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Name: stephanie valiente date: 10/17/2020 p: 5

How to make a peanut butter and jelly

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are very popular among Americans, many
people use it for lunch purposes or for a quick snack on the go. It is so popular
because it has a long shelf life, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich or PB%J can
be refrigerated or frozen for a long time. To make this sandwich you will need two
slices of breads (preferably white), a jar of peanut butter (it does not matter what
kind), and a jar of jelly (I personally like strawberry, but you can use which ever
flavor you like). The instructions on how to make a PB&J are very simple. First you
grab a piece of bread and spread an even amount of peanut butter on that side of
the bread. Then, with the other slice of bread spread an even amount of jelly,
once you have done that put both slices together and cut the crust off if you
would like, cut diagonally and enjoy. I like my PB%J cold, but you can eat them
either way. So as you can see PB&Js are simple to make and you can make it fast
for when on the go.

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