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Accred Qual Assur (2001) 6 : 20–25

Q Springer-Verlag 2001 GENERAL PAPER

Thomas P. J. Linsinger Homogeneity and stability of reference

Jean Pauwels
Adriaan M. H. van der Veen materials
Heinz Schimmel
Andrée Lamberty

Received: 25 April 2000

Abstract Homogeneity and stabili- urement (GUM). In many cases,
Accepted: 12 September 2000 ty are two crucial characteristics of homogeneity and stability studies
any certified reference material fail to give sufficient quantitative
Presented at Analytica Conference 2000, (CRM). Utmost care must be tak- information on homogeneity and
11–14 April 2000, Munich, Germany en during preparation to create stability, mainly because of a lack
materials as homogeneous and sta- of measurement repeatability and
T.P.J. Linsinger 7 J. Pauwels (Y) ble as possible. Degradation can insufficient number of replicates.
H. Schimmel 7 A. Lamberty
European Commission, Joint Research
generally be minimised by reducing In this work, some solutions to
Centre, Institute for Reference Materials the water activity of the material to these problems and their implica-
and Measurements (IRMM), 2440 Geel, a level between 0.15 and 0.35. tions are presented.
Belgium However, careful preparation by it-
e-mail: self is not enough. Positive demon- Keywords Uncertainty 7
Tel.: c32–14–571 722
Fax: c32–14–590 406 stration of homogeneity and stabil- Homogeneity 7 Stability 7
ity is required from the perspective Certified reference material
A.M.H. van der Veen
Nederlands Meetinstituut,
of implementing uncertainty cal-
Schoemakerstraat 97, 2600 AR Delft, culus according to the Guide to the
The Netherlands Expression of Uncertainty in Meas-

This not only includes the uncertainty of the batch

Introduction characterisation (uchar), but also all uncertainties re-
In the past, certification of reference materials was lated to possible between-bottle variation (ubb), insta-
largely understood as a process of assigning a value to a bility upon long-term storage (ults) and instability dur-
material. Little emphasis was given to characteristics ing transport to the customer (usts). The combined
like homogeneity or stability and very few attempts standard uncertainty for a CRM can thus be expressed
have been made to include possible effects of inhomo- as shown in Eq. (1) [3].
geneity and degradation in certified reference material
uCRM p [u 2charcu 2bbcu 2ltscu 2sts] 1/2 (1)
(CRM) uncertainty, even if this was suggested [1]. With
increasing emphasis on uncertainty estimations for ana- Existing ISO Guides like ISO Guide 31 [4] and ISO
lytical measurements, there is also a clear need for un- Guide 34 [5] explicitly require inclusion of uncertainties
certainty estimations for CRMs. As the number of connected to homogeneity and stability in the com-
CRMs with limited homogeneity and/or stability also bined standard uncertainty. They urge certifying bodies
increases, there is also from the viewpoint of the CRM to state shelf-lives for their CRMs, in order to inform
producer an additional reason to establish a complete the user about the expected lifetime of the CRM. Prac-
uncertainty statement, including the contributions from tical models exist for estimation of the uncertainty of
homogeneity and stability. From a perspective of the the batch characterisation, based on the analytical re-
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement sults submitted [1, 6] or an approach based on the full
(GUM) [2], the uncertainty of a CRM should take into uncertainty budgets submitted by the participants [7].
account all uncertainty sources relevant to the user. Some approaches have also been suggested for the

