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How and why does Earth's surface change?

Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling: Everest

OpenSciEd Unit 6.4
How and why does Earth's surface change?
Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling: Everest
OpenSciEd Unit 6.4

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Unit 6.4 How and why does Earth's surface change?
Unit Overview 1

Unit Storyline 3

Teacher Background Knowledge 10

Assessment System Overview 15

Lesson 1:  What causes Mt. Everest to move in different ways? 29

Lesson 2:  How are patterns in earthquakes similar or different in locations around the world? 51

Lesson 3:  Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world? 67

Lesson 4:  What are plates? 81

Lesson 5:  What is below Earth’s plates? 95

Lesson 6:  How are the plates moving? 105

Lesson 7:  How much have the plates moved near Mt. Everest? 119

Lesson 8:  How does plate movement explain movement at Mt. Everest and other places in the world? 141

Lesson 9:  Why do volcanoes form in some places? 159

Lesson 10:  How do the mantle and plates interact to explain earthquakes and landforms at locations on Earth’s surface? 171

Lesson 11:  How could a fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest? 189

Lesson 12:  How do fossils form? 197

Lesson 13:  Why is there so little ancient seafloor left on the top of Mt. Everest? 219

Lesson 14:  How did a marine fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest? 241
How and why does Earth's surface change?
In the plate tectonics and rock cycling unit, students are presented with the 2015 Himalayan earthquake that shifted Mt. Everest suddenly to the southwest direction. Students also
discover  that Mt. Everest is steadily moving to the northeast every year and getting taller as well. After watching video clips about the earthquake and reading a news article, students
wonder what could cause an entire mountain to move--all the time in one direction and backwards during an earthquake. Students investigate other locations that are known to have
earthquakes and they notice landforms, such as mountains and ridges that correspond to earthquake patterns. They read texts, explore earthquake and landform patterns using a data
visualization tool, and study GPS data at these locations. They realize the land in these places is moving in different directions, leaving students to wonder how the surface of the Earth
could move. Students develop an Earth model and study mantle convection motion to explain how Earth’s surface could move from processes below the surface. From this, students
develop models to explain different ways plates collide and spread apart, ultimately explaining how Mt. Everest could move all the time in one direction, and also suddenly, in a
backward motion,during an earthquake. At this point students also find out that climbers on Mt. Everest found evidence of marine fossils near the top of the mountain. Using ideas from
plate tectonics and uplift, along with ideas about how fossils form, how they are uplifted, and how they are exposed through weathering and erosion, students develop a time series
model that traces a marine fossil from an ancient sea bed to the top of the world’s highest peak. Students explain how ancient rock layers and fossils were exposed over time by
weathering and erosion. 
This unit supports students to:
develop a model of Earth that connects movement in the mantle with movement of plates at Earth’s surface and to earthquake and volcano patterns we observe at plate
develop a model to show how plates collide or spread apart from one another over long periods of time, forming the different landforms we see.
transition between top-down (bird’s-eye) view of Earth’s landscape with a side-view (or cross-section of Earth to think about different spatial scales and perspectives.
sort through multiple sources of data and information (e.g., large data sets on maps, cross-section graphs, text, tables, and labs) to construct models and explanations for
processes that build up and wear down Earth’s surface.

Building Toward NGSS Performance Expectations

Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6-billion-year-old history.

Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales.

Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions.

Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.

How students will engage with each of the phenomena:

How and why does Earth's surface change?
Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 1 We observe two video clips and read about an

earthquake on Everest describing how the regular
3 days movement of Mt. Everest was interrupted and
temporarily reversed by the earthquake. We
What causes Mt. Everest to examine earthquake data and notice potential
move in different ways? connections between the earthquakes and
mountain ranges, and develop an initial model
Anchoring Phenomenon explaining how mountains grow, move, and
change. We brainstorm related phenomena, ask
questions, and generate a list of data and
information we need to better understand Mt.
Everest and how earthquakes may be related to
During a recent earthquake, Mt. Everest Mountains can move in one direction
suddenly reversed direction moving normally, but can reverse direction during
backwards 3 cm while maintaining a constant an earthquake.
elevation. Mountains can get taller.
There seems to be a pattern between
earthquakes and mountain locations.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out that the earthquake on Mt. Everest caused a change to the mountain’s normal movement, and that this earthquake was part of a larger pattern in the area and around
the world. We are curious about the patterns we saw with the earthquakes and how they could be related to mountains getting taller, shorter, and moving. We want to look at more data on earthquakes.

LESSON 2 We gather more evidence of earthquake activity in

different locations around the world using the
2 days Seismic Explorer tool. We look for patterns in
earthquake activity in the Himalayas, the United
How are patterns in States, and worldwide. We figure out:
earthquakes similar or Earthquake patterns look like mostly lines
different in locations around or in large clusters of activity.
In some locations, earthquakes get deeper
the world? as you move inland, but in other locations
Investigation they are shallow.
When you only look at a short time
period, a pattern is not as clear as when
you look at data across a longer time
Locations with earthquakes appear
Earthquakes appear in patterns of lines and “bumpy” on the relief map, which
clusters around the world. indicates higher elevations, even

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out that earthquakes appear in clusters and lines in specific locations around the world and these places have similarities and differences. We want to know more about
what is causing these patterns and whether the patterns are related to the landforms. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 3

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 3 We read two articles about earthquakes and how

this data led scientists to figure out there are
2 days different pieces of Earth, called plates, that move.
We figure out:
Why do earthquakes happen Earth’s surface is not a solid continuous
in specific patterns around piece of crust; rather, there are pieces
the world? called plates and the edges can be
observed using earthquake data.
Investigation A network of GPS sensors provide data on
the speed and direction of plate
The plates at Mt. Everest are moving
toward one another at different speeds.
In other locations, the plates are either
moving toward each other or away from
There are large pieces of Earth’s surface that each other, and at different speeds too.
are moving. These seem to line up with where
earthquakes occur.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We are wondering what the plates are made of and how these solid, large pieces of Earth can move.

LESSON 4 We use information from photographs, texts, and All plates contain bedrock, which
rock samples to develop representations of the has different properties (like
2 days plates. These representations describe plates as heaviness, density, and color) in
composed of thick layers of bedrock that vary in its different places.
What are plates? composition of rock types, heaviness (density), and Plates have different things on top
depth. We also gather information on bedrock, of bedrock, including oceans and
Investigation ultra-deep mines, and exploring data about soil. Sometimes, bedrock is visible
earthquakes depth. at the surface.
Earth’s plates are made of materials with Every location on Earth is on a
different heaviness (density). plate.
On the surface, what we see of plates is Bedrock goes deep (several
different, but below the surface they all are on kilometers down), but that is pretty
bedrock that has different depths. shallow when compared to the size
Earth’s plates are made of different kinds of The deeper into the plates, the higher the of Earth.
material. temperatures become, indicating a heat
source toward the interior of the Earth.
In some places, earthquakes can happen
either very shallow or very deep.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out information about the depth, composition, and heaviness of plates, but now we are wondering what is below the plates. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 4

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 5 We read an article to obtain information about the

different layers of the Earth and how the
1 day temperature increases up to over 10,000℉ as you
move from the surface towards the center, or core,
What is below Earth’s of the Earth. This heat is transferred up through the
plates? layers of Earth. The diameter of the Earth is 7,926
miles and the thickness of the plates can be up to
Investigation 44 miles, making the plates very thin in
comparison. We use this information to revise the
Earth model. We figure out:
The crust of the Earth is the “skin” that
covers the mantle and the core.
Different layers of Earth have different
temperatures and the core produces this
The mantle of the Earth is heated by the
heat from the core.

The plates are part of the Earth’s crust, but

there are other layers under the plates that
are hotter than the surface.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We know the Earth is made up of different layers with the plates being found on the outer layer. We wonder what might be happening below the crust that causes the plates to move.

LESSON 6 We consider the mechanisms within Earth’s interior

that cause the plates at the surface to move in
2 days different ways. Using a convection demonstration,
we make observations before and after heat is
How are the plates moving? added. We revise our the Earth Model to include
how the flow of energy and the cycling of matter
Investigation lead to movement within the mantle and at the
surface. We figure out:
Energy from the Earth’s core heats up the
mantle and causes molten rock to move
around (hotter material rises to the surface
and cooler material sinks).
This circular movement, called convection,
Convection within the Earth’s mantle pushes within the mantle causes plates to move
and pulls plates at the surface in different at the surface.
directions. When the convection cell rises and pushes
out and away, plates at the surface move
away from one another. New crust forms
when molten rock (magma) seeps through
the crust and cools and hardens.
When parts of the convection cell sink
back down into the mantle, plates are
pulled together and collide at the surface.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figure out generally how movement in the mantle maps to movement of the plates. We now want to apply our thinking to explain what is happening at Mt. Everest and in other
cases. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 5

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 7 We use data and evidence from earlier lessons to

figure out how far apart the two points on the plate
1 day boundaries of the Eurasian and Indian plates would
have been at different points in time. We develop a
How much have the plates time series model for these two points on the plate
moved near Mt. Everest? boundaries today, at 10 years, 100,000 years and
50 million years ago. We figure out:
Investigation Using current movement data from the
Eurasian and Indian plates, we can
represent where these two plates would
have been in the past.
Plates move over long periods of time which Two points on the plate boundary
affects what happens on the surface of the between the Eurasian plate and Indian
Earth. plate move apart in a proportional
manner over time.
Plates on Earth have been moving for
millions of years.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figure out that the plates have been moving for millions of years and now we wonder how this can help us explain what happened at Mt. Everest.

LESSON 8 We develop a Gotta-Have-It Checklist and then a

consensus model to explain the different kinds of
2 days movement at Mt. Everest. We evaluate other
locations we previously investigated to determine if
How does plate movement those locations can be explained by our Mt. Everest
explain movement at Mt. model. We realize we need a new model to explain
Everest and other places in what is happening where plates spread apart. We
revise our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and develop a
the world? new consensus model for explaining locations
Putting Pieces Together, where plates spread apart. We revisit locations
Problematizing where plates collide and recognize that we cannot
explain the presence of volcanoes in some
The Himalayas region is created by the locations and the difference in earthquake patterns.
collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates We decide we still need additional information to
over a long period of time, but this is also a complete our models.
region that experiences sudden changes
during earthquake events.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out that mountains are formed when two plates collide and land lifts up. We also figured out that two plates can spread apart and new crust forms between. We are curious
about why there is a difference in the earthquake patterns at different locations and why some places near plate boundaries have volcanoes while other places do not. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 6

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 9 In this lesson, students obtain information and

data from a variety of sources to find out why
2 days volcanoes form in some places. They watch a
video, view animations, read text, and analyze data
Why do volcanoes form in to determine the cause of volcano formation and
some places? consider if it matches what they have learned so far
about Earth’s plates and how they move. We figure
Investigation out:
When plates of different heaviness collide,
volcanoes and trenches form because the
A video simulation and reading add a missing heavier plate “sinks” into the mantle under the
idea for what happens as some plates collide. lighter plate.
As the sinking crust recycles back into the
mantle, it melts and some magma pushes to
the surface to form volcanoes and new crust.
Earthquakes occur at greater depths as one
plate is sinking below another.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out why volcanoes form in some places and now we are ready to explain all our case sites.

LESSON 10 We update our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and review We can use what we know about how
and track similarities and differences across three movement in the mantle moves plates at the
2 days consensus models which explain the different types surface to explain where mountains might
of plate movement. We construct explanations to form, where volcanoes might form, and what
How do the mantle and account for the interaction between the mantle and kind of earthquake patterns we might see.
plates interact to explain the plates that explains earthquake patterns and
earthquakes and landforms landforms. We revisit our DQB to track our progress
at locations on Earth’s in the unit and to discuss possible next steps. We
figure out:
surface? A combination of energy from the mantle
Putting Pieces Together, transferred to the crust causes plates to
Problematizing move in different ways.
The main movements are colliding or
Movements at Mt. Everest can explain spreading away from one another.
movements at other locations on Earth. When plates of similar density collide,
they can push up mountains; when plates
of different densities collide, one will sink
and melt into the mantle, causing
volcanoes to form at the surface.
It is this interaction of movement in the
mantle and plates that shape different
places on Earth’s surface.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We’ve been looking at plate movement data and locations of mountains and volcanoes, but we are wondering what other kind of evidence scientists use to study Earth’s past and what
it is like today. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 7

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 11 We read a transcript of an interview with a

geologist about fossils found on Mt. Everest. From
1 day this interview, we find that these fossils are of
tropical sea creatures that were alive 400 million
How could a fossil get to the years ago. We use this new information to revisit
top of Mt. Everest? our consensus model to see if we can explain how
and why fossils of sea creatures could be found at
Anchoring Phenomenon, Investigation the top of Mt. Everest. This leads to new questions
that we add to our DQB. We figure out:
Fossils of tropical sea creatures have been
Tropical sea creatures from 400 million found at the top of Mt. Everest
years ago are found at the top of Mt. Everest. The fossils that were found at the top of
Mt. Everest are older than the Himalayas.
The northern part of India used to be
closer to the equator 400 million years

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We read about 400 million year old fossils from tropical sea creatures found on the top of Everest. We are wondering how these fossils got to the top of the mountain.

LESSON 12 We examine fossil evidence from around the world

and study how fossils form through a video and
3 days reading. Then, using rock layer evidence, we
examine the relative ages of fossils and we figure
How do fossils form? out how to predict whether specific locations may
have once been covered by water. We review and
Investigation use our knowledge of mountain uplift to explain
how older rock layers, and buried fossils, can end
up at higher elevations in Utah. We apply our new
understandings to explain the presence of sea lily
fossils on Mt. Everest. We figure out:
There are layers of rock, and younger rock
Rock layer and fossil evidence from Utah layers are mostly on top of old layers.
indicate that the area may have been located The relative age of a fossil can be determined
near an ancient tropical ocean at some point by examining the surrounding rock layers.
in Earth’s prehistoric past. Fossils arise from ancient plants and animals
buried and preserved under many layers of

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figured out that the sea lily fossil on Mt. Everest can be explained by the presence of an ancient sea floor that is now one of the highest rock layers on Mt. Everest. We wonder why
this area, which formed from a solid sea floor millions of years ago, is nearly gone and only exists at the very highest peaks in the Himalayas. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 8

Lesson Question Phenomena or Design Problem What we do and figure out How we represent it

LESSON 13 We look at different locations where materials and

layers seemed to be vanishing or breaking down.
3 days We conduct some investigations, read text, and
watch time-lapse photos to determine what might
Why is there so little ancient have happened in those different landscapes and
seafloor left on the top of over what timescale. We think back to Mt. Everest
Mt. Everest? to determine why so little of the ancient seafloor is
left at the top of the mountain. We figure out:
Investigation Wind and water (rain, ice) break down
rock into smaller particles, which
physically changes Earth’s surface over a
long period of time.
Weathering and erosion happen in many
different ways and are driven by
atmospheric and biological forces.
Over time, ice, glaciers, and wind have
contributed to the breakdown of the
ancient seafloor on the top of Mt. Everest.

Other places on Earth are experiencing a loss

of sediment and rock layers, like Mt. Everest.

⇓ Navigation to Next Lesson: We figure out that weathering and erosion take place on Everest, wearing away at the mountain. We also know that the mountain continues to grow. How can a mountain still grow if
something is wearing away and breaking down the mountain?

LESSON 14 In this lesson, we put pieces together and use a

time-series model to explain how a marine fossil
3 days formed, how the fossil ended up at the top of Mt.
Everest, and was then exposed for climbers to find.
How did a marine fossil get First, we consider cycles of growth and decline in
to the top of Mt. Everest? mountains. Then, we build a Gotta-Have-It
Checklist to include items from previous lessons to
Putting Pieces Together build our time-series model. Finally, we use these
ideas on an embedded assessment task and then
revisit the DQB to celebrate our accomplishments.
We figure out:
Mountains grow and shrink at big scales
over long periods of time. Sometimes
they are actively getting bigger or uplifted,
but at other times they are shrinking
Fossil records and rock strata provide through weathering and erosion.
evidence for the history of Mt. Everest. Fossil records and rock layers help
scientists know what places were like a
long time ago (such as an ancient sea) and
what they became today (such as the
tallest mountain in the world).

29 days total Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 9

What are the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) in the context of the phenomenon?
“Disciplinary Core Ideas” are reproduced verbatim from A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. DOI:
National Research Council; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Board on Science Education; Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science
Education Standards. National Academies Press, Washington, DC. This material may be reproduced and used by other parties with this attribution. If the original material is altered in
any way, the attribution must state that the material is adapted from the original.

This unit is guided by two big ideas that shape Earth’s surface: (1) processes that build up and (2) processes that wear down Earth’s surface. The design of this unit is around the idea that
Earth’s outer layer, the crust, is like the skin of the Earth. It is shaped by internal and external processes working from below and above to both build up and wear down Earth’s surface
over long periods of time. The unit includes mantle convection as a causal mechanism behind why the plates of the crust move in different directions, colliding and spreading away from
one another. It also includes processes from above, such as weathering and erosion, that break down rock. Fossil records and rock strata are used as part of an evidence story that can
track the changes to Earth’s surface over time.

In the anchoring lesson, students watch two videos and read a news article about an earthquake in the Himalayas that shifted Mt. Everest several centimeters to the southwest. But
students also learn that Mt. Everest moves slowly to the northeast direction all the time, and that Mt. Everest continues to get taller. What could cause a mountain to move all the time
and keep getting taller? What could cause the mountain to move in another direction during an earthquake?

The first lesson set uses this anchor, along with several other locations on Earth, to establish that Earth’s crust is not one solid piece of rock, but actually made up of plates -- thick slabs of
the crust -- that move in different directions. Students use a data visualization tool and  Seismic Explorer, in addition to  texts and data tables to figure out earthquake and landform
patterns, as well as  the different directions the plates are moving. Students also find out that deep into the crust it gets really hot and they wonder where that heat is coming from. As
they build a model of Earth to represent the different layers and temperatures, they connect to previous ideas about how temperature can indicate the flow of energy. From this idea,
they watch a convection demonstration and think about the vertical movement in the mantle (the rising and falling of convection cells) and how this can help explain the lateral
movement of the plates of Earth’s crust. Using this information, they develop models to explain colliding plates and plates that spread apart. However, they can’t explain volcanoes just
yet, so they use one more investigation with data, videos, animations, and text to discover  that in some places, the plates collide and one sinks, causing volcanoes to form at that
boundary. From this final investigation students have three models to explain two types of collision: (1) collision of plates with the same heaviness that causes uplifting, and (2) plates
with different heaviness that causes one to sink, melting back into the mantle, and forming volcanoes on the surface above. They also have a third model for what happens when plates
move away from one another. This lesson set has ten lessons and is intended for ___ instructional days.

The second lesson set re-anchors the unit with a transcribed interview of a mountaineer and geologists who talk about plate tectonics on Everest, but also mention the discovery of
marine fossils near the top of the mountain. This is puzzling -- how can marine fossils be located on the highest peak on Earth? Through the second lesson set, students discover how
fossils are formed, how they can be buried in layers of sediment, uplifted over time, and re-exposed through weathering and erosion. The fossil records and rock strata serve two
purposes in this part of the storyline: (1) to help students build an understanding of the cycling of matter at Earth’s surface (specifically, the rock cycle), and (2) to help students think
about the time scales at which these processes occur. In this part of the unit, students develop time-series models to explain fossil formation, uplift, and exposure at different points in

There is a planned third lesson set for the revised version of the unit that will help students develop and use argumentation to sort through evidence around a recent split in the African
continent. This short lesson set will re-anchor students with a sudden crack appearing in East Africa. Students will read about and watch the phenomena and then sort through evidence
to evaluate two competing arguments as to the cause of the crack. This lesson set will be included in the revised version of the unit.

This unit builds towards the following NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs):
MS-ESS1-4: Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth's 4.6-billion-year-old history.
MS-ESS2-1: Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth's materials and the flow of energy that drives this process.
MS-ESS2-2: Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth's surface at varying time and spatial scales.
MS-ESS2-3: Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions.

The unit develops or expands students’ understanding of energy flows and matter cycling within Earth’s geologic systems with an emphasis on time and spatial scales. The emphasized
Grade 6-8 DCI elements are listed in the table below within a progression of learning across grade bands: Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 10

What should my students know from earlier grades or units?
In planning this unit, it builds upon ideas from earlier grades while also preparing students for ideas they will encounter in high school. The DCI progression is represented in this table.
We also included a progression for Scale, Proportion, and Quantity because time and spatial scales are a critical part of this unit.
K-2 3-5 MS HS

ESS1.C: The Grade 2: Some Grade 4: Local, regional, ESS1.C: The History of Planet Earth Continental rocks, which can be older than 4 billion years,
History of events happen very and global patterns of rock The geologic time scale interpreted from rock are generally much older than the rocks of the ocean floor,
Planet Earth quickly; others formations reveal changes strata provides a way to organize Earth’s which are less than 200 million years old. (HS‑ESS1‑5)
occur very slowly over time due to earth history. Analyses of rock strata and the fossil
over a time period forces, such as earthquakes. record provide only relative dates, not an Although active geologic processes, such as plate tectonics
much longer than The presence and location absolute scale. (MS‑ESS1‑4) and erosion, have destroyed or altered most of the very
one can observe. of certain fossil types early rock record on Earth, other objects in the solar
(2‑ESS1‑1) indicate the order in which Tectonic processes continually generate new system, such as lunar rocks, asteroids, and meteorites, have
rock layers were formed. ocean seafloor at ridges and destroy old changed little over billions of years. Studying these objects
(4-ESS1-1) seafloor at trenches. (HS.ESS1.C GBE) can provide information about Earth’s formation and early
(secondary to MS‑ESS2‑3) history. (HS‑ESS1‑6)

ESS2.A: Earth’s Grade 2: Wind and Grade 4: Rainfall helps to ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems Earth’s systems, being dynamic and interacting, cause
Materials and water can change shape the land and affects All Earth processes are the result of energy feedback effects that can increase or decrease the original
Systems the shape of the the types of living things flowing and matter cycling within and among changes. (HS‑ESS2‑1), (HS‑ESS2‑2)
land. found in a region. Water, the planet’s systems. This energy is derived
ice, wind, living organisms, from the sun and Earth’s hot interior. The Evidence from deep probes and seismic waves,
and gravity break rocks, energy that flows and the matter that cycles reconstructions of historical changes in Earth’s surface and
soils, and sediments into produce chemical and physical changes in its magnetic field, and an understanding of physical and
smaller particles and move Earth’s materials and living organisms. chemical processes lead to a model of Earth with a hot. but
them around. (4‑ESS2‑1) (MS‑ESS2‑1) solid inner core, a liquid outer core, and a solid mantle and
crust. Motions of the mantle and its plates occur primarily
Grade 5: Earth’s major The planet’s systems interact over scales that through thermal convection, which involves the cycling of
systems are the geosphere range from microscopic to global in size, and matter due to the outward flow of energy from Earth’s
(solid and molten rock, they operate over fractions of a second to interior and gravitational movement of denser materials
soil, and sediments), the billions of years. These interactions have toward the interior. (HS‑ESS2‑3)
hydrosphere (water and shaped Earth’s history and will determine its
ice), the atmosphere (air), future. (MS‑ESS2‑2) The geologic record shows that changes to global and
and the biosphere (living regional climate can be caused by interactions among
things, including humans). changes in the sun’s energy output or Earth’s orbit, tectonic
These systems interact in events, ocean circulation, volcanic activity, glaciers,
multiple ways to affect vegetation, and human activities. These changes can occur
Earth’s surface materials on a variety of timescales from sudden (e.g., volcanic ash
and processes. The ocean clouds) to intermediate (ice ages) to very long‑term tectonic
supports a variety of cycles. (HS‑ESS2‑4)
ecosystems and
organisms, shapes
landforms, and influences
climate. Winds and clouds
in the atmosphere interact
with the landforms to
determine patterns of
weather. (5‑ESS2‑1) Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 11

ESS2.B: Plate Grade 2: Maps Grade 4: The locations of ESS2.B: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale Plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains the past
Tectonics and show where things mountain ranges, deep System Interactions and current movements of the rocks at Earth’s surface and
Large-Scale are located. One ocean trenches, ocean Maps of ancient land and water patterns, provides a framework for understanding its geologic
System can map the floor structures, based on investigations of rocks and fossils, history. (ESS2.B Grade 8 GBE) (secondary to HS‑ESS1‑5)
Interactions shapes and kinds of earthquakes, and make clear how Earth’s plates have moved
land and water in volcanoes occur in great distances, collided, and spread apart. The radioactive decay of unstable isotopes continually
any area. patterns. Most earthquakes (MS‑ESS2‑3) generates new energy within Earth’s crust and mantle,
(2‑ESS2‑2) and volcanoes occur in providing the primary source of the heat that drives mantle
bands that are often along convection. Plate tectonics can be viewed as the surface
the boundaries between expression of mantle convection. (HS‑ESS2‑3)
continents and oceans.
Major mountain chains Plate movements are responsible for most continental and
form inside continents or ocean‑floor features and for the distribution of most rocks
near their edges. Maps can and minerals within Earth’s crust. (ESS2.B Grade 8
help locate the different GBE), (HS‑ESS2‑1)
land and water features
areas of Earth. (4‑ESS2‑2)

ESS2.C: The Grade 2: Water is Grade 5: Nearly all of ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth's Surface The abundance of liquid water on Earth’s surface and its
Roles of Water found in the Earth’s available water is in Processes unique combination of physical and chemical properties
in Earth's Surface oceans, rivers, the ocean. Most fresh Water’s movements—both on land and are central to the planet’s dynamics. These properties
Processes lakes, and ponds. water is in glaciers or underground—cause weathering and erosion, include water’s exceptional capacity to absorb, store, and
Water exists as underground; only a tiny which change the land’s surface features and release large amounts of energy, transmit sunlight, expand
solid ice and in fraction is in streams, lakes, create underground formations. (MS‑ESS2‑2) upon freezing, dissolve and transport materials, and lower
liquid form. wetlands, and the the viscosities and melting points of rocks. (HS‑ESS2‑5)
(2‑ESS2‑3) atmosphere. (5‑ESS2‑2)

Scale, Relative scales Natural objects and/or Time, space, and energy phenomena can be The significance of a phenomenon is dependent on the
Proportion, allow objects and observable phenomena observed at various scales using models to scale, proportion, and quantity at which it occurs.
Quantity events to be exist from the very small study systems that are too large or too small.
compared and to the immensely large or Algebraic thinking is used to examine scientific data and
described (e.g., from very short to very Proportional relationships (e.g. speed as the predict the effect of a change in one variable on another
bigger and smaller; long time periods. ratio of distance traveled to time taken) (e.g., linear growth vs. exponential growth).
hotter and colder; among different types of quantities provide
faster and slower). Standard units are used to information about the magnitude of Using the concept of orders of magnitude allows one to
Standard units are measure and describe properties and processes. understand how a model at one scale relates to a model at
used to measure physical quantities such as another scale.
length. weight, time, temperature, Phenomena that can be observed at one
and volume. scale may not be observable at another scale. Some systems can only be studied indirectly as they are
too small, too large, too fast, or too slow to observe
Patterns observable at one scale may not be observable or
exist at other scales.
*There is a strike through parts of the DCI elements that are not developed in this unit. Three features to note in particular:
In the OpenScied scope and sequence, students will not have chemical reactions until 7th grade. As such, the pass at chemical weathering in this unit is very light. In Lesson 13,
students will observe the interaction of a liquid with a rock that has the effect of breaking down the rock; this observation is not accompanied by any consideration of the
chemical reaction occurring between the two substances to break down the rock. Rather, students draw the conclusion that sometimes when two substances interact, rock can
be broken into smaller pieces. The placement of this OpenSciEd Unit 6.2 and associated units are shown in the OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence document.
This unit does not include underground flows of water or underground formations.
This unit does not include students using geologic time periods or eras. Students conceptually consider changes over very long periods of time, but they do not assign names to
these time periods. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 12

Students would benefit from having prior experience doing the following focal science and engineering practices (SEPs) at the 3-5 grade-band level. They include the following:
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Ask questions that can be investigated and predict reasonable outcomes based on patterns such as cause and effect relationships.
Developing and Using Models
Identify limitations of models.
Develop a model using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to describe a scientific principle or design solution.
Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict phenomena.  
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Represent data in tables and/or various graphical displays (bar graphs, pictographs, and/or pie charts) to reveal patterns that indicate relationships.
Analyze and interpret data to make sense of phenomena, using logical reasoning, mathematics, and/or computation.
Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Organize simple data sets to reveal patterns that suggest relationships.
Describe, measure, estimate, and/or graph quantities such as area, volume, weight, and time to address scientific and engineering questions and problems.
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Construct an explanation of observed relationships.
Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to construct or support an explanation or design a solution to a problem.
Identify the evidence that supports particular points in an explanation.
Engaging in argument from evidence (for revised version to be released 2021)
Compare and refine arguments based on an evaluation of the evidence presented.
Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in an explanation.
Respectfully provide and receive critiques from peers about a proposed procedure, explanation or model by citing relevant evidence and posing specific questions.
Construct and/or support an argument with evidence, data, and/or a model.
Use data to evaluate claims about cause and effect.
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Obtain and combine information from books and other reliable media to explain phenomena.
Compare and/or combine across complex texts and/or other reliable media to support the engagement in other scientific and/or engineering practices.
Combine information in written text with that contained in corresponding tables, diagrams, and/or charts to support the engagement in other scientific and/or
engineering practices.
Obtain and combine information from books and/or other reliable media to explain phenomena or solutions to a design problem.
Communicate scientific and/or technical information orally and/or in written formats, including various forms of media and may include tables, diagrams, and charts.

