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Information System Control

1192 Words5 Pages

Information System Control
Information system controls are methods and devices that attempt to ensure the accuracy,
validity and propriety of information system activities. It is design to monitor and maintain
the quality and security of the input, processing, output, and storage activities of any
information system.
Input control
Example include password and other security codes, formatted data entry screen, audible
error signals, templates over the keys of keys-driven input devices, and prerecorded and
prenumbered forms. Input of source documents can also be controlled by registering them in
a logbook when they are received by data entry personnel. Real-time system that use direct
access files frequently recorded all entries into the…show more content…
Another important method for control and security is the use of fire wall computers. A
network fire wall is a computer system that protects computer network from intrusion by
serving as a filter and safe transfer pint for access to and from other networks. It screens all
network traffic, and only allows authorized transmission in and out of the networks.
Fire walls can deter, but not completely prevent, unauthorized access into computer network.
In some cases, a fire walls may allow access only from trusted locations on the Internet to
particular computers inside the fire wall. Or it may allow only “safe” information to pass. For
example, a fire wall may permit users to read E-mail from remote location but not to run
certain program.
Biometric Control
Biometric control devices use special-purpose sensors to measure and digitize a biometric
profile of an individual’s fingers, voice, or other physical trait. The digitized signal is
processed and compared to a previously processed profile of the individual stored on
magnetic disk. If the profiles match, the individual is allowed entry into a computer facility or
given access to information system resources.
Computer Failure Control
Many firm use fault tolerant computer system to ensure against computer failure. These
systems have multiple central processors, peripherals, and system software. This may provide
a fail-safe capability where the computer systems continue to operate at the same
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Information System Controls for Systems Reliability
5565 Words  | 23 Pages
layer of preventative controls in that encrypting data provides a barrier against an intruder
who has obtained access to company data. Encryption employing a digital signature and a
public key infrastructure (PKI) can also strengthen authentication procedures and helps to
ensure and verify the validity of e-business transactions. The digital signature

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Information Systems Security and Control
2534 Words  | 11 Pages
CS 4550 Information Systems Security and Control When a computer connects to a network
and engages in communication with other computers, it is essentially taking a risk. Internet
security involves the protection of a computer's Internet account and files from intrusion of
an unknown user. Internet security has become an alarming issue for anyone connected to the
net. This research paper argues the need for security over corporate intranets that have been
dealing with the lack of security within

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Access Control And Computer Based Information
807 Words  | 4 Pages
Control in the information technology world is one of the essential foundations to computer-
based information systems. Access control plays an important role in these systems to ensure
policies and IT functions are enforced. This can be done by using different authentication
factors in a system. In addition to this, firewalls are implemented to help protect information
from moving between external and internal networks. In order to access the network remote,
most businesses have in place virtual

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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Control Systems
in Computerized Accounting Information Systems
1625 Words  | 7 Pages
Journal of Accounting – Business & Management 13 (2006) 39-68
Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Control Systems in Computerized
Accounting Information Systems: An Empirical Research Applied on
Jordanian Banking Sector Talal H. Hayale* Husam A. Abu Khadra†
Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of Control
Systems effectiveness in Computerized Accounting Information Systems
(CAIS) that is implemented in the Jordanian banking sector to preserve
confidentiality, integrity

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