Japan Era Constitution 1943

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AUGUST 1st, 1943

ဗမာသက္ကရာဇ် ၁၃၀၅
AUGUST 1st, 1943


1. Burma shall be a fully independent and sovereign state.

2. Burma shall be a co-equal member of the-community of sovereign

states forming the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity sphere.

3. All powers of Government and all authority legislative, executive and

judicial are derived from the people and the same shall be exercised in

accordance with the scheme hereunder.


1. Burma shall be ruled over by the Head of the State who shall have full

sovereign status and power"

2. Succession to the Headship of the State before the Constitution comes

into operation shall be settled by election, if possible within 30 days

after the occurrence of the vacancy, at a joint session of the Cabinet and

the Privy Council presided over by the President or Vice-President of

the Privy Council or, in the absence of both these persons, by a member

of the Privy Council elected by the Privy Council for that purpose.

1. There shall be a Cabinet of Ministers presided over by the Prime
Armouú&mZf 1305
1/ ArmEdkifiHawmfonf vkH;0vGwfvyfí tcsKyftjcmtmPmESifh jynfhpkHaom
2/ ArmEdkifiHawmfonf r[mta&SUtm&SwdkufESifhtwl BuD;yGm;a&;e,fBuD;
wnfaxmifMuaom tcsKyftjcmtmPmydkif EdkifiHtpktoif;wGif tjcm;
EdkifiHrsm;ESifh tcGifhta&;wef;wl&&Sdí yg0ifaom EdkifiHwpfckjzpf&rnf/
3/ Oya'jyKEdkif? tkyfcsKyfEdkif? w&m;pD&ifEdkifaom wefcdk;tmPmrsm;ESifh tpdk;&\
wefcdk;tmPm tm;vkH;onf EdkifiHom;wdkYxHrS oufqif;ojzifh &&Sdaom
wef c d k ; tmPmrsm;jzpf o nf / xd k w ef c d k ; tmPmrsm;ud k atmuf y g
pnf;rsOf;Oya'rsm;twdkif; aqmif½Guf&rnf/
1/ tcsKyftjcmtmPmESifh *kPftqifhtwef;wdkY vkH;0jynfhpkHaom EdkifiHawmf
t"dywdonf Arm EdkifiHawmfudk pdk;rdk;tkyfcsKyf&rnf/
2/ tkyfcsKyfa&;Oya'opfwpfckt& aqmif½Gufjcif; rjyKrDumv twGif;wGif
EdkifiHawmft"dywd&mxl; qufcHodrf;ydkufaomudpöudk a½G;aumufaom
enf;jzifh tu,fíwwfEdkifygu &mxl;vpfvyfaomaeYrSpí &uf 30
twGif;wGif NyD;ajrmufap&rnf/ ,if;odkYaqmif½Guf&mwGif twdkifyifcH
vT w f a wmf O uú | uaomf v nf ; aumif ; ? 'k O uú | uaomf v nf ; aumif ; ?
tu,fí xdyk *k Kd¾ vfEpS Of ;D r&Scd ahJ omf twdik yf ifcv
H w
T af wmfu xdu
k pd ö twGuf
a½G;aumuf wifajr§mufaom vTwfawmftrwfwpfOD;aomfvnf;aumif;
em,ujyKaom 0ef B uD ; tzG J U ES i f h twd k i f y if c H v T w f a wmf ES p f & yf \
wGJzuftpnf;ta0;u aqmif½Guf&rnf/
1/ 0efBuD;csKyfBuD;rSL;aom 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUwpfck&Sd&rnf/
2. The Ministers shall be appointed by the Head of the State on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers shall conduct the Government of the State
in responsibility, both collectively and individually, to the Head of the
4. Ministers of the State shall hold office during the pleasure of the Head
of the State.
5. The affairs of Government shall be conducted in accordance with the
rules and regulations duly made for that purpose.

1. There shall be a Privy Council to advise the Head of the State in such
matters of public importance as may be referred to them. The following
matters shall be referred to the Privy Council:
a. Taxation,
b. Annual Budget,
c. National Loans,
d. Ordinary Legislation,
e. Peace Treaties, and such other treaties, conventions and
agreements as require ratification before they are ratified.
2. The number of Privy Councillors shall not be less than 20 and not more
than 25.
3. The Privy Council shall be an advisory body.
4. The members of the Privy Council shall be appointed by the Head of
the State after consultation with the Cabinet of Ministers.

5. The Ministers shall have the right of participation in the sessions of the

Privy Council without being members thereof.

