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Classification of workers

1. Supervisory

2. Regular

Fixed-Term Employee

Why classify?
 First kind – for purposes of CBA
 Second kind – for purposes of security of tenure; all have security of
tenure except casual

How are they distinguished?

FTE vs Regular
FTE – has stipulated period, freely and voluntarily agreed upon by parties
- Has written agreement
Regular – has no written agreement

FTE – no EE relationship
Regular – has EE relationship
 How to determine existence of EE relationship – answer is four-fold test
 The mode of payment is not determinate of regularity of employment
 Can a party stipulate that there be no EE relationship? No, it is because
labor contract is imbued with public interest.
 How determine if there is EE relationship – by four-fold-test
 No written contract is necessary to establish EE relationship
 It is the factual circumstances that determine EE relationship
 There is probationary employment when there are standards given; said
standards must be reasonable and made known to the employee at the
time of hiring
 Term – does not exceed 6 months
 Second chance by extending the 6-month term to be informed to the
employee before the expiration of the initial 6-month term
 There is written agreement
 Can it exceed 6-month? Yes.
- When voluntarily agreed upon
- If stated in company policy
- If the work cannot be finished within 6 months

FTE vs Probationary
 FTE has no intention to make the employee, a regular one

Grounds for Termination of Probationary

 Just cause
 Authorized cause
 Failure to pass the reasonable standards made known to you

Procedural grounds in terminating probationary

 Required only if the cause of termination is just or authorized cause
- Twin-notice rule and notice to DOLE or notice to employee if just cause
 The employee can file illegal dismissal with prayer for reinstatement, to
see whether or not the standard made to him is reasonable;
reasonableness depends upon the factual circumstance of the case

Written agreement is required in-

 Probationary
 Project
 Seasonal
 Fixed-Term Employment

Steps to classify the kind of employment

1. Determine the nature of the job
2. Determine if the job or undertaking is within the regular business of the
 If the job undertaken is within the regular business of the employer, then
it is regular
 If the undertaking is temporary such as when the need arises then you
hire the said employee, then not regular
 Transmitter men, cameramen vs GMA network case
 Note – long period of time indicates regularity of employment
 Regular project employee

 FTE performs functions necessary and desirable to the business of the
employee, but is still not regulars
 The employment is up to a day certain or definite period, said day or
definite period being expressly agreed upon by the parties
 Case – Dean in private school is a FTE

 What is definite is the activity or project agreed upon by the parties

How to distinguish FTE from project

 In FTE, what is agreed upon is the day certain or period; whereas in
project is the activity or project agreed upon or subject matter of the

How about continued renewal of employment contract performing the same task
- It is a badge of regularity of employment

FTE – from the time illegal termination until the of expiration of the term
Project – from the time illegal termination until the completion of the project

 Requisites
1. The employee should perform work which should be seasonal in
2. The employee must have been employed for more than one season
 There is such things as regular seasonal employees
 During offseason, your employment is merely temporary suspended

Next meeting - termination

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