Stress Transformation Example

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120 HP, q 0A cos20 oa Pia us mPa < asheoszo'| \_# Asinze “STSSA sin 20° BoM. Areas Forces Jean sinzo* tr ZF =O GA ~I20K cos20%cos 20° ~ YA cos 20°sin 20" — HSA Sin 20°08 20° ~GOA Sin 20°sin 20" = © = 120c0s* 20" +45c0520°sin 20° + 4SSin 20° cos 29° +605in*20" = 14.4 MPa = AZF 0 TA sMPAcos.20"sins20° ~ HAcos20°Cos 20% HA 8in20'sin, 20° —6OA sin 2U"eos Do" =O T = AMc0t20'ein WD" YSLcos* 20" Sin*20*) + 60Sin20"cos 20” = 15.14 MPA —et 7.1 through 7.4 For thes ermine the normal and shearing stresses exerted on the oblique face of the shaded triangular element Shown, Use a method of analy based on the eyulitrum of tha element 35 twas done in the derivations of Sc. 72. Problem 7.2 +/2F-0 +H ZF=0 U = -28 (cos15? - GA + 2% Aces IS"sin IS” + To Aces IS*cos 5 — = ~ 28 C05 IS* sin IS? ~ To cos*S + 42. Sin*IS*— 28 sinIS*cos IS% = PA + 29 ReosiS%cos IS*— To A coe IS*sin IS*~ 42 AsinIS*cos IS°— 28 A sinlS"sin IS” =O *1S*) + (To +42) cosIS* Sin IS* = 74 through 7.4. Foe the given sat of res, determine the normal ant shearing steses exerted on the oblique face ofthe shaded triangular ‘town Uae mo fais based on th ogi ofthat hm, a sve inthe donations of Ss 72 Toma (1A costs? 28 Ages Acos 15° aA tA sini As ch AP Asinis? Areas — Forces 42. AsinIS" sin IS° + 29 Asin IS*eos IS° =O 16-5 MPa ee Problem 7.5 7.5 through 7.8. For the given sate of sens, determine () the pio ipa planes, (0) the principal suesses. . G, = b3mha 67-42 MPa oy = 29M PH ‘eum Ry Xo _ (©) tan 2p = LS» AGE = o.ssse ROp= 28.07" Op = ou", lodge oe GM ony = (0) Crnaynin = SS a [EGS sty _ 24? [EEP np Zz lor 5459-5 Gree = 10 MPG Cong 2 - 49M PG i i ‘5 through 7.8. For the given sate of sess, determine (a) the pio lanes, (bth principal sess. Problem 7.6 ipa 6 ant Ge Homa tye zh 2% co) tan 6p» Zl = ead ) tan Op? ZH = HET - 0.250 evr 20, > 36. a Op? 18.48", 108.937 0 Sanyen® 8S 2 [EES 2 Eg (EP eco" = 84t70 A Sone = 154 MPa 4 San 2 14 MPG PROPRIETARY MATERIAL ©2086 The Meine Compr, ne. Aight ee Np hi Maa me eae pce ‘Tied fay mene oe pr i os te pr open ee ecient ‘iSepemal hc tr nincouse pees yee ten wing sana renga ota 7-03 Problem 7.7 15 through 73 For the given sate of ses, determine () the principal panes, (8) the principal senses te somes Gx* -60 MPa. 6 =~ 40 MPa G=35 MPa sours 285). 5.50 + 37.08", S27" =e e) (Se) + tt 0-40, [rend yy got = SEQ EHO 5 ]( =e tH) 49) = -SO+ 36.4 MPa Gree 5 = 13.60 MPa -_ Cun 7 - 86.4 MPa = 175 throgh 74 Forte gven ste of rest, determin (2) the principal planes, (8) Problem 7.8 iSshegeat 8 (6) the principal planes, (6) 9 MPa Gy 16 MPa G, = -48 MPa Ty F- COMP, oars = Ah, 2V-60) _ (a) tan 26, =e eS: 1.875 Mrs 20,= ~ 61.93" = - 80.90", STOW me ) Cynin = SPS 4 [SEES + H* = S48 (Ere = +16 + 68 Grae * S52 MPa A Sein =~ 84 MPa 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©7005 The Meni Comyn, In Allied No pt i Mama yb layed poet ‘Sood yom yy nan, ot ta wi pris epost end ene en oon nd ‘Sct prin by Mc for er nr