6. There shall be a President and a Vice-President elected by the members

of the Privy Council.

7. Members of the Privy Council must possess the qualifications of an

2/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf 0efBuD;csKyf\ axmufcHcsuft& 0efBuD;rsm;udk
3/ 0ef B uD ; rsm;tzGJU onf tzGJU vdkufv nf ;aumif ;? wpf OD ;pD v nf ;aumif ;
EdkifiHawmft"dywdtm; wm0efcHí EdkifiHawmftkyfcsKyfa&;udk aqmif½Guf
4/ EdkifiHawmf\ 0efBuD;rsm;onf EdkifiHawmft"dywd ESpfûcdufauseyforßS
umvywfvkH; &mxl; vuf&Sdwnfae&rnf/
5/ tkyfcsKyf&eftvdkYiSm usepGmjyKxm;aom enf;Oya'ESifh pnf;urf;Oya'
wdkYt& tpdk;&udpöwdkYudk aqmif½Guf&rnf/
1/ trsm;jynfoltwGuf ta&;BuD;aomudpörsm;ESifhpyfvsOf;í tBuHÓPf
awmif;qdk cJhaomf EdkifiHawmft"dywdtm;tBuHÓPfudkawmif;&rnf/
(u) tcGefawmfudpö
(c) ESpfpOf aiG0if? aiGxGufcefYrSef;csuf
(*) EdkifiHawmfacs;aiGrsm;
(C) omrefOya'jyKjcif;
(i) ppfajyNidrf;a&;pmcsKyfrsm;? xdkYjyif twnfrjyKao;rD twnfjyKcsuf
vdkaomtjcm;pmcsKyfrsm;? oabmwlnDcsufrsm;ESifhy#dÓOf jyKcsuf
2/ twdkifyifcHvTwfawmftrwfOD;a&rSm 20 xufrenf;&? 25 xufvnf;
3/ twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfonf tBuHÓPfay;tzGJUjzpf&rnf/
4/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUESifh wdkifyifNyD;aemuf twdkifyifcH
vTwfawmf trwfrsm;udk cefY&rnf/
5/ 0ef B uD ; rsm;onf twdki fy ifc HvTw f awmf trwf rsm; r[k w f aomf v nf ;
twdkifyifcHvTwfawmf tpnf;ta0;rsm;ü yg0ifaqmif½GufEdkifcGifh&Sd&rnf/
6/ twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfü vTwfawmftrwfrsm;u a½G;aumufwifajr§muf
aom Ouú|wpfOD;ESifh 'kOuú|wpfOD;&Sd&rnf/
7/ twdkifyifcH vTwfawmftrwfrsm;onf oufBuD;0g&ifh? EdkifiHtkyfcsKyfa&;
elderly and experienced politician.
a. The minimum age shall be 40 years.
b. They must have rendered public service or must be competent
to represent important interests of the country by virtue of their
distinguished educational qualifications and ability.

8. Subject to the approval of the Head of the State the Privy Council
shall make ruts for regulating its procedure and for the conduct of its



1. The responsibility for legislation shall belong to the Head of the State

who shall ordinarily exercise it after consultation with the Cabinet of


2. In the case of ordinary legislation, the Cabinet of Ministers shall, before

tendering their advice to the Head of the State, first obtain the views of

the Privy Council.

3. However in the case of extraordinary legislation the Cabinet of Ministers

may act without reference to the Privy Council.

Explanation : Extraordinary legislation shall deal with such matters

as maintenance of public safety or prevention of public danger or

matters which are as important as matters of life and death due to war


4. All extraordinary legislation restricting civil liberties shall be reviewed

as early as practicable after the termination of the war.

