Manufacturing Performance Measurement and Target Setting - LER - 2011

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European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626

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Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Manufacturing performance measurement and target setting: A data

envelopment analysis approach q
Sanjay Jain a,⇑, Konstantinos P. Triantis b,1, Shiyong Liu c
Department of Decision Sciences, School of Business, The George Washington University, 2201 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052, USA
Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, System Performance Laboratory, Falls Church, VA 22043, USA
Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, #55 Guanghua Village Avenue, Chengdu, Sichuan 610074, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Manufacturing decision makers have to deal with a large number of reports and metrics for evaluating
Received 31 October 2009 the performance of manufacturing systems. Since the metrics provide different and at times conflicting
Accepted 16 May 2011 assessments, it is hard for the manufacturing decision makers to track and improve overall manufactur-
Available online 23 May 2011
ing system performance. This research presents a data envelopment analysis (DEA) based approach for
performance measurement and target setting of manufacturing systems. The approach is applied to
Keywords: two different manufacturing environments. The performance peer groups identified using DEA are uti-
lized to set performance targets and to guide performance improvement efforts. The DEA scores are
Performance measurement
Target setting
checked against past process modifications that led to identified performance changes. Limitations of
Data envelopment analysis the DEA based approach are presented when considering measures that are influenced by factors outside
of the control of the manufacturing decision makers. The potential of a DEA based generic performance
measurement approach for manufacturing systems is provided.
Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and context Targets based on these benchmarks need to be adjusted to the un-
ique configuration and circumstances of the manufacturing system
Most manufacturing executives face three major obstacles as that is being evaluated and this is a non-trivial task. Furthermore,
they strive to keep a handle on their operations: information inun- defining targets using a set of often conflicting performance indica-
dation, information isolation, and information indecision. In a nut- tors, such as combinations of due date performance, inventory lev-
shell, executives often receive too much information from isolated els, quality levels, throughput, cycle time and machine utilization
sources that is devoid of practical guidance for improvement. Fur- typically cause confusion. For example, a conflict exists between
ther, in order for manufacturers to improve operational perfor- the objectives of achieving low inventory levels and high machine
mance and in this context reduce manufacturing costs, they must utilizations if there are long changeovers between manufacturing
have an effective method of measuring and evaluating the perfor- different product types.
mance of their manufacturing processes. This issue of effective Simulation modeling also provides a potential approach to set-
measurement is paramount in today’s manufacturing companies. ting performance targets that take into account the manufacturing
There is little guidance on setting performance improvement system’s resource availabilities and stochastic demand generating
targets in manufacturing systems. External benchmarks available large amounts of information. However, developing and maintain-
through industry trade associations or through consulting organi- ing current simulation models for a manufacturing system requires
zations are occasionally used for setting performance targets. high expertise and effort. Therefore, both of these approaches, i.e.,
the use of external benchmarks and simulation, do not solve the
information inundation or isolation problems.
This research was supported in part by an internal Virginia Tech grant from the
Consequently, organizations have typically tried to focus on one
Center for High Performance Manufacturing and in part by ‘‘211 Project Phase III’’ at or two measures. Such focus does help to improve performance on
the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. selected measures but at times to the detriment of overall perfor-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 202 994 5591; fax: +1 202 994 2736. mance. What is needed is an approach that allows the manufactur-
E-mail address: (S. Jain). ing enterprise to focus on a small number of measures; yet take
The paper is also supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation, while
Dr. Triantis was working at the Foundation. Any opinion, finding, and conclusions and
into account multiple facets of performance. Further, a mechanism
recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not is required for setting realistic targets that take into account the
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. capabilities and changing circumstances of the manufacturing

