Health Benefits of Physical Activity in Older Patients: A Review

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Health benefits of physical activity in older patients:

a review
T. Vogel,1 P.-H. Brechat,1,2 P.-M. Leprêtre,1,3 G. Kaltenbach,1 M. Berthel,1 J. Lonsdorfer1,4

Pôle de gériatrie, Hôpital de la
Review Criteria Robertsau, Hôpitaux
As the number of elderly persons in our country increases, more attention is being Universitaires de Strasbourg,
• Moderate but regular physical activity is
given to geriatric healthcare needs and successful ageing is becoming an important France
associated with a reduction in cardiovascular 2
topic in medical literature. Concept of successful ageing is in first line on a preven- Service de santé publique et
morbidity and mortality, reduction in diabetes
économie de la santé, groupe
tive approach of care for older people. Promotion of regular physical activity is incidence and optimization of blood pressure hospitalier Lariboisière-Fernand
one of the main non-pharmaceutical measures proposed to older subjects as low value and lipid profile, among older people. Widal (AP-HP), Paris, France.
rate of physical activity is frequently noticed in this age group. Moderate but regu- • Prevention of falls and increasing bone density Laboratoire d’analyse des
lar physical activity is associated with a reduction in total mortality among older are also associated with physical activities, with politiques sociales et sanitaires
conflicting results. (LAPSS) de l’Ecole nationale de
people, a positive effect on primary prevention of coronary heart disease and a
la santé publique (ENSP),
significant benefit on the lipid profile. Improving body composition with a reduction Rennes, France
Message for the Clinic
in fat mass, reducing blood pressure and prevention of stroke, as well as type 2 3
Laboratoire Adaptation et
• Epidemiological studies suggest that physical
diabetes, are also well established. Prevention of some cancers (especially that of Réadaptation à l’Effort, Faculté
activities are associated with a decreased risk of
des Sciences et du Sport,
breast and colon), increasing bone density and prevention of falls are also incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in older subjects. Amiens, France
reported. Moreover, some longitudinal studies suggest that physical activity • A protective effect of exercise, even moderate, 4
Service de Physiologie Clinique
is linked to a reduced risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in with regard to the risk of stroke, whether et d’Exploration Fonctionnelle,
particular. ischaemic or haemorrhagic. Hôpitaux Universitaires de
• Benefits of physical activity (rather resistance Strasbourg, France
than endurance) for very older subjects or frail
elderly people are reported in terms of muscle Correspondence to:
Dr Docteur Thomas Vogel,
strength, physical performance, but with
Pôle de Gériatrie, Hôpitaux
inconsistent results regarding the beneficial
Universitaires de Strasbourg,
effects on disability outcomes. Hôpital de la Robertsau,
Pavillon Schutzenberger, 83 rue
Himmerich, 67091 Strasbourg,
cedex, France
account, the promotion of regular physical activity is Tel.: + 03 88 11 55 11
Introduction Fax: + 03 88 11 55 26
one of the main non-pharmaceutical measures that
Email: thomas.vogel@chru-
Most Western societies see a significant ageing of should be promoted in older subjects, especially
their population that will be further accentuated in regarding a preventive approach for ‘a successful age-
the coming decades. Among physiological changes ing’.
that occur during the ageing process, decline in aero- For the general population, it is known that regu-
bic capacity estimated as peak oxygen consumption lar physical activity offers primary and secondary
(V02max) (5–10% per decade in untrained individu- prevention of several chronic conditions. Concerning
als) and the lost of muscle tissue resulting in dimin- older and very older subjects, the effect of physical
ished mass and strength (sarcopenia process) are the activity is less documented (3). The aim of this
most important with regard to quality of life, func- review is to assess the health benefits of physical
tional independence and mortality (1). The rate of activity in older subjects.
decline in aerobic capacity is probably not linear, but
accelerates dramatically with advancing decades (2).
Ability of older subjects to function independently
depends largely on maintenance of sufficient aerobic In this review, we searched the literature using the
capacity and muscle strength. keywords ‘elderly’, ‘older people’, ‘frail elderly’,
Elderly people with a poor aerobic capacity avoid ‘frailty’, ‘chronic conditions’, ‘functional limitations’,
physical activities and so lose their muscle mass and ‘exercise’, ‘physical activity’, ‘health’, ‘mortality’ and
strength, with further reduction in aerobic capacity, disease-specific terms such as ‘cardiovascular disease’,
causing a vicious cycle. Taking these concepts into ‘coronary hearth disease’, ‘ cholesterol’, ‘lipid’, ‘body

ª 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2008.01957.x 303
304 Physical activity in older patients

composition’, ‘diabetes’, ‘stroke’, ‘hypertension’, ‘aer- observed the same tendency from the combined
obic fitness’, ‘cancer’, ‘fracture’, ‘bone density’, ‘falls’, results of the SENECA and FINE Studies including
‘cognitive’, ‘dementia’, ‘Alzheimer disease’ and ‘dis- older healthy European subjects. They reported that
ability’. We selected individual studies regarding the healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular physical
methodological quality in terms of study population, activity, are associated with a significant decrease in
design, primary outcome and nature of the physical total mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality and
intervention. Studies frequently included in meta mortality from cancer (6). The same trend with a
analysis, systematic review as well as consensus treat- decrease in mortality has been reported with occa-
ment were considered as an example of best evidence sional physical activities (7) and with moderate but
and were selected. Reference lists of article retrieved regular exercise (walking). This was illustrated by
were systematically examined for further relevant ref- Hakim et al. (8) using the data from the Honolulu
erences. Only full articles limited to the English lan- Heart Program including retired older men, who
guage and studies that involved adult cohorts with a reported a mortality rate nearly twice among men
mean age over 60 years were considered. who walked < 1 mile per day that among those who
walked more than 2 miles per day during the
12 years follow-up period. Using the data of the Zut-
phen Elderly Study, Bijnen et al. (9) reported the
Definition of older subjects and type of same results in observational study including older
physical activity men with a significant reduction in 10-year total
In this review, we focused on the benefit of physical mortality among men who walk or cycle at least
activity on elderly people in two different groups of three times per week for 20 min.
older people. First of all, we considered, in a large sec- Using the Framingham Heart Study, Franco et al.
tion, the impact of endurance program for older sub- (10) observed that life expectancy in 9181 young-old
jects (people aged 60 years or older). Such aerobic sedentary subjects (older than 50 years) is respec-
exercises that target cardio-respiratory fitness through tively 1.5 and 3.5 years shorter than for those of the
activities such as walking or swimming are often pro- same age engaging in moderate and vigorous physi-
posed not only for primary or secondary prevention of cal activity, for both genders. The increase in life
cardiovascular risk factors but also for many chronic expectancy for those engaging in exercise and physi-
conditions. To be capable of performing endurance cal activity is mainly because of an increase in life
exercises, older subjects should not have significant expectancy without cardiovascular disease.
chronic conditions and functional limitations. The relationship between the level of physical per-
Secondly, we evaluated the impact of activities in formance and mortality has also been observed
very older subjects (people aged 80 years or older) or among the very elderly people, as noted by Franco
frail elderly people. This older age group, compared et al. (10, Bijnen et al. and Rolland et al. (9,11). The
with the ‘older subjects’ described above, often pre- same trend was observed by Benetos et al. (12) with
sents significant chronic conditions or geriatric syn- a study population aged from 60 to 70 years and
dromes such as cognitive impairment, malnutrition, comparing the modifiable risk factors among subjects
functional limitations (e.g. arthritis), disability or poor who died during the follow-up period (before
social conditions. The primary aim of physical activity 85 years for women and before 80 years for men)
in this age group is to improve muscle strength and to with subjects who survived beyond these years of
limit disability to maintain an independent living. The age. Landi et al. (13) looked at the Italian Silver Net-
goal is not primary or secondary prevention of work Home Care Project, among frail community-
chronic condition. Nature of physical activity is living elderly people and found that active patients
usually not only progressive resistance training, but were less likely to die compared with those with no
also flexibility exercises and balance training (4). or very low-intensity physical activity; this benefit
persists in patients aged 80 years and older. Recently,
Benefit on mortality Chakravarty et al. (14) using a 21-year longitudinal
Many longitudinal studies have reported a relation- study reported that vigorous exercise (running) at
ship between physical activity and reduction in mor- middle and old ages was associated with a significant
tality among older subjects (Table 1). Using data survival benefit and a reduced disability.
from the Cardiovascular Health Study, Fried et al.
(5) established a significant relationship between the Prevention of coronary heart disease
amount of weekly physical activity and a reduction Using data from the Honolulu Heart Program,
of up to 40% for the total mortality in a commu- Hakim et al. reported an increased relative risk (RR)
nity-dwelling older population. Knoops et al. of developing a coronary event for those who walk

