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This Specification covers the requirement for:
a) The Design and Detailing of Steel Structures

2.1 All design calculations shall be carried out in the MKS/SI System.
2.2 All levels and co-ordinates quoted on drawings shall be in metres (m).
2.3 All dimensions stated on Drawings shall be in millimetres (mm).


Datum level EL100.000 corresponds to UNDERSIDE OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION FOR THE

All Plant levels shall be given in EL with respect to the above mentioned datum level as


4.1 Design shall be in accordance with of the Standards and Codes of Practice including
the amendments as described below :
4.1.1 Loading

ASCE 7.05 Minimum Design Loads For Buildings And Other Structures Steel

AISC 360-05 Specification For Structural Steel Buildings

AISC 341-05 Seismic Provisions For Structural Steel Buildings (if applicable)

5.1 Site and Climatic Data
The following data represents the best that is currently available.
5.1.1 Ambient Temperature (°C)

Minimum Design Temperature -20oC

Maximum Design Temperature 41oC

5.2 Wind Data
Average Design Temperature at 30oC – Client to be
the time of erection Basic Wind Velocity
Confirm 20 m/sec
5.3 Earthquake Data
Ss = 0.339 – Client to be confirm
S1 = 0.067–Client to be confirm

6.1 Plant Location
The site is located at Angren of Tashkent Region, Republic Of Uzbekistan.
ZIP Code : 110200
Latitude & Longitude : 40.7702 & -73.7101
Elevation : 947m above mean sea level.

6.2 Geotechnical Data

As per the State Planning And Research Institute Of Engineering Survey in
Construction, Geoinformation and Town Planning Cadastre report, the Sub-soil
Profile consists of mostly of filled up soilwithin the top 0.73 to 0.7m depth and
reddish pebbles with sand gravel filter below approximately 1.0m depth extending
to up to 3.0m depth.
Such a soil may be classified as Site Class C (Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock) as per
Table 20.3-1 of ASCE 7.05.
Hence Site Classification = C

7.1 Structural Steelwork Sections
Indian sections may be used for all elements of the structure. All Indian sections
and angles shall conform to IS 808.
7.2 Structural Steelwork Grades
Indian sections shall be of designation E250C (Fe 410 WC) conforming to IS 2062 up
to 40mm thick. For plates greater than 40 thick, steel shall be grade E250C (Fe
410WC). Yield stress shall be as per the following:
Below 20 mm thick 250 N/mm2
20 mm to 40mm thick 240 N/mm2
Above 40 mm thick 230 N/mm2

7.3 Structural Work

 30 thkms gratings shall be used for floorings.
 All connections shall generally be of bolted construction.
7.4 Bolts
All structural connections shall be designed using grade C bolts complying with IS:
1363 & IS: 1367 Property Class 4.6 or Property Class 8.8 where required.


8.1 Scope
This section specifies the minimum wind, seismic, dead and imposed loads to be
used in the design of all structures.
8.2 Wind Loading
8.2.1 Scope
This section specifies the method of assessing the loading due to wind, to
be used in the design of structures.
8.2.2 Wind Code
Wind loading shall be calculated in accordance with ASCE 7.05.
8.2.3 Major Equipment
Wind load on Vessels or other large equipment supported on a structure
shall be calculated separately and be additive in computing the total wind
load only when projecting outside the structural envelope.
8.2.4 Piping
Hydrotreter – Wind load on piping shall be apply as 20% of exposed frame
area upto second floor, and above it consider - 10% of exposed frame area.
Distillation – Wind load on piping shall be apply as 20% of exposed frame
area upto third floor, and above it consider - 10% of exposed frame area

8.2.5 Wind Induced Deflections

The horizontal displacement of members due to wind loading shall not
exceed the following:
Main vertical members of any structure unless noted below H/200
Where H is height above grade to point considered
Note: For deflections of members under gravity loading see Section 11.1.
8.2.6 Wind Force Coefficients
The following wind force coefficients shall be considered as per ASCE 7.05.

Exposure Category C
Directionality Factor, Kd 0.85
Topography Factor, Kzt 1.0
Gust Factor, G 0.85
Importance Factor, I (for 1.0
occupancy category –Client
to be confirm

8.3 Seismic Loading

8.3.1 General
Earthquake forces shall not be considered to act at the same time as wind forces.

The applicable loading condition due to earthquake or wind forces shall be used to

give the most stringent design conditions.

