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Criteria for Realizing Room-Temperature Electrical

Transport Applications of Topological Materials
Matthew Brahlek

true insulators—their trivial 2D or 3D

The unusual electronic states found in topological materials can enable a bulk states, highlighted in Figure  1a–c as
new generation of devices and technologies, yet a long-standing challenge blue (2D) and black (3D) lines, are nearly
has been finding materials without deleterious parallel bulk conduction. ubiquitously metallic, which acts as a par-
This can arise either from defects or thermally activated carriers. Here, the allel conduction channel that electrically
shorts the transport through the topolog-
criteria that materials need to meet to realize transport properties dominated
ical states.
by the topological states, a necessity for a topological device, are clarified. The origin of parallel bulk conduction
This is demonstrated for 3D topological insulators, 3D Dirac materials, coincides with several aspects that drive
and 1D quantum anomalous Hall insulators, though this can be applied materials into a topological phase, which
to similar systems. The key parameters are electronic bandgap, dielectric impacts the conditions where the topo-
logical states may dominate the transport.
constant, and carrier effective mass, which dictate under what circumstances
For a 3D TI, the Z2 topological number
(defect density, temperature, etc.) the unwanted bulk state will conduct in becomes non-trivial only when the bulk
parallel to the topological states. As these are fundamentally determined conduction and valence bands are inverted
by the basic atomic properties, simple chemical arguments can be used to due to strong spin–orbit coupling. This
navigate the phase space to ultimately find improved materials. This will requires narrow bandgaps where spin–
enable rapid identification of new systems with improved properties, which orbit coupling is sufficiently strong to
invert the orbital character of the con-
is crucial to designing new material systems and push a new generation of
duction and valence bands (spin–orbit
topological technologies. coupling, in a broad sense is relatively
weak compared to the kinetic energies
and Coulombic interactions responsible
Topology is a very general notion used to broadly classify for bonding and crystallization, and, thus, bandgap forma-
objects, and has been extensively used in condensed matter tion). This requirement is fulfilled when the constituent ele-
physics to describe many systems including the relevant system ments have similar electronegativity, giving rise to a strong
of the current work, topological band structures.[1,2] Examples covalency.[17] This means that the bandgap will be narrow and
include the 1D states that exist on the boundary of a 2D insu- charged antisite defects will have low formation energy, and,
lator such as the quantum Hall insulator,[3,4] quantum spin Hall therefore, are likely to occur with a high density. The key mate-
phase,[5,6] and quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI),[7–9,10] rials that have dominated the field over the past decade are the
the 2D Dirac-like topological surface states (TSS) that exist on tetradymite 3D TIs Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and Sb2Te3,[17,18] and it has
the surfaces of 3D topological insulators (TIs)[11] or topological proven to be a major challenge to both understand and miti-
crystalline insulators (TCIs), and 3D Dirac systems such as 3D gate defects sufficiently to achieve a true topological insulating
Dirac semimetals (DSM) or Weyl semimetals. Novel linearly phase from transport.[19–22,23] However, the caveat arises that
dispersing bands that are characteristic of these topological this true insulating phase for topological materials occurs at
states are highlighted in red in Figure 1a–c. Together the unu- very low temperatures near absolute zero, often requiring dilu-
sual character of topological materials make them of interest tion refrigerators operating at sub-Kelvin temperatures. This
for a wide range of fundamental studies and many applica- highlights an additional problem resulting from the intrinsi-
tions in areas ranging from quantum computation to spin- cally narrow bandgap: a substantial density of thermally acti-
tronics.[12–14] However, one of the major challenges is that the vated bulk carriers arises even at low temperatures. This is a
experimentally realizable materials have defects and are rarely challenge for many researchers to probe these states as well
as precluding or hampering any technological applications.
Dr. M. Brahlek Here, I show that the bandgap, dielectric constant, and effec-
Materials Science and Technology Division tive mass combine to dictate under what conditions the topo-
Oak Ridge National Laboratory logical states may dominate the electronic response of a mate-
Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA rial. This is determined by the critical carrier density when the
bulk states become metallic and have conductivity sufficiently
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
high to obscure the transport through the topological states.
Examples are 3D TIs and TCIs, 3D Dirac systems, and the 1D
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202005698 QAHI. Beyond these, this is broadly applicable and provides