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Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
Physical activity in older patients 305

Table 1 Physical activity and mortality

Population and interventions in

longitudinal observational studies Outcomes Reference

5201 community-dwelling subjects (73 years old) 5 years mortality, no exercise used as reference: (5)
Assessment at baseline of 78 characteristics with Moderate exercise (4100–7908 kJ ⁄ week):
5-year mortality including physical activities RR 0.72; 95%CI (0.55–0.93)
Follow up: 4.8 years Vigorous exercise (> 7908 kJ ⁄ week)
RR 0.56; 95%CI (0.43–0.74)
2339 community-dwelling subjects aged 70–90 years 10-year all-cause and cause-specific mortality (6)
in 11 European countries. Physical activity defined as the intermediate or
Assessment at baseline of adherence to a Mediterranean the highest tertile for either the Voorrips or Morris
diet and healthy lifestyle (including physical activities) questionnaires. No exercise used as reference:
with mortality HR total mortality: 0.63; 95%CI (0.55–0.72)
Follow-up: 10 years HR coronary heart disease mortality: 0.72; 95%CI (0.48–1.07)
HR cardiovascular disease mortality: 0.65; 95%CI (0.52–0.81)
HR cancer mortality: 0.64; 95%CI (0.48–0.84)
3206 community-dwelling subjects over 65 years Total mortality, no exercise used as reference: (7)
Analyses the association between different Physical activity occasionally: HR 0.72; 95%CI (0.64–0.81)
levels of physical activity and all-cause mortality Physical activity once a week: HR 0.60; 95%CI (0.50–0.71)
Follow up: 11.7 years Physical activity twice a week: HR 0.50; 95%CI (0.42–0.59)
Physical activity vigorously at least twice a week:
HR 0.60; 95%CI (0.46–0.79)
707 community-dwelling retired men, 61–81 years of age Mortality rate (8)
Distance walked at baseline recorded and Distance walked between 0.0 and 0.9 mile ⁄ day:
analyses the association mortality rate at 40.5%
between walking and mortality Distance walked between 1.0 and 2.0 mile ⁄ day:
Follow up: 12 years mortality rate at 27.4%; p = 0.003
(1.0–2.0 mile ⁄ day vs. < 1 mile ⁄ day.
Distance walked between 2.1 and 8.0 mile ⁄ day:
mortality rate at 23.8%; p = 0.001
(1.0–2.0 mile ⁄ day vs. < 1 mile ⁄ day
9181 community-dwelling subjects over 50 years Differences in total live expectancy at 50 years (years). (10)
Assessment of a baseline physical activity score of Low physical activity used as reference
physical activity Moderate physical activity. Men: 1.3; 95%CI (0.3–2.3).
Follow up: 12 years Women: 1.5; 95%CI (0.4–2.5)
High physical activity. Men: 3.7; 95%CI (2.6–4.8).
Women: 3.5; 95%CI (2.4–4.6)
802 men, mean age 71 years 10-year mortality for the highest tertile of physical activity (9)
Physical activity assessment at baseline (the lowest tertile use as reference)
using questionnaire All-cause mortality: RR: 0.77; 95%CI (0.59–1.00);
Follow up: 10 years P for trend: 0.04
Cardiovascular disease mortality: RR: 0.70; 95%CI
(0.48–1.01); P for trend: 0.04
7250 community-dwelling older HR for death for SPPB (95%CI) (good performer at SPPB (11)
women (80.5 years old) with a score between 10 and 12 used as reference):
Physical activity assessment at baseline using Fair performer (score: 7–9): 1.35 (1.10–1.65)
the short physical performance battery (SPPB), Poor performer (score: 0–6): 1.81 (1.44–2.27)
Follow up: 3.8 years
7467 community-dwelling older Odds ratio of survival at advanced age for physical activity, (12)
subjects (65.3 years old) no physical activity used as reference (95%CI):
Physical activity assessment at baseline using 1.52 (1.27–1.83); p = 0.0001
self-administered questionnaire
Follow up: 10–15 years: 5591 subjects alive

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306 Physical activity in older patients

Table 1 (continued)

Population and interventions in

longitudinal observational studies Outcomes Reference

2757 frail community-living older subjects Risk ratio for death during the follow-up period for physical (13)
Physical activity assessment at baseline using the activity, no physical activity used as reference (95%CI):
Minimum Data 0.51 (0.35–0.73)
Set for Home Care (MDS-HC)
Follow up: 10 months
538 members of a running club (58 years old) and HR for death for runners vs. healthy controls (95%CI): (14)
423 healthy control (62 years old) 0.61 (0.45–0.082)
284 runners (78 years old) and 156 controls
(80 years old) completed the 21-year follow up

RR, relative risk; HR, hazard ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.

