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1.0 Background of Company and Nature of Business Processes.

1.1 Background of the company

Andora Princess Hospital was anchored by around 50 doctors and 254 nurses.
The hospital was established on 2009 in Malaysia. The hospital was located in Sri
Kembangan. Dr Khamsiah Muda, a doctor who specializes in Obstetrics &
Gynaecology. The hospital is founded from the commitment and passion that are
focused on women healthcare and bringing about their well being of our future
generations. Dr Khamsiah and a group of women from various fields of
specializations came together to form a company called BWFW Medic Sdn Bhd.
BWFW stands for, "By Women for Women", for only women may understand and
desire an establishment to exclusively service their health-care needs, customized to
a woman's physical, emotional and psychological uniqueness. With the demand in
Malaysia, the owner of the hospitals feel called to set up a special hospital for
children as well as women. Such special hospitals seem to be lacking in Malaysia but
are in high demand because women who are about to give birth prefer female
specialist doctors to celebrate the birth of a child.

The Andora Princess brand whilst offering a various broad spectrum of medical
services shall be equipped with advanced medical technologies and innovative
treatment solutions along with the professional, warmth, responsiveness and
accessibility of a community-based practice. Every member of our team, from
surgeons and doctors, to nurses and lab technicians, work together to ensure the
best course of treatment for each patient in a family-centred, luxurious and aesthetic
environment, within a comprehensive, well equipped facility.

Andora Princess Hospital giving a good experience for the customers because
the facilities and the environment are so productive. The facilities that been used at
the hospital was mostly up-to-date. Besides, Andora also offering a new style of
giving birth which is in water pool. The birth water giving much benefits to the mom.
That’s why the Andora giving such a great experience for mother-to-be. In the U.S.,
some birthing centers and hospitals offer water births. Birthing centers are medical
facilities that offer a more homelike setting than a hospital and more natural options
for women having babies. The use of a birthing pool during the first stage of labor
might can help ease pain, keep mother-to-be from needing anesthesia and also
speed the labor. The environment of the bed can be choose based on package
promoted. The more they pay, the more exclusive and privacy mother-to-be will get.
Andora offering three types of package which is Normal Delivery, Caeserean Delivery
and Water Birth Delivery. All of the packages offering conducive environment which
is they can choose a room of two bed, four bed or even a single bed room. Price
offered among RM3,400 to RM10,000 with a full packages of 3 days 2 nights, meals
from popular chef, personal masseuse and also lady butler services. All packages also
included the baby care cost.
1.2 Nature of the company

Andora Princess Hospital is an services that are performed to earn money

through customer satisfaction. It involves professional skills and expertise. Andora
really taking care of the customers satisfaction by giving such a good services and
experiences to their customers. Good care of midwives and doctors can give a happy
feeling to both mother and child. Andora is very concerned about the satisfaction of
customers who use their services. Andora provides specialist doctors who are able to
deal with cases such as premature birth. This case can be overcome with the
expertise of a specialist doctor because such births if not handled properly can lead
to the loss of the life of mother, child or both.

Andora nature was a deals in goods and service (Prachi. M, 2018) This involves
offering patient care services or health consultations. Andora is not only special for
children and women but Andora provides Covid-19 screening services, scans,
medical check ups, sexual screening and many more related to marital relations.
Andora also offers exit planning plans for newlyweds. Various health related services
are offered. But what is interesting is that pregnant mothers can choose a female
doctor to give birth, especially for Muslim couples.In addition, the service that
Andora provides is to offer a midwife to take care of the mother in confinement and
also the newborn in a modern way but still maintain the originality of old way
2.0 Determine the core processes or activities that contribute most to the quality
of your product or services.

To deal with the hospital it is normal to go through a very complicated process.

Registration, health tests and more. Especially for the process of giving birth. This
process requires good planning as it is necessary to deal with the health clinic panel
for treatment throughout the pregnancy. This process can cause tedious and
irritating.However, these processes can be streamlined for efficiency, the saving of
time and, most importantly, patient satisfaction. The case should be well-handled
and efficiently by the hospital to avoid any problems. As a good hospital, the
satisfaction of customers play such an important role to make sure the customers
get an excellent services during their admission.