Adv. Mater. 2020, 2005698 2005698  (1 of 8) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 1.  Schematic of topological band structures used for the calculations where EG is the bulk bandgap, and Δ is the magnetic gap in the 2D-top-
ological surface states. a) Topological insulators after Bi2Se3,[1] b) quantum anomalous Hall insulator after magnetically doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3,[10,15] and
c) 3D Dirac semimetal after Cd3As2.[16] Black curves: 3D bulk states; Blue curves: 2D bulk states; Red curves: topological Dirac states.

well-defined bounds for where transport properties can be to metal transition to higher density;[21] therefore, ND is taken to
dominated by the topological states. These parameters are fun- be 1015 cm−3 for most TIs and TCIs (the Mott criteria is not appli-
damentally tied to key aspects of the materials chemistry, which cable to DSM and Weyl semimetals since the Dirac states are 3D
will serve as a guide to find new materials that will enable and metallic).
room-temperature topological devices. A topological device must operate at finite temperature, which
For a pristine undoped semiconductor the Fermi level is is ideally room temperature. To establish an upper limit on the
located within the bandgap, and it is said to be in the intrinsic temperature scale for transport to be dominated by a topological
limit. When it is doped either intentionally or unintentionally, in state requires assuming the material is in the intrinsic limit, for
the extrinsic limit, the Mott criterion gives the critical density of which bulk carriers must be induced thermally. This resulting
charged defects to push a 3D insulator into a metal phase with bulk conductivity can then be compared to that of the topological
the Fermi level occupying either the conduction or valence band. states. In other words, the Fermi level, EF, is located at the center
When a dopant atom is incorporated into an insulator, its asso- of the bandgap (i.e., N3D < ND), and finite temperature will then
ciated charge is screened by polarizing the surrounding atoms cause carriers to be excited across the bulk bandgap. The number
in the lattice. This screening follows a hydrogen-like potential, density of thermally induced carriers is then given by
which is rescaled due to the dielectric response of the material.
This yields an effective Bohr radius given by a  =  ϵ(me/m*)aB, N (T ) = ∫ D (E ) f (E ,T ) dE (1)
where me is the free electron mass, m* is the effective mass, ϵ
is the dielectric constant, and aB is the free-space Bohr radius where D(E) is the density of states and
which is about 0.5  Å. The Mott criterion predicts that when
atoms are doped into a material with a sufficient density, ND, 1
f (E ,T ) = E /(kBT )
then the insulator becomes metallic. This critical density is given 1+ e
by ND ≈ (0.26/a)3.[24] For the tetradymite TIs (Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and
Sb2Te3) the dielectric constants are relatively large, ≈100–300, and is the Fermi function, where E is the energy, T the temperature,
the effective masses are relatively small, ≈0.2me.[18] This yields and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. The density of states is simply
a relatively low ND  ≈  1014–1015  cm−3.[18,21] Further, this range of dn d dn d dk
Dd , j (E ) = = , where nd is the number of states for
parameters that is typical for topological materials has been dE dk dE j
implicated in the poor screening of defects and compensation a given wavevector, k, with dimensionality d, E is the energy
dopants, which gives rise to weakened insulating behavior with dispersion, and j indexes the scaling of the dispersion, that is,
thermal activation energies much smaller than expected.[25,26] In E ∝ kj (where j = 1 for a Dirac system and j = 2 for a parabolic
contrast, for semiconductor materials like Si the critical density dispersion). For example, in 3D and for a quadratic dispersion
is orders of magnitude larger at around 1017–1018 cm−3,[24] owing g 4π 3 2 k 2
n3D = kF and E = , which yields
to the larger effective mass and smaller dielectric constant. Finite (2π )3 3 2m ∗
disorder, due to effects such as Anderson localization, however,
aids the suppression of these bulk states. This is captured by the 3/2
g  2m i∗  Eg
Ioffee–Regel criterion where kFl ≈ 1, where kF is the Fermi wave D3D,i (E ) = E− (3)
vector and l is the mean-free-path, which will push the insulator 4π 2   2  2