5. All the existing Laws in force in Burma immediately before the

commencement of this scheme shall, so far as it does not conflict with

okcrdefwdkY\ t&nftcsif;rsdK;ESifh jynfhpkHaomolrsm;jzpf&rnf/
(u) toufrSm tenf;qkH; 40 jzpf&rnf/
(c) trsm;jynfolwdkY\tusdK;pD;yGm;udk aqmif½Gufzl;&rnf/
odkYwnf;r[kwf vkyf&nfBuH&nfaomf¤if;? ynmt&nftcsif;aomf¤if;
xl;cßGefaomaMumifh wdkif;jynfEdkifiH\ ta&;BuD;aom vkyfief;rsm;twGuf
udk,fpm;vS,ftjzpf aqmif½GufEdkifaomolrsm; jzpf&rnf/
8/ twd k i f y if c H v T w f a wmf o nf vT w f a wmf v k y f i ef ; ud k aqmif ½ G u f & ef E S i f h
tpD p Of u sepG m &S d a p&ef enf ; Oya'rsm;ud k Ed k i f i H a wmf t "d y wd \
oabmwlnDcsufudk taxmuftxm;jyKí vkyf&rnf/
1/ Oya'jyK&efwm0efonf EdkifiHawmft"dywd\ wm0efjzpf&rnf/ t"dywd
onf omreftm;jzifh xdkwm0efudk 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUESifh wdkifyifNyD;aemuf
2/ omrefOya'jyKrIudpöwGif 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUonf EdkifiHawmft"dywdtm;
tBuHÓPfray;rD twdkifyifcHvTwfawmf\ xifjrifcsufrsm;udk a&S;OD;pGm
3/ odkY&mwGif omrefr[kwfaom Oya'jyKrIudpöwGif 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUonf
twdkifyif cHvTwfawmfudk rwdkifyifyJaqmif½GufEdkifonf/
&Sif;vif;csuf/ omrefr[kwfaom Oya'jyKrIonf EdkifiHolEdkifiHom;
trsm;\ ab;&ef u if ; rI wnf w H h a tmif apmif h a &S m uf a &;ud p ö E S i f h
aomfvnf;aumif;? EdkifiHolEdkifiHom;rsm;\ ab;&eftEÅ&m,fudk umuG,f
a&;udpöESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? ppfrufa&;&maMumifh aoa&;&Sifa&;wrßS
ta&;BuD;vSaom udpörsm;ESifh aomfvnf;aumif; oufqdkifap&rnf/
4/ wdkif;oljynfom;wdkY\vGwfvyfrIrsm;udk csKyfcs,faom omrefr[kwfonhf
Oya' tm;vkH;udk ppfNyD;Nidrf;aomtcg jrefEdkiforßStjrefqkH;jyefvnf pdppf
5/ þtkyfcsKyfa&;pnf;rsOf;Oya't& pwifraqmif½GufrD ArmEdkifiHü twnf
jzpfvsuf&Sdaeaom Oya'rsm;tm;vkH;onf þtkyfcsKyfa&; pnf;rsOf;Oya'
ESifh rqefYusifonfh qdkif&mtmPmydkifu jyifqifjznfhpGufajymif;vJjcif;
this scheme, continue in force in Burma until altered or amended by

competent authority.


1. 'The liberty of the person shall be inviolable and no Burmese National

shall be deprived of his personal liberty except in accordance with law.

2. No Burmese National shall be deprived of his property except in

accordance with the law.

3. The dwelling of every Burmese National is inviolable and shall not be

forcibly entered except in accordance with law.

4. Every Burmese National shall, subject to public order and morality,

enjoy freedom of religious belief and practice.

5. Every Burmese National shall, within the limits of law and morality,

have the right of free expression of opinion as well as the right to

assemble peaceably and without arms and the right to form associations

and unions.


1. The Supreme Court of Burma now in existence shall continue and

shall be the highest Court of Record. It shall consist of a Chief Justice

and such number of other Judges as the Head of the State may deem it

necessary to appoint.

2. The administration of law and constitution of law courts shall be in

accordance with the existing laws.

