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Because she's only seeing the blue car
Yes, purse, dress and shoes.
emanating smoke, but she don't realize
she's also harming the environment by
consuming big amounts of plastic.
Therefore, I don't think she's right when
she says she cares about the
environment. Yes, I use everything.
I've started using reusable bags.

I think that green chemists should try to make safer everything, because all of these products are affecting the environment.
has been growing. can cause global warming.
The increase in Earth's temperatures can be caused
by the use of fossils fuels. Global warming is a serious problem
The use of oil between 1850 and 2010 has grown 70
times. Products should be made cleaner and safer to use.
World temperatures are higher now than 100 years ago.

transport (bus and my father's car), perfumes, Many everyday products are made with petroleum.
lotions, body creams, toothpaste, clothes, plastic Burning fossil fuels pollutes the air.
bags, glasses, pens, shampoo, etc. Global warming is causing changes in the world's

Synthesizing information from different sources helps me to be more informed about a

topic and have a complete view of it.

1,2, 3

1, 4

1, 2, 4

Yes, I use biodegradable bags from the supermarkets,

a cuttingboard made of wood and recycled clothes.

c Green chemistry

b Green products
Biofuels use renewable resources.

The production of biofuels follows several important green

chemistry principles.
Producing biofuels has some negative effects.

We get many things from it, it's easier to use and it's cheaper. Petroleum causes global warming.

Biofuels causes less pollution and it's renewable.

Biofuels produce air pollution, higher prices for food, deforestation of the Rainforest.
The advantages and disadvantages of WVO.
Oil that comes from fast food restaurants.
WVO comes from cooking oil used in restaurants.

The United States produced 11 billion liters of WVO in 2000.

A lot of non new plants have to grow to make WVO.

Dr. Schultz works with communities and companies that want to use WVO.

Some cars need a special part to use WVO.

He suggests that people think chemists don't get excited and

they're always serious.

He suggests that American people eat a lot of fried food or they

don't have a very healthy diet.

WBO doesn't cost anything


Some difficulty with cleaning

Needs a special part to put
in the car

Oil is only used to drive cars. Disagree

Causes pollution, deforestation,
and prices of food rise

All of them.
In my opinion, WVO is better than other biofuels because it's
clean and safe to use as it doesn't cause pollution, so it's
better for the environment.

We can star using solar and wind energy to create electricity for our homes.
Poliakoff didn't know how to simply explain green chemistry.
He useda plastic bags as an example. Because he could
explain why making bags from sugarcanes is better than the ones made from petroleum.
This example helps Poliakoff to explain green chemistry simply.
Yes, because it follows the goals of green chemistry.
- Make bags from petroleum. - Make bags from sugarcane; they produce
- They buy oil from other countries to this source in great amounts.

produce plastic bags. - Animals like cows can benefit from these bags,

- People from Ethiopia throw plastic bags because they can eat them.
- There would not be pollution of bags
on the street.
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems the world is facing nowadays;
each year, people use about 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags and throw away
about 4 billion.

Earthnest produces carrier bags from natural materials.

Their carbon footprint is lowered, and they do not pollute the environment.
They biodegrade in 3-4 months, leaving no toxic residues.
If an animal eats one of these bags, it won’t be harmed because the products are
made non-poisonous materials

Earthnest is a helpful resource to deal with the alarming problem of plastic since the
bags they manufacture follow the principles of green chemistry: they are 100 percent
biodegradable and pollution-free.

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