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POSITION: Teacher- I
SCHOOL: Pinasling Central Elem. School


Master Teacher II/LAC Leader

Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—face to-face (F2F)
learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words, define each modality. Write
your own definitions in your Study Notebook.


Face to Face Learning refers to Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) where education takes place in a
classroom setup. There is a physical interaction among the teacher and the pupils.

Distance Learning refer to Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) where education takes place outside the
school or classroom. There is no physical attendance, but virtual classes synchronously or asynchronously
are conducted.

Blended Learning refers to the combination of any of the Learning Delivery Modalities (LDMs) with the
absence of face to face learning education.

Homeschooling refers to the education that takes place at home with the guidance of the parents, guardians,
or authorized facilitators of learning

Now, answer this question:

Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning component? Write down your answer in your Study

Distance learning and Home Schooling are the two Learning Delivery Modalities without face to face
learning component.

Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum Requirements for Distance
Learning. As you go through the readings, complete the Distance Learning Matrix. Share your completed matrix at
your next LAC Session. Your goal is to come to a shared understanding with your peers on the different DL modalities
and their defining features and requirements.

Distance Learning Matrix

Distinguishing Essential Role of Parent or
TV-Based It refers to the use of TV/RBI shall be Teacher may share the TV Learners shall be directed to
Instruction television programs on implemented in areas channels intended for watch an educational TV
channels or stations with access to educational programs. program facilitated by DepEd.
(TVBI) dedicated to providing Television Networks
learning content to and with programs Guidance from
learners as a form of dedicated to deliver parents/learning facilitators
distance education the DepEd TV-based during viewing time shall be
lessons. required.

Radio-Based It refers to the use of RBI shall be Teacher may share the Learners shall be directed to
Instruction radio programs on implemented in areas radio stations intended for listen an educational radio
channels or stations with access to radio educational programs. station facilitated by DepEd.
(RBI) dedicated to providing stations with
learning content to programs dedicated Guidance from
learners as a form of to deliver the DepEd parents/learning facilitators
distance education Radio-based lessons. during listening time shall be
Blended Any combination of the Any distance learning Strategies for learners’ Parents/ Household members
above Delivery Learning combination must engagement in all types of must be advised to follow the
Distance types consider the above distance learning shall be guidelines stated above in any
Learning mentioned required utilized by teachers. It is distance learning combination.
essential resources. advised that teachers check in
often with students either by
sending them instant
messages or a bullet pointed
summary of what is expected
of them, or by conducting a
quick survey every week to
monitor learner’s difficulties
and to see how they have been
progressing in the lesson.
These should serve as
significant inputs for
intervention strategies.

Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and by the
local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL modalities may be combined with F2F learning to come up with
a BL. Learn more about BL in the Supplementary Handout on Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.

Activity 1.

Use the following table to match each learning scenario with the type of BLDM. Write your answers in your Study

Learning Scenario# Type of BL

1 Blended F2F and MDL
3 Blended F2F and ODL
4 Blended F2F and TV/RBI
2 Blended F2F and TV/RBI and ODL
Activity 2.

Now, from what you have learned about the types of BLDM, describe the important features of each component of
BL. Replicate the box below in your Study Notebook.

 Education takes place in schools  Education takes place outside the
 Classes are scheduled considering school
physical distancing  Education is self-paced if modular
 Limited F2F classes or home schooling
 Recommended maximum number  Uses either one of the DL
of students in a typical classroom is modalities, a combination of two, or
18 all three DL modalities
 Learners who are enrolled in the  Guided and supported by a learning
school are organized into sections by facilitator/ household partner
grade with the adviser and with  Done in the respective homes of the
subclasses learners, in learning spaces in the
 Schools shall determine the number community in small clusters, or
of days that the learners must be on whole sub-class depending on the
F2F learning. They shall be guided availability of learning facilitators
by the number of sub-classes  Makes use of activity sheets or self-
organized learning modules that may be in
 Lessons may be the same as those printed or digital format.
covered in the DL component or  Lessons may be the same as those
totally different just like in the covered in the F2F or totally
MISOSA program different just like in the MISOSA
 F2F is only allowed to low risk program
areas.  Distance learning varies from one
learner to another.


Consider the situation in your School/Division—your organizational capabilities, your level of

resources (infrastructure, financial, human), level of experience in DL, health and safety status,
context and capacities of your learners and their households, etc.
Then rank the DL types—MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and BL—from easiest to most difficult to
implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate the following table and write your
answers in your Study Notebook.
Be prepared to discuss your ranking at your next LAC Session.

Ranking Type of DL Why?

(1 to 5, from easiest
to hardest to
1 MDL There are available printed modules for the learners.

2 TVBI There are available educational TV channels

Most of the learners have television at home.

3 RBI There are limited educational radio stations

Not all learners have radio at home

4 ODL Not all learners have devises and stable internet

Not all teachers are well-versed with the use of the
platforms and other technological tools

5 BL Both learners and teachers might get confused if there

will be a shift of modality for each lesson
There might be some instances where they cannot
accomplish tasks because not all learners can afford to
combine different learning delivery modalities

The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded from learning during
the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your School/Division who might require special consideration
to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions you would develop to include them. Listed below
are some examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as appropriate. Write down your answers in
your Study Notebook and share your ideas at your next LAC Session.

Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners without parents or -Guardians can be the learning facilitator.

household member who can guide
and support their learning at -Regular consultation of the teacher via phone calls, text messaging,
home group chat or video calls.

Beginning readers (K to 3) -Parents/ household members can assist the teaching-learning process.
- Give enrichment reading activities to learners by sending it via
messenger or google classroom.

-Give video and audio lessons about letter sounds/ phonics

- Regular monitoring by the teacher.

Struggling readers (Grades 4-12) -They can be taught through online and regular monitoring by the

-Parents/ household members can assist the teaching-learning process.

-TV/RBI are effective distance learning modalities for these learners if

F2F is not allowed

-There are learning tutorials on YouTube or any site that can help them
understand the lessons.

- Give enrichment reading activities to learners by sending it via

messenger or google classroom.

No access to devices and Internet Modular distance learning, TV and Radio-based Instructions are
applicable for these learners

Inaccessible (living in remote Modular distance learning, TV and Radio-based Instructions are
and/or unsafe areas) applicable for these learners
Indigenous Peoples Any Alternative Distance Learning (ADM) can be utilized depending on
the preferred LDM among the indigenous people.

Persons with Disabilities Any Alternative Distance Learning (ADM) can be utilized depending on
the preferred LDM suited for their cases.

Others? Specify.


Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the document, write down
your answers to the following questions in your Study Notebook:
1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?
Lesson designing or lesson planning is one way of planning instruction. Lesson planning is a way of visualizing
a lesson before it is taught. According to Scrivener (2005), planning a lesson entails “prediction, anticipation,
sequencing, and simplifying”.
2. Why is lesson designing important?
Lesson designing is a critical part of the teaching and learning process. It is a hallmark of effective teaching.
With effective lesson designing or lesson planning, there will be effective teachers who organize and plan
instructions to ensure learners’ success inside the classroom.

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

 There is a clearly stated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)
 There are well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities to help
learners meet the objectives (How should it be taught?)
 There are appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and feedback
for both teachers and learners (How should learning be assessed?)

Compare your answers to those found in Lesson 2, Activity 1 Answer Key.


The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence teaching and learning activities
that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These learning tasks can be presented (1) before the lesson, (2)
during the lesson proper, and (3) after the lesson. In your Study Notebook, copy the following table:

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

 Review previous lesson  Provide learners with  Wrap up activities

 Clarify concepts from feedback  Emphasize key
previous lesson  Check for learners’ information and
 State lesson objectives as understanding concepts discussed
guide for learners  Help learners  Assess whether lesson
understand and master has been mastered
 Present connection new information
between old and new  Explain, model,
lesson and establish demonstrate, and  Ask learners to recall
purpose for new lesson illustrate the concepts, key activities and
 Present warm-up ideas, skills, or processes concepts discussed
activities to establish that students will  Reinforce what teacher
interest in new lesson eventually internalize has taught
 Check learner’s prior  Transfer ideas and
knowledge about the concepts to new
new lesson situations

Refer to the list of learning tasks below, and identify which section of the lesson these learning activities can be
presented by placing each task under the appropriate column.

List of Learning Tasks

1. Wrap up activities

2. Review previous lesson

3. Clarify concepts from previous lesson

4. State lesson objectives as guide for learners

5. Provide learners with feedback

6. Present connection between old and new lesson and establish purpose for new lesson

7. Emphasize key information and concepts discussed

8. Assess whether lesson has been mastered

9. Check for learners’ understanding

10.Explain, model, demonstrate, and illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, or processes that students will eventually


11. Help learners understand and master new information

12.Ask learners to recall key activities and concepts discussed

13.Reinforce what teacher has taught

14.Transfer ideas and concepts to new situations

15.Present warm-up activities to establish interest in new lesson

16.Check learner’s prior knowledge about the new lesson

(Compare your answers to Lesson 2, Activity 2 Answer Key)

Lesson design does not end after implementing the lesson. After the delivery of the lesson, teachers should take time
to reflect on what worked well and why, and what could have been done differently. Identifying successful and less
successful activities and strategies would make it easier to adjust and revise the lesson plan as needed.

In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) listed
below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the lesson is delivered.

Components of the DLL/DLP

I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Compare your answer to Lesson 2, Activity 3 Answer Key

The learning tasks listed in Activity 2 all form part of the Lesson Procedures of the DLL and DLP. To find
out the instructional principles behind these learning tasks, you may refer to the article Principles of
Instruction by Barak Rosenshine ( periodicals/Rosenshine.pdf).


Read the handout Designing Lessons in DL. In your Study Notebook, recreate and accomplish the
following table. Then choose one lesson from a Self-Learning Module (SLM) for students that you have
on hand. Imagine that you will deliver this lesson to your learners through DL. In the second column,
identify which of these tasks are already present in the SLM. In the third column, identify which has to
be presented via technology-mediated resources, supplementary learning materials, or other means.

Learning Delivery Modality (select one):  ODL  MDL  TV/RBI  BL Grade

Level and Learning Area: GRADE-5 = EPP(AGRIKULTURA)
Lesson/Topic: “Abono ko, Pahalagahan Mo!”
Learning Objectives:
1. Nakagagawa ng abonong organiko.
1. Natatalakay ang kahalagahan at pamamaraan sa paggawa ng abonong organiko.
2. Nasusunod ang mga pamamaraan at pag-iingat sa paggawa ng abonong organiko.

