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Surgical Management of Congenital

(Non-Ebstein) Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation

Sameh M. Said,a Harold M. Burkhart,b and Joseph A. Dearanic

Congenital tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR) is a relatively uncommon condition that

includes a heterogeneous group of lesions with a unique management strategy. There are
wide anatomic variations that lead to congenital TR in patients without Ebstein malforma-
tion. Possible etiologies may include primary valve abnormalities (eg, congenital absence
of chordae) or other forms of tricuspid valve dysplasia as in congenitally unguarded
tricuspid valve, and patients with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum, which
can be similar to Ebstein’s valves or secondary regurgitation in association with other
anomalies as in atrioventricular septal defects, right ventricular outflow tract obstructive
lesions (pulmonary stenosis or atresia with ventricular septal defect [VSD]), tricuspid valve
annular dilatation in association with right ventricular volume overload lesions as in
congenital coronary arterial fistula with secondary right ventricular enlargement, and Uhl’s
anomaly. Iatrogenic etiologies in the congenital population include TR secondary to pre-
vious VSD closure (chordal or leaflet injury), pacemaker or internal cardiac defibrillator
lead-induced TR, and traumatic TR (ruptured chordae). Presentation depends on the
severity of the disease and may be apparent in infancy, childhood, or adulthood.
Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Ann 15:46-60 © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

Anatomic and Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia

In general, there are two categories of TV dysplasia (Table 1);
Surgical Considerations those with and those without downward displacement. Cases

T he tricuspid valve has a complex anatomic structure

composed of three well-developed leaflets: chordae ten-
dinae, papillary muscles, and the tricuspid annulus. The
with downward displacement, which is caused by failure of
delamination of valve leaflets from the underlying myocar-
dium, are by definition, Ebstein malformation (EM). Al-
right atrium and right ventricle (RV) play an important role in though downward displacement is often given as the sole
that complex structure as well (Fig. 1).1-9 TV competency feature of EM, dysplasia of the leaflets and subvalvar appara-
depends on successful interaction between these compo- tus are an almost universal feature as well. The pathognomic
nents. findings of EM are downward displacement caused by failure
The 3-dimensional complex structure of the TV annulus of delamination, whether or not features of dysplasia are
differs from that of the “saddle-shaped” mitral annulus. It is present, and a myopathy of the RV that is also a result of
also a dynamic structure that changes its shape in relation to failure of delamination. When downward displacement is
the cardiac cycle (Fig. 2A-B).10 All these facts need to be absent, then the anatomic entity is referred to as “tricuspid
considered during TV repair.11 valvular dysplasia.”12
Echocardiography confirms the diagnosis, determines the
degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR), allows accurate
evaluation of the tricuspid leaflets and subvalvar apparatus
aDivision of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. (displacement, tethering, dysplasia, etc.), size and function of
bAssociate Professor of Surgery, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo the right and left ventricles, and detection of septal defects.
Clinic, Rochester, MN. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being increasingly used
cProfessor of Surgery, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic,
in all types of patients with cardiac disease, including those
Rochester, MN.
Address correspondence to Joseph A. Dearani, MD, Division of Cardiovas-
with EM and other forms of congenital TR. Functional assess-
cular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905; ment can be made including quantitative measurements of
E-mail: left and right ventricular size and function (Fig. 3). At pres-

46 1092-9126/12/$-see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 47

Table 1 Etiologies of Congenital Tricuspid Regurgitation

Primary valvar abnormalities
With Displacement ⴝ Ebstein’s anomaly
Without Displacement ⴝ Non-Ebstein’s (Tricuspid Valve
TV dysplasia in pulmonary atresia with intact septum
Congenitally unguarded TV
Uhl’s anomaly
Secondary valvar abnormalities
Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD)
Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO)
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (PA/
Pulmonary stenosis
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) with VSD
Gerbode defect
TV annular dilatation (Volume overload lesion)
Coronary artery fistula
Atrial septal defect
Figure 1 Pathologic specimens showing tricuspid valve with dys- Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
plastic leaflets but no displacement. TV, tricuspid valve. (Reprinted (PAPVC)
with permission from the Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Ed- Iatrogenic TR
ucation and Research.). Detachment of TV leaflet during VSD closure

