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Puzzles for
Role Playing Games Carl Heyl

Michelle (The Game Master): The last Michelle (The Game Master): You approach
skeleton drops to the floor, destroyed! Nice the door, and a mouth magically appears and
work. Catching your breath, you look around bellows, “All those who pass through me must
the room and see both a wooden door to the answer now my riddles three!”
west and an ornate door leading north. Vanessa (The easily-distracted 27 year old):
Eric (The Dwarven Cleric): I want to check ...Oh. You know, I think I’m gonna get a drink.
out the ornate door. Eric (The frustrated father of two): Yeah,
Mikal (The Elven Thief): Yeah, it’s got to be Mikal... you’re the puzzle guy, right? I gotta
all fancy for a reason. take a smoke, anyway.
Vanessa (The Half-Gnome/Half-Troll Mikal (The suddenly lonely): Um. Okay. So

Barbarian): Sure, let’s look at the door. what’s the riddle?

antasy roleplaying games are an brain-teaser that rivals the Riddle of the
extension of classic mythology and Sphinx. After all, history has as much a
literature. They present an opportunity place in high fantasy as swordplay.
to create stories like the tales of fantasy The difference between solving puzzles
and adventure found in Tolkien and the and triumphing in combat is one of player
ancient legends. It’s no wonder that riddles skill versus character ability. Your players
and puzzles have become a staple of classic don’t have to be experts at sword fighting
adventure design. Few DMs can resist the to cleave a dragon in two. Dice, combat
thought of stumping their players with a mechanics, and special powers are able to

EN World EN5ider/TRAILseeker Creating Enjoyable Puzzles for Role Playing Games

model heroic battles. This is probably for the For example, instead of a magic mouth
best—it would be difficult to find players guarding a riddle-locked door, imagine a
if they had to pass a physical exam before room with no discernable exit but the door
getting to sit at the table. the players entered through. A statue in the
However, a character’s ability to think center of the room points to the brick wall,
through puzzles and riddles cannot be and is holding up three fingers. This esoteric
satisfyingly modeled by dice. Puzzles environment contains an unusual spectacle that
in roleplaying games will be solved by will hopefully encourage your players to dig
players, not characters. A puzzle or riddle deeper. Why is the statue pointing to a blank
is a metagame challenge that requires a wall? Why is it holding up three fingers?
careful DM and interested players to work. Here’s the solution. If your players search
Many players decide they can’t figure out carefully, whether through skill checks or
puzzles before even trying, and give up by asking you questions, they can reveal
immediately. that the large bricks in the wall are stacked
Good puzzle design challenges these to the ceiling five high. This information is
impulses. It gets players interested in an audio clue; you have now attached a
the solution before they even know they number to the bricks, just like a number
are looking at a puzzle. Presented in this was attached to the statue’s fingers.
article are three ways to make players enjoy Auditory connection is a useful way to
solving every challenge you throw at them. link clues to each other. The answer to this
particular puzzle is to go to the wall where
the statue is pointing and push on the third
Make Organic Puzzles row of bricks, revealing the secret treasure
When designing adventures, it’s hidden inside the brick wall.
imperative you create a reason for the
puzzle to exist logically in the environment.
Why did the dungeon’s creator build a door Err on the easy side
with three concentric puzzle rings, instead It’s very easy to make hard puzzles—even
of just rigging another spiked pit trap? unsolvable ones—because puzzles always
A puzzle which isn’t integrated with its seem easiest to their creators. Many GMs,
environment disrupts the flow of gameplay thinking that their riddles are too simplistic,
and breaks immersion. Instead, allow your try cram in countless complications and red
players to explore the site in which the herrings to conceal its “easy” solution. It’s
puzzle exists, possibly with the promise of important to remember that the creator of
reward already in sight. Let them discover the puzzle is looking at the answer from the
the room’s secret. The search will pique inside out. Since the GM holds all the cards,
the players’ interest long before the words they can draw conclusions from clues the
“riddle” or “puzzle” ever reaches their ears. players might never learn. The players will
only get information in small portions, and
they will probably gloss over vital facts if
they’re presented too obliquely.
Even an overly simplistic
puzzle can be fun.
Players like to
win, and an easy
victory can always
be tempered by a

