Acute Toxicity of Crude Oil Water Accommodated Fraction On Marine Copepods: The Relative Importance of Acclimatization Temperature and Body Size

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Acute toxicity of crude oil water accommodated fraction on marine copepods:

The relative importance of acclimatization temperature and body size

Article  in  Marine environmental research · August 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.08.003 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Zhibing Jiang Jiangning Zeng

Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources Second Institute of Oceanography MNR


Xiaoqun Xu
Second Institute of Oceanography MNR


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Marine Environmental Research 81 (2012) 12e17

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Acute toxicity of crude oil water accommodated fraction on marine copepods:

The relative importance of acclimatization temperature and body size
Zhibing Jiang, Yijun Huang, Quanzhen Chen, Jiangning Zeng*, Xiaoqun Xu
Key Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, No. 36 Northern Baochu Road, 310012 Hangzhou, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent oil spillage accidents around the world greatly increase harmful risks to marine ecology. This
Received 21 June 2012 study evaluated the influences of petroleum water accommodated fraction (WAF) on 15 typical species of
Received in revised form marine copepods collected from a subtropical bay in East China Sea at different seasons. Copepods
1 August 2012
showed impaired swimming ability, restlessness, loss of balance, anoxic coma, and even death when they
Accepted 3 August 2012
were acutely exposed to the crude oil WAF under laboratory conditions. The LC50 values (expressed in
total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration) indicated that the tolerances of copepods to WAF decreased
significantly (P < 0.05) with increased exposure duration and natural water temperatures (acclimati-
Crude oil
Water accommodated fraction
zation temperature). The sensitivity of the copepods was species-specific (P < 0.01), and there was
Copepods a significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation between the 48-h LC50 and body size. Therefore, the small
Toxicity copepod species confront more survival challenges under oil contamination stress, especially in the
Temperature warm months or regions.
Body size Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2011). Thus, oil WAF utilization is the recommended exposure

medium in toxicity experiments, and is very useful in evaluating
With the rapid economic development and energy demand the oil contamination risk for aquatic organisms (Singer et al.,
around the world, marine petroleum exploitation and trans- 2000).
portation increase steadily, causing frequent catastrophic oil spills Marine copepods are a major group of the second producers that
(e.g., Prestige, Deepwater Horizon, and Bohai Bay accidents in 2002, play a key role in the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine
2010, and 2011, respectively). The increasing coastal oil pollution ecosystem by forming a trophodynamic link between primary (e.g.,
progressively poses risks to marine ecology. The well known phytoplankton) and tertiary (e.g., planktivorous fish) production.
adverse effects of oil spills include serious acute and chronic The petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., PAHs) can be quickly incorpo-
damages to marine ecosystems. The potential harm to wildlife is rated into the coastal planktonic food web due to accumulation of
also much longer and more severe than previously assumed (Esler the oil fraction in the phytoplankton and zooplankton (Carls et al.,
et al., 2010; Peterson et al., 2003). 2006; Graham et al., 2010). The accumulation can increase expo-
Petroleum (crude oil) in the sea experiences a series of processes sure to higher-trophic-level organisms with potentially delayed
including physical, chemical and biological diversifications. Petro- negative effects (Wolfe et al., 1998). However, previous reports also
leum finally partially dissolves or is accommodated in seawater, suggest that copepods can possibly metabolize PAHs and play
and the remaining part is physically transferred (e.g., evaporation, a significant role in the fate of PAHs in water columns (Berrojalbiz
adsorption, and sedimentation) and biologically decomposed (Jiang et al., 2009). Marine copepods, as important invertebrate marine
et al., 2010). The highest concentration of dissolved petroleum model organisms, can also be an excellent tool for evaluating the
hydrocarbons is in the water accommodated fraction (WAF) impacts of marine pollution (e.g., oil) throughout coastal regions
(Faksness et al., 2008), which usually consists of aliphatic (Raisuddin et al., 2007). This function is attributed to their impor-
compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons, such as polycyclic tant ecological functions, short life cycles, mini-space and -equip-
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Consequently, WAFs contain the ment requirements, as well as easy harvesting and culturing (Kusk
most toxic substances in oil to aquatic species (Abbriano et al., and Wollenberger, 2007). As a consequence, the influence of the oil
pollution on marine copepods, as a good model organism and the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 571 81963227; fax: þ86 571 88073309. key role in marine ecosystem, needs to be studied, including the
E-mail addresses:, (J. Zeng). acute, sub-acute and chronic effects.