Having students familiar with using focal crosscutting concepts (CCCs) for this unit at the 3-5 grade-band level would be helpful. They include the following:  
Similarities and differences in patterns can be used to sort, classify, communicate and analyze simple rates of change for natural phenomena and designed products.
Patterns of change can be used to make predictions.
Patterns can be used as evidence to support an explanation.
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
See table above for a progression of ideas for this CCC.
Systems and System Models
A system can be described in terms of its components and their interactions.
Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation
Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects.
Stability and Change
Change is measured in terms of differences over time and may occur at different rates.
Some systems appear stable, but over long periods of time will eventually change. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 13

What are some common ideas that students might have?
Students will be challenged in this unit to think about processes that occur on very long time scales and also at very large spatial scales. This will likely be the first time they have thought
about Earth system processes happening on scales this large--so large they are really hard to even imagine. Students will likely bring with them some knowledge of different geological
time periods (e.g., Triassic and Jurassic time = time of the dinosaurs), but it is really not important for them to know the different names and time periods on a geological time scale. This
unit challenges students to think conceptually about how long these processes take to occur, but they will not be asked to identify or name time periods.

To represent these spatial scale ideas students will transition between top-down perspectives and cross-section perspectives to represent movement of the mantle and the plates of
Earth’s crust. Some students may readily come to class with a cross-section perspective, but likely many students will need guidance on drawing cross-sections, at least initially.

Many students may come to the unit with some ideas about “plates” and “plate tectonics.” It is common for students to think that the continents are the plates and they “float” around
slowly in the ocean. This unit purposely uses a map with ocean floor topography (called bathymetry) to help students visualize that the bottom of the ocean is part of Earth’s crust too,
as the ocean has “plates” that move as well, and many plates include parts of continents and parts of ocean floors.  

Finally, many students may come to the unit thinking the inside of the Earth is liquid lava. This is because all the images they see of hot stuff coming out of the Earth is liquified rock, in
the form of lava. In actuality,  the mantle is made of molten rock that is more solid than liquid, but it behaves as a very thick semi-solid, similar to putty. This unit uses fluids to
demonstrate convection, but it is important to emphasize to students that the inside of the Earth is not fluid lava. Because  we cannot replicate the movement of solids at really, really
high temperatures, we utilize fluids like water and oil, because they show convection at lower temperatures.

What modifications will I need to make if this unit is taught out of sequence?
This is the fourth unit in 6th grade in the OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence. Given this placement, several modifications would need to be made if teaching this unit earlier or later in the
middle school curriculum. These include:
If taught before OpenSciEd Unit 6.3, students will not have developed ideas about convection as a means that energy is transferred in fluids. This idea is developed and built
upon in Unit 6.3, so this unit only has one lesson to map ideas of convection in the mantle to the movement of the plates on the surface, but does not build any kind of
particle level explanation of convection.
If this unit is taught after OpenSciEd Unit 7.1, the chemical weathering component could be expanded to include chemical processes that weather rock.

What are prerequisite math concepts necessary for the unit?

This unit exposes students to movement data using different measurements and time scales, and, importantly, the movement of two objects in relationship to one another. Students
wrestle with GPS movement data in different directions and also visualizing the depth and breadth of earthquake patterns using a visualization tool. Prerequisite math concepts that
may be helpful include:
CCSS.Math.Content.4.MD.A.1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system
of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.A.1 Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m) and use these
conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.
CCSS.Math.Content.5.NBT.A.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
CCSS.Math.Content.5.NBT.A.4 Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.
CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.2 Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship.

It is important to note that this unit is reinforcing some elementary mathematics standards in a new context and using scales at which students may have not considered before; thus,
we anticipate that while some of the mathematics in this unit is aligned to upper elementary math development, it may be a new challenging context for students to apply the
mathematics ideas. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 14

Each OpenSciEd unit includes an assessment system that offers many opportunities for different types of assessments throughout the lessons, including pre-assessment, formative
assessment, summative assessment, and student self assessment. Formative assessments are embedded and called out directly in the lesson plans. Please look for the “Assessment Icon”
in the teacher support boxes to identify places for assessments. In addition, the table below outlines where each type of assessment can be found in the unit.

Overall Unit Assessment

When Assessment and Scoring Purpose of Assessment


Lesson 1 Initial models in Pre-Assessment

science notebooks The student work in Lesson 1 available for assessment should be considered a pre-assessment. It is an opportunity to learn
more about the ideas your students bring to this unit. Revealing these ideas early on can help you be more strategic in how to
Driving Question Board build from and leverage student ideas across the unit.

The initial model developed on the first two days of Lesson 1 are a good opportunity to pre-assess student understanding of
Earth’s systems, including how land can move and change. At the end of day 1, after students compare their initial models,
and during day 2, the class develops an initial consensus model.

The Driving Question Board is another opportunity for pre-assessment. Reinforce for students to generate open-ended
questions, such as how and why questions and to post to the board. However, any questions students share, even if they are
close-ended questions, can be valuable. Make note of any close-ended questions and use navigation time throughout the unit
to have your students practice turning these questions into open-ended questions when they relate to the investigations

Lesson 8 Consensus Model Formative

Individually and as a class, students develop a model to explain plate movement at Mt. Everest and also in places where
Example Model in plates move away from one another. This is an important moment to gauge how well students understand the movement of
Teacher Guide the plates can cause uplifted mountains (such as Mt. Everest in the Himalayas) because they collide and push up, or cause rift
Gotta-Have-It Checklist areas (mid-ocean ridges, Iceland, Baikal) where new seafloor or land is created.

Lesson 10 Student Assessment Formative + Summative

This is a formative assessment at the end of a set of lessons and it also gives an opportunity for midpoint grading, if needed.
L10 Assessment In this task, students are asked to transfer their understanding of the interactions at plate boundaries to an expanded scenario
Scoring Guidance to make predictions about the patterns of landforms and earthquakes at a plate boundary.

Lesson 14 Student Assessment Summative

This lesson includes a transfer task to give students an opportunity to use the 3 dimensions to make sense of a different
L14 Assessment phenomenon. This is meant to be a summative assessment task for the unit and it gives you a grading opportunity. The task
Scoring Guidance includes two parts. Part 1 focuses on a comparison of two mountainous regions in the U.S. to compare rates of erosion and
uplift and the impact on mountains, and the application of ideas to explain how fossils can be found on the side of a cliff in
the Rocky Mountains. Part 2 is a different phenomenon introduced to get students’ initial ideas about the phenomenon, an
ongoing argument about this phenomenon, and also elicit what evidence students think they will need to figure out which
argument has the most merit. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 15

Assessment and Scoring
When Guidance Purpose of Assessment

After each lesson Lesson Performance Formative Assessment

Expectation Use this document to see which parts of lessons or student activity sheets can be used as embedded formative assessments.
Assessment Guidance

Occurs in several Progress Tracker Formative and Student Self Assessment

lessons The Progress Tracker is a thinking tool that was designed to help students keep track of important discoveries that the class
makes while investigating phenomena and figure out how to prioritize and use those discoveries to develop a model to
explain phenomena. It is important that what the students write in the Progress Tracker reflects their own thinking at that
particular moment in time. In this way, the Progress Tracker can be used to formatively assess individual student progress or
for students to assess their own understanding throughout the unit. Because the Progress Tracker is meant to be a thinking
tool for kids, we strongly suggest it is not collected for a summative “grade” other than for completion.

Anytime after a Student Self Student Self Assessment

discussion Assessment Discussion The student self-assessment discussion rubric can be used anytime after a discussion to help students reflect on their
Rubric participation in the class that day. Choose to use this at least once a week or once every other week. Initially, you might give
students ideas for what they can try to improve for the next time, such as sentence starters for discussions. As students gain
practice and proficiency with discussions, ask for their ideas about how the classroom and small group discussions can be
more productive.

After Students Peer Feedback Peer Feedback

Complete Substantial, Facilitation: A Guide There will be times in your classroom when facilitating students to give each other feedback will be very valuable for their
Meaningful Work three-dimensional learning and for learning to give and receive feedback from others. We suggest that peer review happen at
least two times per unit. This document is designed to give you options for how to support this in your classroom. It also
includes student-facing materials to support giving and receiving feedback along with self-assessment rubrics where students
can reflect on their experience with the process.
Peer feedback is most useful when there are complex and diverse ideas visible in student work and not all work is the same.
Student models or explanations are good times to use a peer feedback protocol. They do not need to be final pieces of
student work, rather, peer feedback will be more valuable to students if they have time to revise after receiving peer feedback.
It should be a formative, not summative type of assessment. It is also necessary for students to have experience with past
investigations, observations, and activities where they can use these experiences as evidence for their feedback.
For this unit, Peer Feedback works best for Lessons 8, 10, 13, and 14 during the consensus moments where students are sharing
their consensus models, or after an investigation where students share what they figured out with peers.

For more information about the OpenSciEd approach to assessment and general program rubrics, visit the OpenSciEd Teacher Handbook.

Lesson-by-Lesson Assessment Opportunities

Every OpenSciEd lesson includes one or more lesson-level performance expectations (LLPEs). The structure of every LLPE is designed to be a three-dimensional learning, combining
elements of science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas and cross cutting concepts. The font used in the LLPE indicates the source/alignment of each piece of the text used
in the statement as it relates to the NGSS dimensions: alignment to Science and Engineering Practice(s), alignment to Cross-Cutting Concept(s), and alignment to the Disciplinary Core

The table below summarizes opportunities in each lesson for assessing every lesson-level performance expectation (LLPE). Examples of these opportunities include student handouts,
home learning assignments, progress trackers, or student discussions. Most LLPEs are recommended as potential formative assessments. Assessing every LLPE listed can be logistically
difficult. Strategically picking which LLPEs to assess and how to provide timely and informative feedback to students on their progress toward meeting these is left to the teacher's
discretion. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 16

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 1 Develop a model to describe how Mt. Everest Developing and Using Models; Stability and Change
regularly moves and grows each year (stability), When to check for understanding: Day 1, after students compare their initial models, and Day 2, when the
compared to how Mt. Everest moved suddenly class develops an initial consensus model. It may be helpful to have students leave their notebooks
during an earthquake (change). between day 1 and day 2 to quickly examine their ideas. What to look for/listen for: (1) agreement that Mt.
Everest is moving to the northeast 4 cm a year, getting taller by 6-7 cm a year, moved backwards 3 cm to
Ask questions that arise from careful observations the southwest during the earthquake, (2) disagreement or uncertainty about what causes earthquakes to
of a mountain shifting position during an happen and what causes a mountain to move and get taller. What to do: If your students struggle with
earthquake and after looking at patterns from identifying the typical movement of Mt. Everest (northeast 4 cm and taller 6-7 cm), have your students
earthquake data at different scales. revisit their notes from the reading. You may want to label this type of movement as the “typical” or
“normal” movement that happens gradually over time (stability). Have your students contrast the gradual
movement over time with the sudden change that happened during the earthquake. It is OK if your
students are uncertain about mechanisms that cause the movement. The initial models are intended to
surface their initial ideas you can leverage in later lessons.
Asking questions; Patterns
When to check for understanding: On day 3, the class will develop the Driving Question Board (DQB).
What to look for/listen for: Listen for students to share questions about the event on Mt. Everest and also
about patterns in the location of earthquakes and mountain ranges. Examples may include questions
similar to the following: (1)Event-focused questions: Why is Mt. Everest moving? Why does the mountain
move? What made the mountain move? What if Mt. Everest splits open? How did the mountain move
without getting smaller?(2) Pattern-focused questions: How do mountains grow and shrink? Do
earthquakes happen inside or around mountains? Why are there so many earthquakes? What to do: Use
both Stability and Change and Patterns as lenses through which to share and discuss their questions. Cue
students to identify whether their questions are about the typical movement of Mt. Everest (stability) or
the sudden change in movement caused by the earthquake. Also, cue students to clearly say whether their
questions focused on the event in 2015, or whether they are asking questions about a pattern of
earthquakes and mountain range locations. As before, remind students to turn close-ended questions into
open-ended questions where possible. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 17

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 2 Use digital tools to examine a large data set at Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Scale
different spatial and temporal scales to compare When to check for understanding: Initial Ideas Discussion on day 1. What to look/listen for: (1) in the U.S.
global earthquake activity to local activity. there are a lot more earthquakes on the West coast compared to other parts of the country, (2) in “my
state” or “my town” earthquakes __________ , (3) when you zoom into one location, the earthquakes appear
Analyze graphical displays of earthquake and to happen everywhere in the area, but cluster in some places, (4) when you zoom out to the world, the
topographic data in specific locations to compare earthquakes look like they mostly happen in lines or in clusters, (5) lines of earthquakes happen along the
local patterns to global ones, and to identify edges between land and the ocean and in the middle of the ocean, and (6) when you only look at a short
relationships between earthquake locations and time period, a pattern is not as clear as when you look at data across longer time periods. What to do: Help
topographic features. facilitate students shifting between spatial scales by prompting them to think about what looks the same
or different when you zoom in or out. If students are curious about time scale, adjust the time scale to
display more or less years of data. Be prepared with example locations that typify each pattern listed
above. If students struggle to notice the patterns, zoom into the example location and have students
describe the “shape” of the earthquake activity dots in that particular area.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Patterns
When to check for understanding: Building Understandings Discussion on day 2 and students’ entries on
their Progress Trackers. What to look/listen for: (1) locations with a line pattern tend to be where the ocean
and land (continent or island) meet, in the middle of the ocean, or around the edges of the ocean, (2) in
some locations (Andes, Japan), as you move away from the ocean and further into the land, the
earthquakes get deeper, (3) in some locations (middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Iceland, Baikal Rift Valley), the
earthquakes are all the same depth and are more shallow, (4) in some locations, there is a clear line of
earthquakes that occur, while at other locations the earthquakes cluster into groups, (5) every location with
earthquakes appears “bumpy” on the relief map, which indicates higher elevations (i.e. hills and
mountains), including underwater. What to do: If students struggle to identify the patterns listed above, ask
students to group the locations by similarities in earthquake data. Once grouped, have students describe
what makes the locations in a group similar. After establishing similarities, ask students to identify
similarities or differences between the locations in a group in terms of the local landforms (i.e. mountains,
hills, trenches, etc.), which may be on the ocean floor. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 18

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 3 Integrate quantitative scientific information in Obtain, Evaluate and Communicate Information; Patterns
written text with data in an earthquake When to check for understanding: (1) On Day 1 of this lesson, students will read with a partner about how
visualization to clarify patterns in earthquake data earthquake data is collected and measured. In this reading, they will also read about scientists discovering
in order to locate plates and the direction of their that Earth is not one continuous solid piece of surface, but that there are many pieces called plates. They
movement. will be asked to connect this to what they noticed about the patterns of earthquakes from the last lesson.
What to look for: (1) Students argue that if there are different pieces of the surface that are moving and
Analyze and interpret GPS data to provide scientists agree there are 9 large sections, or plates, then this seems to match up with the patterns they
evidence for the patterns in speed and direction of noticed in the earthquake data in lesson 2.
different plate movements, showing that all plates What to do: (1) If students are struggling to make the connection between earthquake patterns and plates
are moving at different rates and directions, and on Earth, encourage them to return to the article and re-read the section about plates. You can also ask
this movement happens very slowly over millions others to share what they read in the article that led them to argue that the locations of major plates could
of years. possibly be identified using earthquake data and why.

Analyze and Interpret Data; Patterns

When to check for understanding: (1) On day 2, students read about how GPS data is used today to
accurately measure movement on Earth. In this article, there is mathematical and directional data that
students analyze and link back to the map near the DQB. Students should be able to argue that the
patterns in the earthquake data and the movement of the different plates on Earth are connected. Using
this evidence, students should be able to identify with more confidence where the 9 major plates are
located. In addition, students should argue that earthquakes likely happen where plates interact with each
What to look for: (1) As student volunteers come up and add arrows to represent which way the different
plates are moving based on the data in the readings, students should be able to articulate that they notice
the patterns of earthquake data seem to be at the edges, or boundaries, of the different plates.
What to do: (1) If students struggle to see the connection between the patterns of where earthquakes
happen and where the different plates end and begin, and where the edges or boundaries are located, ask
their peers to use data from the reading and from their notebooks to support claims made about where
plates are located. Encourage students to underline and/or highlight sections in the articles that support the
argument that earthquakes happen where plates interact.

Lesson 4 Develop a model to represent the structure, Develop a Model; Structure and Function
composition, and temperature patterns found in When to check for understanding: On Day 1, when students work in groups to draw a cross-section of the
Earth’s crustal plates. plates using information about what they are made of.
What to look/listen for: Students should notice the plates being made of different types of rock (or
Develop a model to represent the patterns of bedrock), but at the very surface they might also represent what people see (soil, grass, trees, cities).
earthquake activity at different plate boundaries to What to do: If students do not represent different kinds of materials that make up plates, press them to
provide evidence for plate movement and/or think about the different samples of rock they held, and ask them if they think bedrock is just one type of
depth. rock. Students might need to re-read Reading: What’s beneath the surface? if their representations do not
include rocks of different compositions and densities.
Develop a Model; Patterns
When to check for understanding: On Day 2 as students complete bird’s-eye and cross-section drawings of
earthquake data at two locations.
What to look/listen for: Look for how spread out or tightly lined the bird’s-eye drawings are (for divergents
and subduction zones, the bird’s-eye earthquake patterns are usually in a tighter line; in convergent uplight
regions, the bird’s-eye patterns are more spread out, such as the Himalayas). Also, look for how shallow or
deep the students draw earthquakes on cross-sections. Subduction zones are the only boundary type with
very deep earthquakes (the cause of this will be addressed in Lesson 9).
What to do: If students struggle to transition between a bird’s-eye view of earthquake data to a cross-
section view, choose a few more locations to model with the class. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 19

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 5 Critically read scientific text to obtain scientific Obtain Information; Systems and System Models
information about the systems and subsystems of When to check for understanding: In Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the
the Earth to describe what is below the surface deepest mine?, students obtain information about what the inside of the Earth looks like and use this to
(crust). revise their Earth model Earth Model.
What to look for: Students should include the three layers of the Earth: the crust, mantle, and core. They
Develop or revise a model to represent what is should also include the temperature of these different layers.
below the surface of the Earth that results in What to do: If students struggle to come up with an idea for how to represent the different layers of the
energy flowing and matter cycling in Earth’s system Earth, it may help to have a manipulative for students to look at. Examples of these could include: a hard
that could influence the movement of the plates. boiled egg, an orange, or a spherical model made with clay with the three layers that can be cut in half and
opened up to see the layers.
Develop and Revise a Model; Systems and System Models
When to check for understanding: As they read, students develop a model of the Earth to reflect what is
below the plates using Earth Model.
What to look for: Students should suggest that we label the layer that holds the plates as the crust, the
layer under this as the mantle, and the center as the core. Students should incorporate the depth and
temperature of the different layers. The model should also include the relative thicknesses of the plates and
layers, to show how thin the plates actually are in comparison to the other layers and the whole Earth in
What to do: If students struggle with the cross section perspective as they are editing their handout, refer
them back to the orange analogy for the Earth. The skin of the orange could represent the crust, the inside
of the orange could represent the mantle and core. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 20

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 6 Develop a model to describe how energy from the Developing Models; Systems and System Models
Earth’s core flows through the mantle (a large, When to check for understanding: End of Day 1, individually on handout How are the plates moving?. As a
complex system with subsystems), resulting in the class, on Day 2, when they revise their Earth Model.
collision or spreading apart of the crust’s plates, What to look for/listen for: (1) What each component in the system represents in the real-world (i.e., the
forming mountains in some places and mid-ocean liquid is the mantle, the heat source is the Earth’s core, the liquid’s motion is the movement within the
ridges in others. mantle), (2) As the liquid increases in temperature near the heat source, it begins to rise. As it nears the
surface, it moves out in all directions, and then eventually sinks again (as seen by the food coloring), (3)
Apply mathematical concepts, such as rates, and Energy is added to the system by the heat source, and then it causes the matter (liquid) to heat up and rise.
the direction of movement of Earth’s plates that The matter is moving in circular directions.
are the result of a transfer of energy from Earth’s What to do: Students may struggle with conceptualizing the connection between the representation of the
interior to the crust, to explain what causes plates convective movement of the liquid in the bin visualized by the movement of the food coloring with what
to move great distances, collide, and spread apart. is happening with the molten rock in the mantle and how this affects plate movement. Be sure to take
time to problematize this using parts 1, 2 and 3 on the handout with students. As students watch the
demonstration and fill in the different components of the model in the analogy map, encourage some
students to share what they are mapping between the demonstration and what is happening in the Earth.
Encouraging students to share these connections will help support students who struggle with mapping
components in a representation to a real world phenomenon. It will be important to explicitly link arrows
on the Earth Model to the movement observed in the demonstration. Press students for evidence from
the demonstration to support their ideas. If students struggle or can’t explain the movement in the mantle,
consider doing the demonstration again, or reference experiences from previous units, such as the Mylar
balloon (Lesson 5) and the dye convection lab (Lesson 12) of the Storms unit. Also, some students may be
able to consider what happens microscopically as material in the mantle heats and cools. However, this
goes beyond the scope of this unit.

Developing Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Matter and Energy

When to check for understanding: At the end of Day 2.
What to look for/listen for: There are two major motions to consider: A) when matter rises in the mantle
and interacts with the crust, it moves and spreads the plates in all different directions, and B) as two parts
of the different convection cells meet and the matter starts to sink, pulling plates together. Students will
need to make connections between the vertical movement of matter in the mantle and the lateral
movement of the plates on Earth’s surface.
What to do: Students’ perspectives will need to transition between a cross-section version of Earth’s core,
mantle, and crust to a top-down view of the plates, either moving away from one another or colliding into
one another. If this is difficult for students, be sure to map the directions of the movements on the cross-
section model, first by drawing arrows rising up, and then spreading away from one another (and vice
versa for colliding). Also, ask students how the fluid moved at the surface of the convection demonstration.

Lesson 7 Apply mathematical concepts (ratio, proportion) to Using mathematics and computational thinking; Scale, proportion and quantity:
measure and calculate how far two points on When to check for understanding: (1) Students work with a partner to figure how far apart a point on the
Earth’s plates moved over certain amounts of time Indian plate and a point on the Eurasian plate would have been at times in the past. (2) When the class
(scale,) ranging from a few years to millions of develops a class representative of how far apart the two plates have moved over time the measurements
years. that were figured in cm by students are converted to km (and/or miles).
What to look/listen for: (1) For one year in the past, on our model, the two points on these two plates
would have been 7.5 cm apart. Students should use this to figure out that for 10 years in the past, these two
points would be 75 cm apart. And then, they should be able to use this relationship to figure this out for
1000; 100,000; and 10 million years by using simple mathematics. (2) When shifting from cm to km,
students should realize the plates have moved a far distance over time.
What to do: (1) If students struggle with the mathematics of multiples of ten, they could be provided a
calculator to find the solution. (2) If students struggle with the scale of km, or miles, using an analogy (a
football field is about 10 km, one lap around the track is about .5 km) could help. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 21

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 8 Develop a model based on evidence to explain the Developing and Using Models; Stability and Change
gradual and sudden movements at Mt. Everest due When to check for understanding: On day 1 when students offer proposals for the consensus model
to plate motion and convection in the mantle. explaining movement at Mt. Everest.
What to look/listen for: Students making connections between (1) heat flow from the core to the surface,
Construct an explanation using models to explain which causes (2) up and down motion of material in the mantle, which affects (3) plate motion at the
how Earth’s surface is changed suddenly and over surface. At Mt.Everest two plates are moving toward each other, and (4) when two plates collide, the land
long periods of time due to plate movement and lifts up and (5) earthquakes happen as the plates slip past each other and resettle.
motion in the mantle. What to do: If students struggle to piece the ideas together, ask them to tell the story beginning with
energy flowing from the core. Make connections back to the Motion in the Mantle demonstration from
Lesson 6 and ask students to cite evidence from the demonstration that connects up and down movement
in the mantle to surface movement spreading apart or colliding. Then prompt students to explain how
mountains form at the surface (uplift) once they have agreed upon ideas about convection within the
mantle and Mt. Everest forming where plates collide.

