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An Intent-Based Automated Traffic Light for Pedestrians

Christian Ertler Horst Possegger Michael Opitz Horst Bischof

Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Abstract Read

We propose a fully automated, vision-based traffic light

for pedestrians. Traditional industrial solutions only re- pedestrians
port people standing in a constrained waiting zone near the ✗ video stream

crosswalk. However, reporting only people below the traffic ✓ Update

light does not allow for efficient traffic scheduling. For ex- trajectories

ample, some pedestrians do not want to cross the street and
walk past the traffic light, or just wait for another person to ✗ Predict
arrive. In contrast, our system leverages intent prediction to Intent

estimate which pedestrians are actually going to cross the Figure 1. Left: Illustration of a typical crosswalk situation (top
road by analyzing both short-term and long-term trajectory view) with people walking around and waiting near the crosswalk;
cues. In this way, we can decrease the waiting times and pedestrians who want to cross are shown with tick marks (3);
pave the road for optimal and adaptive traffic light schedul- cross marks (7) indicate a different destination. Right: Program
ing. We conduct a long-term evaluation in a European capi- flowchart of the proposed system.
tal that proves the applicability and reliability of our system
and demonstrates that it is not only able to replace existing help to improve the safety and efficiency of traffic. Further,
push-button solutions but also yields additional information a system that is able to report information about the density
that can be used to further optimize traffic light scheduling. of pedestrians heading towards the crosswalk can be very
useful to optimize traffic light scheduling. For example, by
1. Introduction allowing larger crowds more time to safely clear the road.
Traffic light control poses multiple challenges for a
Automated traffic light controllers are widely used to op-
vision-based system. Since it is an outdoor application, our
timize traffic flow and adapt the scheduling of traffic lights
system must robustly handle different illumination condi-
based on traffic density. Common methods include skipping
tions during day and night and must work in all weather
of green phases for turning lanes or crosswalks if no vehi-
conditions all year round. Further, it must be real time ca-
cle or pedestrian, respectively, is waiting. However, while
pable on rather limited hardware certified for continuous
vehicles waiting on a specific lane can be easily detected
industrial operation; this usually excludes state of the art
by various sensors (e.g. inductive loops, radar) which scan
GPUs which are needed for fast inference of CNN models,
only a limited local area, pedestrians often need to manually
especially in the field of object detection.
interact with the system by pressing a push-button. In many
cases, pedestrians do not realize that manual interaction is In this work, we propose an automated, intent-based traf-
needed; after a long time of waiting, they tend to cross the fic light control system that does not only recognize the
road prematurely, putting themselves and other traffic par- presence of pedestrians but also their intents: Where is the
ticipants in danger. Others leave after pushing the button, person heading to and is she planning to cross the road?
triggering a green phase which unnecessarily slows down In this way, the system is able to report the total amount
motorists. These are just two exemplary scenarios where a of pedestrians, which actually intend to cross at any time
fully automated traffic light controller for pedestrians can – without the need for manual interaction. Moreover, by
predicting their intent, our system can, on the one hand,
We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with
the donation of GPUs used for this research. This work was partially
initiate the traffic light controller in advance and, on the
supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under the other hand, prevent traffic flow disruptions by not report-
project DGT - Dynamic Ground Truth (860820). ing pedestrians which are just passing by. Figure 1 (left)

