Money, Finance and You

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You hear about the latest (expensive) Smart phone with the coolest new
features. You…

(C.) Fell yourself that the Price always comes down after a while and decide
to walt.

2. you are invited to birthday party and know a gift is expected, but you’re short on
cash right now. You…

(B) Try to find a nice gift that’s not too expensive.

3. You discover a hole in your pants. You…

(C) Fix the pants yourself.

4. you would love to have a fancy hightech entertainment system in your living
room, but you just dont’t have the money right now. You…

(B) Cut back on other expenses until you’ve soved enoughto buy it.

5. you always split the restaurant bill equally with two work colleagues when you
eat lunch. This time you weren’t hungry and ate very litttle. You …

(B) Ofter to pay for just the small amount you ate.


My motto is everything in moderation

II. VOCABULARY: Find the definitions for the words or phrases below.

1.- A BIG SPENDER:       

  A person who spends lots of money in thing inesesary.


A thrifty person saves part of his money for the future or for difficult days.


He is a person who does not like to spend money and tries to buy cheap things


1.- _C_ way over our budget                        A.- Promise

2.-_B_astronomical                                      B.- very, very high

3.-_E_chip in                                                C.- More than we can spend

4.-_F_saved up a little for a rainy day           D.- pay

5.-_G_ impulse Item                                      E.- contribute some of the cost

6.-_I_ gimmick                       F.- Kept some money in case of an emergency

7.-_J_have your heart set on   G.- something you buy without thinking much about

8.- _A_word of honor                          H.- something that's right

9.-_D_shell out                                     I.- a valueless feature

10.-_H_matter of principle                      J.- really want


Check True or False for each statement. Correct any false statements. 

(FALSE) 1. To express regrets about the past, use wish and the present perfect.

(TRUE) 2. To express regrets about the past, use should have or ought to have
and past participle.

(FALSE) 3. Should have and ought to have have different meanings.

(FALSE) 4. To express regrets about the past, use if only and the simple past.

(TRUE) 5. If only and wish have the same meaning, but if only expresses stronger
regrets than wish.

(TRUE) 6. If only can be used in a past unreal conditional statement and include a
result clause.


A. Write statements and questions, using wish + the past perfect. Use
contractions when possible.

1. She / wish / she / not buy / red shoes.

She wishes she hadn’t bought red shoes.

2. Ted and Will / wish / they take / the bus this morning.

Ted and Will wish they had taken the bus this morning.

3. You / wish / we / get tickets for the concert?

Do you wish we had gotten tickets for the concert?

4. Most people / wish / they study / more in school.

Most people wish they had studied more in school.

5. Who / Sallie / wish / she / call about the job?

Who does sallie wish she had called about the job? (does)

6. Why / you / wish / we / go to the mall yesterday?

Why do you wish we went to the mall yesterday?

7. I / wish / you / tell me / sooner.

I wish you had told me sooner.

8. What time / they / wish / they / left for the show?

What time do they wish they had left for the show?

9. My husband / wish / we / not get / this desktop computer.

My husband wishes we had not gotten this desktop computer.

10. Your parents / not wish / you / study medicine?

Don’t your parents not wish you had studied medicine?

B. Restate each quotation with a statement using wish + the past perfect.

1. Emilie: “I should have bought the X300 when it was on sale.”

Emilie wishes she had bought the X300 when it was on sale.

2. Bradley: “Mark, you shouldn’t have gotten a new treadmill.”

Bradley wishes Mark hadn’t gotten a new treadmill.

3. Peter: “Susan, you should have bought the more expensive model.”

Peter wishes Susan had bought the more expensive model.

4. Marta: “I shouldn’t have paid so much for that used car.”

Marta wishes she hadn`t paid so much for that used car

C. Rewrite the statements and questions, changing should have or ought to

have to if only.

1. They should have known the smart bike was a waste of money.

if only they had known the smart bike was a waste of money.

2. We ought to have returned the food processor before it was too late.

If only we had returned the food processor before it was too late.

3. I should have read all the online reviews of the car before I bought it.

If only i had read all the online reviews of the car before I bought it.