0141-1136/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

Z. Jiang et al. / Marine Environmental Research 81 (2012) 12e17 13

An earlier study on oil toxicity in copepods describes the small copepods such as P. parvus and P. aculeatus. Dead copepods
physical obstacle of oil fractions, which act as barriers to oxygen and dejecta were removed, and culture water was replenished
transfer between air and water (Kontogiannis and Barnett, 1973). twice, exchanging 2/3 of the water with the same temperature.
Previous studies have focused on the impact of oil pollutants to the Culture containers were exposed to the identical lighting condi-
survival (Calbet et al., 2007; Faksness et al., 2012), reproduction tions with 1000  50 lux in a 16 h:8 h light/dark cycle. After 48 h of
(Suderman and Marcus, 2002), egg viability (Calbet et al., 2007), maintenance, the species were sorted out by a pipette and main-
feeding behavior (Saiz et al., 2009), development (Bejarano et al., tained for 24 h in several 40 L aerated tanks. The seawater quality
2006), as well as genetic transcription and expression (Hansen parameters measured during maintenance are shown in Table 1.
et al., 2008, 2009) of certain copepod species. Acute oil WAF
exposure can lead to decreased activity and non-polarity narcotic 2.2. Toxicity experiments
coma, even to death, by affecting the lipid membrane fluidity of
copepods as well as interrupting the operation of physiological and The WAF of oceanic Lufeng crude oil (from eastern South China
biochemical systems (Barata et al., 2002; Di Toro et al., 2000; van Sea), whose composition has been described by Tao (1998), was
Wezel and Opperhuizen, 1995). And sub-acute and chronic oil prepared and modified according to Anderson et al. (1974) and
WAF exposure disturbs copepod feeding, spawning, hatching, Singer et al. (2000), respectively. One part of the crude oil was
growth, development, and behavior (Barata et al., 2002; Bellas and mixed with nine parts of filtered seawater in a 5 L glass mixing
Thor, 2007; Calbet et al., 2007; Hjorth and Nielsen, 2011). The chamber for 24 h, and then left to settle for 3 h. The aqueous phase
results are long-term negative effects on population activity and was collected and stored at 46  C, and used as the stock solution
continuity (Bejarano et al., 2006). Others studies have evaluated the for subsequent experiments. The WAF level, expressed in total
photo-induced or photo-enhanced toxicity of fresh and weathered petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration, was measured by UV
oils under ultraviolet radiation (Duesterloh et al., 2002; Saco- spectrophotometry (l ¼ 225 nm) using a high-performance UV/Vis/
Álvarez et al., 2008). Recent studies are starting to pay more NIR instrument (Perkin Elmer Co.) according to the specification for
attention to the toxic effects of potential oil pollution on polar or China marine monitoring GB/T 17378-2007.
sub-polar marine organisms due to increasing oil exploitation and To determine the ranges of WAF tolerances of the experimental
transportation (Barron and Ka’aihue, 2003; Camus and Olsen, copepods, preliminary tests were performed at the TPH levels of
2008; de Hoop et al., 2011; Frantzen et al., 2012; Hansen et al., about 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 mg L1. Different TPH concentrations
2011; Hjorth and Nielsen, 2011; Olsen et al., 2007, 2008). These (0.17e30.54 mg L1) were prepared for the different species
effects are closely associated with temperature (climate change) according to the preliminary tests. The TPH concentration gradient
influences. However, toxicity data on the effects of oil pollution on for experimental copepods at different acclimatization tempera-
coastal copepods do not take into account many different species. tures are described in the Supplementary information. To maintain
Few studies have considered seasonal and species-specific differ- the same experimental temperatures, 500 mL glass jars containing
ences, and little is known about the effects of acclimatization 400 mL of filtered water with different concentrations of WAF were
temperature and body size of marine copepods on oil pollution placed in a 40 L tank for bathing at the acclimatization temperature.
(Harris et al., 1977). The toxicity experiments were started by transferring 20 healthy
In the present study, 15 typical species of Chinese coastal adult copepods (the same species) from the 40 L aerated mainte-
copepods were collected during different seasons from a subtrop- nance tanks into each glass jar. The male-to-female ratio was not
ical bay. The acute toxicities of crude oil WAF to these copepods taken into account according to a previous experiment (Jiang et al.,
were evaluated. The purpose was to determine the influences of oil 2009b). The experimental conditions and processes of preliminary
pollution on different marine copepod species. The effects of tests were the same as mentioned before.
natural water temperature (acclimatization temperature) and body The experimental water in each group was changed every 12 h
length on the sensitivity of copepods to oil WAF were also assessed. with the same concentration. Dead records were taken at 6, 12, 24,
The investigation of these effects may address some of the issues 36, 48, 60, and 72 h. Dead copepods and dejecta were removed. The
concerning the population sustainability and dynamics of marine critical point was established when the copepod showed no reac-
copepods under the stresses of oil pollution and global warming. tivity in 15 s after stimulation with a pipette. The copepods were
not fed during the toxicity tests. The lighting condition, light/dark
2. Materials and methods cycle, and water quality were identical to those during the main-
tenance period. The control groups were treated the same but
2.1. Copepods collection and maintenance without WAF. The experiments were run in triplicate. At the end of
the experiment, the body lengths of each copepod species (n ¼ 15)
The following 15 species of marine copepods were collected was measured by an optical microscopy system (Leica MZ 16, Leica
from a subtropical bay (Yueqing Bay; 28 190 N, 121090 E), East China Microsystems). The data of the measured body lengths are given in
Sea, with a 505 mm mesh silk: Acartia pacifica, Acartia spinicauda, the Supplementary information.
Calanopia thompsoni, Calanus sinicus, Centropages dorsispinatus,
Eucalanus subcrassus, Euchaeta concinna, Euchaeta marina, Harpac- 2.3. Data analysis
ticus uniremis, Labidocera euchaeta, Paracalanus aculeatus, Para-
calanus parvus, Sinocalanus tenellus, Tortanus spinicaudatus and The mortalities at 24, 48, and 72 h were determined according
Tortanus vermiculus. At each sampling time (Sep. 2008, Nov. 2008, to the formula M ¼ (M0  C)/(1  C), where M is the rectified
Jan. 2009, Mar. 2009, and May 2009) the natural water tempera-
Table 1
tures were 31.2, 16.5, 8.5, 12.5, and 22.5  C, respectively. The
Quality of experimental seawater at different times. DO: dissolved oxygen.
samples were stored in several 60 L aerated isotherm tanks and
immediately transported to the laboratory. The animals were Parameters Sep. 2008 Nov. 2008 Jan. 2009 Mar. 2009 May 2009
placed into a 1000 L tank filled with aerated filtered seawater from Temperature ( C) 31.2 16.5 8.5 12.5 22.5
the Yueqing Bay and maintained at ambient temperature for 2 days. Salinity 25.23 25.67 25.32 25.18 24.20
pH 8.20 8.20 8.37 8.10 8.20
During this period, they were fed with the microalgae Dicrateria DO (mg L1) 9.02 9.05 9.78 9.21 9.18
inornata (Parke). The carnivorous animals were also fed with the
Author's personal copy