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626 617

system. Such a mechanism should ideally not require large effort the literature. Additionally, the specific manufacturing technolo-
and expertise for maintenance. gies studied in this research have led to the definition of the vari-
This research presents an approach based on data envelopment ables used in the DEA models that can be used and modified by
analysis (DEA) (Charnes et al. 1978) for manufacturing perfor- other researchers in the future. It would be appropriate to define
mance measurement and target setting. The potential of DEA for reasonable input/output specifications associated with various
managerial diagnosis and control was noted years ago (Epstein manufacturing technologies (wafer manufacturing, assembly line
and Henderson 1989). DEA can typically be used for relative per- manufacturing, etc.) as long as the mapping between the real
formance measurement and evaluation, benchmarking, target set- world and the modeling world is reasonable and can be verified
ting, and is one of the techniques available for identifying best by those operating within these manufacturing environments.
practices. This paper reports on efforts to apply the DEA based ap- These specifications can be then catalogued for future research
proach to two manufacturing organizations. The main conclusion and implementation. The modeling differences associated with
drawn from our interaction with the two organizations that is con- the two manufacturing scenarios are identified to highlight the va-
sistent with many applications of DEA reported in the literature is lue of selecting appropriate variables and models for the applica-
that the fundamental value adding potential of the DEA approach tion of DEA, something that continues to be a research and
for manufacturing decision-making lies in its ability on the one application challenge. Approaches used for the validation and ver-
hand to simplify the way by which decision makers are alerted ification of the models built are described. The implications for
of underperforming manufacturing units and on the other hand decision making based on DEA results for the two scenarios are
its ability to point to peers and potential performance improve- presented to demonstrate practical relevance. To the extent that
ment targets. all of the above can be generalized, a framework of performance
The approach can be used on a continuous (rolling) basis as measurement is proposed for manufacturing facilities in general.
more data are collected whereby operational performance can be The framework provides a starting point by highlighting the possi-
continuously monitored. It is not inconceivable to think of showing bility of end users’ driving the process of DEA implementation in
weekly/monthly/yearly performance reports in the manufacturing manufacturing environments.
areas just as one can view statistical process control (SPC) charts This section introduced the need for manufacturing perfor-
(Hoopes and Triantis 2001). Even though, control charts are based mance measurement and target setting and DEA as an approach
on statistical theory whereas the DEA performance reports are to meet this need. The next section reviews the relevant literature.
based on linear programming, they both point to observations that The third section presents the two manufacturing scenarios and
are out of control in the case of control charts and underperforming describes the process of selecting the appropriate conceptual DEA
units in the case of DEA. Performance improvement interventions models. Section 4 presents the data and the results from the DEA
are in both cases found by asking why an observation is in the models including the performance scores, the grouping of decision
out-of-control range or why a unit is underperforming. Unlike making units into peer groups and their utilization for target set-
SPC, DEA provides guidance on why a unit is underperforming ting. The fifth section discusses the impact on decision making
through performance improvement targets and comparison with based on the results and provides a framework for the application
peers. It can also provide a deeper understanding of the manufac- of the DEA approach to manufacturing organizations. The last sec-
turing process structure that has a large impact on the observed tion presents conclusions and future directions for research.
process performance over time. Typically, statistical techniques
evaluate the stochastic behavior of the production process by
studying process and/or product characteristics one at a time. On 2. DEA based performance measurement systems for
the other hand, efficiency measurement approaches include as part manufacturing
of their evaluation the entire set of critical product and/or process
characteristics simultaneously. Previous research (Hoopes and Since DEA was first proposed by Charnes et al. (1978), it has
Triantis, 2001) shows that these two approaches can be used in a been applied in many sectors, including manufacturing and the
complementary manner to identify unusual or extreme production associated sector of logistics and distribution. The applications in
instances, benchmark production occurrences, and evaluate the manufacturing have been studied across a wide range of issues
contribution of individual process and product characteristics to for example evaluating alternatives, for alignment with business
the overall performance of the production process. However, the goals, etc. We include relevant recent efforts here. A modified
potential linkage of DEA efficiency scores and performance targets DEA model was developed by Cook and Green (2004) to identify
that are derived from statistical process techniques such as control the core business performance in multi-plant firms. Ertay et al.
charts, six sigma, etc. is beyond the scope of this paper. (2006) used DEA to evaluate layout configurations in manufactur-
The focus of the work reported here is on supporting perfor- ing systems. Liu and Liu (2008) used DEA to compare relative effi-
mance improvement efforts over time by the management for ciencies of nine production lines in an electronics assembly
two very different real manufacturing scenarios and to evaluate environment.
the ability of DEA to effectively assist decision-makers in perfor- Recent efforts have focused on enhancing DEA formulations to
mance improvement. The DEA based performance measurement address manufacturing realities. Triantis et al. (2003) used possi-
approach received positive feedback from decision makers in both bility theory as an approach to evaluate the performance of the
of the manufacturing systems. A general approach for the imple- newspaper preprint insertion manufacturing process. Zeydan and
mentation of a DEA based performance system is suggested based Çolpan (2009) combined TOPSIS (technique for order preference
on this experience. by similarity to find an ideal solution) for measuring qualitative
This paper adds to the manufacturing performance measure- performance and DEA for measuring quantitative performance to
ment and decision making body of knowledge by addressing DEA assess 28 job shops engaged in manufacturing and maintenance
implementation issues. Appropriate input and output specifica- for the Turkish air force. Wang and Chin (2009) used DEA, en-
tions are discussed that deal with manufacturing issues such as hanced with double frontiers, to evaluate and select advanced
undesirable outputs, variables that could potentially be defined manufacturing technology. Chen (2009) visualized a production
as both inputs and outputs, feedback mechanisms such as rework, network that is comprised of multiple interdependent sub-decision
and others. Such combinations of issues that occur in real making units (SDMUs) and used a network-DEA approach to pro-
manufacturing systems have not been extensively addressed in pose measures that consider the dynamic effects of SDMUs. Our
618 S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626