evaluation of homogeneity studies [8, 9] that give useful Obviously, microbiological degradation will not oc-
results for studies in which the observed inhomogeneity cur at water activities below 60%. Degradation due to
is at least of the same order of magnitude as the repea- enzymatic activity and non-enzymatic browning are
tability of measurement. As for the estimation of shelf- very low at water activities below 30%. The autoxida-
life, Pauwels et al. [10] concluded that approaches used tion rate is lowest for water activities between 15 and
in industry are not suitable for the estimation of shelf- 40%. This means that degradation actually increases if
life of CRMs because measurement variation is usually the material is dried too much. Apart from autoxida-
large compared to the effect (degradation) to be deter- tion, other effects like condensation reactions are possi-
mined. ble at too low water activities. Taking these considera-
tions into account , water activities between 0.15 and
0.30 appear to ensure the minimum possible degrada-
Preparation of materials tion rate. Adjusting the material to a higher water ac-
tivity than technically possible has another advantage:
Preparation should be done in a way to ensure minim- the material is not so hygroscopic, thus facilitating han-
isation of heterogeneity and instability, in conjunction dling of the material. Care should be taken to store the
with improvement of the mechanical properties of the material at the correct temperature from a very early
material. Care should be taken to avoid contamination, point in the production process. Doing so minimises the
which could introduce inhomogeneities to an otherwise probability of starting degradation processes.
homogeneous material. The material should then be
transformed into an optimal physical and chemical
form. To keep the material in this form, it should be Homogeneity testing
sampled in a tight and inert container. Experience at
the Institute for Reference Materials and Measure- In homogeneity testing, there are two types of homo-
ments (IRMM) shows that very few containers stay air- geneity of importance. First, there is the within-bottle
tight over longer periods of time, especially at very low homogeneity, which dictates the minimum sample in-
temperatures. To minimise degradation the water con- take, for which the established uncertainty is still valid.
tent of the material is frequently reduced to a very low Secondly, there is the between-bottle homogeneity,
level. However, water activity, not total water content which deals with the bottle-to-bottle (or, more general,
is the relevant parameter, especially for microbiological unit-to-unit) variation. The common element in both
degradation. Water activity is defined as the relative types of experiments is that a separation between the
humidity with which a material is in equilibrium. A de- effect (heterogeneity) and the variability of measure-
piction of various degradation rates versus water activi- ment should be established. In order to do so, it is most
ty is shown in Fig. 1. advantageous to carry out a within-bottle homogeneity
study with a very small amount of sample, so that the
between-portions effect can be quantified. After com-
pleting the test, the minimum sample intake can then
be calculated.
For a between-bottle homogeneity test, it is most ad-
vantageous to take the optimal sample intake for the
chosen method to minimise analytical variation. It
stands to reason that this intake should be larger than
the minimum sample intake described above. When be-
tween-unit variation should be quantified, the two
effects can be separated by analysis of variance
(ANOVA) [9] or an ANOVA-like approach [8] as
shown in Eq. (2) [9].

u 2c,bb p s 2bbcs 2meas (2)

In Eq. (2), uc,bb is the combined uncertainty of the

between-unit experiment, expressed as the uncertainty
on a single unit; sbb is the variation between units and
smeas is the variation of the measurement. smeas is the
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of different possibilities of dete-
rioration with respect to the equilibrium relative humidity at
intrinsic variability of the method (smethod) divided by
Tpconst., whereby the axis “water content” is only with respect the square root of n, the number of replicates per unit.
to the sorption isotherm; Figure taken from [13] sbb is the estimate for the variation in the material.

will be given. In the cases considered here, this estima-

Homogeneity contribution to CRM uncertainty tor for ubb avoids the problems associated with using
sbb from ANOVA directly as estimator.
The concepts for the separation of between-unit varia-
Assuming a homogeneity study with a fully nested
bility from an analytical variability require that both
design, in which k units of the batch are analysed in n
are at least of the same order of magnitude. This is in
replicates each. The experiment is evaluated through
principle always feasible, as measurement variability
ANOVA as described by Van der Veen et al. [10] and
can be decreased to any level desired by performing
sbb can be estimated as:
several replicates on an individual unit (increasing n).
However, sometimes this is not possible due to limited
resources (amount of material, time, labour, etc.). If sbb
as obtained from an ANOVA-approach is found to be
sbb p " MS among PMSwithin

(close to) zero, two conclusions are possible: ubb Now, the impact of MSwithin on sbb must be deter-
(Eq. .1) can be assumed to be negligible (mathematical- mined. The uncertainty of MSwithin can be expressed
ly: 0) if the material is known to be homogeneous, thus as:
accepting the value of sbb. This might be the case for
solutions, and for matrix CRMs from which experience
has shown that they indeed can be prepared in such a
u (MSwithin) p " 2 MS 2within
, (5)
way that heterogeneity can effectively be reduced to
(approximately) zero. with nMSwithin being the degrees of freedom of MSwithin,
Otherwise, a more conservative estimate for ubb may as the variance of a variance is equal to 2s 4/n [14]. Us-
be considered. This has been proposed by Pauwels et ing standard uncertainties, the maximum value MSamong
al. [8] to be the uncertainty of sbb (named ubetw in [8]) is therefore MSwithincu(MSwithin) in case where
and an approximation for u(sbb) was given. Although MSamongpMSwithin. This leads to a “corrected”
this approximation yields reasonable results, it is not MSamong
consistent with the definition of sbb and is likely to be
too optimistic.
There are however other alternatives. The simplest
MS*amongpMSwithinc " 2 MS 2within

