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Laboratory No.


1. To layout text using the tools in the HOME tab.
2. To save document.

Equipment/Tools Needed

● Computer Unit with Microsoft Word or WPS/ Google Docs

1. Start your computer and open the Microsoft Word Application.
2. Encode the document below:

One Friend

I always thought you were the best

I guess I always will
I always thought that we were blessed
And I feel that way still

Sometimes we took the hard road

But we always saw it through
If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you

Sometimes the world was on our side

Sometimes it wasn't fair
Sometimes it gave a helping hand
Sometimes we didn't care

'Cause when we were together

It made the dream come true

Someone who understands me

And knows me inside out
Helps keep me together
And believes without a doubt

That I could move a mountain

Someone to tell it to
If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you

3. Set the font face from the HOME tab under the font group to Algerian and font size
to 12, the title should be bold font face Comic Sans MS size 24.

4. Set the alignment of the paragraphs to center.

5. Save document to lab2.1 YOURLASTNAME.

Laboratory No. 3: TEXT FORMATTING

1. To format text using the tools in the Font group from the HOME tab.
2. To save document.

Equipment/Tools Needed
● Computer Unit with Microsoft Word Application

1. Start your computer and open the Microsoft Word Application.
2. Set the margins to the following:
i. Left : 1.5 in Top : 1 in
ii. Right : 1 in Bottom : 1 in
3. In the PAGE LAYOUT TAB, Set the paper size to A4 and orientation to portrait
4. Type the document below: Friendzone Quote

Sometimes I'm just anxious about

what to name a relationship where
I'm more than his friend
but also, not a lover

I am not your true love, I know.

I am not the person who you were searching for, I know.
But I loved you like nothing else matters.
My love was genuine and I wished that you are mine forever

But I know. You struggle to fix me as your love.

I know, love can't be imposed. My love can't be imposed upon you.
I know. So, I try to withdraw from now.
I can't make you fall in love with me.
I can't compel you to be with me.
I can't compel you to be romantic with me when you don't feel it for me.
I feel like a loser.
But it's fine. It's not your fault either.
You gave me a good time and a hand full of memories.
I still can't believe that you aren't mine.
But it's okay not to feel love for someone.
It's okay, I understand
5. Format the paragraph according to the following font specifications.

First Paragraph
Font name : Courier new (MS Word / Google Docs) Cutive Mono (WPS)
Font size : 16
Font Style : Italic, Bold
Font Color : Purple

Second Paragraph
Font name : Papyrus (MS Word) Coming Soon (WPS) Lobster (Google Docs)
Font size : 14
Font Style : Bold, Italic
Font Color : Red

Third Paragraph
Font name : Monotype Corsiva (MS Word) Dancing Script (WPS) Pacifico (Google Docs)
Font size : 12
Font Style : Underline
Font Color : Blue

Fourth Paragraph
Font name : Bookman old style (MS Word) Droid Sans Mono (WPS) Montserrat (Google Docs)
Font size : 14
Font Style : Bold, Italic
Font Color : Orange

6. Save file to lab3.2YOURLASTNAME.

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