Earthquake loading shall be applied to each principal axis of the structure

or the building. The loading shall be considered as acting in only one plane
at a time.
8.3.2 Codes
Seismic load shall be calculated in accordance with ASCE 7.05.

Ss = 0.339– Client to be confirm

S1 = 0.067–Client to be confirm

Site Classification – C
Occupancy Category - II–Client to be confirm

Importance Factor, I = 1.0 (Table 11.5-1)

Fa = 1.2 as per Table 11.4-1
Fv = 1.7 as per Table 11.4-2

SMS = Fa x Ss = 1.2 x 0.339 = 0.4068

SM1 = Fv x S1 = 1.7 x 0.067 = 0.1139
SDS = 2/3 x SMS= 2/3 x 0.4068 = 0.2712
SD1 = 2/3 x SM1= 2/3 x 0.1139 = 0.076

Seismic Design Category Based On SDS

As per Table 11.6-1,
For Occupancy Category II and SDS = 0.2712,
Seismic Design Category = B

Seismic Design Category Based On SDS

As per Table 11.6-2,
For Occupancy Category II and SD1 = 0.076,
Seismic Design Category = B


As per explanatory note given in AISC 360-10 to clause A1.1., the design
of buildings in seismic design categories B and C may be based on AISC
360 provided the R value used in the calculations of seismic load is taken
as R=3.

Hence Response Modification Factor, R = 3

8.4 Dead Laods

Load of grating on the structure, in addition to the self weight of the structure shall
be considered as dead load. The self weight of the grating shall be taken as
0.50kN/sq.m. The maximum span of grating shall be limited to 1.50m.

8.5 Live Loads

The live load on the grated area and staircases shall be applied at 3.0 kN/sq.m.

8.6 Equipment Loads (Empty, Operating & Hydro-test)

Weights of equipments in empty, operating and hydro-test conditions shall be
applied separately. The weights shall be as given on the vessel/equipment drawings
or as per the vessel / equipment loading data sheet.

8.7 Piping Loads (Operating)

Weights of piping for Hydrotrer ,shall be considered as uniformly distributed load
of 1.5 kN/sq.m. uptosecond floor and 1.0 kN/sq.m. forthird floor.
And for Distillation, shall be considered as uniformly distributed load of 1.5
kN/sq.m. upto third floor and 1.0 kN/sq.m. for fourth floor.

Piping loads in staircase bays need not be considered.

8.8 Piping Loads (Hydrotest)

Separate operating and hydro weights of piping to be considered on the structure.

8.9 Piping Loads (Empty)

Self weights of piping shall be considered as 40% of full of water weights.

8.10 Piping Loads (Horizontal frictional)

Horizontal frictional piping loads of magnitude 15% of the piping operating weight
shall be applied in either horizontal direction.
8.11 Piping Loads (Anchor Load)
In absence of stress analysis of the piping loads, the anchor loads need not be
applied during the initial analysis. After the piping stress analysis is completed, the
piping anchor loads shall be applied at the appropriate locations. The uniformly
distributed loads applied during the initial analysis shall be reduced appropriately
as advised by the piping engineer. The structure shall be re-checked and necessary
changes and/or modifications to the structure shall be done to cater for these
anchor loads if required.

8.12 Contingency Loading

The beams in floors, platforms and walkways shall be designed for a point load
which is to be applied in the worst position on the member under consideration
for bending moment and for end reactions. This load is NOT to be taken as
cumulative to supporting beams and columns. This load shall also NOT be
combined with other loads. This load shall be treated only as a minimum load for
which any member shall be designed.
The following point loads are to be applied:
a) Main Grid Beams 30kN
b) Secondary &Tertiarry Beams 20kN

Contingency loading is to ensure that even the smallest beams are large enough to
carry incidental loads from individual pipes. Judgment may be exercised in the
application of this loading.On major beams, where it would represent only a tiny
percentage of the total load, it may be ignored.

8.13 Snow Loads

Since the plant structures are open structures, snow loads are not applicable.