3. a. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the

Head of the State after consultation with either the Prime Minister or
rjyKorßSumvywfvkH; qufvuftwnfjzpfvsuf&Sd&rnf/
1/ udk,fa&;vGwfvyfrIü twm;tqD;taESmifht,Sufr&Sdap&/ Oya't&
r[kwfvßSif rnfhonfh ArmtrsdK;om;rßS rdrdudk,fa&;vGwfvyfrIudk rqkH;½IH;
2/ Oya't&r[kwfvßSif rnfonfhArmtrsdK;om;rßS rdrdydkifpnf;pdrfOpömudk
3/ Armtrsd K ;om;wd k i f ; \ aetd r f o nf tzsuf t qD ; taES m if h t ,S u f r S
uif;vGwfap&rnf/ Oya't&r[kwfvßSif rnfonfhaetdrftwGif;udkrßS
twif;usL;ausmf0ifa&mufjcif; rjyK&/
4/ ArmtrsKd ;om;wdik ;f onf Edik if aH wmfNird 0f yfyjd ym;a&;ESihf avmu0wå&m; wdu
Yk kd
xdcdkufysufjym; jcif;r&SdapbJ rdrd,kHMunfaombmomt,l0g'twdkif;
5/ ArmtrsdK;om;wdkif;rSm w&m;Oya'twGif; avmu0wå&m;ESifh rqefYusif
apbJ rdrd\oabmudk vGwfvyfpGmxkwfazmfajymqdkjcif;? tMurf;rzuf
vufeufrygyJ pk½kH;pnf;a0;jcif;? toif;tyif; tpnf;t½kH; zGJUpnf;jcif;
wdkYudk jyKEdkifcGifh&Sd&rnf/
1/ ,ckwnfvsuf&Sdaom ArmEdkifiHawmf\ w&m;vTwfawmfonf qufvuf
wnfNrJ&rnf/ xdjkY yif xdw k &m;vTwfawmfonf trIwJrG Swfwrf;w&m;½k;H csKyf
jzpf&rnf/ xdkw&m;vTwfawmfü w&m;0efBuD;csKyfwOD;ESifh EdkifiHawmf
t"dywdu vdktyfonfxifoavmufcefYaom w&m;0efBuD;rsm; yg0if
2/ Oya'ESifh w&m;vrf;rSeftwdkif; w&m;pD&ifjcif;ESifh w&m;½kH;rsm;zGJUpnf;jcif;
wdkYonf twnfjzpfvsuf&Sdaom Oya'rsm;twdkif;jzpf&rnf/
3/ (u) EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf 0efBuD;csKyfESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? qdkif&m
0efBu;D ESiahf omfvnf;aumif; wdik yf ifNy;D aemuf w&m;0efBu;D csKyfukd cef&Y rnf/
(c) Ed k i f i H a wmf t "d y wd o nf 0ef B uD ; csKyf E S i f h w&m;0ef B uD ; csKyf w d k Y u d k
the Minister concerned.

b. Other Judges shall be appointed by the Head of the State after

consultation with either the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice or

with the Minister concerned and the Chief Justice.

4. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall not be removed except for

proved mis-behaviour * or for infirmity of mind or body. * Misbehaviour

includes misbehaviour towards the State.

5. All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their judiciary

functions and shall be subject only to the laws in force.

6. The decision of the Supreme Court shall in all cases be final and


7. Judges and Magistrates shall have jurisdiction over all persons within

their territorial regardless of their nationality except :

a. those who enjoy exterritoriality under Public International law;

b. Members of the Burmese armed forces in respect of offences

punishable by military courts; and

c. Members of Allied armed forces in respect of military offences

for trial of which provision to the contrary has been made under

any treaty or agreement between the Burmese Government and

the Nippon Government.


Burmese shall be the official language of the new State of Burma.

aomfvnf;aumif;? qdkif&m0efBuD;ESifh w&m;0efBuD;csKyfwdkYudkaomfvnf;
aumif;? wdkifyifNyD;aemuf tjcm;w&m;0efBuD;rsm;udk cefY&rnf/
4/ usifh0wfysufjym;onf (odkYr[kwf) pdwfaomfvnf;aumif;? udk,faomf
vnf;aumif; rpGrf;roefonf[laom taMumif;xif&Sm;onfhtwGuf
rSwyg; w&m;0efBuD;rsm;udk &mxl;rSEkwfy,fjcif; rjyK&/
&Si;f vif;csu/f usi0hf wfysujf ym;jcif;[laompum;\ t"dymÜ ,fü Edik if aH wmf\
tay:wGif usifh0wfysufjym;jcif;vnf; yg0ifonf/
5/ w&m;0efBuD;tm;vkH;onf twnfjzpfvsuf&Sdaom Oya'rsm;udkomvßSif
vdkufemí w&m;pD&ifydkifcGifh&Sd&rnf/
6/ w&m;vTwfawmf\ pD&ifcsufonf trIwdkif;ü t,lcHr&Sdaom tNyD;owf
pD&ifcsuf jzpf&rnf/
7/ w&m;rw&m;olBuD;rsm;ESifh &mZ0wfw&m;olBuD;rsm;rSm rdrdwdkY w&m;pD&if
ydkifcGifh tmPmysHUESHY&m e,fy,ftwGif;&Sd vlrsm;tm;vkH;\tay:wGif
atmufyg cRif;csufrsm;rSwpfyg; vlrsdK;ra½G; w&m;pD&ifydkifcGifh tmPm&Sd
&rnf/ cRif;csufrsm;rSm-
(u) EdkifiHawmftwGif;rSm aeaomfvnf; jynfaxmiftcsif;csif;qufqH
a&;Oya't& EdkifiHawmf\ Oya'tmPmatmufodkY rusra&muf
aom yk*¾dKvfrsm;
(c) ppfwyfw&m;½kH;rS tjypfay;Edkifaom jypfrIrsdK;udk usL;vGefaom
vufeufudkif Armppfwyf0ifrsm;? xdkYjyif -
(*) ArmEdkifiHawmftpdk;&ESifh edyGefEdkifiHawmftpdk;&wdkY csKyfqdkxm;aom
pmcsKyft& aomfvnf;aumif;? y#dnm0OfjyKxm;csuft&aomf
vnf;aumif;? tjcm;enf;jzifh ppfaq;&ef owfrSwfxm;
aom ppfbufqdkif&mjypfrIrsm;udk usL;vGefonfh vufeufudkif
Armbmomonf ArmEdkifiHawmfopf\ ½kH;okH;bmomjzpf&rnf/