< 0.25 miles a day compared with those who walk increased by 9.09% in the active group (p < 0.001).
more than 1.5 miles a day [RR: 2.2; 95% confidence Sunami et al. confirmed the same tendency in a
interval (95%CI): 1.3–3.7] among 2678 physically small randomised study. These subjects followed a
capable elderly men aged 71–93 years and followed low intensity aerobic training programme over
during 4 years. This relationship is not altered after a 5-month period. This study reveals an improved
adjustment for the main cardiovascular risk factors profile of HDL cholesterol and of its subfractions
(15). compared with a control group without any training
As regards secondary prevention of coronary heart (19). Halverstadt et al. (20) observed a significant
disease (CHD) among elderly people, Wannamethee improvement of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
et al. (16) examined data from the British Regional after a 24-week endurance exercise training proposed
Heart Study and noted a decrease in both total and to healthy older subjects.
cardiovascular risk of mortality over a 5 years follow- For reasons of the high incidence of cardiovascular
up period among 777 men (aged 40–59 years) with events in older people, even a small reduction in RR
diagnosed CHD senior engaging in regular, physical (e.g. small reductions in LDL cholesterol through
activity. Benefits were observed for moderate level of physical activity) should be taken into account in
physical activity such as walking or gardening (RR: terms of absolute risk reduction.
0.42; 95%CI: 0.25–0.71). Despite the results of this
study, benefits of physical activity on mortality of Modification of body composition
older patients with preexisting CHD are still debated. Several studies show that physical activity among
elderly people leads to a reduction in fat mass between
Benefit on lipid Profile 1% and 4% (21). Irwin et al. using findings from the
Current National Cholesterol Education Program Physical Activity for Total Health Study, included in a
Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines recommend the randomised controlled trial 173 overweight postmeno-
general population to change lifestyle as it is a major pausal women aged from 50 to 75 years. In this study,
modality of LDL-lowering therapy. Such multifaceted 45 min of exercise 5 days a week of gradually increas-
lifestyle approach includes a reduced intake of fat ing intensity up to 75% of the theoretical maximum
(and an increased intake of fibre), a weight reduction frequency led to statistically significant differences
and an increased physical activity (17). concerning: body weight ()1.4 kg; 95%CI: )2.5 to
Specific effects of exercises on lipid parameters in 0.3 kg), total body fat ()1.0%; CI 95%:)1.6 to
elderly people have been evaluated in few small stud- )0.4%), intra-abdominal fat ()8.6 g ⁄ cm2; 95%CI:
ies (Table 2). Petrella et al. (18) in a 10-year follow )17.8 to 0.9 g ⁄ cm2) and subcutaneous abdominal fat
up of two cohorts, one ‘active’ and the other ‘seden- ()28.8 g ⁄ cm2); 95%CI: )47.5 to )10.0 g ⁄ cm2). In
tary’ compared after 10 years the changes in lipid fact, a significant decrease is noticed concerning:
profiles between the two groups. During the follow- weight, total fat, intra-abdominal and subcutaneous
up period, the LDL cholesterol increased by 6.89% fat in the intervention group (22).
in the control group and only by 3.85% in the active An exclusive hypocaloric diet leads to a joint
group (p < 0.002). Similarly, the HDL cholesterol reduction in both fat and lean body mass (with a
decreased by 18.18% in the control group and risk of accelerating age-related sarcopenia), whereas

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Physical activity in older patients 307

Table 2 Physical activity and lipid profile

Population and interventions Outcomes Reference

Longitudinal observational study LDL cholesterol (mmol ⁄ l) changes between active and control (18)
Active group: 193 community-dwelling group during follow up:
subjects (68 years old) At baseline: 2.6 (active group) and 2.9 (control group)
three times per week, 30–45 min exercise sessionsEnd of follow up: 2.7 (active group) and 3.1 (control group); p < 0.02
at 75–80% V02max (walking, jogging) HDL cholesterol (mmol ⁄ l) changes between active and control
Sedentary group 187 community-dwelling group during follow up:
subjects (67 years old) At baseline: 1.1 (active group) and 1.1 (control group)
Follow up: 10 years End of follow up: 1.2 (active group) and 0.9 (control group); p < 0.001
Triglyceride (lmol ⁄ l) changes between active and control
group during follow up
At baseline: 2.1 (active group) and 2.2 (control group)
End of follow up: 1.9 (active group) and 2.9 (control group); p < 0.001
Randomised control trial: 20 community-dwelling LDL cholesterol (g ⁄ l) changes between active and control group (19)
subjects (67 years old) allocated either during follow up:
Active group (two to four times per week, At baseline: 1.33 (active group) and 1.34 (control group)
60 min exercise sessions at 50% V02 max) End of follow up: 1.38 (active group) and 1.42 (control group); NS
and 20 community-dwelling subjects HDL cholesterol (g ⁄ l) changes between active and control group
(68 years old) allocated to control group: during follow up:
Follow-up: 5 months At baseline: 0.51 (active group) and 0.49 (control group)
End of follow up: 0.56 (active group) and 0.48 (control group); p < 0.05
Triglyceride (g ⁄ l) changes between active and control group
during follow up:
At baseline: 0.84 (Active group) and 1.08 (control group)
End of follow up: 0.87 (active group) and 1.11 (control group); NS
One hundred sedentary, healthy 58 years LDL cholesterol (g ⁄ l) changes after vs. before exercise sessions: (20)
old community-dwelling subjects perform 1.29 (baseline); 1.22 (end of follow up); p = 0.0001
three times per week, 60 min exercise sessions HDL cholesterol (g ⁄ l) changes after vs. before exercise sessions:
at 50–70% V02 max (ergometer cycling, 0.48 (baseline); 0.51 (end of follow up); p < 0.09
treadmills, stepping machine,…) Triglycerides (g ⁄ l) changes after vs. before exercise sessions:
Follow up: 24 weeks 1.48 (baseline); 1.32 (end of follow up); p < 0.0001

LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein.

the association of a moderate caloric restriction loss. In a randomised controlled trial (Diabetes Pre-
intake and physical exercise reduces the fat mass with vention Program Research Group) including middle-
less effect on sarcopenia (23). aged, non-diabetic subjects with elevated fasting
In contrast, Raguso et al. (24) observed that lei- plasma glucose, such lifestyle modification appeared
sure-time physical activity does not seem to prevent more effective than antidiabetic drugs (metformin)
decline in muscle mass and body fat accumulation in to reduce the incidence of type 2 Diabetes (26).
a longitudinal evaluation over 3 years of body com- This positive effect of exercise for diabetes preven-
position changes including 140 healthy subjects aged tion was demonstrated also among ‘young’ older
more than 65 years. people, even at low levels of activity. This was shown
by Hu et al. (27) using the data of The Nurses’
Prevention of type 2 diabetes Health Study, an epidemiological study with non-
The benefit of exercise and physical activity on the diabetic female nurses aged from 40 to 65 years.
prevention of diabetes in the general population is Van Dam et al. (28) reported in a 5-year cohort
well established, in particular among people with a study that physical activities such as gardening and
high risk of diabetes (25). Both resistance and aero- bicycling are associated with a lower plasma glucose
bic exercises are associated with a decreased risk of concentrations and a lower prevalence of glucose
type 2 diabetes (Table 3). Exercise programmes for intolerance in elderly men, aged 69–89 years.
diabetes prevention are often integrated in lifestyle Folsom et al. (29) found in prospective cohort of
intervention that includes diet control and weight older women that greater leisure time physical

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308 Physical activity in older patients