Adv. Mater. 2020, 2005698 2005698  (2 of 8) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

1019 EG= of the QAHI (red solid line). As such, Equation (1) can be evalu-
Mott 0.01 eV ated across a range of dimensions, dispersions, and realistic
Criterion 0.1
1018 0.2 materials parameters to understand the bounds on tempera-
0.3 ture for observing transport effects dominated by these novel
1017 0.4
states. This gives the number of free carriers, and, although

0.6 simple, can give a good estimation on the bounds where the
0.7 topological states dominate the transport processes. As such,
1015 0.8
0.9 complexities were not considered but can easily be included in
1014 1.0 future materials-specific calculations. This includes differences
1.1 in the valence band and conduction band masses, shifts of the
bandgap versus temperature,[27] band bending effects,[21] spatial
1012 fluctuations due to charged dopants,[25,26] multiple band valleys,
or Dirac bands as well as linear corrections to the dispersion of
0.2me the bulk bands.[27] First, the case of 3D materials is discussed,
1010 followed by the case of a gapped TSS and the associated QAHI.
0 100 200 300 400 500
T(K) Although closed solutions likely can be found for Equation (1)
with some limiting assumptions (e.g., EG  ≫ kBT reduces Fermi
Figure 2.  a) Temperature dependence of the carrier density for various statistics to Boltzmann statistics), numerical solutions were
bandgaps with m* = 0.2me for intrinsic materials. deemed sufficient since the number and range of realistic
parameters is small. The free parameters are the bandgap
Here, g is the spin degeneracy (g  =  2 for a spin degenerate and the effective mass. As mentioned above, the current host
band and 1 for a gapped TSS), ℏ is Planck’s reduced constant, of topological materials are typically around m*  ≈  0.2me with
Eg is the bandgap, and the subscript i indicates if the band is an bandgaps less than about 0.3  eV (see ref. [28] for a thorough
electron (n) or hole (p). In 3D and for a quadratic dispersion, list of known and predicted TIs). Equation (4) was evaluated
the density of carriers is then calculated by evaluating numerically, and, as shown in Figure  2, the resulting N3D
curves were plotted as a function of temperature for m* ≈ 0.2me
− with bandgaps ranging from 0.01 to 1.1 eV. For consistency, it is
2 ∞
N 3D (T ) = ∫ D3D,p (E ) f (E ,T ) dE + E∫ D3D,n (E ) f (E ,T ) dE (4) noted that these results agree well with Ge (EG = 0.7 eV) and Si
−∞ G (EG = 1.1 eV) that have intrinsic carrier densities at room tem-
2 perature of N3D,Ge ≈ 2 × 1013 cm−3 and N3D,Si ≈ 1 × 1010 cm−3,[29]
As schematically shown in Figure  1, topological band struc- where N3D in Figure  2 is a slight underestimate considering
tures are characterized by bandgaps with a linearly dispersing the effective masses of Si and Ge are larger than 0.2me, see
state within this gap: for a 3D TI with a bandgap EG, the gap, Figure  3b. From this calculation, the number of free carriers
formed by the conduction and valence bands (black lines), is ubiquitously increases with increasing temperature with the
spanned by 2D Dirac-like TSS (red lines). If the 2D TSS can be lowest bandgap having the steepest increase, as expected. For
gapped, Δ, via breaking, for example, time reversal symmetry, comparison, an extrinsic carrier density of the approximate
this can give rise to a linear 1D chiral edge state characteristic Mott criterion of ND  ≈  1015  cm−3 is plotted as a dashed gray

Figure 3.  a) Percent of conduction that arises from the Dirac state, PDS-BS, plotted versus bandgap for various effective masses, as indicated. This is
calculated for a 2D Dirac state of 20 nm or a 3D Dirac state. For comparison, the horizontal dashed lines indicate where PDS-BS = 95% and 99%, as
well as for select topological materials in the top panel. b) Set of bandgap versus effective mass where PDS-BS = 95% (blue), 99% (green), and 99.9%
(red). The shaded area in the lower right indicates where the topological states dominate transport. The dashed red curve is PDS-BS = 99.9% at T = 77 K.
Effective masses for various materials are included for comparison (for materials with both heavy and light bands the heavy band is shown). Data for
select materials are from Bi–Sb,[30] TlBiTe2/TlBiSe2,[31,32] Bi2Se3/Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3,[18] SnTe,[34] Cd3As2,[16] Bi2Te1.6Se1.4,[35] Bi2Se2S,[36] Bi2S3,[37] Sb2Se3,[33] and

