GLOW Gazette #27

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5/23/2018 GLOW Gazette June/July 2017

GLOW Gazette Issue 27 (June/July 2017) View  this  email  in  your


Let Your Magic GLOW!

One of the most amazing things about camp is a little something I call the "magic of camp." It's
pretty hard to describe, but when you feel it  you know it's there: the feeling of openness,

acceptance, curiosity, vulnerability, authenticity, and love. There is something about being in the

woods with a group of people you will soon become very close to, where you will step outside you
comfort zone and think out of the box. Every day there are new challenges, each of them an

opportunity to try out a new reality, to step into yourself. It's a whirlwind, and it's pure magic. 

Where do you think all that magic comes from? Every single one of us, that's where! Inside each of

us lies great potential to light up the world in our own special way. I know it sounds cheesy, but we
all should try to let out that beautiful part of us that is begging to shine through. The "magic of

camp" is really the magic of every individual that makes camp come to life. Even outside of camp, it

is inside all of us and we have to let that magic GLOW! 

This edition of the GLOW Gazette features many of the people who GLOW, both at camp and at
home in their communities. I hope you enjoy reading about these amazing women! 

GLOW Love, 

Coco Shin 
GLOW Outreach and Communications Coordinator

Do you want to see your writing in the next edition of the GLOW Gazette? We
are accepting submissions on any topic you would like to write about! Email
your submissions to We are looking forward
to reading what you have to say![UNIQID] 1/12
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What kind of magic and mystical creatures inspire you?

Can't get enough GLOW? Visit our Youtube channel!

-Club Corner-[UNIQID] 2/12
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The GLOW/YMLP Club Coordinators would like to give a special shout out to

all of the Club Leaders who are celebrating Prom and Graduation this year.

Thank you all for your hard work, passion, and dedication to your local clubs

and communities this past year and beyond. You are all beautiful both inside

and out!

As you start on your next adventures, bring with you the same enthusiasm
and devotion and you will surely succeed.

“Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn.

Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.”

- William Arthur Ward[UNIQID] 3/12
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She GLOWs:  
  Staff Spotlight 
Mimi Filova   
by Leah Murfield  A big part of camp magic is camp spirit, and
  these are the people who will be bringing it
to you! Introducing the Lead Counselors of
Camp GLOW 2017! 
Want to get to know more of the coordinator
team? Click here! 
Leah Murfield[UNIQID] 9/12
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 Leah is from Brookings, South Dakota and
is currently living in Krusevo. As a Lead
Counselor, she is in charge of keeping up
the camp spirit as well as supporting the staff
and campers with all endeavors. She is an
expert at making up songs about her life to
top 40 tunes, lounging in her hammock, and
eating almost any type of dessert.  
“The change starts from us, and our behavior has a greater Kristina Aleksieska 
impact on others than what we usually think.” -Mimi Filova

Location: Gevgelija

Walking down the roads on the outskirts of Gevgelija, Mimi

Filova can be found reflecting on the beauty of her life and
snapping a photo or two.   Mimi is a well rounded
environmentalist who loves sharing everything from her goals
to her skills to her energy.   She radiates a positivity that can
be felt by all those around her.  Like many of us, she looks up
to strong women activists, including Emma Watson. She also
draws inspiration from watching TED Talks and is constantly
educating herself with what’s happening around the world,
loving to learn about new cultures. This Harry Potter fan is
helping fight for equality and aspires to be in the field of
technology and innovation, which we have no doubt she will
  iki is from Struga, Macedonia. With the role
Attending Camp GLOW in the summer of 2016, Mimi said she
of Lead Counselor, she is in charge of
was able to start believing in herself and her capabilities.
creating a safe and positive environment
  “Thanks to GLOW I realized that although I thought I was
where campers would feel well taken care of.
open-minded, I in fact used to live in my comfort zone without
When she's not busy becoming an engineer,
showing any interest to look broader.” Since camp, Mimi has
she likes to travel and explore while listening
used her discoveries to reach out to those in her community.
to a few of her 8236428 favorite songs. 
  This includes being a leader in her local GLOW Club and
creating important conversations about her passions in life.
 Mimi is also spreading the message of love and care through
Kim Cosby 
volunteerism, which includes a local NGO. She wants to be[UNIQID] 10/12
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remembered as an enthusiast of life and hopes to leave
everyone she meets with a smile.  

Mimi was referred by United States Peace Corps Volunteer,

Noemi Agagianian. We salute you and your passion for
feminism awareness, community development and self-
expression, Mimi! Keep leading by example, chasing your
dreams and making a positive impact on your community and
the World!

For more information about how to create your own GLOW

Club and to locate a Club near you follow us on Facebook here  

Start a GLOW Club 
in your community!
Do you want to share what you learned at camp with others? Do you
love discussing important issues with other young women? Do you
want to help your community through service projects? Then starting a
GLOW Club may be your next project!  
  Kim is from Camden, New Jersey and
If you are interested in starting and leading your own GLOW Club, currently lives in Struga. As a Lead
please contact for more information on how Counselor, she is responsible for
encouraging everyone to have fun
supporting staff and campers. Kim loves
dancing, making up songs and Pictionary.

to get started!

   Gostivar Glow Club

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