14 Z. Jiang et al. / Marine Environmental Research 81 (2012) 12e17

mortality, M0 is the observational mortality, and C is the mortality and the body gradually lost balance, flipped and spun, become
of the control groups. The median lethal concentration (LC50) comatosed, and even died.
based on TPH was calculated by the method of probit units using
SPSS 13.0. The mortalities of the control groups in summer were
3.2. Sensitivity differences between species
lower then 15%, and the mortalities of the control groups in the
rest of seasons were less than 10%. So the LC50 values were
The LC50 values (in mg TPH L1) of the 15 copepod species are
effective. Two-way (species and exposure duration) ANOVA was
shown in the Supplementary information. Four to six species were
used to test for significant differences at different acclimatization
collected with a different species composition at each sampling
temperatures. Prior to ANOVA, all variables were tested for
time (Fig. 1). The tolerances of copepods acutely exposed to oil
normality (KolmogoroveSmirnov test) and homogeneity (Levene
pollution stress had significant (P < 0.01) differences among
test). Data that did not satisfy the assumptions of normality and
species at the same exposure duration and acclimatization
homogeneity were subjected to the KruskaleWallis (H) test. The
temperature (Table 2). For example, in the winter experiments
effects of acclimatization temperature on the same copepod
(8.5  C acclimatization temperature), the 72-h LC50 of E. marina,
species under different exposure durations were performed by the
T. spinicaudatus, L. euchaeta, S. tenellus, H. uniremis, and
H test. The relationship between 48-h LC50 and body size of
C. dorsispinatus were 14.28  0.65, 10.81  0.43, 10.87  0.34,
copepod species at different acclimatization temperatures was
5.72  0.24, 3.77  0.10, and 3.26  0.20 mg TPH L1, respectively
determined by the Spearman rank correlation test. A P value of
(Fig. 1).
0.05 was considered statistically significant for all the above-
Besides, the LC50 values of the experimental copepod species
mentioned tests.
increased with increased body size at the same acclimatization
temperature. For example, during the winter experiments at 8.5
3. Results and 12.5  C, the medium- and large-sized species (i.e., coastal
dominant species C. sinicus and L. euchaeta, as well as the common
3.1. Toxic symptoms species E. marina, T. spinicaudatus, and T. vermiculus) were more
tolerant to oil WAF than the small ones (i.e., C. dorsispinatus and
When the experimental copepods were acutely exposed to oil P. aculeatus). There was a significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation
WAF for 24 h, some floc and brown adhesive materials appeared between LC50 and the body length of the experimental copepod
around their limbs and tails. The activities of individuals decreased, species, except for the 12.5  C group (Fig. 2). The correlation and