Andora Princess Hospital have a good entry handling process. In admitting

patients, the back-office work flow admission process often has to go from desk to
desk, which means longer wait time and more hassles for patients.(Workflow
Automation,2018) Automating admission processes can save time, improve the
patient experience and generally enhance effective operational procedures. In
Andora, the patient no need to wait for a long time for admission. All nurses are
experienced in handling patients quickly. In addition, the use of technology such as
barcode scanning also facilitates all patients who come to Andora because they do
not need to wait long for their registration process. Next, all patients who have
registered with Andora will also be recorded in the data collection. If the patient is
referred back to the hospital for the same medication or treatment, Andora can re-
trace the patient's old record as a reference to facilitate the patient. This process
makes it easier for patients who need follow-up treatment such as monthly
treatment for pregnant mothers. They do not have to go to any other clinic for
monthly treatment, instead they can just go straight to Andora Princess Hospital and
the data that has been recorded will facilitate the doctor for the birth process.

In addition, Andora also giving a good services on handling emergency operation

rooms. Most hospitals look down on patients who are in urgency to need treatment
because they have very limited operating rooms. This situation causes, patients who
have not make any appointment with the hospital will not be treated. Unlike Andora
who will always do their best for the satisfaction of customers without having to
make an appointment because Andora has a special operating room for emergency
patients. Registration can also be done by family members as simply by scanning the
identity card. This makes Andora different from other hospitals. Fast patient
management, can ease the burden of the patient as well as the patient's family. In
other hospitals they have to expect something like triage. This is where patients are
prioritized according to the severity of their illness or injury. As soon as you arrive,
you'll want to go to the registration desk, where we'll ask some basic questions.
You'll then be classified into one of the three categories. First, emergent which lead
to an injury or illness requiring immediate attention to avoid risk of life or limb.
Second, urgent which an injury or illness requiring attention within four hours and
third, an injury or illness that has an undetermined time frame for treatment. (Bon
Secours, 2019)
Besides that, medical documentation from Andora were not like the others
typical hospital who are only be written in a piece of paper for an appointment. All
appointment that are made are automatically recorded in data collection of Andora
Hospital. Medical record documentation is required to record pertinent facts,
findings, and observations about an individuals health history including past and
present illnesses, examinations, tests, treatments, and outcomes. The medical
record chronologically documents the care of the patient and is an important
element contributing to high quality care(Dr. TV Rao, 2011) The application of
technologies in Andora giving such an ease way for both parties. The patients will
only need to see a doctor and set for next appointment, and a message will be sent
to the patient as an alert for their appointment. Andora also will have to make a
phone call for their patient if the patient happened to forgot or late for their
appointment. The date that are been set for the patients are special for the patient
only and others patient who need an appointment or special treatment also can be
referred to others doctors because Andora have 50 doctors which divided based on
their own specialties and department in the hospitals.
3.0 Identify the quality characteristics that you want to measure.

Quality characteristic that can be measure in Andora Princess Hospital was

patient-centric approaches. The best hospitals always prioritize the patient’s comfort
and convenience at each stage of their journey. A good hospital should focus on
making the patient’s experience as seamless as possible, right from appointment
booking to discharge. It is crucial to provide patients with all the necessary
information that will help them make their decision faster. For instance, most top
hospitals have a website that gives comprehensive information about their doctors,
facilities and many more. In addition, their staff is trained to treat patients with the
utmost care, be it at the admission counter or the path lab. The key is to empower
patients with all possible facilities so that they can have faith in the hospital and its
professionals. Thus, the most significant step towards creating a great hospital is to
embrace a patient-centric approach.(Daniel Wagstaff, 2019) Cleveland Clinic's Dr.
Cosgrove believes putting the patient at the center of care will be critical. "Always
put the patient first," he said. Cleveland Clinic has demonstrated its dedication to
this reimagining of the traditional delivery system by taking 43,000 of its employees
offline for a half day to talk about the Cleveland Clinic experience and what it really
means to put the patient first. Andora take the Cleveland Clinic as the role model to
make sure that Andora Princess Hospital will be known by all Malaysian because
offering best quality of services.