option is to adopt uc,bb from Eq. (2) as estimator for ubb Inserting the result from Eq. (6) in Eq. (4) gives:
in Eq. (1). This option is very straightforward, and it is 4
easily seen that it fully complies with the definition of a
(combined) standard uncertainty. The greatest draw-
u*bbp " MSwithin
n "n 2
MS within
back is that this estimator does not take into account
the fact, that a substantial part of uc,bb will come from Equation (7) can therefore be used to estimate max-
the measurement, rather than from heterogeneity. imum between-bottle variability that could be masked
The problem of obtaining variances from ANOVA by method variation. Unless additional knowledge
close to zero, or even negative, has been discussed in about CRM homogeneity is available or the certifica-
literature. This problem is closely associated to the tion was organised in a way that the influence of meas-
problem outlined already: the variance is obtained as a urement variability was included in other components
difference of two mean squares, and so there is a de- of CRM uncertainty, Eq. (7) can be used as an estimate
pendence of sbb on smeas. One possible way to appre- for the impact of analytical variability on sbb as ob-
ciate this is to use an expression from Federer [11]: tained from ANOVA, which can be used as the lower
limit for ubb.
Frequently, a different set-up for homogeneity stud-
" MS PMSwithin MSwithin P MS among
ubb p c e MSwithin (3) ies is used (BCR-type): N units are analysed once (esti-
n n mation of uc,bb) and one unit is analysed in n-replicates
(estimation of smethod). Using the method shown above,
where MSamong represents the mean squares ‘among the following result is obtained:
groups’ and MSwithin represents mean squares within
groups. For cases where MSamong 1 MSwithin, within in-
creasing MSamong, Federer’s estimator for ubb tends to
bbpsmeas "n 2 smeas
the value obtained from ANOVA. For small values of
MSamong, a “correction” takes place, primarily to avoid smeasis in this case equal to the smethod, as only one repli-
negative estimators for the among-group variance, in cate per bottle was performed. nsmeas is n-1, the degrees
the present case, sbb 2. of freedom for the determination of this standard de-
Here, a new estimate of the impact of analytical var- viation. As ;(MSwithin/n) is equal to smeas, the two re-
iability on sbb, which can be used as estimator for ubb sults are obviously the same.

Consequently, Eqs. (7) and (8) can be used as mini-

mum uncertainty contributions from the homogeneity
study to the combined standard uncertainty of the ref-
erence material. This does not apply for cases in which
additional knowledge proves homogeneity or the in-
fluence of measurement variability was taken into con-
sideration elsewhere, or additional evidence can be
provided that inhomogeneity in the system could have
been removed effectively. It may be argued that the in-
fluence of measurement variability (u bb ) should always
be added to sbb rather than following the approach of
Eqs. (7) and (8). For nested designs, ubb would then be
estimated as Eq. (9):


ubb p s 2bb c
7 "n 2
MS within

As can be seen in Figs. 2 and 3, differences are negli- Fig. 3 Estimated sbb vs. true sbb for BCR-type homogeneity stud-
gible apart from cases where sbb;smeas. Taking into ies. Standard deviation of the method (smethod)p1; The dotted line
shows estimated sbb for nmethodp5 if the contribution of method
consideration that Eqs. (7) and (8) are conservative es- repeatability is always added to sbb. Dashed lines show lower
timations anyway, it does not seem necessary to do so, boundaries for the estimated sbb for nmethodp9 and 19
although certification bodies can of course opt for this
slightly more conservative option, which has the advan-
tage to be continuous in contrast to the change from sbb measurements for the determination of smethod. Fully
to u*b b depending on what is larger. The most important nested ANOVA gives generally smaller uncertainty es-
argument for using Eq. (9) is found in the fact that it is timates: assume a case where Np10 bottles are ana-
easier to implement in software environments as lysed once and one bottle is analysed in 10 replicates
Eq. (9) is still valid for sbb 1 0, whereas the approxima- (nsmeasp9). With smethodp1, u*b b is 0.69. However, if 20
tions given by Eqs. (7) and (8) will loose their validity measurements are performed in a way that 10 bottles
with increasing sbb. are analysed in 2 replicates each, minimum estimate for
As can be seen in Fig. 3, u*b b can be decreased in sbbp 0.47. For the same number of measurements, per-
BCR-type homogeneity studies by performing more forming the study in a way that can be evaluated by
ANOVA gives a lower minimum uncertainty, because
of the decreased smeas (smethod/;n). Still, the approxi-
mation presented here for estimating ubb by u*b b should
not be used as a replacement for proper homogeneity
studies. Figure 3 clearly shows that investments in ho-
mogeneity studies pay off in terms of better reliability
of the results, and smaller uncertainties, even in cases
where despite all efforts a proper quantification of the
between-bottle homogeneity variance is not possible.
In those cases, the more conservative approach as pro-
posed is a better alternative than to forget altogether
about certification due to problems in the homogeneity