Table 3 Physical activity and diabetes prevention

Intervention and population Outcomes Reference

3234 non-diabetic persons Primary outcome: reduction in diabetes incidence (95%CI) (26)
(51 years old) with elevated fasting Lifestyle vs. placebo: 58% (48–66%)
and postload plasma glucose Metformin vs. placebo: 31% (17–43%)
concentrations randomised placebo (1082), Lifestyle vs. metformine: 39% (24–51%)
metformin (1073) and lifestyle (1079)
Follow up: 2.8 years
70,102 female non-diabetic nurses RR of type 2 diabetes (95%CI) by quintile of MET score, first (27)
aged 40–65 years quintile used as reference
Assessment of physical activity Fourth quintile (15.7 MET-hours per week): 0.62; (0.52–0.73)
using questionnaire Fifth quintile (35.4 MET-hours per week): 0.54; (0.45–0.64)
Follow up: 8 years
424 non-diabetic males, aged 75 years OR (95%CI) for glucose intolerance by specific activities: (28)
Assessment of physical activity at baseline Bicycling 20 min per day: 0.37 (0.20–0.70)
by questionnaires Gardening 20 min per day: 0.33 (0.16–0.66)
Follow up: 5 years Talking a walk 20 min per day: 0.92 (0.46–1.88)
34,259 women aged 55–69 years RR of incident diabetes (95%CI) for moderate physical activity (29)
free of type 2 diabetes (six METs or less) and vigorous physical activity (more than six METs),
Assessment of physical activity by no physical activity used as reference
mailing questionnaire Moderate physical activity (2–4 times per week): 0.86 (0.76, 0.98)
Follow up: 12 years Moderate physical activity (more than four times per week): 0.73
(0.62, 0.85); p for trend < 0.001
Vigorous physical activity (2–4 times per week): 0.88 (0.70, 1.11)
Vigorous physical activity (more than four times per week):
0.64 (0.41, 1.01); p for trend < 0.05
74,240 non-diabetic Caucasian HR (95%CI) for incident type 2 diabetes by total (30)
women (63.8 years old) physical activity quintile,
Assessment of physical activity at first quintile used as reference: quintile 5: 0.67; (0.56–0.81);
baseline by questionnaires p for trend 0.002
Follow up: 5.1 years Hazard ratio for incident type 2 diabetes by walking quintile,
first quintile used as reference: quintile 5: 0.74; (0.62–0.89);
p for trend < 0.001
487 subjects with impaired glucose tolerance RR (95%CI) of developing incident type 2 diabetes: (31)
(55 years) randomised in an active group 0.5 h of leisure-time physical activity per week: 0.52 (0.31–0.89)
(moderate-to-vigorous exercise for at 3.8 h of leisure-time physical activity per week: 0.34 (0.19–0.62)
least 30 min per day)
and in a control group
Assessment of physical activity by
questionnaires at baseline
and during yearly follow-up visits
Follow up: 4.1 years
5125 female nurses (50 years old) RR (95%CI) of incident coronary heart disease according (32)
with type 2 diabetes to average hours of
Assessment of physical activity by moderate to vigorous activity per week
questionnaires at (< 1 h of activity per week used as reference):
baseline and during follow up 1–1.9 h ⁄ week: 1.07 (0.75–1.54)
Follow up: 14 years 2–3.9 h ⁄ week: 0.86 (0.60–1.22)
4–6.9 h ⁄ week: 0.61 (0.40–0.92)
‡ 7 h ⁄ week: 0.49 (0.19–1.23)

RR, relative risk; 95% CI, 95% confident interval; OR, odds ratio; HR, hazard ratio; MET, metabolic equivalent task.

activity is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 are associated with a lower incidence of type 2 diabe-
diabetes over 12 years of follow up. Hsia et al. (30) tes in Caucasian women, participants of the
reported that walking and total physical activity score Women’s Health Initiative.

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Physical activity in older patients 309

Physical activity is also associated with a lower risk results. In a meta analysis including older subjects,
of incident diabetes among ‘young’ older subjects Cornelissen and Fagard (41) showed a non-significant
with impaired glucose tolerance, as found by Laakso- reduction in systolic blood pressure and a significant
nen et al. (31) in a post hoc analysis of a randomised reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Although these
trial including 487 participants (mean age 55 years) blood pressure reductions seem the modest, a signi-
from the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, observ- ficant blood pressure reduction of 3 mmHg is associ-
ing a protective effect of leisure-time physical activity ated with a reduced cardiac morbidity by 5–9%, stroke
(RR of 65%). by 8–14% and all-cause mortality by 4% (42).
For diabetics, physical activity is associated with a Benefits of physical activity on blood pressure in
reduced number of cardiovascular events, as estab- older subjects are less consistent (Table 4). In a small
lished by Hu et al. on the basis of the Nurses’ Health randomised trial including sedentary healthy normo-
Study following 5125 diabetic middle aged women tensive subjects aged, Braith et al. (43) reported a
(mean age 50) over a period of 14 years (32). Posi- significant decrease in both systolic and diastolic
tive effects of physical activity on glycaemic control blood pressure after 6 months in the exercise group
are related to a greater sensitivity to insulin and compared with the control group. Jessup et al. (44)
notably to an increase in some glucose transporters showed, in a randomised study, a significant benefit
(GLUT 4) (33–35). of physical activity on 24-h systolic blood pressure
and 24-h diastolic blood pressure in the active group
Prevention of strokes compared with the control group.
Several studies have noticed an inverse association Vaitkevicius et al. (45) observed in a small pilot
between regular physical activity and the risk of stroke. study including 22 elderly subjects (mean age of
Using data from the Northern Manhattan Stroke 84 years) a significant reduction in resting systolic
Study, Sacco et al. (36) in a case–control study includ- blood pressure (146 ± 18 vs. 133 ± 14 mmHg,
ing 1047 subjects (mean age 69.9 years) report that lei- p = 0.01) without significant effects on resting dia-
sure-time physical activity is significantly protective for stolic blood pressure, after 6 months of aerobic exer-
ischaemic stroke, with a dose-response relationship for cise training (at 60–80% of maximal heart rate).
both intensity and duration. Bijnen et al. (9) observed Kelley and Sharpe Kelley (46) in a meta analysis
in a longitudinal study (Zutphen Elderly Study) including individuals aged more than 50 years
including 802 elderly men (mean age 71.4 years) a reported after an aerobic programme a significant
significant reduction in 10-year stroke mortality for decrease in blood pressure values only for systolic
tertiles of time spent on physical activity (with the low- pressure. Such benefits on the blood pressure profile
est tertile as reference) (RR: 0.3; 95%CI: 0.14–0.66). are observed for moderate intensity exercises such as
Using data from a meta analysis comprising 31 longitu- walking, but other physical activities such as swim-
dinal studies, not specifically including older patients, ming do not seem to be associated with these posi-
Wendel-Vos et al. (37) observed a protective effect of tive benefits (47).
exercise, even moderate, with regard to the risk of Concerning secondary prevention, aerobic exercise
stroke, whether ischaemic or haemorrhagic. In another reduces blood pressure in both hypertensive and nor-
meta analysis that did not specifically include elderly motensive persons in general population (40). In the
people, Lee et al. (38) reported the same trend. meta analysis of Dickinson et al. (48) physical activity
The literature provides little data on the benefit of led to a reduction in both systolic blood pressure and
cardio-circulatory training after a stroke in terms of diastolic blood pressure. The effect of physical activity
secondary prevention. In a systematic review of only on blood pressure of older patients with hypertension
three randomised studies (75 patients), Meek et al. has been assessed on smaller groups, with apparent
(39) find no significant benefit. smaller benefits than for middle-aged patients (49).
Hagberg et al. (50) in a non-randomised study includ-
Prevention and control of hypertension ing older hypertensive subjects (mean age 64 years),
Inactivity is associated with an increased risk (30–50%) followed up during 9 months, report a significant
of developing high blood pressure among the middle- reduction in systolic blood pressure only in the low-
aged. Benefits of aerobic activity on blood pressure intensity group and not in the moderate intensity
value are a robust evidence. In a meta analysis involv- group compared with the control group.
ing 2419 people aged from 21 to 79, Whelton et al. (40)
reported that aerobic exercise is associated with a Cardio-respiratory performances
lowering of both systolic blood pressure and diastolic Aerobic fitness (V02max) in older people is related to
blood pressure. The positive effect of resistance exercise all-cause mortality, CHD, health status and func-
on blood is a matter of debate because of conflicting tional capacity (51). V02max declines with ageing and