Focused and leadership which can be a key of successful services. The fate of
any organization is largely dependent on the capabilities of its leaders. Healthcare
facilities are not an exception to this rule. Thus, it is crucial to recruit dedicated and
highly qualified personnel in the topmost positions. They should be able to take
charge and steer the hospital in the right direction. Senior leadership is also likely to
demand accountability. This motivates doctors and other hospital staff to provide
the best care for their patients. Thus, the presence of a visionary leader makes the
hospital management and all other departments more productive and efficient. This
helps the hospital achieve all its quality improvement goals. In addition to this, it is
also crucial to hire the best doctors in every department. Doctors are the face of any
healthcare organization. Recruiting highly qualified and experienced doctors ensures
that patients receive the best care and treatment. In addition to being good at their
job, they should be empathetic towards their patients. A great hospital should also
take pride in its doctors. It should showcase the doctors credentials and background
on the website as well as the hospital campus. This makes it easier for patients to
learn about their doctors and makes them feel more confident about their
treatment. According to Peter Butler, president and COO of Rush University Medical
Center in Chicago, the most important competency needed to ensure future success
is "superb, stable, focused leadership."

Application of technologies in daily processes playing important role and giving a

good quality to many people. The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of
our very eyes with advances in digital healthcare technologies, such as artificial
intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-printing, robotics or nanotechnology. We have to familiarize
with the latest developments in order to be able to control technology and not the
other way around. The future of healthcare lies in working hand-in-hand with
technology and healthcare workers have to embrace emerging healthcare
technologies in order to stay relevant in the coming years. In medicine and
healthcare, digital technology could help transform unsustainable healthcare
systems into sustainable ones, equalize the relationship between medical
professionals and patients, provide cheaper, faster and more effective solutions for
diseases. Technologies could win the battle for us against cancer, AIDS or Ebola and
could simply lead to healthier individuals living in healthier communities.(The
Medical Futurist, 2020) Andora applying the usage of technologies which is following
the modernization. Sometimes, technologies can be bad but technologies become
some part of daily life ease product which can help to do work. The artificial
intelligent (AI) helping to do something that people cannot do such as laser
operation for eyeball. Healthcare is changing, and new technology is once again
going to change human life for the better, just as antibiotics and anaesthesia did in
previous centuries. With hospitals and manufacturers working together to ensure
data remains secure, it seems the future is bright. For all of us.

In recent times, patients have become increasingly aware of their rights. As

patients start shouldering more of their healthcare costs, they are likely to look for
more affordable options. Thus, it is crucial for hospitals to create a transparent
pricing structure that is readily available to the patients. It instills faith in patients
and makes them confident about selecting your hospital for their treatment.
However, this doesn’t mean you should compromise on the quality of healthcare in
order to make it more affordable. On the contrary, it implies that you should
empower your patients by giving them access to your pricing structure. It helps them
understand why they are being charged a particular amount of money. When a
patient knows what they are paying for, they are less likely to be skeptical. Andora
Princess Hospital, never set the transparent pricing because the focused services
were good since the hospital can easily set the pricing without set the own price.
Because Andora really take care of customers satisfaction, so that Andora set the
price list for customers to ease them to set their money to get a better treatement
from Andora.

Great hospitals always put their patients first. Their policies, facilities, and
pricing structure are developed to provide a hassle-free experience to all patients. In
addition, they focus on empowering their patients by giving them access to all the
necessary information. They are often led by a visionary senior-level executive who
inspires the doctors and staff to deliver their best. In addition, a top-notch hospital
should be open to adapting to rapid technological advancement. It should integrate
modern technology in every aspect of healthcare, from patient data management to
surgical procedures. State-of-the-art equipment, world-class facilities, and
experienced doctors and staff are the pillars on which every great hospital is built.
4.0 Present data collection for at least 50 data.

Qualitative data is data concerned with descriptions, which can be observed but
cannot be computed. On the contrary, quantitative data is the one that focuses on
numbers and mathematical calculations and can be calculated and computed. So, for
the collection and measurement of data, any of the two methods discussed above
can be used. Although both have its merits and demerits, i.e. while qualitative data
lacks reliability, quantitative data lacks a description. Both are used in conjunction so
that the data gathered is free from any errors. Further, both can be acquired from
the same data unit only their variables of interest are different, i.e. numerical in case
of quantitative data and categorical in qualitative data.(Sagar Aryal,2020)

For the data collection, I choose to make a survey in the Andora Princes Hospital
itself. Survey data is defined as the resultant data that is collected from a sample of
respondents that took a survey. This data is comprehensive information gathered
from a target audience about a particular topic of interest to conduct research on
the basis of this collected data. There are many methods used to gather survey data
for statistical analysis in research. Various mediums are used to collect feedback and
opinions from the desired sample of individuals. While conducting survey research,
researchers prefer multiple sources to gather data such as online surveys, telephonic
surveys, face-to-face surveys, etc. The medium of gathering survey data decides the
sample of people that are to be reached out to, to reach the requisite number of
survey responses.(Adi Bhat, 2020) As for this survey are wanted to know the quality
improvement for the hospital, the survey data collection could be such an ease way
because already have the targeted respondent for the survey and the survey is
internal usage to improve the quality of the hospital.