Stability testing

Two types of stability tests should be performed: one

study at elevated temperature to elucidate whether any
Fig. 2 Estimated sbb vs. true sbb for analysis of variance degradation can be expected during transport. This
(ANOVA)-type homogeneity studies. Standard deviation of the study will usually be of short duration, typically not
methodpMSWp1. The dotted line shows estimated sbb for np2
if the contribution of method repeatability is always added to sbb
longer than 4 weeks. Based on the results of this study,
(Eq. 9) Dashed lines show lower boundaries for the estimated sbb transport conditions must be chosen that ensure that
for np3 and np4 the contribution of short-term stability is negligible. In

these cases, usts can be eliminated from Eq. (1), al- viation as conservative estimate of the degradation
though the same case should be taken as in the case of rate, an uncertainty “triangle” such as shown in Fig. 4
the homogeneity study. The approaches as presented is calculated.
for the homogeneity study are equally valid to stability A shelf-life is chosen and ults is directly obtained
studies, but also the “clause” that the context in which from this uncertainty triangle. In the absence of real de-
the measurements take place as well as the true trans- gradation, the size of ults depends on between-bottle
port conditions should govern the choice made. and analytical variation, because both might mimic de-
A second study must be performed at storage tem- gradation. Between-bottle variation can be minimised
perature to obtain information about the stability dur- by careful preparation. Analytical variation itself can
ing storage. Simulation of long-term storage by harsh be reduced by using either a method with less variation
conditions is usually not appropriate, as the degrada- or by the isochronous measurement scheme [12], in
tion mechanism might change. The attempt to estimate which repeatability rather than reproducibility condi-
stability data by extrapolating data from higher temper- tions are applied. The influence of analytical variation
atures via the Arrhenius-equation is therefore not rec- can be reduced further by performing higher numbers
ommended, as usually the processes underlying stabili- of replicates per time and by increasing the length of
ty problems are too complex to be modelled. Usually the stability study.
stability should therefore be evaluated at storage tem-
Usually, a stability study consists of a series of meas- Conclusion
urements performed at different times. If the temporal
trend is significant, uncertainty of stability is evaluated Certification of a material consists of four compo-
by regression analysis. For insignificant trends, the nents:
measurements can be evaluated through ANOVA [15] 1) Careful preparation and bottling of the material
or through regression analysis. However, in many cases 2) Homogeneity testing using an design optimised to
these evaluations will not yield quantitative results, es- give positive proof of homogeneity
pecially if the material was prepared in a way to ensure 3) Stability testing using a design optimised to give po-
optimal stability as described above. The frequency of sitive proof of stability
this situation can be avoided by choosing highly repeat- 4) Value assignment to the batch.
able methods, higher number of replicates or isochron- These four components are equally important and
ous studies [12]. Still, for several studies the problems putting less emphasis on any one of them will result in a
of how to estimate the uncertainty contribution of sta- significant decrease of the quality of the material.
bility if no degradation can be shown will remain. One When evaluating CRM uncertainty, uncertainties de-
possible solution is described in detail by Linsinger et rived from stability and homogeneity must be included,
al. [16]: Following the same line of reasoning as for the and sometimes even the analytical variation in these ex-
homogeneity study, the influence of the measurement
variability on the estimate of the degradation rate is
calculated. This is in this case the standard deviation of
the slope of the regression line. Using this standard de-

Fig. 5 Contribution of individual uncertainty components to cer-

Fig. 4 Results of a simulated stability study. The data shown are, tified reference materials (CRM) uncertainty for total glucosino-
the assumed regression line with a slope of 0 and the ults-“trian- late in CRM BCR 190R (TG/CRM 190R), arsenic in CRM
gle”. The latter was obtained by multiplication of B the standard BCR278R (As/CRM 278R) and manganese in CRM BCR 185R
deviation of the slope with the time. Depending on the chosen (Mn/CRM278R). Shown are individual uncertainty components
shelf-life, ults decreases or increases and combined uncertainty

periments should be appreciated when estimating these the number of measurements. The work clearly demon-
uncertainty components. These contributions are fre- strates the direct relationship between the combined
quently more important than uncertainty from the standard uncertainty of the candidate CRM and the in-
characterisation of the batch, as can be seen typical ex- vestments done in the homogeneity and stability stud-
amples in Fig. 5. ies. The work also shows that if – despite all efforts –
For homogeneity testing and stability testing, highly the analytical variance plays a dominant role in this
repeatable methods should be chosen. If these are not stage of the certification project, there are still options
available, repeatability can be improved by increasing available, but at a higher ‘price’ (puncertainty).

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