work differs from these efforts in its motivation of providing a unique without providing general guidance for a DEA based perfor-
framework that can be applied across a range of manufacturing mance system implementation in a manufacturing system. This
environments by manufacturing practitioners. This motivation paper aims to provide guidance through presentation of a general-
leads us to use the traditional DEA approach, though with a variety ized framework for such implementations.
of specifications, across two different manufacturing environments
(assembly line and wafer manufacturing).
3. The conceptual models
Several of the DEA based research efforts focus on manufactur-
ing performance in the context of business performance and strat-
DEA was applied to two manufacturing scenarios. One scenario
egies. Talluri et al. (2003) investigated the transmutation of
was a traditional assembly line manufacturing while the other was
manufacturing performance into business performance in the auto
an advanced wafer manufacturing operation. The conceptual DEA
supplier industry. Narasimhan et al. (2004) used a multistage DEA
models developed for each of the two scenarios are described
approach to identify the importance of using the different manu-
facturing flexibilities for achieving tangible firm level performance.
Leachman et al. (2005) studied the automobile industry to evaluate
a firm’s performance relative to its rivals. Düzakın and Düzakın 3.1. Assembly line manufacturing
(2007) used DEA with balance sheet level data to analyze the per-
formance of 500 industrial enterprises in Turkey. Saranga (2009) The first manufacturing scenario involved assembly operations
used DEA to identify the inefficiencies in the Indian auto compo- of an electro-mechanical product on multiple lines. The operations
nent industry. In contrast to above efforts, the focus of this paper of this manufacturing plant were divided into various depart-
is on short term inputs and outputs with the aim of assisting the ments. The research specifically focused on the department that
manufacturing management for periodic updates on performance was responsible for assembling mechanical and electrical compo-
measurement and improvement. nents of the products. The department includes three process areas
Another group of research efforts evaluate the impact of policies - mechanical assembly, electrical assembly, and testing. Three
and factors on manufacturing performance. Sheu and Peng (2003) kinds of products are produced named as P, Q and R in this paper.
analyzed notebook computer producers in Taiwan using DEA to Products are built up as they move on an overhead conveyor
identify the significance of factors such as training time for new through the mechanical and electrical assembly areas, stopping
employees, mean time to repair, use of design of experiments during at each work station for a fixed cycle time. In the test area, some
engineering, and frequency of engineering changes. Ng and Chang of the products may be taken off line for prolonged testing while
(2003) used DEA to identify a positive relationship between com- others may go through some routine tests. The department is a
puter personnel and manufacturing output in their sample of man- part of the overall manufacturing process, with various inputs from
ufacturing enterprises. Ertay and Ruan (2005) presented a DEA external and internal vendors and the outputs going to internal
approach for optimally allocating operators in cellular manufactur- customers.
ing systems. Ross and Ernstberger (2006) employed DEA to evaluate Examination of the data and discussions with the company per-
the impact of information technology on productivity in the manu- sonnel led to setting up the conceptual DEA model as shown in
facturing sector. These efforts explore decision issues at the enter- Fig. 1. The inputs include resources in the form of labor hours, up-
prise level and thus differ from the work presented in this paper time, material and supply costs. Labor hours refer to the direct la-
with its focus within the realm of manufacturing management. bor hours recorded for the week in the department. Uptime
Additionally, some efforts had focused on comparing the perfor- identifies the number of hours during the week that the line was
mance of a manufacturing system to others within the same com- available for assembly operations and excludes the time the line
pany (e.g., Cricelli and Gastaldi 2002 and Djerdjouri 2005). DEA had was down for preventive or unplanned maintenance and sched-
also been used for comparing alternative scheduling approaches uled shift breaks and in this sense can be considered as a resource.
within a manufacturing environment (see for example, Ruiz-Torres Material cost captures the cost of direct material entering the
and López 2004). Perhaps the efforts that are similar in scope of the department and used for production in the week. Supply cost mea-
decision making to the work reported here are those discussed by sures the cost of indirect material used by the department for the
Talluri et al. (1997) and Girod and Triantis (1999). Talluri et al. same week. The outputs were measured as the production quantity
(1997) studied the performance of cellular manufacturing using for the week for the three products collectively.
window analysis. Girod and Triantis (1999) proposed approaches The selection of the inputs and outputs was based on an initial
to identify the production plans that help improve performance analysis of the dataset and on a fundamental understanding of
considering the fuzzy nature associated with the measurement of the manufacturing process. The inputs are clearly the primary re-
the inputs and outputs. The work reported in this paper is similarly sources that are input into any manufacturing production process
motivated to utilize DEA to help manage and improve manufactur- including the materials (material and supply cost), machines (up-
ing performance over time. time) and men (labor hours). Similarly, production quantities are
Manufacturing usually has undesirable outputs such as scrap the primary outputs of a production process and are used as such
and pollutants and hence their consideration is important. Seiford for the model. The relationships between the input and output
and Zhu (2002) revised the standard DEA to consider both desir- measures were also depicted by plots of individual inputs and com-
able and undesirable outputs. They used the classification invari- bined production quantities of all three products over time. The
ance property to show that the standard DEA model can be plots are not included due to page length restrictions. The manufac-
applied to improve the performance by increasing the desirable turing organization kept track of the labor hours, uptime, and the
outputs and decreasing the undesirable outputs. A similar idea is production volumes by week and hence this data was easily avail-
followed in one of the applications reported in this paper. able. The data on material and supply costs was maintained by the
One of the objectives of this paper is to discuss the implemen- accounting department and took some effort to acquire.
tation issues for a DEA based approach in a manufacturing context.
This is consistent with other work in the literature where the 3.2. Wafer manufacturing
implementation issues associated with the use of DEA in a social
service organizational setting are discussed (Medina-Borja et al. The wafer manufacturing plant used batch production with its
2007). Also, the literature mostly presents case studies that appear layout organized by processes. The batches are formed by a
S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626 619

Labor Hours
Lot Completions
Production Lot Starts
Manufacturing Lot Steps
Test Lot Starts

WIP (beginning) Scrap

Fig. 1. Input output concept for assembly line manufacturing. Fig. 2. Input output concept for wafer manufacturing.

The initial variable list for consideration included some other

number of wafers grouped together into lots by product type. Lots factors such as cycle time and On-Time Delivery. Cycle time was
are moved manually in carts through different process areas as re- not included since it was already represented through a closely cor-
quired by their routing. The lots may loop through a sequence of related variable, WIP. On-Time Delivery was not included as it is a
process areas several times for imprinting of various layers of cir- measure that is dependent on the decisions made outside the
cuitry. At each step, wafers may be processed individually or boundary of the manufacturing system. It is based on commitments
grouped together and processed as a batch. The wafer manufactur- made by sales staff on delivery dates that may have been made
ing unit utilizes various resources (inputs) during the process and independent of manufacturing system considerations and status.
generates completed lots per customer specifications as outputs. Though the measure is important from a business point of view, it
Based on the information and input provided by the company per- does not reflect the efficiency of the manufacturing process.
sonnel the conceptual DEA model was defined as shown in Fig. 2.
The labor hour factor has the exact same definition as for the
4. Application results
assembly line manufacturing case. The organization changed from
three 8-hour shifts 5-day weeks to two 12-hour shifts and 7-day
For both the cases, the performance of the manufacturing sys-
weeks during the observations period. The operators changed from
tem has been evaluated on a weekly basis using the above identi-
working 5 days per week, to alternating between 3-day and 4-day
fied variables. In DEA terminology, each week has been defined as a
weeks. While the change was quite major for the organization, the
decision making unit (DMU) allowing performance comparisons
effect on labor hours per week was not significant. Each operator
and evaluations on a weekly basis. The first sub-section below de-
went from working 40 hours/week to an average of 42 hours/week.
scribes the data and the models considered while the second sub-
The labor hours input per week that captured the total hours across
section presents the results from the selected DEA model for the
all the operators for the week saw a similar small change. The pro-
respective cases.
duction lot starts refers to the number of lots released on the pro-
duction floor during the week in response to customer orders. The
test lot starts refers to the number of lots released on the produc- 4.1. Data and models
tion floor by engineers to test process parameters for process
equipment. The test lots do not get shipped out to any customers, Multiple DEA models were explored for the two manufacturing
yet they consume resources and contribute to organization goals. organizations and the most appropriate one selected. Most manu-
WIP (beginning) input variable is the work-in-process quantity at facturing processes exhibit variable returns to scale due to con-
the beginning of the week. Together the production and test lot straints that become effective for different parts of the operating
starts and the WIP (beginning) capture the material resource input range. Even though both the modeled processes were assessed to
to the production process. This is parallel to the use of material be of the variable returns category (Banker et al. 1984), constant
costs as one of the inputs in the assembly line manufacturing mod- returns scale models (Charnes et al. 1978) were executed for the
el. The lot completions output variable is important since it cap- sake of comparing the efficiency performance scores.
tures the number of production lots completed and shipped out
to customers. The lot steps output variable is the total number of 4.1.1. Data and models for assembly line manufacturing
process steps that all the production and engineering lots in the The data for the selected variables for the assembly line manufac-
plant moved through during the week. It is generally referred to turing scenario was determined from the datasheets that were made
as lot moves in the semiconductor industry. This measure helps de- available for a preceding eight month period. DEA models evaluated
fine the amount of work done and is useful for cases where the for this organization were as follows: (1) Constant returns to scale
average cycle time is longer than the period of observation (one (CRS) – input oriented; (2) CRS – output oriented; (3) variable re-
week in this case). Scrap defines the number of lots that are turns to scale (VRS) – input oriented; (4) VRS – output oriented.2
scrapped due to quality problems or failed engineering tests. Each of the four models was executed with three sets of input
Similar to the assembly manufacturing case, the inputs are the and output specifications where different combinations of inputs
primary resource inputs for a production process including mate- and outputs provided varying discriminatory ability among the
rial (production and test lot starts and the beginning WIP), and la- decision making units. The three sets of input and output specifica-
bor (labor hours). Machine time was not included as an input in tions were considered as follows: (a) Inputs: labor hours, uptime,
this case since the company personnel indicated that labor hours combined material inputs and supply cost; Output: combined pro-
was the primary constraint. Also, unlike the assembly line situation duction volume for all three products; (b) Inputs: labor hours, up-
where any downtime on a machine brought the whole line down, time, combined material and supply cost; Outputs: separate
an interruption on one machine in wafer manufacturing did not di- production volumes for the three products; (c) Inputs: labor hours,
rectly affect other machines. The outputs in this case go beyond uptime, separate material and supply cost for each of the three
measuring the completed production lots since the lots typically products; Outputs: separate production volumes for the three
spend longer than one week in the production process. The re- products.3,4
sources are consumed in moving the lots through successive pro- 2
The formulations for these models are included in the supplement to this paper.
cess steps and since that is only partially captured by the lot 3
The data collected from the manufacturing facility did not include labor hours
completions measure, lot steps and scrap are used as indicators and uptime inputs specific to each product and hence could not support the DEA
of the work accomplished. formulations where the three products could be treated separately.
620 S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626