Learning Resources/Materials Needed:

EPP- AGRIKULTURA Self Learning Module Quarter 1 Lesson 1
Additional Remarks: (ex. can be
done via voice calls, can be
facilitated by a household partner,
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks Check if already can be done via a learning activity
present in the SLM sheet, can be presented via an
internet-based resource, can be
facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson √ Can be facilitated by a household
2. Clarify concepts from previous partner.
lesson √
3. Present warm-up activities to
establish interest in new lesson √ Can be done via learning activity.
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge
about the new lesson √
5. Present connection between old and Can be facilitated during a
new lesson and establish purpose for √ synchronous learning session.
new lesson 6. State lesson objectives as
guide for learners

Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and The checked items can be utilized
illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, or √ both in modular distance learning
processes that students will eventually and online distance learning.
internalize They can be both facilitated by
2. Help learners understand and master the teacher of household partner.
new information
3. Provide learners with feedback √ The lesson can be facilitated
4. Check for learners’ understanding during a synchronous or
√ asynchronous learning session.

After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities √ The checked items can be utilized
both in modular distance learning
2. Emphasize key information and √ and online distance learning.
concepts discussed
They can be both administered by
3. Ask learners to recall key the teacher of household partner as
activities and concepts discussed √ long as there are answer keys.
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught
√ The activities can be presented via an
5. Assess whether lesson has been internet-based resource

6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you
create or curate to supplement the SLM?

Answer: Activity sheets which will be given to learners for

additional teaching materials.

2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner
so that they are guided throughout the lesson?


a. The learner must be given sample explanations on the answers.

b. The household partner must be given answers keys of all learning activities
with ample discussions

3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or
modify current and future lessons?

Answer: The teacher can provide feedbacks during the lessons and even after the lessons
so that the misconceptions will be identified and corrected.

Be ready to share your answers for Activity 4 when you meet with your LAC group after
completing this module.

Formative Assessment FOR learning: to make adjustments in the lesson Assessment is always a
part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find out about the two types of
assessment: formative and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the
two. Write your answers in a Venn diagram in your Study Notebook. Follow the example below.

learners may be Summative

assessed Assessment
individually or assessment OF
assessment FOR
collaboratively learning: to
learning: to make
adjustments in measure if the
the lesson student met the
performance and


learners may be
Formative Summative
Assessment individually
assessment for or
learning: collaboratively assessment of learning:
to make to measure if the
adjustments in the should promote student met the
lessonmay be self- performance and
reflection and content standards
integrated in all
parts ofthe lesson: done after the
personal lesson/end of a
before the lesson, accountability
thelesson proper, quarter
and after the students about
results enable teachers
lessonresults must their own to describe
be recorded to learning how well the students
study the patterns own learning learned the
of learning may be a written standards/competencie
demonstrated by work or a s for a given
performance quarter, which are then
the students but
task reflected in the class
should NOT be
used as the basis record.
for grading.

There are various methods of assessment. Read Table 2 of DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment to see examples such as games, quizzes, and interviews. These methods
that are commonly used in the classroom may be modified to be suitable for DL.

Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are
teaching? In your study notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you
would like to try. For each one, write how you plan to use it in DL.

Assessment How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL

Example: I will send a three-item quiz via text message before the lesson. Based
Short quiz on the responses, I will take note of the common misconceptions and
clarify them to the learners during our online session or via text

I will send through messenger or group chat 5- item situations and

1.Agree or
they will response to whether they agree or not. I will then note of
their answers and explain to them the reason behind each correct
answer during our online sessions.

I will prepare a scrambled letter to find the hidden word that will
lead to our discussion. This will be sent through our group chat or
-I will schedule pupils to meet via group video calls, ask pupils to
3. online/offline read words, phrases, and sentences in English and Filipino.
assessment -I will send reading activities to our group chats or handed them
printed reading materials. I will ask the parents to record a video
of their child while reading the activity and send it via messenger
or email.
4. Performance -I will give as their output to the lesson we discussed.
Task - They will send their outputs in our class group chat.
5.Open-ended I will ask reflective questions related to the lesson for values
questions integration. ODL learners can share after discussing the lesson.
MDL learners can submit the answers along with the accomplished
module the next week.

Be ready to share your output when you meet with your LAC group after completing this
module. Try to answer these questions with your colleagues:

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

Most of the group members wished to employ quizzes, games, and additional practice

2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?

The common challenges we discussed were the authenticity, validity, and reliability of the
answers of the learners. We want our learners to answer the summative assessments
without the assistance of the parents or household partner. We want to ensure that
learners will accomplish the SLMs on time and take these assessments seriously.

3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make
assessment doable in DL?
Group members shared the web-based applications we can use to make assessment
doable in online distance learning.
Among MDL learners, different worksheets can be given to learners so that copying can
be avoided.