978-1-5386-9294-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

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illustrates a typical situation with people heading towards, robustly link corresponding detections between consecutive
coming from the other side, and going past the crosswalk. frames. We follow this path and especially use only geo-
The only input to our system is a video stream of a con- metric features for the association step, similar to [22, 23].
ventional RGB camera mounted on the traffic light pole ob- This is computationally cheaper and allows us to allocate
serving the area in front of the crosswalk. The proposed more resources to the pedestrian detector.
system consists of three components: (1) a fast pedestrian Motion analysis methods are also closely related to our
detector; (2) a tracking-by-detection approach to maintain intent-based system. Their task is to model either long-term
trajectories; (3) an intent prediction model to infer the most or short-term movement of pedestrians in order to predict
likely destination of each pedestrian depending on her past future actions (e.g. [8, 12, 13, 14]). In contrast to our work,
motion in combination with prior knowledge automatically these methods often rely on additional sensor data and fo-
inferred from previously observed pedestrian movements. cus on driver assistance systems where predictions of short-
We show the effectiveness of the proposed system in term actions (e.g. rapid change of direction, stopping) are
a challenging long-term experiment with a prototype in- of main interest. Other approaches model the interaction
stalled at a real crosswalk in a major European city; op- of people in a crowd as their motion is often highly corre-
erating over the course of a month; with an average num- lated (e.g. [1, 9]). While this is a plausible cue for short-
ber of more than 3,000 pedestrians crossing per day. Our term action prediction, we are more interested in the des-
evaluation shows that our system can not only reliably re- tination (i.e. the intent) of pedestrians and not in the exact
place the push-button in challenging outdoor situations (e.g. path towards it.
day/night, rain, snow), but is also able to report almost all Another related task is crowd counting with the goal
pedestrians before they even come close to the push-button. to estimate the total amount of people given an image of a
We furthermore conduct an ablation study to investigate the crowd without localizing individuals (e.g. [19, 30]). In con-
influence of our model components. trast, we do not simply count the number of all the people
in the scene, but only those with the intent to cross.
2. Related work There are several commercial vision-based pedestrian
detectors for traffic light control (e.g. FLIR or AGD1 ).
Pedestrian detection is a well-studied task in computer
However, they typically operate within a rather small wait-
vision and crucial for our application. Traditional detec-
ing zone (e.g. AGD’s stereo sensor observes 2 × 3 m), re-
tors (e.g. [4, 7]) operate on handcrafted features and are
quire different image modalities – like depth or thermal in-
either applied in a sliding-window manner or rely on pre-
frared – and lack the ability to predict the pedestrian’s intent
computed object proposals (e.g. [28]). Recent detectors are
to schedule the traffic light in advance.
driven by the success of CNNs (e.g. [17, 24, 25]). These
are trained on large-scale datasets resulting in better gener-
alization capabilities. As we need a robust and reliable de- 3. An intent-based pedestrian traffic light
tector to handle our challenging outdoor setting, we make
Our traffic light controller captures the surroundings of
use of such a CNN-based detector. CNNs are typically de-
the crosswalk by a camera mounted on top of the traffic light
signed for fast inference on GPUs. Recent works study low-
pole to achieve a sufficiently large field-of-view. We imple-
cost CNN architectures which shall allow fast inference
ment efficient detection and tracking approaches to obtain
on general purpose CPUs (e.g. [10, 29]). However, these
pedestrian trajectories in real-time. By analyzing these tra-
architectures still rely on highly specialized instruction sets,
jectories, our system infers the intent (i.e. the most probable
which are often not available in industrial settings. Thus, we
destination) of each pedestrian in terms of predefined exit
use a well-studied architecture [16] and implement a com-
regions. This intent information – in combination with the
pressed version for fast inference on CPUs.
resulting number of people requesting to cross the road –
We use multiple object tracking to fuse the detec-
can then be used to schedule the traffic light. Figure 1 (right)
tions into individual trajectories over time. Over the past
provides a schematic overview of the system. In the follow-
decades, tracking approaches primarily focused on pedes-
ing, we describe each component in more detail.
trian surveillance (e.g. [18]) and were recently dominated
by offline methods (e.g. [2, 20]), which process batches of
frames or even the whole image sequence at once. Our time- 3.1. Pedestrian detection
critical application domain, however, requires online track- In a first step, we detect pedestrians in each new frame
ing (e.g. [15, 23]) to infer the object states solely based on of the camera stream. We build the detector upon the Single
observations up to the current frame. Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) [17], and use a compressed
As detectors became more powerful, most tracking ap- version of AlexNet [16] as a backbone network, which gives
proaches rely on the tracking-by-detection paradigm (e.g.
[23, 27]), which poses tracking as an association problem to 1 See or