1. All appointments in the services of the State shall be derived from the

Head of the State.

2. There shall be a State Services Board, the Chairman and other members

whereof shall be appointed by the Head of the State after consultation

with the Cabinet of Ministers.

3. The Head of the State shall, by regulations made after consultation with

the Cab-inet of Ministers, determine the number of members of the

Boards, their tenure of office and their conditions of service.

4. The Board shall be responsible to the Head of the State.

5. The Board shall deal with such matters relating to the State Services as

are delegated to them under the rules and regulations duly made for the

6. The Board shall be independent in the exercise of its proper functions
and duties.
7. All Burmese nationals who are in Government or Municipal service on
the day of the inauguration of Burmese Independence shall be deemed
to have been appointed on the same terms and conditions of service in
the New State subject to their taking the oath of allegiance to the New
State on a day which is to be fixed for the purpose by the Head of the
State soon after the inauguration of Incepend-ence.


1. There shall be an Auditor-General of Burma who shall be appointed by
the Head of the State after consultation with either the Prime Minister
or the Minister concerned.
2. The conditions of service of the Auditor-General shall be such as may
be preicribed by the Head of the State after consultation with the Prime
1/ Ed k i f i H a wmf 0 ef x rf ; twG u f &mxl ; [l o rßS o nf Ed k i f i H a wmf t "d y wd r S
oufqif;us a&muf&rnf/
2/ EdkifiHawmf0efxrf; &mxl;0eftzGJUwpfck&Sd&rnf/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf
0efBuD;rsm; tzGJUESifh wdkifyifNyD;aemuf tzGJUOuú|ESifh tjcm;tzGJU0ifrsm;udk
3/ 0efBuD;tzGJUESifhwdkifyifNyD;aemuf jyKxm;aom pnf;urf;Oya'rsm;t&
EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf tzGJU0ifOD;a&? &mxl;oufwrf;ESifh trIxrf;
pnf;urf;wdkYudk owfrSwf &rnf/
4/ þtzGJUonf EdkifiHawmft"dywdtm; wm0efcH&rnf/
5/ þtzGJUuaqmif½Guf&ef&Sdaomudpörsm;rSm usepGmjyKxm;aom enf;Oya'
rsm;ESifh pnf;urf; Oya'rsm;t& vTJtyfjcif;cH&aom EdkifiHawmf0efxrf;ESifh
6/ þtzGJUrSm tzGJUvkyfief;ESifh0wå&m;wdkYudk vGwfvyfpGmaqmif½GufEdkifcGifh&Sd&
7/ vGwfvyfa&; pwifwnfaxmifaomaeYü EdkifiHawmftpdk;&aomf¤if;?
pnfyifa&;tzGJUrsm;ü aomf¤if;? trIxrf;vsuf&Sdaom ArmtrsdK;om;
tm;vkH;onf ArmEdkifiHawmfopfwGif ,if;tcGifhta&;ESifh pnf;urf;rsm;
twdkif; cefYxm;NyD;jzpfolrsm;[lí rSwf,l&rnf/ odkY&mwGif xdkolwdkYonf
vGwfvyfa&; pwifwnfaxmifNyD;aemuf EdkifiHawmft"dywdu owfrSwf
rnfjzpfaomaeYü EdkifiHawmfopf\ opömawmfudk cH,l&rnf/
1/ 0efBuD;csKyfESifhaomf¤if;? qdkif&m0efBuD;ESifhaomf¤if; wdkifyifNyD;aemuf
EdkifiHawmft"dywdu cefYxm;aom ArmEdkifiHawmfpm&if;ppf t&m&SdcsKyf
2/ pm&if;ppft&m&Scd sKyf\ trIxrf;pnf;urf;rsm;onf 0efBu;D csKyfEiS ahf omf¤if;?
qdkif&m0efBuD;ESifhaomf¤if;? wdkifyifNyD;aemuf EdkifiHawmft"dywdjy|mef;xm;
onfhtwdkif; jzpf&rnf/ t"dywd\ oabmwlnDcsufr&SdyJ pm&if;ppf
Minister or the Itinis,ter concerned, and he shall not be eligible for
further office in Burma after he has ceased to hold his office without the
approval of the Head of the State.
3. The accounts of the Government of Burma shall be kept in such form
as the Auditor-General may, with the approval of the Head of the State
4. The reports of the Auditor-General relating to the accounts of the
Government of Burma shall be submitted to the Head of the State who
shall cause them to It laid before the Cabinet of Ministers and the Privy

