has done ten plus anthologies . Her
writing is her power.
Insta id:- @divya.rashmi.dudia

शीषषक :- कोवीड 19

यह बीमारी है ब़िी खतरनाक,

दे ती नहीं ज़्यादा शमलने की इजाज़त,

जीना बेहतर शसखा गई,

ख़द का ध्यान रखना शसखा गई,

हम थे पहले लापरवाह अब नहीं उतने ,

व्यायाम, काढ़ा, और मास्क लगाना सीख गए,

सबसे दरू ी भी बनाना सीख गए,

यह साल था ब़िा कहठन,

मगर ररचते भी हए ब़िे मज़बूत,

क्यंूकक लॉक डाउन में खब

ू की सबसे बातें,

आम से लोग ख़ास बन गए,

धीरज ,और प्रेम करना सीख गए,

यह बीमारी नहीं कोई मज़ाक,

रखो द रू ी, मास्क पहनना है ज़रूरी,

क्यूंकक यह साल रहा है ब़िा तूफानी,

प्रण ले हम सब ल़ि जाएंगे इस बीमारी से ,

हर हहदायत मानें गे और जीत इसपर पा लें गे ।

Vyanktesh kanungo
His name is vyanktesh kanungo. He loves to write
short heart-warming stories and poems.
Insta id:- @talesfromtown
I look at the lights on my patio
As I wrap this year
The year that tested us
is now almost gone
The year that took more from us than it gave back
The year which posted stark truth Of life
Right on our faces
The year that didn't spare
the rich, the poor, or the priest
Nothing would ever be the same.

And then the lights change

A new color strikes my eye
The wind is a new
The night yearns for dawn
Maybe it taught us something too
The year that was gone
Maybe in its struggle we grew up
Evolved into something new
The year a new human was born.
Nigarish saifi

Nigarish Saifi is a budding talent from

Muzaffarnagar. She can usually be found
immersed in reading a book. Writing has been her
most satisfying passion since she first poured her
emotions on the paper in 2016. She believes in
the immeasurable power of human emotions and
likes to communicate them through different
genres of writing.
Insta id:- @nigarish.saifi
Title : Hidden filter

I have a
contemplative mood
and i'd like
to pull myself
out of the
dichotomy of my life.
Three years earlier
i used to be a
free bird
but now i feel
terribly shackled.
The predicament
of my life
does not give me
the hibernation
does not seem to have
overwhelmed my spirit
and hunger for knowledge .

Aradhna S Biren
She is aradhana. A student with hope's and no
expectations, Simple with words and deeper with
Insta id:- @vo_ice_____

शीषषक :- कछ यंू गया ये साल:

ककसी की तकदीर खल गई,

तो ककसी ने हार मान ली,

ककसी ने खद को तराशा,

तो ककसी ने सब कछ गूँवाया,

ककसी ने खद को बदला,

तो ककसी ने दसरो को सहारा हदया,

ककसी ने वक़्त को जाया ककया,

तो ककसी ने उसे आज़मा शलया,

ककसी की आस्था बदली,

तो ककसी ने ववचवास ककया,

ककसी ने सफर तय ककया,

तो ककसी को रास्ता खद शमल गया,

ककसी को सब ने पूछा,

तो कोई अकेला रह गया,

ककसी ने सब कछ पा शलया,

तो ककसी ने सब कछ खो हदया ||
Kajol golchha
Kajol Golchha is a English poet Writer she is
pursuing final year in B. Tech biotechnology.She
was born on 21st june 2000. She likes to write
poems, quotes, blogs. She loves to read stories
,novels, poem. She used to spend time on
seeking new things and she was very enthusiastic
to learn everything.
Insta id:- @shades_of_love_in_life
Title:- Hunger and food scarcity

India is one of the largest food producer in the

world but food scarcity remains a stubborn issue.
All over the world, India has largest population of
hunger. It's estimated that around 9 million people
die every year because of starvation. India has
third largest economy but still people we where
struggling and dying everyday the major reason is
"HUNGER". Pandemic situation makes more
difficult to survive because there is a scarcity of
food "We can't imagine how many people were
going to die because of Starvation ". There is a
danger of "Hunger" everywhere. Due to starvation
children's are suffering high. For every 10
seconds, a child faces death due to starve. If this
situation leads there will be drastic death of
people. There is only one way to end the Hunger
"Everyone should join together and help others
who starve for food" "It is not humanity It is our

Pramila kumari Behera

Pramila prefers to be addressed by her name as
pams. She has completed her graduation from
SBRG Women's college ,Berhampur. She has
done her masters in Biotechnology from KK
college,Berhampur in Odisha and masters in
education from Bangalore University. She is a
teacher by profession. She is too empathetic
towards her children.
Title:- Unforgettable year

The year 2020 was an ironic one,

Which brought a disaster corona and broke me
It has many positive and negative aspects,
Due to its misconduct ,it lost
its respect.
It made my life upside down,
For the calamitous corona,there is no pragmatic
I want to share my view points on corona virus,
Because out of many people ,I am one of the
The whole world named it as corona pandemic,
But due to its quick spread and vast information,I
call it as infodemic.
Corona has changed my life,
It has taught me how to survive,
I was living the life with a lot of complains,
It has brought a lot of change ,so there are no
more restraints.
I was unknown to technology,
As my love is in for biology,
Taught always within the four walls as a teacher,
But the lockdown taught me,how to explore the
world with a computer.
Boys and girls started showing their culinary skills,
Online payment was done for all the bills,
My child learnt all the household chores,
Alas ! he said,he didn't want to do anymore.
Corona gave us the time for our family,
It would've been without it truly.