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horizontal line. As such, if the defect density is at or below properties might be realized. Taking PDS-BS  =  95%, 99%, and
ND, thermally activated carriers may be the dominant source 99.9% enables finding the set of bandgaps and effective masses
of bulk conduction. The temperature at which this occurs will, where the conductance is dominated by the topological states.
however, depend on the bandgap, which approximately occurs The results are plotted in Figure  3b where the horizontal axis
where the thermally activated carrier curves intersect ND. This is the bandgap, the vertical axis is the effective mass, and the
occurs for temperatures less than 150 K for EG < 0.3 eV, which respective curves represent PDS-BS  =  95% (blue), 99% (green),
is of order of the largest bandgap for confirmed topological and 99.9% (red); PDS-BS  =  99.9% was also included with
materials. T = 77 K (dashed red; here n2D,DS = 1 × 1010 cm−2). For a given
Designing or modifying materials to mitigate deleterious con- bandgap, the shaded area below these curves yields the set of
duction from non-topological states necessitates understanding parameters for which the conductance is dominated by the topo-
how the total conductivity varies with temperature, bandgap, and logical states. For example, given the bandgaps of current topo-
effective mass. This comparison can be made by calculating the logical materials, EG ≲ 0.3  eV, ideal properties can be achieved
percent of conductance that arises from the Dirac state relative to if effective mass is reduced substantially—roughly an order
the total, PDS − BS(%)  = GDS/(GDS + GBS) × 100% Here, GDS is the of magnitude. Alternatively, for the current effective masses,
conductance of the Dirac state, either 2D, GDS,2D =  eμDSn2D,DS, or m* ≳ 0.1me, a bandgap larger than around 0.5  eV would be
3D, GDS,3D =  eμDSN3D,DSt, with thickness t, and GBS =  eμBSN3Dt required. For comparison, however, many current topological
is the conductance from the bulk state. This can be rearranged materials (e.g., Sb2Te3 and Bi2Se3) are well suited for the temper-
N 3D t  ature of 77 K as indicated by the dashed red curve in Figure 3b.
to yield PDS− BS (%) = 1/  1 + α × 100% for the 2D Dirac
 n2D,DS  The QAHI is considered by numerically evaluating Equa-
tion (1), where the 3D bandgap is replaced by the 2D mag-
N 3D 
state and PDS− BS (%) = 1/  1 + α × 100% for the case of a netic gap Δ, and the spin degeneracy term is taken to be g = 1,
 N 3D,DS  reflecting the spin-polarized TSS. The results are plotted for
3D Dirac state, where α is the ratio of the mobilities. Assuming effective masses of the 2D gapped band equal to 0.1me and
α is of order unity (this is empirically valid for the tetradymite 0.2me in Figures  4a,b, respectively, for various magnetic gaps
TIs where bulk and TSS are typically both of order of several ranging from 0.01–0.4 eV. One challenge arises for the case of
thousand cm2 V−1 s−1), PDS-BS can be calculated to elucidate how 2D in comparison to the previous case of 3D: scaling theory
the maximum conductivity arises through the topological states. predicts that all 2D systems should be localized.[40] This pre-
The results for the temperature fixed at T = 300 K are examined. cludes the establishment of an analogy to the Mott criterion.
To evaluate PDS-BS, it is again assumed that EF is near the Dirac For comparison to the quantized resistance expected for the
point at the center of the bandgap, and, hence, N3D is given by QAHI, a range of carrier densities were considered and the cor-
