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For Fat Burning, Interval Training Beats Continuous Exercise

Jennifer Abbasi

xercisers can burn slightly more The Design total absolute fat mass lasted on average
body fat with interval training than Gentil’s team conducted a meta-analysis of 23 minutes, 25 minutes, and 41 minutes,
moderate-intensity continuous 36 clinical trials comparing HIIT and SIT— respectively.
training, according to a recent systematic the 2 most common types of interval
review and meta-analysis in the British training—with moderate-intensity continu- The Caveats
Journal of Sports Medicine. Although the ous training for fat loss. The studies evalu- • The biggest reductions in total absolute
differences in fat loss weren’t huge, the ated changes in total body fat percentage fat mass occurred when interval training
interval workouts were shorter, which and/or total absolute fat mass. They workouts were supervised, which likely
could make it easier for people to adhere included 1012 children through older increases adherence.
to them. adults, spanning a range of baseline physi- • The study designs differed widely, and
cal activity and ranging from underweight many of them didn’t instruct partici-
The Problem to obese. pants to stick to their normal diet, both
Weight-loss strategies usually include an
of which could make the findings less
increase in energy expenditure (exercise)
or a decrease in energy intake (diet).
But neither strategy seems to be effective
How Intense Is Intense?
for sustaining long-term weight changes
The terms “high intensity” and “sprint” are
in most people. Although lower-than-
relative. Keeping this in mind can encour-
expected weight loss is often blamed on
age exercising and help to avoid injuries.
poor follow-through, other factors like
“Interval training can be performed by
metabolic downregulation likely also influ-
almost everyone; we just have to know
ence outcomes.
how to adapt it,” Gentil told JAMA. “If you
What We Already Knew have knee problems and are not able to
There’s no consensus on the best exercise run, you can cycle or even swim. If you
approach to burning fat, which is pre- have heart disease, you can work at a con-
ferred over losing muscle for shedding trolled intensity. For a healthy young per-
weight. Some evidence suggests that son, a sprint could involve running at high
interval training—including high-intensity velocities, while for a frail elder, slow walk-
interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval ing might be enough.”
training (SIT)—can help people reduce Gentil’s bottom line: “Interval training
body fat and lose weight more than sus- What We’ve Learned seems to be a time-efficient approach for
tained moderate exercise, even if the rou- • All of the exercise approaches signifi- promoting fat loss.”
tine burns fewer calories. This could be cantly reduced total body fat percentage
because interval training increases resting and total absolute fat mass. What Is Interval Training?
energy expenditure and fat burning right • None of the approaches outperformed • Interval training is an intermittent
after exercise, countering metabolic the others in terms of reducing total body period of physical effort interspersed
downregulation. fat percentage. by recovery periods.
“Different types of exercise promote • But interval training was more effective • High intensity interval training requires
“near-maximal” efforts performed
different metabolic responses,” said Paulo for decreasing total absolute fat mass.
at or above 80% of maximal heart rate
Gentil, PhD, the study’s senior author On average, the SIT and HIIT protocols or the equivalent of maximal oxygen
and a professor at the Federal University reduced total absolute fat mass by 6.2% consumption.
of Goiás in Brazil. “In this regard, high- and 6%, respectively, compared with • Sprint interval training requires
intensity exercise might be particularly 3.4% for moderate-intensity continuous “all-out” efforts performed at or above
interesting for fat loss, not because of the training. peak oxygen consumption.
calories spent while you exercise but • The interval training workouts were
because it makes your body burn more fat also shorter. The SIT, HIIT, and moderate- Note: Source references are available through
after you exercise.” intensity routines in studies evaluating embedded hyperlinks in the article text online. (Reprinted) JAMA Published online May 22, 2019 E1

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