8.14 Ice Loads

The ice load shall be determined using the weight of glaze ice formed on all
exposed surfaces of structural members. On structural shapes, the cross-sectional
area of the ice shall be determined by,
Ai = π x td x (Dc + td) - Clause 10.4.1
Dc shall be determined from Fig. 10-1 of ASCE 7.05 for various shapes.
td = 2.0 x t x Ii x fz x (Kzt)0.35
The latitude of the project site is N40.7702. On this latitude in Fig. 10-3 of ASCE
7.05, the maximum ice thickness (50 year mean recurrence interval uniform ice
thickness due to freezing rain) is 0.75” = 18mm thickness. The corresponding 3-
second gust speed is 40 mph = 18 m/s
Hence t = 18mm. (assumed)
Ii = 1.0 - Table 10-1 for Occupancy Category II
fz = (z/10)0.10 = (25/10)0.10 = 1.096 for ht 25m above ground -Clause 10.4.3
Kzt = 1.0 - as calculated in wind load calculation.
td = 2 x 18 x 1 x 1.096 x 1 = 39.5mm say 40mm.
To calculate the weight of ice, the density of ice shall be considered as 9.0 kN/m 3.

9. Load Combinations
Load combinations as specified in ASCE 7.05 shall be used.


This section deals with the way in which the design shall be carried out.
10.1 Codes of Practice
Designs shall comply with the appropriate code of practice, or design guides as
listed in Clause 4.
10.2 Structural Analysis
Generally, elastic analysis of braced frames, rigid-jointed frames and continuous
beams shall be carried out using approved computer software STAAD Pro V8i.
10.3 Method of design
STEEL : Allowable stress design (ASD) or Load & Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) in accordance with AISC 360-05.


This section specifies the design criteria to be used in the design of all structural works.
11.1 Structural Deflection
For buildings, process structures and pipe racks the limiting deflection of members
shall NOT exceed the values as given below:
Limiting vertical deflection shall be as follows -
For all beam members L/300
(In normal operation case only – not hydraulic test)
For Monorail Beams L/400
Cantilever Beams L/180
Limiting horizontal deflection shall be as follows -
Open Process Structures Height/200
Where L, is length of beam, or length between supports for multi-span beams

11.2 Structural Member Design Stresses

The imposed loadings applied to buildings and process structures invariably
increase during detail engineering. To allow for this potential growth all primary
and key secondary structural members shall be designed to a maximum utilization
factor of 0.85 during preliminary design.
On receipt of certified final loading data member stress levels shall be reviewed
and a threshold utilization factor of 1.0 used to determine member acceptability.
12.1 Materials
12.1.1 Flooring
30mm thick steel grating flooring (galvanised) shall be used for all external
plant access platforms.
12.1.2 Hand railing
The handrail shall be fabricated and erected by the client.
12.1.3 Minimum Material Thickness
The minimum thickness of any piece of steel, including webs and flanges of
structural members, structural fittings, and floor plate should be 6mm.
Special exceptions to this rule are:
Grating flooring main bars may be 5mm thick and transverse bars may be
6mm diameter bar or equivalent.
12.2 Access
12.2.1 Stairs and Walkways
All staircases shall be fabricated and erected by the client as per the local
rules and regulations. Load of the staircase and live load on the staircase
shall be applied on the structure. The frame (columns and beams)
supporting the staircase shall also be fabricated and erected by the client.
For load calculation purpose, the width of stair flight shall be considered as
12.2.2 Ladders
Ladders where required shall be fabricated and erected by the client as
per local rules and regulations.
12.2.3 Details
For open steel structure, compound members shall be arranged in such
manners that all unsealed surfaces are accessible for painting.
The minimum thickness of gusset plates and stiffeners shall be 8 mm.
Drain holes shall be provided to all water traps on both external and
enclosed structures.
12.2.4 Connections
All connections including bracing and column splices shall be of Class C
Grade 4.6 (or Grade 8.8 where required) for bolt 20mm Dia. and above.
All structural connections shall have a minimum of 2 numbers M20 bolts.
The feasibility, location of splices for major structures and constructability
of all structures and connections shall be checked at design stage and if
necessary member sizes increased to facilitate connection design.
12.2.5 Lifting Beams
All lifting beams shall be clearly marked with their safe working load. The
maximum deflection shall be 1/400 of span under the safe working load.


Surface preparation and painting on structural steel shall be as follows:
All structural steel surfaces shall be prepared with grit blasting to receive primer.
Primer : Zinc Silicate Primer DFT = 90 to 100 Micron

14. Minimum Design Metal Temp. (MDMT):

Minimum Design Metal Temp. (MDMT) is applicable at -28 Deg C.

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