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Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
310 Physical activity in older patients

Table 4 Physical activity and blood pressure

Population and interventions Outcomes Reference

Effect of resistance training on resting blood Average net change in blood pressure related to (40)
pressure: a meta analysis of 54 randomised aerobic exercise (mmHg)
controlled trials 2419 subjects (aged 21–79 years) Systolic blood pressure: )3.84; 95%CI ()4.97
to )2.72), p < 0.001
Diastolic blood pressure: )2.58; 95%CI ()3.35
to )1.81), p < 0.001
Effect of resistance training on resting blood Overall pooled net effect of training on: (41)
pressure: a meta analysis of nine randomised Systolic blood pressure: )3.2 mmHg (p = 0.1)
controlled trials involving 341 subjects Diastolic blood pressure: )3.5 mmHg (p < 0.001)
(69 years old)
Randomised controlled trial: 44 sedentary healthy Blood pressures changes after 6 months in training (43)
subjects (60–79 years) assigned either to groups (mmHg) (control group used as reference):
moderate intensity group (70% of V02max), high Systolic blood pressure (p < 0.005)*
intensity group (70 to 85% of V02max) or control Moderate intensity group: )9
Follow up: 6 months High intensity group: )8
Diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.005)*
Moderate intensity group: )8
High intensity group: )7
31 elderly subjects (68.5 years) randomised in a 24-h ambulatory systolic (ASBP) and diastolic (39)
training group (50–85% of maximal workload, (ADBP) blood pressures changes after 16 weeks
3.6 h per week) and a control group training
Follow up: 16 weeks Training group
ASBP: )7.9 mmHg (p = 0.0001)*
ADBP: )3.6 mmHg (p = 0.002)*
Control group: NS
22 elderly subjects (84.5 years) enrolled in a Blood pressure changes after 6 months training: (45)
6-month moderate-intensity aerobic exercise Systolic blood pressure: 133 vs. 146 mmHg;
training program p = 0.01
Pretest ⁄ posttest design Diastolic blood pressure: NS
Effect of aerobic exercise and resting blood Average net change in blood pressure related to (46)
pressure in elderly adults: a meta analysis of aerobic exercise (95%CI)
seven randomised controlled trial Systolic blood pressure: )2 mmHg ()4
to )1 mmHg)
Diastolic blood pressure: )1 mmHg ()2
to 0 mmHg)
Randomised controlled trial: 116 sedentary Average net change in blood pressure related (47)
normotensive women (55 years old) assigned to aerobic exercise (95%CI):
either a 6-month swimming or walking Systolic supine blood pressure: 4.4 mmHg
programme or a control group (1.2–7.5 mmHg); p = 0.008
Diastolic supine blood pressure: 1.4 mmHg
()0.14 to 3.0 mmHg); p = 0.07
Effect of lifestyle interventions to reduce raised Net reduction in blood pressure (95%CI): (48)
blood pressure: a meta analysis of 105 Systolic blood pressure: )6.1 mmHg ()10.1
randomised controlled trials 6805 subjects to )2.1 mmHg)
(25 years old) Diastolic blood pressure: )3.0 mmHg ()4.9
to )1.1 mmHg)

*Compared with placebo group. 95%CI, 95% confident interval; NS, no significant differences.

a value of 15–18 ml ⁄ kg ⁄ min must be maintained to reported as similar to V02max in sedentary young
be independent for daily activity. The V02max of subjects (52). Nevertheless, the rate of V02max decline
endurance-trained subjects is higher than that of sed- with ageing in both trained and sedentary-group is a
entary subjects for the same age. In addition, V02max matter of debate. Discrepant results are observed in
in endurance-trained older subjects has been both genders, especially between the absolute rate of

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Physical activity in older patients 311

decline and the relative rate of decline (percent logical role of physical activity in reducing the risk of
decrease from baseline in young adulthood) (53). cancer can be classified as follows: probable for pros-
Benefit of endurance training programmes on the tate cancer, possible for lung and endometrial can-
V02max among elderly people is established, in small cers, insufficient for testicular and ovarian cancers
sample-size studies. In these studies, older or very (64).
older subjects have to be able to participate in a high
intensity endurance programme. Thus, they are in Benefit on bone mineral density and risk of
some regard selected, often healthy and well-motivated fracture
without significant orthopaedic diseases and comor- Impact of exercise on bone density and fall-related
bidities. Malbut et al. (54) noted in a small group of injuries is complex and a matter of debate, especially
elderly people in a 24-weeks endurance programme concerning risk of fracture (Table 5). There is no
(75–80% of V02max) a 15% increase in the V02max randomised controlled trial specifically designed to
among women. Similarly, Evans et al. (34) reported in evaluate the role of physical activity in reduction in
10 subjects (80.3 years old) an increase of 15% of fracture rate. Moreover, some authors suggest a
V02peak after 108 exercises sessions of an endurance U-shape association between physical activity and
training program with an intensity at 60–85% of fracture risk, with an increase risk of falls with certain
V02peak. Older subjects with a lower baseline V02peak type of exercise. Beyond the bone density, it is impor-
seem to have the greatest improvement in V02peak tant to take into account the established risk factors
after training as shown by Vaitkevicius et al. (45) in for falls such as impaired balance, decreased reaction
small non-randomised study. Moreover, some data time, impaired vision and cognition, weakness in
suggest that endurance exercise training in elderly peo- lower-extremity muscles, sarcopenia and medications.
ple results in a compensatory reduction in the physical In a cohort study involving women aged 65 years
activity throughout the rest of the day (55). Evans or older, Cummings et al. assessed the risk factors
et al. (34) did not observe such phenomenon but for incident hips fractures and observed in a multi-
noted an inverse trend with an increase in the total variate model that women who regularly walk for
energy expenditure by 400 kcal ⁄ day as the result of an exercise have a 30% lower risk of hip fracture. Nev-
increase in physical activity. ertheless, after adjustment for mineral bone density
and history of fracture, this difference loses its signif-
Prevention of cancers icance (65). Ebrahim et al. (66) did not report any
Evidence is accumulating that high levels of physical significant net change for the femoral neck bone
activity are associated with a reduced risk of some mineral density in the exercise group compared with
cancers (56). The relationship between physical activ- the control group, but observed a significant
ity and a reduced risk of colon cancer is among the increased risk of falls in the active group compared
most consistent findings in the epidemiologic litera- with the control group. Robbins et al. (67) observed
ture, reported in the studies of occupational activity, in a large prospective study a significant greater OR
leisure activity and total activity, but not specially in of incident hip fracture in the inactive postmeno-
older population (57,58). As reported by Friedenr- pausal women compared with those who practise
eich (59) the risk reduction is between 10% and activities.
more than 50% with an average risk reduction in at Concerning the effect of physical activities on bone
least 40%. There is a difficult issue of taking into mineral density, results are disparate. In a meta anal-
account potential confounding factors. Indeed, physi- ysis including 10 randomised trials of 595 postmeno-
cally active subjects may exhibit other lifestyle char- pausal women (mean age 65 years), Kelley and
acteristics that are associated with a risk reduction of Kelley (68) evaluated the impact of exercise on bone
the colon cancer (60). Concerning breast cancer, the mineral density at the femoral neck and did not
overall evidence reveals a reduced risk of breast can- reports significant results.
cer with increased physical activity (61). The risk In a meta analysis, Wolff et al. (69) reported that
reduction ranges from 20% to 80% and appears physical activity does not offer significant benefit on
higher for postmenopausal breast cancer than for the bone mineral density among postmenopausal,
premenopausal breast cancer (62). Numerous ques- using randomised and non-randomised control trials,
tions remain regarding the putative association for endurance and also strength training. Finally, in a
regarding the underlying mechanisms or the dose- meta analysis of randomised trials and including
response aspect as well as the possibility of con- postmenopausal women, Wallace and Cumming (70)
founding factors (63). Concerning other cancers, the observed that on the lumbar spine, both impact and
benefit of physical activity is not clearly proved. As non-impact exercises have a positive effect on bone
reported by Friedenreich, the evidence for an aetio- mineral density.