une ppc yo oe aga Jy | Problem 7.9 79 through 7.12 For the given sate of ress determine (a) the cvictation ofthe ples of maximum i-plie searing ses, () the coe sponding ponmal ste. Gy = 63mfR G2-42Mhe Bye 28mhy S-6, 63442 jan 20, = - SxS. 43402. (2) ton 20, > - $8 Gap thas 2Q = ~ 61.93" O,=- 30.96, 59.095 =e 0) tn = ET Bt) = STS MG me = (2=") + (29) ©) 61 = Cau Set Oe 182 © 10.5 Mh me Problem 7.10 7.9 through 7.12 For the given sate of sree, determine (a) the eviction ofthe planes of maximum in-plane shearing sues, (0) tbe core sponding nonmal sre. Ge= 28mPa Gs hho MPa Hy 42M + - SG LL ae 0 (©) tan 20, a Be 20, =-53.18" 5-26.57", 68.437 3383 - (Ae ene > Tomha ~ 1 Se Gn SES, ME pyran PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 20 The Min ilConpin eA hr Net thi ua a ape (Senn y ty ny men vt sp abe pen eps oe edie deri ad ‘Scctnpennmed bystanders prepuce a gh ae or yf ia 0S. Problem 7.13. 7.13 through 7.16 For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses ater the clement shown has been rotated Uwough (2) 25" clockwise, (6) 10" 6, =-GomPa § G=IOMPa Ty 39 MPa Gs SizGe . 75 MPa Cre 0s 20 + Ty Sinz@ ty? Sia 20 + Ty cos 26 By = cas 20 - Ty sin 20 @) @=-25° = 29 =- So" Gx = 1S = 1S cos(-$0") + 80 sin(-S0") = -56.2 MPa < Tey = + 15 sin(-S0") + 30 cs (-S0") = -38.2MPa =< 6, = AS +78 cos GSO") - 30 sin(-S0") = 86.2MPa < (B= 10" 20 = 20° Gy = 1S - 78 cos (20°) + 20 sinZO*) = ~ 45.2 MPa = Ty * + TS sin (20°) + 80 cso") © 53.8 MPa =< Gy = 1S +78 cos(Z0") - go sin(20)= 75,2 MPa - PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The McG Conpanie nell mee Nop of i Mana yb ae ep (ronda ay fm 2) me, ia pr ts prin the paola eine eaten a ‘SS yaw lr neue peyton wig the ae ons wb pro Problem 7.14 7.13 through 7.16 For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing element shown has béen rotated through (a) 25° clockwise, (6) 10" unter. sons | | 6, = 0 Gy -80MPa y= -SOMPa aan ee StS, eS ors 20 4 My sin 20 - SS Sin 26 4 Try cos 20 @) O= -3 6 = -40 + 40 cas (-S0*) - SOsin(-S0") = 24.0 MPa -= byt = 40 sin (-$0°) #50 cos(-S0")= - 1.5 MPa = Gy = -4o ~ 40 cosGS0*) + 50.sin GS0°) = -104%0 MPa = ) = 10° 20 = 20° Guz HO 4 Ho caster) - So sin(20") = - 19.5 MPa ~ Tay > ~ 40 sin (20°) - 50 cos(20°) =~ 60.7 MPa = = HO ~ Ho cos(20" ) +50 sin (20°) = - 60.5 MPa = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 Te MeGew Cop ne. Al rare. Napa hi Min mayb ply gedit von yf ey nn ito tr i wie prin epee tend eae aon ‘Sees pulp saw ensure pep, Ios agama Yue age Problem 7.17 7.17 and 7.18 The gain of « wooden menber forms an angle of 15° with the vertical. Fr the tate of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing sess parle othe grain (8) the normal res perpendicular to the grin 260-80" ~ GES sin 20 + Tey sin 20 2 = BEB gi Caer) 4 =~ 28E4B gin G20) + 0 = = 0,800 MPa. - &) 6, = SEES 5 G42 oo 20 + Tey sin BO 23018 cas) « + 3518 casCaor) +o Problem 7.18 7.17 and 7.18 Te rain of wooden ember forms an angle of 18° vith etc Pre tof ree shown eter (0) pe sa ing