Sample learning outputs obtained from different assessment methods may be collected to build a
learner’s portfolio. Read Guidelines on the Preparation of Portfolio and e-Portfolio to find out
how to construct and use it. After reading the references, answer the following quiz to check
your understanding about using a portfolio to assess the learner. Questions T

Questions True False

1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the
learner. ✔
2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators
regarding the learner’s progress may be included in a portfolio. ✔
3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a
portfolio. ✔
4. The teacher can only comment on a learner’s portfolio ✔
5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on
their outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the
portfolio within the schedule that the teachers set. ✔
6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via
file sharing programs or they may submit
the actual softcopies of their work saved on a CD/DVD/USB
flash drive. ✔
7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical
forms may be handed over to the teacher by the parents or
learning facilitators. ✔

Check out the Lesson 2, Activity 7 Answer Key to see how well you did.

Learners are different and have different abilities. For some topics, you can give students some
options or alternatives on how they will be assessed. Just make sure that these would show how
much they have learned.


Answer the simple check-up quiz below. Read and match the descriptions in column A with the
terms in column B. Write your answers in your Study Notebook.

Column A Column B

__C__1. These are the knowledge, understanding, skills, and a. learning area
attitudes that learners need to demonstrate in every lesson
and/or learning task. b. mode of delivery
__D__2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to
learners to engage them in the subject matter and to c. learning competencies
enhance their understanding of the content.
__A__3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take. d. learning task
__B_4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs
preferred by the learner/parent based on their context.

Check your answers using Lesson 3, Activity 1 Answer Key

The check-up activity introduced you to the key components of a Weekly Home Learning
Plan (WHLP), namely, the learning area, learning tasks, learning competencies, and the mode of
delivery. The WHLP serves as a guide for your learners on what they need to accomplish each
week when they do independent study at home (DepEd, 2020). It outlines the learning tasks that
learners need to do, using the SLM, in order for them to attain the most essential learning
competencies (MELCs).

The learning tasks may be as detailed like those in the SLMs as shown in the Sample
Weekly Home Learning Plan for Blended Distance Learning or may just refer learners to the
lesson number and/or activity number in the SLM as shown in the Sample Weekly Home
Learning Plan for Modular Distance Learning and for Online Distance Learning.

The WHLP also trains learners to take responsibility for their own learning as they follow
the prescribed schedule in the plan. Remember also that part of guiding learners is to give
enhancement or remediation activities when needed and when possible.

Republic of the Philippnes

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
SCHOOL ID: 106477


LEARNING Subject: EPP/ AGRI. Date: October 5-9, 2020
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
.1 Nakagagawa ng Modular
abonong organiko Printed
    Subukin Ipasa ang
1.4.1 Natatalakay ang output sa guro
kahalagahan at . Ano-ano ang alam mo? sa takdang
October 5, pamamaraan sa
araw na pinag-
2020 EPP 5/ AGRI paggawa ng abonong Panuto: Basahing mabuti ang mga tanong
Monday organiko. o pahayag at piliin ang tamang sagot. usapan sa
Isulat ito sa iyong kuwaderno. pamamagitan
 1.4.2 Nasusunod ang ng pagsasauli
mga pamamaraan at 1. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang sa designated
pag-iingat sa paggawa nagpapahayag ng kahalagahan sa area
ng abonong organiko paggawa ng abonong organiko?
a. Napabubuti ang hilatsa ng lupa gamit
(EPP5AG-Ob-4) ang abonong organiko.
b. Malusog na paglaki ng mga pananim at
hindi na kailangang bumili ng abonong
c. Pinapaganda ang kapasidad ng lupa sa
paghawak ng tubig.
d. Lahat nang nabanggit.

2. Kung walang bakanteng lupa o espasyo

sa bahay, alin sa mga sumusunod ang
puwede mong gamitin bilang compost o
isang lalagyan ng mga tuyong dahon,
balat ng prutas at gulay at mga tirang
a. Lumang kariton.
b. Pinagpatong-patong na mga lumang
gulong ng sasakyan.
c. Kahong gawa sa karton.
d. Maliit na balde.

3. Alin sa mga sumusunod na mga

hakbang sa paggawa ng abonong organiko
ang nauunang gawin?
a. Ilagay ang mga natuyong dahon,
nabulok na prutas, gulay, pagkain, at iba
pang nabubulok na bagay.

b. Araw-araw itong diligan. Takpan ito ng

kahit anumang pantakip.
c. Gumawa ng hukay na may isang metro
ang lalim.
d. Ilagay o ilatag ang mga nabubulok na
bagay sa hukay hanggang umabot ng 12
pulgada o 30 sentemetro ang taas.

4. Ang mga sumusunod ay katangian ng

lupang taglay ang abonong organiko
maliban sa isa? Alin dito?
a. Maganda ang texture at bungkal
b. Malambot
c. Hindi mabilis matuyo
d. Matigas
5. Gaano katagal bago magamit bilang
pataba ang mga nabubulok na basura?
a. Limang araw
b. Dalawang linggo
c. Isang buwan
d. Dalawang buwan 3

6. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag

ang naglalarawan sa abonong organiko?

a. Ang abonong organiko ay mula sa

pinaghalong urea at sabon.
b. Ang abonong organiko ay mula sa
pinaghalong asin, asukal at gatas.
c. Ang abonong organiko ay mula sa
pinaghalong nabubulok na dahon, tirang
pagkain, balat ng prutas, gulay at dumi
ng hayop.
d. Ang abonong organiko ay mula sa
pinaghalong karne ng baboy at gulay.