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a good trade-off between runtime and accuracy; our imple-
mentation utilizes the AVX2 instruction set to obtain real-
time performance on Intel CPUs. In the following, we de-
scribe our modifications to the original architecture.
We make the backbone network fully-convolutional by
removing the last fully-connected layer fc8 and converting
the layers fc6 and fc7 to convolution layers (6 × 6 →
4096 and 1×1 → 4096, respectively). In order to reduce the
computational complexity, we further compress fc6 and
fc7 to 6 × 6 → 128 and 1 × 1 → 128, respectively, using
a feature distillation approach similar to [26].
Like in [17], we add two additional feature extraction
layers conv6_1 (1 × 1 → 256) and conv6_2 (3 × 3 →
512) on top of fc7 to cover pedestrians at all scales. Fi-
nally, box prediction is done on top of conv4, conv5, fc7
and conv6_2. We feed images of size 400 × 400 to the de- Figure 2. Illustration of the trajectory rasterization and exit re-
tector and follow the training procedure described in [17]. gions. The colored cells show the occupation of the trajectory as
The backbone network is initialized with our distilled model given by the Bresenham algorithm; the arrows indicate the cell
transitions; the R = 3 exit regions at the border are visualized by
parameters and fine-tuned on application-specific samples
white lines.
observed from our highly elevated viewpoint.
The detector output for frame i is a list of axis-parallel (i−1)
(i) (i) (i) (i) trian, vk her velocity, and F the filter’s state transition
bounding boxes (cn , wn , hn ), n ∈ [1, N ], where cn =
(i) (i) (i) (i) matrix. Given the motion-based matching costs, we then
(xn , yn )> denotes the center, wn the width and hn the solve for the optimal detection-to-trajectory assignment us-
height of the n-th bounding box. ing the Hungarian algorithm [21]. Thus, we update the k-
(i) (i−1)
th trajectory as tk = tk ∪ cin if the n-th detection in
3.2. Tracking-by-detection frame i gets assigned to it. Afterwards, we correct the filter
As we use most of our computing resources to obtain ac- state with the new observation.
curate and reliable detections, we can leverage the tracking- For trajectory management, we follow standard strate-
by-detection paradigm to link detections into pedestrian gies (e.g. [15, 20, 23]). More precisely, we tentatively ini-
trajectories. The imaging conditions in our outdoor set- tialize trajectories for each unassigned detection and de-
ting yield a substantial variance to the visual appearance cide after a few frames whether the corresponding trajec-
of pedestrians, highly depending on solar altitude, weather tory should become active (i.e. if subsequent confident de-
conditions, light reflections or low light situations during tections could be assigned to it) or if it was caused by a false
night-time. Furthermore, our elevated viewpoint constrains positive of the detector. Trajectories are terminated once the
visual features mostly to the rather small head and shoulder pedestrian exits the field-of-view or no detections could be
region of a pedestrian. Therefore, similar to [22, 23], our assigned to it for several consecutive frames.
approach does not use a visual appearance model and only
relies on motion cues to associate detections to trajectories. 3.3. Intent prediction
We model the target dynamics of each trajectory by a
Kalman filter [11]. A constant velocity model is usually To estimate a pedestrian’s intent given her trajectory, we
powerful enough for real-world pedestrian surveillance sce- divide the border of the image into R disjoint areas denot-
narios (e.g. see findings of [20]), due to the object iner- ing potential exit regions (see Figure 2). Each exit region r
tia and sufficiently high frame rates. In our initial tests, is defined by a polygon represented via its line segments
higher-order motion assumptions (such as acceleration- or Lr = {l(r,1) , l(r,2) , . . . }. We predict the intent of a pedes-
curvature-based models) did not notably improve the local- trian as the most likely exit region depending on the result
ization. Thus, we apply the computationally more efficient of a dynamics-based prediction and a global trajectory prior.
constant velocity assumption to design the Kalman filter. This allows us to identify the number of pedestrians actually
More formally, we determine the cost of a detection be- requesting to cross the road at any time.
ing assigned to a trajectory tk by the Euclidean distance
(i) (i) (i) (i) (i−1) (i−1) >
kĉk − cn k2 . Here, (ĉk , v̂k )> = F (ck , vk ) is Dynamics-based extrapolation. We leverage the motion
the trajectory’s state estimate at frame i, where ck de- model of pedestrian k maintained by the tracker and extrap-
notes the previously observed location of the k-th pedes- olate the location predictions by repeatedly applying the fil-

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ter for ψ steps to estimate the future position c̃k as Algorithm 1 Global motion model.
(j) (j) (j−1) (j−1) > procedure U PDATE(Θ, tk , r) . Update when pedestrian k exits the field-of-view
(c̃k , ṽk )> = Fk (c̃k , ṽk ) , (1) T ← R ASTERIZE(R EMOVE O UTLIERS(tk ))
for j ∈ [2, |T |] do . Iterate rasterized trajectory
(i) (i) (i) (i)
with j ∈ [i + 1, i + ψ] and initially c̃k = ck , ṽk
= vk . (j−1)
Map cell transition cT
→ cT to get din
Given this position estimate, we compute the distance to x, y ← cT
θ(x,y,din ,r) ← θ(x,y,din ,r) + 1 . Increment cell transition vote for r
each exit region r as end for
(i+ψ) end procedure
(i) φ(c̃k
, l) procedure P REDICT(Θ, tk ) . Predict global motion prior for pedestrian k
dk,r = min , (2) T ← R ASTERIZE(R EMOVE O UTLIERS(tk ))
l∈Lr D for r ∈ [1, R] do . Init accumulators
where D is the length of the image diagonal and φ(·, ·) is the fr ← 0
end for
distance between a point and a line segment. We set dk,r = for j ∈ [2, |T |] do . Iterate rasterized trajectory
(j−1) (j)
(i+ψ) Map cell transition cT → cT to get din
0 if c̃k lies inside Lr . Then, we weight the distance by a x, y ← cT
2 2
Gaussian kernel to get the similarity score s(d) = e−d /(2σ ) for r ∈ [1, R] do . Accumulate cell transition votes
and normalize these similarity scores over all exit regions to fr ← fr + Pθ(x,y,din ,r)
r0 (x,y,din ,r 0 )
obtain the likelihood that pedestrian k will continue towards end for
exit r as end for
  for r ∈ [1, R] do . Normalize votes
s dk,r (j)
pk,r,GM ← S OFTMAX(fr )
pk,r,EX =P  . (3) end for
(i) end procedure
r 0 s dk,r 0

