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BIOL251 A002 Sum 20    Tests & Quizzes

Tests & Quizzes

Quiz 5  
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Part 1 of 1 - Part 1 100.0/ 100.0 Points

From chapter 25 (25.1-25.10)

Question 1 of 25
Which of the following statements is/are true of the urinary bladder? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. When it is stretched, the micturition reflex is stimulated.

B. It collects urine from both kidneys.

C. It is able to contain between 200 – 250 mL of urine before it becomes painful.

D. Will often spontaneously contract and empty through the urethra if it contains

E. A, B, and D are true.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 2 of 25
Diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus in very poor control would most likely be indicated by ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. normal

B. anuria

C. polyuria

D. oliguria

E. None of the above

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 3 of 25
The following statement(s) is/are true of the act of micturition: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Most often occurs spontaneously in adults.

B. Is a very simple act not involving the nervous system.

C. Involves coordination of nerve input from several different nerves and areas of the nervous system.

D. B and C are true statements

E. None of the above are correct

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 4 of 25
Most of the liquid that passes through the nephrons in recovered in the ___________ . 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. proximal convulsed tubule

B. loop of Henle

C. distal convoluted tubule

D. collecting ducts

E. All of these together

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 5 of 25
The functional unit of the kidney is called the ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. renal hilus

B. renal corpuscle

C. Loop of Henle

D. Bowman’s capsule

E. nephron

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 6 of 25
Renin is released in response to ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. decreased blood pressure

B. low red blood cell count

C. increased blood pressure

D. diuretics
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Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 7 of 25
The arterial blood pathway entering each nephron and then exiting each nephron is as follows: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Afferent artery, glomerulus, peritubular artery, efferent artery

B. Efferent artery, afferent artery, glomerulus, peritubular artery

C. Peritubular artery, afferent artery, efferent artery

D. Afferent artery, glomerular artery, efferent artery

E. None of the above is true.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 8 of 25
Up to _______ liters of liquid pass through the nephrons of the kidney each day. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. 4 – 8 L

B. 40 – 80 L

C. 20 – 40 L

D. 100 --180 L

E. 1 – 2 L

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 9 of 25
One of the many functions of the kidneys is to regulate renin release from the weakjuxtaglomerular cells of the afferent arteriole. What then occurs? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin I.

B. Angiotensin I is then converted into angiotensin II.

C. Angiotensin II can stimulate the adrenal gland to secrete the hormone aldosterone.

D. Sodium reabsorption is stimulated in the kidney

E. All of the above processes occur. This can lead to increasing the blood pressure.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 10 of 25
Urine is produced by the kidneys because of fluid that flows through which of the following? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Bowman’s capsule

B. Proximal convoluted tubule

C. Loop of Henle

D. Distal convoluted tubule

E. All of the above are involved in sequence.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 11 of 25
The principle task of the nephron population is to balance the plasma to homeostatic set points and excrete potential toxins in the urine. They do this by: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Filtration of blood

B. Reabsorption

C. Secretion

D. A and B

E. All of the above

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 12 of 25
The urinary system has some of the following roles in the human body: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Ridding the body of wastes

B. Regulation of blood pH

C. Regulation of blood pressure

D. Stimulate the production of red blood cells

E. All of the above are true.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 13 of 25
Urine that is produced in the kidney will follow the following pathway before it is expelled outward: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Urethra, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder

B. Renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

C. Urinary bladder, renal pelvis, ureter

D. Urinary bladder, ureter, renal pelvis, urethra

E. None of the above is true

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 14 of 25
A cross-sectional view of a kidney shows the outer _______ of the organ and the inner ______ of the organ. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Cortex, medulla

B. Medulla, pelvis

C. Papilla, cortex

D. Cortex, pelvis

E. Cortex, collecting system

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 15 of 25
The normal GFR in an adult (male or female) is _________ ml/min. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. 5 – 10

B. 100 –180

C. 20 – 40

D. 80 – 140

E. 80 – 110

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 16 of 25
Which hormone does the kidney produce that stimulates red blood cell production? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. angiotensin

B. thrombopoeitin

C. vitamin D

D. renin

E. erythropoietin (EPO)

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 17 of 25
The “fine tuning” of water recovery or disposal occurs in ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. the proximal convoluted tubule

B. the collecting ducts

C. the ascending loop of Henle

D. the distal convoluted tubule

E. the descending loop of Henle

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 18 of 25
The primary structure found within the medulla of the kidney is the ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. minor calyces

B. nephron

C. portal system

D. loop of Henle

E. ureter

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 19 of 25
A normal daily urine output should be: 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. 200 – 500 mL

B. 500 – 800 mL

C. 1 – 2 L

D. 2 –3 L

E. 3 – 4 L

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 20 of 25
___________ is a less-often used, but proper term for urination or voiding. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. micturition

B. elimination

C. defecation

D. incontinence

E. None of the above

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 21 of 25
Production of less than 50 mL/day of urine is called ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. polyuria

B. hyperuria

C. normal

D. oliguria

E. anuria

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 22 of 25
Mechanisms by which substances move across membranes for reabsorption or secretion include ____________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Active transport

B. Diffusion

C. Facilitated diffusion

D. Osmosis

E. All of the above

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 23 of 25
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true of the kidney? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. Each kidney is approximately the same size as an adult’s fist.

B. Is located posterior to the abdominal peritoneum.

C. Are well protected by ribs 10 – 12.

D. Is very poorly vascularized.

E. A, B, and C are correct.

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 24 of 25
Which of these beverages does not contain diuretic compounds? 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. tea

B. alcohol

C. milk

D. Coca Cola

E. coffee

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!

Question 25 of 25
Peristaltic contractions occur in the ________. 4.0/ 4.0 Points

A. urethra

B. urinary bladder

C. ureters

D. renal pelvis

E. A, B, and C are correct

Feedback: Good work; your answer is correct!


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