Constructing an Explanation; Stability and Change

When to check for understanding: On day 2 when students write an individual explanation.
What to look/listen for: Students (1) identifying mountain building as a change requiring long amounts of
time because plates only move a small distance each year, and (2) explaining that an earthquake is a quick
change after built-up tension between plates is released.
What to do: Encourage students to use their data from Lesson 3 to support their ideas about gradual and
sudden movements. Display the Relief Map with Arrows from Lesson 3 as a scaffold to help students
construct their explanations. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 22

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 9 Integrate qualitative and quantitative scientific Obtain Information; Systems and System Models
information in written text with that contained in When to check for understanding: At the end of Day 1 when students have sorted through three
media and visual displays to clarify claims about information sources and drawn and written new ideas as a group; On Day 2, during the Building
how the Earth’s plates and mantle (systems) Understandings and Consensus Discussions using the three-column Progress Tracker.
interact to form volcanoes. What to look for/listen for:
Thin or cracked parts of the crust allow magma to seep through.
Use graphical, cross-section displays of large Places that are moving away from one another allow magma to seep through.
earthquake data sets to identify spatial When a heavy plate collides with a lighter plate, the heavier plate sinks beneath the lighter plate.
relationships and patterns in data to support the The heavier plate sinks into the mantle.
formation of volcanoes along boundaries where Really hot water, gas, and magma (or material in the mantle) all heat up and push through to the
one plate sinks below another. surface causing volcanoes to form in some places.
Earthquake data shows that plates can sink very deep below other plates.
What to do: There are multiple places within this two-day lesson to assess students’ use of this practice to
apply obtained information to understand how Earth’s systems are interacting to form volcanoes. At the
end of Day 1, briefly inspect the groups’ models to check whether the obtained information is useful for
explaining volcano formation. On Day 2 during the Building Understandings discussion, press students to
cite evidence from one of the Day 1 sources. During the Consensus Discussion, students will demonstrate
how well they have integrated the sources of information to develop a consensus model of volcanic
formation. Again, press students for evidence from the source to support this work and demonstrate the
Analyze and Interpret Data; Patterns
When to check for understanding: Day 2 during the Seismic Explorer cross-section analysis activity.
What to look for/listen for: Ideas that connect (1) earthquakes happening when plates bump into each
other, (2) the data showing that one plate is sliding under another plate, getting deeper and deeper, and
(3) scientists’ ideas about plates sinking back into the mantle and melting.
What to do: The earthquake data shows that the two plates are still interacting deep below the surface. If
students struggle to make this connection, remind them that earthquakes indicate when the ground is
moving or shifting (Lesson 3) and that they can be found at different depths (Lesson 4, Lesson 8).
Challenge students to add to their Progress Tracker that earthquakes represent where the ground is moving
and to make connections between the earthquake data and how volcanoes form. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 23

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 10 Develop and revise a model to describe Develop a Model; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
unobservable movements within Earth’s interior When to check for understanding: On Day 1 as students review their cross-section models and synthesize
that shift the Earth’s plates in different ways over science ideas across the three types of movement.
long periods of time and large distances, shaping What to look for/listen for: Students should draw on the ideas from their Gotta-Have-It Checklist and map
what we see on the surface today. those ideas to specific plate movement types. Through this activity they are developing, using, and revising
models of unobservable phenomena that occur at time and space scales too large for students to
Apply scientific ideas and evidence to construct an understand, but students can use these models to explain earthquake patterns and landforms they see on
explanation of the interaction of systems on Earth the surface today.
that account for earthquake activity and landform What to do: Encourage students to work through each idea on the Gotta-Have-It Checklist and map it to
features at real-world places on a plate boundary. the different types of movement using the tri-venn diagram. Students can use the classroom consensus
models when needed. Press students to cite evidence from the models or different activities in Lessons 2-9
Construct an explanation using models to predict to support their reasoning.
and describe how the different plate movements
account for patterns in mountain locations, Construct an Explanation; Systems and System Models
formation of volcanoes, and earthquake activity on When to check for understanding: At the end of Day 1 on Reading: How Volcanoes Form.
the Earth’s surface. What to look for/listen for: Look for students’ explanations to include: (1) movement in the mantle pushes
the plates in different directions at the surface, (2) depending on the direction of movement, the plates are
either moving away from one another or toward one another, (3) spreading boundaries are characterized
by shallow earthquakes in a line pattern, some volcanic activity, and mountain building, but also
geothermal heating because magma is closer to the surface, and (4) colliding boundaries where one plate is
heavier than another, sinks below, and melts into the mantle, causing volcanoes to form on the crust
above. Also, earthquakes at these boundaries get deeper and deeper as the plate sinks into the mantle.
What to do: Encourage students to use their data and model ideas from Lessons 3 and 6 to support their
ideas about direction of movement and models from Lessons 8 and 9 to help explain the plate
movement, associated earthquake patterns, and landforms.

Construct an Explanation; Patterns

When to check for understanding: On Day 2 with the student assessment, Using Models to Explain Patterns.
What to look for/listen for: Use the scoring guidance in Using Models to Explain Patterns. At this point in the
unit, students should be comfortable with the following ideas which will prepare them for the upcoming
lesson set:
Interaction at plate boundaries causes predictable landform and earthquake patterns
The different types of plate interaction have different effects, such as mountains versus volcanos;
shallow earthquakes versus deep earthquakes)
The collision or separating of plates are caused by the convective movement in the mantel
Maps and data representations can help to understand and describe the patterns of movement at
plate boundaries
What to do: If students struggle to draw cross-section models or construct explanations of each type of
movement, revisit the three consensus models they developed as a class in Lessons 8 and 9. Ask students
which model would best fit the scenario posed in questions one, if all the plates are about the same
heaviness or density (this would be uplift model that explains Everest). But, since part of the African plate
is heavier, it is sinking, forming volcanoes, which is a different model of plate movement. Students could
also use the tri-venn diagram to help construct their explanations. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 24

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 11 Ask questions to refine a model of how Mt. Everest Asking Questions and Defining Problems; Scale, Proportion and Quantity
is changing over time using evidence of fossils When to check for understanding: Students add questions to the DQB. What to look/listen for: Look for
from sea creatures found at the top of the questions such as: How do fossils form?; How do fossils get to the top of a mountain?; What are fossils?;
mountain. Was there once a tropical area near Mt. Everest?; How do we know how old a fossil is?; If India was near
the equator 400 million years ago, where was Asia? What to do: Use Scale, Proportion and Quantity as a
lens for students to identify their questions. Encourage students to use their class consensus model as a
reference for asking questions about how fossils could be found on the top of Mt. Everest. As always, press
students to craft their questions as testable, open-ended questions when possible.

Lesson 12 Use evidence to explain how information from Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
rock layers is used to figure out the relative age and When to check for understanding: At the end of day 2, or beginning of day 3 (slide U), after examining the
location of fossils from Earth’s geologic history. rock layers of Mt. Everest and time series map data, students individually use evidence to explain what the
location of Mt. Everest may have looked like in the past, and how an ancient sea fossil could be found at
Analyze and interpret data regarding rock layers the top of Mt. Everest.
and fossil patterns to describe how the Earth’s What to look for/listen for: From the Mt. Everest rock layers evidence, students should notice that only the
surface has changed through past plate motions. top two layers of rocks contain fossils, that both layers are made of limestone, (evidence for a past sea or
ocean flow), and that we see sea fossils in the topmost layer (further evidence that this layer was once near
or under water). From the Mt. Everest time-series evidence, students should notice that the approximate
location of where Mt. Everest currently stands was once surrounded by water. This increases the likelihood
that sea creatures could have once lived near the area which would eventually form Mt. Everest. (The
approximate location of Mt. Everest is shown with a gray circle throughout each map.)
What to do: If your students struggle as they interpret the evidence, consider facilitating a short discussion
in which the whole class helps to understand the data. For the rock layers data, help students name and
identify the various rock layers while reminding students about information from the reading, in which we
learned that fossils are commonly found in limestone rock layers and that limestone is often proof of an
ancient sea floor. For the time series map data, it may be helpful to enlarge each map on separate slides so
that students can see more clearly how the location of current-day Mt. Everest has changed over time, and
that it was often near an ocean throughout Earth’s past.

Constructing Explanations; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

When to check for understanding: Near the end of the lesson on day 3, students will update their Progress
Trackers in their notebooks by answering the question, “Why do we see the fossil of an ancient sea creature
near the top of Mt. Everest?”
What to look for/listen for: Students’ responses should include ideas related to the following:
Older layers of rocks are found below new layers of rocks.
Fossils are the remains or impressions of organisms that lived in the past and were buried
beneath rocks at the Earth’s surface.
Evidence from rock layers can tell us the approximate location for ancient sea and land
organisms, and provide clues for where ancient bodies of water once existed.
Plate movement and mountain uplift help explain how fossils buried in deep rock layers can be
found near the tops of mountains.
What to do: If students struggle to include these pieces in their explanations, try to identify which piece of
evidence is particularly problematic. Try to have one or more students who understand the evidence
facilitate a brief discussion around the meaning, importance, and implications of that piece of evidence.
Often, students who have deeper conceptual understanding will be able to explain ideas and concepts in
more student-friendly language. If students seem to be using academic terminology (i.e. fossilization,
sedimentation), press for understanding by asking them to rephrase using simpler terminology. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 25

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 13 Critically read scientific texts adapted for classroom Obtain Information; Cause and Effect
use to obtain information about the causes of rock When to check for understanding: In stations, students observe and read about forces that lead to
to break down and move around at Earth’s surface, weathering and erosion of different landscapes.
changing the shape of the land over time (effect). What to look/listen for: Students should be discussing the stations and the forces that move sediment and
layers. Students should be making connections between these forces and their ability to change the way
Apply scientific reasoning to show why weathering the landscape looks. Listen for students to point out the exact weathering element from their stations and
and erosion data can help explain how water and list this interaction on Landscape Stations.
wind can shape the land over long periods of time. Station 1: This station helps explain images 1, 2, and 8, which are slowly being broken down by
small organisms, such as moss and lichen.
Station 2: This station helps explain image 6, which was worn down by a sheet of ice and snow
sliding across the surface.
Station 3: This station helps explain image 5, which was worn down by the wind.
Station 4: This station helps explain images 1 and 7, which show rock that has been worn away
because of repeated interactions with waves.
Station 5: This station helps explain images 2, 3, and 8, where the continual water across and
under the surface has worn the layers down over time. Station 6: This station helps explain
images 2, 3, and 6, which are being broken apart by organisms growing under or between the
What to do: If students struggle to understand what is causing the weathering and erosion to occur, direct
them back to the simulated part of the station and point out each element--the element that is causing the
movement, the element that is being struck, and the movement of the struck element. In the reading, have
students highlight the item that is doing the moving and the cause for the movement.
Construct Explanation; Cause and Effect, Stability and Change
When to check for understanding: During the stations work, as students complete the handout and also
the exit ticket, students explain how the landscape of Horseshoe Bend in the Grand Canyon has changed
over time on a notecard.
What to look/listen for: Students should explain that the bend was created by water carving out the
landscape over time, exposing rock layers and moving sediment down the river.
What to do: If students struggle to make this connection, have students refer back to Image Observation
Table and Landscape Stations. Reference each row and look for connections between that landscape and
station and Horseshoe Bend. Ask students:
What elements are present in this picture?
What could have caused this canyon to form?
What could have moved this sediment to create this big cutout in the rocks? Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 26

Lesson Lesson-Level Performance Expectation(s) Assessment Guidance

Lesson 14 Use mathematical representations of uplift and Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
erosion rates on Mt. Everest to develop an idea When to check for understanding: Day 1, individual whiteboards and the Building Understandings
that forces from below (Earth’s mantle) and forces Discussion.
from above (weathering, erosion) shape what we What to look/listen for: Mt. Everest is getting taller because the rates of uplift are greater than the rates of
see on Mt. Everest and all of Earth’s crust. erosion. This means that mountains can get taller when uplift is greater than erosion; mountains get
smaller or shrink when uplift is less than erosion.
Develop a time-series model to show the What to do: Consider using the math symbols greater than and less than to help students think about what
relationships between uplift and erosion over time would happen to elevation if one factor (uplift) is greater than an oppositional factor (weathering, erosion).
that would cause a marine fossil record to be on Simple subtraction can also yield whether a mountain has net positive or negative growth. However, don’t
the top of Mt. Everest. get too entangled in the math; it is more important for students to understand that the two forces work
together to determine growth or decline of mountains.
Apply scientific ideas about the growth (uplift) and
shrinking (weathering and erosion) of mountain Develop a Model; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity:
ranges to explain the lifecycle (stability and When to check for understanding: Day 2 during Gallery Walk and Consensus Discussion.
change) of a mountain range over long periods of What to look/listen for: Students should be able to explain how a fossil forms over time, how they are
time. uplifted by colliding plates, and then exposed by weathering and erosion. Specifically: (1) The animal died
and was buried in the seabed floor (sediment, sand), (2) Over time the sediment or sand hardened and the
animal fossilized, (3) As the Indian and Eurasian plates collided, the sea bed disappeared as it was lifted up,
(4) The uplift continued to build the Himalayas mountains. The seabed layer was lifted up to the top of the
mountains, (5) Weathering and erosion can cause old buried rock layers to be exposed again, (6) Water (or
ice, snow) and wind can break down the rock and wash it away.
What to do: Revisit student Progress Trackers from Lesson 12 and 13 and the Gotta-Have-It Checklist to
press students to incorporate these ideas into their consensus model.
Constructing Explanations; Stability and Change
When to check for understanding: On Day 3 using the student assessment.
What to look/listen for: Students are able to draw or write ideas that are included in the scoring guidance
Key: Explaining Earth Changes and the Gotta-Have-It Checklists from both lesson sets: Gotta-Have-It Checklist:
Key for Lesson 10 and Sample Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest. Students should also reference
ideas about how these processes occur over long time scales, and it is over these long periods of time that
Earth’s surface will change.
What to do: To provide an opportunity for struggling students to clarify or expand on their ideas, consider
doing talk-alouds and let students verbally explain their thinking to the assessment items. Also consider
letting students use their Gotta-Have-It Checklists or the lesson consensus models during the assessment if
needed. Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 27 Unit 6.4 • 12/19/19 Page 28
LESSON 1: What causes Mt. Everest to move in different ways?
PREVIOUS LESSON There is no previous lesson.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we observe two video clips; the first clip is an eye-witness account showing climbers on Mt.
Everest experiencing an earthquake, and the second is a television news segment describing how the regular
ANCHORING PHENOMENON movement of Mt. Everest was interrupted and temporarily reversed by the earthquake. A reading then helps
us understand that Mt. Everest is constantly moving northeast and growing taller. During the earthquake, the
3 days mountain moved back southwest, but did not change its height. Then, we examine earthquake data in a
computer interactive and we notice potential connections between the locations of earthquakes and
mountain ranges, and develop an initial model explaining how mountains grow, move, and change,
especially during earthquakes. Finally, we brainstorm related phenomena and ask questions in order to
generate a list of data and information we need to better understand the growth and movement of Mt.
Everest, and how earthquakes may be related to mountain formation or movement.
NEXT LESSON We will investigate patterns in earthquake activity in different regions. We will figure out that earthquakes happen in cluster and line patterns that vary along
spatial and time scales. We will investigate locations known for earthquake activity to identify how earthquakes relate to local landforms and wonder why
earthquakes tend to happen in areas with mountains, volcanoes, and other landforms.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Develop a model to describe how Mt. Everest regularly moves and grows each year (stability), compared to how Mt. Everest moved suddenly
2, MS-ESS2-3 during an earthquake (change).

Ask questions that arise from careful observations of a mountain shifting position during an earthquake and after looking at patterns from
earthquake data at different scales.


Mountains can move in one direction normally, but can reverse direction during an earthquake.
Mountains can get taller.
There seems to be a pattern to where earthquakes happen and where we have mountains. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 29

Lesson 1 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

1 10 min INTRODUCE THE MT. EVEREST PHENOMENON A computer and projector,

Watch two short video clips introducing the phenomenon: Mt. Everest’s typical northeast movement is suddenly https://www.teachersopensciedfieldte
reversed during an earthquake. Record and share noticings and wonderings from the two videos about what
happened during the earthquake and how the observed sudden movement compares to the typical movement
of Mt. Everest.

2 10 min READ ABOUT MT. EVEREST EARTHQUAKE B Reading: Earthquake in Nepal: Everest
Have students gather more information about the Mt. Everest earthquake through a short reading. Pair students Moves But Remains the Same Height
for the reading and cue them to add to their Notice and Wonder charts as they read.

3 8 min SHARE NOTICINGS/WONDERINGS AND INITIAL IDEAS C Notice and Wonder chart, markers
Gather students in a whole group discussion to share their noticings and wonderings from the video clips and
reading. Record noticings and wonderings on a class chart to remain visible during the rest of Lesson 1.

4 8 min CONSTRUCT INITIAL MODEL INDIVIDUALLY D-E colored pencils or pens

Give students time to work individually to develop an initial model. Students will draw and write their initial
model directly into their notebook, opposite their Notice and Wonder chart.


Arrange students into groups of 3 to share their initial models. Encourage students to share and consider
different ideas they have about what could explain the observed motion.
End of day 1

Ask students to share some of their wonderings from day 1 and to review their initial models to consider how
they might answer their questions. Use this time to prepare to construct the initial class consensus model.

7 15 min DEVELOP AN INITIAL CLASS CONSENSUS MODEL I-J Communicating in Scientific Ways
Prompt students to share their initial ideas to explain the gradual movement of Mt. Everest each year--both poster, Initial Class Consensus Model
upward and northeast--and the sudden movement of Mt. Everest in the earthquake. Prompt students to use poster, markers
Stability and Change as a lens for explaining both kinds of movement.


Transition students to thinking about whether this was a one-time event, or possibly part of a larger system. Ask
students to share how they would know whether this earthquake event was part of a pattern, as opposed to a
random event.

9 8 min GET FAMILIAR WITH SEISMIC EXPLORER L computer and projector, Seismic
Remain in Scientists Circle to explore more earthquake data. Open Seismic Explorer for your students and orient Explorer Version 1
them to the relief map, or Earth, before you begin to plot earthquake data. ( )

Have students generate observations and ask questions about the earthquake data in the Himalayas mountains Wonder chart, markers
before broadening to other parts of the world. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 30

Part Duration Summary Slide Materials


Assigns students to brainstorm related phenomena that may be similar to or help them explain the Mt. Everest
phenomenon and the new patterns of earthquakes they just observed.
End of day 2

12 10 min NAVIGATION TO BRAINSTORM RELATED PHENOMENA P Related Phenomena poster, markers

Give students time to share their Home Learning with a partner before facilitating a whole group discussion of
related phenomena.

13 8 min DEVELOP QUESTIONS FOR THE DRIVING QUESTION BOARD Q 1-2 sticky notes, markers, Notice and
Direct students to look at their models for Mt. Everest and their Notice and Wonder charts from day 1 and day 2 Wonder chart, Related Phenomena
to develop questions about the event at Mt. Everest, or the patterns they noticed related to the event. poster, Initial Class Consensus Model
poster, Large World Relief Map

14 20 min DEVELOP THE DRIVING QUESTION BOARD R Notice and Wonder chart, Related
Convene a Scientists Circle to construct the Driving Question Board (DQB) around students’ questions. Phenomena poster, Initial Class
Consensus Model poster, Large World
Relief Map, markers

15 10 min BRAINSTORM IDEAS FOR DATA AN INFORMATION NEEDED S Ideas for Data and Information We
Create an “Ideas for Data and Information We Need” poster and record the class’ thoughts on how to figure out Need poster, DQB (World Relief Map
the answers to our initial questions as we move forward. poster), markers

Allows students to reflect on the Driving Question Board and offer suggestions for next steps.
End of day 3 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 31

Lesson 1 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook computer and projector

Reading: Earthquake in Nepal: Everest Moves But Remains the Same Height
colored pencils or pens Notice and Wonder chart
Relief Map of the World markers
1-2 sticky notes Communicating in Scientific Ways poster
markers Initial Class Consensus Model poster
Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( )
Related Phenomena poster
Large World Relief Map
Ideas for Data and Information We Need poster
DQB (World Relief Map poster)

Materials preparation (20 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Test the two video clips prior to Day 1:

Scary Day on Everest:
News Report:

Test the interactive, Seismic Explorer Version 1, , prior to Day 2.

Prepare a space for your word wall that will include space for “words we encounter” and “words we earn.” “Words we encounter” are specialized terminology we encounter in a piece of
information and we need to know what the word means to comprehend the information. “Words we earn” are words that we work together for several days in order to make sense of in
regards to the context of the phenomenon. During Day 1, add “words we encounter” from the reading.

Prepare all posters using chart paper and markers:

Day 1 - Notice and Wonder chart
Day 2 - Initial Class Consensus Model
Day 3 - Related Phenomena, Ideas for Data and Information We Need

Determine where to set up the Driving Question Board prior to starting Day 3. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 32

Lesson 1 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
Students engage with the phenomenon through two short video clips showing and describing the sudden movement of Mt. Everest during an earthquake, and comparing this to the
gradual movement and growth that Mt. Everest typically experiences each year. After generating initial ideas for how these kinds of movements could occur, students then use a
computer interactive displaying the geographic locations of earthquakes over time in order to discern whether any patterns emerge between the occurrences of earthquakes and the
locations of landforms on the Earth’s surface (e.g. mountain ranges). The purpose of the anchor is to probe students’ understanding of Earth’s geologic processes, and how those
processes help shape the Earth’s surface. It leverages ideas that students may have about how some changes in Earth’s surface occur gradually and are almost undetectable at a glance (i.e.
the growth of a mountain), while other changes may occur suddenly and are instantly observable (i.e. earthquakes). Additionally, the anchor allows students to ask questions about a
single occurrence (Mt. Everest earthquake event) and a pattern of events (earthquakes around the world over time), and to identify the types of data and information required to answer
questions about both the specific phenomenon and the pattern of phenomena they’ve observed.

Where We Are NOT Going

As students share their ideas, you may hear them mention what they already know about plates, plate tectonics, weathering and erosion. Encourage students to share their thinking, but
avoid giving too much away at this point in the unit. Subsequent lessons will draw upon students’ prior knowledge regarding:
Thermal energy transfer and convection to explain how the Earth’s surface is in constant motion due to movement within the Earth’s mantle.
Geologic events, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, often occur in bands along boundaries between continents and oceans, explaining why many major mountain chains form
near the edges of continents, while others sometimes occur in the middle of continents or oceans. Students will deepen their understanding of plates, plate boundaries, and
convection in the mantle throughout the first lesson set.
Weathering and erosion as processes that help shape the Earth’s surface, which helps explain how wind and water slow the effects of uplift. Explaining how landforms get taller
or shorter will become the focus of lesson set 2. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 33


MATERIALS: science notebook, computer and projector,

Introduce the phenomena. Say, I recently learned about this astonishing phenomenon involving the world’s tallest mountain, Mt. Everest! It may ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
be something you’ve heard about, but I knew very little about this. I found a few videos for us to watch to learn more about it.✱
Since this anchor relies on a phenomenon
Present slide A. Have students find a blank page in their science notebooks. Students can title the page, “Mt. Everest Phenomenon.” that may take place far away from most
Then, have students make a T-chart to record their noticings (left side of the T-chart) and wonderings (right side of the T-chart) from the students, it is important that students still
two videos. find the event relevant and interesting.
Though some students may be attracted to
the more general phenomena of
SCIENCE This is the first use of the science notebook for this new unit. You may need time to organize a new section earthquakes (particularly students who
NOTEBOOK in the notebook. How to set up the section will vary depending on how you’ve structured the components have experienced earthquakes or live in
of your notebooks, such as the table of contents and how to note the start of a new unit. It is regions that experience earthquakes), you
recommended to have students do the following: may need to leverage other experiences or
Reserve a blank page at the start of the unit, to be titled on day 3 of this lesson when students are events as ways to initiate interest. For
given (or the class develops) the unit question. example, you might consider talking about
After the title page, reserve 2 pages (4 pages front-to-back) for the table of contents (unless all nearby mountain ranges and asking
tables of contents are at the front of the notebook). whether they behave similarly to Mt.
Reserve 10 pages (20 pages front-to-back) for the Progress Tracker pages. Everest. You might also approach the
Number the pages so everyone begins the first investigation of the unit on the same page number. anchor in a way that highlights rock or
mountain climbing if you have students
Remind students that the notebook is their tool for recording their observations, evidence, and ideas to who are particularly interested in extreme
share with the classroom community. They should see it as a space to brainstorm and record their thinking, sports.
as well as a place to show how their thinking changes as they learn more.

Show the first Everest video. Explain to students that Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. There are a lot of mountain
climbers who hike to the top of the mountain (i.e., summit) each year. Tell students the first video was captured by climbers when the
phenomenon happened. Do not give away the earthquake just yet.

Play the first video, Scary Day on Everest, at . Give students 1-2 minutes to record
what they noticed and wondered about on their Noticings/Wonderings chart in their science notebooks. For one minute, have students
turn and share with an elbow partner their noticings and wonderings from the first video.

Show the second Everest video. Explain to students that the second video is a news report about the event that shares more
information about what happened that same day the climbers were on the mountain.

Play the second video, News Report, at . Give students 1-2 minutes to record what
they notice and wonder about on their Noticings/Wonderings chart in their science notebooks. For one minute, have students turn and
share with an elbow partner their noticings and wonderings from the second video.

Tell your students that they will have an opportunity to share their noticings and wonderings with the class later in the class period after
they have gathered more information about this event. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 34


MATERIALS: Reading: Earthquake in Nepal: Everest Moves But Remains the Same Height, science notebook

Introduce the reading. Say, I was so shocked that the entire mountain moved during the earthquake that I ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
had to learn more about it. I came across this short reading that may have some useful information for us to
understand what happened. The reading contains technical words that
you may want to discuss with your students
Distribute a copy of Reading: Earthquake in Nepal: Everest Moves But Remains the Same Height to each before they begin reading, or pause to
student. There is a copy of this reading, Earthquake in Nepal: Everest Moves But Remains the Same discuss as students encounter them in the
Height, in the Student Edition for reference as well. The handout version is provided so students text. You can also add these words to your
word wall as “words we encounter” as
can write notes on the reading and attach to their science notebook.✱ opposed to “words we earn or figure out”
Words we encounter are those that we
Prepare for reading. Project slide B. Tell students that the slide image shows Mt. Everest in the need to be able to interpret to understand
center, surrounded by other mountains in the Himalayas mountain range. Elicit from students a piece of information we are examining,
what they think a “mountain range” is compared to a mountain. Then, take another 1-2 minutes to as opposed to “words we earn,” which
preview the reading with your students, focusing on language they will encounter as they read. represent “concepts” or “big ideas” that
Encourage students to take notes or write questions about these words on their handout as students will wrestle with over the course
necessary. of a lesson(s). Previewing or pausing to
discuss technical terms in the text can be
Read for more information. Have students read on their own, or in partners, stopping at each particularly helpful for emergent
paragraph to add to their Notice and Wonder charts. They can mark the text following your typical multilingual learners, students with
classroom protocol.✱ dyslexia, and students who read below
grade level. These words include:
avalanche, magnitude 7.8 quake, and GPS
ADDITIONAL Certain students may need more support as they read informational text. If so, consider using or modifying sensors.
GUIDANCE the suggested Close Reading protocol to fit with what you have used with your students in the past. A
consistent approach to close reading will benefit emergent multilingual students, students with dyslexia, ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
and students reading below grade level. Plan to take more time with the reading if you use this protocol. ENGAGING IN OBTAINING,
Alternatively, should your students require less reading supports, consider having them read and add to EVALUATING, AND COMMUNICATING
their Notice and Wonder chart after each paragraph on their own or in partners, as stated on slide B. INFORMATION
Example Close Reading protocol: The purpose of this reading is to provide
1. Set the purpose for what we are doing and the type of information we are looking for in the students with an opportunity to glean
reading. For example, students may want to use their noticings and wonderings to help guide additional facts about the phenomenon in
them to look for more information and try to answer their initial questions. addition to the previously viewed video
2. Read the first paragraph together. As you read with students, pause and share your thinking, clips. Encourage students to critically read
highlighting a few ideas that answered questions you had about Mt. Everest. Reread paragraph 1 as the text to obtain more evidence for what
necessary. happened in the Mt. Everest phenomenon.
3. Give students about ten minutes to continue reading, highlighting key ideas, and making notes on Certain evidence presented in the reading,
their own. Remind them to be selective about what they highlight and to look for things that help such as the typical gradual movement of
answer their initial questions or give them more information about what happened. the Himalayas northeast at 4 cm per year,
4. Tell students to work with a small group (or with a partner) to summarize the key ideas from the and the sudden backwards shift in the
reading and to add these to their noticings table. Also, encourage students to write answers to earthquake of 3 cm, can provide concrete
their wonderings if the reading helped to answer those questions. numbers for students to think about as
they move into developing their initial
models. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 35


MATERIALS: science notebook, Notice and Wonder chart, markers

Facilitate public sharing of noticings/wonderings. Show slide C. For the next five minutes, have ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS INITIAL
students share their noticings and wonderings with the class. Be sure to record what is shared on IDEAS DISCUSSION
the class Noticings/Wonderings chart. Keep this chart visible to reference as you transition into an
Initial Ideas Discussion. In this discussion, do not correct students’
misuse of language. An Initial Ideas
Discussion is used to encourage students to
Facilitate an Initial Ideas Discussion. Elicit from students their initial ideas about what needs to be share their prior knowledge on a topic and
explained in the phenomenon.✱ Say, You’ve all noticed some interesting things from the videos and the generate divergent thinking. Some students
reading. As you look at our Notice and Wonder chart, what are some different things we need to explain? may refer to plates, plate movement, plate
tectonics, or continental drift. Rather than
stopping students from using these terms,
you might ask students to briefly offer an
explanation of the term. Avoid pushing for
clear, developed definitions. Instead, it
may be more effective to simply note any
new terms that emerge through discussion
as ones the class needs to learn more
about. Students will refine their
understanding of these terms as they
progress through the unit.
Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

What part of the phenomenon do you think We need to know why the mountain moved What are our initial ideas about how this
we need to explain? backward. could happen?

