Kash Hackney - SF Final Draft Research Paper 3

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Which type of water evaporates the fastest?

Kash Hackney


Physical Science

Period 5


Word count: 632

Hackney 2

Kash Hackney


Physical Science

Period 5


Which type of water evaporates the fastest?

Many scholars have wondered what makes water evaporate and how fast it takes to

evaporate different kinds. There are key factors in evaporation. There are many different types of

water. Every water is made differently than others. Some evaporate faster and some don’t. There

are many different types of water that could be used, but mineral, distilled, and tap will be used.

So what is mineral water exactly? Mineral water is water which is filled with gases and

dissolved minerals. Mineral water often contains ​calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate,

potassium, and sodium sulfate (Dictionary 1). Where can it be found commonly? It can be found

in many european countries. Such as Italy and France (Britannica 1). Or a local grocery store​.

What is it used for? Mineral water was used by people from ancient times to bathe in . They still

use it today for drinking and bathing (Britannica 1). What is it made of? Mineral water is filled

with gases and dissolved minerals (Dictionary 1). Mineral water often contains ​calcium

carbonate, magnesium sulfate, potassium, and sodium sulfate (Britannica 1). Now to find out

what distilled water is.

What is distilled water? Distilled water is water that is extremely purified. It is made a

special way with special tools. Distilled water is flatter than tap or mineral water. It also has a

bad taste (The Distilled water company 1). How is it made? Distilled water is boiled in a

container with a curved lid. The stem condenses on the lid and runs off into another container.
Hackney 3

This then makes how distilled water is made (The Distilled water company 1). What is it used

for? Some say distilled water is used to detoxify the human body but some others say it's harmful

to the human body ​(Stephanie Watson 1)​. Now to find out what tap water is.

What is tap water? Tap water is water that is deemed safe to drink by water authorities

(dictionary 1). Where is it from? Tap water is drawn from nature water reservoirs and filtered by

water authorities (The Distilled water company 1). How is it made? Tap water is made from the

water that comes from the sky. The water falls into a reservoir. Then it is filtered and approved

by the water district (The Distilled Water Company 1). Now to learn about what evaporation is

and physical change.

Evaporation and physical change. So what exactly is evaporation and physical change,

what they have to do with each other, and why they both occur? Well evaporation is water

turning into gases or vapors instead of a liquid. This occurs because energy is used to break

bonds that hold water molecules together. This is why water evaporates faster at a boiling level

than a freezing level (Usgs.gov 1). Now what is physical change and why does it occur. Physical

change is in size, shape, or substance otherwise not affecting the chemical part of the object

(dictionary 1). Why does this occur? Water could be evaporating due to heat or atoms or

molecules breaking off the object or it melts. Evaporation and physical change are similar

because evaporation is something that we can see changing like evaporation of water or melting

an ice cube. Both evaporation and physical change both need time to happen ​(Ck-12 1)​. Now to

end the paper.

What type of water evaporates fastest? To have water evaporate it needs sun and heat.

Mineral water originated in European countries. Distilled water is very flat and bitter. Tap water
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needs to be approved by officials to be safe to drink. Evaporation needs heat and sun. Physical

change needs time to happen. Distilled water does evaporate fastest.

Hackney 5

Citation Page

National Geographic Society. “Evaporation.” ​National Geographic Society​, 8 Aug. 2019,

www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/evaporation/​ .

“Evaporation and Climate.” Student Materials, 11 Jan. 2018,


“Distilled Water.” Dictionary.com, Dictionary.com, www.dictionary.com/browse/distilled-water.

“Tap Water.” ​Dictionary.com​, Dictionary.com, www.dictionary.com/browse/tap-water?s=t.

“Evaporation and Climate.” ​Student Materials​, 11 Jan. 2018,


“The Difference Between Tap Water and Distilled Water.” The Distilled Water Company Blog,

19 Nov. 2013,


Watson, Stephanie. “Can You Drink Distilled Water?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 28 June

2019, www.healthline.com/health/can-you-drink-distilled-water.

Evaporation and the Water Cycle,



“Physical Change.” Dictionary.com, Dictionary.com,

Hackney 6

Foundation, CK-12. “12 Foundation.” ​CK​,



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