I only targeted to workers in the hospitals it self. But the survey was be given by
division and department. Such as department of immunization; women, infant and
children division; division of community and public health; children special health
care division, bureau of family, maternal and child health; bureau of laboratories and
bureau of epidemiology. So based on the targeted division there is only certain staff
were taken part for this survey for the quality improvement which is 50 respondent
to be recorded. 10% from department of immunization. Which the total of doctors
on the department were only 5 people. The most high respondent are from women,
infant and children division because they have more than 11 doctors but yet still
some of them not take part on the survey and cause only 22% in total. For the
division of community and family health, all of the members are taken place which in
total for 7 doctors and 14% for the respondent percentage. 16% respondent also
taken part on the survey which is from children special health care division. 20% of
the respondent too were from the main division of the hospital which is the bureau
of family, maternal and child health. Finally, both for the last bureau were recorded
as 10% and 8% each of them.

So, for the position that are been set for the survey was only four of them but
some of the staff nurse are taking part on the survey as the survey were distributed
jus only for specific amount and specific department. 11.8% bureau of chief taking
part on the survey which in total of 6. Besides, 11 division directors were taking part
for the survey and 14 division manager also take part in the survey. Both of this
position were stated as 21.6% and also 27.5% in percentage total. The most position
that are taking part on answering the survey are 18 unit supervisor and manager for
35.3%. Finally, the last one was stated as others type of position who are take part
for the survey and only 5.9% answering the survey which is stand for nurses in the
Andora Princess Hospital. The nurses who taking part in the survey were actually
nurses that are taking care for the admission or entrance door which to make sure
that they involved in the quality and also performance of the hospital as they are
stand next to the complaint box.

The question were divided into three part which is the first part was asking
about the knowledge of the staff about the information related to the quality
improvement. For the first question, 30 people are agree with the “I can define
quality improvement” which mean most of the people in the Andora knows the
quality improvement meaning. Quality improvement (QI) is a systematic, formal
approach to the analysis of practice performance and efforts to improve
performance. For the question of “I can define quality improvement and quality
assurance” most of the staff were strongly agree that they actually can define both
of the meaning which 22 respondent. The actual meaning for the quality
assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured
products and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customers;
which ISO 9000 defines as "part of quality management focused on providing
confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled’ (ISO 9000,2005). Meanwhile,
23 respondent vote for strong agree with the statement of “I can describe the
benefits of using quality improvement in public health. Quality Improvement (QI) in
public health is the use of a deliberate and defined improvement process, such as
Plan-Do-Study-Act, which is focused on activities that are responsive to community
needs and improving population health. It refers to a continuous and ongoing effort
to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance,
accountability, outcomes, and other indicators of quality in services or processes
that achieve equity and improve the health of the community.(NACCHO,2020). Most
of the respondent also agree that the quality improvement involves the changing
processes. For the effective of quality improvement, key steps for successful change
management include assessing readiness for change, establishing a sense of urgency,
assembling the steering team, developing an implementation plan, executing a pilot,
disseminating change, and anchoring the change within the organization. Adoption
of change management practices increases the odds of success because focus is
placed on the people in the organization who make things happen. (Prathiba
Varkey,2010). 37 respondent are totally disagree with the statement of “quality
improvement only involves managers” because for the improvement of the quality in
any hospital or company, the changes need to be made by all of the people who
worked in the company to achieve the quality improvement.

