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Hong Kong Community College

LCH1005 English for Academic Studies (Business) I

Self-directed Learning Portfolio (Individual; 5%)

Student Name: Student Number: Class:

Your Task:
You have taken the DELTA. Now it is time for you to reflect on your academic English language skills. Based on the DELTA
Report and your self-directed learning activities, answer the following questions.

Part A: The Diagnostic English Language Tracking Assessment (DELTA) Teacher’s

Use Only
Attach your DELTA report (page ONE only) to this Self-directed Learning Portfolio (10%)

0 / 10

Part B: Self-directed Learning Report

(1) Your Strengths and Weaknesses (10%)
Complete following questions based on your DELTA report:

Overall Improvement Needs

Which areas need further improvement? (You may choose more than one answer.)
A. Listening B. Vocabulary C. Reading D. Grammar
0 / 2
Specific Subskills
Which of the following listening subskills do you need to improve? (You may choose more than
one answer.)

A. Understanding main ideas and E. Interpreting an attitude or intention of the

supporting ideas speaker
B. Identifying specific information F. Inferring a speaker's reasoning
C. Interpreting a word or phrase as used by G. Other: _____________________________
the speaker
D. Understanding information and making Answers:
an inference 0 / 2
Refer to the Academic Words Sublists. List five examples of words that you need revision.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 0 / 2

Which of the following reading subskills do you need to improve? (You may choose more than 0 / 2
one answer.)

A. Understanding main ideas and supporting E. Interpreting an attitude or intention of the

ideas writer
B. Identifying specific information F. Inferring a writer's reasoning
C. Interpreting a word or phrase as used by G. Other: ______________________________

the writer
D. Understanding information and making Answers:
an inference
Which of the following grammar subskills do you need to improve? (You may choose more than
one answer.)

A. Word form E. Preposition

B. Verb formation / tense / voice / modal / F. Connectives
subject and verb agreement G. Relative pronoun
C. Word order H. Other: ____________________________
D. Determiner
0 / 2

(2) Self-directed Learning Experience in Semester One (70%)

Answer ALL questions in complete sentences*.

1. What was your top short-term English learning goal in this semester? (Write ONE goal only.)

2. Which self-directed English learning activity did you carry out to achieve the above learning
goal in this semester? (Write ONE activity only.) (5%)

3. (Refer to the previous question) What did you learn? Did you like this English learning
activity? Why? Please elaborate with details and/or examples. (30%)

4. Please suggest another activity which can also help achieve the above English learning goal
(It can be an activity that you want to try but not yet carried out). What are the (potential)
advantages of this suggested activity? Please elaborate with details and/or examples. (30%)


(3) Self-directed Learning Plan in the next semester (10%)

Answer ALL questions in complete sentences*.

1. What is your top short-term English learning goal in the next semester? (Write ONE only.)

2. Which self-directed English learning activity will you choose to achieve the above learning
goal in the next semester? (Write ONE only.) (5%)


*Marks will be deducted for answers written in incomplete sentences.

Mark Deduction: 0 / 5

Total Marks: /100

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