the results in Figure 2. The number of carriers originating from responding resistance relative to the quantized value was esti-
the Dirac band can be similarly calculated using Equation (1) mated. A mobility of order 2000  cm2  V−1  s−1, which is typical
with the density of states calculated with linear dispersion for 2D of TSS[19,20,22,41] with carrier densities around N2D  =  108, 109,
and 3D. The only parameter is then the degeneracy g and the and 1010  cm−2 correspond to roughly 1000  ×  h/e2, 100  ×  h/e2,
Fermi velocity, which is of order 5 × 105 ms−1 for most topological and 10  ×  h/e2, respectively, and, therefore, perfect quantiza-
materials. This yields n2D,DS  ≈  1  ×  1011  cm−2 with g  =  1 for the tion would be obscured by about 0.1%, 1%, and 10%. Similarly,
tetradymite TIs, and N3D,DS ≈ 1×1017 cm−3 with g = 2 for a DSM 1011  cm−2 corresponds to roughly 1  ×  h/e2, which, for practical
such as Cd3As2. The calculations of PDS-BS for the 2D case were purposes, would wash out any signature of quantized transport.
performed with t = 20 nm. This value was selected since it is the Contrary to the expectation that higher mobility is better, sam-
thickness where the TSS are decoupled for a TI with a bandgap ples with larger mobility would have a lower resistance, and,
of 0.3 eV in transport measurements;[20,38] and this thickness is therefore, the quantum transport would be more obscured,
roughly equivalent to a 3D Dirac state with N3D,DS ≈ 1 × 1017 cm−3, thus lowering the threshold. Plotted in Figure 4c,d are the tem-
since the conductance is approximately the same. peratures where N2D  =  108  cm−2  versus Δ for this lower limit
The results of these calculations are shown in the lower as well as larger values. Realizing quantized transport at room
panel of Figure 3a, where PDS-BS is plotted versus EG for various temperature would require a magnetic gap in excess of 0.3 eV,
effective masses. For comparison, horizontal dashed lines indi- which in terms of magnetic transitions corresponds to Curie
cate the tolerance to bulk conduction at PDS-BS = 95% and 99%. temperatures well over 1000  K. Such temperatures are a chal-
For further comparison, the top panel of Figure 3a shows select lenge for intrinsic systems, yet may be possible for heterostruc-
data for various topological materials including TIs, TCIs, tures with ferromagnetic insulators such as Y3Fe5O12, which
and DSMs. Based on the bandgaps and approximate effective has a magnetic transition around 560 K. However, for the cur-
masses of these materials, this plot shows that approximately rent TIs the magnetic gap would have to be the same as the
less than half of the conduction will be through the topological bulk bandgap, making room-temperature realization an ambi-
states at room temperature. For the case of a 3D TI, reducing tious goal. Nevertheless, it is well within the bounds of liquid
thickness from 20 to 5 nm, the minimum value where surface nitrogen temperatures, especially considering heterostructures
states hybridize,[39] will only produce marginal improvements. with high-temperature-ferromagnets where gaps have been cal-
This explicitly shows that to realize room-temperature trans- culated in the range of 0.04–0.1 eV.[42,43]
port dominated by the topological states requires modifying The results obtained here give realistic bounds for where top-
the materials parameters. This calculation, in fact, gives guid- ological states may dominate the electrical response of a mate-
ance to navigate the space of parameters where these ideal rial. This depends on simple material parameters that are related