atx paral wo the gain, 0) te moral see papel the ph. WM soe. iy = ~ Te W sin 20 + My cor 20 = -O + 42 cessor) ° = 36k MPG = () Ge = SS , GG cas 20 + ty sin 20 = 0 +0 + 42 sim(-30°) = -21 MPa = smoemETARY MATRA © me Comp Sigma er end See erred q-U( Problem 7.19 7A The centr force P is applied toa short post as shown. Knowing that the sreses on pine ua are 100 MP and + ~ 39 MP, determine (athe angle tat plane a forme with tbe brioatl (the maxim com . ‘ressive ares inthe pot y yr Gs 1 Tie ey a =-& t PA 2 A a e Aa ~ 6 =% 4 nc, th a Arve. Force > Fen Frangle @F lo) Pe GOA seep lseca) ater = Problem 7.20 7.20 Two members of ufo cross section $0 % 80 mm ae ged to- her along plane sna that forms an angle or 25° with the rion. Knowing thatthe allowable seses forthe plas joint are” = 3OOKPa and > = 600 Ps, etrmine the lgest conic had P that can be applied. Gio Tro GC = Cees Gy sin 47Ty sinOer@ = O04 Psinres*+o = (Soxjo*)(30x10"* (B00%10") 3 agyio* N e ae TU = (6-6) sin Ocos + Ty leos'O- sind) = E sings ests o - At = (S2H10"*X 80x10 N00 I") _ 6.27» 10? P sin6S cases* ‘Bin 68° Cos 6S = 6.27210 N Mlowabte vadue of P is the smadler one, P= 370x10°N = 3.40 kN =e Tz Problem 7.31 1731 Solve Probe. 7.7 and 7.11, using Mobs circle. 75 through 78 For the given state of stress, dcirmine (a) the princi ® Stree Principal plans, 79 through 7.12 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the crentation ofthe somes plans of maximum in-plane searing stress, (0) the maximum in-plane shearing ses, comps (6) the corresponding normal stress. wore 6, = - GO MPa y= -H0 MPa % 735 MPa. Cue = Sat = -S0 MPa Points X#(Bx,~ Ty) = (- COMPa , -35 MPa.) Y! (Gy, Ty) > (-4O MPa, 35 MPa) C+ Re, O) = C-SOMPA, 0) = &&., 3S. ton R= ES= 2 = 3.500 B= 74.05" Og = -48 = -3708° = = 180°- B = 105.95° O, = a= 52.97" = R= fer EE = [10% a = 36.4 MPa Grin = Cue - R= -S0-36.4 © - 86.4 MPa Seer = Gant R © -SO486.4 + -13.6 MPQ Qo = Og+ 45° = 7.97° Oc= O45” = 97.02 True > R= 36.4 MPa bbbaaa 6' = Cie > -50 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 206 Te MeGinlConpnen Ag tae. No pa Mau aye pie epee Problem 7.32 1732 Solve Probe. 7.8 and 7.12, using Mohr's cic. 715 through 7. For the given tate of tres, determine (a) he ® eure cSsmce ct (0) the principal planes, (6) 179 through 7.12 For the given sate of stress, determine () the eietation ofthe toms planes of maximum in-plane searing tess, (0) the maximum in-plane shearing sess, (6) the conesponding normal ses. G.= 16 MPa G=-48 MPa Ty =~ VR, Sue = Se¢Se 16 Pe Points = X+ (Ge,~ By) > (J6MPa, GOMPa) Y= (Gj, By = (-48- MPa, 6OMPA) C! Gx,0) = (- Hm, oO) © 3a as C1493" tan l= ra F = 1.875 OQ = -Z4= - 30.9%" me BF 180° = 12.07% Og= 4A = 57.04" =A R: [Re Px = [aa 4 cot = 68 MPa Ga Soar * Suet R= - 16468 = 52 MPa Get San = Ge -R > -16-68 = -84 MPa Oy 6,4 45° + 1H.04r Oe = Oy + 45" = Iotone Tog > R= 6B MPH S'= Sue = -16 MPa bbbabaa Problem 7.33 7.38. Solve Prob. 7.9, wing Mobs cle 7.9 through 7.12 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the corenation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing sess, () the come Ssposing normal ses. Ge = G3MPa Gyr -42 MPa Cys 2PM = Gu = SES 2 tons mm ©) (Pa) Points X! (6, ) = (Gamhe, 22MPa) ¥! (6), %) = (-42 mPa, 2900) Ct Geo) = (rem, OY fonas EX. 28. 