Both input and output oriented models were used for compar- We used a linear approximation (see the on-line supplement to
ison purposes. The choice of input versus output oriented models this paper) to the Hyperbolic Efficiency model and programmed it
depends on the environment. If there isn’t much flexibility avail- in MS Excel Solver. This linear approximation to the Hyperbolic
able for controlling the inputs, the decision maker would focus Efficiency model also allows for the identification of benchmarks
on output oriented models. For example, in this data set, the up- (peers) and can incorporate more than one undesirable output
time was largely determined by the effectiveness of the mainte- (such as scrap) (Färe et al. 2002). Interestingly, not much additional
nance policies not under the control of production manager, and information was gained from separating out the two subsets iden-
hence the objective should focus on getting more outputs for a gi- tified as configuration (b) with model 5 in the above list. This was
ven level of uptime. Thus, uptime was treated as a non-controllable indicative of the fact that the shift change that was instituted by
input variable in the formulation. the manufacturing firm did not affect the efficiency performance
The results presented in the next section are based on model 4 considerably. The first 4 models were not as conceptually complete
with input output specification as defined in set (a) in the list due to the non inclusion of scrap, the undesirable output variable.
above. The particular model and set of input and output specifica-
tions were selected for their ability to discriminate adequately be- 4.2. Verification and validation of DEA results
tween weekly performances during the observation period.
The results of the models were verified, that is, checked for
4.1.2. Data and models for wafer manufacturing technical correctness and validated, that is, checked for their abil-
The data for the selected input and output variables for wafer ity to correctly reflect the performance of the real process. The
manufacturing was collected from the datasheets made available usage of verification and validation terminology here is parallel
by the company for a recent period of 12 months. It was also noted to that used in discrete event simulation literature (see for exam-
that wafer manufacturer changed their shift scheduling signifi- ple, Law and Kelton 1999).
cantly during the period of analysis. First 30 weeks, the manufac- All the candidate models listed in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 were
turer had 5 days of 3-shifts of 8 hours each per week while subjected to verification. The technical correctness check included
during the remaining weeks the facility used 7 days operation with a thorough review of the results by the research team particularly
2 shifts of 12 hours each. The approach used to configure the data through the peer group analysis. If a DMU was indicated as being
sets in this case was hence based on these two modes of operations inefficient, the difference in its inputs and outputs with its efficient
unlike that used for assembly line manufacturing. Two configura- peers were checked to ensure that they indeed were inefficient.
tions were used for this analysis: (a) One set of 51 weeks; (b) The verified models were then screened by the research team for
two sets: first 30 weeks and last 21 weeks after the shift change. their discriminatory power in terms of being able to identify inef-
A number of mathematical formulations for DEA were analyzed ficient performers and their peer groups. The screening led to
to determine which of the models were suitable for the specific selection of a recommended model for each of the two manufac-
data set. The use of multiple models also helped cross validate turing organizations as identified in the preceding sub-sections.
the results obtained from different models. The models evaluated The recommended models for each organization were then sub-
are4: (1) CRS – input oriented without including undesirable out- jected to validation. The results were validated through reviews
puts; (2) CRS – output oriented without including undesirable out- with the decision makers from the respective organizations. In par-
puts; (3) VRS – input oriented without including undesirable ticular the plots of efficiency scores over time were checked
outputs; (4) VRS – output oriented without including undesirable against variations in the traditional performance measures used
outputs; (5) VRS – Hyperbolic efficiency measure with scrap treated by the company. Historical data for periods with major drops in
as an undesirable output (Färe et al. 2002).5 efficiency were considered to ensure that the company manage-
As the list above indicates, both input and output oriented mod- ment team would identify those periods as poor performers inde-
els were included in the comparison. For example, in this data set, pendent of the DEA results. Some of the periods considered were
if the production and test lot starts are determined by factors out- already known as having achieved poor performance and this con-
side the control of the manufacturing manager, then the objective tributed to an initial level of comfort with DEA results. Other peri-
should focus on getting more outputs for the same inputs for a gi- ods were not identified previously as poor performers, but with a
ven level of lot starts. In this case, production and test lot starts are comprehensive consideration of the input and output factors the
treated as non-controllable input variables in the formulation. On decision makers agreed with DEA results. Similarly, there were
the other hand if the lot completions goal is fixed by the Sales periods that were not considered previously as good performers,
and Marketing organization and more outputs than planned can- but were redeemed after the second look prompted by the DEA re-
not be sold, the objective should focus on reducing inputs for get- sults. It was realized that these periods achieved their perfor-
ting the determined set of outputs. mances under extenuating circumstances that reduced one or
The results presented in the next sub-section are based on mod- more of the input resources. Peer group information was very use-
el 5 in the list above with configuration (a), that is, one set of ful in assessment of both good and poor performers.
51 weeks data, since that provided the best discrimination using
all the included outputs among the weekly data. In general one 4.3. Efficiency scores, peers and targets
would expect that over time the manufacturing facility is experi-
encing changes in the technology (Girod and Triantis, 1999). In this The primary results from a DEA model consist of the efficiency
case, however, based on feedback from the manufacturing enter- scores for the DMUs being compared and the peer groups for each
prise there were no investments in capital that has led to techno- of the DMUs to enable comparison with peers in similar circum-
logical changes. Therefore, we considered that the manufacturing stances. The efficient peers (benchmarks) can be used subse-
processes during the whole time horizon generated the production quently to determine best practices. DEA also provides details on
possibility set and efficiency differences were due to engineering, identifying the areas of inefficiency. Target values are determined
manufacturing and managerial practices. for each inefficient input or output factor for each DMU.
As mentioned in the introduction, the emphasis of the proposed
The data collected did not support advanced DEA formulations that have the
approach is on the underperforming units. Nevertheless, there are
ability to use decision maker specified weights for inputs and outputs. analytical approaches in the literature that are focused on distin-
The hyperbolic DEA formulation is provided in the supplement to this paper. guishing among the efficient DMUs (Cooper et al. 2006). Ertay
S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626 621