7. Ang mga sumusunod ay mga dahilan

kung bakit kailangang dagdagan ng
abonong organiko ang lupang taniman,
maliban sa isa? Alin ang ito?

a. Upang bigyan ng pagkain at sustansiya

ang mga halaman.
b. Upang lumaking malusog at mamunga
ng husto ang mga gulay.
c. Upang mapalitan ang mga nawawalang
sustansiya ng lupa.
d. Upang dumami ang mga insekto sa

8. Ang basket composting ay:

a. Paraan ng paggawa ng basket na yari sa
b. Paraan ng pagpapabulok ng mga
basura sa isang lalagyan na tulad din ng
compost pit.
c. Paraan ng paglalagay ng mga halaman
sa basket.
d. Wala sa nabanggit.

9. Isa sa mga paraan ng paggawa ng

abonong organiko ay tinatawag na
fermented fruit juice. Alin sa mga
sumusunod na pahayag ang
naglalarawan dito?
a. Ito ay mula sa pinaghalong muscovado
sugar o kalamay at hinog na mga prutas
na hindi maasim.
b. Ito ay mula sa mga nabubulok na mga
dahon, tirang pagkain at dumi ng mga
c. Ito ay mula sa pinaghalong paminta,
asin at isda.
d. Lahat na nabanggit.

10. Ano ang tawag sa isang hukay o isang

lalagyan kung saan pinagsama-sama ang
mga nabubulok na mga dahon, prutas at
gulay at mga tira-tirang pagkain?
a. Compost
b. soil holder
c. nitrogen
d. rainwater collector

Sa nakaraang modyul ay napag-aralan

ang tungkol sa pamamaraan ng
pagtatanim ng gulay. Pero bago tayo
magpatuloy, maaaring sagutin muna ang
sumusunod na gawain para malaman mo
kung gaano ka kagaling sa nakaraang

Maalaala mo kaya?

Panuto: Isulat ang titik T kung ang

pangungusap ay naglalahad ng tamang
pamamaraan ng pagpili ng itatanim na
gulay, M naman kung hindi. Gawin ito sa
inyong kuwaderno.

1. Ang luwad ang pinakaangkop na uri ng

lupa na maaaring pagtaniman ng mga
halamang gulay.

2. Sumangguni sa kalendaryo ng
pagtatanim upang ang mga halamang
itatanim ay maiaangkop sa tamang
panahon at klima.

3. Diligan ang mga pananim isang beses

sa isang linggo.

4. Mahalagang maihanda ang tamang uri

ng lupa bago magtanim ng halamang

5. Mayroong mga buto na maaaring

itanim na makikita sa tindahan ng mga
halaman na nakabalot at may
sertipikasyon ng ahensiya ng

.1 Nakagagawa ng
abonong organiko Tuklasin
1.4.1 Natatalakay ang
kahalagahan at
Panuto: Pagsunud-sunurin ang mga
pamamaraan sa hakbang sa paggawa ng compost para sa
mga may espasyo sa bahay. Kopyahin ito
Oct.7, 2020 EPP 5/ AGRI paggawa ng abonong sa kwaderno at isulat sa patlang ang
Wednesday organiko. tamang bilang (1-8).
1:00-2:25 _________ Ipunin ang mga natuyong
 1.4.2 Nasusunod ang dahon, mga bulok na gulay, prutas, at
mga pamamaraan at mga tira- tirang pagkain.
pag-iingat sa paggawa _________ Ipatong dito ang mga dumi ng
ng abonong organiko hayop.
_________ Gawin ang pagtambak hanggang
(EPP5AG-Ob-4) mapuno ang hukay.
_________ Hintaying lumipas ang dalawang
buwan o higit pa bago gamiting pataba.
_________ Diligan araw-araw. Takpan ito
ng kahit na anong bagay na maaaring
gawing pantakip.
_________ Patungan ito muli ng lupa o
_________ Sa hukay ilagay o ilatag ang mga
nabubulok na bagay hanggang umabot ng
12 pulgada o 30 sentemetro ang taas.
_________ Gumawa ng hukay na may isang
metro ang lalim sa tuyong lugar, patag at
medyo malayo sa mga kabahayan.

