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European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

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A quasi-3D higher-order plate theory for bending of FG plates resting on

elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical loads with porosity
Daoud S. Mashat a, Ashraf M. Zenkour a, b, *, Ahmed F. Radwan c
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Higher Institute of Management and Information Technology, Nile for Science and Technology, Kafrelsheikh 33514, Egypt


Keywords: The present paper deals with the impacts of temperature and moisture on the bending behavior of functionally
Porosity graded porous plates resting on elastic foundations. The impacts of transverse shear deformation as well as the
Refined quasi-3D theory transverse normal strain are taken into consideration. The number of unknown functions involved here is only
five as against six or more in case of other shear and normal deformation theories. The effects due to side-to-
Elastic foundations
thickness ratio, aspect ratio, thermal and moisture loads, porosity factor and elastic foundation parameters as
well as the volume fraction distribution on the functionally graded porous plates are investigated. Numerical
outcomes are given and compared with those available in the literature. Discussions are made to show how the
foundation stiffness and other parameters have significant effects on the bending response of the functionally
graded porous plates under hygrothermal loading and porosities.

1. Introduction and Guedes Soares, 2013). The porosity gradient in an FGM has also an
effect on Young’s modulus and the tensile strength of the material (Li
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are another age of composites et al., 2018) and (Li et al., 2018).
which have discovered broad applications in various ventures due to The advantage of utilizing FGMs is that they can continue in high
their ideal and constantly changing physical and warm properties. The thermal gradient environment, while maintaining their structural
mechanical properties, for example, Young’s and shear moduli of elas­ integrity. Several investigations on FGMs have been limited to thermal
ticity, Poisson’s ratio and material density, vary smoothly and contin­ stress analysis, thermal buckling, fracture mechanics and optimization
uously in favored ways in FGMs. Such materials have been created by (Wang and Shen, 2013; Sofiyev, 2011; Duc and Tung, 2011; Kasaeian
consolidating the propelled designing materials as particulates, fibers, et al., 2011; Sepahi et al., 2010). Having this structure, makes the FGM
whiskers, or platelets. In spite of the fact that the idea of FGMs, and our appropriate for some applications such as reactor shells, building
ability to create them, has all the earmarks of being a propelled structures, turbines and a lot of other engineering devices. Zenkour and
designing development, the idea isn’t new. These materials have been Sobhy (2013) investigated the dynamic bending analysis of thermo­
happening in nature. Bones have utilitarian reviewing. Indeed, even our elastic FG plates resting on elastic foundations. The topic of the
skin is likewise evaluated to give certain durability, material and ver­ thermo-elastic analysis of plates and shells has continuously attracted
satile characteristics as an element of skin profundity and area on the the attention of researchers. Recently, Zenkour et al. (2013) considered
body. The FGM elements built by people ordinarily include two isotropic the bending response of cross-ply laminates lying on elastic substances
material stages, although any numbers of chemically and perfect ar­ under thermal and mechanical loads. Also, they (Zenkour et al., 2014)
rangements are conceivable. These parts regularly incorporate the discussed the impacts of hygrothermal conditions on cross-ply laminates
designing combinations of magnesium, aluminum, copper, titanium, lying on elastic substances.
tungsten, steel, and so forth and the progressed basic earthenware To describe the interaction among the plate and foundation, different
production, for example, zirconia, alumina, silicon-carbide, and kinds of foundation models have been proposed (Li et al., 2019) and (Li
tungsten-carbide (Yang et al., 2012; Birman and Byrd, 2007; Mantari et al., 2019). The simplest one is Winkler or one-parameter model which

* Corresponding author. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail address: (A.M. Zenkour).
Received 9 January 2020; Received in revised form 3 March 2020; Accepted 3 March 2020
Available online 12 March 2020
0997-7538/© 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

considers the foundation as a series of separated spring without coupling � �

impacts among each other (Winkler, 1867). This model is modified by where fðzÞ ¼ πh sin πz
h , T j and Cj are the transverse temperature and
Pasternak by adding a shear spring to simulate the interactions among moisture loads. In addition, the material properties with a porosity
the separated springs in the Winkler’s model (Zenkour et al., 2011; volume function, α (0 � α �1) like, Young’s modulus E, thermal γ and
Zenkour and Radwan, 2013; Thai and Choi, 2011, 2013a; Yas and moisture β expansions, can be written as (Wattanasakulpong and
Tahouneh, 2012; Shen, 2000). Extensive studies are relying on classical Ungbhakorn, 2014; Daikh and Zenkour, 2019; Zenkour, 2020)
plate theory (Chucheepsakul and Chinnaboon, 2002) and (Civalek, � �k
2007), first-order shear deformation theory (Shen et al., 2001; Xiang, α z 1
P ðzÞ ¼ P m þ ðP c P m ÞVc ðP m þ P c Þ; ​ Vc ¼ þ ; (2)
2003; Abdalla and Ibrahim, 2006; Ozgan and Daloglu, 2007), 2 h 2
higher-order shear deformation theory (Zenkour, 2009), and
in which where P ðzÞ is any material property (P ¼ E; γ; β) of the FG
three-dimensional elasticity theory (Zhou et al., 2004; Zenkour, 2007,
porous plate, P m , P c represent the metal and ceramic properties, and k
Zenkour, 2007; Civalek, 2007). Zenkour et al., 2011 presented the
denotes the inhomogeneity parameter.
bending response of fiber-reinforced viscoelastic composite plate resting
on Pasternak elastic foundations. Some investigations concerning
different behaviors of FG plates using HSDT and resting on elastic 2.1. A quasi-3D higher-order plate theory
foundations have been arisen (Duc and Cong, 2013; Menasria et al.,
2017). The in-plane displacements u1 and u2 , and the transverse displace­
This paper aims to propose a refined quasi-3D higher-order shear and ment u3 of a material point located at ðx; y; zÞ in the porous FG plate are
normal deformations theory (RHT) for the bending response of FG plates assumed according to the following refined quasi-3D plate theory:
subjected to temperature and moisture loadings and lying on two- 9
parameter elastic foundations with porosity. Just five unknowns are u1 ¼ u0 z
∂wb >
applied in the quasi-3D theory against six unknowns or more utilizing in ∂x ∂x >>
the corresponding theories. The material properties of the FGMs are ∂w0 ∂wb (3)
u2 ¼ v0 z ΨðzÞ ;>
impacted by the variation of moisture and temperature. Pasternak ∂y ∂y >>
model consists of two layers (shear layer and springs stiffness) that used u3 ¼ w0 þ wb þ ΦðzÞws :
to describe the two-parameter elastic foundation. Also, Winkler model
can be considered by eliminating the shear layer. The equilibrium The above displacement field contains only five unknown functions
equations are constructed according to the present quasi-3D theory, u0 , v0 , w0 , wb and ws . The impacts of transverse shear and normal de­
contains Pasternak foundations and hygrothermo-mechanical loads. The formations are both involved. The function ΨðzÞ must be odd function of
influences of porosity factor, Winkler and Pasternak foundation pa­ z whereas ΦðzÞ must be even function of z. That is
rameters, temperature, moisture concentration, transverse normal and h �π ​ z�
shear deformation, plate aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio, and the ΨðzÞ ¼ z sin ; ​ ΦðzÞ ¼ 1 Ψ’ ðzÞ ​ : (4)
π h
inhomogeneity parameter on stresses and deflections are discussed.
According to the present model, there is no shear correction factor is
needed because a correct representation of the transversal shear strain is
2. Geometrical preliminaries
given. The strains are given by
8 9 8 9 8 9
Let us consider a porous FG plate of length a, width b and uniform 8 9 >
ε >
> ε0x >
> ε1x >
> ε2 >
thickness h as shown in Fig. 1. Rectangular Cartesian coordinates ðx; y; zÞ > xx
< = < = > > > >
< = > >
< x> =
0 1 2
are used and the mid-plane is defined by z ¼ 0 and its bounding planes εyy ¼ εy þ z εy þ ΨðzÞ εy ;
: ; > > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> (5)
are defined by z ¼ � 12 h. The plate is resting on elastic foundations and γxy >
: γ0 >
: γ1 >
> >
: γ2 >
xy xy xy
in hygrothermal environment. The plate is subjected to a temperature
field Tðx; y; zÞ and a moisture concentration Cðx; y; zÞ. γ iz ¼ ΦðzÞγ0iz ; ’
​ εzz ¼ Φ ðzÞε 0
z; ​ ði ¼ x; yÞ;
The applied temperature distribution Tðx; y; zÞ and moisture con­
centration Cðx; y; zÞ are assumed by where