35 16

30 a Water temperature = 8.5 C 14 c Water temperature = 16.5 C

24 h 12
48 h
LC50 (mg L-1)

20 72 h
5 2

0 0
Euch Torta Labid Sino Harp Centr Cala E L C A C
aeta n o ca a o nus s uchaeta abidoce alanopia cartia pa entropa
marin us spinic cera euc lanus te cticus un pages d inicu conc ra eu ges d
a a udatu h aeta n ellus irem orsis s inna chae thompso cifica orsis
s is p in atus ta n i pinatu
25 14 6

b Water temperature = 12.5 C 12 d Water temperature = 22.5 C

e Water temperature = 31.2 C
LC50 (mg L-1)

15 8
5 1

0 0 0
Torta Labid Cala P Cala L Para Para Euca L A P
nus s aracalan nus s abidoce c c lanus abidocer cartia sp aracalan
nus v o
ermic cera euc inicu us ac inicu ra eu alanus a alanus p subc a eu inica u
ulus h aeta s u leatu s c h aeta c u leatu a r v us r assu c h aeta uda s aculea
s s s tus
Copepod species Copepod species Copepod species

Fig. 1. LC50 of marine copepods to crude oil WAF (expressed in TPH concentration) under different acclimatization temperatures.
Author's personal copy

Z. Jiang et al. / Marine Environmental Research 81 (2012) 12e17 15

Table 2
Results of two-way ANOVA (F) and KruskaleWallis (H) tests for species and exposure duration at different acclimatization temperatures. Superscripts indicate the significant
level, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

Variance 8.5  C 12.5  C 16.5  C 22.5  C 31.2  C

Species F(5,53) ¼ 68.0*** H36 ¼ 18.4*** H51 ¼ 16.2** H36 ¼ 26.7*** H36 ¼ 17.8***
Exposure time F(2,53) ¼ 121.0*** H36 ¼ 15.1*** H51 ¼ 24.6*** H36 ¼ 7.4* H24 ¼ 4.1*