4. Sylvia ought to have known about the defects in the exercise machine before
paying all that money.

If only Sylvia had known about the defects in the exercise machine before
paying all that money.

5. Tate’s parents should have insisted that he put away some money for a rainy

If only Tate’s parents had insisted that he put away some money for a rainy




Circle the correct letter to complete each statement.

1. Use _B_ to form the future perfect.

a. will have/won’t have + present participle 

(b. will have/won’t have + past participle)

2. Use the future perfect to indicate _B_.

a. general future plans                                                               

(b. an action that will be completed by a specified time in the future.)


Circle the correct letter to complete each statement.

1. Use _____ to form the perfect infinitive.

a. to have + present participle                                                                         

(b. to have + past participle)

2. Use the perfect infinitive to indicate ______.

a. an action that will or might take place  before a specified time in the future.

(b. an action that will or might take place  after a specified time in the future)


A. Complete each statement with the correct phrase.

1. By the end of February, Allison the course work for her degree.

a. expects complete 

(b. expects to have completed)                           

c. expects have completed

2. We married before we finish our studies.

(a. hope to have gotten)         

b. hope to getting                             

c. hope get

3. They a down payment on their new car by the end of the month.

a. intend to making                    

(b. intend to have made)           

c. intend make

4. Who all his or her loans in the next six months?

a. plans to paid back       

b. plans to had paid back       

(c. plans to have paid back)

B. Write questions and answers, using the cues and the future perfect. Write
complete sentences.

1. How much money / your daughter / earned / after she finish / her summer job?
(at least $2500)

Q: How much money will your daughter have earned after she finishes
her summer job?

A: She’ll have earned at least $2500.

2. How much money / Maddie / save / by 2020. ($5000)

Q: How much money will Maddie have saved by 2020.?

A: Maddie will have saved $5000

3. When / Robert / have enough cash to buy a car? (by the end of next year)

Q: When will Robert have enough cash to buy a car?

A: He will have enough by the end of next year

4. Who among your friends / saved enough to stop working / by the time they’re
50? (Ben and Annie)

Q: Who among will your friends have saved enough to stop working by the
time they’re 50?

A: they will have saved Ben and Annie

5. How many times this year / Elizabeth / have put her entire paycheck in the bank?
(at least 6)

Q: How many times this year will Elizabeth have put her entire paycheck in
the bank

A: She will have put at least 6

C. Answer the questions, stating your own opinion in complete sentences.

1. At what age will most people in your country have gotten married?

The most people will have gotten married at thirty age.

2. Will most people have had all their children by the time they are thirty?

The most people will have had all their children.

3. Will most people have paid their credit card bills in full before they have to start
paying interest?

The most people have paid their credit card bills in full before they have to
start paying interest

A.- Complete each statement about money management, using the vocabulary.
Use each expression only once.

1.- Some people say Mr. and Mrs Strong are thrifty. They don't spend too much,
and they always have money in the bank for a rainy day.

Mr. and Nrs Strong save regularly

2.- Andrew earns a small salary, but he is a big spender, so he's always out of

Andrew live beyound his means.

3.- The Wilsons spend everything they earn and have almost no savings in the

The Wilsons don`t save regularly

4.- When Katherine's credit card statement comes each month, she writes a
check for the full balance.

Katherine always pay her credit card bills in full.

5.- Sam acts as if he thinks money grows on trees. He can't remember where
he spent this week's allowance.

Sam don't know where the money goes

6.- Every month, Melanie pays a lot of interest and a late fee on her credit card
bill. She can't sleep at night because of all that

Melanie is drowning in debt.

7.- Martha and Bill have everything they need and never spend more than they

Martha and Bill live within their means

8.- Sally always knows where her money goes. Every day she writes down
everything she has bought.

Sally keep track of expenses.


Writing example sentences based on your own personal ideas and experiences
will help you better remember new vocabulary.

Practice. Use each vocabulary item below to write an example about how you
or someone you know practices good or bad spending habits.

live within means

I try to live within my means by not spending more than I earn.

1. keep track of expenses

I keep track of expenses to know how much money I have to prioritize the
most important things.
2. save regularly

I save regularly for those hard days and money shortages.