Fig. 3. Efficiency Scores for assembly line manufacturing (uptime as non-controllable variable, VRS output oriented model).

Table 1
Output performance report for inefficient weeks (DMUs) in assembly line manufacturing (values normalized against the maximum for the respective data).

DMU Efficiency Output factor for improvement Actual value Target value Difference (absolute) Percentage (%) Peers (benchmark weeks)
1 1.0467 Product (P,Q, R) 0.8670 0.9075 0.0405 4.67 7, 10, 14, 23
2 1.0268 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9413 0.9665 0.0252 2.68 4, 10
3 1.0015 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9538 0.9552 0.0014 0.15 4, 10
5 1.0042 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9506 0.9546 0.0040 0.42 4, 7, 10, 15
6 1.0481 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9273 0.9719 0.0446 4.81 4, 10
9 1.0252 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9538 0.9778 0.0240 2.52 4, 10
11 1.0065 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9732 0.9795 0.0064 0.65 4, 10
13 1.0069 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9874 0.9942 0.0068 0.69 10, 17, 19
16 1.0319 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9683 0.9992 0.0309 3.19 10, 17
18 1.0056 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9831 0.9886 0.0055 0.56 12, 19
20 1.0674 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9300 0.9927 0.0627 6.74 9, 17, 19
21 1.0658 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9138 0.9739 0.0601 6.58 12, 23
24 1.0501 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9422 0.9894 0.0472 5.01 12, 19
25 1.0008 Product (P,Q, R) 0.9897 0.9905 0.0008 0.08 12, 19

and Ruan (2005) and Ertay et al. (2006) used cross efficiency (Doyle Even though the model used was focused on the output orien-
and Green, 1994) and minimax efficiency respectively to compare tation, it can identify cases that require reductions in inputs in
efficient DMUs. Zhu (1996) used super-efficiency to identify the addition to increasing the outputs to match the efficiency of a
robustness of efficient DMUs. Management may choose to focus DMU’s benchmarks/peers. The weeks listed in Table 2 below were
on analyzing differences between efficient DMUs. The decision inefficient due to both producing lower outputs and using identi-
may be based on the characteristics of the manufacturing process fied inputs at a higher level than what was used by the efficient
and the performance improvement strategy of the manufacturing benchmark weeks (peers). For example, Table 2 indicates week 6
enterprise. Furthermore, if the approach will be adopted and would have been efficient if it had used 9.46% less cost in addition
implemented on the manufacturing floor the amount of data col- to producing 4.81% more of combined volume of the three prod-
lected will continuously increase and that also means that fewer ucts as indicated in Table 1. This information can be used to iden-
units will be found efficient by the DEA model. The results of tify practices and procedures that led to the overuse of resources.
DEA models for the two organizations are presented below.

4.3.2. Efficiency scores, peers and targets for wafer manufacturing

4.3.1. Efficiency scores, peers and targets for assembly line The efficiency scores from DEA for the wafer manufacturing sce-
manufacturing nario using the model formulation 5, hyberbolic efficiency, and
The efficiency scores from the DEA analysis for assembly line configuration (a) defined in Section 4.1.2 are shown below in
manufacturing scenario using model formulation 4 with input out- Fig. 4. The figure indicates that 33 out of the 51 weeks were ‘‘inef-
put specification set (a) defined in Section 4.1.1 are shown in Fig. 3. ficient’’, that is, they did not use the input resources to generate the
The figure indicates that 14 out of the 25 weeks were ‘‘inefficient’’6 outputs with the same efficiency as the rest of the weeks (please
since they are above the line representing efficiency of 1 (note that note several points appearing to be efficient are actually slightly
the point for week 25 is just a slight bit above the line and hence above the line representing the efficiency of 1). Such information
constitutes the 14th inefficient week). can be used by decision makers to identify the causes for inefficient
The DEA model used being of output orientation primarily pro- performance and take actions to mitigate these causes in future. It
vides information on how to best improve the performance of out- can also be used on a rolling basis to help the decision makers fo-
put factors. Table 1 provides the list of inefficient weeks and the cus on the inefficient performances on an exception basis and focus
shortfall in the production volumes that resulted in their being their energies elsewhere when high efficiency is maintained.
inefficient. For example, the table indicates that for week 1 to be- Since the selected model was again focused on the output orien-
come efficient it would have to increase joint production of all tation, the primary result from the analysis is regarding the out-
three products by 4.67%. puts that caused identified DMUs to be inefficient as shown in
Table 3. For example, Table 3 indicates that for week 27 to be
In output oriented models scores above 1 indicate inefficiency. Inverse of these deemed efficient it should have achieved 61.60% more lot comple-
scores were presented as efficiency to manufacturing personnel for ease of discussion. tions, 82.09% more lot steps with 61.60% less generation of scrap.
622 S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626

Table 2
Input performance report for the inefficient weeks (DMUs) in assembly line manufacturing (values normalized against the maximum for the respective data).