pk,r,GM for a trajectory at any frame i. This is done by ac-
Here, we exploit the inertia assumption (i.e. pedestrians
cumulating these votes along the new trajectory and taking
tend to walk rather constantly towards their desired destina-
the softmax over all exit regions. To reduce the impact of
tion), which provides a valid short-term estimate about the
noisy detection results, we additionally simplify the trajec-
movement of the pedestrian. However, in real-world sce-
tory using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm [5] as a
narios, motion dynamics alone are not always sufficiently
preprocessing step, which discards the majority of outliers.
reliable especially shortly after initializing a trajectory, dur-
More details can be found in Algorithm 1.
ing fast directional turns, or because detection output can be
noisy such that the bounding box centers slightly jitter. All Combined prediction. We combine the predictions
these factors may lead to temporarily incorrect estimates of of both models to get the final intent prediction
the pedestrian’s motion direction. (i) (i) (i)
pk,r,C OMB = λ pk,r,EX + (1 − λ) pk,r,GM , where λ is a
weighting parameter. In order to make a binary decision
Global motion model. To overcome these issues, we addi- about the intent for the traffic light controller, we store the
tionally maintain a statistical global motion model that al- predicted exit regions for the last few seconds and report a
lows us to reason about the plausibility of a pedestrian’s des- crossing request only if the majority of the decisions within
tination given her observed trajectory in combination with this time range are consistent.
previously tracked people. This model is constantly updated
with observed trajectories of people leaving the scene, thus 4. Experimental results
allowing the model to improve over time. More formally,
(i) (i)
we want to model the probability pk,r,GM ≡ P(r | tk , Θ) of We discuss results gathered throughout a long-term
pedestrian k leaving the scene at exit region r conditioned study at a highly frequented crosswalk in a European cap-
(i) ital. Two cameras were mounted on top of the traffic light
on her trajectory tk and the model parameters Θ.
poles capturing the surroundings of the crosswalk at each
To this end, we discretize the tracking region by a regular side of the road. Both scenes are divided into R = 3 exit re-
W ×H grid and rasterize the trajectory using the Bresenham gions (e.g. see Figure 2). We recorded (1) the trajectory of
algorithm [3] to get a path through the cells of this grid, al- each pedestrian; (2) our system’s intent predictions densely
lowing cell transitions in an 8-connected neighborhood (see for each time step of each trajectory; and (3) the timestamp
Figure 2). Each cell stores the exit distribution conditioned of each manually pressed push-button.
on the cell transition. In particular, we store the number We first compare our detector to other detectors on our
of previously observed trajectories which passed from the application-specific dataset in terms of runtime and accu-
neighboring cell din through this cell and terminated at exit racy; then we show ablation results on our intent prediction
region r. By storing these votes for each cell and exit re- methods using the recorded trajectories; finally, we compare
gion separately in Θ = θ(x,y,din ,r) , ∀(x ∈ [1, W ] , y ∈ our system’s decisions to the existing push-button system
[1, H] , din ∈ [1, 9] , r ∈ [1, R]), we can compute the priors that requires manual interaction of the pedestrians.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru. Downloaded on May 24,2020 at 01:55:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Method Acc0.2 Acc0.5 Acc0.65 Acc0.8 in order to deliver a reliable prediction, especially if the first
EX M ODEL 0.645 0.488 0.232 0.036 few transitions yield ambiguous predictions. If we combine
GM M ODEL 0.977 0.969 0.924 0.492
the two (C OMBINED M ODEL), the accuracy at very high
C OMBINED M ODEL 0.978 0.970 0.932 0.712 thresholds – and therefore the prediction’s robustness – in-
Table 1. Predicting the intent (i.e. the correct exit region) with dif- creases significantly. This indicates that the system model
ferent motion model components. Accρ is the accuracy at confi- parts are complementary.
dence threshold ρ.
4.3. Long-term proof of concept
4.1. Detector performance
To confirm the system’s applicability, we compare it to
The performance of the underlying detector is crucial for the existing push-button solution with manual pedestrian in-
our system. We need accurate detections at a high frame teraction. To this end, we match push-button triggers to
rate, which results in usually small location changes be- crossing requests as reported by our system based on the
tween frames to ensure reliable trajectory matching. We recorded timestamps. Thus, we are able to compute the re-