I. The Head of the State shall be Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the
Burmesc Armed Forces.
2. There shall be a War Minister directly responsible to the Head of the
State for organisation, administration, and training of the Armed Forces.
3. All commissions in the Burmese Armed Forces shall be granted by the
Head of the State on the recommendation of the War Minister.
4. The Supreme Commander shall be advised by the War Cabinet in
all military affairs. It shall consist of the War Minister, the Chiefs of
General Staff concerned, the Vice-Minister for War, the Chief of
General Headquarters, Deputy Chiefs of the General Staff, the Director
of military training and such other member of the Armed Forces as
may be added on by the Council. The Prime Minister or any Minister
representing him, the Finance Minister and either the President or the
Vice-President of the Privy Council shall have the right to speak in
and otherwise the right to take part in the proceedings of the Council
without the right to vote.
t&m&SdcsKyfonf rdrd\&mxl;rS &yfpJNyD;onfhaemuf ArmEdkifiH twGif;wGif
tjcm;&mxl;wpfckckudk xyfrHvufcHEdkifcGifh r&Sdap&/
3/ ArmEdkifiHawmftpdk;&\ aiGpm&if;rsm;udk t"dywd\ oabmwlnDcsufESifh
pm&if;ppft&m&SdcsKyfu owfrSwfaomenf;vrf;twdkif; xm;&Sdap&rnf/
4/ ArmEd k i f i H a wmf t pd k ; &\ aiG p m&if ; rsm;ES i f h ouf q d k i f a om pm&if ; ppf
t&m&SdcsKyf\ tpD&ifcHpmrsm;udk t"dywdxHodkYwifoGif;&rnf/ t"dywd
onf xdktpD&ifcHpmrsm;udk 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUESifh twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfwdkYodkY
1/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf vufeufudkif Armppfwyftm;vkH;\ ppfaoem
ywdcsKyf jzpf&rnf/
2/ vufeufuikd pf pfwyfrsm;udk pnf;½k;H a&;? tkycf sKyfa&; oifjyavhusifah y;a&;
wdw Yk iG f Edik if aH wmft"dywdoYkd wdu
k ½f u
kd w
f m0efc&H aom ppfXme0efBu;D wpfO;D
3/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf ppfXme0efBuD;\ axmufcHcsuft& vufeufudkif
Armppfwyfrsm;wGif t&m&SdAdkvftqifhtwef;wif trdefYawmftm;vkH;udk
4/ ppfaoemywdcsKyftm; A[dkppftzGJUcsKyfBuD;u ppfbufqdkif&m udpöt00
wGif tBuHÓPfay;&rnf/ xdktzGJUcsKyfBuD;wGif ppfXme0efBuD;ESifh oufqdkif
&m ppf O D ; pD ; XmecsKyf r sm;tjyif 'k w d , ppf X me0ef B uD ; ppf X me½k H ; csKyf ?
ppfOD;pD;a&;XmecGJrsm;? ppfynmñTefMum;a&;XmecGJrsm;ESifh tzGJUcsKyfBuD;u
xyfrHxnfhoGif;vdkaom ppfbufqdkif&myk*¾dKvfrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ tzGJU
csKyfBuD;wGif 0efBuD;csKyfjzpfap? 0efBuD;csKyfudk,fpm; 0efBuD;wpfOD;OD;jzpfap?
xdkYjyif b@ma&;0efBuD; xdkYjyif twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfOuú|jzpfap? 'kwd,
Ouú|jzpfap xdyk *k Kd¾ vfwYkd yg0ifaqG;aEG;aqmif½u G Ef ikd cf iG hf &S&d rnf/ od&Yk mwGif
rJay;EdkifcGifh r&Sdap&/
5. The Chief of the General Staff concerned shall be responsible for the
Executive Military Command of his branch of the Armed Forces.
6. The War Minister shall have the power to inspect the General Staff or
Staffs and the troops and other Forces under their command.
7. a. With a view to ensuring the stability of the State, the armed forces
shall :be outside politics. •
b. The War Minister shall be appointed always from among high
Military Officers on the active list.
8. The Military Accounts shall be audited by a Special Auditing Board
directly under the Head of the State.