z f ðzÞ ε0x ¼ ∂x u0 ; ​ ε1x ¼ ∂xx w0 ; ​ ε2x ¼ ∂xx wb ; ​ γ0iz ¼ ∂i ðwb þ ws Þ;

Tðx; y; zÞ ¼ T 1 ðx; yÞ þ T 2 ðx; yÞ þ T 3 ðx; yÞ;
h h ε0y ¼ ∂y v0 ; ​ ε1y ¼ ∂yy w0 ; ​ ε2y ¼ ∂yy wb ; ​ ε0z ¼ ws ; (6)
z f ðzÞ γ0xy ¼ ∂x v0 þ ∂y u0 ; ​ γ1xy ¼ 2∂xy w0 ; ​ γ2xy ¼ 2∂xy wb ; ​ ði ¼ x; yÞ:
Cðx; y; zÞ ¼ C1 ðx; yÞ þ C2 ðx; yÞ þ C3 ðx; yÞ;
h h
Pasternak’s model which describe the load-displacement relation

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of an FG porous plate resting on elastic foundations.

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

between the foundations and the FG porous plate is given as

� ��
R ¼ KW ðw0 þ wb Þ KS r2 ðw0 þ wb Þ; (7) ðBi1 ; Bi4 ; Bi6 Þ; Bj1 ; Bj4 ; Bj6 ¼ c1i ð1; z; Ψ ðzÞÞf1; zgdz; :
where R denotes the foundation reaction per unit area, KW , KS are Zh=2
Winkler’s and Pasternak’s foundation stiffnesses, and r2 is the Laplace � ��
ðBi2 ; Bi5 ; Bi7 Þ Bj2 ; Bj5 ; Bj7 ¼ ci2 ð1; z; Ψ ðzÞÞf1; zgdz;
operator. The Winkler’s model is simply gotten when KS ¼ 0.
2.2. Constitutive equations fðBl1 ; Bl4 ; Bl6 ÞðBl2 ; Bl5 ; Bl7 Þg ¼ Ψ ðzÞð1; z; Ψ ðzÞÞfc1i ; ci2 gdz;
For transverse shear and normal deformation and hygrothermal ef­ Zh=2
� �
fects, in the FG porous plate coordinates, the stress-strain relationships B3i ; B3j ; B3l ¼ ci3 f1; z; Ψ ðzÞgΦ’ ðzÞdz;
can be given as h=2
8 9 2 38 9 Zh=2
< σ xx = c11 c12 c13 < εxx γðzÞT βðzÞC =
σ ¼ 4 c12 c22 c23 5 εyy γðzÞT βðzÞC ; B33 ¼ c33 ðΦ’ ðzÞÞ2 dz;
: yy ; : ;
σzz 8 c9 c2 c33 εzz 3γðzÞT
8 9 βðzÞC (8) (11)
13 23 h=2

< σyz = c44 0 0 < γ yz = Zh=2

� �
σxz ¼ 4 0 c55 0 5 γxz ; Bi3 ; Bj3 ¼ ’
ci3 Φ ðzÞf1; zgdz; ​ ðj ¼ i þ 3; l ¼ i þ 5; i ¼ 1; 2Þ;
: ; :γ ;
σ xy 0 0 c66 xy h=2
where γ and β are thermal and moisture expansion coefficients, B63 ¼ B36 ; B73 ¼ B37 fH11 ; H12 ; H13 g ¼ c66 f1; z; ΨðzÞgdz;
respectively, in the FG porous plate coordinates and, they are varying
through the thickness according to Eq. (2). The constitutive constants cij
may be extract in terms of the engineering anisotropic characteristics as
fH21 ; H22 ; H23 g ¼ zc66 f1; z; ΨðzÞgdz;
ð1 νÞEðzÞ h=2
c11 ðzÞ ¼ c22 ðzÞ ¼ c33 ðzÞ ¼ ;
ð1 2νÞð1 þ νÞ Zh=2
νEðzÞ fH31 ; H32 ; H33 g ¼ c66 f1; z; ΨðzÞgΨðzÞdz;
c12 ðzÞ ¼ c13 ðzÞ ¼ c23 ðzÞ ¼ ; (9) h=2
ð1 2νÞð1 þ νÞ
cii ðzÞ ¼ GðzÞ ¼ ; ði ¼ 4; 5; 6Þ; fH44 ; H55 g ¼ ðΦðzÞÞ2 fc55 ; c44 gdz
2ð1 þ νÞ

where EðzÞ is the Young’s modulus. The hygrothermal stress and moment resultants fNxχ ; Mχx ; Sχx g are
given as
2.3. Stress and moment resultants
� χ χ χ�
Nx ; Mx ; Sx ¼ ðc11 þ c12 þ c13 Þð1; z; Ψ ðzÞÞℏχ dz;
The stress resultants happened because elevated temperature and
absorbed moisture of FG porous plates may be received by integrating h=2

