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lnfinitives of Purpose

Electronic0rganizer $89.95
Available at all Laсу,sDepartmeлt Stores.
Use me
r' Ю look up words
r' to store namesаnd phonе numbеrs
r' to add and subtraсt
t/ to write down ideas
r' to look сool!

Сheck аlI thе correct onswers.
What сan you use thе Datalator as?
П an address book t a telephone П adiсtionary t anotepad LJ a radio

сI]АRтсI]EсK AFFпrшAтlvЕ NЕGAтlvЕ

Сirclе T (Truе)or l p u t h is n u m b е rin my or ga n i z eг l pu t h i s n u mberi n my or ga n i z еr
F (Fаlsе), (in ordеr) to save it. in order not to losе it.
т F There are two l madе a note (in order) to l made a notе in ordеr not to
ways to form remеmber ouг date. forgеt our date.
the affirmаtive | |еftat 9:00 (in order) to | |еftat 9:00 in ordеr not to
infinitive of arrive еarly. arrive latе.
purposе. l ran (in order) to сatсh thе bus. I ran in order not to miss thе bus.
т F Thеre arе two
ways to form
the negative
infinitive of

|nfinitives оf Purрosе l 2|9

Unscromblеthese words to form two sentеncеs.

Store . addresses . use . I . an о organizet . to

I use an organizer to store adresses.

in order . I О not о set о oversleep o my . alarm сloсk r to

I set my alarm clock in order not to oversleep.

6 rarmrжar fixрlaиetf;ФШs Еxarrrрlеs

1. Use an infinitivе (to + base form of thе verb) A: whу did you 9o to Laсy,s?
to explain the purposeof an aсtion. ]t oftеn B : l wеnt therеto buy onе of thosе Data|atoгs
answersthe question Whу? I sa w i n a n a d.

Usдсв Noтв: |n spoken Еnglish,you сan аnswеr A: Whу did you go to Laсy,s?
the question Why? with an inсomplеtеsentenсе B: To buy an e|есtroniсoгganizег.
bеginningwith Тo.

2. You сan also usе thе longег form in ordеr to + l bought an organizеrin ordеr to store names
basе form of thе verb to explain a purpose. a n d ph on е n u mbeгs.
Usдсв Noтв: Тo + basе form of thе veгb is I bought an organizеrto store namеsand
more сommon in informalspeeсh and writing. ph on e n u mber s.

3. Usе in order not to + basе form of the vеrb I I use my Data|atorin ordеr not to makе
to еxorеssa nеoativeouroosе. mistakesin pronunсiation.
(l don,twqnt to mokе mistqkеs')

4. You сan also use noun/pronoun + infinitive l nееd an organizеr to hеIp mе remembеr
to exprеssthе ouroose of an obieсt. my sсhedule.

I need it to hеlp me remembermy sсhеdu|е.

22o l s"*

o Rеаd this сonversation.Undеrline oll thе infinitivеs thot еxprеsso purposе.


Yoкo: It,s 5:00. Aren,t yоu gоing home?

Lвв: I.[о.I,m staying late to finish this report. What about you? Are you going
straight homе?

Yoкo: No. I'm going to stop at the bank to get some сash. Thеn I'm going to Laсy,s
Departmеnt Store to take advantage of the sale they'rе having.

Lвв: oh, what are you going to get?

Yoкo; one of thosе nеw elесtroniс organizers they're advertising. I,ve bеen looking for
somеthing to help me with my work.

Lвш: What's Wrong with just a regular сalсulator?

Yoко: Nоthing. But sоmеtimes I have to сonvеrt other сurrenсies to dollars.

Lвш: What еlse are you going tо use it fоr?

Yoкo: oh, to store important names and phоne numbеrs and to balanсe my сheсkbook.

Lвв: What did we do beforе they invented all thеsе eleсtroniс gadgets?

Yoкo: Wе made a lot of mistakеs!