ent, we use echocardiography (2- and 3-dimensional) for

evaluation of TV anatomy and MRI for assessment of right
and left ventricular size and function. ally dysplastic (Fig. 4) and may require surgical intervention
TR in the Setting of Pulmonary from the beginning. In addition, reoperation for persistent or
Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum recurrent TR is almost inevitable in this group of patients, and
Patients with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum the likelihood of a successful repair and re-repair will decrease
(PA/IVS) tend to have a higher incidence of a regurgitant TV. with time. The application of various valvuloplasty techniques
The mechanism of this regurgitation is different from patients that have been learned with other TV abnormalities (eg, cone
with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). In TOF, TR is usually caused by technique for EM) has been helpful in optimizing successful
right ventricular dilatation with secondary annular dilatation tricuspid valvuloplasty. The addition of a bidirectional cavopul-
from long-standing pulmonary regurgitation. The degree of TR monary anastomosis (BDCPA) (ie, 1.5 ventricle repair) to the
reflects the degree of right ventricular dilation in these cases, and tricuspid valvuloplasty can be considered when there is hyp-
the progression of TR has been an indication to proceed with oplasia of the RV or significant RV dysfunction to avoid or delay
pulmonary valve replacement (PVR). In PA/IVS, the TV is usu- valve replacement. A single-ventricle pathway can be consid-

Figure 2 (A) The reconstructed ring shape for tricuspid annuloplasty based on the average results obtained in healthy
subjects at the time of minimum tricuspid annulus area. The positive x-y-z axis indicates the respective directions
toward the septum, the posterior wall, and the right atrium. The average of each of the manually selected TA locations
is indicated by the white dot. A, anterior; L, lateral; P, posterior; S, septum; TA, tricuspid annulus. (B) Dynamic changes
in the tricuspid valve annulus during cardiac cycle. (Reprinted with permission.)
48 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 3 Left: Three-dimensional reproduction of heart with Ebstein malformation demonstrating: views of tricuspid
valve from (A) short axis and (B) axial imaging. Right: Cardiac MRI showing systolic and diastolic contours of functional
RV and atrialized portion of RV in (A,B) axial and (C,D) short-axis views. (E) Severity index representing ratio of areas
of right atrium and atrialized RV in numerator and summation of functional RV and left atrium and left ventricular areas
in denominator (ie, severity index ⫽ [right atrial area ⫹ atrialized right ventricular area]/[functional right ventricular
area ⫹ left atrial area ⫹ left ventricular area]). (F) Degree of apical displacement of septal leaflet of tricuspid valve (in
millimeters) measured in ventricular diastole. aRV, atrialized right ventricle. fRV, functional right ventricle; LA, left
atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; TVAL, tricuspid valve anterior leaflet; TVPL, tricuspid valve posterior leaflet;
TVSL, tricuspid valve septal leaflet. (Reprinted with permission.)

ered as an alternative to two right-sided valve replacements, overload with secondary right ventricular dilatation and the de-
particularly when the RV is on the smaller side. velopment of functional TV regurgitation.13 TR can also result
Tricuspid Regurgitation in Association from leaflet distortion associated with VSD closure in such cases.
with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract PVR is indicated in this group of patients in the presence of
Obstruction (TOF, Pulmonary Stenosis symptoms, RV volume overload, or the development to arrhyth-
or PA with Ventricular Septal Defect) mias (atrial or ventricular). Concomitant TV repair at the time of
The free pulmonary regurgitation that results from relief of right PVR is still controversial because it is unclear the effect of PVR
ventricular outflow tract obstruction, as an essential component alone on RV size and secondary TR. In the series reported by
of the complete surgical repair of TOF, pulmonary stenosis, and Kogon et al,14 the authors analyzed 35 patients who underwent
PA with ventricular septal defect (VSD), can result in volume PVR subsequent to repair of TOF or congenital pulmonary ste-
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 49

