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Original Research

Alternate Dosing Protocol for Magnesium

Sulfate in Obese Women With Preeclampsia
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kathleen F. Brookfield, MD, PhD, Kierstyn Tuel, BA, Monica Rincon, MD, Abbie Vinson, MD,
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Aaron B. Caughey, MD, PhD, and Brendan Carvalho, MBBCh, FRCA

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether obese women need proportion of women with subtherapeutic serum mag-
greater doses of magnesium sulfate to obtain therapeutic nesium concentrations in each group.
serum concentrations for eclamptic seizure prevention. RESULTS: From July 12, 2016, to March 14, 2019, 89
METHODS: Women with preeclampsia and a body mass women with preeclampsia were screened and 37 were
index (BMI) of 35 or higher were randomly allocated to enrolled: 18 to the Zuspan regimen and 19 to the
either the Zuspan regimen of magnesium sulfate (4-g alternate regimen. A significantly greater proportion of
intravenous [IV] loading dose, then a 1-g/h infusion) or to women administered the Zuspan regimen had subther-
alternate dosing (6-g IV loading dose, then a 2-g/h apeutic serum magnesium concentrations at 4 hours
infusion). Women had serum magnesium concentrations (100% [95% CI 59–100] vs 63% [95% CI 41–81]; P5.01)
obtained at baseline, as well as after administration of compared with women administered the alternate high-
magnesium sulfate at 1 hour, 4 hours, and delivery. The er dose regimen. At 4 hours, mean concentrations were
primary outcome was the proportion of women who had significantly higher in the alternate regimen group (3.53
subtherapeutic serum magnesium concentrations (less mg/dL60.3 [Zuspan regimen] vs 4.4160.5 [alternate reg-
than 4.8 mg/dL) 4 hours after administration. A sample imen]; P,.01).
size of 18 women per group was planned to compare the CONCLUSION: The alternate dosing regimen of a 6-g IV
loading dose followed by a 2-g/h IV maintenance dose
more reliably achieves therapeutic serum magnesium
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, Oregon; and the Department of Anesthesia, Stanford Uni-
concentrations (as defined by a concentration of at least
versity School of Medicine, Stanford, California. 4.8 mg/dL) in obese women with preeclampsia.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program and a CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:,
Mission Support Award from Oregon Health & Science University (Dr. Brook- NCT02835339.
field as recipient and principal investigator) and by the Oregon Clinical &
Translational Research Institute grant. The grant supported the use of REDCap
(Obstet Gynecol 2020;136:1190–4)
(Research Electronic Data Capture) for data abstraction (CTSA Award No.: DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004137
UL1TR002369). These funding sources were not involved in any aspects of the

research presented in this manuscript.
etrospective studies by Pritchard and Chelsey
Presented in part at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s 40th Annual evaluated serum magnesium concentrations in
Pregnancy Meeting, February 3–8, 2020, Grapevine, Texas.
women receiving intramuscular magnesium sulfate
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for
authorship. who experienced eclamptic seizures. These studies
Corresponding author: Kathleen F. Brookfield, MD, PhD, Department of
suggested a therapeutic range for serum magnesium
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, of 4.8–8.4 mg/dL.1,2 This therapeutic range was also
OR; email: supported by a study by Sibai et al.3
Financial Disclosure In a pharmacokinetic model, we demonstrated that,
Kathleen Brookfield reports receiving funds from the NIH Loan Repayment
Program Award and an OB/GYN Department Mission Support Award for
in women who received a 4-g intravenous (IV) loading
sample processing. She also received funds from the World Health Organization. dose followed by a 2-g/h IV maintenance dose, obese
Aaron Caughey disclosed that he has relationships with Celmatix and Mindchild. women take took approximately twice as long as
The other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
women of mean body weight in the sample to achieve
© 2020 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. these previously accepted therapeutic serum magnesium
ISSN: 0029-7844/20 concentrations.4 Therefore, the aim of the current study