Eq. (8) through the thickness as follows: n o Zh=2

8 9 Nyχ ; Myχ ; Syχ ¼ ðc12 þ c22 þ c23 Þð1; z; Ψ ðzÞÞℏχ dz; (12)
8 9 8 9 >
> h=2
> > > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> �
> >
> >
> >
> >
> C >
> Zh=2
> 0>>
εx > >
> T >
Nx >> >
> N >
> T if ℏ ¼ γ;
> >
> >
x >
> Nzχ ¼ Φ’ ðzÞðc13 þ c23 þ c33 Þℏχdz; χ ¼
8 9 2 3>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> N C >
> C if ℏ ¼ β:
> N > B B B B B B B >
> 0>> >
> T >
> >
> y >
x >
> 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 > εy >
> > Ny >
> > > >
> >
> >
> 6 B B B >
7> >
> >
> >
> >
> C >
> N y >
> 6 21 22 23 B 24 B B B
25 26 27 7> > > >
> >
> T> >
> > N
> z >
> >
> > > > >
3. Governing equations
> > 6 7> 0 > > > > >
> N >
> 6 B B B B B B B 7>
> ε >
z > >
> N >
z > >
> >
< z = 6 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
7< 1 = < T = < MxC =
Mx ¼ 6 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 7 εx 7 Mx
> 6 B51 B52 B53 B54 B55 B56 B57 7 > >
> > >
> >
> T>
> > >
> MyC >
> > The equilibrium equations of present problem may be derived by
> My >
> > 6 7>
> ε1 >
> > >
> My >> >
y >
> using the principle of virtual work. This principle is given as
> Sx >> B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > > > > > C >
> Z h=2 Z
: ; B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 > >
> ε2 >
> >
> S T >
> >
> S >
> � �
Sy > x >
> >
> x >
> >
x >
> σ xx δεxx þ σyy δεyy þ σ zz δεzz þ σ xy δγxy þ σyz δγyz þ σ xz δγ xz dΩdz
>ε >
> 2 > >
>S >T > C >
> > >
> h=2 Ω
> y >
> >
> y >> >
> S >
> Z
> >
> > >
> > > y >
> > >
: ; : ; >
> þ ​ ðR qÞdu3 dΩ ¼ 0; (13)
: >
; Ω
8 9
8 9 2 3> 0 > where Ω is the top surface. By integrating Eq. (13) by parts and setting
> N H H H > γxy >
> >
< xy >= 11 12 < >
13 > = the coefficients of u0 , v0 , w0 , wb and ws equal to zero. Then the governing
6 7 1
Mxy ¼ 4 H21 H22 H23 5 γxy ;
> > > equations associated with the refined quasi-3D plate theory are given by
: ; > >
Sxy H31 H32 H33 > >
: γ2xy >
> ;
( ) � 8 9
� 0
Qxz H44 0 < γxz =
¼ ;
Qyz 0 H55 : γ0 ; yz


in which

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

∂Nx ∂Nxy 8
δu0 : þ ¼ 0; < 16q0
∂x ∂y for uniform load;
qmn ¼ mnπ2 (19)
∂Nxy ∂Ny :
δv0 : þ ¼ 0; q0 for sinusoidal load:
∂x ∂y
According to Navier’s procedure the solution form for u0 ; v0 ; w0 ; wb
∂2 Mx ∂2 Mxy ∂2 My
δw0 : 2
þ2 þ þq R ¼ 0; (14) and ws which satisfies the boundary conditions are indicated as
∂x ∂xy ∂y2 8 9
∂2 Sx ∂2 Sxy ∂2 My ∂Qxz ∂Qyz >
> >
> U cosðλ xÞsinðμ yÞ >
> >
δwb : þ2 þ þ þ þq R ¼ 0; 8 9 > > mn m n >
∂x2 ∂xy ∂y2 ∂x ∂y
> u0 > > >
> V sinðλ xÞcosðμ yÞ > >
> >
> >
> mn m n >
∂Qxz ∂Qyz < v0 = < 0 =
δws :
Nz ¼ 0: w0 ¼ Wmn sinðλm xÞsinðμn yÞ ; (20)
> > > >
> wb >
: > >
; > W b sinðλm xÞsinðμ yÞ >
> >
> >
Inserting Eq. (10) into Eq. (14), the system of algebraic equations
mn n
ws >
> >
> s
> >
expressed in a compact form would be indicated as >
> Wmn sinðλm xÞsinðμn yÞ >
: ;
½Γ�fΔg ¼ fFg; (15)
0 b s
in which Umn , Vmn , Wmn , Wmn and Wmn are arbitrary parameters. By,
where the elements of the matrix [Γ] are given Appendix A and fΔg ¼ substituting Eq. (20) into Eq. (15) then, the following compact system of
fu0 ; ​ v0 ; ​ w0 ; ​ wb ; ​ ws gt while fFg ¼ fF1 ; ​ F2 ; ​ F3 ; ​ F4 ; ​ F5 gt and the algebraic equations is indicated as
elements of the force vector fFg are given as
½P�fΛg ¼ fΠg; (21)
8 NT þ NC 9 8 0 9
> >
where [P] is the matrix its elements are given Appendix B. The gener­
x x
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Ny þ NyC
T >
0 >
> alized force vector is fΠg ¼ fΠ 1 ; Π 2 ; Π 3 ; Π 4 ; Π 5 gt while fΛg ¼
8 9 >
> >
> >
> >
> t
> F1 >
> ∂ MT þ MC �
> >
> ∂� T � >
fUmn ; ​ Vmn ; ​ Wmn b
; ​ Wmn s
; ​ Wmn g . The components of the generalized
< F2 >
= ∂> < ∂x x >
= > M þ MyC >
∂ < ∂y y = force vector fΠg are given as
F3 ¼ þ
> F4 >
> ∂x >
> >
> ∂y >
> >
> 3 h i 3 h i
: >
; >
> >
> >
> >
> X X
F5 >
> ∂ T
� >
> > ∂� T
� >
> Π 1 ¼ λm eTj Tj þ eCj Cj ; Π 2 ¼ μn eTj Tj þ eCj Cj ;
> Sx þ SxC >
> >
> Sy þ SyC >
> ∂x >
> >
> ∂y >
> j¼1 j¼1
> >
> >
> >
: >
; >
> >
> 3 h
X � � � �i
: ;
0 0 Πl ¼ λ2m eTlj Tj þ eClj Cj þ μ2n eTlj Tj þ eClj Cj q0 ; ðl ¼ 3; 4Þ; (22)
8 9 j¼1
> >
> 3 h
X i
> 0 >
> Π5 ¼ eTj Tj þ eCj Cj ;
> 0 >
> j¼1
< >
: (16)
> q
> in which the elements eTj , eCj , eTj , eCj are indicated in Appendix B.
> >
> >
> NzT þ NzC >
: >
; 5. Numerical examples and discussion

The bending analysis of the simply-supported, FG porous plates

4. Solution procedure
resting on two-parameter elastic foundations under uniformly and
sinusoidally distributed loads are considered. Poisson’s ratio is ν ¼ 0:3:
The present problem commitment to the equilibrium equations of FG
In order to verify the accuracy of the present quasi-3D model. Good
porous plates under hygro-thermo-mechanical loads, the exact closed-
comparisons with the available solutions in the literature are made. The
form solution to Eq. (15), may be constructed with the following edge
upper surface of the FG porous plate is z ¼ þ 2h, while the lower surface
conditions, loading. The boundary conditions for the present quas-3D
plate theory are imposed at the side edges as of the FG porous plate is at z ¼ 2h. The material properties used in the
comparison results are given as, for ceramic-rich (Alumina, Al2O3) Ec ¼
v0 ¼ w0 ¼ wb ¼
¼ ws ¼ Nx ¼ Mx ¼ Sx ¼ 0; at x ¼ 0; a; 380, while for metal-rich (Aluminium, Al) Em ¼ 70. But The material
(17) properties used in the hygrothermal results are given as, for ceramic-rich
u0 ¼ w0 ¼ wb ¼
¼ ws ¼ Ny ¼ My ¼ Sy ¼ 0; at y ¼ 0; b: (Alumina, Al2O3) Ec ¼ 380E0 , γ c ¼ 7γ0 , βc ¼ 0:001 ðwt:%H2 OÞ 1 , while
∂x for metal-rich (Aluminium, Al) Em ¼ 70E0 , γm ¼ 23γ0 , βm ¼
The plate is assumed to be simply-supported. The sinusoidal and 0:44 ðwt:%H2 OÞ 1 , in which E0 ¼ 109 Pa and γ0 ¼ 10 6 ð1 =� CÞ. The
uniform external force and the sinusoidal temperature and moisture analysis is carried out for the following data (unless otherwise stated)
concentration loads are indicated as a ¼ b, a ¼ 10h, k ¼ 1, T1 ¼ T2 ¼ 100, C1 ¼ 0, C2 ¼ 0:01, q0 ¼ 1. The
following non-dimensional parameters are used in the present study:

qðx; yÞ ¼ qmn sinðλm xÞ ​ sinðμn yÞ; � � � � � �
10h3 Ec a b z 103 D a b z h a b z
� �
� � (18) w� ¼ u3 ; ; ; ​ w
b ¼ u 3 ; ; ; ​ w ¼ u3 ; ;
Tj q0 a4 2 2 h q0 a4 2 2 h γ 0 a2 T 1 2 2 h
¼ sinðλm xÞsinðμn yÞ; ​ j ¼ 1; 2; 3;
Cj Cj � �
h a b z 10h �a z � h � z�
σ1 ¼ σ xx ; ; ; ​ σ 5 ¼ σ xz ; 0; ; ​ σ 6 ¼ σ xy 0; 0;
q0 a 2 2 h q0 a 2 h q0 a h
where λm ¼ maπ and μn ¼ nπ
b, and m, n are mode numbers, Tj and Cj are
constants, and � � �a z �
h2 a b z h
σ1 ¼ σ xx ; ; ; ​ σ5 ¼ σ xz ; 0;
10E0 γ0 a2 T1 2 2 h 10E0 γ 0 aT1 2 h

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

� �
h a b z h2 � z� the increase in the porosity factor α for a plate under a thermal load only.
σ3 ¼ 2
σ zz ; ; ; ​ σ6 ¼ 2
σxy 0; 0; However, σ1 decreases with the increase in the porosity factor α for a
10E0 γ 0 a T1 2 2 h 10E0 γ 0 a T1 h
plate under a hygrothermal load. Table 6 shows the transverse normal
a4 a2 h3 Ec stress σ3 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on two-
κW ¼ KW ; ​ κS ¼ KS ; ​ D ¼ :
D D 12ð1 v2 Þ parameter elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical loads.
The normal stress decreases with the increase in the porosity factor α
5.1. Model validation and the side-to-thickness ratio a=h, while it increases with the increase in
the hygrothermal parameters ðT3 ; C3 Þ. Table 7 demonstrates the trans­
To check the accuracy of the present quasi-3D plate theory, three verse shear stress σ5 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on
different numerical examples are introduced in this study. Based on the two-parameter elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical
present quasi-3D solutions, Table 1 presents comprehensive results for loads. It is clear that the shear stress decreases with the increase in the
deflections of a perfect FG square plate subjected to a uniform load as a porosity factor α and the side-to-thickness ratio a=h, while it increases
first comparison with the numerical results of Thai and Choi (2013). with the increase in the hygrothermal parameters ðT3 ;C3 Þ. Table 8 shows
Five different values of thickness ratio a=h as 5 (thick plates), 10, 20 the deflection w in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on two-
(moderately thick plates) and 50, 100 (thin plates) and six different parameter elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical loads. It
values of inhomogeneity parameter k are discussed. It is to be noted that is obvious that the deflection w decreases with the increase in the
the deflection w* decreases as the side-to-thickness ratio a= h increases porosity factor α and the foundation parameters ðκW ; κS Þ, while it in­
and the inhomogeneity parameter k decreases. creases with the increase in the side-to-thickness ratio a=h. Table 9 il­
The second comparison with the numerical results of Ameur et al. lustrates the normal stress σ 3 in FG perfect and porous square plates
(2011) has been shown in Table 2. The influence of the dimensionless resting on two-parameter elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-
foundation parameters ðκW ; κS Þ and the inhomogeneity parameter k on mechanical loads. It is clear that the transverse normal stress σ3 de­
creases as the porosity factor α increases and the foundation parameters
the deflection w* and stresses ðσ 1 ; σ 6 ; σ 5 Þ of homogeneous and perfect FG
ðκW ; κS Þ, as well as the side-to-thickness ratio a=h increases.
plates are introduced. One can see that the deflection w* decreases as the
In Figs. 2–8 the results for deflection and stresses are given for two
foundation parameters ðκW ; κS Þ increase, while it increases as the in­
cases (a) without elastic foundations ðκW ¼ κS ¼ 0Þ and (b) for the
homogeneity parameter k increases. Because, the bending stiffness is
existing of the foundations. However, in Figs. 9–13, the results for
maximum for fully ceramic plate, i.e., (k ¼ 0). Also, the stresses for a
deflection and stresses are given for the variation of two different pa­
fully ceramic plate are the same as that for a fully metal plate at ðκW ¼
rameters (a) the thermal load ðT3 Þ and (b) the moisture concentration
κS ¼ 0Þ, because the plate for these two cases is fully homogeneous and
ðC3 Þ. Fig. 2 demonstrates the influence of the porosity factor α on the
the stresses do not depend on the elasticity modulus.
deflection through-the-thickness of the FG porous plate (a) without
The last comparison with the numerical results of Han and Liew
elastic foundations and (b) with elastic foundations. One can be noted
(1997) and Thai and Choi (2013a) has been shown in Table 3. It can be
that the deflection increases with the increase in the porosity factor α
noted that the deflection wb decreases as the side-to-thickness ratio a= h
through-the-thickness of the plate. Figs. 3 and 4 show the influence of
increases and as the foundation parameters ðκW ; κS Þ increase. Finally, the
the porosity factor α on the deflection of FG porous plate versus the side-
results of the present quasi-3D plate theory are in excellent agreement
to-thickness ratio a=h and the aspect ratio b=a, respectively, (a) without
with those reported in the given references.
elastic foundations and (b) with elastic foundations. It is observed that
the deflection decreases with the increase in the porosity factor α for
5.2. Parametric results both cases.
Influence of the porosity factor α on the in-plane normal stress σ1 of
The results of quasi-3D theory of bending response of the FG porous FG porous plate through-the-thickness is given in Fig. 5. It is observed
plates resting on two-parameter elastic foundations under hygrothermal that the tensile stress σ 1 decreases with the increase of the porosity
loads are reported in Tables 4–9 as well as in Figs. 2–13. In Table 4 the factor α in the interval 0:25 � z=h � 0:5 while the compressive stress
deflection w of FG perfect and porous square plates resting on two- σ 1 increases in the interval 0:5 � z=h � 0:25. Fig. 6 depicts the
parameter elastic foundations for different values of the porosity fac­ through-the-thickness distributions of the normal stress σ 3 in FG porous
tor α and hygrothermal parameters ðT3 ; C3 Þ is given. One can see that the square plates in hygrothermal environment and resting on elastic
deflection w decreases as the porosity factor α increases while it is foundations. The sensitivity of the porosity factor α on this stress is
increasing with the increase in the hygrothermal parameters ðT3 ; C3 Þ. highly shown. Fig. 7 displays the influence of the porosity factor α on the
The in-plane normal stress σ 1 in FG perfect and porous plates resting on stress σ6 of FG plate through-the-thickness in hygrothermal in environ­
two-parameter elastic foundations under thermal and hygrothermal ment. One can be observed that the stress σ6 increases with the increase
loads (a ¼ 10h) is given in Table 5. It is observed that σ 1 increases with in the porosity factor α in the interval 0:15 � z=h � 0:5 while it
the increase in the inhomogeneity parameter k. Also, σ1 increases with

Table 1
Comparison of the deflection w* ð0Þ of perfect FG square plates under uniform loads (T ¼ C ¼ 0, α ¼ 0, κW ¼ κS ¼ 0).
a= Theory k
0 0.5 1 2 5 10