arrhythmias and the progression of ventricular dysfunction

and right-sided heart failure. The importance of continued
follow-up for all patients on a regular basis cannot be over-
emphasized so that the timing of reoperation is optimized. In
general, we prefer a flexible ringed annuloplasty for tricuspid
repair when somatic growth is complete and utilize eccentric
annuloplasty techniques in earlier childhood.
Tricuspid Regurgitation in Association with VSD
VSD is one of the most frequently encountered congenital
cardiac anomalies. TR in association with VSD can result
from various mechanisms which may include: (1) leaflet de-
formity, (2) TV overriding or straddling, (3) abnormal
chordal attachments (Fig. 5), (4) clefts in or between the
tricuspid valve leaflets, (5) Gerbode defect, (6) leaflet distor-
tion secondary to patch closure of VSD, and (7) TV detach-
Figure 4 Intraoperative photo showing dysplastic tricuspid valve in
ment. Detachment of the TV septal and/or anterior leaflet is
the setting of PA with IVS. (Reprinted with permission from the
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.) sometimes required to facilitate VSD closure, which in turn
may reduce the chance of residual shunt or heart block. The
concern with this technique is related to the potential for TV
dysfunction and regurgitation, but the data are few and long-
nosis in the period between 2002 and 2008. These patients had
term outcomes related to the TV function are unknown. The-
at least moderate TR at the same time of their PVR. The degree of
oretical impairment of the TV annulus in the long term may
TR as well as RV dilatation decreased significantly at 1 month
also exist, which can result in valvular stenosis.18 Bol-Raap et
postoperatively, with no further improvement at late follow-up.
al19 reported a series of 188 patients who underwent VSD
We analyzed the outcomes of 53 patients who had surgical
closure between 1992 and 2001. Temporary detachment of
treatment of pulmonary valve stenosis between 1951 and
the TV was performed in 46 patients (24%). Trivial TR was
1982.15 In 28 patients, there were 35 re-interventions, which
present postoperatively in 10 patients (22%) among the de-
included PVR for free pulmonary regurgitation in 21 patients,
tachment group, and in 57 patients from the non-detach-
open valvotomy in five, and pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty in
ment group (40%). No patient developed tricuspid stenosis.
three for residual pulmonary valve stenosis, closure of atrial
Mean follow-up was 2.6 years, and no patient required re-
septal defect in two, right ventricular outflow tract reconstruc-
operation for TV dysfunction. Although controversial, the
tion in one, closure of iatrogenic VSD in one, ligation of aorto-
study reported by Tatebe et al20 recommended avoidance of
pulmonary fistula in one, and tricuspid valve annuloplasty with
detachment of the TV in small infants and those with Down
simultaneous coronary artery bypass grafting in one patient. In
syndrome because of the high incidence of TR. However, we
addition, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias were common, oc-
agree with Bol-Raap et al that VSD closure can be performed
curring in 20 patients (38%). Severe pulmonary valve regurgi-
tation, although well tolerated initially, has deleterious effects on
RV systolic function and exercise capacity over time. In addition,
evidence suggests that long-standing pulmonary regurgitation
with right-sided cardiac chamber enlargement may be associ-
ated with the development of arrhythmias and sudden death.16
In our practice, we have used the development or progression of
TR related to annular dilation as an indication for PVR. In addi-
tion, it is our policy to repair the TV when TR is graded moderate
or more. Importantly, the decision to repair the TV should be
made preoperatively because the conditions of anesthesia gen-
erally reduce the grade of TR by at least one grade.
There were a total of 446 reoperations for conduit failure in
370 patients in the period from 1964 to 2001.17 Progression
of TR is an indication for conduit replacement in this group of
patients. We have a low threshold for tricuspid valve repair
under these circumstances, and it is considered at the time of
the first conduit change or concomitant with PVR. TV repair
represented 5.7% of the total associated procedures that were
performed at the initial time of the conduit operation during Figure 5 Pathologic specimen showing abnormal chordal attachment
the same time period.17 Progression of TR is considered as a (arrow) of the tricuspid valve in relation to the VSD. TV, tricuspid valve;
marker of the progression of conduit dysfunction and the VSD, ventricular septal defect. (Reprinted with permission from the
need for surgical intervention to prevent the occurrence of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.)
50 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 6 (A) Cardiac CT scan with 3D reconstruction showing giant right coronary artery aneurysm (black arrow) in the
setting of congenital right coronary artery-to-coronary sinus fistula. (B) Cardiac MRI showing partial anomalous
pulmonary venous connection of the right upper pulmonary vein to the superior vena cava. In A or B, the tricuspid
valve annulus is usually dilated secondary to right ventricular enlargement and volume overload. RCA, right coronary
artery; PAPV, partial anomalous pulmonary vein; SVCL, superior vena cava. (Reprinted with permission of the Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research.)

safely with a very low complication rate, and TV detachment Tricuspid Regurgitation Secondary to Annular
does not result in an increased incidence of TR. Dilatation and Right Ventricular Volume Overload
Congenital coronary arterial fistulae (Fig. 6A), atrial septal defect,
The Gerbode Defect
and partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (Fig. 6B) rep-
Left ventricular-to-right atrial shunts represent less than 1%
of congenital heart diseases.21 In 1958, Franke Gerbode re- resent examples of congenital lesions that are characterized by
ported the first series of successful repairs of such anoma- large left-to-right shunt. The resultant large RV volume overload
lies.22 The septal leaflet of the TV divides the membranous leads to RV enlargement with secondary TV annular dilatation.
septum into interventricular and atrioventricular (AV) por- The end result may be the development of significant TR.
tions. The defect can occur in any or both of these portions;
the septal leaflet of the TV is commonly involved. If the shunt TR Secondary to Implantable Permanent
is in the interventricular segment of the membranous sep- Pacemaker or Cardioverter-Defibrillator Leads
tum, it can result in significant TR. This often requires repair The use of permanent pacemakers (PPM) and implantable
at the time of VSD closure. cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) in the congenital population