We need to know how the mountain is Do you have any ideas about what could be
getting taller. causing this?

We need to know how a mountain could What do you think could help us explain how
move. an entire mountain can move 4 cm each

KEY IDEAS Purpose of this discussion: To elicit students’ ideas about what requires further explanation, such as how Mt.
Everest moves and grows taller, and how the earthquake changed the movement.

Listen for these ideas:

We need to explain what causes the whole mountain to move to the northeast (the gradual,
normal movement).
We need to explain what happened during the earthquake that caused Mt. Everest to move
We need to explain how a mountain gets taller.
We need to explain how earthquakes happen.
Follow up by saying, It seems like we are curious about how Everest gets taller, how Everest moves, and how Everest went backwards in the
earthquake. Let’s try to explain these different pieces based on what we know so far. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 36


MATERIALS: science notebook, colored pencils or pens

Prepare for the initial model. Direct students to set up their notebook to represent their initial models. Explain to students that their ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
initial model will be completed individually and on the page opposite their Notice and Wonder chart. Display slide D. ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
Say, Using what you noticed in the video clips and read in the article, use your Notice and Wonder chart to develop an initial model for what typically
happens to Mt. Everest, year after year, and without earthquakes like this one. Try to include what you think is causing Mt. Everest to get taller each The purpose for modeling should be driven
year, and what is causing it to move slightly northeast every year. partly by what students shared in the
previous Initial Ideas Discussion. The
Clarify that the model should explain the following: models students develop should be their
How does Mt. Everest get taller? first attempt at explaining what they
How could Mt. Everest move to the northeast a little each year? observed about the phenomenon. The first
explanation should include explaining how
the mountain moves laterally and
If students suggest additional things they should show in their models, add these to the list above.✱ vertically, but there may be other parts of
the phenomenon that students feel should
Remind students to complete their initial model using one single colored pencil or pen. Students will add to their model with another be explained. This is the opportunity for
color shortly. students to include everything in their
models that they believe is important. This
Prompt students to add to their initial model. After about 4 minutes, explain to students that they will use a different colored pencil or will help to surface more of their
pen to add more information to their Initial Model. knowledge about the phenomenon and
will create connections as students move
Say, Now that you have developed a model representing what typically happens to Mt. Everest each year, let’s think about what happened recently from their noticings and wonderings to
during the earthquake described in the videos and reading. Using a different color, add to your model to show what you think happened to Mt. their initial models.
Everest’s movement when the earthquake occurred, and why the earthquake happened in the first place.
Display slide E and clarify that the revised model should now also explain the following (in a different color): DEVELOPING AND USING STABILITY
Why did the earthquake happen? AND CHANGE
How does Mt. Everest's typical movement compare to its movement during the earthquake?
Encourage students to use the crosscutting
Remind students that through the use of multiple colors, their model should illustrate a comparison between the typical movement Mt. concept of Stability and Change as a lens
Everest experiences every year and the movement of Mt. Everest during the earthquake. Say, Try to represent what is different about the for explaining what they are figuring out
movement of Mt. Everest during the earthquake from how Mt. Everest moves from year-to-year.✱ about Mt. Everest. The modeling activity is
set up to facilitate this by having students
Prompt students to include a brief explanation of their diagrammatic model, including explanations for any symbols (i.e. lines, arrows, initially represent their thinking about the
gradual, regular movement of Mt. Everest
circles, etc…) used. Encourage students to use a key to help them explain colors and symbols they used. Say, As you develop and add to to the northeast and upward each year
your models, be sure to include a key or brief explanation for any symbols included. This becomes important when you share your models. (stability), while the second part of the
modeling activity layers on a sudden shift
to the regular motion of Mt. Everest after
the earthquake event (change). Circulate
around to students, cuing them to
represent both the regular motion of the
mountain, and the unusual and sudden
motion that happened in the earthquake.
You will use the consensus modeling
activity on day 2 to further develop
students’ understanding of Stability and
Change as a lens for making sense of
phenomena. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 37


MATERIALS: science notebook

Prepare to compare initial models. Display slide F. For the next two minutes, facilitate a short conversation about the purpose of looking
at each other’s models and what they hope they can learn from each other. Say, Scientists do not work in isolation. Often many people
collaborate to understand even the most common everyday phenomena. Why do you think that is?

Consider asking students the following questions to help initiate a short discussion:
What can we learn from looking at each others’ models?
What if someone has different ideas than yours?
How can we use other people’s ideas to inform our own thinking?
How can we show that we have used someone else’s ideas to revise our model?

Compare initial models in small groups. Arrange students into groups of 3 students. For the next six minutes, students will work with
their groups to share, compare, and contrast their initial models in their science notebooks.

Explain to students that as their group notes similarities among their diagrams, they can make a small check mark on their diagram
noting that it is similar to that of one or both of the members in their group. If part of the model is different or seems confusing, they
can mark those parts of the diagram with a question mark or write a question in their notebook near that part of the model.

ADDITIONAL While students share and discuss their models, walk around the room and listen to as many groups as
GUIDANCE possible. Rather than interrupt groups to probe for clarification or understanding, use this time to note
places where groups are in disagreement, where they have questions, or where there is confusion as related
to their models. In particular, listen for confusion in connecting earthquakes to mountain movement,
specifically in explaining how an earthquake can cause Mt. Everest to move in a direction that is opposite its
typical annual movement. This confusion helps motivate the need to examine data concerning the
locations of earthquakes and mountains, which occurs on day 2.

Time permitting, prompt groups to share one thing they all agreed upon in their diagrams (something with a check mark from the
models), and one thing they are unsure of or confused about (something with a question mark from the models).

Navigation to close day 1. Display slide G. Say, As I walked around, I noticed that we are curious about what the earthquake did to change Mt.
Everest’s normal movement. Seems like we have lots of questions. Does anyone want to share a question they have? Give a few students time to

Then, close the class with, Let’s pick up tomorrow by digging into more information about earthquakes and mountains and see if this is a bigger
pattern beyond just Mt. Everest.

Remind students to leave their science notebooks in the classroom so you can look at their models before the next class period.

ASSESSMENT Use students’ initial models for a pre-assessment. Look for:

OPPORTUNITY agreement that Mt. Everest is moving to the northeast 4 cm a year.
agreement that Mt. Everest is getting taller by 6-7 cm a year.
agreement that Mt. Everest moved backwards 3 cm to the southwest during the earthquake.
agreement that there seems to be a pattern in where earthquakes happen and where mountain
ranges are located.
disagreement or uncertainty about what causes earthquakes to happen.
disagreement or uncertainty about what causes a mountain to move and get taller. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 38

End of day 1

6 · NAVIGATION 5 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Take stock about what we are trying to explain. Have students arranged in a Scientists Circle to start the class. They will need their
science notebook and a pencil or pen. Once settled, display slide H. Remind students that on the previous day they generated questions
about the phenomenon and wondered about a possible connection between the earthquake on Mt. Everest, and the way in which the
entire mountain moved.

Prompt students to spend 2 minutes reviewing their initial models. Use the questions on the slide to help prompt their thinking. After a
couple minutes, have students find a partner to complete a Turn and Talk about their initial models.

After a minute, bring the students back together as a whole group to set the purpose for the day. Say, Yesterday, after watching and reading
about how Mt. Everest moved during an earthquake, we recorded our ideas for what caused the earthquake and what caused Mt. Everest to move
during the earthquake. But we also wondered how Mt. Everest typically moves even without an earthquake. Let’s try to figure out the things we agree
upon as a class and develop an Initial Class Consensus Model. This may help figure out what we already seem to understand, and where we have
gaps in what we know.

ADDITIONAL All the learning activities on day 2 can be completed in a Scientists Circle. Even though students will
GUIDANCE sometimes complete activities individually or in partners, they can work with a classmate sitting next to
them to minimize the moving of chairs and desks.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Communicating in Scientific Ways poster, Initial Class Consensus Model poster, markers

Reinforce classroom norms and begin Consensus Discussion. Let students know that the class is going to have a Consensus ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
Discussion.✱ Use slide I to remind the class of their shared classroom norms. Make certain a Communicating in Scientific Ways poster or
handout is conveniently located for students to see and use throughout the discussion. Take this opportunity to remind the class how we This is an important opportunity to
listen to one another, press on one another’s ideas, and ask questions of one another, and that it’s OK to disagree with ideas, but it’s emphasize that each individual has
important to be respectful.✱ If you choose, you may want your class to choose one norm to practice during the discussion. contributions to make to their community
of learners. It is through differences in
Tell students, The goal of this discussion is to figure out areas of agreement and disagreement in our initial models. Knowing where we agree and thinking that the class will grow their
knowledge together. Throughout this unit,
disagree will help us decide how we might proceed in figuring out what is causing the changes in Mt. Everest that we’ve observed and read about.
students will be asked to be open to
sharing knowledge products that depict
their current thinking and to be open to
learning from classmates who share their
knowledge too.


There are two goals of this discussion: (1) to
continue to help students build the habit of
sharing their ideas publicly, and (2) to
generate a variety of ideas about what is Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 39

causing Mt. Everest to move (both
KEY IDEAS Purpose of this discussion: to develop an initial classroom consensus model to capture the ideas we agree gradually and suddenly) that students agree
on, disagree on, and are more uncertain about to explain how Mt. Everest gradually moves each year, and with, disagree with, or are uncertain about.
how it moves more suddenly during an event, such as an earthquake. It is important to accept all student
responses and to encourage students to
Listen for these ideas: share their ideas. Highlight areas of
Mt. Everest seems to move gradually each year about 4 cm to the northeast. disagreement and help students clearly
Mt. Everest moves suddenly during an Earthquake, and during this earthquake, moved back to the explicate their thinking in these areas. Be
southwest 3 cm. careful not to favorably respond to any one
During an earthquake, Mt. Everest moved in a direction opposite to it’s gradual, annual movement. idea over others so as not to “give away”
Mt. Everest is getting taller each year by about 6-7 cm. what is actually happening with Mt.
The earthquake did not change the height of Mt. Everest. Everest.
During an earthquake, the ground shakes.
Students will likely express a variety of ideas about the mechanisms that cause both the gradual movement ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
one way and the sudden movement in reverse. Record all these ideas, encouraging students to be divergent
in their thinking. Use letter or number coding to foreground
parts of the model. Although color coding
is a useful way to quickly reference the parts
Tell students that as they listen to one another, they should evaluate their work in terms of where their ideas are similar, as well as areas of the model, letter or number coding
where there is more uncertainty. Based on students’ needs, consider using color, letter, or number coding as you build the consensus helps ensure accessibility for any student
model.✱ who may be color-blind. For example, you
may want to use letter A near parts of the
Review what their model should be trying to explain. Display slide J. Say, Thinking about what we have included in our initial models, let’s model associated with the gradual
capture some of these ideas for what could be causing the mountain to move in different ways. Read aloud the prompts guiding the consensus movement northeast. Use letter B near
discussion. Remind students that when they share, they should clearly say whether they are describing the gradual and regular parts of the model that explain how Mt.
movement of Mt. Everest each year (stability), or whether they are describing the sudden movement of the mountain during the Everest gets taller. Then use letter C near
earthquake (change). parts of the model that explain the change
in Mt. Everest’s movement during the
Elicit ideas from students. Ask a student to volunteer to stand and share their model with the class. earthquake. Create a key to track what
The student should share what they included to explain why or how Mt. Everest is moves in symbols and letters represent in the
different ways (gradual, sudden).✱ After the presentation, ask students to look at their own model different parts of the model.
and the one that was just presented to find similarities and differences between them. Ask a
student with a different way of explaining to present their model. Continue the discussion by
allowing multiple students to share. DEVELOPING AND USING STABILITY
Prompt students to use stability and
Record a consensus model on chart paper, noting what the class agrees upon and does not agree change as a lens during the model building
upon to explain the movement of Mt. Everest. Use the following prompts if needed to focus the process. Cue students to first think about
discussion on a particular part of the model: the stable, gradual movement of the
What are some ideas we have for what could be causing the mountain to grow taller? How can we mountain each year--both laterally and
represent that idea? upwards. Then, transition students to
What are some ideas we have for what causes the mountain to move each year to the northeast? thinking about the sudden change that
What are some ideas we have for what could be causing the mountain to move backward during occurred in the earthquake and why this
an earthquake? was so odd given the mountains normal
Step back to survey the model. Ask students, Did we account for all the important parts we
agreed upon? Did we explain what we know about Mt. Everest growing and moving normally and ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
what we think happened during the earthquake?✱ ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
Emphasize to students that they will use
models to explain how and why
phenomena occur as they do. To be useful,
models need to be “applied” to explain Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 40

something, and models are most helpful
ASSESSMENT The Initial Class Consensus Model is not a consensus model where students have to agree on science ideas. when they can help us explain a lot of
OPPORTUNITY It reflects a consensus model where the class agrees on what they know and do not know about the similar phenomena. Because students have
phenomenon. only developed their initial models so far,
Listen for students to come to agreement that they know: they may not be able to explain a lot about
Mt. Everest is moving to the northeast 4 cm a year. Mt. Everest with confidence, and that is
Mt. Everest is getting taller by 6-7 cm a year. OK. Students will revise their model over
Mt. Everest moved backwards 3 cm to the southwest during the earthquake. the course of the unit as their knowledge
Students should agree that they are uncertain about: grows.
what causes a mountain to move and get taller.
what caused earthquakes to happen.
how an earthquake can cause a mountain to move backwards.
If your students struggle with identifying the typical movement of Mt. Everest (northeast 4 cm and taller 6-
7 cm), have your students revisit their notes from the reading. You may want to label this type of
movement as “typical” or “normal” to reflect the gradual and steady (predictable) movement of the
mountain in contrast to the sudden change in movement during the earthquake. Cue students to
characterize these two kinds of movements using the crosscutting concept of Stability and Change.



Initiate a discussion that moves from a single event to a possible pattern. Display slide K. The purpose of this discussion is to motivate
the need to look at more earthquake data in order to establish whether this was a one-time earthquake event at Mt. Everest, or part of a
larger pattern. A transition happens in this moment from using stability and change to characterize Mt. Everest’s movement to using
patterns and scale to figure out whether it was a one time event, or part of a bigger pattern in this region and around the world.

Say, We just recorded some of our ideas for how Mt. Everest moves and what happened to Mt. Everest during this earthquake. Do we think this was a
random, one-time event on Mt. Everest or part of a larger pattern? Invite students to share their thoughts to the two questions on the screen.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How would we know if this earthquake was a If it only happened one time, then it is What kinds of data would be useful for
random event or part of a pattern? probably random. figuring this out?
If there were a bunch of earthquakes in the
area, it could be part of a pattern since they
keep happening.

Why would it be important to know whether If it only happened this one time, then it’s How could knowing it’s a pattern help us plan
it was a random event or part of a pattern? probably safe to hike Mt. Everest and to live or prepare?
near there.
If there are a lot of earthquakes in the area, it
may not be safe.

Say, Scientists have been tracking earthquakes and mapping them. Let’s take a look at some of their data to see if the event at Mt. Everest was a
random one-time event or part of a pattern of earthquakes. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 41


MATERIALS: computer and projector, Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( )

Orient students to data visualization tool. Say, I have a tool that lets us visualize earthquake data from all around the world for the past few
years. It’s called Seismic Explorer and it uses daily scientific data from the U.S. Geological Survey, so it has the most recent data on earthquakes and
will let us go back in time to see previous earthquakes.

Ask students, How can we use this data to help us decide if the earthquake near Mt. Everest is a random event or part of a pattern? Listen for
students to suggest ideas related to looking for patterns across spatial or time scales:
Look at Mt. Everest on the map to see if there are other earthquakes near it (spatial pattern).
Look at earthquakes for several years to see if there are some every year (temporal pattern).

Say, How many years and what area should we be paying attention to? Allow students to make a few suggestions to guide the exploration.

ADDITIONAL Scientists monitor earthquake activity through different scientific organizations, such as the US Geological
GUIDANCE Survey and the Global Seismographic Network. These efforts mark a shared global scientific endeavor to
monitor earthquakes around the world and, when possible, mitigate their impact. Some countries also have
more detailed monitoring systems to gain a more in-depth national or regional look at earthquake activity.
It is important for scientific research to monitor and study earthquake activity to gain a better
understanding of how Earth’s crust shifts over time. But it is also through this detailed monitoring that
scientists gain insight into potential impacts of earthquakes on human populations and settlements.
Data from this monitoring is updated in real-time and freely available for scientists and citizens to view on
different mapping platforms. Seismic Explorer imports this real-time data so that students are viewing
accurate and up-to-date earthquake data. The data set begins in 1980 and includes all earthquakes,
worldwide, up to present day.

Open and project, Seismic Explorer Version 1, . Change the Map Type on Seismic Explorer to “Relief.”
Display slide L if you have space to do so, or just project the Seismic Explorer for the discussion. Say, The type of map you see here is
called a Relief Map. What do you notice about this map that makes it different from other maps you’ve seen? Listen for students to share:
There are no cities on it.
There are no roads on it.
There are no countries labeled or borders.

Explore the Relief Map. Use this opportunity to clarify that colors on a relief map show elevations, with greens and light browns being
relatively flat and low land, while the darker browns indicate higher elevations like mountains.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What do you think the different colors on the relief map represent? The blue areas represent where water is located.
How can we be sure?
The brown and green areas show where the land is located.
We could look for where we think the United States is located. It looks
like California has some brown and green, right next to some blue,
which is probably the Pacific Ocean.

What do you think the different shading represents? Green is for trees. Brown is for dirt. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 42

Suggested prompt Sample student response

If that is true, much of the U.S. seems to be brown. Do we think there There are trees in the Rocky Mountains and in California and
are no trees here, or could colors represent something else? Washington. Maybe the colors represent landforms.

Why does there seem to be light and dark brown on the land? The dark brown seems “bumpy looking.” Maybe it's the mountains.
The darker the brown, the taller the land.

Why is there light and dark blue in the ocean? The blue is darker where the ocean is deeper.

Use colors to help students identify where mountains are located. Ask students to use the darker brown color, which looks bumpy up
close, to help them locate mountain ranges. Zoom into specific regions to help students identify specific mountain ranges, such as the
Rocky Mountains (North America), the Andes Mountains (South America), and the Himalayas (Central Asia). Say, If we look at just the
brown areas, where do we think the mountains are located? Listen for students to point out:
The west coast of North America, starting from Alaska and stretching down through Mexico.
The west coast of South America, starting from Venezuela and stretching down through Chile.
The area near Central Asia, touching areas of India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and

Preview how to layer on Earthquake data to the map Map.

Select the Data Type on Seismic Explorer to “Earthquakes.”
Use the date range slider to set the date range, but don’t hit “play” yet. Slide the white circle
near the bottom of Seismic Explorer from left to right--this represents the starting point for
the data. Say, As I move this slider across the bottom, I’m changing the date range. It looks like I can
choose earthquakes from January 1980 to today. What time scale do you think we need to use to
feel like we can determine whether it’s a random event or a pattern? Set the date range following
guidance from students, but also consider narrowing the range to more recent earthquakes.
Ideally, students could suggest to adjust the time scale to shorter or longer as a way of
investigating the time pattern.
Click the “Key” in the upper right hand corner. Discuss briefly what the circles and colors

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Can someone help us make sense of this key It shows that larger circles tend to be What do we think “magnitude” means?
and what it shows? earthquakes with greater magnitude.

It shows that different color circles What do we think “depth” means?

correspond with the depth of an earthquake. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 43

ADDITIONAL The data visualization tool has earthquake data going back to 1980. However, since distinct patterns will
GUIDANCE emerge even when looking at a smaller set of data (earthquakes dating back one year), it may be helpful for
students to begin by examining less data for now. Students will have an opportunity to select from larger
data sets later. To focus on only the earthquakes since the Mt. Everest event, drag the lower left arrow on
the slider bar towards the right until it reaches approximately the date of 1/10/2015, which represents the
first date of earthquake data in 2015.
Do not linger in Seismic Explorer too long during this lesson. Students will revisit Seismic Explorer in
subsequent lessons and have more time to use other tools and notice patterns in the data.

Say, Now that we know how to read parts of this map, I’m going to close the key so that we can see the whole map. If we look at only at earthquakes
occurring during the last 5 years , like the Mt. Everest earthquake in 2015, let’s see what we start noticing. Transition to making noticings and
wonderings about the earthquake data in their notebooks.


MATERIALS: Relief Map of the World, science notebook, Notice and Wonder chart, markers

Prepare for noticings and wonderings about earthquake data near the Himalayas. Pass out Relief Map of the World to each student and ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
prepare for observations. Display slide M. Point out to students that they will need to use two crosscutting concepts as they make their DEVELOPING AND USING SCALE,
observations. They should think about whether they are noticing patterns in the data and whether these patterns happen at different PROPORTION, AND QUANTITY
spatial or time scales. Say, We can make two kinds of noticings from the data: ones related to where they happen (spatially) and ones related to
the times in which they happen. We’re going to zoom in and out at different scales, so think about whether any patterns exist at different scales.✱ This unit focuses on two types of scale:
The patterns that emerge from looking at two scales will be different: spatial scale and temporal scale.
Spatially, earthquakes are spread throughout the Himalayas region, but do cluster somewhat near one spot. When zooming
out further, the patterns start to look different. Spatial scales: Students in the OpenSciEd
Over time, earthquakes seem to be happening regularly in the Himalayas region. When zooming out further, they continue to curriculum have worked with different
spatial scales in previous units, building
happen on regular intervals. from very small microscopic scales (e.g.,
particle models for thermal energy
Make noticings and wonderings of earthquake data near the Himalayas. Remind students that they are looking to decide whether the transfer), but also building to larger spatial
Mt. Everest event was a random one, or part of a pattern. Make sure you are zoomed into Mt. Everest. Drag the two triangles on the scales (e.g., examining local and regional
date range slider to the range you want and make certain the white circle is set at the beginning of the date range. weather systems). In this unit, students will
transition between a variety of spatial
Date range before pressing start (1/2015 to present day) Date range after pressing start (1/2015 to present day) scales, so be sure to remind students about
the scale they are examining during
different points in the lesson. At some
points in the unit students might be
examining earthquakes at a local or
regional scale, but then zoom out to a
global scale. At other points, in later
lessons, students will apply knowledge of
energy transfer to explain movement in
the mantle.

Temporal scales: Throughout the unit

Then press “Start” and allow students to make their first round of noticings and wonderings. Give students 2 minutes to write down their students will be considering different time
noticings and wonderings on their map. Replay Seismic Explorer as necessary for a 2nd time. Focus right now on the Himalayas for a set scales in which events occur. Earth’s surface
time period. Shortly, you can scale out to the world and expand the time range. today is the result of billions of years of
natural processes building up and wearing
Before asking students to share their noticings and wonderings, pose a few questions to remind or focus the class on the original down the land. But change to Earth’s
purpose for using Seismic Explorer by posing the following questions: surface can also happen very quickly, within Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 44

a matter of seconds. Students will need to
distinguish between processes that operate
Suggested prompt Sample student responses on long time scales versus events that
cause change to happen quickly.
Can someone remind us why we are looking at this earthquake data? We want to see if the earthquake on Mt. Everest was a random event
or part of a pattern of events. ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Can someone remind us why we zoomed in on this region? Mt. Everest is located in the Himalayas and this is what we’ve been INTERPRETING DATA
seeing and reading about so far.
While Analyzing and Interpreting Data is
not a focal practice for this lesson, in this
Can someone come and point to where Mt. Everest is approximately Answers may vary, but be prepared to point out the approximate activity students will “use graphical displays
located on this map? location of Mt. Everest in the Himalayas. (e.g., maps, charts, graphs, and/or tables)
of large data sets to identify temporal and
spatial relationships” in earthquake data.
Share noticings and wonderings about earthquake data near Mt. Everest. Display slide N. Give students 2-3 minutes to share what they
Students will notice and wonder about the
noticed and wondered about the data. Using a different colored marker, add to the class’ Notice and Wonder chart from day 1. Conclude patterns they see in the data with an
this discussion by asking whether students believe the earthquake event at Mt. Everest was random or part of a pattern. Listen for emphasis on spatial patterns. They will
students to suggest: notice that earthquakes occur quickly in
The earthquake is part of a pattern because there are lots of earthquakes in the area. time, but are form a cumulative spatial
The earthquake is part of a pattern because they keep happening steadily over time. pattern over long periods of time by
Even in this region, there are some areas that seem to have more earthquakes (clusters). happening over and over in the same
places. The element of this practice will be
Zoom out beyond Mt. Everest to make additional noticings and wonderings. In Seismic Explorer, zoom out to show the entire world. more fully developed in subsequent
The earthquake data will stay displayed on the screen. Play around with the spatial and time scale as you and your students wish. Restart lessons, but this will be students’ first
the data if the date range changes. experience with it.

Connect to other mountain ranges. Locate other mountain ranges in the world. Ask students to think about whether the patterns they ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
noticed with the Himalayas seem to be happening in other areas with mountains, or if they notice other patterns not connected to DEVELOPING AND USING PATTERNS
mountains. Give students 2 minutes to add additional noticings and wonderings to their maps based on what they see in different parts
of the world. Focus your students on identifying whether
the earthquake at Mt. Everest was a one-
time random event or part of a larger
Sample data: pattern. Have students consider patterns
Zoomed into Mt. Everest and the Zoomed into Himalayas Mountain and Zoomed out to the world across space (the Himalayas region) and
Himalayas region around them (1/2015 to present day) patterns at larger spatial scales. Have
(1/2015 to present day) (1/2015 to present day) students also consider patterns across time.