© 2020 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
was to prospectively validate our pharmacokinetic which included urine output, patellar tendon reflexes,
model that suggested dosing alterations are needed respiratory rate, and blood pressure evaluation.
based on body mass index (BMI, calculated as weight Sample size estimates were based on Brookfield4
in kilograms divided by height in meters squared). and Tudela6 data, considering their estimates of the
proportion of women with subtherapeutic serum mag-
METHODS nesium concentrations less than 4.8 mg/dL in these
In this prospective, randomized controlled trial we studies. We used a BMI threshold of 35 because the
enrolled women who met the following criteria: aged Brookfield study suggests that the most profound
15–45 years with preeclampsia or at high-risk of changes in magnesium disposition occur in women
developing preeclampsia, BMI of 35 or higher, and with this level of obesity.4
at least 32 weeks of gestation. We excluded women We assumed that 80% of women in the standard
with serum creatinine levels greater than 1.1 mg/dL. group with the 4-g IV loading dose followed by the 1-
The study was approved by the Oregon Health and g/h IV maintenance dose would have subtherapeutic
Science University Institutional Review Board, and concentrations and that 35% of women in the alter-
the trial was registered at nate group with the 6-g IV loading dose followed by
(NCT02835339). the 2-g/h IV maintenance dose would have sub-
After consent, women were randomized in 1:1 therapeutic concentrations 4 hours after magnesium
allocation to one of two magnesium sulfate treatment sulfate administration. Assuming alpha50.05 and
groups: a 4-g IV loading dose administered over power of 80%, a sample size of 18 women per group
20 minutes followed by a 1-g/h IV maintenance dose was planned to be able demonstrate a risk ratio of
(the Zuspan regimen, which is standard at our greater than two for subtherapeutic serum magnesium
institution), or a 6-g IV loading dose administered concentrations in the standard Zuspan dosing group.
over 20 minutes followed by a 2-g/h IV maintenance Traditional univariate analysis with Fisher exact
dose. Simple randomization was performed using the test or x2 for categorical variables and t test for com-
random number generator function in OpenEpi 3.01 parison of means or Mann-Whitney U test for com-
(open-source software for epidemiologic statistics) by parison of medians for continuous data were used
a member of the research team not involved with where appropriate. Normality was assessed using the
recruitment or data entry. Magnesium was adminis- Shapiro-Wilk test. P,.05 was considered statistically
tered only if criteria for preeclampsia with severe significant for our primary outcome measure and
features were met.5 P,.01 for secondary outcomes.
Neither the managing clinicians nor the patients
were blinded to the treatment group. Serum magne- RESULTS
sium concentrations were obtained at baseline, and at Between July 12, 2016, and March 14, 2019, 89
1 hour, 4 hours and at the time of delivery after women were approached for participation; ultimately,
magnesium sulfate administration. The primary out- 37 were enrolled (Fig. 1). There were no baseline dif-
come was the proportion of women with serum ferences between the two groups (Table 1). A signifi-
magnesium concentrations of less than 4.8 mg/dL 4 cantly greater proportion of women administered the
hours after magnesium administration. The main Zuspan regimen had subtherapeutic serum magne-
secondary outcome of interest was the proportion of sium concentrations at 4 hours (100% [95% CI 59–
women who had subtherapeutic serum magnesium 100] vs 63% [95% CI 41–81]; P5.01) compared with
concentrations at the time of delivery. women administered the higher dose regimen
Data on demographic, obstetric, and neonatal (Table 2). Similarly, at time of delivery, a significantly
covariates were collected and included maternal age, greater proportion of women administered the Zu-
race, serum creatinine concentration, time to delivery span regimen had subtherapeutic concentrations
after administration, BMI, mode of delivery, parity, (92% [95% CI 66–100] vs 27% [95% CI 12–51];
gestational age, Apgar scores, neonatal respiratory P,.01) compared with women administered the alter-
distress syndrome, and neonatal intensive care admis- nate regimen. Women in the alternate higher dose
sion. Self-reported maternal side effect data were group (6-g IV loading followed by 2-g/h IV mainte-
collected prospectively by nursing staff during mag- nance) had significantly higher serum magnesium
nesium administration, including flushing, sedation, concentrations at 4 hours and at time of delivery com-
nausea, vomiting, and pain at IV site. Objective pared with women in the Zuspan group (Table 2).
evaluation for magnesium toxicity was performed There were no statistically significant differences
every 4 hours during magnesium administration, in maternal side effects between the two groups;