Figure 7 Pathologic specimens (A-B) and intraoperative photo (C) showing perforation or entanglement of the tricuspid valve
leaflet with pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillators lead (arrows). (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Clinic.)
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 51

is increasing because both atrial and/or ventricular arrhyth- Table 2 Indications for Surgery
mias are a frequent late complication. A. Tricuspid Regurgitation
Consequently, TR secondary to these devices are increas- Symptoms or reduced exercise intolerance
ing. The mechanisms of TR (Fig. 7A-C) are related to: (1) Cyanosis (concomitant interatrial communication)
leaflet perforation by the lead; (2) lead entanglement of the Progressive RV dilatation
TV apparatus; (3) lead impingement of the TV leaflets; and Progression of RV dysfunction
(4) lead adherence to the TV. In our experience, we analyzed Onset, progression of arrhythmias
the records of 571 consecutive patients with non-Ebstein TR B. Pulmonary Valve Replacement
who underwent TV operation for severe TR in the period Symptoms of right heart failure and exercise intolerance
RV systolic pressure > 2/3 of systemic blood pressure
between 1993 and 2010. Twenty-five patients (4%) had se-
RVEDVI > 150 ml/m2
vere TR secondary to PPM or ICD lead placement. TV re- Onset, progression of arrhythmias
placement was performed in 14 patients (56%), while it was Prolongation of QRS complex > 180 msec or > 3.5
repaired in the remaining 11 patients (44%). msec/year
Progressive RV dysfunction
Progression of TR
Indications for Surgery
TR has been considered a benign lesion for a long time, but
recent studies suggest that irrespective of pulmonary artery
pressure or left ventricular ejection fraction, TR negatively include suturing the base of the intact papillary muscle on
affects long-term survival.23 The reported 2-year postopera- the RV free wall to the ventricular septum (Sebening
tive event-free survival in the presence of severe preoperative stitch) at the appropriate level with interrupted, pledgeted
RV dysfunction is 57%.24 Severe TR induces chronic RV vol- mattress sutures (Fig. 9).29 It is important to place these
ume overload, which leads to progressive ventricular dilata- mattress sutures deep into the ventricular septum and that
tion, dysfunction, and eventually right-sided heart failure. the anterior leaflet has been thoroughly mobilized (delam-
Timely correction of TR will preserve RV function, improve inated). Alternatively, a monocusp-type repair based on a
functional capacity, and improve long-term survival. TV re- large anterior leaflet has also been successful.30,31 It is im-
pair is the preferred treatment strategy when it is feasible, portant that the repair is tension free. To facilitate this,
particularly in children. Optimal timing is now recom- augmentation of the mid-anterior leaflet with an ellipse of
mended before the onset of RV dysfunction, even in asymp- autologous pericardium or other pliable synthetic material
tomatic patients.25,26 as CorMatrix (Fig. 10) can increase the height of the ante-
The indications for surgery (summarized in Table 2) in TR rior leaflet, which facilitates coaptation with the ventricu-
include symptoms or cyanosis (when atrial septal defect is pres- lar septum while minimizing tension at an inferior annu-
ent), decreased exercise tolerance, progressive cardiomegaly on loplasty line. Importantly, we avoid the creation of
chest x-ray, progressive RV dilatation or reduction of RV systolic complete pericardial leaflets (from annulus to leading
function by echocardiography, or appearance of atrial or ven- edge) because of poor durability. When inferior leaflet
tricular arrhythmias. In borderline situations, the echocardio- tissue is absent, this area is often the site of residual regur-
graphic determination of high probability of TV repair makes gitation, but this area can be bridged with a piece of au-
the decision to proceed earlier with operation easier. tologous pericardium (Fig. 11A-B). If no septal leaflet is
Progression of TR is taken into consideration for timing of found, we perform the surgical delamination of the ante-
intervention for PVR as well (Table 2). In general, we repair rior and inferior leaflets as usual, and then the papillary
the TV when the degree of TR is moderate or more at the time muscle(s) is mobilized and sutured to septum. The ante-
of PVR. It is important to make the decision for TV interven- rior leaflet is rotated clockwise toward the septum, and the
tion on preoperative outpatient echocardiography rather inferior leaflet is sutured to the septum beyond the coro-
than on intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography nary sinus instead of the septal leaflet. In case of complete
because of the difference in hemodynamics under general tethering of the leading edge of the leaflet (ie, linear at-
anesthesia. tachment; Fig. 12A-B), surgical fenestrations are per-
formed distally, which effectively result in the develop-
ment of chordae (Fig. 12C). Annular plication sutures,
Surgical Techniques purse-string annuloplasty, or eccentric commissuroplasty
Tricuspid Valve Repair can be performed to further narrow the tricuspid annulus.
The goal of the operation is repair of the TV. To increase A flexible annuloplasty C-shaped ring is our preference and
the number of successful TV repairs, particularly in chil- is used routinely when somatic growth allows. This begins
dren, we have been using a cone-type reconstruction (Fig. at the anteroseptal commissure and ends at the inferosep-
8A-J).27,28 This results in 360° of tricuspid leaflet tissue tal commissure (adjacent to the coronary sinus).
surrounding the right AV junction. This allows leaflet tis- The addition of an edge-to-edge stitch, thus creating a
sue to coapt with leaflet tissue, similar to what occurs with double orifice TV, can be added to the above maneuvers to
normal TV anatomy. The hinge point of the reconstructed optimize coaptation and improve valve competency in selected
TV is at the true TV annulus (AV junction). Modifications circumstances provided iatrogenic stenosis is avoided. Closure
52 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 8 Operative steps for the “cone technique.” (A) The first incision is made with a no. 15 blade in the anterior
leaflet at 12:00; the incision is a few millimeters away from the true annulus. The incision is then extended
rightward in a clockwise fashion using a scissors. It is common for there to be a true space between the anterior
leaflet and the RV in this region (ie, normally delaminated leaflet). However, when the transition is met between
the anterior and inferior (posterior) leaflets, it is common for there to be failure of delamination (inset), resulting
in fibrous and muscular attachments between the leaflet and myocardium. The diagram demonstrates the scissors
approaching the area where there is some adherence of leaflet tissue to the underlying myocardium. The
dissection continues in a way that a portion of distal anterior leaflet and some inferior leaflet tissue is “surgically
delaminated.” The most important aspect of this surgical delamination is to incise all fibrous and muscular
attachments between the body of the leaflet and the right ventricular myocardium, but to maintain intact all
fibrous and (and occasionally muscular) attachments of the leading edge of the leaflet to the underlying myocar-
dium. Importantly, do not disrupt chordal attachments to the leading edge of any leaflet. (B) As the anterior and
surgically delaminated inferior leaflet is reflected away from the right ventricular myocardium, all fibrous and
muscular attachments into the body of the underside of the leaflet are incised as shown with the scissors. It is
important to keep all attachments of the leading edge of the leaflet intact; if the edge is linearly attached, then
surgical fenestrations are created distally. The dotted triangle represents the atrialized RV. (C) Dissection is
continued with a scissors, with the goal of taking down all attachments between the septal leaflet and myocardium
but preserving all attachments of the leading edge to the endocardium, as described above. The dissection should
proceed medially all the way to the anteroseptal commissure. The leaflet tissue is typically very fragile and thin in
this area. There can be marked variability in the status of the leading edge of the septal leaflet as was described for
the anterior and inferior leaflets. If there is a linear attachment, then surgically created fenestrations are also made
in this leaflet (not shown). (D) Intraoperative photo demonstrating the mobilized anterior and inferior (posterior)
leaflets. Natural fenestrations are shown at the junction of the anterior and inferior leaflets (arrows). LV, left
ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (Figure continues.)
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 53