DMU Efficiency Input factor for reduction Actual value Target value Difference (absolute) Percentage (%) Peers (benchmark weeks)
2 0.9739 Cost (material + supply) 0.970725 0.8989 0.0719 7.40 4, 10
3 0.9985 Cost (material + supply) 0.914024 0.9075 0.0065 0.71 4, 10
6 0.9541 Cost (material + supply) 0.988188 0.8947 0.0935 9.46 4, 10
9 0.9754 Cost (material + supply) 0.905201 0.8902 0.0150 1.66 4, 10
11 0.9935 Cost (material + supply) 1.000 0.8889 0.1111 11.11 4, 10
16 0.9691 Cost (material + supply) 0.975624 0.9289 0.0467 4.79 10, 17
21 0.9383 Labor hours 0.975624 0.9289 0.0467 4.79 12, 23
24 0.9523 Labor hours 0.9942 0.9866 0.0077 0.77 12, 19
25 0.9992 Labor hours 0.9983 0.9928 0.0055 0.55 12, 19

Fig. 4. Efficiency scores for wafer manufacturing using hyperbolic efficiency model.

Table 3
Output performance report for the inefficient weeks (DMUs) for wafer manufacturing (values normalized against the maximum for the respective data; partial table; please see
supplement for the full table).

DMU Efficiency Output factor for improvement Actual value Target value Difference (absolute) Percentage (%) Peers (benchmark weeks)
2 1.5345 Lot steps 0.4275 0.6559 0.2285 53.45 18, 34, 44
2 1.5345 Lot completion 0.2693 0.4133 0.1440 53.45 18, 34, 44
2 1.5345 Scrap 0.5780 0.2691 0.3089 53.45 18, 34, 44
22 1.7569 Lot steps 0.4040 0.7098 0.3058 75.69 34, 38
22 1.7569 Lot completion 0.4040 0.7098 0.3058 75.69 34, 38
22 1.7569 Scrap 0.9450 0.2297 0.7153 75.69 34, 38
24 1.5219 Lot steps 0.5375 0.8181 0.2805 52.19 18, 34, 44
24 1.5219 Lot completion 0.3295 0.5015 0.1720 52.19 18, 34, 44
24 1.5219 Scrap 0.6606 0.3158 0.3447 52.19 18, 34, 44
27 1.6160 Lot steps 0.4986 0.8057 0.3071 61.60 18, 34, 38
27 1.6160 Lot completion 0.3467 0.6313 0.2846 82.09 18, 34, 38
27 1.6160 Scrap 0.7248 0.2783 0.4465 61.60 18, 34, 38
29 1.4390 Lot steps 0.5332 0.7673 0.2341 43.90 18, 34, 38, 44, 45
29 1.4390 Lot completion 0.3734 0.6394 0.2660 71.23 18, 34, 38, 44, 45
29 1.4390 Scrap 0.4312 0.2419 0.1893 43.90 18, 34, 38, 44, 45

This case also demonstrates the capability of DEA to identify multi- ciently based on the five input and three output measures. DEA
ple factors to be addressed for achieving efficient performance. also identified targets for specific inputs and outputs that had to
Again, in some instances performance improvement may re- be achieved during these inefficient weeks to match the efficiency
quire both an increase in output and reductions in inputs to match of their peers.
the efficiency of a DMU’s benchmarks/peers. For example, the
weeks listed in Table 4 were inefficient due to the use of identified
inputs at a higher level in addition to the outputs being at a lower 5. Impact on decision making
level than what was used by efficient benchmark weeks (peers).
For example, Table 4 indicates that week 27 would have been effi- As for any performance measurement and/or improvement
cient if it had used 29.48% less test lot starts and 14.33% less WIP in technique, the value of DEA can be evaluated based on the decision
addition to achieving higher outputs defined in Table 3. support it provides. Would the decisions change based on the DEA
Similar to the case of assembly line manufacturing, DEA was results compared to the decisions made without the benefit of
successfully applied to the wafer manufacturing company to dem- DEA? The DEA results and recommendations were reviewed with
onstrate its use for performance measurement. It distilled perfor- the decision makers at the two partner manufacturing organiza-
mance measurement that was based on the behavior of the plant tions. Overall, the feedback was very positive and the summarized
with respect to five input measures and three output measures below. Note that this study was focused on use of DEA for tracking
into one integrated efficiency value. These efficiency values high- performance of a manufacturing system over time and the com-
lighted 33 weeks where the manufacturing facility behaved ineffi- ments below apply to such a purpose.
S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626 623

Table 4
Input performance report for inefficient weeks (DMUs) for wafer manufacturing (values normalized against the maximum for the respective data; partial table; please see
supplement for the full table).

DMU Efficiency Input factor for improvement Actual value Target value Difference Percentage (%) Peers (benchmark weeks)
2 0.6517 Labor hours 0.8844 0.6495 0.2349 26.56 18, 34, 44
2 0.6517 Production lot starts 0.6854 0.5843 0.1011 14.75 18, 34, 44
2 0.6517 Test lot starts 0.7034 0.2815 0.4220 59.98 18, 34, 44
22 0.5692 Labor hours 0.8844 0.7505 0.1338 15.13 34, 38
22 0.5692 Production lot starts 0.6742 0.6317 0.0425 6.30 34, 38
22 0.5692 Test lot starts 0.5931 0.3738 0.2193 36.97 34, 38
24 0.6571 Labor hours 0.8844 0.8717 0.0127 1.43 18, 34, 44
24 0.6571 Production lot starts 0.7865 0.6053 0.1812 23.04 18, 34, 44
24 0.6571 Test lot starts 0.6000 0.5381 0.0619 10.32 18, 34, 44
27 0.6188 Test lot starts 0.7655 0.5399 0.2256 29.48 18, 34, 38
27 0.6188 Wip (beginning) 0.9966 0.8537 0.1428 14.33 18, 34, 38

