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4?6 R REVIEW. [Sovembor 16, 1010.

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. strdt (and for this t,liero is now oxporiniontnl

ovidencc) niny bo conipnred t o tho wny in which t.ho
1 employed. Finnlly, i n Louisiana the. violds are
pressed i n pounds per ton of cnno, nnd not in all ns

successivo fingers of a glovo fit on to a hnnd.

In Chnntcr,\’I. hydrolysis and synthesis nro dis- !
1 otlicr countries ns per cent. of cane.
This book does not lay elaim ‘to being a tost-
cnssed. It will bo romemkred t h n t T. Bnogor siig- I book of sugnr nnalysis, lint, it contnins mnny,
gested in 1870 tlint formnldohydo is tho first pro- ’ thoiig11 nocewnrilg brief, directions, together with
duct of nssimilntion of cnrbon dioxido nnd wntcr ’ n very complete sot of tables. A rcry important
hy green Ionvcs in sunlight, nnd evidence in sup- fentiire of nfr. Aforso’s publicntion is his systom of
port of this h n been ~ ohtnined by Bokorny nnd !is drnwing up lnborntorg reports.
lishcr and Priestloy, nnd confirmed by Bcliryrcr. TWOproblems of cconomic interest, nnmely, thn
All this is noted, ns moll ns the obscrrntion of two-factory system nnd the pnyment of cnne by tlio
Brown nlid Bforris in 1893, thnt sucrose is tho first ” unit ” systenl, nro dcnk with rnther fully. nr.
sugnr to be syntliesised by the nssimilntory proccss. ~ Cl‘corligs hns shown rcry clcnrly tthnt ic*licnevertho
This we bclicro hns been confirmod hy scrcrnl fiiib- rnne is nllnscd to nintrire thoroughly, ns is tho cnsc
wqncnt observers. Dr. Armst,rong rightly rrfcrs in the tropics. tho sngnr will 110 evenly distriliiitecl
to tho discovery ns “ ~ i n o s p ~ c t e d ,nnd ~ ’ in nll pro- throuchout tlic n.holc lcngtli of tho cnne. In
bnbility there is n t lcnst one internicdintc roinporind . Louisinnn, on t,Iic other Iinnd, where tho period
formed between forninldoliyclc (nssuniing this to be ; oF growth of the cnne iR n sbort one, ortending froui
t>lm firfit product) nnd siicronc-possibly n hcrosc. I Nnrch to October or Norcmher, t h o grentor p n r t
n u t it must be rcmoiiibercd t h a t non-rcducing of tho sngnr is found in tho lower joints. When
r:nrholigclrntes-sucrose, stnrch, and tho Iiko-ns ; immnturo cnne is groiincl n scrimis IOSH occurs from
well ns ninny hctcrogcneous glucosidcs-cf. p. 188 t h e estrnction of sugnr €ram tho iippcr hnlf, b u t
of tho monograph-function i n plniits ns.true r e 1 n hnndsome profit from tho oxtrnction of sugnr
sorres or resting compounds. Tlio occiirrenco of ! from the loivcr hnlf. Tho only sound solution of tho
reducing sugnrs in ripening fruits cnnnot 110 cited : problem is iincloubtedly to mnnufncturo tho nppor
ngninst this view, ns hero n dgntiniic nncl not n I hnlf into syrup nncl tho lonw into gugnr. Tho
static set of conditions reigns. / mctliod of pnginrf for cnnc Iiy tho nnit Bystom,
A niogt interesting nnd full nccount is given of ’ to which 3fr. Bforpo darotcs R wholo chnptor, do-
t h e natiirnl glncosidcs i n Chapter VIT., whilst tho I pcnds on the principle of pnyinrr nccorcling to thc
wnthotic rrlocosides nre dcnlt witli i n Cl~nptcrVTII. i intrinsic vnlua of tlic cane. This u n i t mng ho
Tho lnst Clinpter IIZ. is oiie of the most, suggestive , definccl ns n f i m r e which n h n multiplied by tho
in tho nionogrnpii. dovcring but 14 pngcs, i t puts ~ prico of grnnulntcci suenr nnd tho porcentnge of
forward whnt woulcl seem to bo most lnusible ex- : F U C ~ O S C in tho juico will piro tho totnl incomo t o
plnnatiom of tho significnnce of gyucosiden i n ’ he cxpcctcd from n ton of cnne. This method is
nietnbolism, thcir products OF hydrolysis other j fnir to h t h Crowcr nnd mnnufnctiircr, ns tho prico
than tho sugnrs by spccifio onxymcs stimulnting I of cnno incrcnses or decrcnses in direct proportion
lrntnbolic clinnges such ns norninlly tnko place at t o tlic vnliio of the coinnicrcinl products obtnined.
night. llespiption in.plnnts nnd tho ripening of A brief rclcrcnce is mnclo t o tho offect of the s n r
fleshy friiits IS discusscd in t.hc snmo light. Tlio , on tho cnnc industry nntl tho prohlcm of tho pro-
tcsl is based on tlio rcsoarchcs of numerous ob-
fiervers, among which those of H. E. and E. F. 1 diiction of r h n p siipnr. Ho mnintnins thnt i t will
he nlct by tlic introdiiction of the two-fnctory RYS-
Armstrong (1910-1912)figriro largely.
~ 1 1b0 i ~ i o g r a p ~ iis
y nil iniportnnt fcntiiro of t ~ i o i
tcn alrcndy rcfcrrcd to, nnd tho disrovery of n n
cconomic proccss for st,nnc1nrcl grnnu~ntcil
fiiienr direct from tlic rnnc.
Wc mnr tlny of Dr. Arniutrong’s moiiogrnph tllnt Tlioricli dcnling to 11 1:ircc cxtcnt with prohlcnw
it. is n usoful compilntion nnd fulfils its objects. It , more clcfinitoly connertcd with h ~ i s i n n n , the
cannot fnil to proro of grcnt rnluo to flitlire 1 ncciirntc nnd well-nrrnngcd infornint.ion which the
workers on tlic suhjert. 1 IiooIc rontnins will n I w n r 9 Iie I I F C ~ I I I: nnd the ninny
~ R T i r U nR . Liso, 1~rolilcmsdiscuswl will lio rend with vrent intcwst