1. Constituent Body shall be convened by the Head of the State, if war

conditions permit, not later than one year after the inauguration of
Burmese Independence, and in any case not later than one year after
termination of the war.
2. The Constituent Body shall be so constituted as to be truly representative
of the Burmese people and of its opinion.
3. The Head of the State shall appoint the Members of the Constituent
Body and settle all other matters relating thereto in consultation with
the Cabinet of Ministers and the Privy Council.
Explanation: Members of the Burma Independence Preparatory
Committee intended that the words 'in consultation' should have a
similar meaning to 'after consultation' with the following exception:
Exception: The words 'in consultation' convey the meaning 'mutual
discussions in agreement for the sake of clarification'.
4. The Constituent Body shall elect its own Chairman and make rules for
5/ oufqdkif&mppfrI OD;pD;a&;XmecsKyfrsm;onf rdrdqdkif&mvufeufudkifppfwyf
ppfa&;pDrHuGyfuJrItwGuf wm0efcH&rnf/
6/ ppfXme0efBuD;rSm ppfOD;pD;XmecsKyfudkjzpfap? ppfOD;pD;XmecsKyfrsm;udkjzpfap?
xd k Y j yif xd k X mecsKyf w d k Y \ vuf a tmuf c H j zpf a om ppf w yf w d k Y u d k j zpf a p
ppfaq;Edkifaom tmPm&Sd&rnf/
7/ (u) Edik if aH wmfwnfwahH pjcif;tvdiYk mS ppfwyfrsm;onf Edik if aH &;\ty wGif
(c) ppfXme0efBuD;udk vuf&SdppftrIxrf;pm&if;ü yg0ifaomtxufwef;
ppft&m&SdBuD;rsm;xJrS tpOfojzifha½G;cs,fcefYxm;&rnf/
8/ ppfbufqdkif&mpm&if;rsm;udk t"dywd\wdkuf½dkufvufatmufcHjzpfaom
txl; pm&if;ppftzGJUu ppfaq;&rnf/
1/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf ppftajctaetcGifhomcJhaomf vGwfvyfa&;udk
pwifwnfaxmifonfrSpí wpfESpfxuf aemufrusapyJ tkyfcsKyfrI
pDrHa&;tzGJUwpfckudk qifhac:&rnf/ tcGifhromcJhaomf rnfonfhenf;
ESifhrqdk ppfNyD;Nidrf;onfrSpí wpfESpfxufaemufrusapyJ qifhac:&rnf/
2/ þtzG J U ud k wd k i f ; ol j ynf o m;rsm;ES i f h xd k o l w d k Y \ tmomqE´ t wG u f
udk,fpm;vS,f tppftrSef jzpfrnfh yk*¾dKvfrsm;yg0ifatmifzGJU&rnf/
3/ EdkifiHawmft"dywdonf 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJUESifh twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfwdkYudk
wdkifyifí tkyfcsKyfrI pDrHa&;tzGJU0ifrsm;udk cefYNyD;vßSif xdktzGJUESifhywfoufa
omtjcm;taMumif;tcsufwdkYudk owfrSwf &rnf/
&Sif;vif;csuf/ wdkifyifí[laompum;onf wdkifyifNyD;aemufpum;ESifh
atmufygcßGif;csufrSwyg; t"dyÜm,f wlonf[k ArmhvGwfvyfa&; pDpOfrI
tzGJUBuD;u &nf½G,f&if;&Sdonf/
cRif;csuf/ }wdkifyifí} [laompum;onf ydkrdka&vnfatmif tcsif;csif;
tnDtñGwfwdkifyifonf[laom t"dyÜm,fodkYoufa&mufonf/
4/ tkycf sKyfrpI rD aH &;tzGUJ onf tzGUJ em,uudk a½G;aumuf&rnf/ xdjYk yif tzGUJ \
the regulation of its business and procedure.
5. The Constituent Body shall determine all matters relating to the
Constitution of Independent Burma and in doing this it shall have all
the powers and duties of a Constituent Body including the power to
institute a referendum on questions relating to the Headship of the State.
It shall also be free to act independently of all outside influence.
6. There shall be freedom of speech in the Constituent Body and no
member thereof shall be liable to any proceeding in any Court in respect
of anything said or any vote given by him in the Body or any Committee
thereof and no person shall be so liable in respect of the publication by
or under the authority of the Head of the State of any report, paper, vote
or proceedings.
7. The Constituent Body shall determine the period within which the
Constitution shall come into operation and the rule of the new Head of
the State shall commence.
8. The rule of the Head of the State shall terminate with the coming into
operation of the Constitution and the tenure of office of all Ministers
and the Privy Councillors shall terminate therewith.
9. Burma shall be governed in accordance with this interim Constitution
until such time as the Constitution comes into operation.
It can be amended as follows:
a. with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers;
b. if at a special meeting of the Privy Council attended by at least
three-fourth of its members two-thirds of those present at the
meeting vote for the amendment.