5.1. Decision support provided by DEA threshold. Such use will free up the decision makers from
analyzing the performance of periods that may appear to
Decision makers in the assembly line scenario were line manag- be poor performers based on traditional reports. The time
ers inundated with a large number of graphs and charts on multi- saved can be productively used for strategic decisions rather
ple performance outputs including production outputs, than fire fighting.
downtimes, and quality levels. They found the DEA results helpful (e) The performance tracking over time provides a good visual
to identify the efficient and non-efficient performers as compared display to evaluate the impact of process and management
to the multitudes of charts and graphs in use. improvement efforts with associated motivational benefits.
The decision maker in wafer manufacturing was the plant man- (f) The use of DEA promotes objectivity in decision making. The
ager. He found the DEA outputs useful for similar reasons, but decisions made based on traditional manufacturing reports
looked for ways to incorporate measures such as the due date per- may be questioned at times by manufacturing personnel
formance. He also expressed interest in including long term deci- since it is hard to identify the good and poor performance
sion variables such as capacity investments. These desired particularly among seemingly mediocre periods. The infor-
measures are discussed among the limitations of using DEA in Sec- mation on optimum weights takes away the argument of
tion 5.2. The DEA results support decision making in several ways unfair weights being used that is typically levied against
discussed subsequently. decision maker based weighting schemes. Occasionally a
decision maker may be able to crystallize the multiple tradi-
(a) The primary strength of DEA is to identify the ‘‘true’’ efficient tional reports to identify the ‘‘true’’ efficient performers, but
and non-efficient performers from among the seemingly she/he may be faced with the unenviable task of explaining
good and poor performers based on the numerous reports the logic to the team. DEA removes this apparent
used in manufacturing. The designation of ‘‘true’’ good per- subjectivity.
former is admittedly based on the set of input and output
variables used in the analysis together with the specific 5.2. DEA limitations
DEA model.
(b) Another key strength of DEA is the ability to identify peer DEA models work best when the input and output measures are
groups for each period (DMU). Put simply, it identifies the clearly related to the production process being analyzed. This re-
other periods in the short term that had the closest similar sults in the exclusion of measures such as due date performance
circumstances as defined by the set of inputs and outputs that are based on policies external to manufacturing such as sales
used in the efficiency calculation. This allows the decision promotion efforts.
maker and other personnel to identify the best practices that Another limitation is the inability to treat short term and long
led to efficient performances under a given set of circum- term measures together. The performance of the system can be
stances. These practices can then be implemented whenever compared across periods using DEA as long as the system is funda-
similar circumstances occur in the future. For example, in mentally the same. Long term measures such as capacity invest-
the wafer manufacturing scenario, DEA may be used to iden- ment can be used as long as the system boundaries are defined
tify ways to achieve a better performance through changes to encompass a longer time horizon term and consequently long
in inputs such as holding back some WIP lots or new lot term measures. It is hard and confusing to incorporate measures
starts. This capability would require additional analysis at multiple levels of resolution together, i.e., to mix and match both
using the forecasted data for the future periods. short and long term measures.
(c) The ability to identify peer groups can also be utilized to set A case in point is the comparison of the DEA measure with one
realistic performance targets for future periods. The analysis of the measures used by the wafer manufacturing company shown
of past periods together with peer groups identifies the out- in Fig. 5. The company made a significant change in the shift tim-
puts that should’ve been achieved for a given set of input ings about halfway through the observation period that effectively
measures. Use of past periods as benchmarks to set perfor- created a small step jump in its capacity. It moved after week 30
mance targets provides the manufacturing team with lot from a 5-day workweek to 7-day workweek. The company perfor-
more confidence that they are achievable as compared to mance measure in the graph shows a significant jump following
targets based on an arbitrarily set percentage improvement this change. The single input (Labor hour) and output (lot moves)
over a certain time period or those based on external measure did not reflect the movement of the other inputs such
benchmarks. as the WIP that went up considerably around that time and were
(d) DEA efficiency over time plots can be used akin to the statis- of concern to the plant manager. The DEA efficiency measure
tical process control charts calling for the decision makers’ showed that the performance got more consistent even with
attention for non-efficient performance below a certain taking the multiple inputs and outputs into account. There was
624 S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626