Figure 8 (E) After the anterior, inferior, and septal leaflets have been completely mobilized, the cut edge of the inferior leaflet
is rotated clockwise to meet the proximal edge that has been prepared of the septal leaflet. The two are approximated with
interrupted 6-0 monofilament sutures completing the cone reconstruction. This results in 360° of leaflet tissue that will make
up the new tricuspid valve orifice. (F) After the cone reconstruction is completed, the atrialized RV (RV) is examined to
determine if plication is necessary. Note the position of the right coronary artery (RCA) in the true tricuspid valve annulus and
keep in mind that there are acute marginal branches of the right coronary artery that can also be compromised with plication.
This figure demonstrates the technique for internal plication of the atrialized RV. Monofilament 4-0 or 5-0 is utilized and the
suture is begun distally, ie, closest to the apex of the RV. It is important to frequently examine the outside of the inferior wall
of the RV to insure that inadvertent compromise of branches of the right coronary artery is avoided. (G) The suture line is
advanced toward the base of the heart, ie, toward the AV groove. As the dotted lines of the triangle are effectively approxi-
mated, the atrialized RV is excluded. Occasionally, the suture line extends beyond the AV groove onto the right atrium. Care
is taken to avoid compromise of the right coronary artery. After the sides of the triangle are approximated, the entrance into
the excluded atrialized segment of the RV is then closed to eliminate the “blind pouch.” (H) After the plication or resection
is completed, the newly constructed tricuspid valve is then reattached below the level of the true tricuspid annulus (ventric-
ular side of conduction tissue). Because the neotricuspid valve will have an orifice that is smaller than the original dilated AV
junction, a plication of the inferior annulus is necessary to meet the size of the neotricuspid valve. The inferior annulus is
usually plicated with two to four simple or figure-of-eight 5-0 monofilament sutures. Proper placement of these sutures is
critical to the success of this repair. The sutures need to be deep enough to maintain the integrity of the new annulus intact without
compromising or significantly distorting the right coronary artery. If the size discrepancy between the true tricuspid annulus and the
neotricuspid valve is large, smaller annular plication sutures should be placed in multiple areas around the true annulus to avoid
distortion of the right coronary artery by a large plication in a single area. To avoid heart block, the suture line is deviated caudad to
the membranous septum and AV node, which is marked by the previously mentioned vein and fatty tissue. (Figure continues.)