VOL. 136, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2020 Brookfield et al Magnesium Dosing in Obese Women With Preeclampsia 1191

© 2020 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Fig. 1. Flow diagram. IV, intravenous.
Brookfield. Magnesium Dosing in Obese Women With Preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol 2020.

however, the absolute rates of nausea and flushing followed by a 2-g/h IV maintenance dose, compared
were higher in the alternate dosing group. Nausea was with women who receive a 4-g IV loading dose
reported in 10.5% of women who received the followed by a 1-g/h IV maintenance dose.
alternate 6-g IV loading dose followed by the 2-g/h There has been an increasing research effort to
IV maintenance dose and in 5.5% of women who tailor magnesium sulfate dosing administered to
received the Zuspan regimen. Flushing was reported pregnant and postpartum women to maximize
by 5.2% of women who received the higher dose, benefits, minimize side effects, and address chal-
compared with 0% in those who received the standard lenges in resource limited settings.4–12 Interestingly,
Zuspan regimen. The only magnesium toxicity re- recent data published by Du et al8 that apply phar-
ported was a loss of patellar tendon reflexes, where macokinetic data to women with preeclampsia from
this was noted once in each of the dosing groups. The the Magpie trial13 suggest that the therapeutic serum
highest serum magnesium concentration achieved by concentration to prevent the first seizure is likely
any woman was 7.4 mg/dL. There were no significant closer to 3.6 mg/dL, with multiple regimens avail-
differences observed in neonatal outcomes between able to achieve this concentration.7,8 When we used
the two dosing groups (Appendix 1, available online
3.6 mg/dL as the threshold for a therapeutic serum
concentration in the participants from the current
DISCUSSION study, we still found that, 4 hours after administra-
We found that a significantly greater proportion of tion, 95% of women in the alternate dosing group
obese women with preeclampsia have therapeutic had therapeutic concentrations, compared with 31%
serum magnesium concentrations (defined as serum of women in the standard Zuspan group; by the time
magnesium concentration of 4.8 mg/dL or higher) for of delivery, 100% of women receiving the 6-g IV
eclamptic seizure prophylaxis when administered a loading dose followed by 2-g/h maintenance dose
magnesium sulfate regimen of a 6-g IV loading dose had therapeutic concentrations, compared with 50%

1192 Brookfield et al Magnesium Dosing in Obese Women With Preeclampsia OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2020 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Baseline Demographics and Clinical Features

Dosing Protocol
Variable 4 g Then 1 g/h (n518) 6 g Then 2 g/h (n519)

Maternal age (y) 30.966.6 31.667.1

White 15 (83) 15 (79)
Black 0 (0) 1 (5)
Non-White, non-Black 3 (17) 3 (16)
BMI (kg/m2) 41 (37–46) 42 (37–45)
Multiparity 11 (61) 11 (58)
Baseline creatinine concentration (mg/dL) 0.60 (0.56–0.65) 0.67 (0.54–0.73)
Time to delivery (h) 14.7 (10.3–27.2) 22.0 (13.1–39.0)
Severe feature of preeclampsia†
Blood pressure 160/110 or higher 12 (67) 17 (89)
Symptoms of end-organ damage 8 (44) 10 (52)
Laboratory abnormalities 4 (22) 4 (21)
BMI, body mass index.
Data are mean6SD, n (%), or median (interquartile range).
* Race was self-identified by participants at the time of admission. Non-White, non-Black in our study describes participants who self-
identified as Asian or Pacific Islander. It is unknown whether or not race plays a role in metabolism of magnesium sulfate.