5 Ref. (Thai and Choi, 2013) 0.5381 0.8120 1.0486 1.3572 1.6973 1.9125
Present 0.52308 0.78217 0.99834 1.27965 1.61486 1.83985
10 Ref. (Thai and Choi, 2013) 0.4693 0.7190 0.9324 1.1973 1.4393 1.5937
Present 0.46252 0.70102 0.89608 1.13521 1.37405 1.54362
20 Ref. (Thai and Choi, 2013) 0.4521 0.6956 0.9033 1.1572 1.3747 1.5138
Present 0.44727 0.68057 0.87031 1.09882 1.31341 1.46903
50 Ref. (Thai and Choi, 2013) 0.4472 0.6891 0.8951 1.1460 1.3565 1.4915
Present 0.44299 0.67483 0.86308 1.08861 1.29640 1.44810
100 Ref. (Thai and Choi, 2013) 0.4465 0.6882 0.8940 1.1444 1.3539 1.4883
Present 0.44237 0.67401 0.86205 1.08715 1.29397 1.44511

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Table 2
Comparison of the deflection w* ð0Þ and the stresses σi in perfect FG square plates resting on elastic foundations under sinusoidal loads (a ¼ 10h, T ¼ C ¼ 0, α ¼ 0).
κW κS Theory k

ceramic 1 2 5 10 metal

w* 0 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.29603 0.58891 0.75733 0.91184 1.00892 1.60703
Present 0.29334 0.56802 0.71988 0.87256 0.98072 1.59239
100 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.23289 0.38258 0.44719 0.49691 0.52441 0.65019
Present 0.23171 0.37476 0.43524 0.48679 0.51890 0.65161
0 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.19284 0.28525 0.31969 0.34432 0.35729 0.41154
Present 0.19235 0.28149 0.31424 0.34028 0.35575 0.41361
100 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.16389 0.22617 0.24729 0.26178 0.26921 0.29889
Present 0.16379 0.22419 0.24445 0.25994 0.26893 0.30081
σ1(1/2) 0 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.99550 3.08699 3.60936 4.24883 5.08901 1.99550
Present 2.12463 3.27707 3.82256 4.47146 5.32910 2.12463
100 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.56991 2.00546 2.13127 2.31542 2.64513 0.80736
Present 1.67827 2.16212 2.31114 2.49458 2.81963 0.86939
0 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.29991 1.49526 1.52360 1.60439 1.80222 0.51103
Present 1.39321 1.62400 1.66859 1.74376 1.93308 0.55186
100 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.10480 1.18556 1.17857 1.21978 1.35791 0.37115
Present 1.18631 1.29346 1.29805 1.33209 1.46131 0.40135
σ6(-1/3) 0 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.70652 0.61104 0.54409 0.57546 0.58937 0.70652
Present 0.69856 0.56467 0.49269 0.52346 0.54777 0.69856
100 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.55584 0.39696 0.32128 0.31360 0.30634 0.28585
Present 0.55179 0.37256 0.29789 0.29203 0.28983 0.28585
0 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.46024 0.29597 0.22968 0.21729 0.20872 0.18093
Present 0.45807 0.27983 0.21507 0.20414 0.19869 0.18145
100 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 0.39116 0.23467 0.17766 0.16521 0.15726 0.13141
Present 0.39005 0.22288 0.16731 0.15594 0.15021 0.13196
σ5(0) 0 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 2.4618 2.4618 2.2650 2.0167 2.1981 2.4618
Present 2.45409 2.45409 2.25806 2.01069 2.19157 2.45409
100 0 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.9368 1.5993 1.3375 1.0989 1.1425 0.9960
Present 1.93852 1.61914 1.36524 1.12174 1.15956 1.00421
0 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.6037 1.1924 0.9561 0.7615 0.7784 0.6304
Present 1.60925 1.21616 0.98567 0.78412 0.79497 0.63744
100 10 Ref. (Ameur et al. (2011)) 1.3629 0.9455 0.7396 0.5789 0.5865 0.4579
Present 1.37027 0.96863 0.76678 0.59900 0.60096 0.46358

Table 3
Comparison of the central deflection w
b of a uniformly loaded homogeneous square plate resting on elastic foundations (m; n ¼ 100 term series, T ¼ C ¼ 0, α ¼ 0).
κW κS a=h ¼ 5 a=h ¼ 10 a=h ¼ 200

Ref. (Han and Ref. (Thai and Present Ref. (Han and Ref. (Thai and Present Ref. (Han and Ref. (Thai and Present
Liew, 1997) Choi, 2013a) Liew, 1997) Choi, 2013a) Liew, 1997) Choi, 2013a)

1 5 3.7069 3.7061 3.669 3.3455 3.3455 3.330 3.2200 3.2200 3.212

10 2.9810 2.9806 2.976 2.7505 2.7504 2.745 2.6684 2.6684 2.663
15 2.4906 2.4904 2.500 2.3331 2.3331 2.333 2.2763 2.2763 2.272
20 2.1375 2.1373 2.154 2.0244 2.0244 2.027 1.9834 1.9834 1.980
34 5 3.0859 3.0855 3.078 2.8422 2.8421 2.836 2.7552 2.7552 2.749
10 2.5623 2.5621 2.571 2.3983 2.3983 2.398 2.3390 2.3390 2.335
15 2.1893 2.1892 2.206 2.0730 2.0730 2.075 2.0306 2.0306 2.027
20 1.9104 2.1892 1.931 1.8245 1.8244 1.829 1.7932 1.7932 1.791
54 5 1.4029 1.4032 1.431 1.3785 1.3785 1.385 1.3688 1.3688 1.367
10 1.2809 1.2811 1.308 1.2615 1.2615 1.268 1.2543 1.2543 1.253
15 1.1784 1.1785 1.204 1.1627 1.1627 1.169 1.1572 1.1572 1.156
20 1.0911 1.0912 1.115 1.0782 1.0782 1.085 1.0740 1.0740 1.073

increases in the interval 0:5 � z=h � 0:15. It is clear that, the effect FG porous plate through-the-thickness. The shear stress σ5 increases
of foundations is obvious in Figs. 5–7, especially, at the upper and lower with the increase of the thermal load T3 and moisture concentration C3
surfaces of the plate. In this respect, Fig. 8 depicts the through-the- through-the-thickness of the plate. The influence of (a) the thermal
thickness distributions of the shear stress σ 5 in FG porous plates with (C3 ¼ 0:01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parameters on the transverse
and without elastic foundations under moisture and thermal loads for normal stress σ3 of FG porous square plate through-the-thickness is
different values of the porosity factor α. It is observed that the shear given in Fig. 11. It is observed that σ 3 increases with the increase in T3
stress decreases gradually with the increase in the porosity factor α. and C3 in the interval 0:05 � z=h � 0:25 while it increases in the two
Distinction between the curves in Fig. 8a and b are obvious. intervals 0:25 � z=h � 0:5 and 0:5 � z=h � 0:05. Fig. 12 shows the
Fig. 9 demonstrates the influences of (a) thermal load T3 and (b) influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0:01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100)
moisture concentration C3 on deflection of FG porous plate through-the- parameters on the in-plane normal stress σ 1 of FG porous square plate
thickness. One can be noted that the deflection increases with the in­ through-the-thickness distribution. One can be noted that σ 1 decreases
crease in the thermal load T3 and moisture concentration C3 through- with the increase in the thermal T3 parameter in the interval 0:1 � z=
the-thickness of the plate. Fig. 10 shows the influences of the (a) ther­ h � 0:5 while it increases in the interval 0:5 � z=h � 0:1. Also, it
mal load T3 and (b) moisture concentration C3 on the shear stress σ5 of decreases with the increase in the moisture C3 parameter in the interval