Adv. Mater. 2020, 2005698 2005698  (4 of 8) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 4.  a,b) Temperature dependence of the 2D carrier concentration for various bandgaps with m* = 0.1me (a) and m* = 0.2me (b). c,d) Magnetic
gap versus temperature where the curves in (a,b) intersect the carrier concentrations of 1 × 1010 cm−2 (blue), 1 × 109 cm−2 (green), and 1 × 108 cm−2
(red), which, as indicated, correspond to percent transport of 90%, 99%, and 99.9%, respectively, through the topological state.

to basic aspects of the materials chemistry. Understanding this would become metallic, and, thus, is critical in reaching the
dependence is the key to finding systems that are more robust intrinsic limit. Reducing the dielectric constant by a factor
to deleterious effects of defects and may operate at elevated tem- of two or better, to below 50, will boost ND by nearly an or-
peratures that could be as high as room temperature. der of magnitude, which dramatically improves robustness
Concerning 2D and 3D Dirac systems. For the topological to the effect of defects. Achieving such improvements can
states to dominate the transport requires finding materials be accomplished by considering the factors that determine
with: 1) larger bandgaps, 2) smaller dielectric constants, and the dielectric response of a material.[44] a) Electronic polar-
3) lower effective mass (in the intrinsic limit, though higher izability due to the displacement of the electron cloud rela-
effective mass improves robustness to defects, see below). tive to the nuclei: Atoms with larger electron density have
Finding new materials with such improved properties is, how- higher polarizabilities, so materials with heavy elements like
ever, a challenge since these parameters are strongly tied to the Bi tend to have high dielectric constants. This can be seen
topological properties. Therefore, a careful balance is needed in the tetradymite TIs where Bi2Te3 has a dielectric constant
for each parameter individually. that is nearly twice that of Bi2Se3.[18] This highlights that
materials that are likely topological will likely have large di-
1) Larger bandgaps: To find materials with larger bandgaps electric constants, and, thus, low ND. b) Ionic polarizability
requires a larger difference in electronegativity and increas- results from shifts in the cation and anion positions due to
ing the ionic nature of the bonds.[17] This can be achieved by their net charge, and, therefore, the more ionic the bond the
choosing anions with larger electronegativity, for example, in higher the dielectric constant. This is, however, not likely to
the tetradymites replacing Te and Se with S, which should be a major concern since compounds that favor the narrow
lower the valence band energy. This is demonstrated for bandgaps necessary for band inversion are typically highly
Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3, whose bandgaps are narrower than Bi2Se3 covalent (ionic materials tend to have larger gaps). More co-
and the ternary and quaternary tetradymites involving S. valent character is typically favored in the p-block of the pe-
Doing so, however, simultaneously pushes the materials to- riodic table; as discussed below, this simultaneously favors
ward a topologically trivial phase. This is shown in Figure 3a, lower effective masses. c) Dipole polarizability occurs when a
where, once band inversion is destabilized, the bandgap preexisting dipole changes its orientation in the presence of
rapidly opens. This is explicitly clear for the non-TI Bi2Se2S, an electric field. In solids, these are either ferroelectrics or in
which has a bandgap >1 eV. This implies that Bi2Se3 is right close proximity to ferroelectricity, and are typically rare, and
on the edge of being non-topological, yet the bandgap is only should be avoided for TIs in the current context.[45]
0.3 eV. This poses the question: Is there a fundamental maxi-
mum for bandgaps of topological materials, and can the nec- This overall trend is captured in Figure  5, which shows a
essary bandgap of 0.5 eV be realized? compilation of dielectric constants versus bandgap across a wide
2) Smaller dielectric constants: Reducing the dielectric constant range of materials including both topological materials and non-
would increase the critical density at which the bulk states TIs. It is noted that extracting the zero-frequency measurements

Adv. Mater. 2020, 2005698 2005698  (5 of 8) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