use an application-specific dataset covering 2,050 annotated call as a function of the maximum allowed delay  between
images from our highly elevated viewpoint using a 60/10/30 a button trigger and a reported crossing request. Our system
split for training/validation/testing. As we need the detector achieves recall values greater than 0.985 for a reasonable
to be robust against arbitrary changes in weather and illu-  ≤ 5 s (details in the supplementary material). Moreover,
mination conditions, we make sure to cover a diverse set of we show in Figure 3 (middle) that we are able to reliably re-
images (e.g. day/night, sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy, etc.). port crossing requests 3 to 4 s before the pedestrian reaches
Figure 3 (left) shows a comparison of various detectors the push-button, which allows our system to react earlier.
in terms of detection quality [6] and frame rate. Our de- An isolated evaluation of recall is not sound as we could
tector achieves a good trade-off between speed and quality easily maximize it by reporting crossing requests in a reg-
and is competitive to MobileNet [10] (which was published ular fashion. However, manually checking each trajectory
after our long-term experiment) in terms of accuracy. All to calculate precision would be very time-consuming. To
further experiments and trajectories are based on the detec- still provide some insights, we provide a statistical com-
tions of our compressed AlexNet detector as it was used parison of prediction and button trigger frequencies in Fig-
during the long-term study. We note that the system would ure 3 (right). While the absolute values are not directly
benefit from the MobileNet detector. comparable, since on average only every 10th pedestrian
presses the button, we see that the distributions of cross-
4.2. Ablation study ing requests over time are highly correlated. Further, we
observe peaks at 7am, 12am and 5pm, which correspond to
To validate the algorithmic choices for the trajectory- people going to work, to lunch and back home, respectively.
based intent prediction, we conduct ablation experiments on A more detailed evaluation including a manual evaluation of
a dataset of 80,000 validated example trajectories recorded recall and precision can be found in the supplementary.
during our long-term study. Since intent prediction is es-
sentially a multi-class classification problem, we compute 5. Conclusions
accuracy over R = 3 classes, each corresponding to an exit
region r ∈ [1, R]. The prediction for a trajectory tk is de- We aim to decrease the waiting times at crosswalks by
noted as r̂k = arg maxr ck,r . Here, ck,r denotes the pre- proposing a real-time capable visual system for automated,
diction confidence that tk ends in exit region r, defined as intent-based traffic light control. It is able to decide whether
αk +|tk | h a pedestrian actually plans to cross the road or not. This de-
1 X i
ck,r = 1 p(j)
k,r,m > /R ,
1 (4) cision is based on the pedestrians’ recorded movement. Our
|tk | j=α experiments validate our algorithmic choices and show that
the method is superior to existing push-button solutions:
where αk is the birth time of trajectory tk and
We can reliably predict crossing requests before pedestri-
m ∈ {EX, GM, C OMB}. By thresholding the prediction’s
ans reach the push-button and can, therefore, replace the
confidence ck,r̂ , we compute the average accuracy and re-
manual push-button system. In contrast to the latter, we ad-
port the results in Table 1.
ditionally report the number of waiting people and pave the
While motion extrapolation (EX M ODEL) alone per-
road for further optimization of traffic light scheduling.
forms poorly across all thresholds (mainly because of posi-
tion jittering and its short-term assumptions), the global mo-
tion model (GM M ODEL) yields good accuracy up to high References
confidence thresholds with a drop at 0.8. The main reason [1] A. Alahi, K. Goel, V. Ramanathan, A. Robicquet, L. Fei-Fei,
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VGG16 reduced IP camera frame rate start of workday

Trigger frequency [min−1 ]


before push-button
lunch end of workday

Time difference [s]

Average precision

Inception V2
0.9 MobileNet V1
0.85 AlexNet compressed

0.8 Tensorflow 0 push-button Ours
ZFNet reduced

Intel Caffe Push-button

0 10 20 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Frames per second [Hz] Hour of day Hour of day

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i7-6700 CPU. Middle: Time differences between triggers of our system and corresponding push-button triggers. Our system triggers on
average 3 to 4 s before the pedestrian pushes the button. Right: Median trigger frequency as reported by our system and the push-button.

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