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Table 4
Nondimensionalized deflection w of FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations (κW ¼ κS ¼ 10, a ¼ 10h).
α T3 C3 k

1 3 4 5 8 10

0.0 0 1% 0.67322 0.68128 0.74898 0.81184 0.95124 1.03188

2% 1.13083 1.15734 1.22979 1.29663 1.44204 1.53291
3% 1.58845 1.63341 1.71059 1.78141 1.93283 2.03395
100 1% 1.00341 0.98464 1.04894 1.10982 1.24450 1.31991
2% 1.46102 1.46070 1.52975 1.59460 1.73529 1.82094
3% 1.91864 1.93677 2.01056 2.07939 2.22609 2.32197
0.1 0 1% 0.42471 0.36902 0.42542 0.47977 0.59734 0.66625
2% 0.78624 0.71975 0.77816 0.83548 0.95725 1.03544
3% 1.14776 1.07049 1.13090 1.19118 1.31716 1.40463
100 1% 0.69202 0.59548 0.64726 0.69937 0.81228 0.87556
2% 1.05354 0.94622 1.00000 1.05508 1.17219 1.24476
3% 1.41506 1.29696 1.35274 1.41078 1.53209 1.61395
0.2 0 1% 0.18377 0.03632 0.08051 0.12844 0.23122 0.29072
2% 0.44787 0.24169 0.28324 0.33359 0.44302 0.51347
3% 0.71196 0.44705 0.48596 0.53873 0.65481 0.73622
100 1% 0.38829 0.17665 0.21377 0.25921 0.35923 0.41389
2% 0.65238 0.38201 0.41649 0.46436 0.57103 0.63665
3% 0.91647 0.58738 0.61922 0.66951 0.78282 0.85940

Table 5
In-plane normal stress σ1 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations under thermal and hygrothermal loading (a ¼ 10h).
k κW κS Thermal (T3 ¼ 100, C3 ¼ 0) Hygrothermal (T3 ¼ 100, C3 ¼ 0:01)

α ¼ 0:0 α ¼ 0:1 α ¼ 0:2 α ¼ 0:0 α ¼ 0:1 α ¼ 0:2

2 0 0 1.86993 2.14044 2.25059 6.49288 6.37342 6.00446

100 0 2.01058 2.51805 2.94552 5.56275 5.82773 5.97712
0 10 2.07037 2.66029 3.16299 5.16732 5.62218 5.96856
100 10 2.10486 2.73801 3.27353 4.93928 5.50987 5.96421
3 0 0 3.50537 3.62123 3.54378 8.86757 8.52236 7.87398
100 0 3.58798 3.97438 4.28227 7.76203 7.84832 7.82283
0 10 3.62113 4.09683 4.48254 7.31831 7.61461 7.80895
100 10 3.63975 4.16151 4.57951 7.06909 7.49116 7.80224
4 0 0 4.74803 4.74988 4.55729 10.67857 10.16631 9.35125
100 0 4.71481 5.00044 5.20595 9.36659 9.30782 9.14383
0 10 4.70191 5.08348 5.36852 8.85686 9.02329 9.09184
100 10 4.69476 5.12658 5.44537 8.57463 8.87561 9.06727
5 0 0 5.71980 5.62559 5.34298 12.10775 11.45118 10.50299
100 0 5.56271 5.76215 5.87649 10.59072 10.40531 10.11641
0 10 5.50305 5.80608 6.00395 10.01455 10.06883 10.02405
100 10 5.47034 5.82863 6.06338 9.69864 9.89609 9.98099

Table 6
Transverse normal stress σ3 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading (k ¼ 1, κW ¼ κS ¼ 10).
T3 C3 a ¼ 10 h a ¼ 20 h

α ¼ 0.0 α ¼ 0.1 α ¼ 0.2 α ¼ 0.0 α ¼ 0.1 α ¼ 0.2

0 0 5.25321 4.30775 3.46057 1.31406 1.07775 0.86602
1% 5.72206 4.70364 3.78070 1.43115 1.17656 0.94585
2% 6.19091 5.09954 4.10083 1.54824 1.27537 1.02569
100 0 5.36677 4.39861 3.52783 1.34242 1.10042 0.88278
1% 5.83562 4.79451 3.84796 1.45951 1.19923 0.96261
2% 6.30447 5.19040 4.16808 1.57660 1.29804 1.04244
200 0 5.49296 4.49957 3.60256 1.37394 1.12561 0.90139
1% 5.96181 4.89547 3.92269 1.49103 1.22442 0.98123
2% 6.43066 5.29136 4.24281 1.60812 1.32324 1.06106
300 0 5.61915 4.60053 3.67729 1.40546 1.15080 0.92001
1% 6.08799 4.99643 3.99741 1.52255 1.24961 0.99984
2% 6.55685 5.39233 4.31754 1.63964 1.34843 1.07968

0:1 � z=h � 0:35 while it increases in the two intervals 0:35 � z= h � while it increases in the interval 0:5 � z=h � 0:15 as shown in Fig. 13a.
0:5 and 0:5 � z=h � 0:1. Finally, the effect of the thermal and But in Fig. 13b the in-plane stress σ 6 increases as C3 increases in the
moisture loads on the in-plane stress σ6 of FG porous square plate resting interval 0:5 � z=h � 0:45, while it decreases in the interval
on elastic foundations through-the-thickness distribution is shown in 0:45 � z=h � 0:5.
Fig. 13. It can be noted that the in-plane stress σ6 decreases with the
increase in the thermal parameter T3 in the interval 0:15 � z= h � 0:5,

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Table 7
Shear stress σ 5 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading (k ¼ 1, κW ¼ κS ¼ 10).
T3 C3 a ¼ 10 h a ¼ 20 h

α ¼ 0.0 α ¼ 0.1 α ¼ 0.2 α ¼ 0.0 α ¼ 0.1 α ¼ 0.2

0 0 0.57346 0.30419 0.05117 0.13879 0.07204 0.00930
1% 1.53702 1.08169 0.64023 0.38057 0.26741 0.15759
2% 2.50058 1.85917 1.22929 0.62234 0.46278 0.30587
100 0 1.17885 0.80028 0.43830 0.29034 0.19633 0.10639
1% 2.14242 1.57777 1.02737 0.53211 0.39170 0.25467
2% 3.10598 2.35526 1.61643 0.77388 0.58707 0.40296
200 0 1.85152 1.35149 0.86845 0.45872 0.33444 0.21426
1% 2.81508 2.12898 1.45752 0.70049 0.52981 0.36255
2% 3.77865 2.90647 2.04658 0.94227 0.72517 0.51083
300 0 2.52419 1.90269 1.29861 0.62711 0.47254 0.32214
1% 3.48775 2.68018 1.88767 0.86888 0.66791 0.47042
2% 4.45131 3.45767 2.47673 1.11065 0.86328 0.61871

Table 8
The deflection w in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations under hygrothermal loading (T3 ¼ 200, C3 ¼ 0:01).
k κW κS a ¼ 10h a ¼ 20h