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312 Physical activity in older patients

Table 5 Physical activity, mineral bone density and fractures

Population and interventions Outcomes Reference

Prospective study cohort: 9516 white women (72 years old) Relative risk of incident hip fracture (95%CI): walking for (65)
without previous hip fracture. exercise vs. not walking for exercise: 0.7 (0.5–1.0)
Assessment of physical activity by questionnaires at
Follow up: 4.1 years
Randomised controlled trial: 91 postmenopausal women Net changes (intervention group changes minus (66)
assigned to either an exercise (n = 46; age: 66.5 years; control group changes) in femoral neck bone mineral
104 weeks of walking three times each week for 40 min density at 2 years (95%CI): 0.019 g ⁄ cm2 ()0.0026
per session) or control (n = 45; age: 68.2 years) group to +0.041 g ⁄ cm2)
Follow up: 2 years (with 68 dropped out subjects) Cumulative falls risk at 2 years (rate per 100 persons-year):
70.3 (walking group), 55.1 (control group); p < 0.01
Cumulative fractures risk at 2 years (rate per 100
persons-year): 5.9 (walking group), 4.1 (control group); NS
Prospective study cohort: 68,132 postmenopausal women Odds ratio of incident hip fracture during follow up (67)
Assessment of physical activity by questionnaires at (95%CI):
baseline Inactive vs. £ 12 Mets physical activity per week: 1.64
Follow up: 7.6 years (1.24–2.17)
Meta analysis of 10 randomised controlled trial including Femoral bone mineral density changes (g ⁄ cm2): (68)
595 older subjects (65 years old): effect of physical Initial: 0,763 (control group), 0.787 (active group)
activity on bone mineral density Final: 0.764 (control group), 0,791 (active group); p > 0.05
Meta analysis of 25 trials: effect of exercise training Overall exercise training program effects on bone mineral (69)
programs on bone mineral density: density (95%CI) for randomised controlled trial including
postmenopausal women:
Lumbar spine: 0.79 (0.35–1.22)
Femoral neck: 0.89 (0.5–1.29)
Meta analysis of 24 randomised controlled trial including Pooled measure of effect: of exercise on bone mineral (70)
postmenopausal women: effect of exercise training density (95%CI):
programs on bone mineral density Spine, impact exercise: 1.6% (1.0–2.2%)
Spine, non-impact exercise: 1.0% (0.4–1.6%)
Femoral neck, impact exercise: 0.9% (0.5–1.3%)
Femoral neck, non-impact exercise: 1.4% (0.2–2.6%)
Prospective study: 43 osteopenic postmenopausal women Changes of bone mineral density at 24-weeks: (72)
(57 years old) allocated either an exercise group (treadmill Active group: spine L2–L4: + 2% (p > 0.05); femoral neck:
walking at 70% V02max) or a control group 6.8% (p < 0.05)
Follow up: 24 weeks Control group: spine L2–L4: )2.3% (p < 0.05); femoral
neck: + 1.5% (p > 0.05)
Randomised controlled trial: 35 osteoporotic Lumbar bone mineral density changes at 2 years: (73)
postmenopausal women assigned either to a 2-year In the 2-year exercise group: 0.620 (p < 0.05)
exercise group (n = 8), 1-year exercise group (n = 7) In the 1-year exercise group: 0.632 NS
or a control group (n = 20). In the control group: 0.616 NS
Follow up: 2 years
Prospective study cohort: 61,200 postmenopausal RR of hip fracture by metabolic equivalent (MET)-hours per (74)
women (61 years old) week of activity (95% CI) < 3 MET ⁄ hours ⁄ week used as
Assessment of physical activity by questionnaires reference:
at baseline 3–8.9: 0.74 (0.57–0.95)
Follow up: 12 years 9–14.9: 0.63 (0.46–0.85)
15–23.9: 0.47 (0.34–0.65)
‡ 24: 0.41 (0.29–0.57)
Prospective study cohort: 3262 men (44 years old or older) RR of hip fracture during follow up (95%CI): (75)
Assessment of physical activity by questionnaires Participation in vigorous physical activity: 0.38 (0.16–0.91)
at baseline Occasional exercisers: 0.80 (0.41–1.54)
Follow up: 21 years

DEXA, dual–energy X-ray absorptiometry; NS, no significant differences; RR, relative risk.

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Physical activity in older patients 313