* * * * *
vkyfief;ESifh tpDtpOf wdkYudkuseap&ef enf;Oya'rsm;jyK&rnf/
5/ tkyfcsKyfrIpDrHa&;tzGJUonf vGwfvyfaom ArmEdkifiHawmf\ tkyfcsKyfa&;
Oya'ESifh ywfoufaom udpötm;vkH;udk qkH;jzwf&rnf/ xdkodkYqkH;jzwf
&mwGif tkyfcsKyfrIpDrHa&;tzGJUrsdK;ü &Sdtyfaom tmPmESifh 0wå&m;tm;vkH;
&Sd&rnf/ txufygtmPmü EdkifiHawmf\ txG#ftxdyfESifh oufqdkif&m
jyóemrsm;twGuf EdkifiH\qE´udk axmufvSrf;&ef pDrHEdkifonfhtmPm
vnf;yg0ifonf/ þtzGJUrSm tjyifty ya,m*tm;vkH;ESifh uif;&Sif;í
vGwfvyfpGm aqmif½GufEdkifcGifh&Sdap&rnf/
6/ tkyfcsKyfrIpDrHa&;tzGJUü vGwfvyfpGmajymqdkEdkifcGifh&Sd&rnf/ þtzGJUüjzpfap?
þtzGJU\ tzGJUi,füjzpfap? ajymqdkaompum;aMumifhaomf¤if;? ay;aom
rJqE´aMumifhaomf¤if;? rnfonfhtzGJUudkrßS w&m;½kH;awmfwpfckckü w&m;
J jkd cif;rcHxu kd af p&/ xdjYk yif t"dywd\tcGithf rdet Yf & ykEH ydS f xkwaf 0aom
tpD&ifcHpmaMumifhaomf¤if;?pm½Gufpmwrf;aMumifhaomf¤if;? rJqE´aMumifh
aomf¤if;? tzGUJ rSww f rf;aMumifah omf¤if;? rnforl ßS w&m;pGq J kd jcif; rcHxu kd f
7/ tkyfcsKyfrIpDrHa&;tzGJUonf rdrdwdkYtkyfcsKyfa&;Oya' pwiftwnfjzpf&rnfh
umvESifh EdkifiHawmftxG#ftxdyf pwifpdk;rdk;tkyfcsKyf&rnfhumvwdkYudk
8/ txufygyk'frwGif azmfjyaom tkyfcsKyfa&;Oya'opfwpfck pwiftwnf
jzpfonfhtcsdefrSpí EdkifiHawmft"dywd\ pdk;rdk;tkyfcsKyfjcif;&yfpJ&rnf/
xdek nf;wl 0efBu;D rsm;ESihf twdik yf ifcH vTwaf wmftrwfrsm; &mxl; oufwrf;
rsm;vnf; &yfpJ&rnf/
9/ ArmEdik if aH wmfukd tkycf sKyfa&;Oya'wpfck pwiftwnfjzpfonft h csed f txd
þpnf;rsOf;Oya't& pDrHtkyfcsKyf&rnf/ odkYaomf þpnf;rsOf;Oya'udk -
(u) 0efBuD;rsm;tzGJU\ oabmwlnDcsufESifh
(c) twdkifyifcHvTwfawmfü xdktcdkuftwefYwGif yg0ifaom trwf
OD;a&\ tenf;qk;H 4 ykH 3 ykH wufa&mufaom txl;tpnf;ta0;
wGif 3 ykH 2 ykHaom rJqE´t& oabmwlnDMuaom Oya'jyKjcif;
jzifh jyifqifEdkifonf/
* * * * *

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