Women may have had more than one severe feature (column does not add to 100%).

of women receiving the 4-g IV loading followed by as a result of lower serum magnesium concentra-
the 1-g/h IV maintenance dose. The findings from tions.14 No woman in our trial experienced eclampsia.
our study support the previous retrospective trials Therefore, we caution against universally applying the
and prospective pharmacokinetic modelling that study findings to obese women without also consider-
show dosing requirements increase with BMI to ing the potential for increased toxicity with higher
achieve serum magnesium concentrations on par dosing regimens.
with women of the mean body weight in pregnancy, Strengths of the study include the fact that dosing
regardless of which threshold is used to define a ther- selection was based on prospective pharmacokinetic
apeutic serum magnesium concentration.4,6,7 data and the alternate higher dosing regimen selected for
An unanswered question from this study is the trial is one that has been used clinically and in other
whether the increased alternate dose of magnesium trials for preeclampsia and other indications. This was a
sulfate actually decreases rates of seizures in the obese randomized trial, and, although there was no blinding of
population. This study was not powered to examine clinicians or participating women, we used a concrete
eclampsia as an outcome and there is no evidence to objective outcome of serum magnesium concentrations.
date to suggest women in the United States with It is unlikely that the unblinded nature of the trial would
higher BMIs are more likely to experience eclampsia have an effect on the primary outcome.

Table 2. Study Outcomes

Dosing Protocol
4 g Then 1 g/h (n518) 6 g Then 2 g/h (n519) P

Serum magnesium concentration (mg/dL)

4 h after administration 3.5360.3 4.4160.5 ,.01
At delivery 3.7360.7 5.4461.0 ,.01
Subtherapeutic level*
4 h after administration† 100 (78–100) 63 (41–81) .01
At delivery‡ 92 (66–100) 27 (12–51) ,.01
Data are mean6SD or % (95% CI).
* Serum magnesium concentration of less than 4.8 mg/dL.

By Fisher exact test, Taylor method.

By x2 test, Taylor method (n533 for women with serum magnesium concentration data at time of delivery).

VOL. 136, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2020 Brookfield et al Magnesium Dosing in Obese Women With Preeclampsia 1193

© 2020 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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1. Pritchard JA. The use of the magnesium ion in the management Authors’ Data Sharing Statement
of eclamptogenic toxemias. Surg Gyn Obstet 1955;100:131–40.
2. Chesley LC, Tepper I. Plasma levels of magnesium attained in Will individual participant data be available (including
magnesium therapy for preeclampsia and eclampsia. Surg Clin data dictionaries)? Individual deidentified participant
North Am 1957;37:353–67. data (including data dictionaries) will be shared at the
request of other researchers.
3. Sibai BM, Lipshitz J, Anderson GD, Dilts PV Jr. Reassessment
of intravenous MgSO4 therapy in preeclampsia-eclampsia. Ob- What data in particular will be shared? All data used in
stet Gynecol 1981;57:199–202. the production of this manuscript will be shared.
4. Brookfield KF, Su F, Elkomy MH, Drover DR, Lyell DJ, Car- What other documents will be available? Study related
valho B. Pharmacokinetics and placental transfer of magnesium documents, including the study protocol, will be
sulfate in pregnant women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016;214: available upon request.
5. Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. ACOG Practice
When will data be available (start and end dates)? Data
Bulletin No. 222. American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- will become available upon publication of the manu-
cologists. Obstet Gynecol 2020;135:e237–60. script for 12 months.
6. Tudela CM, McIntire DD, Alexander JM. Effect of maternal By what access criteria will data be shared (including
body mass index on serum magnesium levels given for seizure with whom, for what types of analyses, and by what
prophylaxis. Obstet Gynecol 2013;121:314–20. mechanism)? Criteria to access sharing data include
7. Du L, Wenning L, Migoya E, Xu Y, Carvalho B, Brookfield K. inquiries directly to the Principal Investigator, to
Population pharmacokinetic modeling to evaluate standard inform future research planning, by password-
magnesium sulfate treatments and alternative dosing regimens protected files.
for women with preeclampsia. J Clin Pharmacol 2019;59:374–
8. Du L, Wenning LA, Carvalho B, Duley L, Brookfield KF,
Witjes H, et al. Alternative magnesium sulfate dosing regimens PEER REVIEW HISTORY
for women with preeclampsia: a population pharmacokinetic Received June 10, 2020. Accepted August 21, 2020. Peer reviews
exposure-response modeling and simulation study. J Clin Phar- and author correspondence are available at
macol 2019;59:1519–26. AOG/C84.

1194 Brookfield et al Magnesium Dosing in Obese Women With Preeclampsia OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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