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The mathematic model that show is possible come to the past

and solve a trouble that face this theories.

Imagine that you have a time machine, which you can travel through the time, at this moment
would have the possibility to travel to end of 2019 and avoid the coronavirus pandemic.
Your mission would be found the patient zero, just before they get contagious and start spread
the virus. That sound good, but the problem is that a little detail would stop you achieve this

Einstein was aware that his equation can demonstrate that travel through the time was possible.
But this possibility clashes with what the scientists call paradox, that would do impossible that
travel could be do. What is this paradox and why a new study ensure that is possible travel to
the past?

To understand what paradox is, we will return to the story of pandemic. If you travel to the past
and avoid the zero patient get contagious, immediately a paradox would be created. That is, if
you achieve avoid the beginning of pandemic then, today we don’t would have pandemic and
we don’t would have motive to travel to the past, thus, you don’t would travel to the past and
don’t avoid the pandemic. That is the paradox an infinite loop that produce a logic inconsistence
and destroy the illusion of the travel of the time.

There are many paradoxes, but one of the most famous is: The grandfather paradox, because
his grandson travel to the past for kill his grandfather before he had his father. The problem is if
kill his grandfather the traveler never could born. Thus, if don’t can’t born, then don’t can’t travel
at time too.

Now two Australian investigators propose a mathematic solution to avoid the paradox. The
investigators created a mathematic model were calculated that a “agent” that enter in a loop of
travel to past, can take different roads without modify the result of his actions. They abstract
exercise show how several “agents” can communicate in the past and the present within a
relation cause – effect.

Coming back to the example of pandemic, the study said that if someone travel to the past and
doing everything that they want to do but would be difficult change the final fact. Thus, you have
liberty to do anything, but would be impossible avoid the pandemic. Could be that while try to
stop the “zero patient” another person gets contagious or even yourself.

Now the investigators said, that is necessary to proof, if the abstracts conditions, they had used
to mathematic model, it works in current Physical theories.

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