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MAY, TUESDAY 5th. 2020

Buen día queridos alumnos.

a. Colocar en el cuaderno fecha indicada y tema.
b. Leer con atención los temas y ejemplos que están claros y concretos.
c. Desarrollar con letra clara los PROJECT de cada tema si se les pide
traducción e ilustración también.
d. Al finalizar, envíame las fotos de tu PRODUCCION PERSONAL DEL día, por
este mismo medio
*Ser Responsables en el desarrollo y envío de trabajos.
*Ser puntuales, pasado fecha y hora no insistir por favor.
La Paz Profunda permanesca en nuestros corazones.



PROJECT 1.Write this vocabulary on your notebook and draw

PROJECT 2.Complete the text with the words
PROJECT 3. Practice the dialogue

Apple pasta
meat cheese
bread potatoes
fish strawberries
Cake ice cream
Nuts fruits
eggs protein
milk vegetables
Carrots yogurt
Carbohydrates dairy products
fat fiber
*junk food chicken

A diet consisting of the adequate amounts of all the necessary …………..s

recommended for a healthy growth and for efficient daily activities and
A balanced diet contains the proper quantities and proportions of the needed
nutrients to maintain good health. It must have balanced amounts in proper
proportions of ………………………s, ………… s, …………… s, …………….
s, …………………. s, and ……….. intake.
In order to achieve a balanced diet, one should be able to have the following
in their diet: (1) ………………. (2) …………………. s, (3) ……………. s,
(4) ……………….. s, (5) ………………….., and (6) ……… s. Fruits and vegetables
are important sources of various ……………………..s, especially ………………….s
and ………………………..s. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli,
and green beans are highly nutritious. Whole grains are preferred than
refined grains since the latter lack the hull, which contains the majority of
the grain’s nutrition (after processing). Proteins in meats and beans are
essential for growth, especially muscle and brain development. However, one
should prefer lean, low-fat meats to reduce the amount
of ………… and ……………………… intake.

nutrients nutrients vegetables grains minerals

carbohydrates, cholesterol fat

fats, oils diary

proteins, proteins fruits

vitamins, vitamins, water minerals


A: Doctor, what is the best way to stay healthy?

B: Having a good diet is probably the most important thing.

A: It is very confusing to know what to eat.

B: You need plenty of fruits and vegetables, small amounts of protein, and whole

A: Are there certain things that I should avoid?

B: You shouldn't consume too much sugar or caffeine. Also, watch your intake of fatty

A: After watching my diet, what else should I do?

B: You need to stop smoking, and make sure that you get 30 minutes of exercise every

A: Can I have a glass of wine now and then?

B: As long as you don't overdo it, a glass of wine a day should be OK.


Apple bread cake carrot cheese ice cream milk nuts pasta

Potatoes strawberries yogurt meat fish chicken

CARBOHYDRATES Pasta bread cake ice cream

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Carrots potatoes apples strawberries

PROTEIN nuts meat fish chicken

DAIRY PRODUCTS Yogurt milk cheese


a. What food do you like ?

I like

b. What kind meat do you like ?


c. What kind drinks do you like?


d. Do you like vegetables and fruits?


e. Do you like sweets?


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