α ¼ 0:0 0:1 0:15 0:2 α ¼ 0:0 0:1 0:15 0:2

1 0 0 1.78718 1.33539 1.09532 0.84067 1.80570 1.35199 1.11094 0.85531

100 0 1.14589 0.80739 0.63758 0.46652 1.19333 0.84813 0.67458 0.49947
0 10 0.83638 0.57081 0.44148 0.31437 0.89401 0.61938 0.48515 0.35282
100 10 0.64627 0.43087 0.32799 0.22841 0.70891 0.48321 0.37482 0.26946
2 0 0 1.83816 1.26682 0.92772 0.51958 1.86667 1.29387 0.95404 0.54516
100 0 1.06431 0.65752 0.44096 0.20882 1.13009 0.71534 0.49401 0.25635
0 10 0.73533 0.42799 0.27191 0.11156 0.81174 0.49366 0.33147 0.16442
100 10 0.54561 0.30259 0.18255 0.06213 0.62671 0.37165 0.24497 0.11741
3 0 0 2.03663 1.42285 1.04212 0.55198 2.07248 1.45807 1.07717 0.58691
100 0 1.12629 0.68737 0.44835 0.18457 1.20679 0.75948 0.51508 0.24471
0 10 0.76092 0.43235 0.26275 0.08494 0.85219 0.51198 0.33552 0.14989
100 10 0.55571 0.29765 0.16848 0.03669 0.65119 0.38013 0.24358 0.10367
5 0 0 2.47293 1.85705 1.47927 0.98915 2.51741 1.90258 1.52599 1.03778
100 0 1.31260 0.84857 0.59648 0.31779 1.41449 0.94282 0.68527 0.39907
0 10 0.87191 0.52411 0.34509 0.15739 0.98458 0.62491 0.43839 0.24157
100 10 0.63028 0.35755 0.22141 0.08262 0.74622 0.45992 0.31568 0.16748
8 0 0 2.96726 2.35218 1.98969 1.54439 3.01628 2.40328 2.04308 1.60183
100 0 1.52145 1.03167 0.76934 0.48511 1.64119 1.14559 0.87881 0.58782
0 10 0.99796 0.63074 0.44393 0.25127 1.12852 0.75023 0.55620 0.35426
100 10 0.71661 0.42916 0.28719 0.14458 0.84962 0.54897 0.39891 0.24648

Table 9
Transverse normal stress σ3 in FG perfect and porous square plates resting on elastic foundations under hygrothermal loading (T3 ¼ 200, C3 ¼ 0:01).
k κW κS a ¼ 10h a ¼ 20h

α ¼ 0:0 0:1 0:15 0:2 α ¼ 0:0 0:1 0:15 0:2

1 0 0 6.19337 5.08294 4.55855 4.05302 1.54834 1.27073 1.13964 1.01325

100 0 6.04092 4.95635 4.44820 3.96223 1.51078 1.23959 1.11255 0.9910
0 10 5.96734 4.89963 4.40093 3.92531 1.49242 1.22546 1.10078 0.98188
100 10 5.92215 4.86608 4.37357 3.90445 1.48106 1.21705 1.09393 0.97667
2 0 0 5.11936 3.99539 3.45749 2.92869 1.27989 0.99890 0.86443 0.73223
100 0 4.96163 3.87247 3.35980 2.86664 1.24099 0.96871 0.84058 0.71736
0 10 4.89458 3.82616 3.32587 2.84722 1.22417 0.95714 0.83216 0.71263
100 10 4.85591 3.80086 3.30794 2.83735 1.21439 0.95077 0.82767 0.71021
3 0 0 4.15150 3.05349 2.53059 2.01806 1.03792 0.76342 0.63269 0.50457
100 0 4.00764 2.94266 2.44385 1.96641 1.00227 0.73603 0.61137 0.49211
0 10 3.94990 2.90423 2.41674 1.95241 0.98767 0.72633 0.60456 0.48866
100 10 3.91747 2.88394 2.40297 1.94563 0.97939 0.72116 0.60107 0.48697
5 0 0 3.21654 2.16586 1.67147 1.19531 0.80413 0.54147 0.41788 0.29884
100 0 3.08921 2.06688 1.59188 1.14175 0.77236 0.51673 0.39797 0.28549
0 10 3.04084 2.03504 1.56921 1.12895 0.75997 0.50853 0.39213 0.28219
100 10 3.01433 2.01869 1.55806 1.12299 0.75311 0.50427 0.38922 0.28064
8 0 0 2.86109 1.85398 1.38159 0.92879 0.71523 0.46347 0.34539 0.23219
100 0 2.73911 1.75603 1.30018 0.86904 0.68469 0.43882 0.32481 0.21702
0 10 2.69495 1.72629 1.27848 0.85585 0.67329 0.43107 0.31911 0.21352
100 10 2.67122 1.71134 1.26802 0.84983 0.66710 0.42712 0.31633 0.21191

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Fig. 2. Influence of the porosity factor α on deflection of FG porous plate through the thickness distribution (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with elastic
foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

Fig. 3. Influence of the porosity factor α on deflection of FG porous plate versus the side-to-thickness ratio (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with elastic
foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

6. Conclusions common and other building, since these structures have points of in­
terest of high modulus, high quality, low weight and great fitting ca­
A refined quasi-3D plate theory is utilized for the linear and non- pacity. Likewise, the present structure is significant in modern
linear hygrothermal examinations of FG porous plates laying on applications like pontoon establishments, stockpiling tanks, pools and in
elastic foundations. The present theory considers both shear deforma­ most considerate designing developments. Taking everything into ac­
tion and thickness stretching impacts by using a sinusoidal variety of all count, it can be said that the proposed theory is precise and basic to
displacements over the thickness and satisfies the stress boundary con­ understand the static behavior of porous FG plates that rest on elastic
ditions on the upper and lower surfaces of the plate without requiring foundations.
any shear rectification factor. In contrast to some other theories, the
present one offers ascend to just five governing equations coming about Funding
in significantly lower computational exertion when contrasted and other
higher-request speculations announced in the writing having higher The Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
number of governing equations. Numerical outcomes have been
exhibited for FG porous plates to remember the impacts of temperature Ethical Statement
and moisture concentration for the material properties, the porosity
factor just as the elastic foundation parameters. The present theory gives Authors state that the research was conducted according to ethical
results that contrasted well indeed and the accessible ones in the liter­ standards.
ature. The consequences of our counts for various parameters are
researched. Uses of this work for the FG porous structures resting on
elastic foundations have been expanded in the field of aerospace, car,

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Fig. 4. Influence of the porosity factor α on deflection of FG porous plate versus the aspect ratio (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with elastic foundations (a ¼
10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

Fig. 5. Influence of the porosity factor α on in-plane normal stress σ1 of FG porous plate through the thickness distribution (a) without elastic foundations and (b)
with elastic foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

Fig. 6. Influence of the porosity factor α on normal stress σ3 of FG porous plate through the thickness distribution (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with elastic
foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Fig. 7. Influence of the porosity factor α on the in-plane stress σ6 of FG porous plate through the thickness distribution (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with
elastic foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

Fig. 8. Influence of the porosity factor α on the shear stress σ5 of FG porous plate through the thickness distribution (a) without elastic foundations and (b) with
elastic foundations (a ¼ 10 h; T3 ¼ 100; C3 ¼ 0.02).

Fig. 9. Influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0.01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parameters on deflection of FG porous square plate through the thickness distribution (a
¼ 10 h; kw ¼ ks ¼ 10; α ¼ 0.1).