Ask your students to contrast the patterns
that students identify in the zoomed in
scale near Mt. Everest with the pattern that
emerges as students look at larger spatial
scales and time scales. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 45

Facilitate an Initial Ideas Discussion and add to the classroom Notice and Wonder chart. For the next four minutes, prompt students to
share out their noticings and wonderings after examining earthquake data around the world. Record all ideas with a new marker color to
show what new noticings and wonderings came from the worldwide data.
KEY IDEAS Purpose: Students will use the earthquake data to identify that the earthquake at Mt. Everest was part of a
larger pattern in the region and part of an even larger pattern around the world.
Listen for these ideas:
There are many earthquakes happening near the Himalayas and Mt. Everest. Some of the
earthquakes cluster in certain areas.
There are many earthquakes near mountain ranges, especially in the Andes Mountains in South
There are many earthquakes near the edges of continents and oceans.
There are some mountains and other places where earthquakes don’t seem to happen as much,
for example, the Rocky Mountains in North America.
There are places where we see lots of earthquakes but no mountains, for example, in the middle
of the Atlantic Ocean.
Students will likely identify more patterns than are relevant for this particular anchor, but for the sake of
equity and engagement it’s important to make note of and record as many shared patterns as possible on
the Notice and Wonder chart. There will likely be moments later in the unit when the patterns that are
irrelevant in this moment become more relevant.

During this share out session, keep Seismic Explorer available so that students can share evidence for what they are seeing. If possible,
you might project Seismic Explorer onto a whiteboard and let students draw on it with dry erase markers.

Save 1-2 minutes at the end of class to wrap up the discussion and assign home learning.



Assign home learning to look for similar experiences. Display slide O. Ask students to think more about other experiences that may help ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
explain how Mt. Everest moves gradually most of the time, but suddenly at other times. Also, ask students about other places in the
world they may be familiar with where the land may undergo slow or sudden changes. Remind students that often stories about these This home learning opportunity will help
types of events can typically be seen or read about in the news.✱ students broaden their thinking to related
phenomena beyond the case of Mt.
Everest. Prompt students to look into news
stories about other places where
earthquakes occur, and where land features
undergo gradual or sudden changes. This
broadening to related phenomena will give
students an opportunity to leverage their
everyday, out-of-school experiences to
augment their classroom learning. This
should make the anchoring phenomenon
more personally meaningful to each

End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 46


MATERIALS: science notebook, Related Phenomena poster, markers

Set the purpose for sharing related phenomena. Display slide P. Remind students of the Everest ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
phenomenon from day 1 and data visualization from day 2. Say, Two days ago we read and saw news
about Mt. Everest moving suddenly and in a different direction during a violent earthquake. Then, yesterday A key element of the Anchoring
we used a data tool to view earthquake data near Mt. Everest and also looked for patterns in earthquakes Phenomenon routine is letting students
around the world. Everyone went home last night and brainstormed related events, experiences, or share their experiences with related
phenomena that could help us. These could be things you’ve experienced or seen on TV, internet, or heard phenomena. By doing this, students can
connect their diverse experiences with a
about from the news.
shared phenomenon that is the focus of
the unit.
Give students time to share. Give students two minutes to talk with a partner about the home
learning prompts. While students are discussing, display the “Related Phenomena” poster where all
students can view it.

Share out phenomena to develop a Related Phenomena poster. Keep slide P displayed. For the
next 5-6 minutes, prompt students to share their responses to the home learning prompts. As
students share, document their ideas on the Related Phenomena chart paper. You might also
consider asking students to record their own ideas in their science notebooks for later reference.✱


MATERIALS: 1-2 sticky notes, markers, science notebook, Notice and Wonder chart, Related Phenomena poster, Initial Class Consensus Model poster, Large World Relief Map

Prepare for Driving Question Board. Display slide Q. Say, It seems we have a lot of questions about what is happening to Mt. Everest and the
patterns we noticed using the Seismic Explorer tool. We are going to get ready to set up our Driving Question Board. For this unit, it may be useful to
use the World Relief Map as the background for our DQB since we are looking at an event at one specific location, as well as other data from around
the world. Take a couple of minutes to look back through your notebook to choose 1-2 questions you really want to figure out. Record these questions
on a sticky note with a marker - one question per sticky note. After a couple of minutes, we will get together in our Scientists Circle to share our
questions and create our Driving Question Board.

Write questions individually. Pass out 1-2 sticky notes to each student and give students four minutes to review their notebooks and
class charts to generate questions. Remind them that their questions can be related to the event that happened at Mt. Everest, patterns
they noticed around Mt. Everest, or patterns they noticed about earthquakes, or similar phenomena.

Share questions with a partner. Give students 2 minutes to share their questions with a partner to ensure that the questions are clear
and productive for the Driving Question Board. The partners should act as critical peers and ask clarifying questions if they don’t
understand a question. Each student can edit their questions before sharing as a whole class.


MATERIALS: Notice and Wonder chart, Related Phenomena poster, Initial Class Consensus Model poster, Large World Relief Map, markers

Gather in a Scientists Circle around the DQB. Display slide R. Instruct students that when they have their questions ready, they need to
bring them along with chairs to meet in a Scientists Circle around the DQB. Remember that the backdrop of the DQB will be the Large
World Relief Map. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 47

Explain to students how you will create the DQB (use slide R if needed):
The first student reads his or her question aloud to the class, then posts it on the DQB, near the part of the model the question
most relates to.
Students who are listening should raise their hand if one of their questions relates to the question that was just read aloud.
The first student selects the next student whose hand is raised.
The second student reads his or her question, says why or how it relates, and posts it near the question it most relates to on
the DQB.
The student selects the next student.
We will continue until everyone has at least one question on the DQB.

Organize questions into categories. As students share, questions will naturally start clustering into similar-type questions such as (but
limited to) questions about the location, frequency, or strength of earthquakes, the location of mountains, and the movement of
mountains. Once students are finished sharing, ask students to look at the questions for any additional organization that can be done.

ASSESSMENT As students share and organize their questions, listen for students to contribute questions about the event
OPPORTUNITY on Mt. Everest specifically, and also about patterns in the location of earthquakes and other landforms
worldwide (e.g., mountains, volcanos, faults). Look for students questions to (1) move between different
spatial and temporal scales, (2) focus on the Mt. Everest event and also the pattern or earthquake, and (2)
focus on the normal motion of Mt. Everest versus the sudden change in motion. If students are struggling to
generate questions in each of these areas, cue them to use the crosscutting concepts of Patterns, Scale, and
Stability and Change as lenses to help them brainstorm different kinds of questions to ask. (Note: You do
not need to use these words explicitly, for example, stability and change, but can refer to them as the
“normal, stable motion of the mountain” compared to the “sudden change in motion during the

Developing a unit question. Ask students if there is an overarching question that could drive the whole unit. Suggestion unit question
should be How and why does Earth’s surface change?, or something similar. Write the unit question, with any student modifications, at the
top of the DQB. This should be similar to the unit question on the student and teacher edition, but can vary slightly from that based on
how your students want to word the question. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 48


MATERIALS: science notebook, Ideas for Data and Information We Need poster, DQB (World Relief Map poster), markers

Brainstorm ideas for data and/or information needed. Display

slide S. Stay in a Scientists Circle to brainstorm the types of data
and information that we may need to answer the questions on
the DQB. Say, Sometimes when scientists are trying to decide on
their next steps, they need to look back at their questions and figure
out what data or information they still need. Let’s do that now.

Arrange students into small groups of 3 and assign them one

category of questions. Tell students to focus on their category of
questions and generate ideas for the best data and information
that would help them answer their category of questions. For the
next three minutes, have groups of students generate their list.
Then, instruct students to take one minute to write their ideas in
their science notebooks on a new page titled “Information and
Data We Need,” using a table like the one below.

Give each group of students about one minute to report out the
data and information that could answer their category of questions. Record a list of Information and Data Needed that will remain
public throughout the unit. Make sure all groups get to share out at least one idea.

Category of questions Helpful Data/Information

16 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Decide where to go next. In this last activity in Lesson 1, it is important to remind students of the mission of the class and to motivate a
series of investigations. Remind students that the mission of the class is to figure out (1) what causes Mt. Everest to grow each year, (2)
what causes Mt. Everest to move gradually each year, and (3) what causes Mt. Everest to shift suddenly during an earthquake. They may
also want to explain some of the patterns they noticed around earthquakes.

Allow students to offer suggestions for different options for next steps that would make sense.

ADDITIONAL Remind students to keep their science notebooks organized by writing a title on each page and updating
GUIDANCE their table of contents. They can do this when they have extra time at the beginning or end of class, or
during homeroom or homework time. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 49

Additional Lesson 1 Teacher Guidance
SUPPORTING CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific
STUDENTS IN words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts
MAKING and topics.
ELA As students read about Mt. Everest, they highlight and take notes on key terms and domain-specific words
and phrases to determine their meaning and then represent those ideas in their initial noticings and
wonderings chart and in their initial models. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 1 • 12/19/19 Page 50

LESSON 2: How are patterns in earthquakes similar or different in locations around
the world?
PREVIOUS LESSON We observed videos clips and read about how Mt. Everest changed its normal motion during an earthquake. We learned that Mt. Everest is constantly moving
northeast and growing taller, but moved back southwest during the earthquake. We examined earthquake data from an interactive and noticed a potential
connection between the locations of earthquakes and mountain ranges. We developed an initial model explaining how mountains grow, move, and change
during earthquakes. We brainstormed related phenomena and asked questions in order to generate a list of data and information we need to better
understand the phenomenon.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we gather more evidence of earthquake activity in different locations around the world using
the Seismic Explorer tool. We look for patterns in earthquake activity in the Himalayas, the United States,
INVESTIGATION and worldwide, and we figure out that earthquakes tend to form in “line” or “cluster” patterns in these places.
We can see different patterns when we zoom in and out, and change the time scale for the earthquake
2 days activity. We examine other locations with earthquakes to determine whether worldwide earthquake patterns
emerge, or if each location is comprised of a set of isolated events. We figure out that these locations share
similarities, but also have differences. We also notice that there are interesting connections between
earthquakes and local landforms. This makes us wonder why earthquakes tend to happen in places that have
mountains, volcanoes, and other notable landforms.

NEXT LESSON We will read about and analyze data to determine the potential locations of major and minor plates on Earth’s surface. We will learn about how scientists study
these plates and their movement. We will analyze the data for Mt. Everest and our other site locations to notice patterns in the movement of the plates.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Use digital tools to examine a large data set at different spatial and temporal scales to compare global earthquake activity to local activity.
2, MS-ESS2-3
Analyze graphical displays of earthquake and topographic data in specific locations to compare local patterns to global ones, and to identify
relationships between earthquake locations and topographic features.


Earthquakes look like they mostly happen along lines (i.e., continent edges, the middle of the ocean, around the ocean) or in large
In some locations, earthquakes get deeper as you move inland, but in other locations earthquakes are mostly shallow.
When you only look at a short time period, a pattern is not as clear as when you look at data across a longer time period.
Every location with earthquakes appears “bumpy” on the relief map, which indicates higher elevations (i.e. hills and mountains),
including underwater. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 51

Lesson 2 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Review students’ ideas about the Mt. Everest earthquake and then elicit noticings
regarding earthquake locations based on observations from Seismic Explorer.


Revisit the DQB and Ideas for Data and Information to set the class’ shared
purpose for taking a closer look at earthquake data.

3 10 min DEMONSTRATE SEISMIC EXPLORER D Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic
Orient students to the Seismic Explorer tool to prepare them for small group Explorer Version 1 ( )
investigations. Spend a few minutes together examining the pattern of
earthquakes near Mt. Everest, adjusting the spatial and time scales.

4 14 min GATHER EVIDENCE FROM SEISMIC EXPLORER D Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic
Students work in groups to investigate earthquake data using the Seismic Explorer Explorer Version 1 ( ), chart paper,
tool. Help class locate their state and town using the relief map. markers

Facilitate an Initial Ideas Discussion focusing on students’ observations from the
data, and the patterns they identify when investigating specific locations.

6 2 min NAVIGATION computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1

Generate a list of places that have interesting earthquake data. ( )
End of day 1

7 5 min NAVIGATION G Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic
Review patterns in earthquakes the students feel they have evidence to support. Explorer Version 1 ( ), Earthquake
Pattern chart (made on day 1)

8 20 min EARTHQUAKE LOCATION INVESTIGATIONS H-J Case Locations for assigned location, colored pencils or markers,
Groups investigate one location with interesting earthquake activity. Have computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1
students examine different kinds of data in this location to identify (1) patterns in ( ), Seismic Explorer Version 2
earthquake activity, and (2) connections to the local landforms or natural features. ( )


Students make observations of the maps produced by two other groups to
identify similarities and differences compared to the map of their location.


Facilitate a class discussion to solidify earthquake patterns based on the data. If
time permits, have students add an entry to their two-column Progress Tracker.

11 4 min NAVIGATION N-O index card

Have students complete an exit ticket to share their ideas about what is causing
earthquakes in these patterns worldwide and in their assigned location.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 52

Lesson 2 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson science notebook computer with internet access computer with internet access
materials Earthquake Patterns handout Seismic Explorer Version 1 Seismic Explorer Version 1
Case Locations for assigned ( ) ( )
location chart paper
colored pencils or markers markers
index card Earthquake Pattern chart (made on day 1)
Seismic Explorer Version 2
( )

Materials preparation (25 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Load and check both versions of Seismic Explorer for this lesson:
Seismic Explorer Version 1 (Mt. Everest pinned) at . This version does not have case locations pinned.
Seismic Explorer Version 2 (Earthquake locations pinned) at . This version has case locations pinned for students.

Prior to day 1, take a photo of your DQB and Ideas for Data and Information poster to insert onto slide B. Choose the parts of the DQB and Ideas for Data and Information poster that
relate closest to students’ questions about earthquakes and/or earthquakes’ connection to landforms.

Prior to day 2, determine the number of small groups you will use for the Earthquake Location Investigation. Each group will be assigned a specific location to further investigate in their
small group. Make enough copies of Case Locations so that each student has a copy for their assigned location. For example, if you have a class of 28 students, make 4 copies of this
document. This will end up producing 4 copies of each location for groups of 4. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 53

Lesson 2 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
This lesson serves three purposes (1) to elicit and reinforce knowledge students have from 4th grade (ESS2.B: The locations of mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, ocean floor
structures, earthquakes, and volcanoes occur in patterns. Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur in bands that are often along the boundaries between continents and oceans. Major
mountain chains form inside continents or near their edges. Maps can help locate the different land and water features areas of Earth), (2) to build upon students’ prior knowledge from
4th grade to establish that patterns in landforms are linked to patterns in seismic activity and connected in a global system, and (3) to emphasize that patterns in data change when you
adjust for spatial and time scales. Students are working towards the middle school understanding that the development of landforms and earthquake activity are caused by the
movement of plates as they collide and spread apart.

Where We Are NOT Going

Students may bring up “plates,” “plate boundaries,” and “plate tectonics” as they complete this investigation. Probe for what they mean by these words, but do not linger on the words in
this lesson. Students will develop a shared understanding of them in Lessons 3 and 4, and add them to the word wall at that time.

In this unit, students learn about divergent and convergent plate boundaries, but the unit does not focus on transform plate boundaries. This is a notable deviation from the way plate
boundaries are typically taught in middle school. The NGSS content for plate tectonics does not emphasize learning the different kinds of plate boundaries, but rather developing an
understanding that plates “have moved great distances, collided, and spread apart.” Therefore the focal locations are ones in which plates are colliding or spreading apart from one
another. Transform boundaries are like transition zones where plates move past one another, but this movement is part of a larger system where plates are moving toward or away
from one another. These boundaries tend to be more complicated to understand because the movement is not clearly defined. If you modify the materials to include transform
boundaries, we recommend avoiding a focus on boundary types, and focusing instead on how movement at a new location, like the San Andreas Fault in California, represents a
different kind of movement compared to what students learned about with the other locations. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 54

1 · NAVIGATION 5 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Review students’ ideas and noticings about earthquakes from lesson 1. Say, A couple of classes ago we investigated earthquakes around the ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
world using the Seismic Explorer tool, which showed us data about earthquakes. Investigating this data gave us some new ideas about the
earthquake at Mt. Everest. Let’s revisit some of our ideas and our noticings from Seismic Explorer. Prompt students to locate Relief Map of the This lesson gives students an opportunity
World, which is attached in their science notebook from Lesson 1. Once located, give students 2 minutes to review their noticings on to participate in both structured and open-
their own.✱ ended explorations of earthquake data to
satisfy some of their initial curiosities about
Have students turn and talk about their ideas. Display slide A. Arrange students in pairs and provide one minute for each pair to turn where earthquakes most commonly occur.
and talk about the two prompts on the slide: On day 1 be prepared to zoom into the
United States using the Seismic Explorer
What did we conclude about the earthquake at Mt. Everest: was it a random event or part of a pattern? tool and to zoom into your region or the
What were some of our noticings about earthquakes from our quick look at Seismic Explorer? area around your town or city. This will give
students an opportunity to investigate
Facilitate a sharing of their ideas. After students share with each other, bring the students back to a whole group discussion. Facilitate a earthquake activity that is closer to home
brief sharing of ideas, as students will return to the Seismic Explorer tool in the next activity. compared to the activity seen in lesson 1.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

What did we conclude about the earthquake There were a lot of earthquakes around the How did we know it was a pattern?
at Mt. Everest: was it a random event or part mountains so it seems like earthquakes
of a pattern? happen a lot there.

What were some of our noticings about There were a lot of earthquakes in some Did we have any wonderings that we really
earthquakes from our quick look at Seismic areas, but not in others. need to answer?
There were a bunch of earthquakes in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Do we think, based on our previous They seemed to happen near mountains. If we look at the data again, what should we
examination of the data, that earthquakes pay attention to?
could happen near other mountains? They happened between oceans and
continents or in the middle of the ocean.


MATERIALS: science notebook

ADDITIONAL Prior to day 1, take a photo of your DQB and Ideas for Data and Information poster to insert onto slide B. ENGAGING IN ASKING QUESTIONS
GUIDANCE Choose the parts of the DQB and Ideas for Data and Information poster that relate closest to students’ AND DEFINING PROBLEMS
questions about earthquakes, earthquake patterns, and/or earthquakes related to landforms. If you prefer,
create one slide for DQB images and another slide for images of the Ideas for Data and Information poster. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 55

Use the DQB to establish a purpose for investigations of earthquake data. Display slide B, which should contain a snapshot of the DQB The purpose of starting with students’
and questions focusing on earthquakes and/or earthquakes’ connection to landforms. Ask the students who added these questions to the questions from the DQB, is to make visible
DQB to share what they were thinking when they added the question(s).✱ Spend about 2-3 minutes allowing students to elaborate on to students that the questions they ask will
their thinking about these questions. Example questions from the DQB that may be related include: help direct their learning in the unit. When
Do earthquakes happen around mountains? using questions from the DQB to guide
Why are there so many earthquakes? investigations, give students the
opportunity to elaborate on their rationale
Do the earthquakes follow the edges of continents (or plates)? for asking the questions in the first place. If
there are multiple related questions, ask
Transition to looking at the data students want/need to answer their questions. Keep slide B displayed. Spend 1 minute reviewing students to consider how the questions are
students’ ideas from this poster. Ask the group who generated these ideas to share their thinking. Give them about 1 minute to share. similar or different. Use this discussion to
revise their questions so that they are
Then say, It sounds like we have lots of questions about earthquakes, and we want to learn more about where they happen and why they happen in investigable or testable. These revised
certain places. Last class, we concluded that we think earthquakes happen in patterns and we noticed some areas with more or less earthquakes. questions can serve as the lesson question
and be similar to the one suggested in the
Introduce students to the lesson question. Say, It sounds like we have some wonderings about whether these earthquake patterns are similar or teacher guide.
different in different places around the world? Let’s see if we can figure this out.

Display slide C and use the prompts to facilitate a discussion about how another look at this data could help them answer some of their
If we use the Seismic Explorer tool like we did before, what data do we want to look at?
How will this data help us answer our questions?

Suggested prompt Sample student response

If we use the Seismic Explorer tool like we did before, what data do we We want to look closer at different parts of the world where there
want to look at? were a lot of earthquakes.

We want to see which place has the most earthquakes.

We want to see if there are earthquakes near us.

We want to see if there are mountains near earthquakes.

How will this data help us answer our questions? The data will help us know where earthquakes happen.
We can find out if they happen often or not often.

We can see if there are mountain ranges near earthquakes.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( )

Demonstrate Seismic Explorer tool and discuss decisions about scale. Say, Let’s see if we can get some of this data from the Seismic Explorer
tool to answer some of our questions. Open the Seismic Explorer tool and project it for the class to view. Remind students of the relief map
from Lesson 1 and what a relief map communicates. Tell students, We’re going to use Mt. Everest and the Himalayas to help us understand how
to use the tool. We’ll look at this together as an example before you begin your work in small groups. Allow students to walk you through setting
up an investigation of earthquake activity near Mt. Everest. Facilitate a discussion about what spatial and temporal scales to use and why
it’s important to decide these two things before investigating. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 56

Suggested prompt Sample student response

How close should we zoom in? Really close, but we need to see the whole mountain range, though.

How does whether we are closer or farther affect the pattern we can If we are really close, we may only see a few earthquakes. If we are
see? farther, there could be a lot more.

What time period should we look at? Starting in April 2015, when the earthquake we read about happened.

All of it from the very beginning.

How does looking at more years or fewer years of data change what If the time is too short, then you may not have many earthquakes. If
you can conclude about earthquakes? you look at more time (and more data) you can see a lot more

What should our settings be to investigate what’s happening at the


Setup the science notebook for investigations of earthquake data. Say, Before we make observations
from the earthquake data, let’s prepare our notebooks for recording our observations. Pass out one copy of
Earthquake Patterns handout to each student. Display slide D, and have students attach the
handout to their notebook. Ask students to update their table of contents. Use the handout
prompts, which match the prompts on the slide, to preview what information students need to
record during the investigation.
What pattern(s) do you notice when you examine all the earthquake data in the region?
How does the pattern(s) change when you zoom in or out from the region?
How does the pattern(s) change when you only look at 1 month of data in the region?

ADDITIONAL Depending on the science notebook style used in your classroom (e.g., binder, spiral notebook, or
GUIDANCE composition notebook), adjust the information on slide D to reflect the procedures you have in place for
attaching handouts to the notebook, titling pages, and updating the table of contents.

Complete observations of the Himalayas earthquake data together. Return to the Seismic Explorer tool and start playing the data until it
populates on the map. As the data populates, ask students to identify the pattern(s) that appear in the region. When all the data
appears, briefly review what we are looking for when we are identifying “patterns.” Listen for students to suggest ideas related to:
Repeated earthquakes in the same place.
A clear organization or way in which earthquakes happen across the area.
A clear organization or way in which earthquakes happen across time.

Then give students time to write down the pattern or pattern(s) that emerged for the Himalayas on their Earthquake Patterns handout.

Adjust the spatial and temporal scales to record new observations. Keep the data displayed and zoom in and out of Mt. Everest. Ask
students to write down what new things they notice (or no longer see) when the frame is zoomed in and zoomed out. Have students
write down observations and then give them 1-2 minutes to offer their observations aloud. Now they are ready to transition to work in
the tool in groups. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 57


MATERIALS: science notebook, Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( ), chart paper, markers

Arrange students into groups to complete investigations for other locations. Keep slide D displayed. Direct students to work together in ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
their small groups to investigate the different regions or areas noted on their handout. Students should work together to adjust their
parameters and to discuss what they see before recording their observations on their handouts. Circulate around to each group to assist This investigation should be considered
as needed. You may need to pause groups at certain points to help the groups locate their state and their town using the relief map. “sandbox” time to allow your students to
They can toggle to the street map if this helps them locate places. With additional time, groups can explore other locations and add to work at their own pace to better
their chart as needed.✱ understand earthquake data. The purpose is
to give them time to orient themselves to
As students work in their groups, prepare a chart paper titled Earthquake Patterns to serve as a place to record students’ initial ideas. Also, the data, and to think about how time and
spatial scales affect what we observe in the
load Seismic Explorer with 5 years of data (zoom out to display entire world map) to project as part of the navigation at the end of day data. It is not necessary that all students get
1. through each location, nor should students
feel confined to only those locations.
Groups that work quickly can explore other
locations, while groups that move slowly
should be encouraged to spend time
understanding 1 or 2 locations and not feel
pressured to move on quickly. The
locations have been selected so that
students have an opportunity to explore
what is happening close to their


MATERIALS: chart paper, markers

Facilitate and Initial Ideas Discussion. Have groups of students return to their regular seats for a whole group discussion. Display ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
slide E. This discussion does not require that students share everything from their observation handout during their ENGAGING IN USING MATHEMATICAL
investigations; rather, the purpose of this discussion is to generate a list of notable patterns in earthquake data that students saw in AND COMPUTATIONAL THINKING
specific locations and worldwide.
Support your students in thinking about
how digital tools allow us to manipulate
KEY IDEAS Purpose of the discussion: To identify patterns in earthquake activity in specific regions and worldwide. data in ways not previously possible, and
to do so with very large data sets, like
What to listen for: earthquake activity. The earthquake data set
In the U.S. there are a lot more earthquakes on the West coast compared to other parts of the is large because it includes thousands of
country. events over several decades, but also
In “my state” or “my town” earthquakes __________ . because it is showing those events on a
When you zoom into one location, the earthquakes appear to happen everywhere in the area, but global scale Have your students consider
cluster a little bit in some places. how different ways of setting up the data
When you zoom out to the world, the earthquakes look like they mostly happen along lines or in (parameters) revealed or obscured
clusters. important features of the earthquake
Lines of earthquakes happen along the edges between the land and the ocean and in the middle patterns.
of the ocean.
When you only look at a short time period, a pattern is not as clear as when you look at the data
across a longer time period. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 58

Chart ideas as each group shares a pattern. Keep slide E displayed and use the prompts on the slide to guide sharing. Note that each
group only has about 1 minute or less to share their thinking, depending on the number of groups you have.
Share an interesting pattern you noticed in a location.
Share an interesting pattern you noticed when you zoomed out to the world.
Share an interesting pattern you noticed when you shortened the time to 1 month.

As students from different groups share their observations, record students’ observations of patterns and how the patterns changed
with space and time on chart paper. This will be a useful reference chart for day 2.

Insert a moment to reflect on the use of this digital tool. Point out to students that this tool allowed for a lot of different explorations
and manipulations of data.✱ Display slide F. Ask them:
How did this tool help us to look for patterns in the data compared to looking at a paper map of earthquake data?

Listen for students to share:

We could change the amount of area we wanted to look at.
We could change the time period for the data.
We could switch between different kinds of maps.

ASSESSMENT Help facilitate students shifting between spatial and time scales by prompting them to think about what
OPPORTUNITY looks the same and different when you zoom in or out. If students get too focused on sharing patterns in
one location, move them to options 2 and 3 on slide E. Be prepared with example locations that typify
each pattern listed in the Key Ideas box above. If students struggle to notice the patterns, be prepared to
start day 2 by zooming into locations and having students describe the “shape” of the earthquake activity
dots in that particular area.

6 · NAVIGATION 2 min

MATERIALS: computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( )

Project Seismic Explorer with 5 years of data, set to worldwide. Elicit from students locations that make them really curious about
earthquakes. If time permits, have students come to the front and point out these locations, and share why they are curious about the

End of day 1

7 · NAVIGATION 5 min

MATERIALS: science notebook, Earthquake Patterns handout, computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( ), Earthquake Pattern chart
(made on day 1)

Have students turn and talk about interesting patterns from their investigation. Display slide G and arrange students in partners. Give
them a minute to share an interesting pattern they noticed during the investigation.