In Andora, they provide a formal training for the staff because at least the staff
can know the quality improvement methods and also frameworks. So, all 50
respondent were go with “YES” on going a Plan-Do-Study-Act training. The PDSA
cycle is shorthand for testing a change. by planning it, trying it, observing the results,
and acting on what is learned. This is the scientific method, used for action-oriented

Figure 1 Shows the PDSA model

(Institute of Health Care Improvement,2020)

Next, with the total of 47 respondent were totally said “YES” to the
balanced scorecard lean six sigma because the Balanced Scorecard Institute says
that it is “a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively
in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to
align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve
internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance
against strategic goals.” Developed by Dr. Robert Kaplan and David Norton, this
approach draws heavily from the pioneering work done in General Electric back
in the 1990s that changed the way companies looked at factories, supply chains
and business statistics. What used to be a simple way to categorize feedback
and give numerical value to actual business growth in several aspects, the
balanced scorecard approach is now a full strategic planning and management
system (Lean Six Sigma Belgium, 2020)

Most of the staff have the experience of using the quality improvement
tools in their working. First tools is brainstorming. Mostly, all of the company
applying the brainstorming in their daily work life because the brainstorming
was the ways that can help to improve quality of works and help to hear for
others opinion. The cause and effect diagrams also often be used by the staff in
Andora Princess Hospitals. The cause and effect diagram is sometimes called an
Ishikawa diagram after its inventor. It is also known as a fish bone diagram
because of its shape. A cause and effect diagram describes a relationship
between variables. The major areas of potential causes are shown as the main
bones such materials, methods, people, measurement, machines, and design
(Ashweni Sahni, 1998) The usage of the ‘Five Whys” also often been used
because the five whys help the staff to keep questioning on their self to make
sure that they do much better works on the others day.
Figure 2 shows the example of Five Whys problems

Andora also applying the usage of the Gantt Chart because the gantt
chart help to improve skill and work-done for the staff which help to track
the work-flow. A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project
schedule, named after its inventor, Henry Gantt (1861–1919), who designed
such a chart around the years 1910–1915. Modern Gantt charts also show
the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule
status (Gant HL, 1910)

The check sheet and control chart are also applied in Andora staf work
performance which the check sheet are help organize data by category.
They show how many times each particular value occurs, and their
information is increasingly helpful as more data are collected. More than 50
observations should be available to be charted for this tool to be really
useful. Check sheets minimize clerical work since the operator merely adds
a mark to the tally on the prepared sheet rather than writing out a figure.
Thus kind of tools really helping doctors on tracking patients performance
day by day. The control chart often be used especially by the maternity
department because this kind of control chart help to track the growth flow
of the baby and also pregnant mother. Besides, the control chart also used
for the baby growth plan to know the growth improvement in medical check
up. According to the Shewhart concept of common cause and special cause
variation, common causes are an inherent part of a system or process that
impact all stakeholders and outcomes at all times; special causes arise from
specific circumstances that impact only a subset of people or outcomes.
During improvement initiatives, health systems can use the distinction
between common and special cause variation to identify changes that will
result in improvement and assess how effectively these changes improve a
process (Llyod Provost, 2018)
Figure 3 are example of control chart for baby growth.

Pareto chart, run chart and scattered diagrams are rarely used in hospitals
because the such chart normally used by the economic part because more easy
to be tracked but the pareto chart sometimes used by the top of management in
the hospitals. Such to track the satisfaction of the patients.
5.0 Suggest the possible SPC charts to be constructed.

I would like to suggest to use the variable control chart because it used to
monitored continues values because for Andora Princess Hospital were actually want
to measure the quality characteristics which is quality improvement. The x - R chart
used to monitor the mean and range of a normally distributed variables
simultaneously, when samples are collected at regular intervals from
a business or industrial process. It is often used to monitor the variables data but the
performance of the x and R chart may suffer when the normality assumption is not

A control chart is a graph mainly derived from a normal distribution curve. The
y-axis denotes a quality characteristic or a particular characteristic of the product or
process, which is controlled and is marked in units, in which the test value is
expressed. The x-axis consists of time intervals or sample number. There is a center
line, which is the average of the value of the studied matter or may also indicate the
nominal value. The upper boundary characterizes the upper control limit (UCL),
while the lower designates the lower control limit (LCL), respectively. The gathered
data are plotted in sequence, and then, the pattern occurring on the chart is

In obtaining data from a process, sampling is performed by using small sample

sizes. Concerning small samples, sensitivity of the control chart is increased by
statistical methods, and the warning limit and the action limit are combined to be
expressed as UCL and LCL. So, if a value gets close to one of these limits, it is
understood that it is not needed to stop production but search for the reason of this
variation and to correct it. Likewise, if a value crosses one of these limits, action has
to be taken and production must be stopped before searching. Sensitivity, sample
size, and sampling frequency (specific and equal time intervals) are important factors
regarding the performance of the control chart. Sampling frequency must be in
accordance with the production processes (Nefise Gonul, 2017)