0.5293 Cr ' Ge > 28.07" 0, = td = 04 Oy Or 4s = 57.04" - 0, = Oa- 45° = - 30,96" - Re [eR Pat = [Bast age = 59.5 MP6 Tone = RO SLE MPC - G'= 6 = 105 MPA = {PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 Te MG Compan ne. Agha oxre Nope Mana ye ped ped ea i yn ph nes en aon q-02 Problem 7.34 7.9 through 7.12 For the given sate of ses, determine (a) the ication ofthe planes of maximum in ple shearing tres, (2) the come ‘sponding orm tess Points XK? (Gy, = Ty) = GEMM, 42me) Yi (Gyy Ty) = (ion, -a2mmn) Ct Gn, 0) = (sem, 0) Bw ton d= Fe Be 05 = 36.87" OF tas 18.48% Oy7 O,-4S* = - 26.57" Oe ot ie = 63.43" TAR Gee Tome = R70 MPG G' = Gu, = 24 Mh ap nc op, nb een 7.34 Solve Prob, 710, using Mobs cic, 6, = 26mm Tey = = 42m Cue = SAS © panty 7-23 735 Solve Prob. 7.13, using Mobs circ. Problem 7.35, 7.43 throagh 7.16 For the given state of ses, determine the normal and sharing sarees afer the element shown has been rotated through (@) 25” clockwise, (0) 10" 90 HP ‘counterclocewise. com 6, = -6O MPa y= 99 MPa Ty= 30 MPa. Cues SES = 15 MPs T) (mead Points X! (-69 MPa = 30 MPa) ¥? (40 MPa, 30MPa) C: CIS MPa, 0) Fx _ : tan 20, = ER: 82-08 2Op= 21.80" 0, 10.90" ) Rf FCT + FX = 75" + 30" = 90.78MPa (2) @= 252 20+ SO"? Q=20-20p* SO°- 21.80" = 28.20) By > Gare - R cos Ps - 56.2 MPa 7) (ee) Sy2 -RsinQ = 32.2. = Gy = Gin + Res P= 36.2MPa me (b) @=10°D = 26> 20°D Q = 20,420 = 21.80% 20" = 41,80") Gy = Cie Rees * - 45.2 MPa Rsing? S.5MPa Cue + Reo P = 7S.2MPa —e Points X? (0, So MPa) (@) OF 25° _2o# SO") Problem 7.36 736 Sole Prob. 7.14 sing Mobr’s circle 713 through 7.16 For the given state of stress, determine the normal end shearing stresses afer the element shown hasbeen rotated through (a) 25" clockwise, (0) 10° some cunterclockwise, 1 = fo MPa 7) (mead (-80MPa, - 50 MPa) Qs $1.34 - so" = 1.34° 5. Gy = Sant Reos P= 24.0 MPa =e Rsinp> -15 MPa yo (mead Gy * Cin -ReosP = - 104.0 MPa 28+ 20°S Q = SI.34° 420° © 21,34° Gy = Suet Res P= -19.5 MPa =< Ty > + Rsin 9 = - 60.7 MPa —@ Gy = Can Rees + -60.5MPa OY -@ MPa Ty =-S0 MPa. cP) Problem 7.37 6, = SLM 6. 6+ G we z Points: KR: (ELMPa, 42 MPa) (ba mea, 42MPa) Cz (= 14 mPa, 0) Fx, tan Ry? EE Fs 06 2Op= 30.96" Re [OP ERY fie ae = Phomen O= 2s 20> 50") Q = So" - 80.96" = (a) 14.04" Ge? Can 4 ReosP > O3IMPE By? RsinQ@ = 200mP =e Gy = Ga Res g 24h MPG =e (e) = 1075 20+ 20°D Q = 30.96" + 20° = 50.96" Get Sint Rees Pp = 374MPy =e Ly? -Reing same =e 6 = Sua~ Reo @ e654 Hho om PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 64 The Meith Conpnn ne. leigh ere Nope ‘Som myn men ners oa 7.37 Solve Prob 7.15, wing Mobs circle, te given sate of sre, determin the norma ment show has bee rotated (a) 25° chock a a ie pnd wae nel ronsc 7-26

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