of intra-atrial shunts is performed routinely when operation is this commissure together, thus obliterating that commissure.
performed beyond infancy. Right reduction atrioplasty is rou- In the presence of annular dilatation, a flexible annuloplasty
tinely performed, and the maze procedure is added when atrial ring can be added to remodel the annulus as described above
tachyarrhythmias are present. (Fig. 13B).
In cases of TR secondary to VSD closure, there is often In the presence of AV septal defect (Fig. 14A-B), closure of
disrupted commissural chordae (Fig. 13A) at the anteroseptal the residual cleft in the left AV valve is performed, and place-
commissure with or without annular dilatation. Treatment ment of annuloplasty rings on each valve is routine. In se-
consists of approximating the adjacent edges of the leaflets at lected situations, leaflet augmentation with pericardium or
54 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 8 (I) The completed cone reconstruction of the tricuspid valve. Saline is injected via bulb syringe into the RV to
examine competency of the tricuspid valve. Any residual fenestrations or areas of leak are repaired as needed. A subtotal
closure of the patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect is usually performed. If it is believed that a bidirectional Glenn
shunt is needed because of a small effective orifice of the neotricuspid valve, or because of severely depressed RV
function, then the intra-atrial communication may be closed completely. Redundant right atrium is excised from each
side of the atriotomy and then the atriotomy is closed. RCA, right coronary artery. (Inset; ring annuloplasty to reinforce
the repair). (J) The completed cone reconstruction of the tricuspid valve for Ebstein’s anomaly. This represents an
“anatomic repair” because there is 360° of tricuspid leaflet tissue that surrounds the orifice of the tricuspid valve that is
anchored at the level of the normal right AV junction (true tricuspid valve annulus). Extreme forms of thinned,
atrialized RV are plicated and redundant right atrium is excised. (Reprinted with permission of Mayo Foundation for
Medical Education and Research.)

other prosthetic material is used to increase the height of the preferred because of relative good durability of the porcine
attenuated leaflet. bioprosthesis in the tricuspid position and the lack of need
In the presence of TR induced by PPM or automatic for chronic warfarin anticoagulation. Pericardial bioprosthe-
implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) leads, repair ses should be avoided in the tricuspid position because of
techniques vary and depend on the degree of damage of relatively stiffer leaflets and poor durability in this position.
leaflet(s). In the absence of extensive TV leaflet damage, Mechanical TV replacement should be considered rarely and
valve repair is preferred and usually involves: (1) remov- only in selected circumstances because there is a higher fre-
ing (incising) the lead away from the damaged leaflet; (2) quency of prosthetic valve dysfunction (thrombosis) com-
suture repair of the leaflet defect if present; or (3) reposi- pared with mechanical valves in other cardiac positions, par-
tioning the lead by suture fixation in the recess of either ticularly when right ventricular function is poor and disc
the infero-septal or antero-inferior commissure (Fig. 15A- mobility may be reduced.
C). Ringed annuloplasty is performed. We confirm the When TV replacement is required, care is taken to preserve
resolution or improvement of the TR with intraoperative the conduction tissue and avoid injury of the right coronary
transesophageal echocardiography. artery. The conduction tissue is usually identifiable by a small
Tricuspid Valve Replacement vein traversing an area of yellow (fat) tissue adjacent to the
Bioprosthetic TV replacement remains a good alternative for membranous septum. Before replacing the TV, we resect the
the treatment of TR when valve repair is not feasible, partic- portion of the anterior leaflet toward the RV outflow tract to
ularly in adults. Porcine bioprosthetic valve replacement is avoid potential RV outflow tract obstruction after TV replace-
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 55