j 1)y (111 n.worintcd with the sugnr industry.

C.\LOUlATIONR USED IN C.\NE-SFO.\ll F.iOTORlES.-,‘l F. V. Thnnrsnrnfi.
plncficrtl system of clicrtiirnl cotitrol for the ,
rij!/nr it01tac.q of ],ojfi.qi[j?l(i, t,llc tropics, and I 3fcssr.s. Tmcmnns, Grccn R: Co. niinniincP tlint
o f h c r caric-proditcitr!j roiinfi*ic.y. n!/rrrj~Ih-a R. 1 n ~ J.. W. 3rollor hns hccn cngngbd for tho lnst
AfOII8E. Uecotttl cditioti, ~ e - r ~ ~ r j t f ap, p~.. 189. , t\rclw ycnrs on the prcpnrntion of n compendious
( X C I U1-od:: J o l ~ nIlriley t b Sotls, Z r t p . &O?ldO)l: ’ siirvcr of innrgnnic nnd mnernl rhcmistrg. Thc
Clrnpniail c t linll., Ltt?., 1915). 9s. &I. I rom~ilctcirork will prohnlily consist of six roli~iiics,
111cfirst of nliirli is now in thc prcfis for pulilicn-
Tho originill edition of Irvine H, Bforsc’s rcry 1 Pnr’y nrst ycnr’
iisefnl littlo book on cnlculntions used in cnno sugnr I . .
factories nppenrcd in 1906. Tho second odition, 1 . . - .. __
.. . . ___ -.-
which lins just h o n issucd, hns moro tlinn douhled
Although tho niithor hns Iind erperionco in Cubn, i u
his cnlculntions ore nininly concerned with condi-
tions rind problems ns t]loy exist in I,ouiRia1lnJ J i l O S U.\CTMlIA. 1 1 D. ~ ELLIR.(rr’ilh 15 d ! i l S t t ‘ f l -
sliorc tho cniio neror ripens and whoro onrly frosts I tiorla find 13 ?#(lte3.) z’l). 370. ( f i O l l ( ~ o ~ l - ’
must bo reckone(1 \I*ith. Novortholess i t contnil1H : .?fcth1cf!tb ( I d C O Lid., r91o.) ]’rice 10.9. oil.
mllc]i of gellorn1 vnluo thnt n second rind up-to- ‘ r l l E ~’lloFERf3ION OF C ~ I X I A T R Y . n.
11.. ~ I I ~ O I I N l l .
dnt& edition \rill tJo \\&!on]d in a11 cnne-pro(1ucing 2‘11. 199. ( ~ O t l d O t 1 : (.!OtlS/rtb!C alld C‘O., %td.,
countries. Tn thiH vonncxion i t might bo yell t o 1 lOl!J.) I’ricc 0s. &I.
direct Atbntion to tho need for nloro conslshllcy A\ IIIIIIdOCItAI’IIY O S TllB IlOAHTIN(4, LC.\OIIINCI,
in tho method8 of oxpressing monsuronionfA i)i f$LII<LTII\’G ANn ~LY.OTIlOUI:T.\I~I~IIIIOT
cnne siignr ciilciiliitions. Not only do Bpanisli- L‘otiipilrd b y 11. L. W I i m r m i . 1JiillcIitr NO.3,
speaking ninniifnctiirors nnd rowom buy nn? sell , T’O!. IT’., of the School of Mitlcs and M e l d -
thoir cniio hy tho nrroba of ZE lh. Bpnnish \wight, 1Jir iverritf1 0f ~ f i s d o u r i?.crised
111r@g, , to . ~
I I C ,
hit tho Spniiish pound y uols 400’1 gma., rvhorons ; 1919. 1’12. 38U. (Rotin, dfissouri, l0lS.J
tlio Amoricnn (and Engl$i) pounds aro ccpivnlont
to 4ti3’0 glI1R. It’urthor tho Anioric&n gnl~oiiof C~).r.iftetirltcI,E.--in tho l n x t i s n c , p. 3115it, Iino 44,
lb. nn(1 tho English gallon of 10 Ib. aro both 1 in liott of “ I\kYCPR,’’ r o l d “ MiCrR.”

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