АNsv!ЕRо Look ot Yoko,slist of things to do, Then writе o phrose to answеr

еoch quеstion,

To Do
-Get gas
-Mаke dentаlappoiпtmеnt
_Buy batteгies
-Withdгaw $,loo
-lnvitе Flikaand Taгotо diпneг
-Buy milk and eggs

1. whv did she сall Dr. Tоwbin,s offiсе? To make a dental appointment^

2. whv did shе gо tо the bank? To withdraw $100.

3. whv did she сall Mrs. Watanabе? To invite Rika and Taro to dinner.
4. whv did shе go to the supermarket? To buy milk and eggs.
5. whv did she go to the elесtroniсs stоrе? To buy batteries.

6. whv did shе go to the serviсe station?

To get gas.
Еnfirritiчяes оf Рi;rr:оsсl l 22|'

m o For еoсh oction, find thе сorrectpurpose.

Aсtion Purpose
q 1. He enrolled in Chinese 101 beсause he a. didn't want to get any phone сalls.
b 2. She took a bus beсausе shе b. didn't want to be late.
f 3. She went to the store bесause shе G. wanted to store informatiоn.
a 4. We disсonneсted оur phone beсause we d. wanted to listеn to thе news.
d 5. He turned on the radio beсause he е. didn't want to worrу me.
e 6. He didn't tell me he was siсk beсause he f. needеd tо buy some dishes.
c 7. She bought a Datalator beсause she 9. wanted to lеarn the language.

REwRlтEo Сombinе the sеntencеports аbovе. Use thе infinitive of purposе.

1. He enro||edin Chineэe 1o1to learn the |anquage.

2. 1he took э buэ in order not,|o be |ate.

3. She went to the store (in order) to buy some dishes.

4. We disconnected our phone in order not to get any phone calls.
He turned on the radio (in order) to listen to the news.

He didn't tell me he was sick in order not to worry me.

She bought a Datalator (in order) to store information.

EDIT.Rеod Yoko,sjournol entry,Find ond сorrect six mistokesin the use of the infinitive
of purposе, The first mistoke is olreodу corrеctеd.

to gеt,
not to
to make
Dаtд.|'tnпа'rg. ,.!h|dg"
ta.f:п.d sиpеr!!..T.lэс.'!.hи.il.dtщ.sиp.сr.ta,tе.п.d.е.п't',!..нlа.п.te.
Yoи сап oroаrаm it for to olаи сomoиfur аolmеstoo, I doп,t kпo. hoш | linсd шithoиt it!
lffiI 0шr
Сirclе thе lеtter of the corrеct onswеr to completееаch sentеncе.

Jennifer never соffеe. A@ с D
(A)drink (С)is drinking
(B)drinks {D)was drinking

l. Maria,s gоing to stop dinneц so she may be late. ABсD

(A) еating (C)to eat
(B)for eating (D)еat

2. My glasses arе in my bоok bug, but I dоn't remember ABсD

them there.
(A)putting {C)I put
(B)to put (D)put

3. I askеd him -, but he went anyway. ABсD

(A}not to go (С)not gоing
(B)to not gо (D)hе doesn't go

4. in a forеign сountry is sоmetimеs diffiсult. AвсD

(А.)Ilive (C)Livе
(B)Living (D)Lives

5. He's not used to - uP so earlY. ABсD

(A) wake (С)wakes
(B)waken (D)waking

6. We're eighteen, So We'rе - vote. ABсD

tA) tоо оld tо (с) old enough tо
(B)yоung enoughto (D)old enough for

7. I don't think Tom enjoyеd mе study for the tеst. ABсD

(A) helping (C)hеlped
(B)to help (D)hеlps

8. I bought this nеw sоftware Chinese. ABсD

(A) for learning (C)to learn
(B)learning (D)learnеd

9. We got a new сard holder losе our сrеdit сards. ABсD

(A) in ordеr not to (С) not to
(B)not (D)for not

1 0 . It isn,t diffiсult this textbook. ABсD

(A) understand (C)for understanding
(B)in оrder to understand (D)to understand


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