3. always pay credit card bills in full.

My friends always pay credit card bills in full, for to avoid the stress of an
outstanding debt.

4. live beyond means.

My uncle live beyond means because he buys unnecessary and very

expensive things.

5. don’t know where the money goes

My cousin don’t know where the money goes, because she is always in
debt or without money in her wallet.

6. live paycheck to paycheck

My neighbor always asks for loans at the bank, she live paycheck to

7. drowning in debt

Isabel does not save and always has debts in the bank, she drowning in
debt of the bank.

VIII.- READING ACTIVITIES. Read the text. Then, choose the correct

1. What does the writer suggest about the two charitable organizations?
a. They prefer that people contribute rather than volunteer.

b. They seek volunteers to fund their work.

(c. They accept both contributions and offers to volunteer time.)

d. They are generous to the philanthropists who support them.

2. What is the writer’s purpose in describing the history of Doctors

Without Borders?

(a. To show that it was started mainly by medical professionals who

wanted to help.)

b. To emphasize the difficulty of finding doctors who are able to volunteer.

c. To show that they work mostly in French-speaking countries.

d. To describe a specific crisis that led to the organization’s founding.

3. What is the main point made about the medical crises MSF helps in?

a. They occur mainly in developing countries.

b. They are almost always natural crises that can’t be prevented.

(c. Natural and man-made crises can affect people anywhere in the world.)

d. MSF tries to avoid interfering in political conflicts.

4. Coral reefs are at risk because ____.

a. too many people are dependent on them

b. of a reduction in poor water quality

c. of the nearby communities’ cultural practices

(d. they are being fished too often and their living environment has

5. What does the phrase “resilient to change” tell us about coral reefs?

(a. Reefs are able to change quickly to adapt to new conditions.)

b. Reefs are difficult to protect because they are always under a new threat.

c. The changes in the reefs are natural, and not caused by people.

d. It takes a lot of change to the environment for reefs to be damaged.

6. The writer suggests that tourism ____.

a. has helped to protect and conserve reefs

(b. has had a negative effect on the environment in general.)

c. will be less prevalent in the future

d. has brought volunteers to help the reefs


When a reading provides information about an unfamiliar topic, identify the

important details to make it easier to follow.

Practice. Write one statement the Reading makes about the basic details of
each organization below.


MSF’s founding belief is that medical care should be available to everyone,
regardless of location.


Theguiding belief of the Coral Reef Alliance is that since these problems are
caused by humans, they can be solved by humans.





C.- COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS. Answer the questions, according to
information in the article.

1. Why do Doctors Without Borders and Coral Reef Alliance have excellent

Both have been shown to use a high percentage of their funds for their
work rather than for administrative expenses.

2. Who originally formed Doctors Without Borders?

300 doctors, nurses, and other staff, including journalists formed Doctors
Without Borders.

3. What does MSF (Doctors Without Borders) believe?

Msf believes medical care should be available to everyone regardless of

where they live.

4. List two events in which MSF (Doctors Without Borders) offers assistance.

Msf offers assistance when there is catastrophic events such as armed

conflicts, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters overwhelm health

Also assists people who are neglected by their local health systems.

5. List three things that are threatening coral reefs.

The pollution
The overfishing
The poor water quality

6. What is the danger to corals if the current levels of stress does not change?

The corals would be are in danger of extinction within a few decades.

7. Who do Coral Reef Alliance volunteers work with?

Coral Reef Alliance volunteers work in partnership with the people and
groups who depend on reefs for their survival.

CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS. Find the following terms in the article.

Using context, write a definition of what each term means according to the

1. three-pronged approach
consists of clinical analysis, operational analysis and financial analysis.

Three important aspects are evaluated in the article.

- reducing threats such as overfishing and poor water quality.

- helping communities benefit socially, culturally, and economically from
- working directly with the tourism industry to decrease its environmental

2. environmental footprint

The environmental footprint measures the environmental impact that

humans generate on the planet, in the article it is intended working
directly with the tourism industry to decrease its environmental footprint.

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