availability of the data provided by the two manufacturing organi-

zations. Furthermore, we had experimented with alternative
formulations that required fewer input and output variables with-
out compromising the spirit of the manufacturing input/output
technology without major improvements in the results obtained.
Finally, the set up stage of a DEA based system will temporarily
require the plant managers to study and provide input to multiple
DEA formulations and results. This is to ensure that a final model is
selected that effectively represents the mapping of the virtual
world to the real world and that the results once validated can
be used to inform decisions. However, once an appropriate model
Fig. 5. Effect of a major change in the system on DEA and company measures in the has been selected and implemented, the plant managers will gain a
wafer manufacturing scenario.
substantial time saving through using the comprehensive DEA
scores rather than poring over numerous reports. In order to save
additional time for the plant managers, a very small subset of the
discrepancy between the two measures just after the change from original models can be selected for their evaluation based on feed-
5-day week to 7-day week operation where the traditional mea- back information from production personnel such as crew chiefs,
sure showed a drop in performance but the DEA measure does engineers and manufacturing workers.
not. The DEA measures consider multiple inputs and hence deter-
mine that those weeks were efficient since lower outputs were 5.3. A framework for DEA application to manufacturing performance
generated using less of the inputs. The DEA measure did show that measurement
the 5-day week mode was capable of generating efficient perfor-
mance though with lower frequency. The DEA model thus did The work reported here showed that DEA can be applied for
not meet the plant manager’s expectation of all of the lower effective manufacturing performance measurement and target set-
capacity (5-day week) periods being significantly inefficient. Note ting. The transition of DEA from research projects and papers to the
that the capacity is represented in the model only by the labor manufacturing shop floor requires development of a generalized
hours input variable for the wafer manufacturing case. If the framework for the purpose. A preliminary proposal is provided be-
system boundaries were defined to include the enterprise then low for such a framework.
inputs and outputs for the whole organization rather than just At the conceptual level, there are two major steps required for
the manufacturing area would be included in the analysis. In that the implementation of DEA in a manufacturing scenario. First,
case, the DEA results would have probably shown a different the set of appropriate inputs and outputs have to be determined,
picture, perhaps more in line with the plant manager’s expectation. and second, the right DEA model has to be identified. Both the
It should be noted that the DEA benchmarks are internally gen- steps get quite involved and require assistance from the DEA
erated based on the past performance of the system. It is possible researchers. A decision framework that guides the manufacturing
to get into complacency with achieving efficient performance personnel through these steps may help reduce the requirement
based on the internal performance. It is also not inconceivable that for assistance significantly or limit the assistance to the configura-
production floor people may collude to ensure that the bar is set tion stage. The framework needs to provide a list of inputs and out-
low. There is some value in doing external benchmarking periodi- puts that are commonly used in the associated manufacturing
cally to ensure that the performance achieved is among the leading paradigm. The applicability of such a framework may be improved
ones. with industry specific lists of inputs and outputs. The typical re-
The DEA calculations do get involved and it may be hard to ex- source inputs for manufacturing include labor hours, machine
plain the logic to a typical manufacturing supervisor. In terms of time, and materials, while typical outputs include production vol-
guidance for improvements, DEA identifies the input and output ume, scrap, and progress in long lead time items, such as the lot
factors to be improved. The management team then has to deter- steps considered for the wafer manufacturing scenario. Guidance
mine the changes that may help achieve the improvements. DEA and validation checks can be utilized to ensure that a cohesive
would not provide the actual management changes. set of inputs and outputs is selected. The selected inputs should
It is acknowledged that part of the difficulty with the majority have a correlation/association with the selected outputs.
of DEA applications is that the number of variables typically re- The selection of a DEA model is more complex. A number of
quires a large number of data to complete a reasonable analysis standard models such as those used in this project can be provided
(curse of dimensionality). Usually such data requirement exceeds as options. They may include models with different combinations
the data available. This leads to two complicating issues, i.e., lack of constant and variable returns to scale, input and output orienta-
of discrimination among efficient DMUs and the inherent bias in tion, and desirable and undesirable outputs. DEA models can be
the efficiency scores. As the number of observations increases, formulated with single stage, with one set each of inputs and out-
approximation of the true technology set and corresponding fron- puts, or multiple stages, with multiple additional sets of intermedi-
tier is improved, thus the bias which is the difference between the ate outputs and inputs. Manufacturing personnel should generally
actual efficiency scores and the estimated ones decreases. Plus, as be guided to use the single stage models. Multiple stage DEA mod-
the number of input/output variables (dimension of the space) in- els would require assistance from DEA experts in most cases.
creases, the Euclidean distance between the observations in- The user should be allowed to experiment and iterate through
creases. As a result, there will be less number of nearby different sets of inputs and outputs with different models. The
observations that can convey information about the portions of models that best trace back to the underlying manufacturing pro-
the efficient frontier which is of interest. In addition, an increase cesses and, to the extent possible, limit the number of variables
in the number of input and output variables requires more obser- used should be considered. This allows for higher discrimination,
vations (DMUs) for constructing the efficient frontier, leading to an i.e., one can identify a higher number of inefficient units as part
increase in the bias of the estimated efficiency scores. In the liter- of the analysis. This process should help the decision makers iden-
ature, this situation is referred to as ‘‘curse of dimensionality’’. tify the model that generates results that agree on major trends
Nevertheless, in this application we were restricted by the realized and provide explainable causes when they don’t. The
S. Jain et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 616–626 625

makers may want to set goals for lot completions for future periods
Select applicable inputs and let the analysis determine the levels of lot steps and scrap for
List of standard
and outputs for subject
inputs and outputs efficient performance. Research is needed to determine the best
manufacturing systems
approach for generating performance targets in such cases. One ap-
proach is to iterate with an initial set of output values and use of
Validate the inputs and differences within peer groups as calculated by DEA to successively
outputs Company Data modify and verify the targets to achieve efficient production. The
initial set of output values may be determined using pattern
matching to identify periods with similar set of input values.
Select set of applicable Available DEA
DEA models models
A preliminary framework for guiding the implementation of
DEA based performance measurement system in manufacturing
has been proposed. The framework needs to be developed further
for populating the information required including typical inputs
Execute DEA models Company Data
and outputs for discrete manufacturing and applicable single stage
DEA models. Further work will be required to incorporate the mul-
ti-stage DEA models in the framework. The use of multi-stage
Verify, Validate and
Analyze results from DEA
modeling in the context of manufacturing enterprise would be
models used if the researchers wished to look at a disaggregate evaluation
of manufacturing performance where the various stages of the
manufacturing processes could be mapped into a multi-stage
Select DEA model for
DEA formulation. This could be viewed as a linked multi-stage
DEA formulation or if one would consider intermediate inputs
and outputs between stages then the network DEA approach may
Integrate model with be relevant (Färe and Grosskopf 2000). Additional research is re-
operational data systems
for regular use
quired to automate the validation of selected inputs and outputs,
and for automating the selection of the DEA models. Automating
Fig. 6. A framework for DEA application for manufacturing performance measure- the steps will significantly improve the possibility of use of DEA
ment and target setting. in manufacturing.
Other potential research directions can be focused on removing
the limitations of DEA identified above. Approaches for incorporat-
model thus identified can be selected for use as an ongoing perfor- ing the performance measures that are not directly related to the
mance measurement tool. Fig. 6 summarizes the proposed decision conversion process such as the due date performance need to be
framework for generalized application of DEA for performance developed. One option is to use production volumes for identified
measurement and target setting for manufacturing. part groups that form the critical customer orders among the out-
put measures. This will allow relating the production volumes to
6. Conclusions and future research the periods when they were due and thus indirectly assess the
due date performance. The trade off among the ability to calculate
This paper evaluated the use of DEA for performance measure- the indirect measure with additional resolution and the additional
ment and target setting in two real manufacturing organizations effort required to track and analyze the outputs should be evalu-
involved in discrete part production. For each of the two organiza- ated. Similarly, ways to integrate short term performance mea-
tions, inputs and outputs of interest to the respective decision sures and long term performance measures need to be studied.
makers and coherent with the DEA assumptions were selected.
Several DEA models were tested to identify the ones that provided
desired discriminatory power and could be validated against the Appendix A. Supplementary data
major trends experienced during the respective observation
periods. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
The results from selected models including the efficiency mea- the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2011.05.028.
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