1 Nakagagawa ng
abonong organiko Pagyamanin
1.4.1 Natatalakay ang A. Pagsasanay 1:
Oct. 9, 2020 EPP 5/ AGRI kahalagahan at
Friday pamamaraan sa Panuto: Isulat ang tsek (✓) kung totoo
1:00-2:25 paggawa ng abonong ang kaisipan, at ekis (X) kung hindi.
organiko. Gawin ito sa iyong kuwaderno.
1. Nagagawang pataba ang mga
 1.4.2 Nasusunod ang
pinagbalatan ng prutas.
mga pamamaraan at
pag-iingat sa paggawa 2. Ang halamang gulay na hindi sapat ang
ng abonong organiko pag-aalaga ay malago, mataba, at buhay
na buhay.
(EPP5AG-Ob-4) 3. Kapag masustansiya ang lupa,
maaasahang mabilis na mamamatay ang
halamang bagong lipat.
4. Kung patuloy na lumalaking malusog at
nagbibigay ng magandang ani ang mga
pananim, ito ay makakatutulong sa pag-
unlad ng pamumuhay.
5. Madaling matuyo ang lupa kung taglay
nito ang abonong organiko.
6. Pinabubuti ng abonong organiko ang
daloy ng hangin at kapasidad ng lupa na
humawak ng tubig.
7. Pinatataba ang lupa o nagiging
maganda ang ani kapag may abonong
8. Ang pagdidilig sa kompost ay ginagawa
bawat oras.
9. Ang compost ay tinatakpan ng yero
10. Ang binunot na mga damong ligaw ay
maaaring gawing kompost.
Panuto: Kopyahin ang mga pamamaraan
sa paggawa ng abonong organiko sa ibaba
at pagsunud-sunurin ito sa pamamagitan
ng paglalagay ng bilang simula 1
hanggang 8 sa patlang ayon sa wastong
pagkakasunod-sunod. Gawin ito sa iyong
__________ Gawin ang pagtambak
hanggang mapuno ang hukay.
__________ Gumawa ng hukay na may
isang metro ang lalim.
__________ Ilagay ang mga natuyong
dahon, nabulok na prutas, gulay, pagkain,
at iba pang nabubulok na bagay.
__________ Hintaying lumipas ang
dalawang buwan o higit pa bago ito
gamiting pataba.
__________ Ilagay o ilatag ang mga
nabubulok na bagay sa hukay hanggang
umabot ng 12 pulgada o 30 sentemetro
ang taas.
__________ Araw-araw itong diligan.
Takpan ito ng kahit anumang pantakip.
__________ Ipatung ang mga dumi ng
__________ Patungan ito muli ng lupa o


Ano ang mga dapat mong tandaan sa

araling ito? Ano-ano ang mga kahalagahan
sa paggawa ng abonong organiko?
Para masagot ang mga tanong sa itaas,
mabuting punan ang mga patlang sa
talata. Isulat sa kwaderno ang iyong
Dahil sa paulit-ulit na pagtatanim
maaaring maubos ang mga sustansiya sa
lupa kaya dinadagdagan o nilalagyan ito
ng (1) _________________________, upang
mapalitan ang mga (2)
_________________________. Pinalalambot
ng abonong organiko ang lupa at
pinabubuti ang daloy ng hangin at (3)
Ang paggawa ng organikong abono ay
kaaya-ayang gawain. Ito’y mahalaga sa
paghahalaman sapagkat maaari nitong
pagandahin ang (4) _____________ ng lupa
at patabain ang halaman nang walang
gastos. Ang abonong organiko ay
napatunayang (5) __________________ sa
pagpapalago ng mga pananim.
Ngayon natatandaan mo pa ba ang mga
pamamaraan sa paggawa ng abonong
organiko? Ano-ano ang mga ito? Kung
may nakalimutan ka, puwede mong
balikan muli ang bahaging suriin nang sa
ganun ay matulungan kang tandaan ito.


Paano mo maipakikita ang iyong


Gawin ito sa inyong kuwaderno.

A. Isulat ang mga kahalagahan sa

paggawa ng abonong organiko sa

B. Ang mga sumusunod ay mga paraan sa

paggawa ng FFJ o Fermented Fruit Juice.
Gamit ang bilang 1-5, pagsunud-sunurin
ang mga ito ayon sa tamang

_____________ Ipatong ang ikalawang

kalahati ng prutas at patungan uli ng
kalahating kilo ng muscovado.
_____________ Ito ay magagamit mula pito
hanggang ikalabing-apat (7-14) na araw
na ma ferment.
_____________ Maghiwa ng isang kilo ng
_____________ Ilagay sa banga ang unang
kalahati at patungan ng kalahating kilo ng
_____________ Takpan ng papel at talian.
Ilagay ito sa lugar na malamig at hindi
masisikatan ng araw.

C. Kung kayo ay walang sapat na espasyo

o lugar sa inyong bahay, ano ang maaari
mong gawin para makagawa ng compost?


D. May pakinabang ba ang paggawa ng

fermented fruit juice sa paghahalaman?


Panuto: Basahing mabuti at piliin ang
tamang sagot. Isulat ang titik lamang at
gawin ito sa iyong kuwaderno.
1. Ano ang kahalagahan sa paggawa ng
abonong organiko?
a. Pinatataba nito ang halaman ng walang
b. Pinapaganda ang kapasidad ng lupa sa
paghawak ng tubig.
c. Pinabubuti nito ang hilatsa ng lupa.
d. Lahat ng nabanggit ay tama.

2. Kung walang bakanteng lupa o espasyo

sa bahay, ano ang maaaring gawin upang
makagawa ng compost?
a. Eresaykel ang mga lumang gulong ng
sasakyan sa pamamagitan ng
pagpapatong-patong para magsilbing
hukay ang mga ito.
b. Bumili ng lupa sa kapitbahay.
c. Gamitin ang batyang ginamit ng iyong
nanay sa paglalaba.
d. Magahanap ng malaking karton para
gawing compost.

