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Rural Business Study

Broad Outline for the Study

Understand the Rural Market allocated to you

 Collect secondary data regarding the population – Demography & Political aspects that would impact the
product assigned to your group (Please note that your company cannot spend time or money on expensive
primary research)
 Identify Rural Myths (If any)
 Understand the challenges to the Marketing Mix in the backdrop of an evolving & emerging rural consumer.
 Understand the economic structure & Income (spending) pattern of your area.

Consumer Behaviour (Rural)

 Try and Analyse the buying behaviour model - Social, Cultural, psychological etc.
 Analyse their buying decision process and also their ease of adoption or rejection process of a new product.


 Analyse the various bases for segmentation of your population and device effective strategy.
 Understand how other similar product companies have identified attractive market segments & choose
target market strategy in your area.
 Finally understand how similar products have positioned their products in the same market.

Product & Pricing

 How will you compete with the already present local brand?
 How will you counter the menace of fake & counterfeits in your product categories? (Remember you are in
tier 3 -4), assume legal is not an option.
 Your Packaging recommendations if any.
 What will be your groups pricing strategy?
 Describe in detail the factors you have considered to arrive at the same.


 Explain the distribution dynamics of your area

 What is the prevalent distribution model for a similar product category?
 Your group will give one innovative strategy to distribute your product category along with explaining the
routine one of your choice.


 Explain the various BTL activities you plan to undertake to push your product to your target consumer. Give
detailed reason for the same. (Low budget Strategy only)


 Give a 10-point Critical Analysis of your market vis a vis the product as to why you think you should NOT
enter the market.
 Make a SWOT
 Finally, also give a 10-point analogy as to why you think you should enter the same market with the product
and your reasons for saying the same. (Note that you will be contradicting your point 1 here, so justify like a


- Since the markets in study are mainly tier 3 or 4 as discussed please stick to offline strategies only.

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