Viveka K.D.

She is Viveka from Coimbatore. Being

spontaneous in both speaking and writing, she
chooses poetry as her companion to express
herself ! Co-author of nearly 15 anthologies and a
compiler too. Support the budding writer and
connect with her through

Title:- Shakespeare in covid 19 time !!

It is scary , let me return to heaven
Even in rebirth, I witness pandemic
That quarantine made me write more
But now I fear more as I am beware !!

Like Lady Macbeth I wash hands

Not for the fear of my sin
But scared of COVID19
In technologically advanced 2020 ..

I was on cloud nine and mesmerised

With your likes and follows
Without knowing I will be lead to hollow..

Humans exploited nature

We reap our action
As a fatal infection!!

The Going gets Tough, the Tough gets Going.

She is Shweta currently pursuing M. Com FA from
SJCC Bangalore. She loves to travel. Her dream
is to live in hills. She is a finance student who
loves physics.
Insta id:- @fighting_cages
Deeptimayee Dalabehera

She is deeptimayee dalabehera. She is from

Odisha. She studied +2 second year student in
Gm junior Clg ,sambalpur. She loved poet writing
Insta id:- dil___kii_dhadkan

गम हदया ककतनों ने
सहारा हदया ककतनों ने

पास आए ककतनों ने

दरू गए ककतनों ने

रुलाया ककतनों ने

हूँ साया ककतनों ने

ऐसा था ये साल।

मौत हई ककतनों की

जन्म हआ ककतनों का

सपने दे खे ककतनों ने

सच हए ककतनों के
दोस्ती हई ककतनों से

द शमनी हई ककतनों से

ऐसा था ये साल।

अपने पराये हए

पराये अपने हए

वक्त कैसे बीत गया

नहीं पता चला।

कौन कैसा है क्या है

सब पता चल गया

ऐसा था ये साल।
Muskan sachdeva

Muskan Sachdeva hails from Basti, uttar Pradesh.

She completed studies from St. Basil's and is
pursuing Chartered accountant along with bcom
from Allahabad university. Writing was just a time
pass earlier but then it became her passion.
Insta id:- @muskurate_shabd
The year started with little difficulties
This year was little different for everyone
Amidst the pandemic the world faced new
challenges Between the worldwide lockdown, the
business and work came at still
Amidst the pandemic and worldwide economic
disability I got someone whom I started loving for
my full
I got the man of my life
I got the best friend and my partner
I got the best thing in my life
When the whole world was disturbed, we were
busy making understanding
Where the year was bad for everyone It at the end
gave me something I wished and wanted.
Hema kirthiga J.

She is Hema Kirthiga J, and her pen name is

sparkle. She is professionally a psychologist and
passionately a writer. She heals others but writing
heals her. She is writer, reader, orator and a
believer. She is from Chennai. She lives by the
principal of inspire and be inspired. She writes her
heart and soul and she deeply believes that the
depth of her heart and the nib of her pen are
soulfully connected.
Insta id:- @The_pen_queen
Title:- THIS YEAR 2020

It was the most unique year of my life,

With all ups and downs,
With life and death,
The months went by,
Joyful January,
Friendly february,
Marching March,
Appetizing April,
Memorial May
Junking June,
Jungle July,
Auspicious August
Serving September,
Occasional october,
Notorious November,
Dashing December..

Asraya Raj

Asraya is a final year bsc.nursing student. She is

from kerala. Apart from studies her passion is
writing. She become co- author under many of the
the publications and also she is a freelancer
writer.And she is so glad to be a part of this book.
Insta id:- _version.writer_

In the rain of hot glowing ashes,

She is there for safe keeping lifes.

Secured under her wings of care,

Being exposed herself without any scare.

As a mother,sister,daughter and wife,

Plays these roles in time of ones life.

Even in her bleeds, her power streams,

Which heals thousands of screams.

When world sleeps in this lockdown,

No rest for her sweat to settledown.

Yes!they are the real LIFE SAVING WARRIORS!!

Our nurses....
Who works hand-in-hand with GOD...