1. Construct the control chart. Explain why you choose variable chart instead of
attribute chart and vice versa.

I prefer to choose variables chart because variables control charts plot

continuous measurement process data, such as length or pressure, in a time-ordered
sequence. In contrast, attribute control charts plot count data, such as the number
of defects or defective units. Variables control charts, like all control charts, help you
identify causes of variation to investigate, so that you can adjust your process
without over-controlling it. There are two main types of variables control charts:
charts for data collected in subgroups and charts for individual measurements. Each
point on the graph represents a subgroup; that is, a group of units produced under
the same set of conditions. For example, you want to chart a particular
measurement from your process. If you collect and measure five parts every hour,
your subgroup size would be 5. Variables control charts for subgroups include Xbar,
R, S, and Zone.

a) Respondent Department
b) Respondent Position

c) Improvement Control Chart

2. Interpret your chart. Is you process statistically controlled?

Based on the chart, the process were statistically control. Because the most of
the point are near to the average. For three of the chart, all of the point really near
to the average this is what can be sure that the chart are actually is statistically
controlled. The point is not going beyond the limit. A special cause is present in the
process if any points fall above the upper control limit or below the lower control
limit. Action should be taken to find the special cause and permanently remove it
from the process. If there is a point beyond the control limits, there is no need to
apply the other tests for out of control situations. Points on the control limits are not
considered to be out of statistical control. For the chart A, most of the respondent
were taking part. Even its was not complete as it should but the participating of each
department can really shows that the data can be said as statistically control because
all of the respondent by all the department are not left behind. All have their own
representative to answers the survey . For the chart B, most of the point also near to
the average point which means that the number of the respondent are actually was
distributed fairly for ach position. So, that why the point near to the average point.
Finally, the chart C, shows the amount of the respondent on using the improvement
control chart. In hospitals, the improvement tools been used most of the time by
every department based on need. Some of department are not using certain chart
for their daily work progress and some was yes. But still the amount are near to the
average point and not going beyond than it should.
3. Make suggestions on how to control, monitor and improve your processes based
on your findings.
Andora Princess Hospital are actually need to make sure that all of the staff be
given training recently. This is to make sure that the staff will always remember the
usage of the improvement quality control in the hospital which finally can lead to the
improvement of the performance. Based oh the data that collected, most of the
higher management applying the tools of quality improvement which mean the
quality improvement tools just be applied by the upper management. The exposure
to the others staff in the hospitals should be given in term to make them know what
have the top management done to make sure the performance of the Andora
Princess Hospital will be increases. Sure that, if this been applied to Andora staff the
chart going to be more near to the average point.

Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management Reduces Total Cost of Care.

The first example is a recent project to improve patient outcomes and reduce cost
where Andora Princess Hospitals leveraged their analytics system to demonstrate
the impact of their pharmacist-led medication therapy management (MTM) in
reducing the total cost of care. In order to reduce medication-related adverse events
the health system initially considered expanding the involvement of pharmacists
performing medication therapy management (MTM) to a group of Medicaid patients
covered by a shared-risk contract. Before making this decision and developing a
comprehensive business plan, the health system wanted to better demonstrate the
unique impact pharmacists were making on patient outcomes. The health
system leveraged its analytics platform (Health Catalyst, 2019)

Boosting Readiness and Change Competencies Key to Successfully Reducing

Clinical Variation. This example of clinical quality improvement in healthcare comes
from UnityPoint Health, a healthcare system serving Iowa, western Illinois, and
southern Wisconsin. System leaders recognized the importance of reducing clinical
variation and the need to have strong physician champions and robust analytic to
effectively support improvement efforts. However, they also realized that without
understanding organizational strengths and weaknesses related to adopting change
and improving outcomes, they would struggle to successfully implement initiatives
that delivered the desired benefits and sustained improvements over time. (Health
Catalyst, 2019) By boosting the competency of the hospitals, the performance can
easily being boosted too. So, what Andora need to is do something that might boost
the quality of the performance which is lead to changes. The changes are not on
depends on manager or only upper class will do but all the staff need to play as the
main role to make sure that the quality improvement.

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