3. Ang mga sumusunod na pahayag ay

nagsasaad ng mga pakinabang ng
fermented fruit juice maliban sa isa. Alin
a. Ito ay nagbibigay ng elementong
potassium (K) para sa pagpapalaki ng
b. Ang fermented fruit juice ay nagbibigay
ng karagdagang resistensiya sa tanim
laban sa insekto.
c. Ang lupa at mga tanim ay pinatataba ng
fermented fruit juice.
d. Pinapaiksi ng fermented fruit juice ang
buhay ng mga pananim.

4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na mga

hakbang sa paggawa ng abonong organiko
ang unang ginagawa?
a. Pagsama-samahin ang mga tuyong
dahon, bulok na prutas, gulay, tira-tirang
pagkain, at iba pang nabubulok na mga
b. Araw-araw itong diligan. Takpan ito ng
kahit anong pantakip.
c. Gumawa ng hukay na may isang metro
ang lalim.
d. Sa hukay ilagay o ilatag ang mga
nabubulok na bagay hanggang sa umabot
ito ng 12 pulgada o 30 sentemetro ang

5. Bago gamitin ang mga nabulok na mga

bagay tulad ng dahon, gulay, prutas,
tirang pagkain at dumi ng hayop ay
kailangang palipasin muna ang
a. Dalawang araw c. Dalawang oras
b. Dalawang linggo d. Dalawang buwan

6. Upang maging pataba ang mga basura

ito ay pinabubulok muna sa isang
lalagyan tulad ng compost pit. Ano ang
tawag sa paraang ito?
a. Basket composting c. Intercropping
b. Basket making d. Double digging

7. Alin sa mga sumusunod na

pangungusap ang nagsasaad ng
kahalagahan ng paggamit ng abonong
a. Ang paggamit ng abonong organiko ay
nakapagbibigay ng sapat na ani at
nakatutulong sa pagpapalago ng mga
b. Dumarami ang mga insekto sa
halamanan kung nilalagyan ng abonong
organiko ang lupa.
c. Tigang ang lupang nilalagyan ng
abonong organiko.
d. Nakadagdag sa gawain ang paggawa ng
abonong organiko.

8. Ano ang basket composting?

a. Paraan ng paggawa ng basket na yari sa
b. Paraan ng pagpapabulok ng mga
basura sa isang lalagyan na tulad din ng
compost pit.
c. Paraan ng paglalagay ng mga halaman
sa basket.
d. Wala sa nabanggit.

9. Isa sa mga halimbawa ng abonong

organiko ay tinatawag na fermented fruit
juice. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag
ang naglalarawan dito?
a. Ito ay mula sa pinaghalong muscovado
sugar o kalamay at hinog na mga prutas
na hindi maasim.
b. Ito ay mula sa mga nabubulok na mga
dahon, tirang pagkain at dumi ng mga
c. Ito ay mula sa pinaghalong paminta,
asin at isda.
d. Lahat nang nabanggit.

10. Sa anong paraan nagiging pataba o

abonong organiko ang mga basura tulad
ng dahon balat ng gulay at prutas at mga
tirang pagkain?
a. Pagpapausok ng basura.
b. Pagkakalat ng basura.
c. Pagbubulok ng basura sa isang
d. Paglilinis ng basura.

Karagdagang Gawain

Sa tulong ng iyong magulang o mga

nakakatanda maaaring magtanong o
magsaliksik tungkol sa mga pag-iingat na
dapat gawin sa paggawa ng abonong
organiko. Tandaan huwag kalimutang
magsuot ng facemask kung lalabas ng
at mag observe ang physical distancing.
Gawin ito sa iyong kwaderno.

Prepared by:


T-I Noted by:


Principal -II


Read items 1 to 6 of the Appendix D of the DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162 which

discusses what WHLPs and Individual Learning Monitoring Plans (ILMPs) are. After that,
view the three Sample Weekly Home Learning Plans.
Now, based on what you have read, create a WHLP for your class. Take note of the following
when creating your WHLP:

• For grade levels where learning areas are taught by different teachers, coordinate, plan, and
discuss the WHLP with the learning area teachers.

• Adjustments should be made on the timeframe for accomplishing the learning tasks if there
are any suspensions of classes due to calamities (DepEd, 2020).

• Enjoyable learning activities scheduled on Saturdays such as designing portfolios, should

also be reflected in the WHLP.

• Be guided by the recommended screen time for learners set by the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) which are as follows:

» Key Stage 1 (K to 3) – at most one hour daily for Kindergarten and one hour to 1.5 hours for
Grades 1 to 3

» Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6) – up to two hours

» Key Stage 3 (Grade 7 to 10) – up to two hours for Grades 7 and 8 and up to four hours (two
in the morning and the other two in the afternoon) for Grades 9 and 10

» Key Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12) – at most four hours (2 hours in the morning and the other 2
hours in the afternoon)

Share your prepared WHLP during your LAC Session.


Read items 7 to 11 of the Appendix D of DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162. After you

read the guidelines on creating an ILMP, copy and fill out the table below in your Study
Notebook to see how the ILMP differs from the WHLP.


