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By Dudi – discord Dudi#7763

Getting Started With eBay

Getting Started With eBay First of all, we’ll need an eBay account.
There are two options:
• Opening a brand new one
• Buying an eBay account with feedback
I personally started with the first option, but now I prefer the second
option way more than the first one. Everyone can get started from
stretch but the process may be longer.
The choices are pretty straightforward; if you have money to spend,
go with the second option. If you don’t want to spend money or want
to start from stretch & build your own account, go with the first option.
Buying an account
There are a couple of sellers on Nulled. Nevertheless, you actually
don’t need a VPN or anything fancy for an eBay account that you’ve
bought. Some ebay account threads:
Limits and how to deal with them
With eBay, every time you open an account you have limitations that
can be increased the more you sales. You can request to increase
your limitations via phone, so if you feel comfortable enough talking
on phone, you can create a new account and call them. I usually sell
at least 5 times before calling them. If you want to skip that step, I
recommend buying an eBay account. You don’t have to call them
either, you can just wait until they’ll increase your limits, calling them
will just make the process faster.
What To Sell & How

And now for the juicy stuff.

How to sell on eBay successfully

I usually buy watchers & views from sellers on Nulled to get started faster.
Once you buy some watchers and views you’re all set, and sales will start
flowing in. You can buy watchers here.

What to sell
On eBay, you can really sell anything you want.
There’s nothing specific. You can just flip some random service on Nulled
and make a lot of money. Don’t worry, I’ll not leave you there. I’ll give you
some examples & personal products I’ve had success with, but I
encourage you to try new things and be creative.
I had success with:
- EDU Emails
- Spotify upgrades
- Office & Windows keys
-With netflix gift cards I made $200 in a week with selling cheap Netflix
gift cards I bought from Nulled.
- Fitbit chargé 3 – I bought it from sellers on nulled for $30 and sold it for
$70. I made with fitbit over $100 in 1 day on completly new account.
Additional Information

If you’re selling digital items, protection is very limited, which means that
winning chargebacks might be easier on some products. I rarely face
chargebacks but if I do, I just tell PayPal that I’ve sent the product and
everything is ok.
eBay fees
eBay charge monthly fees instead of taking money every sale, which
means that you’ll need to pay your fees at the end of every month. Now,
let’s say that you don’t have enough money to pay fees or you spent that
money, eBay will spam you with emails that you need to pay your fees
and they’ll rarely take action unless you’re using your real information. I
always pay fees because I want to use eBay as a long-term passive
income stream.
Account closure
Now, there’s always a chance that eBay will close your eBay account (not
your PayPal account, I’m talking about your eBay account) if you’re
selling digital items (which we do), but even if they do, it shouldn’t be a
big deal, it only means that you can’t sell anymore (they won’t take your
money or something). I just buy another account from my supplier and
start again with a different PayPal account, as long as I got my money I’m
21 day holds
Since we’re selling digital items, eBay will hold your money for 21-days
(even less if the buyer gave you positive feedback). If all of the buyers
gave you positive reputation you can call eBay and tell them to release
the funds. I got thousands of dollars on hold some days, you’ll just have
to be patient & make sure that everyone is satisfied. Instant delivery If
you want to instantly deliver the product, use this website, your customers
will be more satisfied if your delivery will be instant.

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