Figure 9 Diagram showing the Sebening stitch in which the base of the intact papillary muscle on the right ventricular
free wall is moved toward the ventricular septum at the appropriate level with interrupted, pledgeted mattress sutures.
It is important to place these mattress sutures deep into the ventricular septum. In addition, it is important to insure
thorough mobilization of the anterior leaflet to avoid dimpling of the right ventricular free wall (inset). (Reprinted with
permission from the Mayo Clinic.)

ment. In EM, the suture line is deviated toward the atrial side In cases of TV leaflet damage secondary to PPM/AICD
of the true annulus and membranous septum to avoid injury leads, tricuspid valve replacement is performed as described
to the AV node. Posteriorly, the suture line is typically in the above for non-Ebstein congenital TR. The decision to remove
atrial septum (often incorporating the edge of the atrial septal the endocardial lead and place an epicardial system is indi-
defect patch) (Fig. 16A-B). To avoid injury to the right coro- vidualized. In circumstances when there are excellent thresh-
nary artery (Fig. 17), the anterior suture line is deviated ceph-
alad to the true annulus, where the smooth and trabeculated
portions of the atrium meet each other. The bioprosthesis is
oriented so the recess between the struts straddles, the mem-
branous septum, and conduction tissue. We prefer tying the
valve sutures while the heart is beating to detect any rhythm
abnormalities. The position of the coronary sinus relative to
the prosthesis depends on the distance between it and the AV
node. The coronary sinus is left draining into the right atrium
when there is sufficient distance between it and the conduc-
tion tissue. When the coronary sinus is in close proximity to
the conduction tissue, the prosthesis is positioned cephalad
to it so that the coronary sinus drains below the prosthesis
into the RV.
In non-Ebstein congenital TR, all sutures are placed in
native anterior and inferior TV leaflet tissue circumferen-
tially. The posterior suture line is typically placed through
septal leaflet tissue at the level of the AV groove when suffi- Figure 10 Intraoperative photo showing the augmented anterior tricus-
cient septal leaflet is present; if there is a lack of septal leaflet, pid valve leaflet with cor matrix membrane, which increases the height
suture placement is as described above for EM. Care is taken of the anterior leaflet, and facilitates coaptation with the ventricular
for accurate suture placement at the anteroseptal commis- septum and or septal leaflet while minimizing tension at an inferior
sure, a common site for periprosthetic leak or injury to the annuloplasty line. Importantly, we avoid the creation of complete peri-
conduction system resulting in heart block. cardial leaflets (from annulus to leading edge) because of poor durability.
56 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 11 (A-B) When inferior leaflet tissue is absent or septal leaflet is diminutive, this area can be bridged with a piece
of autologous pericardium to avoid iatrogenic tricuspid stenosis. Interrupted sutures are often used to avoid a “purse
string effect.” (© 2011 Mayo Clinic.)

olds in the endocardial system and there is significant tricus- In general, postoperative management includes short-term
pid annular dilatation, the ventricular lead can be maintained (3 months) warfarin anticoagulation for porcine bioprosthe-
intact and positioned lateral to the sewing ring of the biopros- ses and life-long aspirin, 81 mg daily. When a mechanical
thesis. It is important to be sure the lead is freely mobile valve is used, the target INR is 3 to 3.5 in addition to aspirin,
alongside the prosthesis. 81 mg daily.

Figure 12 In case of complete tethering of the leading edge of the leaflet, ie, linear attachment (A,B), surgical fenestra-
tions are performed distally that effectively result in the development of chordae (C). (Reprinted with permission from
the Mayo Clinic.)
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 57

Figure 13 In cases of tricuspid regurgitation secondary to VSD closure, there is often disrupted commissural chordae (A) at the
anteroseptal commissure with or without annular dilatation. Treatment consists of approximating the adjacent edges of the leaflets
at this commissure together, thus obliterating that commissure. In the presence of annular dilatation, a flexible annuloplasty ring
should be added to remodel the annulus as described above (B). (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Clinic.)

Additional oxide, intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation (especially in

adult patients), manipulation of mechanical ventilation with
Perioperative Strategies the PCO2 goal of 30 to 35 mmHg; (2) cautious volume ad-
The following operative and postoperative strategies should ministration with a CVP goal of ⬍12 mmHg; (3) temporary
be considered following correction of TR, particularly when atrial pacing to achieve faster heart rate of 100 to 120; (4)
there is significant RV dysfunction: (1) measures that de- minimize transfusions; and, finally, (5) delayed chest closure.
crease RV afterload and pulmonary artery pressure, eg, nitric Inotropic support while separating from bypass usually in-

Figure 14 In the presence of atrioVSD (A), closure of the residual cleft in the left AV valve is performed, and placement of
annuloplasty rings on each valve is routine (B). In selected situations, leaflet augmentation with pericardium or other prosthetic
material is used to increase the height of the attenuated leaflet (not shown). (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Clinic.)
58 S.M. Said, H.M. Burkhart, and J.A. Dearani

Figure 15 (A-C) In the presence of pacemaker or cardioverter defibrillator leads, repair techniques vary and depend on
the degree of damage of leaflet(s). In the absence of extensive leaflet damage, valve repair is preferred and usually
involves: removing (incising) the lead away from the damaged leaflet; suture repair of the leaflet defect if present; or
repositioning the lead by suture fixation in the recess of either the infero-septal or antero-inferior commissure, and
ringed annuloplasty is performed. (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Clinic.)