Weekly Home Learning Individual Learning

Plan (WHLP) Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
Purpose -To aid teachers and parents -is a more specific tool which
in keeping track of the day-to- shall
day be used by teachers and
in-school and off-school learning facilitators for
general learning processes as learners who lag behind as
they implement the most shown by the results
suitable and of their formative and
feasible alternative learning summative assessments. By
modality based on the context providing intervention
of their school. It creates strategies for a certain
awareness period, the Individual
among learners that they are Learning Monitoring Plan
responsible for what they serves as the document that
learn will show if the
learner has shown either
mastery of the learning
competencies, significant
progress, or insignificant

For Whom? For those who are For learners who are
implementing Distance and not showing progress in
Blended Learning meeting the required learning
For learners who are given
intervention activities,
Components 1.Learning Area are the 1.Learner’s Needs refer to the
subjects prescribed to be gaps between the required
taken by learners in a knowledge, skills, and
particular grade level attitudes, described in the
or key stage. learning standard and the
2. Learning Tasks are current status of the learner as
formative learning evidenced by assessment
opportunities created for results. These are the areas
learners to enhance the where the learners need help
understanding of the content, in a form of interventions to
which prompt them to engage help them meet the required
intensively in the subject learning competencies.
matter. 2, Intervention Strategies are
3. Learning Competencies programs or sets of steps to
refer to the knowledge, help learners improve at areas
understanding, skills, and they struggle with.
attitudes that Intervention strategies may be
learners need to demonstrate any of the following form, but
in every lesson and/or learning not limited to,
activity (DO 8, s. 2015 Policy (1) extending time of
Guidelines on Classroom completion of tasks; (2)
Assessment for the K to 12 adjusting the level of difficulty
Basic Education Program) of the learning
4. Mode of Delivery refers to contents/tasks; (3) providing
the method of submission of more guided activities before
learning outputs to include proceeding to independent
written activities; (4) seeking for more
work, products, and supervised time with learning
performances, preferred by facilitator; (5) giving sample
the learner/parent based on prototype learning outputs or
their context/situation, models to serve as reference
for his or her own work.
3. Monitoring Date refers to
the date when the teacher has
evaluated the results of
learner’s assessments after a
sufficient time of
implementing certain
intervention strategies.
Learner’s assessments may be
through portfolios to include
learning outputs such as
written work, products, and
performances evaluated using
rubrics. Testimonies of
parents/guardians and
learning facilitators regarding
the learner’s progress may
also be considered as a matter
of holistic assessment.
4. Learner’s Status refers to
how well the student learns as
a result of the teaching-
learning process in the
learning delivery modality
that he has chosen. It is
determined after assessment
of learning and completion of
sufficient and appropriate
intervention strategies.
Has to be communicated to Yes Yes

Check the Lesson 3, Activity 3 Answer Key to find out how well you did.

Assume that after going through the outputs submitted by your learners, one of them has
problems completing the learning tasks for the first two weeks. Think of a possible difficulty the
learner may have encountered in accomplishing the learning tasks. Apply what you have learned
about ILMPs in Activity 3 and create an ILMP for that particular learner who lags behind. Read
and use the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan Template. Consider the components of the
ILMP that were described in Activity 3.


Learner’s Name:      JUAN DELA CRUZ

Grade Level:      GRADE 5- Ramos

Intervention Learner’s Status

Learning Learner’s Monitoring
Strategies Insignificant Significant
Area Needs Date Mastery
Provided Progress Progress
EPP5- Compre -extending October 12- Submitted the Improved Answers
Agrikultura hension time of 16, 2020 worksheet on the learning the
completion of time outcome exercises
tasks result correctly
by 85%
-adjusting the
level of
difficulty of
the learning

Learner is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention strategies

need to be revised.
Status Learner is making significant progress. Continue with the learning plan.
Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.

Share the ILMP that you made for that specific learner during your next LAC Session.

Before leaving this Module, take note of the following key messages:

• There are no perfect lessons, but with careful planning, reflection, and continuous adaptation
before, during, and after lesson delivery, you will be able to design lessons with your best efforts,
and maximize learning in this new context.

• It is important for teachers to keep track of how the students are doing, get feedback from the
learners (learners’ self-assessment), and from the learning facilitators or household partners, in
order to continuously improve lessons and provide support for learners as they learn.

• One way of getting feedback from learners is by communicating regularly with them and their
families. As teachers, you need to make your presence felt, and send the message to the learners
that they are not alone in this situation. This will greatly help them stay motivated.
• As teachers, you are part of a larger community of learners, and would need support from your
Coaches, School Heads, and fellow teachers as you adapt to the new normal.

Now, coordinate with your LAC Leader regarding your LAC Session schedule for this module.
Be sure that you have your Module 3A outputs, Study Notebook, and LAC Session 3A Guide
ready when you participate in the LAC Session for this Module. C



There are no perfect lessons, but with careful planning,
reflection, and continuous adaptation before, during, and after lesson
delivery, you will be able to design lessons with your best efforts and
maximize learning in this new context. It is important for teachers to
keep track of how the students are doing, get feedback from the
learners (learners’ self-assessment), and from the learning facilitators
or household partners, in order to continuously improve lessons and
provide support for learners as they learn. One way of getting feedback
from learners is by communicating regularly with them and their
families. As teachers, you need to make your presence felt, and send the
message to the learners that they are not alone in this situation. This
will greatly help them stay motivated. As teachers, you are part of a
larger community of learners, and would need support from your
Coaches, School Heads, and fellow teachers as you adapt to the new

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