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                            BEED 1-A                         October 31, 2020

ESSAY WRITING:  (Submit your essay not later than three days. Your score will be based on
the Rubric posted below)

Write an essay/composition of 150-250 words with the topic: “What Globalization Means to


In my own understanding of what I learned in our discussion these last 2 weeks,

globalization is an integration and interaction of both developed and developing countries around
the globe in terms of technology, political, cultural, businesses, international trade of goods and
other products, investments and most especially in economic growth.

Globalization helps every nation to access new cultures that later on will be practiced and
adapted. It promotes innovations, especially in technology. In the past decades, there has been a
rapid improvement in the spread of technology in different countries around the globe.  
Nowadays, most of us can’t last a day without the use of technology. Technology is everywhere,
in our workplace, home, school, etc. that’s why we need to embrace those innovations whether
we like it or not because we are in a high-technology world.  It makes the whole wide world
close to each other by the help of every technology and new innovations that the developed
countries invented. According to Swedish journalist Thomas Larsson, in his book The Race to
the Top: The Real Story of Globalization (2001), stated that globalization: “is the process of
world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing
ease with which somebody on one side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with
somebody on the other side of the world.”  In other words, it makes the life of every individual
easier to integrate and interact in different countries due to modern technology in transport and
communication. It makes the standard of living higher across the globe that helps to decrease
poverty. It serves as the stepping-stone that built different organizations such as World Trade
Organization (WTO), United Nation (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), European Union
(EU), International Labour Organization (ILO), World Bank, and many others that will help both
developing and developed countries to set international agenda, mediating political bargaining,
providing a place for political initiatives and acting as catalysts for the coalition- formation. They
facilitate cooperation and coordination among member nations. Globalization also has a big
impact in the world's economic growth, in the way of companies and other businesses. The
biggest taxes are from these businesses that are reserved for the yearly-budget of the
government. It also provides employment opportunities among people. We can’t deny the fact
that even our government does business that is actually okay as long as it is for the sake of its
people and it doesn’t violate any law. Because of globalization, the costs of products become
lower. It is because of the partnership transactions of every country around the world. One
example of this is the diplomatic relationship between China and the Philippines. China produces
products that most of the Filipinos can afford. Chinese businesses are booming here in our
country and they also become a big part of our economy. Yet on the other hand, Globalization
also creates bad things that can affect most of us and it is definitely normal. Every good has a
bad affiliation. One of these is it fuels inequality. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It
made those who are on chairs drunk with their power, while those destitute people remain on
below. It destroys our environment. Every innovation needs a sacrifice. When we build big
infrastructure, buildings or malls, many trees and forests will be destroyed as well as the water
resources. According to environmentalists and green activists, “the industrial waste that is
generated as a result of production has been laden on ships and dumped in oceans. This has
killed many underwater organisms and has deposited many harmful chemicals in the ocean. The
damage caused to the ecosystem from the oil that spilled from one of the leaking containers of
British Petroleum in 2010 is just one of the examples of the threat globalization poses to the
environment”. Therefore, globalization is incompatible with environmental protection.  Last but
not the least, globalization leaves us vulnerable to infectious diseases. One of the best examples
of this is the pandemic that we are facing right now. It is because of the boundaries that
welcomed foreign citizens and our government prioritized the diplomatic relationship with
China. Look at us now, suffering from this pandemic that killed and destroyed many lives
because we lack so much medicinal advancements to eradicate the virus compared to those
developed countries. On the other hand, the USA is a developed country but still suffers and is
one of the most affected countries worldwide.

Therefore, I conclude that globalization does not only good for us but might also give bad
things. But, the important thing is, our international organizations did not neglect us and did their
very best to provide solutions to these problems.


POINTS 15 12 8 5
  Writers clearly Writers Writers Writers
answered all answered in answered some attempted to
ANSWER parts of the complete parts of the answer, but
questions in sentence, but the question, but answer is
complete answer may not left other parts unclear to the
sentence. be clear. incomplete. reader & not
in complete

  Writers cited Writers cited Writers may Writers did

evidence(s) evidence(s) for have cited not cite
CITE directly from some parts. evidence(s). evidence(s)
the text. It is Some parts do Most parts of from the text
clearer to the not have the answer do in any parts of
reader evidence. not have their answer

  Writers Writers explain Writers Writers did

explained all most parts of explained some not explain or
EXPLAIN/EXPAN parts of their their answer in parts of their expand their
D answer in clear clear terms. answer, but answer.
terms to their Some parts are most of the
reader. Writer left unexplained. answer does not
expanded their Writers may not have an
idea beyond have expanded explanation as
simply their idea. to why the
answering the writers believe.

Total points (45)        

/45 = ___ %

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