Figure 16 Diagram (A) with the corresponding intraoperative photo (B) showing the valve suture line (dotted line) is
placed on the atrial side of the membranous septum and AV node to avoid injury to the conduction system. The suture
line is also deviated cephalad to the tricuspid annulus posterolaterally when the tissues are thin, to avoid injury to the
right coronary artery. Anteriorly, the suture line is deviated cephalad to the junction of the smooth and trabeculated
portions of the right atrium. This results in the prosthesis being mounted in an intra-arterial position. When there is
sufficient distance between the coronary sinus and the AV node (marked by the vein of D), the coronary sinus is left
draining normally into the right atrium. If the coronary sinus and the conduction tissue are in close proximity, the
suture line is deviated further into the right atrium, leaving the coronary sinus to drain below the prosthesis into the RV
(not shown). The sutures are placed and tied with the heart perfused and beating to ensure that normal AV conduction
is preserved. CS, coronary sinus. (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Clinic.)
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation 59

cludes a combination of epinephrine and milrinone infu- Table 3 Etiology of TR in 571 Patients with Non-Ebstein Tri-
sions. Low doses of vasopressin infusion are often helpful cuspid Valve
because systemic vasoplegia and low peripheral vascular re- Diagnosis Percentage
sistance are commonly present with right-sided heart failure
TOF/PA with VSD 31
related to TR and/or pulmonary regurgitation. The mecha- VSD 15
nism of this is not completely understood but may relate to AVSD 14
preoperative afterload-reducing agents such as ace inhibitors, Transposition of great arteries 8
or may be related to hepatic congestion, or hormonal abnor- Truncus arteriosus
malities related to atrial dilatation. Double outlet right ventricle
The rate of weaning inotropic support in the postoperative Permanent pacemaker 4
period is related to the degree of RV dysfunction. Inotropic Cardioverter-defibrillator
support can be weaned relatively quickly when RV dysfunc- Congenital, other 28
tion is mild to moderate and early extubation is the rule.
When there are significant degrees of RV dysfunction, the
inotropic wean should be slow because of the expected drop dure in 458 patients, at a mean age of 29, while in tricuspid
in the cardiac output that can occur between 6 to 12 hours valve replacement was performed in 113 patients (mean age
postoperatively. of 40). Table 3 summarizes the different diagnoses for the
Although there are no data that afterload reducing agents 571 patients. Repeat sternotomy (ⱕ 3) was required in 81%
are helpful for RV dysfunction (in contrast to left ventricular of the TV repair group versus 65% in the TV replacement
dysfunction), it is common to use them and usually includes group, while four sternotomies or more were performed in
ace inhibitors. In addition, beta blockers are also commonly 8% of the TV repair group versus 34% of the TV replacement
added because of evidence of improvement with left-sided group. Early mortality in the repair group was 2.4%, while in
dysfunction. The duration of medical therapy is determined the replacement group it was 9.7%.
by the primary Cardiologist and is guided by serial echocar-
diography, exercise testing, etc. In selected circumstance,
sildenafil is used for 1 to 3 months when there is known Summary
elevation in pulmonary artery pressures with or without se- The wide and infinite variability of anatomic abnormality
vere RV dysfunction. Antiarrhythmic therapy is used as indi- with EM and congenital TV dysplasia demonstrate that every
cated by rhythm abnormalities. valve is a little different and no two hearts are alike. . .illus-
trating why this lesion continues to be one of the most chal-
The Mayo Clinic Experience lenging valve lesions for the surgeon. There have been more
reports in the literature of tricuspid valvuloplasty techniques
From 1993 to 2010, we performed 1,204 procedures for for EM and congenital tricuspid dysplasia than any other
congenital TR. Congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid valve was valve lesion in cardiac surgery. While the ability to obtain a
the etiology in 571 patients. TV repair was the main proce- competent, durable tricuspid repair has improved in recent
years, the surgical treatment of the congenitally abnormal
tricuspid valve is still considered palliative because many
patients require more than one operation in their lifetime.

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