corresponding coefficients are shown in Fig. 2. Hence, the smaller metabolism in crustaceans by influencing membrane lipid fluidity
species were relatively more sensitive to oil WAF than the larger and the normal operation of physiological as well as biochemical
ones. systems (Di Toro et al., 2000; Barata et al., 2002). Most oil WAFs
were lipophilic (van Wezel and Opperhuizen, 1995), and copepods
3.3. Effect of exposure duration have high body lipid contents (Lee et al., 2006). Therefore, the
organic compounds (especially PAHs) of oil WAF can easily accu-
The 24, 48, and 72-h LC50 values of each species from different mulate in the animals via the feeding behavior and surface con-
seasons and at various acclimatization temperatures are shown in tacting (Carls et al., 2006; Jiang et al., 2010).
Fig. 1. For the same species, the LC50 values showed the trend 72-h Even copepods exposed to low concentrations of oil WAFs also
LC50 < 48-h LC50 < 24-h LC50. Table 2 shows that the tolerances of behave abnormally with decreased feeding rate (Barata et al., 2002;
copepods exposed to oil WAF decreased significantly (P < 0.05) Carls et al., 2006) and increased oxygen consumption (Smith and
with increased exposure duration. Hargreaves, 1984). These conditions affect the composition of
carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as the activity of the elec-
tronic energy transfer system, further leading to energy balance
3.4. Effect of temperature
loss (Olsen et al., 2007, 2008). The results are abnormal growth and
development, as well as decreased growth and feeding rates
The tolerances of copepods to oil WAF decreased with increased
(Bejarano et al., 2006; Bellas and Thor, 2007). Bejarano et al. (2006)
natural water temperature (Fig. 1). Except for the C. dorsispinatus,
have found that the effects of crude oil on copepod development
the tolerances of the same copepod species were significantly
are delayed at high doses and enhanced at low ones, which may
(P < 0.05) different in the different acclimatization temperatures
result from growth hormesis disruption.
(Table 3). For example, the 48-h LC50 of L. euchaeta (a typical
In the present study, the LC50 (TPH) values of copepods to WAFs
common coastal copepod present in all seasons in China) at
had a wide range depending on the exposure duration and test
different acclimatization temperatures were 13.45  0.07 (8.5  C),
species. This finding was consistent with the reports of Holdway
12.12  0.31 (12.5  C), 10.64  0.61 (16.5  C), 6.17  0.23 (22.5  C),
(2002) and Jiang et al. (2010). The variances in the oxygen
and 2.33  0.18 (31.2  C) mg TPH L1, respectively.
consumption rates, lipid contents, antioxidant levels, and relevant
detoxification abilities possibly led to the species-specific sensi-
4. Discussion tivity of copepods to oil WAF (de Hoop et al., 2011; Hansen et al.,
2011; Jiang et al., 2010). However, body size and acclimatization
The copepod experiments showed that crude oil pollution leads temperature should also be considered according to the results of
to decreased activity, impaired swimming ability, and loss of the present acute toxicity test.
balance. Eventually, the animals become comatosed and even died, The toxicities of oil WAF on copepods generally increased with
similar to a previous report on shrimps (Ekanem et al., 2011). Crude decreased body size (Fig. 2). This result was consistent with an
oil WAF has been suggested as able to interfere with steroid earlier oil toxic test (Harris et al., 1977), which shows a significant
positive correlation between copepod tolerance and body size
measured as dry weight and total lipid content. Jiang et al. (2009a)
25 have also found a positive relationship between the LC50 and body
8.5 C rs = 0.97, N = 6, P < 0.01 size, signifying that small-bodied copepods (e.g., P. aculeatus,
12.5 C rs = 0.56, N = 4, P > 0.05 A. pacifica, and A. spinicauda) are more sensitive to residual chlorine
20 16.5 C rs = 0.89, N = 6, P < 0.05 than large-bodied ones (e.g., C. sinicus, L. euchaeta, E. subcrassus, and
22.5 C rs = 1.00, N = 4, P < 0.01 E. concinna). This finding suggests that the metabolic activity of
marine copepods, which is expressed as a function of the body size
48-h LC50 (mg L )

31.2 C rs = 0.95, N = 4, P < 0.05


15 (Ikeda et al., 2001), is an important parameter affecting the

vulnerability to oil pollution. Similarly, a strong positive linear
relationship between the LC50 and cell volume of phytoplankton
10 species was also observed by Echeveste et al. (2010) during the
PAHs toxicity test. The results of Echeveste et al. and our study both

Table 3
Results of the KruskaleWallis (H) test for the effects of acclimatization temperature
0 on the same copepod species under different exposure durations. Superscripts
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 indicate the significant level, ns no significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

Body length (mm) Variance L. euchaeta C. sinicus P. aculeatus C. dorsispinatus

24-h LC50 H15 ¼ 13.5** H9 ¼ 6.5* H9 ¼ 7.2* H6 ¼ 2.3ns
Fig. 2. Relationship between the 48-h LC50 and body size of the experimental copepod 48-h LC50 H15 ¼ 13.2** H9 ¼ 7.2* H9 ¼ 7.2* H6 ¼ 0.1ns
species at different acclimatization temperatures. 8.5  C: solid, 12.5  C: dotted, 16.5  C: 72-h LC50 H12 ¼ 10.4* H9 ¼ 7.2* H6 ¼ 3.9* e
medium dash, 22.5  C: dash-dot, 31.2  C: long dash.
Author's personal copy