Akansha Raj

She is Akanksha Raj. She is from chatra

Jharkhand. She passed class 12th in JAWAHAR
is in graduation sem 1 and want to be a professor
and a good poet. This poem isher feelings about
this year.
Insta id:- @Akansha_raj_248

शीषषक:- आखखर कैसा बीता ये साल

आज शाम बैठे हए आया मझे ये ख्याल,की आखखर

कैसा बबत्ता ये साल,

कोरोना ने कर हदया सबका बरा हाल,

लोगों ने आखखर क्या-क्या नहीं दे खा इस साल,

द कानों से लेकर बन्द थे सारे मश्न्दरों के दरबार,

और जो नहीं हआ कभी वो हआ इसबार,

इस साल बस खले थे सारे अस्पताल,

क्यूकी कोरोना ने कर हदया था सबका बरा हाल

आज शाम बैठे हए आया मझे ये ख्याल, की आखखर

कैसा बीता ये साल,

जो चाहते थे लोग वो हो चका था इस बार,

आ गई थी ररचतों में दरू रयां बेशहमार

यही तो चाहते थे लोग हरबार,

ररचतों में कम हो चका था प्यार,

आज शाम बै ठे हए आया मझे ये ख्याल, की आखखर

कैसा बीता ये साल,

कई ररचते बनते बनते रह गई अधूरी,और दो गज दरू ी

और मास्क हो गई जरूरी,

जो नहीं हआ था कभी वो हो चका था इस बार,

आज शाम बैठे हए आया मझे ये ख्याल, की आखखर

कैसा बीता ये साल।
Saarthak kachroo

Saarthak Kachroo, a native of J&K, currently

residing in Pune, Maharashtra. He is a graduate in
B.E Automobile. Started writing poems since
childhood, now has become a passionate writer.
According to him, " Experiences of life,
observation skills, imagination and patience will
give something creative to write".
Insta id:- @kuch_khaas_alfaaz_mere
शीषषक :- कछ ऐसा था यह साल

हर साल की तरह नया था यह साल भी।

एक दम अनजान, सबसे अलग था यह साल भी।

हाूँ ... बीते कछ सालों से थो़िा खौफनाक ज़रूर था,

लेककन काफी कछ शसखा गया यह साल भी।

ज़रूरी भी था इन्सान को उसकी औकात हदखाना, हमें

हमारी मररयादा बताना।

अब जब यह सब शसखा ही गया यह साल तो कछ इस

तरह इन्सानों के शलए खराब हो गया यह साल भी।

कछ को माहमारी ने मारा, तो कछ को ज़लज़ला खा

गया, और इस माहमारी के कारण इन्सान बेरोज़गारी
पर आ गया।

मौत है कभी न कभी तो आनी ही है दोस्त... कफर

कारण कछ भी हो...

उसके शलए एक साल को बदनाम करना ज़रूरी तो नहीं।

हांँूँ.. मानता हूूँ बीते सालों जैसा तो नहीं था यह साल,
थो़िा कहठन था पर तालीम से भरपूर तो था यह साल


जो था अब बीत चका है , बहत ज़्यादा मकम्मल और

बहत थो़िा रह चका है ।

हर बार की तरह उम्मीद करें गे इस बार भी कक आने

वाला साल खशशयों से भरा हो, श्जसके श्जतने भी सपने
हो ज़रूर पूरे हो।

Kamya kakkar
Insta id:- Kamya_kakkar

Title:- A tale of covid 19

Make headway on 16th Nov, 2019

In tandem with terror,
Showed various shades,
Of life, of Nature, of lessons
But, still not went away,
Do not else what to say?
I doubt, there are people still left away,
Which still not has taken their lessons,
To took care of their Nature,
To took care of their health,
And spend their precious time,
On Family and friends
Rather which they spend on Netflix
Just renew all the lessons,
So, A tale of Covid 19
Becomes end of Covid 19
This upcoming year!
Neena Taimoori
Neena is an emerging poet and writer trying to
reach beyond the skies of literary and
philosophical feasts. She has completed her
intermediate, loves art and craft. Celebrates
penning down poesy and fancies of her own.
Her integrity endeavour bestow her wings to fly!
Title:- Communication Gap

As 2020 unleashed itself, numerous catastrophes

amassed, from day one. Due to the pandemic
outburst, the world is kept paused for the
insurance of humanity.

Instantly here is the dilemma, that emerged during

this outrageous crisis. Folks who are edged to
reside in their houses, couldn't tolerate each other
for such extent, as it's irregular that there is a
pandemic, around the nook and customary life is
disturbed with it but, some-things are confined to
happen. The communication gap has existed and
highlighted more than any other aspect, as
presently families are being awkward, with one
another further than they always had! Feuds,
quarrels, tension, stress and puerile-ness is
inspected in benevolent nature, as it's not ordinary
to be at residence for so prolong duration without
performing daily routine tasks. We have absorbed
our day-to-day rituals in ourselves exceedingly
that, we stand adverse now, as we can't run that
series during this spurt. Even, we stay jointly but,
are remote and there is a vast division between

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