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Sample Annotated Text


D ear Editor FEATURES

Written in
present tense,
e.g. are, have
The Editor Author speaks
Greenpeace Australia News e.g. we, human
beings, our
Locked Bag 199 Use of word
families of
ANNANDALE NSW 2038 general nouns,
e.g. environment,
polluted land
Dear Lynette and water

Satement Use of passive

When are human beings going to accept responsibility for the voice to keep
of position environment and for the survival of animal species? focus, e.g. It
saddens me to
It saddens me to think that in our short time on this planet
Background we have annihilated thousands of animal species, punctured a Use of emotive
language, e.g.
information hole in the ozone layer, destroyed vast areas of irreplaceable destroyed,
rainforests and polluted land and water—to name just a
Use of
few of our crimes. nominalisation,
e.g. destruction
Argument 1 The continual destruction of animal habitats to make way for
High degree of
Background spreading urban populations or increased farming lands for modality, e.g.
must, can
Point growing food concerns me greatly. People are encroaching on
Elaboration animals’ territory and soon animals will no longer have the Use of action
space they need. People must work now to protect animal verbs, e.g. are
Use of
People are polluting the earth to such an extent that many conjunctions to
Argument 2 show cause and
waterways are not fit for swimming. Non-recyclable rubbish is effect, e.g. that,
Background and
Point growing at an incredible rate. People dump toxic waste at sea
Use of complex
Elaboration or bury it in the desert. Pumping sewage into our oceans sentences
causes the death of fish as well as animals further up the food Use of technical
chain such as whales. Rubbish such as plastic kills innocent language, e.g.
toxic waste, food
creatures such as seals, birds and turtles. chain, sewage

I urge all people to take responsibility for this earth we Use of saying
Reinforcement verbs, e.g. urge
share with other creatures and which we hold in trust for our
of statement Use of evaluative
children and our children’s children. We can do it if we work language,
of position e.g. to take
together. responsibility
Use of modality
Eric, Manly in conclusion,
e.g. can


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