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Tension Torsion Fatigue

bending Stress Safe life

Compression Fail Safe Aircraft Assembly

shear Damage Tolerance Aircraft Rigging

Aircraft Rigging 1. positioning and alignment of an aircraft's major sub-assemblies to produce a

synergistic design.

Aircraft Assembly 2. joining of various components and structures that form an entire aircraft.

Fail Safe 3. relies upon a duplication of certain structural members to ensure that if one member
failed, the other would assume the load of the failed member.

Damage Tolerance 4. requires an evaluation of the structure to ensure that should serious
damage, that is cracking or partial failure, occur within the operational life of the aircraft, the
remaining structure can withstand reasonable loads without failure until the damage is detected

Fatigue 5. phenomenon of fracturing after a series of cyclic loads, maybe much less than the
ultimate load.

Safe Life 6. period during which it is considered that failure of a component is extremely
unlikely. Life may be expressed in flying hours, elapsed time, number of flights or number of
applications of load.

Torsion 7. stress that produces twisting.

Bending 8. combination of compression and tension.

Stress 9. internal force per area of a substance which opposes or resists deformation; can cause

Shear 10. stress that resists the force tending to cause one material to slide over an adjacent layer.

Tension 11. stress that resists a force that tends to pull apart.

Compression 12. stress that resists a crushing force.


Draw the different stresses or forces that affects on aircraft in flight.


Explain the four design philosophies in aviation.

There are 4 design philosophies in aviation and they are the following: Fail Safe, Damage
Tolerance,Fatigue and Safe Life. The Fail Safe design philosophy is concerned in the reliability upon a
duplication of certain structural members to ensure that if one member failed, the other would assume
the load of the failed member. The Damage Tolerance design philosophy-is all on the requirement of an
evaluation of the structure to ensure that should serious damage, thats is cracking or partial failure,
occur within the operational life of the aircraft, the remaining structure can withstand reasonable loads
without failure until the damage is detected. The Fatigue design philosophy-is a predicament for
phenomenon of fracturing after a series of cyclic loads, maybe much less than the ultimate load.
finally,The Safe Life- is a period during which it is considered that failure of a component is extremely
unlikely. Life may be expressed in flying hours, elapsed time,number of flights or number of applications
of load. Therefore, this is my explaination to the four design philosophies in aviation.

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