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My Philosophy of Education

Veronica Ritter

My Classroom Environment
(at least 4 sentences)

I want my students to feel at home, or at least calm and comfortable when they enter my classroom. I
will let my students know they’re free to express themselves here by having posters reminding them of
that and inspirational quotes to remind them they’re all here to grow and have a purpose. My students
will get to decide whether they want to share themselves with the class or not, and although I want to
reinforce positivity everywhere I can in the classroom, I want my students to be able to release their
emotions as well. I would do this in an activity where students write out their feelings on paper then
crumble it and throw it as if they’re releasing those emotions. That or students write out their feelings
or situations and scramble them then read them anonymously so empathy can be created in the class,
and they will know to be kind because they know everyone is going through something.

My Ideal Classroom
(at least 4 sentences)

My ultimate ideal classroom would look colorful and as roomy as possible. It would include
comfortable seating in groups or pairs because that would be the easiest for group projects. I would
also have lots of fidget toys or trinkets that can help focus and be sure to have multiple rewards for
students if they’re doing well. I would have an inspirational quote each week on the whiteboard like my
last english teacher did too. Lastly, I’d have extra supplies on my desk and clear directions on where to
turn things in so papers wouldn’t get mixed.

Student/Teacher Relationship
(at least 4 sentences)

Having a healthy relationship with your students is essential to learning because a student can’t learn
well if they have multiple things on their mind or are unhappy. That’s why I want to make my class a
relaxing atmosphere where students feel like they come to me for anything. I will set that atmosphere
by having multiple emotional check ins and mental health days where students can focus on
themselves. I’ll let each student know this is a safe space and check in with them if something seems
wrong in order to know them by their name and need.

Motivating My Students
(at least 4 sentences)

If my students are unmotivated I would try giving extra time depending on the circumstance and if
they’ve done other work. I would try helping them if it’s one thing they’re stuck on or give them
checkpoints to work with. If none of these work, I would talk to them and see if there’s a reason behind
the unmotivation and change some of the assignments to cater their interests.
My Primary Goal
(at least 4 sentences)

If my students leave my class happy or happier then I feel like I’ve done my job. I want my class to be
one of the classes my students look forward to and I want to make the best environment for my
students as I can. If my students remember my class in the future and I can catch up with them to see
how they impacted the world that would be my main goal. I hope I can influence them positively in the
short time I’m in their life.

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