Revise or add to the class’ Earthquake Pattern chart. Bring students back together and elicit potential revisions, minor additions, or
completely new additions to the chart if they feel they gathered data to support them. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 59

ADDITIONAL The structure of this navigation time is flexible and should be responsive to where your students ended on
GUIDANCE day 1. You may need more time if your students required more time to generate their Earthquake Pattern
chart. Modify this time as needed. Example modifications include: (1) if students did not clearly articulate
spatial patterns, have ready to project, and zoom in and out of different
locations to articulate the patterns together. Focus the discussion on any spatial patterns that the class did
not get to on day 1 (see list of patterns in the Key Ideas box on day 1), (2) if students did not clearly
articulate temporal patterns, identify one interesting location and adjust the date range to show less than 1
month of data, compared to years of data in this location. Focus on articulating patterns that emerge as
more data is considered that otherwise would not appear with limited data.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Case Locations for assigned location, colored pencils or markers, computer with internet access, Seismic Explorer Version 1
( ), Seismic Explorer Version 2 ( )

Motivate wanting to look at a few locations with interesting earthquake activity. Say, Together we’ve been investigating one location, Mt. ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Everest. We’re going to keep trying to figure out what’s happening at Mt. Everest working together as a class, but we’re noticing a lot of other places ENGAGING IN ANALYZING AND
around the world that have earthquake activity, like Mt. Everest. It may be helpful to investigate these places too, because they could be similar to or INTERPRETING DATA
different from Mt. Everest and could help us answer many of your questions about earthquakes.
Support your students in thinking about
Model for students using the Himalayas as an example. Use about 6 minutes to orient students to the task. Project the 5-year how using multiple sets of data in concert
earthquake data for Mt. Everest using the Seismic Explorer Version 1 ( ). Zoom in fairly close to Mt. with one another helps to uncover
Everest. Show students how to toggle between “Map Types” to see the relief map, street map, and satellite map. With each map, pose information and patterns that may be less
the question: clear when examining only one data set
alone. In this case, by examining satellite
What does this new map show us? imagery and street map views, alongside
What does it not show us? relief maps of specific locations, students
Conclude by asking, How can the three maps together give us a better picture of this place?✱ are more likely to notice patterns in the
types of topographical features (i.e.
Show students the Case Locations for the Himalayas, which is also included on slide H. Each case study includes one page of landforms) more often associated with
informational text and one page with a map of five years of earthquake data. Have students share 2-3 things they notice from the areas of high earthquake activity.
reference card. Use the prompt on the slide to set the purpose for their investigations.
If we look at these three maps and the reference card for a location, what can we learn about earthquakes in the location? ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
Listen for students to share: If you live in a seismically active location,
How many earthquakes happen in the place. you may want to add your location to
Where the earthquakes happen. these investigations. Including a local case
Whether the earthquakes happen in a line or cluster. allows for your students to consider how
Whether the earthquakes happen near cities. the science they are learning explains what
Whether the earthquakes happen near mountains or other landforms. is happening in and around their
community. Local Case: _______________ is
Say, You’ve generated a good list of suggestions. Let’s use these as guidelines for what we need to look for as we investigate our location. a blank template provided to you to insert
local data as a case option. It is
recommended to include similar data and
Arrange students in groups for their investigations. Arrange students in groups of 3 or 4. Assign each group a location using the locations information as shown on the other
on slide I (not all locations need to be assigned). Each group needs access to one computer with internet access and each student within location cards.
the group needs a copy of the Case Locations for their assigned location. They also need access to the tiny URL (Seismic Explorer Version
2 ). Students also need access to colored pencils or markers. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 60

ADDITIONAL Locations can repeat across 2 groups.
GUIDANCE Class-level case: Himalayas (this can be assigned to a group if needed)
Small group cases to include: Andes, Japan, Iceland, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Baikal Rift Valley
Optional case: Local location✱

Preview how to use the Case Locations reference cards to record what they find out. The
students’ reference documents contain one page of informational text and a full size map of
five years of earthquake data. Students will read the informational text and then use
markers or colored pencils to add information to their map of earthquake data (e.g., the
location of interesting landforms in the area, the location of cities, and other notable
features about the place). Students will attach their map to their notebook and can also
attach the informational text about their location. Each group will designate one member’s
map to share through a Gallery Walk in the next activity.

Allow students time to work in their small groups. Display slide J to guide students as they
read and begin their work on their maps. Cue them to pay attention to things they may
want to add to their maps. Circulate around to each group as they work. Give students
approximately 10-12 minutes to work on their assigned location. As groups finish, remind
each group to select one group member’s map to share in the Gallery Walk.

9 · GALLERY WALK 6 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

ADDITIONAL Set up students’ maps around the room to spread the groups apart as they circulate. Only one group should
GUIDANCE visit another group’s map.

Give students an opportunity to view other group’s locations through a Gallery Walk. Display slide K and provide guidance to what
students should pay attention to during the Gallery Walk. Explain to students that they will visit at least two other locations. For each
location, students should discuss what they notice for at least 1 minute and then record similarities and differences in their science
notebooks using these prompts:
One thing you notice was similar to your group’s location.
One thing you notice was different from your group’s location.

Students will only have time to view 2 other locations. Be strategic so that each group visits a location with interesting similarities and
differences compared to the location they were assigned. Below is one way to assign groups so that each group views examples of a
divergent and convergent boundary:
Himalayas→ Andes, Baikal Valley
Andes→ Japan, Iceland
Japan→ Himalayas, mid-Atlantic Ridge
Baikal Valley→ mid-Atlantic Ridge, Japan
mid-Atlantic Ridge→ Iceland, Andes
Iceland→ Himalayas, Baikal Valley

Add Mexico and the Aleutian Islands if you are using those locations too. Have students rotate every 3 minutes. Then ask students to
return to their seats after visiting their 2nd location. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 61


MATERIALS: chart paper, markers

Facilitate a Buildings Understandings Discussion to answer the lesson question using evidence. Display slide L. Remind students
of the question they started with on day 1 of this lesson, How are patterns in earthquakes similar or different in locations around the
world? Throughout the discussion, emphasize the use of data to support the emerging patterns.

KEY IDEAS Purpose of the discussion: to figure out that these locations share similarities and differences in earthquake
patterns and to notice connections between earthquakes and local landforms (i.e., geological features).
Listen for key ideas:
Locations with a line pattern tend to be where the ocean and land (continent or island) meet, in
the middle of the ocean, or around the edges of the ocean.
In some locations (Andes, Japan), as you move away from the ocean and further into the land, the
earthquakes get deeper.
In some locations (middle of Atlantic Ocean, Iceland, Baikal Rift Valley), the earthquakes are all the
same depth and are more shallow.
At some locations, there is a clear line of earthquakes that occur, while at other locations the
earthquakes cluster into groups.
Every location with earthquakes appears “bumpy” on the relief map, which indicates highly
variable elevation (i.e. hills and mountains), including underwater.

Prompt students to decide how they want to represent an

earthquake on their models, and how they may want to represent
landforms, like mountains and lakes. Record these in a public
location as a “key” that students will continue to use going forward.
Record a group representation as students share.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What did we notice was similar? When there was a line of earthquakes, it was along a continent/land
and in the middle of the ocean.
Every location seems to have mountains or volcanoes near them. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 62

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What did we notice was different? Some locations had mountains, other locations had a lot of volcanoes.
One location was under water.

Some locations had a pattern of earthquakes getting deeper, but

other locations had mostly shallow earthquakes.

What can we conclude from all the earthquake data we’ve seen? Earthquakes definitely happen in patterns.
Some patterns are lines and some patterns are clusters.
Earthquakes seem to happen most in areas with bumpy surfaces (i.e.,
mountains, hills, volcanoes, trenches).

Does the evidence suggest that the earthquakes happen in areas with Some of the areas had mountains like Mt. Everest, but all of them
mountains, like Mt. Everest? were bumpy so it seems like there could be a connection.

ASSESSMENT If students struggle to identify the patterns listed above, ask students to group the locations by similarities
OPPORTUNITY in earthquake data. Once grouped, have students describe what makes the locations in a group similar. After
establishing similarities, ask students to identify similarities or differences between the locations in a group
in terms of the local landforms (i.e. mountains, hills, trenches, etc.), which may be on the ocean floor.

If time permits, have students add an entry to their two-column Progress Tracker to track their current thinking to the question, How are
patterns in earthquakes similar or different in locations around the world?

ADDITIONAL This lesson is intended to fit within two 45-minute class period, which does not allow time for students to
GUIDANCE update their individual two-column Progress Tracker. If your class moves through the learning activities
faster and/or your have a longer class period available to you, consider giving students the opportunity to
complete an update to their Progress Trackers. Slide M is an optional slide provided to you for this purpose.
Have students write and draw what they have figured out about the lesson question, How are patterns in
earthquakes similar or different in locations around the world?

11 · NAVIGATION 4 min

MATERIALS: index card

Have students complete an exit ticket. Display slide N and have students complete the exit ticket to share their thinking about what is
causing the earthquake patterns students have identified:
What causes earthquakes to happen in these patterns around the world?
What causes the earthquakes in the location you investigated?

ADDITIONAL The Case Locations reference cards are rich with information about each case site and students may not
GUIDANCE have read through all the information. Consider assigning reading these cards home learning to share new
things they learned at the start of the next lesson. Slide O is provided for this purpose. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 63

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 64

Lesson 2: Teacher Reference

Local Case: _______________

About ___________ Local Connections
Geographical Information
Specific Location

Neighboring Countries

Seismic Facts Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 65 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 2 • 12/19/19 Page 66
LESSON 3: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?
PREVIOUS LESSON We investigated patterns in earthquake activity in different regions. We figured out that earthquakes happen in cluster and line patterns, which vary when we
change spatial and time scales. We also investigated other locations known for earthquake activity and noted differences in how the earthquakes related to
local landforms and wondered why earthquakes happen in areas with mountains, volcanoes, and other landforms.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we read an article about how scientists have historically collected data about earthquakes. As
scientists collect data about earthquakes and plot where they occur, they notice patterns of lines located
INVESTIGATION across the globe near mountain ranges and in the middle of the ocean. We read that scientists mostly agree
that there are 9 large plates on earth and multiple little plates, and we use Seismic Explorer to map out
2 days where we think these plates are located. We revisit Mt. Everest and read about how data is collected today to
monitor movement. We analyze GPS data for Mt. Everest and revisit our site locations to analyze GPS data
for each location to determine if the Earth is moving there as well.

NEXT LESSON We will use information from photographs, texts, and rock samples to develop representations of plates and answer questions about what plates are made of
and how deep they go. We will also explore ultra-deep mines and the depth at which earthquakes occur.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Integrate quantitative scientific information in written text with data in an earthquake visualization to clarify patterns in earthquake data in
2, MS-ESS2-3 order to locate plates and the direction of their movement.

Analyze and interpret GPS data to provide evidence for the patterns in speed and direction of different plate movements, showing that all
plates are moving at different rates and directions, and this movement happens very slowly over millions of years.


Earth’s surface is not a solid continuous piece of crust; rather, there are at least 9 large pieces of Earth called plates and the edges can be
observed using earthquake data.
A network of GPS sensors provide data on the speed and direction of plate movement.
On one side of Mt. Everest, one plate is moving at a speed of 6 cm/yr in a northern direction, while on the other side, a plate is
moving at a speed of 2 cm/yr in a southwest direction. The plates are moving toward each other.
In other locations, the plates are either moving toward each other or away from each other, and at different speeds too. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 67

Lesson 3 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Recall patterns where earthquakes occur.

2 15 min CLOSE READING ON WHERE EARTHQUAKES OCCUR B-C Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?
Read about how earthquakes have been measured over

3 20 min REVISIT CLASS MAP D Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?, World Relief Map, extra
Revisit World Relief Map and argue from evidence sticky notes, markers, 9 sticky notes numbered 1-9, clear plastic shower curtain, red dry erase
where the 9 major plates are located. marker

4 5 min EXIT TICKET E notecards

Reflect on what we have figured out and how this helps
us explain why earthquakes occur where they do.
End of day 1

Brainstorm how plate movement might be affecting
changes at Mt. Everest.

6 15 min WHAT IS HAPPENING AT MT. EVEREST? G Reading: How is movement measured at Mount Everest?, Unknown material with identifier: pt.l3.ref,
Read about how scientists today use GPS data to sticky notes
measure what is happening to the Earth’s surface over

7 10 min REVISIT WORLD RELIEF MAP H Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?, Reading: How is
Revisit map and add in GPS data and movement of the movement measured at Mount Everest?, extra sticky notes, markers, World Relief Map
land under the site locations.


Update our Progress Tracker with what we have figured
out about why there are patterns to the earthquake

Wonder about what the plates are made of and how
they are moving.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 68

Lesson 3 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook World Relief Map

Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world? extra sticky notes
notecards markers
Reading: How is movement measured at Mount Everest? 9 sticky notes numbered 1-9
Unknown material with identifier: pt.l3.ref clear plastic shower curtain
sticky notes red dry erase marker

Materials preparation (5 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Between Day 1 and Day 2, draw the earthquake data pattern on a clear plastic shower curtain using a red dry erase marker. This will be overlayed onto the World Relief Map. To draw the
pattern, cover the World Relief Map with a clear plastic shower curtain. Trim the curtain to fit the map. Then, use the earthquake data pattern from Seismic Explorer to sketch the
approximate pattern of earthquake activity onto the shower curtain. A pattern for this has been provided in Template for Map Overlay. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 69

Lesson 3 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
The purpose of this lesson is to provide students with GPS data that serves as evidence for plate movement. There is a network of GPS sensors distributed around the world that
monitor plate motion. Within certain regions, countries have additional monitoring networks to study plate motion associated with earthquakes, a serious hazard for people. Students
will use this data to argue that plates collide (convergent boundaries) and spread apart (divergent boundaries).

Where We Are NOT Going

This lesson is not trying to build a “theory” of plate tectonics, which is a high school DCI and requires additional sources of data and scientific principles that are beyond the scope of
middle school, rather, it uses plate motion to help students understand that (1) plates can be indirectly observed using data, and that (2) plates move in different directions and speeds.

Also, while the network of GPS sensors exist to help monitor the potential for earthquakes and other seismic hazards, it is not the goal of this lesson or unit to discuss natural hazards.
This topic will be addressed in future OpenSciEd unit. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 70

1 · NAVIGATION 5 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Recall patterns in earthquake activity. Ask students to open their notebooks to the page from Lesson 2 where they recorded patterns
they noticed in the earthquake data. Review with students some of the patterns they noticed when they explored the different locations
in Seismic Explorer.

Project slide A. Say, What are some of the patterns we noticed about where earthquakes occur? What are some of your initial ideas for why
earthquakes happen in these patterns? Allow a few moments for some students to share the patterns they noticed.

Ask students to consider what evidence we could collect that could explain these patterns about where earthquakes occur. Say, I have an
article that might provide us with some information to help us figure out why earthquakes happen in patterns.


MATERIALS: Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?

Introduce the reading. Pass out Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world? to each student. A full-color
version of the reading and a close-up of the map are also included in the student edition. Project slide B. As a class, set the purpose for
doing the reading. Say, Let’s make sure we know what our purpose is for reading the article. What do we want to know more about?

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Why are we reading this article? What do we want to know more We are wondering about why earthquakes occur where they do.
We are wondering why earthquakes happen in patterns near
mountains and think that if we can learn more about how
earthquakes are measured, it might help us figure out why
earthquakes happen in patterns.

Have students write the purpose for the article at the top: Why do earthquakes happen in patterns?

Remind students of the close reading strategies they use in the Storms Unit. If necessary, remind students that close reading requires
reading more than once with different purposes and using strategies to interact with the text. Review the steps with the students which
are listed on slide C. Then give them time to read the article with their small group.

Once students finish reading the article, they should work together with their small group to annotate the map at the end, showing
where they think the 9 major plates are found on Earth. If this map is printed in black and white for students to use, they may need a
color version to refer to so they can more confidently label where they think the 9 major plates are located. A larger, full-color version of
the map is available in the student edition. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 71


MATERIALS: science notebook, Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?, World Relief Map, extra sticky notes, markers, 9 sticky notes numbered 1-9, clear
plastic shower curtain, red dry erase marker

Argue from evidence for the location of the 9 major plates. Project slide D. Facilitate an Initial Ideas Discussion to share ideas from the
reading that could help explain the patterns for where earthquakes occur. As students share where their group labeled the 9 major plates
in the reading, have different students use the sticky notes that are numbered 1 -9, and the projected slide that has the map with
earthquake patterns to identify where they think these plates are located. As they share, encourage them to explain why they are placing
the sticky note in the spot they choose. As this discussion unfolds, if the idea of “plates” comes up, ask them what they think a plate is
and where these plates are located. The focus of the discussion is to have students begin to see a connection between where
earthquakes happen and where these plates interact. There will be new questions that will naturally be shared as different volunteers
come up and place the sticky notes up on the map. Encourage students to record these questions.

ADDITIONAL In between the two days of this lesson, you will add a clear overlay to the World Relief Map that contains
GUIDANCE red lines drawn with draw erase to represent the earthquake data from Lesson 2. For this discussion,
students will need these lines (or earthquake pattern data) on the world map to be able to know where to
place the 9 sticky notes but adding this to the DQB map doesn’t make sense until this point in the lesson.
Therefore there is a slide with an enlarged map of the earthquake data that can be projected for students to
use as they argue where these 9 major plates could be on Earth. If you have a document camera, this could
be printed out in color and placed under the camera, projected and used. Or if you have a Smartboard, the
students could draw the arrows right on the image using the Smart board utensils. If you choose to have the
clear overlay ready to put up and prefer to use this during the discussion, you will need to remove it in
between classes if you teach more than one section of science.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Let’s remind ourselves, what was our purpose for reading the article? We want to know more about why earthquakes happen in the types
of patterns they do.

Okay, so what did you figure out from the reading to explain the In the reading, we read that as scientists collected data about where
patterns in the earthquake data? earthquakes were happening, they also noticed changes to the land.

What kind of changes? That is so crazy! To think a large piece of earth Land breaking apart
can break… and move! What else did you figure out from the article Land shaking or moving
about this movement of the surface? Land raising up or sinking down

As scientists mapped these movements of the surface, they noticed

they happened mostly near mountains and in the middle of the
ocean. This is like the data we looked at!

Because scientists saw that the surface of Earth sometimes breaks

apart, they used the edges of where these breaks happen to identify
different large sections of earth and called them plates.

Were you able to identify different sections on your map that could Yes!
be the different plates mentioned in the article? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 72

KEY IDEAS Purpose: The focus of this discussion is to help students use the reading to share their ideas about plates
and their location. This is the first time that some students would have heard about plates. In addition, you
will want to press students to connect the earthquake data they examined during the last lesson and the
location of plates
Listen/look for:
There are 9 major pieces of Earth that are moving, called plates.
Earthquakes happen where these plates touch or collide.

Place sticky notes where students identify plate locations. Ask a volunteer to come to the map and place the the nine, numbered sticky
notes on the map where the 9 different major plates from the reading are located. Once this student has placed them, ask whether
others agree or disagree. If there is some disagreement, ask a volunteer to move the sticky notes to represent their thinking. It is possible
your class will agree on all 9, or only agree on some of the 9. If there is some disagreement, place sticky notes with question marks on
them on the areas of disagreement. A sample is included below:

4 · EXIT TICKET 5 min

MATERIALS: notecards

Have students complete an Exit Ticket. Project slide E. Pass out a notecard to each student. They should read the question on the
slide and answer it on their notecard. Students should turn in the notecard before they leave class. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 73

ASSESSMENT This exit ticket can be used as a formative assessment to help you understand what students are thinking at
OPPORTUNITY this point and how they could apply what they learned to explain what happened at Mt. Everest. On Day 2,
students will read about how GPS data is currently used to track plate movements.
Before the next day, use the large clear overlay to draw the earthquake pattern data onto so it can be taped up over the DQB map. This
will be used on the next day of this lesson. Use Template for Map Overlay as a reference when creating the overlay with these patterns.

End of day 1

5 · NAVIGATION 3 min


Connect to the previous day. Display slide F. Say, Looking at our map and our ideas about where we think the different plates might be, let’s
zoom back into Mt Everest and see if we can figure out how the land is moving there. How might what we recently discovered help us explain what
happened at Mt. Everest? What data would you want to help you explain Mt. Everest?

Tell students, I have another article for us to analyze. This article includes both text and data to analyze for patterns of how the land near Mt. Everest
is moving.


MATERIALS: Reading: How is movement measured at Mount Everest?, Unknown material with identifier: pt.l3.ref, science notebook, sticky notes

Read about Mt. Everest and the global GPS network used to
track movement. Hand out Reading: How is movement measured at
Mount Everest? to each students and have students also have
student edition available to look at Unknown material with
identifier: pt.l3.ref for reference. There is also a full-color version
of the reading in the student edition as well.

Project slide G. Set a purpose for the reading to find out how
earthquakes are measured today. Then, ask students to read
through the article with a partner.

Analyze data of different plate motions and apply to each case

study site. From the reading, students should figure out that
different places on Earth are moving in different directions. As
they finish the reading, ask students to analyze the data on
Unknown material with identifier: pt.l3.ref for their site location.
They should follow the directions on the handout to add data to
the class map near the DQB using different sized arrows to
represent how fast or slow the plates are moving near their site
locations. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 74


MATERIALS: science notebook, Reading: Why do earthquakes happen in specific patterns around the world?, Reading: How is movement measured at Mount Everest?, extra sticky notes, markers,
World Relief Map

Summarize ideas from the reading. Form a Scientists Circle around the World Relief Map and ask students to share some of the ideas ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
they gleaned from the reading about GPS monitoring and movement at different plate boundaries. ENGAGING IN USING MATHEMATICAL
Suggested prompt Sample student response During this discussion around the map, it is
important for students to understand why
What did you read about how earthquakes are measured today? Scientists use GPS data to keep track of how different places on Earth the average speed of plate movement is
are moving. reported as a range of speeds taken at
different specific points on the plates.
What is GPS data and how did the reading explain how it is recorded? There are satellites above the Earth that send constant signals to When scientists record plate movement on
Earth. Then on Earth there are multiple receivers that are used to Earth, the mathematics behind this data is
pinpoint the movement. very complicated and beyond grade band.
Due to the make-up of the plates, different
rates of heating from the mantle, and
So if these signals are constantly being sent and received, why do you Maybe because there are so many different receivers on Earth? collision between edges, it is very difficult
think the data about how much each plate is moving isn’t one number? to report “one single number” to capture
Maybe if signals are being sent all the time and the land is always plate movement. In this lesson, students
moving (is it always moving?), then the numbers change constantly…. work with ranges of data to report
Like the light meters in the Storms Unit when we were trying to movement to account for the complexity
figure out how much light reaches the Earth?? of the data.

Oh… so are you all thinking that the data is reported as a range of data Yeah…
because the receivers and satellites and land are always moving?

Record ideas of what students figured out from the reading, such as:
What GPS data is and what it measures
Triangulation between satellites
Multiple pieces of data compiled together
This gives us a range to use when comparing movement of plates
How the different pieces of Earth are moving near Mt. Everest
One moving about 6 cm N
One moving about 2 cm SW
How to calculate overall movement
Because there is so much movement and so many data points, scientists can only get a range of movement in cm

Share data gathered from the reading to see global patterns of movement. Display slide H. This portion of the Scientists Circle is
intended to display data across sites that can support the consensus discussion. Each group should first share the speed and direction of
the movement of plates of their site location by posting their sticky notes at their site, placing the sticky note on either site to represent
the two plates that interact at the site.

Once all sites have been recorded onto the map, ask students what they notice about the different movements worldwide.✱ Listen for
ideas about:
The plates are moving in all different directions.
The plates are moving at different speeds. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 75


MATERIALS: science notebook

Update Progress Trackers in science notebooks. Project Slide I. Tell students to turn to their Progress Tracker section in their science
notebooks, make another row in the two-column table, and record the question, Why do earthquakes happen in patterns on Earth?
Individually they should record what they have figured out about this so far. Below are some sample ideas:

Question What I figured out in words/pictures

Why do earthquakes happen in Large sections of Earth’s surface are moving in different directions and when they
patterns on Earth? bump into each other, we think that is why there are earthquakes.

The crust is made of a bunch of moving pieces called plates that are moving in all
different directions and at different speeds. But they are moving really, really

ADDITIONAL The purpose of the Progress Tracker is for students to have a space to consolidate what they have figured
GUIDANCE out about how the Earth’s surface is moving. It will be helpful for them to take stock of what they have read
and analyzed about as to what is happening with plates on the surface, before they investigate what plates
are made of and begin looking below the surface. This Progress Tracker should not be formally assessed, as
it is a space for students to keep track of their thinking.

9 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Wonder about the plates. Display slide J. Take a moment to summarize where the class is currently in what they have figured out and
where they will go next. Say, We have figured out that the Earth is covered with large, solid pieces of crust called plates. But what are the plates
made of and how they can move? We haven’t figured that out yet. Give students a moment to think about and share their ideas. Problematize
this for students by asking how the big, heavy pieces of rock can move.

Additional Lesson 3 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING This lesson has an explicit focus on developing standards from Common Core ELA, including:
STUDENTS IN CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
MAKING domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context
CONNECTIONS IN relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
ELA CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words
in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram,
model, graph, or table).

Each reading is provided as a handout for students to mark-up, calling out key words and ideas; questions
they have; and data from tables and images. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 76

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 77 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 78
Lesson 3: Teacher Reference

Template for Map Overlay Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 79 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 3 • 12/19/19 Page 80
LESSON 4: What are plates?
PREVIOUS LESSON We read about and analyzed data to determine the potential locations of major and minor plates on Earth’s surface. We learned about how scientists study
these plates and their movement. We analyzed the data for Mt. Everest and our other site locations and notice patterns in the movement of the plates.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we use information from photographs, texts, and rock samples to develop representations of
the plates. These representations describe plates as composed of thick layers of bedrock that vary in its
INVESTIGATION composition of rock types, heaviness (density), and depth. What we see on the surface of plates includes
soil, plants, people-made structures, ocean, and air, but as we investigate, we learn that what is below the
2 days surface makes up the plates. We learn about their composition and depth by gathering information on rock
types, ultra-deep mines, and exploring data about earthquake depth. We recognize that earthquake depth
varies, that earthquakes appear not to occur below a certain depth, and that temperature increases with
depth. We wonder what is below the plates.

NEXT LESSON We will read an article to figure out what’s below the Earth’s surface. We will discover that there are three major layers to Earth and that the further you go
down, the hotter it gets. The energy from the core of the Earth is transferred to the layers above it and eventually reaches the crust. We will also figure out that
the plates, that seem thick and solid, are really only a small sliver on the surface of the Earth.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Develop a model to represent the structure, composition, and temperature patterns found in Earth’s crustal plates.
2, MS-ESS2-3
Develop a model to represent the patterns of earthquake activity at different plate boundaries to provide evidence for plate movement
and/or depth.


Earth’s plates are made of materials with different heaviness (density).
On the surface, what we see of plates is different, but below the surface they all are on bedrock that have different depths.
The deeper into the plates, the higher the temperatures become, indicating a heat source toward the interior of the Earth.
In some places, earthquakes can happen either very shallow or very deep. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 81

Lesson 4 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Guide students to share explanations for the patterns in earthquakes observed in previous lessons. Support
students in raising questions about the nature of the plates and sharing ideas for how to investigate these

2 10 min EXPLORE PLATES THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHS B-G Photos of the surfaces of plates, Optional: A
Display images of the surface of plates at various locations. Support students in generating a class list of variety of surface materials
what they notice. Push students to consider what is beneath the things they notice.


