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Snazzy Sunnies


In health and Physical Education this year we have been learning about how
important it is to be sun smart. To protect our eyes from the sun we wear
sunglasses and we have been learning in science which materials light passes


For this task, students will be designing and creating a pair of sunglasses
that will allow light to pass through the lenses, protect students eyes from
the sun and also look stylish and unique compared to a normal pair of

Coloured Students will work in groups of
Students will work in groups of three

Cellophane three that the teacher will assign
Plastic/Glad wrap
Feathers/sequins to design and create their
Aluminium wrap Masking/clear tape sunglasses. Groups will be given
Pipe cleaners Scissors
Recycled plastic one 40 minute lesson to plan and
bottles/containers design their sunglasses and one 40
Paper minute lesson to create their
design. Students will be limited to
the materials listed to the left.
Students will deliver a written
Student use school safe scissors.
design brief in their group with
Sharp edges are removed from
their ideas, planning for materials,
all plastic.
and reflection along with their
Students do not run around the
physical creation and a recorded
presentation explaining what they
have made.

1. Students will watch the teacher demonstrate an example of creating a design and then break
into their allocated groups to discuss how they will create something that meets the
requirements, draw their annotated design and then list the materials and tools they will need.
2. Students will fill out their written design brief worksheet and hand it in to the teacher.
3. Students will collect their materials and create their design within their groups, with assistance
from the teacher if needed and hand it in..
4. Students will take a picture of their creation with an iPad and discuss as a group how they would
like to present it to the class and what they would like to say.
5. Students will perform an oral present on their design to the class.
6. Students will fill out the reflection section of the worksheet, reflecting on the process, any issues
they encountered and how they could improve next time.

This task will be assessed in summative form Students will present their creation by
by collection of the design plan and reflection standing up the front of the class and
worksheet and the physical creation students explaining the following key points:
have made. Students will be assessed on What is their design - the features.
their ability to create something unique and What is the purpose of their design.
that meets the criteria, to work in a group,
How did they create their design -
to effectively communicate their ideas and to
present their ideas to a class.

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