16 Z. Jiang et al. / Marine Environmental Research 81 (2012) 12e17

can be explained that for smaller species, the higher surface-to- In conclusion, the present study revealed that except for the
volume ratios would increase the rates of toxicants incorporation. factors of exposure duration and species specificity, the tolerances
In the oil-polluted areas, small-sized species (populations) of copepods to oil WAF significantly decreased with increased
apparently confront more survival challenges. Smaller species acclimatization temperature, but positively correlated with the
encounter more competition stresses in population sustainability body length. Therefore, in oil-polluted waters, the small-sized
in the case of oil pollution. Nevertheless, in contrast to the toxicant- copepod species (populations) confront more survival challenges,
stressed results, the body size of copepods did not frequently especially in warm months and regions. This findings aid the
correlate with the animal adaptive capabilities under other assessment of the ecological effects of marine copepods suffering
different environmental conditions. For instance, the thermal from oil spillage and pollution. More toxicity studies at the pop-
tolerance of calanoid copepod species is enhanced with a larger ulation level should be performed to provide a comprehensive
body size (Jiang et al., 2009b). By studying the LC50 values of 10 overview on how copepod populations response to oil pollution.
oceanic zooplankton species at low pH, Yuichiro and Tsutomu
(1999) have found that the relationship between pH sensitivity Acknowledgments
and the zooplankton size is not significant.
The acclimatization temperature is another important factor We thank Qilang Xie, Xueliang Chai and Xiaoyong Li etc. at
affecting the oil WAF toxicities, although its effects are not often Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute for supports and facilities.
reported (de Hoop et al., 2011). In the present study, the tolerances of And we also thank Hangzhou Petrochemical Company Limited,
copepods to oil WAF decreased with increased natural water Zhejiang, China, for providing the experimental oceanic Lufeng
temperature (Fig. 1). This finding agreed with a previous study crude oil. This work was supported by the grants from the Major
suggesting a negative correlation between copepod retention and State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program)
temperature (Harris et al., 1977). Similarly, as reported in the acute (2010CB428903), National Marine Public Welfare Research Project
toxicity test of Hansen et al. (2011) wherein two closely related and (200805069 and 200905011), Basic Scientific Research of SIO, SOA
morphologically similar copepod species are compared, the Arctic (JG0921 and JG1222), Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang
copepod (Calanus glacialis, adapted to 2  C) appears less sensitive Province (Y5110131), Youth Science Foundation of SOA (2011106),
than the temperate-boreal species (Calanus finmarchicus, adapted to and National Natural Science Foundation of China (41176142).
10  C). The temperature also evidently affects the oil toxicity to the
two above-mentioned Calanus species in terms of fecal pellet and
Appendix A. Supplementary material
egg production (Hjorth and Nielsen, 2011). This phenomenon can be
attributed to two possible reasons, namely reduced oil compounds
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
uptake rates (Hansen et al., 2011) and deficient oxygen requirements
for copepods. Copepod oxygen consumptions increase with
increased acclimatization temperatures (Li et al., 2004), and oil WAF
leads to a further increase in the oxygen requirements of copepods References
(Kontogiannis and Barnett, 1973; Smith and Hargreaves, 1984) by
Abbriano, R.M., Carranza, M.M., Hogle, S.L., Levin, R.A., Netburn, A.N., Seto, K.L.,
the influence of oil toxicity. Consequently, the oxygen demand of Snyder, S.M., Franks, P.J.S., 2011. Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a review of the
copepods increases rapidly, whereas oxygen cannot be sufficiently planktonic response. Oceanography 24, 294e301.
provided. The ultimate results are hypoxia, coma, and even death. Anderson, J.W., Neff, J.M., Cox, B.A., Tatem, H.E., Hightower, G.M., 1974. Character-
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The experimental results of Claireaux and Davoodi (2010) shown their toxicity to estuarine crustaceans and fish. Marine Biology 27, 75e88.
that the cardio-respiratory responses of fish (Solea solea) were Barata, C., Baird, D., Medina, M., Albalat, A., Soares, A.M.V.M., 2002. Determining the
depressed under oil exposure and were unable to meet the ecotoxicological mode of action of toxic chemicals in meiobenthic marine
organisms: stage-specific short tests with Tisbe battagliai. Marine Ecology
temperature-driven increase in tissues oxygen demand. This finding
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profoundly indicated that the coastal copepod community Barron, M.G., Ka’aihue, L., 2003. Critical evaluation of CROSERF test methods for oil
encounters extra challenge in oil-contaminated waters under dispersant toxicity testing under subarctic conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin
46, 1191e1199.
seawater temperature elevation caused by global warming.
Bejarano, A.C., Chandler, G.T., He, L., Coull, B.C., 2006. Individual to population level
More recently, many researchers have become concerned with effects of South Louisiana crude oil water accommodated hydrocarbon fraction
the toxic effects of potential oil pollution to polar or subpolar (WAF) on a marine meiobenthic copepod. Journal of Experimental Marine
marine organisms (Barron and Ka’aihue, 2003; de Hoop et al., 2011; Biology and Ecology 332, 49e59.
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