Elicit uncertainty over what is found beneath the surface features of plates, considering both land and
ocean examples. Build consensus that gathering information from a reliable text can resolve the

4 7 min READ ABOUT BEDROCK I Reading: What’s beneath the surface?, At least
Provide students with text about the ubiquity of bedrock. Also provide students with reading strategies and two samples of rock of different densities
student groups with samples of bedrock of different densities. (i.e. basalt and granite)

5 10 min DEVELOP INITIAL MODELS OF PLATES J-L 11 x 14 sheets of paper

Support student groups in using evidence to develop cross-sectional, graphical representations of a plate.

Lead a brief Bilding Understandings Discussion using the groups’ models, pushing students to wonder
about the depth of plates and propose methods for investigating what, if anything, might be below
End of day 1

7 8 min READ ABOUT THE DEEPEST MINE IN THE WORLD N Reading: The deepest mines in the world!
Provide students with a short reading text about the deepest mines in the world. Support students in using
reading strategies and reflecting on text through answering questions.

Lead a Building Understandings Discussion using the mine text, pushing students to consider limitations of
direct evidence for depth of plates and alternative ways of investigating what, if anything, is below

Use Seismic Explorer to gather and record bird’s- eye and cross-sectional earthquake data.


Lead a Building Understandings Discussion using student observations of earthquake depth data. Support
students in taking stock of the available evidence and proposing next steps of further investigating the
Earth beneath the plates.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 82

Lesson 4 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson science notebook At least two samples of rock of different densities (i.e. basalt and Optional: A variety of surface
materials Photos of the surfaces of plates granite) materials
Reading: What’s beneath the surface? 11 x 14 sheets of paper tape
Reading: The deepest mines in the computer
Earthquake Depth

Materials preparation (30 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Gather a variety of materials that can be found on Earth’s surface, such as plants, soil, sand, people-made objects.

Gather different types of rock (e.g., granite, limestone, basalt, etc.)

Consider changing one photograph in slides D-G to represent a local place. If you do this, you might add a star to the map on slide C.

Load and test Seismic Explorer Version 3, . This version has all earthquake data and has now added the cross-section tool for the activity on Day 2. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 83

Lesson 4 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
The focus of this lesson is to help students understand some key structural information related to the plates: (1) they are made of rock that vary in type, density, and depth, (2)
earthquake data can be used to see what is happening in plate movement below the surface, and (3) the temperatures get hotter deeper into the plates, indicating a source of heat from
Earth’s interior.

Students will begin the lesson by looking at photos of the superficial part of Earth’s surface--the stuff we see everyday. This includes soil, grass, trees, water, snow, people-made
structures. The purpose of this move is to generate a list of what can be readily seen by people, but then to wonder what is beneath all of that stuff. Students will then begin digging into
information about what is beneath the surface of the plates (specifically, what plates are made of, how thick they are, and how heavy they are), and how earthquake activity and
temperature data begins to provide more information about plate depth and movement.

Where We Are NOT Going

This lesson is intended to get students to move beyond the surface of the plates to wonder what is inside and below the plates. When displaying different images, do not spend time
discussing different ecosystems or people-made structures. Push students to wonder what is below what we see on the surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 84

1 · NAVIGATION 8 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Recall explanations for patterns in earthquakes. Ask students to open their notebooks to the Progress Trackers that they added to at the
end of the previous lesson.

Project slide A. Say, Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves where we left off last class and recall what questions we would still like to answer.
Using your Progress Trackers and what you remember from last class, discuss the prompts on the slide with a partner.

Give students one or two minutes to discuss these questions in pairs.

How does the idea that the Earth’s surface is made up of large sections called plates help explain patterns in earthquakes?
What questions do you still have about plates? What ideas do you have for investigating those questions?

Discuss student answers as a class. Take three minutes to have a few students share their thinking with the whole class. While it’s
important to reiterate the big ideas from last class here, the focus of the discussion should be on considering how to investigate the
class’s questions about the nature of plates. As students share their thinking, highlight questions that relate to this goal and ask students
to build on each other’s thinking for strategies for investigation.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How did we explain the patterns in The surface of the Earth is made up of big Do other people agree with this? Can
earthquakes across Earth’s surface? pieces called plates that are slowly moving someone rephrase what this student is
in different directions. Earthquakes happen saying?
in patterns around where these plates bump
into each other.

What questions did we have at the end of We were wondering what exactly plates are. We have lots of questions about plates,
last class? What are plates made up of? Are all plates which is great!
the same? Is there something beneath
plates? Can these questions help us explain Which of these questions might make the
the case studies? most sense to try to figure out first? Why is
this question important?
We were also wondering how the plates
move and if plates moving can explain other
things we’ve noticed at Mt. Everest and
elsewhere. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 85

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How can investigate what plates are made of We could explore areas that we think are on Can someone connect some of these ideas
and what’s underneath them? different plates and see what they are made for investigating our questions (about what
up of, maybe by looking at photos. exactly plates are) to the ideas that they
discussed with their partner?
We might be able to figure something out by
observing the places that plates touch one How will your idea for an investigation help
another (the boundaries) more closely. us answer our questions about what exactly
plates are?
Plates probably go beneath the surface so
we might need to dig or get information
about what is below what we can see.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Photos of the surfaces of plates, Optional: A variety of surface materials

Display the world map with plate boundaries. Project slide B. Say, We are going to carefully observe photographs of plates from around the ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
Earth. Where are some places where you would like to look?
Listen for responses that include the locations of the case studies, with an emphasis on the boundaries of plates. If students do not If you added some local photographs to
suggest it, suggest that it might also be useful to look at some examples in the middle of plates, away from the plate boundaries.✱ increase the relevancy of the places for
students, be sure to point this out using
Project slide C, the Earth map with plates, annotated with plate names and the locations of the available photographs. Say, While I can’t slide C. Add a star to the slide to represent
find photos from all the locations we would like to explore, I do have photos from these places. Do they accurately represent the locations we are your location.
interested in looking at? This is also a self-documentation
opportunity for students to gather pictures
Ask students to voice the purpose of observing photographs from these locations. Say, Can someone remind the class why we are or observations of the surface of the plate
interested in looking at photographs from these areas? Listen for student responses such as: in their area. Before the lesson, ask
We want to get a better understanding of exactly what plates are. students to snap photos of Earth’s surface
We want to understand if all plates are the same, or how they are different. in their neighborhood. Or, as a home
We want to figure out what plates are made of. learning opportunity with this lesson, ask
students to examine the surface of the
Give students direction on how to organize their observations in their notebooks. Project slide D. Tell students that in order to organize plates where they live and notice: What is
their observations, they should make a simple, two-column table in their notebook with the heading “Plate Surface Photos” and on the surface? What do we “see” versus
“Noticings” above the left column. Explain to students that the left column will simply be a list of all of the types of things they notice in what is below all the stuff we see?
the photos. If they notice something twice (on two separate images), they can indicate this by putting a star next to the item. Tell
students that they can leave the right column blank for now.

Using the photo in slide D, model the types of things students can include in their list. Tell students that they do not need to be very
specific in their observations, since we’re using our observations to try to figure out some generalities of what plates are and what we can
see at the surface. For the photo on slide D, include mountains, rocks, snow, and water, for example. Students will also notice grass,
trees, mountains, sand, hills, homes, soil, fields, and water.

Have students refer to reference Photos of the surfaces of plates, which includes the same images as slides D-G.

Allow students to make observations from photos. Project slides E-G in succession, allowing students to record their observations. If
students have difficulty identifying certain features (such as the red soil in Image 7), circulate and help students find ways of identifying
and categorizing what they are observing. As students begin to categorize the photos, they might group similar things like landforms
(mountains, hills, plains) or they might group living things (grass, trees, forests, crops). Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 86

ADDITIONAL The seven images provided are samples, and not necessarily representative of all possible images of the
GUIDANCE surfaces of Earth’s plates. Though some of these images correspond to the cases students reviewed in
Lessons 2 and 3, not all do. The images were selected for their geographic and topographic diversity. One
ancillary goal here is for students to build an understanding that the entirety of Earth’s surface is made up of
plates, not only geologically dramatic regions. It is also to help them notice that many kinds of things cover
the surface of the plates, such as oceans, grass, forests, homes, farm fields, roads, etc. What we see at the
surface is the most superficial portion of the plates. Students will learn that as we go deeper into the plates,
they are all made of varying compositions of rock types.

ALTERNATE There are several potential alternative activities that will allow students to make quick observations of the
ACTIVITY surface features of Earth’s plates. You may choose to incorporate photographs from the case studies in
Lessons 2 and 3, images from your school’s local landscape, or more student choice using Google Maps.

Summarize what students have observed, and if available, display and circulate representative samples of some of these substances.
The list might include different landforms, rocks, sand, plants and animals, soil, people-made objects, water, and others. Quickly, write a
class consensus list on the board based on your noticings of student observations. Ask students if there is anything you missed, and help
students to generalize specifics into categories.

Press students to think about the lesson question, What are plates made of? Ask students if what we observed in the photographs
shows us everything we need to know about what plates are made of. Challenge students by asking, Are these the things moving, like we
mapped last time? Or is there something else about the plates we need to figure out? Listen for responses such as:
No, because we can only see what’s on top. There are things below the surface that we can’t observe from photographs.
No, because each of the photos is so different, so it’s not really clear what exactly plates have in common.

Building off student responses, suggest that we make a list of what we think is beneath each of the objects or features in our list.
Project slide H. Say, It sounds like we agree that in order to really figure out what plates are, we need to think a little deeper, beneath the surface.
Let’s write down our ideas about what might be beneath these different things we notice on the surface. Have students copy the title of the right
hand column, “Ideas for What’s Beneath the Surface” and generate a new list of ideas. Use slides D-G again if students need visual
prompting to think about different places.



Invite students to share some of their ideas of what is found beneath the surface of plates. Say, What did you include in your list of what’s
beneath the surface? Listen for responses such as:
Beneath plants and many people-made structures like homes and roads, there is soil.
Beneath sand, there is more sand.
Beneath rocks, there are more rocks.

If they do not come up in student responses, ask students about particular items in the list. For example, say, what about on the bottom of
the ocean floor? We noticed animals and sand. Is that what is moving, like we represented with arrows? What do we think is beneath that?

Ask students to propose next steps in the investigation. Acknowledge that we are not certain or that we disagree about what’s beneath
the surface in every case. Say, It sounds like we need to look for more evidence for what’s beneath the surface. Where could we go about looking
for that evidence? Listen for responses such as:
We could dig beneath the surface.
We could look up information from a reliable source about what’s beneath the surface in these cases. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 87


MATERIALS: Reading: What’s beneath the surface?, At least two samples of rock of different densities (i.e. basalt and granite)

Tell students that you have found a reliable text that describes what people have found when they explore beneath the surface of
Earth’s plates. Distribute the handout, Reading: What’s beneath the surface? and project slide I. There is a full-color version of the text in
the student edition as well. Encourage students to use the annotation schemes displayed on the slide as they read and answer the
questions embedded within the reading. Distribute the rock samples to each group and let students know that they should investigate
them when they reach the appropriate location within the reading.


MATERIALS: 11 x 14 sheets of paper

Remind students that in the previous lesson they developed a bird’s-eye model of plates on Earth’s surface. Project slide J. Ask students
to briefly describe how we developed this model. Listen for answers such as:
We read that earthquakes occur where two plates bump against one another.
We used a map of earthquakes to infer where the boundaries between plates are located.

Ask students to explain why a model of Earth’s plates from a different perspective could be useful. Say, It’s really useful to have a model of
Earth’s plates from a bird’s-eye view, but we might want to have a model from a different perspective to represent what we figured out about plates
today. If we were to make a model of a plate taking into account what we figured out today, from what perspective might we want to show the
plates? Listen for responses such as:
It might be helpful to show plates from more of a close up view, with different layers.
It would be easiest to show different layers if we viewed the plates from the side.

Project slide K. say, If we were to represent a plate from a side view like the second image here, what would we want to show? Listen for
responses such as:
We would want to show a cut out into the ground, which you can’t really see from the photograph.
We could show the types of things that we listed from observing the surface of plates.
We would want to include bedrock.

Distribute blank oversized sheets of paper. Ask student groups to work together to make an annotated cross-sectional model of
Earth’s plates. Project slide L. Say, A model representing a plate from this perspective is sometimes called a cross-section because it’s
representing a cut out from the side view. In your groups, work together to draw a labeled cross-sectional model of Earth’s plates using evidence we
gathered today.

ASSESSMENT These models (cross-sectional representations of the composition and depth of Earth’s plates) are a good
OPPORTUNITY opportunity to check whether or not students are incorporating what they’ve learned thus far in the lesson.
Some students may create a model that represents a specific location on Earth (such as their assigned case
location, which may have mountains), while others may make a generalized model showing bedrock and a
variety of possible other things above the bedrock, such as oceans or cities. Circulate the room while
students are creating the models to support students and informally assess each student’s work within their
group. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 88

COLLABORATION Encourage students to follow equitable collaboration practices. While only one or two students may be
involved in the drawing and annotation of the model, each student should provide input into the model.
Students should be encouraged to build on one another’s thinking and respectfully ask for clarification or
supporting evidence from one another.



Display group models and ask students to reflect on similarities or differences. Tape or pin the models in a prominent location. Project
slide M. Give students an opportunity to briefly examine one another’s models, looking for similarities and differences. Then, ask
students if any additional questions come to mind. Finally, solicit ideas for how the class could investigate questions about what, if
anything, is beneath bedrock. We want students to wonder about what is happening far below the surface.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What do you notice that’s similar about these models? All are from the side view, or show cross sections of Earth’s plates.
All show bedrock on the bottom.

What do you notice that’s different about these models? They represent bedrock differently.
Some show that bedrock can be different--that some bedrock is
heavier than other bedrock, for example.

The models show different types of stuff on top of the bedrock.

Looking at the models, what new questions about Earth’s plates do Does bedrock go all the way down?
you have?
Is there anything beneath the bedrock, or is that the bottom layer of a
Which of our questions about Earth’s plates are still unanswered? plate? (And if it is, what’s below the plates?)
How could giant plates made from solid rock move?

How might we go about investigating these questions? We could dig really, really deep into bedrock.
Just like we did to answer our questions about what is beneath the
surface of Earth’s plates, we could find a reliable source that describes
what other people have found when they’ve dug really deep into

End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 89


MATERIALS: Reading: The deepest mines in the world!

Ask students why people would dig into the Earth’s bedrock. Project slide N. Say, This is a photograph from an active mine (sometimes
called a quarry). Mines are places where people have dug into Earth’s bedrock. Why do people do this? Listen for student responses such as:
People might want to sell the bedrock to people who build buildings or make roads.
There might be other valuable resources in bedrock that people can use or sell.

Ask students why we might want to look for information about mines to answer our questions about Earth’s plates. Listen for student
responses such as:
Some mines might be really deep. We could maybe find out if any mines dug so deep that they reached the bottom of the

Introduce students to reading about the deepest mines in the world. Say, I found some information about the deepest mines in the world. It
turns out that the deepest places into Earth’s bedrock that people have dug are gold mines. Handout Reading: The deepest mines in the world!. A
full-color version of the reading is also available in the student edition.

Project slide O. Tell students to use suggested annotation ideas on the slide while completing the reading. Prompt students to be ready
to share any new ideas with the class.



Facilitate a discussion that helps students reflect on the implications of the reading for their models of Earth’s plates. Project slide P.
Use the questions below to help students make sense of how we might use indirect measurements (of earthquakes) to better
understand Earth’s interior.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

What are some key ideas from the reading As you dig really deep into bedrock, How could we represent that on our models
that we could use to update our models of temperatures begin to increase. of Earth’s plates?
Earth’s plates?
Can you think of other things you’ve
experienced that might be related to the fact
that temperatures increase so much as we
dig really, really deep?

Does the reading answer our questions Bedrock seems to go very, very deep. We’re It seems like there’s no place on Earth where
about how far down bedrock goes? not sure if it goes all the way down because people have dug deep enough to directly see
the deepest mines are only so deep. But I what, if anything, is below bedrock, or crust.
Do we know from the reading what, if learned once that there are other layers of
anything, is below bedrock? the Earth, and we read last lesson that the
plates only make up Earth’s crust. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 90

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Are there any other ways we could Maybe scientists can send little robots really While that’s a really good idea (to send a
investigate our questions about how deep deep into the Earth, even if it’s not at a mine. robot) that some scientists have tried,
the bedrock goes or what, if anything, is scientists still haven’t been able to get
below it? Maybe we can guess what’s below bedrock deeper than the deepest mines in the world,
based on how it changes as we get deeper even with a robot. Why might this be so
and what we already know about how the challenging?
Earth formed.
Maybe we could make a model of the Earth
that has similar properties. What kind of indirect measurements might
we be able to make of the deep Earth?
Maybe we could use earthquake data to infer
what‘s happening below the bedrock.

It turns out that earthquakes occur at Earthquakes happen when Earth’s plates If Earth’s plates only go to a certain depth,
different depths below Earth’s surface. Some bump into one another. Maybe there needs and bedrock ends eventually, what
occur very close to the surface, while others to be bedrock for this to happen, and maybe earthquake activity might we expect to
occur very deep. How might looking at the we won’t detect any earthquakes below the observe below this depth?
depth of earthquakes allow us to better bedrock or below the plates.
understand the plates?
We could look for patterns in the depth of
earthquakes and make inferences based on Where are some areas that you would want
those patterns. to explore earthquake depth?


MATERIALS: Earthquake Depth, computer,

Demonstrate to students how to use the cross sectional tool in Seismic Explorer. Say, I’m now going to show you how to use Seismic Explorer
to look at the depth of earthquakes. Which area of Earth should we look at first? First, project Slide Q. Then open Seismic Explorer at . While projecting the homescreen, negotiate with students an interesting area to demonstrate the cross
section tool:
Zoom into that area on the map.
Run the default earthquake mapping tool (1980-2019, magnitudes 0-10, earthquake data). Ask students to articulate what the
tool is showing. This should be familiar from previous lessons.
Then, click “Draw Cross Section” and click and drag to specify the area you will examine in cross section. Explain to students
that we will be able to look at the depth of the earthquakes that have occurred in the area selected.
Finally, click “Open 3D Model.” Ask students to articulate what the tool is showing. Listen for answers such as:
This shows a side view, or cross sectional view, of the area we selected.
It’s similar to the models we constructed of Earth’s crustal plates.
In this way, we can see the same earthquakes we saw from a bird’s-eye view, but now we can also see their depths.

Ask students to articulate the purpose of looking at earthquake depth. Say, Can someone explain again why we’re interested in looking at
earthquake depth? Look for student responses such as:
We can’t directly observe how deep the plates go, so we’re using earthquakes to get information about how thick they are. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 91

Then say, Looking at this cross sectional tool, we see that we can record earthquake depths up to 800 km below the earth’s surface. How does this
compare to the deepest direct observations below Earth's surface that have been made? Listen for student responses such as:
It’s much deeper. The deepest mines are only about 4 km deep, while we can apparently observe earthquakes up to 800 km of

ADDITIONAL Students will likely be curious about how we can measure earthquakes at depths of 800 km. Seismographs,
GUIDANCE mounted at the surface of Earth, are highly sensitive to the motion of the ground. When waves from an
earthquake are detected, it uses this data, along with data from an interconnected network of
seismographs, to triangulate the epicenter of an earthquake. Very large earthquakes can be detected by
seismographs all over the world.
The unit does not include information about waves, as these ideas are part of the Grade 8 units for

Show students the data recording template. Project slide R. Say, Use the handout to record earthquake depths of two places--one near
your case study site from the previous lessons and one from a location of your choice. Your data display should give us a general idea of the
depth of earthquakes in your area, but does not need to record each earthquake exactly. Instead, try to show the pattern of earthquakes that you
observe. Also, because we are interested in how deep the earthquakes go, record an estimate of the depth of the deepest earthquakes you observe at
both sites.

Give students an opportunity to explore and record depth data on Seismic Explorer. Students can work individually or in groups,
depending on technology availability.
ADDITIONAL Students observing data from sites such as the Himalayas, Iceland, Azores, and Baikal will observe very
GUIDANCE shallow earthquakes. Students observing data from sites, such as Japan, the Aleutians, the Andes, and
Mexico will see much deeper earthquakes. This pattern will become important in Lessons 8 and 9. Do not
try to explain anything to students about plates sinking below other plates at this point.



Lead a Building Understandings Discussion summarizing the key takeaways. First, ask students to post their data in a place that
everyone can access. Then, project slide S and lead a class discussion, highlighting
differences in patterns of earthquake depth across the world.
that there is a limit to how deep earthquakes are detected. The depth of even the deepest detected earthquakes (600-800km),
is relatively shallow given that a diameter through the earth is over 10,000km.
the need to investigate further to understand what is happening below Earth’s plates. This might also help us better understand
how such massive pieces of rock can move, even if they are moving very slowly.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

What did you notice from the data you Not all earthquakes happen at the same It sounds like we’re saying that not all areas
collected on earthquake depth? Did anything depth. have the same pattern of earthquake depths.
surprise you? What new questions does this finding bring
In some areas, most earthquakes seem to to mind?
happen at or near the surface, but this isn’t
true in other areas. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 92

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How deep do the earthquakes go? What was The deepest earthquake was approximately Why do you think we don’t observe
the deepest earthquake you observed? deep. earthquakes deeper than ?

What do we know so far about what causes Earthquakes are caused by two of Earth’s How might what we know about the cause of
earthquakes to occur? plates bumping into each other as they earthquakes help us understand our
slowly move. observations about earthquake depth?

How might we use what we’ve figured out to Maybe this means plates go as deep as the It sounds like we’re still not quite certain
update our cross-sectional models of earth’s deepest earthquakes. Or maybe about what’s happening very deep within
plates? earthquakes can occur beneath the plates. Earth, or what’s under the Earth’s plates. Even
We’re not really sure. if we’re still uncertain about what this
earthquake data tells us about the Earth’s
interior, what was valuable about exploring
earthquake depth?

Update Progress Tracker. Project slide T. Ask students to turn to their two-column Progress Trackers and given them a moment to record
their own thinking to the two questions. If time allows, ask students to share their thinking with the class.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Why were we interested in figuring out more about plates? How does We learned last class that earthquakes are caused by giant pieces of
this help us understand what’s going on with Mt. Everest and our case Earth’s crust bumping into one another. We think this has something
sites? to do with how Everest moves. We wanted to learn more about what
these giant pieces of Earth--called plates--were, since it is hard to
imagine the crust moving.

What did we figure out about Earth’s plates today? What did we do to We found out that all plates contain bedrock, though the bedrock can
learn about the interior of the Earth? have different properties.
Plates have different things on top of the bedrock, including, oceans.
Every location on Earth is on a plate, though the consequences of
plates are most felt near plate boundaries.
We also saw that bedrock goes very deep (at least on a human scale),
and that things get hotter when you dig deep enough.
We observed that earthquakes occur in distinct patterns not only
across the map, but also in the depth at which they occur.

It seems like earthquakes don’t even happen (or can’t be observed)

below a certain depth. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 93

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What new questions do we have about earthquakes, Earth’s interior, or Why does the Earth get hotter as you get deeper? How does this heat
any of the case studies now? connect to geysers or volcanoes?

What exactly is going on in the deeper interior of the Earth? Is it rock

all the way down? Why do we stop detecting earthquakes below a
certain depth. How do massive, deep slabs of rock move?
Why are there differences in the patterns that earthquakes occur in?

Here is an example Progress Tracker:

Question What I figured out in words/pictures

What are plates made of? All plates contain bedrock, which has different properties (like heaviness, density,
and color) in different places.
Plates have different things on top of bedrock, including oceans and soil.
Sometimes, bedrock is visible at the surface.
Every location on Earth is on a plate.
Bedrock goes deep (several kilometers down), but that is pretty shallow when
compared to the size of Earth.

What did looking at earthquake Earthquakes occur in patterns of different depths in different places on Earth.
data get us?
Earthquakes are not observed below a certain depth.

Additional Lesson 4 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING This lesson has an explicit focus on developing standards from Common Core ELA, including:
STUDENTS IN CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
MAKING domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context
CONNECTIONS IN relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
ELA CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words
in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram,
model, graph, or table).

Each reading is provided as a handout for students to mark-up, calling out key words and ideas, questions
they have, and data from tables and images. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 4 • 12/19/19 Page 94

LESSON 5: What is below Earth’s plates?
PREVIOUS LESSON We used information from photographs, texts, and rock samples to develop representations of the plates, including their composition, heaviness (density), and
depth. We investigated the depth of plates by exploring ultra-deep mines and the depth at which earthquakes occur. We wondered what was below the plates.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we read an article about what is underneath the surface of the Earth. We read that there are
different layers to the Earth and as we move closer to the center, or core, of the Earth, the temperature
INVESTIGATION increases to over 6,000℉. This heat is transferred up through the layers of the Earth. In the article, we read
that the diameter of the Earth is 12,700 km (7,926 miles) and the thickness of the plates can be up to 70 km
1 day (44 miles) in depth, making the plates very thin in comparison. We use this information to revise our Earth
model created in Lesson 4.

NEXT LESSON We will consider how movement in the Earth’s interior causes the plates at the surface to move in different ways. We will use a convection demonstration to
make observations of motion before and after a heat source is added. We will map our observations onto the Earth Model to consider how energy flowing and
matter cycling can explain movement in the mantle. Finally, we will show how movement in the mantle causes movement of plates on the surface.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Critically read scientific text to obtain scientific information about the systems and subsystems of the Earth to describe what is below the
2, MS-ESS2-3 surface (crust).

Develop or revise a model to represent what is below the surface of the Earth that results in energy flowing and matter cycling in Earth’s
system that could influence the movement of the plates.


The crust of the Earth is the “skin” that covers the mantle and the core.
The different layers of Earth have different temperatures.
The core is the energy source that transfers heat to the different layers. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 95

Lesson 5 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

We figured out that the crust of the Earth is broken up into different plates and that these plates
are mainly made of two types of rock: basalt or granite. We are now wondering about what we
would find if we could keep digging.

2 5 min BRAINSTORM WHAT NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO MODEL B chart paper, markers

We will revisit the model from Lesson 4 and problematize what else we need to figure out in
order to refine our model to more completely reflect what is below the plates.

3 20 min WHAT IS BELOW THE PLATES? C Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging
Read about what is found below the surface of the Earth. deeper than the deepest mine?, Earth Model

4 15 min CONSENSUS DISCUSSION AND REVISIT DQB D Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging
Revise the class Earth model and add new questions to the DQB and new ideas for deeper than the deepest mine?, Earth Model, chart paper,
investigations. markers, Ideas for Investigation chart

Brainstorm ideas for what could be causing the plates to move.
End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 96

Lesson 5 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook chart paper

Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the deepest mine? markers
Earth Model Ideas for Investigation chart

Materials preparation (15 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 97

Lesson 5 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
In this lesson, we read about what is found under the Earth’s plates. We discover the Earth is made of layers: the crust, the mantle, and the core. In Lesson 4, we learned that as you dig
down further, the temperature increases. From our reading, we figure out that the mantle is much warmer than the surface (up to 1,600℉) and at the center of the Earth’s core, the
temperature is up to 10,000℉. From what we know about temperature and thermal energy from earlier units, we reason that the energy from the core must be transferred up through
the mantle to the crust. We also compare the Earth’s diameter to the thickness of the plates, and realize that the plates, though they seem to be pretty thick, are actually rather thin
compared to the whole Earth.

