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Activity 1: Compare and Contrast

Directions: Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the three civilizations in terms of the
developments in the field of art. (20 points)

Scale Description

5 points Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant. Uses correct spelling and grammar effectively
almost all of the time. Addresses the questions completely.

4 points Most facts are detailed/ precise and relevant. Uses spelling and grammar with considerable accuracy and
effectiveness. Addresses the questions, but left out few details.

3 points Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and grammar require moderate
editing. Addresses the questions, but provided few details.

2-1 points More specific details and examples are needed to support opinions. Spelling and grammar require
considerable editing. Addresses the questions, but in very few details.

Greek Civilization Roman Civilization

Early Civilization

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