EN World EN5ider/TRAILseeker | Creating Enjoyable Puzzles for Role Playing Games

diabolically difficult encounter later on. It’s The puzzle presented below follows the
far better than stopping the game’s action three puzzle-making tips discussed above.
dead in its tracks. Going forward, the puzzle in the beginning
Preparing clues to help solve your of this article will be referred to as the
most difficult puzzles is also worth “riddle door puzzle” and the following
consideration. It may seem tempting to example as the “alphabet puzzle.”
have players roll Intelligence checks to
receive these clues, but remember that
a failed check backs you into a corner. “You enter the wizard’s study. At the
You want them to solve the puzzle, and far end of the room is a large desk,
introducing luck into the equation probably covered in weathered parchment. On
won’t make your brain-teaser any more top of the stack of scrolls is a silver
enjoyable. Simply providing a clue when hand mirror. To the left of the mirror is
needed, either through the aid of a helpful a metal box the size of a treasure
NPC or an out-of-character discussion, is chest, without hinges or a hole for a
almost always a better alternative. key. Beside the desk is a bookshelf with
26 books. Each book has a letter of th
alphabet on it, and they are arranged
Don’t Set Your in reverse alphabetical order, starting
Solution in Stone with Z at the top left and ending with
Most Game Masters feel an urge to give A in the bottom right.
their puzzle only one “correct” answer,
denying any other plausible answers
their players provide. This is possibly due
to embarrassment; they may not want The immediate difference between
to admit they hadn’t considered all the the riddle door puzzle and the alphabet
possibilities. puzzle is that the alphabet puzzle does
not introduce itself as a puzzle. It may be
Don’t. If the PCs have a spell, a class feature, somewhat obvious, based on the elements
or a magic item that allows them to solve the in the room, but it’s less overt than a
puzzle in a way you didn’t predict, just roll talking door. Player characters are instead
with it. Let them succeed, and applaud their presented with an environment with some
creativity. This sort of ingenuity is what sets interesting elements to pique their curiosity.
tabletop games apart from all other kinds of
Second, the alphabet puzzle includes the
gaming. Revel in it.
promise of a reward. The players’ only
reason to solve the riddle door puzzle was
Example puzzle to progress deeper in the dungeon, but the
Michelle, the example GM presented alphabet puzzle deliberately shows the
at the beginning of this article, players a metal box “the size of a treasure
unintentionally created a pretty lackluster chest”. If the promise of treasure doesn’t
experience for her players. The door catch your players’ attention, experiment
outright presented itself as a puzzle. There with other rewards. There are many ways
was no environment to explore, and no you can make the reward obvious in the
promise of reward or any type of benefit to puzzles that you create.
solving the puzzle, other than to continue The papers on the desk are all written in
exploring. “In order to keep playing, you Common, but are written backwards. The
must solve my riddle.” mirror hints that the players should read

EN World EN5ider/TRAILseeker Creating Enjoyable Puzzles for Role Playing Games

the text in reverse. You can also create props
to make the puzzle more immersive. For
Puzzle Resources
Game Masters who want to create better
example, a sheet of alchemical ingredients
puzzles have many resources to draw
with all the text reversed might serve this
on, even outside the world of roleplaying
puzzle. Allowing the players to study a
games. Anthologies of puzzles, riddles,
physical artifact will help visual thinkers
and logic problems can be mined for
wrap their heads around your puzzle.
inspiration, and many puzzles can be stolen
At this point, the players will understand wholesale. Riddles from fantasy literature
they are solving a puzzle, but hopefully and mythology can also be used, but might
are curious enough to keep even the least be too obvious, since many gamers started
puzzle-centric gamers interested. The roleplaying because of fantasy books.
adventurers now have backwards notations,
Point-and-click adventure games, like
as well as a bookshelf with backward
Roberta Williams’ King’s Quest series, have
alphabetical books. To put it simply, they
an abundant wealth of puzzles, already
will overthink the puzzle immediately. Let
designed for gamers. The website
them. If they come up with a solution more is
interesting than yours, all the better.
an online collection of fan-created puzzle
The “real” solution to the alphabet puzzle games, many of which can be directly
is in the bookshelf, not the backwards imported into your home campaign.
letters. If the players investigate the
bookshelf, they find that the books are Final Words
unable to move away from the bookshelf— Puzzles can add a lot of fun to your tabletop
in fact, they are part of the bookshelf itself, sessions, and can be one of the most rewarding
carved from the wood. Touching a book things to design when building adventures. It
causes the letter on its back to glow with can also be frustrating to take the time to create
magic light for 10 seconds. If more books puzzles that your players end up not enjoying.
are touched, the light glows on each book, It is a wise decision to start small, designing
and all books remain illuminated until 10 a small amount of puzzles that may seem too
seconds after the last book was touched. easy. This will help gauge the table’s interest in
This presents the mechanic of the this sort of addition to the game.
alphabet puzzle: the bookshelf is magical Ultimately, there will be some groups
and the letters glow and time out when that simply don’t enjoy puzzles. Try not to
pressed, but they are linked together. force the issue, it won’t end well. The game
This is demonstrated by the first letter belongs to the whole table, and it will be
continuing to glow as others are activated. more enjoyable for everyone involved if you
The alphabet puzzle is solved by facilitate play that interests all of your players.
activating the letters N > E > P > O, which is Just don’t forget to have fun yourself. Try
simply OPEN spelled backwards. Though and find a happy medium between catering
this may seem like an easy password, to your players and indulging your own
the point of the puzzle is not to guess the interests. And be patient—learning how to
specific password, but to figure out the trick make a table of gamers happy might be the
to solving it. If your players have figured toughest puzzle of them all.
out the trick, but are struggling to guess the
Editor | James Haeck
password, consider allowing any cogent
Author | Carl Heyl
guesses (like “Y > E > K” or “K > C > O > L > Artist | Sade
N > U”) to open the box. Layout | Xanditz

EN World EN5ider/TRAILseeker | Creating Enjoyable Puzzles for Role Playing Games

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