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Fig. 10. Influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0.01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parameters on the shear stress σ5 of FG porous square plate through the thickness
distribution (a ¼ 10 h; kw ¼ ks ¼ 10; α ¼ 0.1).

Fig. 11. Influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0.01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parame-ters on the normal stress σ3 of FG porous square plate through the thickness
distribution (a ¼ 10 h; kw ¼ ks ¼ 10; α ¼ 0.1).

Fig. 12. Influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0.01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parameters on the in-plane normal stress σ1 of FG porous square plate through the
thickness distribution (a ¼ 10 h; kw ¼ ks ¼ 10; α ¼ 0.1).

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

Fig. 13. Influence of (a) the thermal (C3 ¼ 0.01) and (b) moisture (T3 ¼ 100) parameters on the in-plane stress σ6 of FG porous square plate through the thickness
distribution (a ¼ 10 h; kw ¼ ks ¼ 10; α ¼ 0.1).

Declaration of competing interest (RDO) at the Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Grant no
(HIQI-48-2019). The authors, also, acknowledge with thanks research
None declared. and development office (RDO-KAU) at King Abdulaziz University DSR
for technical support.

This project was funded by the research and the development office

Appendix A

The elements Γij indicated in Eq. (14) are given as

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂
Γ 11 ¼ B11 þ H11 2 ; Γ 12 ¼ B12 2 þ H11 ; Γ ¼ B13
∂x 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y∂x 15 ∂x

∂3 ∂3 ∂3 ∂3
Γ 13 ¼ B14 ðB15 þ 2H12 Þ ; Γ14 ¼ B13 3 ðB17 þ 2H13 Þ
∂x3 ∂y ∂x
2 ∂x ∂y2 ∂x

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂
Γ 21 ¼ B21 þ H11 ; Γ22 ¼ H11 2 þ B22 2 ; Γ25 ¼ B23
∂x 2 ∂y∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y

∂3 ∂3 ∂3 ∂3
Γ 23 ¼ B25 ðB24 þ 2H12 Þ ; Γ 24 ¼ B27 3 ðB26 þ 2H13 Þ
∂y3 ∂x2 ∂y ∂y ∂x2 ∂y

∂3 ∂3 ∂3 ∂3
Γ 31 ¼ B41 þ ðB51 þ 2H21 Þ 2 ; Γ32 ¼ B52 3 þ ðB42 þ 2H21 Þ 2
∂x 3 ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y

∂4 ∂4 ∂4
Γ 33 ¼ B44 ðB45 þ 2H22 þ B54 Þ B55 KW þ KS r2 ;
∂x4 ∂y2 ∂x2 ∂y4

∂4 ∂4 ∂4
Γ 34 ¼ B46 ðB47 þ 2H23 þ B56 Þ B57 KW þ KS r2
∂x4 ∂y2 ∂x2 ∂y4

∂2 ∂2 ∂3 ∂3
Γ 35 ¼ B43 þ B33 2 ; Γ 41 ¼ B61 3 þ ðB71 þ 2H31 Þ 2
∂x2 ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x

∂4 ∂4 ∂4
Γ 43 ¼ B64 ðB65 þ 4H32 þ B74 Þ B75 KW þ KS r2
∂x4 ∂y2 ∂x2 ∂y4

∂4 ∂2 ∂4 ∂2 ∂4
Γ 44 ¼ B66 B44 ðB67 þ 4H33 þ B76 Þ B55 B77 KW þ KS r2 ;
∂x4 ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂y4

∂3 ∂3 ∂2 ∂2
Γ 42 ¼ B72 þ ðB62 þ 2H31 Þ 2 ; Γ45 ¼ ðB63 þ H44 Þ 2 þ ðB73 þ H55 Þ 2
∂y 3 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y

D.S. Mashat et al. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 82 (2020) 103985

∂ ∂ ∂2 ∂2
Γ 51 ¼ B31 ; Γ52 ¼ B32 ; Γ 53 ¼ B34 2 þ B35 2
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2
Γ 54 ¼ ðB36 þ H44 Þ þ ðB37 þ H55 Þ 2 ; Γ 55 ¼ B44 2 þ H55 2 B33
∂x 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y

Appendix B

The elements Pij , eTj , eCj , eTj and eCj are indicated as

P11 ¼ λ2m B11 μ2n H11 ; P12 ¼ λm μn ðB12 þ H11 Þ;

P13 ¼ λ3m B14 þ λm μ2n ðB15 þ 2H12 Þ; P14 ¼ λ3m B16 þ λm μ2n ðB17 þ 2H13 Þ

P12 ¼ λm B13 ; P21 ¼ λm μn ðB21 þ H11 Þ; P22 ¼ λ2m H11 μ2n B22

P23 ¼ μ3n B25 þ μn λ2m ðB24 þ 2H12 Þ; P24 ¼ μ3n B27 þ μn λ2m ðB26 þ 2H13 Þ

P31 ¼ λ3m B41 þ λm μ2n ðB51 þ H21 Þ; P32 ¼ μ3m B52 þ μn λ2m ðB42 þ 2H21 Þ

P33 ¼ μ4n B55 λ2m μ2n ðB45 þ B54 þ 4H22 Þ λ4m B44 KW KS λ2m þ μ2n

P34 ¼ μ4n B57 λ2m μ2n ðB47 þ B56 þ 4H23 Þ λ4m B46 KW KS λ2m þ μ2n

P25 ¼ μn B23 ; P35 ¼ λ2m B43 μ2n H53 ; P41 ¼ λ3m B61 þ λm μ2n ðB71 þ 2H31 Þ

P42 ¼ μ3n B72 þ μn λ2m ðB62 þ 2H31 Þ

P43 ¼ λ4n B64 λ2m μ2n ðB74 þ B65 þ 4H32 Þ μ4m B75 KW KS λ2m þ μ2n

P44 ¼ λ4n B66 λ2m μ2n ðB67 þ B76 þ 4H33 Þ λ4m B46 λ2m ðH44 þ H55 Þ Kw Ks λ2m þ μ2n

P45 ¼ λ2m ðB63 þ H44 Þ μ2n ðB73 þ H55 Þ; P51 ¼ λm B31 ; P52 ¼ μn B32

P53 ¼ λ2m B34 μ2n B35 ; P54 ¼ λ2m ðB36 þ H44 Þ μ2n ðB37 þ H55 Þ

P55 ¼ λ2m H44 μ2n H55 B33

n o Z h=2 � �
� z f ðzÞ
eχj1 ; eχj2 ; eχj3 ¼ cj1 þ cj2 þ cj3 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h
Z h=2 � �
� � z f ðzÞ
eχ31 ; eχ32 ; eχ33 ¼ zðc11 þ c12 þ c13 Þ 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h
Z h=2 � �
� � z f ðzÞ
eχ31 ; eχ32 ; eχ33 ¼ zðc12 þ c22 þ c23 Þ 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h
Z h=2 � �
� � z f ðzÞ
eχ41 ; eχ42 ; eχ43 ¼ Ψ ðzÞðc11 þ c12 þ c13 Þ 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h
Z h=2 � �
� � z f ðzÞ
eχ41 ; eχ42 ; eχ43 ¼ Ψ ðzÞðc12 þ c22 þ c23 Þ 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h
Z h=2 � �
� � z f ðzÞ
eχ51 ; eχ52 ; eχ53 ¼ Φ’ ðzÞðc13 þ c23 þ c33 Þ 1; ; ℏdz
h=2 h h

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