These benefits seem to depend on the type of as a secondary preventive strategy for older subjects
physical activity. On one hand, some exercises appear with poor balance (94).
to bring little benefit on the bone structure (swim-
ming) and others seem to slow age-related bone loss Cognitive benefit: decreased risk of dementia
(walking, moderately intense low impact exercise). Body of evidence supports the role of physical activ-
On the other hand, others appear to increase bone ity as a tool to maintain cognitive performance. Sev-
density (running and vigorous, high impact, aerobic eral randomised trials and longitudinal studies have
exercise). Moreover, the benefit on mineral density reported some benefits in various kind of cognitive
concerns mainly bones that are involved in the exer- outcomes, such as cognitive scales, but without spe-
cise (upper limbs and squash, for example) (71). The cific assessment of incident dementia risk and its
effect of physical activity in the case of established leading cause, the Alzheimer’s disease. (95,96). Using
osteoporosis has also been evaluated, especially for data of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging,
high intensity and high impact exercises, with among 4615 subjects free from dementia at baseline,
favourable benefit after long-term physical activity Laurin et al. (97) reported that high levels of physical
exercises (72,73). activity is associated with a reduced risk of incidence
It is shown that physical activity reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (OR: 0.50; CI 95%: 0.28–
of hip fracture concerning women (74) and men 0.90), after a 5-year follow up. The same trend was
(75). Recently, Moayyeri assessed the potential cau- observed by Larson et al. In a prospective cohort
sal association between physical activity and osteo- study (1740 persons older than 65 years old) with a
porotic fractures from an epidemiological mean follow up of 6.2 years, Larson et al. reported
viewpoint, using a meta analysis of 13 prospective that the incidence rate of dementia is 13.0 per 1000
cohort studies. The author reported that moderate- person-years for persons who exercised three or
to-vigorous physical activity is associated with a hip more times per week, compared with 19.7 per 1000
fracture risk reduction of 45% (95% CI: 31–56%) person-years for persons who exercised fewer than
among men and 38% (95% CI: 31–44%) among three times per week (hazard ratio for the regular
women (76). The differential impact of exercises on exercise group: HR:0.62; CI 95%: 0.44–0.86) (98).
muscle strength and mineral bone density is still Among 2257 physically capable men aged from 71 to
debated. The type and intensity of physical activity 93 years in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study Abbot
that best reduce the fracture risk also remain et al. (99) suggested that walking is associated with a
unclear (77). reduced risk of dementia with nearly 7 years of fol-
low up. The relative hazard (RH) of incidences of
Avoiding falls Alzheimer’s disease in men who walked < 0.25 mile
Exercises including balance training, strength and per day compared with those who walked more than
flexibility exercises have been associated with a 2 miles per day is: (RH: 2.21;CI 95%: 1.06–4.57). In
reduced risk of falls in older people, especially in a the Cardiovascular Health Study, conducted in the
multidimensional approach (78). Nevertheless, con- United States, participants who expended the highest
flicting results have been reported, especially in pre- quartile of energy (calculated at more than
vention of fall-related injury as seen in several meta 1657 kcal ⁄ week) had a lower risk of Alzheimer’s dis-
analyses (79–81) (Table 6). Recently, in a multicentre ease (adjusted RR 0.55, CI 95%: 0.34–0.88) com-
randomised controlled trial, using a moderate inten- pared with participants who expended the lowest
sity exercise programs Faber et al. (82) did not quartile of energy (estimated at < 248 kcal ⁄ week)
observe any positive effect on falls in the frail elderly (100). Nevertheless, some studies have failed to
people group. The same trend is observed in other observe the benefits of physical exercise in preserving
studies (83). In contrast, some randomised con- cognitive function as shown by Broe et al. (101)s
trolled trials have reported positive results (84–88). using the Sydney Older Persons Study or Wang et al.
Specific physical activities such as Tai chi, a Chinese (102) with a longitudinal study from the Kungslol-
martial art characterised by slow, controlled and pur- men Project. More recently, Lautenschlager et al.
poseful movement have also been evaluated. Authors (103) reported in a 24-week randomised trial includ-
report a reduced incidence of falls and an improve- ing 170 older subjects (68 years old) with subjective
ment in physical performance and balance. This is cognitive impairment that a home-based physical
highlighted in a randomised study (89). However, activity programme significantly improves the Alzhei-
some literature reviews and randomised controlled mer Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Subscale
trials do not find these positive effects of Tai chi compared with the usual care. Physical activity may
(90,93). Nevertheless, Tai chi has great promise as a be a surrogate for overall ‘life engagement’ that con-
primary preventive exercise to maintain function and tributes to develop social network. In fact, a greater

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Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
314 Physical activity in older patients

Table 6 physical activity and risk of falls

Population and interventions Outcomes Reference

20-week randomised controlled trial: 278 frail Fall incidence rate: 3.3 ± 5.6 (walking (82)
institutionalised elderly people (85.6 years old) assigned programme), 2.4 ± 4.6 (in balance
to walking programme (n = 66), in balance programme programme), 2.5 ± 4.6 (control group): NS
(n = 80) or control group (n = 92)
Follow up: 52 weeks
Randomised controlled trial: 455 elderly subjects (88 years Hazard ratio of falls in the exercise group (83)
old) with history of falls assigned either an exercise group compared with the control group during the
(n = 217) or a control group (n = 220) study period (95%CI): 0.93 (0.80–1.09)
Follow up: 16 months
Randomised, controlled, single-blind 25-week prospective PPA fall risk score: (84)
study: 90 older subjects (79.3 years old) assigned to Resistance training group: )57.3% (p < 0.01)
either a resistance training (n = 32), an agility training Agility training group: )47.5% (p < 0.01)
(n = 34) and a stretching exercises group (n = 32) Stretching exercises group: 20.2 (NS)
Assessment risk of fall using the physiological profile
assessment (PPA)
Randomised controlled trial of 12 months’ duration: 551 Incidence rate ratio of falls (95% CI) comparing (85)
older subjects (79.5 years old) assigned to either an the rate of falls in the exercise group vs. the
exercise group 1 hour twice weekly (n = 280) and control group: 0.78 (0.62–0.99)
a control group (n = 271)
Randomised controlled trial: 52 elderly female community Proportion of women with falls in each group: (86)
living residents (77 years old) assigned either an exercise Before intervention: 16.7% in the control group
group with home exercises three times a week and a and 14.3% in the exercise group had
intervention programme every 2 weeks (n = 28) experienced falls (NS)
and a control group (n = 24) At the 20-month follow up: 54.5% women
6 months intervention and 20 months follow up with falls in the control group and 13.6% in
the exercise group (p = 0.0097)
Randomised controlled trial: 310 community residents Relative risk of falls in the exercise group (87)
(78 years old) assigned either an exercise programme compared with the control group during the
(included in a multifaceted-based program; n = 157) follow up (95%CI): 0.69 (0.50–0.96)
or a control group (n = 153)
Follow up: 14 months
Randomised controlled trial: 163 older community-dwelling Incident rate ratio of fall in the exercise group (88)
subjects (74 years old) allocated either an exercise group compared with the control group (95%CI):
(n = 83) or a controlled group (n = 80) 0.60 (0.36–0.99)
Follow up: 12 months
6-month randomised controlled trial: 256 community- Number of falls during follow up: 38 (tai chi (89)
dwelling elderly subjects (77.5 years old) allocated group) and 73 (control group); p = 0.007
either a tai chi group (three times per week) or a
control group
Follow up: 6 months
Randomised controlled trial: 110 institutionalised elderly Rates of falls: 72% (endurance – resistance (91)
people assigned to a endurance – resistance group group), 58% (tai chi group), 75% (control
(n = 37), a tai chi group (n = 38) or a control group group); p = 0.27, NS
(n = 35)
Follow up: 24 months
Randomised controlled trial: 286 frail institutionalised Risk ratio of falling (95%CI) in the tai chi (92)
elderly people assigned to a tai chi group (n = 145) group compared with the wellness education
or a wellness education group (n = 141) group: 0.75 (0.52–1.08)
Follow up: 48 weeks
Randomised controlled trial: 702 older community-dwelling Incident ratio rate of falls in the tai chi group (93)
subjects (69 years old) assigned either a tai chi group compared with the control group during the
(1 h weekly; n = 353) or a control group (n = 349) follow up (95%CI): 0.73 (0.50–1.07)
Follow up: 16 weeks

NS, no significant differences; CI, confidence interval.

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Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
Physical activity in older patients 315