are more robust to defects and makes it easier to access the

intrinsic limit, yet the finite temperature contribution of the
bulk state will be larger. Effective mass strongly depends on
the elements and bonding nature in the crystal through the
band overlap. Typically, d- and f-orbitals are the most spatially
localized, which gives rise to larger effective masses in com-
parison to the s- and p-orbitals that tend to have lower effec-
tive masses. Further, the heavier the elements are, the more
delocalized the orbitals, which tends to give rise to smaller
m*. For comparison, several semiconductors are shown on
the right-hand side of Figure 3b. Since most topological ma-
terials typically involve p-block elements with strong cova-
lency, the effective masses tend to be small, of order 0.2me,
which reduces thermally induced carriers and significantly
reduces ND. As shown in Figure 3b, InSb has a low electron
mass, 0.015me, yet the hole mass is significantly larger at
around 0.4me. Since Equation (4) involves integrals over the
Figure 5.  Compilation of bandgap versus zero-frequency dielectric con-
conduction and valence bands, it may be a challenge to find
stant for topological materials as well as non-TIs. A vertical dashed line materials with appreciably reduced electron and hole masses
signifies ϵ is not reported. Data are from Bi–Sb,[30] TlBiTe2/TlBiSe2,[31,32] simultaneously; though, improvement can be made by pin-
Bi2Se3/Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3,[18] SnTe,[34] Bi2Te1.6Se1.4,[35] Bi2Se2S,[36] Bi2S3,[37,48] ning the Fermi level near the band with the lower effective
Sb2Se3,[33,47] and non-TIs (small squares) and fit (solid line).[47] mass. Alternatively, to access the intrinsic limit, searching
for new TIs with 3d elements may produce larger m*, which
of dielectric constant for materials whose bulk is not strongly gives a net larger ND. Yet, as discussed above, the bonds there
insulating is a challenge, which involves extrapolating to zero tend to be more ionic, which both compromises band inver-
frequency using an oscillator model.[46] This is the case for most sion while raising the ionic contribution to the dielectric con-
topological materials. Generally, as the net mass of the elements stant. The former point has been well explored in the context
is lowered, the dielectric constant is also lowered. There is also of magnetic doping of tetradymites.[10,49,50] Altogether, this
a strong correlation with bandgap, which tends to increase as highlights that new materials are needed, but a careful bal-
the mass decreases. The important trend among bandgap and ance among many parameters is required to reach the intrin-
dielectric constant is captured empirically as ϵ  =  25EG−0.6.[47] sic limit and boost the maximum temperature for transport
Open questions remain regarding how large of a bandgap and dominated by the topological states.
how small of a dielectric constant can be achieved for a topo-
logical material. However, this relation gives optimism, because Concerning QAHIs, the results suggest observing quan-
a larger bandgap should simultaneously imply lower dielectric tized transport near room temperature will be very challenging,
constant. Given that materials with masses similar to topolog- though certainly not impossible. The current materials para-
ical materials, such as GaSb and InSb, can reach ϵ  <  50, it is digm for realizing a QAHI is: 1) start with a 3D TI, 2) reduce
likely that topological materials can be found with significantly the thickness, and 3) either interface it with a magnetic insu-
reduced dielectric constants. Achieving this will impart robust- lator or dope it to be magnetic.[10] Raising the temperature of
ness to defects and enable access to the intrinsic limit where the a QAHI will require dramatic improvements to both the bulk
topological states may dominate the transport. material as well as the magnetic phase. In particular, the
bulk bandgap may need to be >0.5  eV with a magnetic gap
3) Lower effective mass (in the intrinsic limit): The depend- >0.3  eV.  This is a direct call for the continued development
ence on effective mass is more complex as it is involved in of dramatically different material paradigms.[51–55] Despite
both the density of thermally activated carriers and the Mott the challenge for pushing to room temperature, near liquid
criterion, both of which have opposite behaviors. In the in- nitrogen temperatures may be within reach of current systems.
trinsic limit, lowering the effective mass raises the contribu- This would be significantly improved over the current materials
tion to the conductance from the topological states. This can with maximum temperatures of 2–6  K.[10,51,56] Since the band-
be seen by considering Equation (3) where N3D ∝ m*3/2. As gaps of the (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 and newly discovered MnBi2Te4 are
such, PDS-BS  ∝  1/(1 + γm*3/2), where γ depends on bandgap of order of 0.15 meV, the 3D bulk should start to conduct near
and temperature. Therefore, PDS-BS monotonically decreases 75  K, which leaves the question of whether the magnetic gap
with increasing m*, which implies that, in the intrinsic limit, can be increased, through either doping or heterostructuring.
a smaller effective mass is better, as captured in Figure 3a,b. Given the extensive amount of work done, magnetic doping to
Yet, through the Mott criterion, a larger effective mass tends open such a large gap is, again, unlikely, but interfacing such
to raise ND, which dictates when the bulk state becomes TIs with large-transition-temperature ferromagnets should be a
metallic as a result of accumulation of charged defects. Since fruitful route to boosting the temperature up to this limit.[42,43]
ND scales as m*3, this dominates the overall dependence on To conclude, the realization of practical topological electronic
m* as PDS-BS ∝ 1/(1 + γm*3/2) ≈ 1 − γm*3/2, in the limit of small devices requires transport properties which are dominated by the
m*. Therefore, larger m* leads to topological materials that topological states with minimal parallel conduction through the

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