social activity is associated not only with a lower risk activity for those who were the most dysfunctional at
of all-cause mortality but also with lower rate of cog- enrolment. In contrast, in a multicentre randomised
nitive decline among older subjects (104,105). As controlled trial including 268 older subjects of
practising a physical activity can indicate a developed 85 years old, Faber et al. (119) reported positive
social environment, it may decrease dementia risk effects of a 52-week program on falling and physical
(106,107). performance in prefrail and not in frail elderly peo-
Numerous studies have reported benefit of physi- ple. The same trend was reported by Gill et al. (120)
cal activity on cognitive functions of older people in a randomised controlled trial including 188 frail
with cognitive impairment or dementia. According persons 75 years of age living at home who under-
to Heyn et al. (108) in a meta analysis involving 30 went a 6-month intervention program. Gill et al. do
randomised trials including 2020 people of over not find any change concerning disability based on
65 years, exercise training significantly increased eight activities of daily living among participants
strength, physical fitness, functional performance, with severe frailty. Concerning patients with demen-
cognitive performance and behaviour. Physical activ- tia, they benefited from exercise programme. This
ity has also been linked to improved quality of life effect is shown by Toulotte et al. (121) who observed
and mood for Alzheimer’s patients (109). A recent in a randomised trial including 20 older demented
study suggested that subjects in the early stages of patients (81.4 years) an improvement of walking,
Alzheimer’s disease are able to participate in a mobility, flexibility and static balance after 16 weeks
maximal exercise testing (in terms of peak oxygen of training. However, it is less clear whether physical
consumption) and have comparable levels of cardio- activity prevents or minimises physical disability as
respiratory fitness as non-demented subjects (110). shown by Latham et al. (122) who do not find any
effect on disability in a systematic review of 41
Benefits of physical activity in the very older randomised trials with progressive resistance strength
people and frail subjects training. Keysor reported the same trend with incon-
Concerning very older subjects (80 years and older), sistent results regarding the beneficial effects of exer-
benefits of physical activity are not appreciated in cise on disability outcomes and showed a divergence
terms of primary or secondary prevention. Benefits between prospective and experimental studies. A
are considered in terms of strength, muscular func- majority of experimental studies included in that
tion and more difficult, in terms of disability preven- review did not identify an improvement in disability,
tion. As aerobic exercises in endurance are difficult whereas several prospective studies showed a benefi-
to perform for elderly people, strength exercise cial effect of physical activity on minimizing
programs in resistance are often chosen. Physical disability (123). Although the observational studies
activity must be adapted to the physiological ageing were well designed in this review, some potential bias
process. The first aim is to improve functional activ- could explain this divergence, such as the link
ity without injuries. between physical inactivity at baseline and poor
Physical activity among elderly people and very health or functional limitations or the assessment of
elderly people does not slow down the age-related physical activity by self-report. The benefit of physi-
loss of muscle fibre, but is associated with a strength cal activity programme on disability (activity of daily
gain of between 10% and 180%, comparable to a living) of the very elderly people or frail remains
‘rejuvenescence’ of 10–20 years (111–114). An unclear (122,124,125), although some studies
increased strength is noticed. This can be explained observed encouraging results (126).
by muscle fibre hypertrophy, (fibres type I and II) of
up to 30% (115,116). An increase in the motor unit Recommendations
recruitment is also reported. In a randomised con- Recently, the American College of Sports Medicine
trolled trial including 100 frail nursing home resi- and the American Heart Association published the
dents (mean age 87.1 years), Fiatarone et al. (117) recommendations on the type and amounts of physi-
observed a significant increase in muscular strength, cal activity needed to improve and maintain health
gait velocity and cross-sectional thigh-muscle area in older subjects (127). Older adults need moderate
after a 10-week period of progressive resistance exer- intensity aerobic exercise for a minimum of 30 min
cise training. In a randomised controlled trial, on 5 days each week or vigorous intensity aerobic
including 136 older subjects (mean age: 75 years) activity for at least 20 min on 3 days each week
participating in a both endurance and resistance pro- [Classifications of recommendation (COR): I; Levels
gramme for 4–8 weeks, with impairment at least for of evidence (LOE): A]. Promotion of muscle-
one activity of daily living, Meuleman et al. (118) strengthening activity is recommend for a minimum
reported a significant improvement in functional of 2 days each week (COR: IIa; LOE: A). Older

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316 Physical activity in older patients

subjects should perform flexibility activities on at

Table 7 health benefits of physical activity
least 2 days of each week for at least 10 min each
day (COR: IIb; LOE: B). At last, to reduce the risk of Health benefits of physical activity
falls, community-dwelling older subjects with sub- among older subjects
stantial risk of falls should perform exercises that
maintain or improve balance (COR: IIa; LOE: A). Reduction in total mortality rate
Primary prevention of coronary heart disease
It is essential to note that recommendations con-
Benefit on lipid profile
cern exclusively ‘older adults’ without any specifica-
Modification of body composition with reduction in
tions concerning ‘very elderly’, ‘frail elderly’, older both body fat and age-related sarcopenia
subjects in nursing homes as well as older subjects Primary and secondary prevention of type 2 diabetes
with disability or major chronic conditions such as Primary prevention of stroke
Alzheimer’s disease. Lowering blood pressure with prevention and control
Advice from health professionals is an important of hypertension
part of the solution to the societal problem of inac- Reduction in peak oxygen consumption (V02max)
tivity. If no local supervised programme is available, age-related decline
physicians should encourage patients to be more Primary prevention of colon cancer and breast cancer
active through simple, safe and attractive physical Primary prevention of hip fracture
Prevention of falls (in a multidimensional approach)
activities. Physicians should persuade their patients
Possible cognitive benefit with reduction in dementia
to integrate physical activity into their everyday life,
for example, walking to the train station or local Benefits on strength and muscular function among
shop, walking the dog, using stairs instead of eleva- very old people, and frail older subjects
tors, spending less time in front of the television or
computer. Finally, when no training programme is
available, older subjects should look for simple ways
to be physically active every day and find activities needs and desires must be taken into account to pre-
they enjoy doing. scribe individualised and appropriate physical activi-
ties. Lack of financial incentives stands in the way of
the promotion of physical activity (130).
In the geriatric department of the University Hos-
Keeping in mind the numerous adverse effects of a pital of Strasbourg, we have been able to convince
sedentary lifestyle and the benefits of a modest two health insurance companies, one public (Mutua-
increase in activity, physical inactivity remains a lité Sociale Agricole) and another private (Mutuelle
major health challenge for the older age group even Générale de l’Éducation Nationale), to cosubsidise an
in the frailest and the most vulnerable one (Table 7). exercise programme in elderly people (131). This
Walking (at least 30 min per day preferentially all intermittent work exercise training was adapted from
days of the week) appears as the exercise of choice a 2-month personalised interval training programme
among older subjects, because of its benign nature, on ergocycle and involved 18 sessions (three per
lack of need of supervision and universal availability. week) of alternating 30 min of aerobic and anaerobic
Nevertheless, less vigorous levels of activity and spe- activities. Preliminary data show a 30–100%
cific types of exercises may be more appropriate for improvement in the cardio-respiratory endurance
more frail and disabled persons (128). Risks associ- pattern of these elderly patients; all of them were
ated with exercise practice, essentially musculoskele- convinced that it was beneficial and asked to con-
tal injury, are avoidable with appropriate caution. tinue the programme (132,133). The cost of this
Despite evidence documenting that exercise is ben- 6-week endurance programme is 972 euros including
eficial for older subjects even for the oldest, many two cycle incremental exercise tests, one transtho-
old patients do not achieve the recommended levels racic echocardiography, 18 training sessions on ergo-
of physical activity. Promoting physical activity at an cycle and two outpatient consultations. In recent
individual-level and ⁄ or at community-level is still a months, demented older subjects (Alzheimer’s dis-
matter of debate, especially regarding concerns about ease) and the respective caregiver (often spouse) have
efficacy in long-term (129). been included in this intermittent work exercise
Improving collaboration between physicians and training with encouraging early results in terms of
other healthcare workers is essential. The heterogene- feasibility and efficacy.
ity of the older people in terms of cardiovascular fit- Further studies are needed to understand better,
ness, muscle strength, performance in activities of on a population level, the optimal activity-promoting
daily living, medical comorbidities, psychosocial interventions in the older patient group and particu-

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Journal compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract February 2009, 63, 2, 303–320
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