Where We Are NOT Going

We are staying with a very basic model of the Earth to include just the core, mantle, and crust. The purpose of this lesson, and the next, is to support students in figuring out what is
happening in terms of energy and matter flow below the plates that could be causing them to move. Analyzing and/or investigating more specifics of the layers of the Earth (e.g., there
is an inner core and outer core, or that part of the mantle is called the lithosphere) is beyond grade band.

The explanation for why the different layers of the Earth are made of different substances and how scientists have figured all of this out, is beyond grade band. Students will use what
they figure out in this lesson to reflect on how energy and matter flow result in plate movement. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 98

1 · NAVIGATION 2 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Project slide A. Ask students to talk with a partner about the two questions on the slide: If we were to keep digging deeper than the deepest
mine, what do you think we would find?

Have a few student volunteers share out their ideas.

Say, Last class, we developed a model using earthquake data that demonstrated how deep below the surface earthquakes happen. Let’s revisit the
model we developed in our last lesson that includes what the Earth looks like from the side view as we dig below the surface.


MATERIALS: science notebook, chart paper, markers

Take stock of what we have figured out so far to help us explain what is below
the plates and possibly why the plates move. Ask students to bring their
notebooks and join you in a Scientists Circle. Then, tell students to make a t-
chart in their notebook. On the left side of the chart, we will record what we
have figured out that should be reflected in a model to represent the plates on
Earth. On the right side of the chart, we will record what we still need to figure

Say, Using the model we have from Lesson 4, what have we figured out and what do
we still want to know about the plates on Earth?

As students share, draw a t-chart (like the one on slide B) on a piece of chart
paper and record their ideas (see sample to the right).

What have we figured out that should be in our model? What do we not yet know, but we think we need to
complete our model?

There are oceanic plates and continental plates. How deep do the plates go down?
Some plates are made of denser rock (basalt) What is under the plates?
while others are made of less dense rock The Earth is huge and the deepest mine isn’t
(granite). that far into the Earth, so what is below the
Some earthquakes happen closer to the surface deepest mine?
while others happen deep under the surface. How do scientists figure out what is below the
Earthquakes happen when these plates move. deepest mine? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 99


MATERIALS: Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the deepest mine?, Earth Model, science notebook

Obtain more information about Earth’s interior. While still in the Scientists Circle, reflect that our current model doesn’t show what is ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
happening under the plates. We almost need a side view model. Explain that in order for us to get some more information about what ENGAGING IN ANALYZING AND
is found below the plates, we have a reading that might help us figure this out. Tell students that they will also receive a blank handout INTERPRETING DATA
of a cross-section of the Earth. As students read, they will be cued to add to the handout in order to capture what they figure out what is
below the surface of the Earth. This model they develop as they read will be revisited when we revise our consensus model in the Thus far, students have been representing
future.✱ different parts of Earth and subsystems
within Earth by drawing the layers of Earth,
their relative thickness to one another, and
ADDITIONAL Switching between different viewpoints for modeling three-dimensional objects can be difficult for some a temperature gradient from the core to
GUIDANCE students. Up to this point in the unit, much of what we have been modeling about the Earth has been from the surface. These ideas are critical as
a bird’s eye view as if we are looking down on the Earth. In this lesson, we are asking students to switch students begin making connections to the
their thinking and picture what the Earth would look like from the side view, or if we could open up the flow of energy and the cycling of matter,
Earth to see the layers. In Lesson 4, they began to switch perspectives to view a cross-section of the Earth which are the focus of the next few lessons.
down to the bedrock, but in this lesson we will continue to build on this by gathering information about the They will use their Earth models to
layers of the Earth, both how large each layer is and the temperature of each layer. As students read the represent where energy is flowing in the
article, they will be cued to add to a handout that has a blank cross-section of the Earth. Because this can be system (from the core to the exterior), and
challenging for many students, it is useful to have a tangible model as an analogy for the Earth for students how that energy flow leads to movement
to view, such as an orange. When the orange is whole and unpeeled, it is like the model of the Earth we of the crust. In addition, the model will be
have been modeling, but if we cut it in half and look inside one of the halves, we now have a cross-section used to show how the matter that makes
of the orange all the way through. We obviously can’t cut open the Earth to see a cross-section all the way up the crust cycles in the Earth system,
to the other side, but we are going to use what we read to develop a cross-section model as if we could cut through the formation and recycling of the
it open and look inside. crust. It is important for students to not
simply draw the different layers of Earth,
Say, I have an article that could help us figure out more about what is below the surface of the Earth. In the last lesson, we figured out that if we dig but to consider the composition and
really deep under the surface we reach bedrock. We added this to our model by drawing a cross-section of the Earth, or a side view, to show that this temperatures found in each layer so that
is under the surface. Today, we want to continue to develop this cross-section of the Earth as if we could go all the way through to the other side. To they can leverage these ideas in the next
help you develop this model, you will use the handout of a blank cross-section of the Earth. As you read, you will be cued to add to this handout to few lessons.
develop a model of what is below the surface of the Earth. Use your close reading skills to collect some evidence about what the Earth is like below
the surface. At the top of the reading, let’s record the question we are trying to answer, “What is found under the plates of Earth?” ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Display slide C and pass out Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the deepest mine? and Earth Model to EVALUATING, AND COMMUNICATING
each student. Students should read this individually and stop to add to the Earth Model handout as they read. Give them a few INFORMATION
minutes to read the article and add to Earth Model. Tell students when they finish, they should tape the Earth model handout into their
notebook on the next blank page and title this page Earth Model. Ask students to record 1 or 2 of the new questions they recorded at the As students read through the text in this
end of the reading on sticky notes. They will bring these to the Scientists Circle in a few minutes.✱ lesson, they will obtain and represent
information about the size and
temperatures of the different layers of the
ADDITIONAL The purpose of the reading is to provide students a way to figure out what is below Earth’s plates and then Earth. This information is critical in building
GUIDANCE to use these ideas to develop an initial model of the layers of Earth. The key ideas students need to get a full model of Earth, and to begin making
from the reading are: connections about the flow of energy from
There are different layers of Earth that are made of different substances. the core to the surface, by tracing a pattern
The different layers are different temperatures, with the temperature increasing moving towards of temperature through each layer of Earth.
the center of the Earth.
The plates sit on the mantle which is made up of solid rock that has a consistency of hot asphalt The text also provides them with key ideas
or putty. about the composition of the mantle to
The core is at the center of the Earth and is very hot. reinforce for students that the mantle is
The thickest plate is around 44 miles and the diameter of the Earth is around 7,900 miles,so the not a liquid. This will be reinforced in the
plates are rather thin in comparison. next lesson. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 100


MATERIALS: science notebook, Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the deepest mine?, Earth Model, chart paper, markers, Ideas for Investigation chart

Convene a Scientists Circle for a Consensus Discussion. Ask ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN

students to convene in our Scientists Circle with their notebooks, THREE-DIMENSIONAL LEARNING
Reading: What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the
deepest mine? and Earth Model. Bring out the t-chart the class One of the lesson-level performance
made at the beginning of the lesson to refer to during this expectations for this lesson is: Develop or
discussion. Project slide D. revise a model to represent what is below
the surface of the plates on Earth that
results in them moving the way they do
Tell students we are going to use what we have figured out (systems). This Consensus Discussion is a
about what’s under the surface to revise our Earth model. point in the lesson where students, coming
to consensus, revise their initial Earth
Ask students to share what they read about that we should add model to account for new information
to our consensus model of the Earth.✱ Then ask students if they about what the plates are connected to and
learned anything from the reading that could help them answer how they might move.
any questions we still have on our t-chart that could help us
develop a more complete model of the Earth. ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS
Purpose: This discussion is to revise and/or
refine the classes’ current model of the
Earth using what we learned in the reading.

Listen/look for:
There are different layers of the
Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions Earth.
The different layers are made of
What should we add to our class model to There are different layers to the Earth; the How should we represent these layers? Will different substances.
represent what is under the surface (or crust, the mantle, and the core. this help us represent what is below the The different layers are different
plates)? plates? temperatures.
The crust is where we live. The plates make (Add labels for the crust and mantle to the The heat, or energy, from the core
up the crust. model.) transfers and heats up the mantle.
The mantle heats up the crust.
There is a mantle that is underneath the Unknown material with identifier: Though the plates seem like large
crust and plates of the Earth. and thick pieces of rock to us, they
are rather thin compared to the
The core is at the center of the Earth. other layers of the Earth. (25 km
for larger plate, diameter of Earth
= 12,700). Ratio for this is 1/508.
Pause here in reporting out what we have figured out from the reading to take stock of which questions from our chart we have
answered. Add these ideas on the left side of the chart and cross off the questions that we have an answer for. Then continue the
discussion about what else we have figured out from the reading.

ADDITIONAL The purpose for pausing after this first question is to edit our ideas of how to refine our model of the Earth
GUIDANCE and to let students take stock of what we have figured out about the layers of the Earth before diving into
the differences in temperature and depth. These are all complicated ideas to conceptualize since they are
on such a grand scale. Taking a moment here to allow students to add the new idea that there are different
layers inside the earth, under the plates, to what we have figured out will also allow students more time to
shift their viewpoint to a cut-away model of the Earth from the top down or bird’s eye viewpoint. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 101

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Is there anything else you read about that we We should add information or pictures to Why should we add this to our model? How
should add to our model to represent what is show that the temperature keeps getting might it help represent why the plates are
below the plates? hotter the deeper we go into the Earth. moving?
(This is to encourage students to begin
thinking about what we already know about
heat and energy transfer, and how that
might be affecting the movement of the
plates. This will be the focus of the next

What did you read about how big these If we could dig down under us through the How should we represent this on our model?
plates are compared to the Earth? center of the Earth to the other side, we
would go over 7,000 miles! The crust is only
a little part of 40 miles or so.

Revisit the DQB. While the class is still together in the Scientists Circle near the DQB, ask students what new questions they have now.
Remind students of our norms and our protocol for adding questions to the DQB. They should listen carefully to the questions asked
and raise their hand to add their question when it relates. After students have had a chance to share some new questions, bring over the
Ideas for Investigation poster. Ask students to take a minute or two to brainstorm with their elbow partner how we could investigate
their questions.

Ask, Who has some new investigation ideas we could do to help us get evidence to answer some of the questions on the DQB? When you share your
idea, please first share the question your investigation could potentially help us answer.

As students share their ideas, record them on the Ideas for Investigation chart.

5 · NAVIGATION 3 min


Brainstorm ideas for what could be causing the plates to move. Display slide E. Say, Now that we have figured out that the Earth is made of
different layers that are different temperatures and different substances, talk with a partner briefly about the two questions on the slide:
How can what we figured out about the layers of the Earth, help us to explain what is causing the plates to move?
What have we learned in the past causes things to move?

ADDITIONAL In the Storms and Cup Design units, students learned about thermal energy, conduction, energy transfer,
GUIDANCE and convection. In the Cup Design unit, students investigated why a cold drink warms up and figured out
that molecules collide and transfer energy to each other, which results in some slowing down and others
speeding up. Over time, if no more heat was added to a system, everything in the system would become
the same temperature. In the Storms unit, students learn that sunlight is absorbed by the ground, which
heats up the ground. As the ground heats up and the air above it interacts with it, the air heats up. In these
two units, students also learn that objects with a lot of energy (hotter things) transfer energy faster and
more often to objects with less energy (colder things). By asking this question at the end of this lesson,
before going into Lesson 6, students will be ready to connect what they already know to help explain
convection within the mantle. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 102

Additional Lesson 5 Teacher Guidance
SUPPORTING Students read an article about the layers of Earth to help determine what is below the plates. Students
STUDENTS IN record what they figure out in a table at the end of the article and then share these ideas in a Consensus
MAKING Discussion. They use this information to brainstorm how to revise their Earth model to include these
ELA CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 103 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 5 • 12/19/19 Page 104
LESSON 6: How are the plates moving?
PREVIOUS LESSON We read about layers of Earth that are below the surface. We discovered that there are three major layers to Earth and that the further down you go, the hotter
it gets. The energy from the Earth’s core is transferred to the layers above it and eventually reaches the crust. We also figured out that the plates, which seem
pretty thick and solid to us, are really only a small sliver on the Earth’s surface.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we consider how movement in the Earth’s interior causes the plates at the surface to move in
different ways. Using a convection demonstration, we make observations of the motion before and after a
INVESTIGATION heat source is added. We map our observations onto our Earth Model to consider how energy flowing and
matter cycling can explain movement in the mantle. Finally, we show how movement in the mantle causes
2 days movement of plates on the surface.

NEXT LESSON We will model how two points on the edges of the Eurasian and Indian plates moved over time. Using data and evidence from earlier lessons, we will figure out
how far apart the two points on the plate boundaries would have been at different points in time. We will develop a time series model for these two points on
the plate boundaries today, at 10 years, 100,000 years and 50 million years ago.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Develop a model to describe how energy from the Earth’s core flows through the mantle (a large, complex system with subsystems), resulting
2, MS-ESS2-3 in the collision or spreading apart of the crust’s plates, forming mountains in some places and mid-ocean ridges in others.

Apply mathematical concepts, such as rates, and the direction of movement of Earth’s plates that are the result of a transfer of energy from
Earth’s interior to the crust, to explain what causes plates to move great distances, collide, and spread apart.


Energy from the Earth’s core heats up the mantle and causes molten rock in the mantle to move around (hotter material rising to the
surface and cooler material sinking).
This movement, called convection, within the mantle causes plates to move at the surface.
When the convection cell rises and pushes out and away, plates at the surface move away from one another. New crust forms when
molten rock (magma) seeps through the crust and cools and hardens.
When parts of the convection cell sink back down into the mantle, plates collide at the surface because they are being pulled together. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 105

Lesson 6 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Students make connections to prior science ideas and make predictions about how energy flows within a

2 5 minutes REVISIT MOVEMENT DATA B-C Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)
min Revisit the plate movement data to recall speed and direction of movement.

3 20 min MOVING MANTLE DEMONSTRATION D How are the plates moving?, Moving Mantle
Demonstrate what happens when heat is added to a system and causes fluids to move in circular Demonstration

4 10 min TRACE MOTION IN THE SYSTEM E How are the plates moving?
On their own, students track ideas related to the movement of matter and energy in the mantle system.
End of day 1

Students share their initial thinking about movement, energy, and matter in the mantle system.

6 20 min DEVELOPING A CONSENSUS MODEL G Earth Model (Lesson 5)

Students share their observations and thinking about movement in the mantle.

7 15 min CONNECT MOVEMENT IN THE MANTLE TO PLATE MOVEMENT H Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Earth
Using the cross-section drawings of the movement in the mantle, students make connections to the Model (Lesson 5)
direction of movement of the plates.

Prepare to revisit Mt. Everest and explain what is happening there to cause it to shift.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 106

Lesson 6 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Moving Mantle Demonstration materials 4 empty coffee cups

1 cup with hot water
clear plastic tub
room temperature water
empty cup
food dye

Lesson materials science notebook Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)

How are the plates moving? Earth Model (Lesson 5)

Materials preparation (30 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Have Earth Model from Lesson 5 available for Day 2 revision to the model.

Day 1: Moving Mantle Demonstration

Group size: Whole Class
Setup: Use Convection Demonstration Options and watch this set-up videos prior to doing the demonstration: . Also have the
student video ready to play to show what happens with thicker liquids like oil.
Notes for during the lab: If you have a large class, consider having two setups to split students into two groups. Students will need to have access to look closely at the cross-
section and top view of the demonstration. After the demonstration with water and food dye, you will watch a video that uses open flame and oil to show movement at the
Disposal: Water can be disposed down the drain.
Storage: The tubs, coffee cups, and dye can be stored for the following year. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 107

Lesson 6 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
This lesson is focused on helping students understand that the components of Earth systems (the core, the mantle, and the crust) are not static, but rather dynamic and interacting. Heat
is produced by the core (by processes that are above grade band) and that energy is transferred into the mantle creating mantle convection. The mantle is not a fluid, a common
misconception, but rather molten rock that behaves more like putty. As energy is added to matter, it spreads out, becoming less dense and rises. This concept was first introduced in
OpenSciEd Unit 6.3: Why does it hail, rain, or snow at some times but not others? The idea of convection is applied again in this lesson, as students will see in the Moving Mantle
demonstration how matter and energy move in the mantle. Students should be able to see the upward flow from the heat source, the lateral spreading at the surface, and then the
cooling and sinking away from the hot part of the convection cell. This movement is best seen from a cross-section view of the demonstration.

Importantly, however, students will need to transfer that vertical movement in the mantle to how it laterally moves the plates at the surface. In the upward rising part of a convection
cell, the force is a spreading motion that pushes two things (plates) apart. This would map to a boundary that has spread (or divergent boundary). Where two cooling and sinking parts
of a convection cell come together, or collide, that causes things (plates) at the surface to also collide or bunch up. This would represent a colliding, or convergent, boundary at the

Where We Are NOT Going

We are not focused on how the Earth’s core produces heat, as this is in the high school grade band. We are also not asking students to represent their ideas about energy transfer and
convection at the molecular level. During this lesson it is more important for students to understand that matter in the mantle is rising and sinking, and that the result of that motion is
various movements of plates at the surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 108


MATERIALS: science notebook

Share prior ideas and predictions with the class. Display slide A. Ask students to turn to the page in their science notebooks where they
recorded their thoughts and predictions to these two questions:
How can we use what we figured out about the layers of the Earth to explain what is causing the plates to move?
What have we learned in past units about what causes things to move?

Give students time to share their thinking with the whole class. Record these ideas on the board so that they are public during the
lesson. Listen for ideas related to:
temperature as a measure of average kinetic energy in matter,
energy flows from hotter to colder temperatures, or
when things get hotter, they expand and rise; when they get colder, they get more dense and sink.

ADDITIONAL This lesson will draw heavily on what students have learned in previous units (Cup Design and Storms)
GUIDANCE about energy, energy transfer, and convection. In the Cup Design Unit, students investigated why a cold
drink warms up and figured out that molecules collide and transfer energy to each other, resulting in some
molecules slowing down and others speeding up. Over time, if no more heat is added to a system,
everything in the system will become the same temperature. In the Storms Unit, students learned that
sunlight is absorbed by the ground, which heats up the ground. The ground then heats the air above it
through conduction. Students also learn that materials with higher energy (or hotter things) transfer energy
more often and at a higher rate to materials with lower energy (colder things). In this lesson, students will
apply what they have learned about convection from previous units to explain how the plates move.

2 · REVISIT MOVEMENT DATA 5 minutes min

MATERIALS: science notebook, Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)

Revisit movement data and model ideas. Ask students to look back at the class map with the arrows from Lesson 3 and think about all
the ways that plates move. Display slide B. Give students a moment to think about what patterns they observe with the arrows. Then
say, We know there are these pieces called plates and that they are moving in all these directions (point to the map). But are we able to explain
what is causing them to move? Let’s take stock of what we do know so we can decide what our next step should be.

Display slide C. Ask students to create a new heading in their science notebooks, “What have we figured out so far?” Remind students
that they are trying to figure how places like Everest and their case sites move all the time, especially during earthquakes.

Then ask students to summarize key ideas from the previous lessons, such as:
We know earthquakes are mostly occur where mountains are found, but not always.
We know the Earth’s crust is not one solid piece, but a bunch of broken pieces that move.
We know that plates are moving in different directions and some are moving faster than others.
We see that some are moving away from one another and some are moving towards one another.
We know that heat is coming from below, from Earth’s core.

Once this list is populated, Say, We are wondering how plate movement at the surface is related to the heat energy from inside the Earth. I have a
demonstration that might help us visualize and figure out what is happening below the surface that might cause the plates to move. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 109


MATERIALS: Moving Mantle Demonstration, How are the plates moving?

Prepare students for the Moving Mantle Demonstration. Ask students to gather around the ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
demonstration. Display slide D. Before the demonstration begins, first map different parts of the ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
system to things in the real world. Pass out How are the plates moving?. USING MODELS
Going through one component at a time, ask students to complete the first two rows of Part 1, with Mapping the elements of the investigation
only the column for what the component represents in the real-world. Wait until after the setup to the elements in the phenomenon
demonstration to complete how the component is similar and different to what is being (mantle convection and plates moving)
represented in the real-world. Also, wait to fill in the last three rows of the table until after the that we are trying to explain is an
demonstration where students see the movements.✱ important part of this practice. You may
need to return to this mapping when
students interpret their results and describe
what is happening in the mantle to cause
the plates to move.
Importantly, the last column helps students
understand the limitations of the model
that is being used to represent a
phenomenon in the real world. They will
complete this after the demonstration.

Part of the Is Part of the How are they the same? How are they different?
experimental setup lik phenomenon

A. Liquid in a tub → the matter in the


B. Cup of hot water → Earth’s core

(heat source)

C. Movement of liquid →

D. Movement of the →

E. Direction of the →
movement at the

Make observations before the heat source is added. Using Part 2, ask students to look closely and observe what they notice with the
fluid and different parts of the system (no movement should be occurring). They can draw and use words to represent their
observations on the handout.

Slowly add the dye using the pipette. Try not to disturb the water. The dye should pool at the bottom of the tub. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 110

Add the heat source. Place the cup of hot water under the tub. Ask students to watch the dye closely as it begins to rise. Students will
need to rotate, allowing everyone to get close to the demonstration at least a few times over the next five to ten minutes as the fluid
heats and circulates.

As students observe the demonstration, they should use Part 3 of the handout to draw and use words to represent their observations.
Encourage student observations by asking:
Where is the heat energy is coming from? Where is it is traveling to?
What do you notice about the direction the dye is moving?
Where is it rising? Where is it sinking?
Do you notice any patterns on the surface of the water?
What would you draw on the cross-section of the demonstration to show what is happening?

Also encourage students to take as many notes and add details to their drawing during the demonstration, as they will use their
observations for the remainder of the lesson.

Problematize the water representing the mantle. It is important for students to realize the mantle is not a liquid. Ask students what the
mantle is made of and, if needed, refer back to What would we find if we could keep digging deeper than the deepest mine?. The mantle is
made of molten rock, not liquid. However, tell students it is not possible to get things as hot as they are in the core or mantle of Earth,
so we use water to study the movement patterns to help us understand movement inside the Earth.

Watch thicker fluids to see how they work when heat is added. Play the video at .
This is a video showing what happens when heat is added to a mixture of oil and herbs. The oil is much thicker fluids than water and
tend to move more like magma. Use this video to help press students to think about how this fluid is moving and how this can help us
visualize what is happening in the mantle that leads to the plates moving. With the higher heat, students will see movement of the
“crust” which is represented by a thin layer of herbs/dye on the surface. Plan to play this video about one or two times to let students
make additional observations to their handout for Parts 2 and 3 (before and after the heat source is added).

ADDITIONAL This video can also be used for students who are absent during this lesson, or if students want to see the
GUIDANCE demonstration again later in the unit to remind themselves of what is happening in the mantle.


MATERIALS: How are the plates moving?

Trace motion in the system. Display slide E. For the rest of the class
period, give students time to individually trace the movement in the
mantle system and note where energy is flowing and where matter is
cycling in the system. Tell students to complete Part 4 and to also
revisit Part 1 of their handout to map C, D, and E to things in the real-
world and to include their thinking about the similarities and
differences in the model to what it represents in the real-word.

They should be prepared to share their thinking with the class.

Ask students to leave their handouts behind in class before they
leave. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 111

ASSESSMENT Look over student work on Parts 1-4 How are the plates moving? to assess their current understanding of what
OPPORTUNITY each component in the system represents in the real-world (i.e., water/oil represents the mantle, heat
source is the Earth’s core, motion is movement in the mantle) and whether the following ideas are present:
As the liquid increases in temperature near the heat source, it begins to rise. As it nears the surface,
it moves out in all directions, and then cools down and sinks again.
Energy is added to the system by the heat source, and then it causes the matter (liquid) to heat up
and rise. The matter is moving in circular directions.
On Part 1, students will have outlined some ideas for how components are similar and different from the
real-world. Check to see that these ideas are plausible. This table will be revisited the following day as the
consensus model is outlined.

End of day 1

5 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Share initial ideas with a partner. Display slide F. In partners, students take turns sharing and revisiting their ideas from the Moving
Mantle Demonstration. They can add and revise their thinking during part of this time with their partner. They might also note
similarities and differences in how each student represented their thinking. Tell students that the class will use their ideas to develop a
class consensus model.


MATERIALS: Earth Model (Lesson 5)

Revisit the Earth Model from Lesson 5. Display slide G. Ask ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
students to look back at the consensus Earth Model from Lesson ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
5 and consider how the class can revise that model to include USING MODELS
ideas about movement in the mantle, including where energy is
flowing, how matter is moving, and how this might impact the Models are dynamic and can change as
plates at the surface. new information is learned. Models are not
used to describe or memorize something,
but rather, students should learn to use
Students should share ideas one at a time. Ask them to them to develop an explanation. In this
draw and/or write those ideas on a public representation case, they are not revising their Earth
of the Model of Earth. See the image provided as an example of Models to memorize the names of the
layers or the direction of mantle
what this might look like. As students add ideas, facilitate a movement; rather they are trying to pull
Consensus Discussion to support students coming to agreement several pieces together from previous
about what they are noticing in the mantle. lessons to explain the mechanism behind
why plates at the surface can move in
different directions.


CONSENSUS DISCUSSION Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 112

A Consensus Discussion is different from
KEY IDEAS Purpose of this discussion: To come to agreement about the direction of the movement within the mantle, other kinds of discussions because the
including how energy flows, how matter cycles, and how all of these processes affect the plates at the purpose of the discussion is to converge on
surface. one idea or a couple ideas that the whole
class agrees upon. In this discussion, your
Listen for: classroom community is pressing toward a
As heat is added to the matter in the mantle near the core, it expands and rises (just like we saw in common (class-level) explanation, model,
fluids in the Storms Unit). or model representation. During this work,
As it gets further from the heat source, the matter begins to cool, get more dense, and sink. the class resolves disagreements where
We call this transfer of energy throughout the matter convection. possible. Your role is to help students see
Newly heated matter rises behind the cooling matter, pushing it outwards. This circular pattern where they agree and where they still
forms a convection cell. disagree. Prompts that are helpful in these
The convection cells push against the plates at the surface, which causes them to shift. This plate kinds of discussions include:
movement is similar to how clouds move and grow in storms (Storms Unit). What ideas are we in agreement
Would anyone have stated or
Discuss limitations of the model. Once students have come to agreement on how to represent the movement in the mantle, have represented this point a different
students share Part 1 of How are the plates moving? as a class and come to agreement about the extent to which the different way?
components of the investigation represent aspects of the real world.✱ Ask students to complete the final row of the table: Who feels like their idea is not
What does the direction of the movement at the very surface of the liquid represent? represented here?
How is that connected to the plates that make up Earth’s surface? Are there still places where we
If a plate were sitting on the surface of this “mantle” (water or oil), which direction would it move? disagree? Can we clarify them?

Examples answers below: ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN

Part of the Is Part of the How are they the same? How are they different?
experimental setup lik phenomenon Models are limited in how they can
e represent what is happening in the real-
world. Often they cannot fully represent
A. Liquid in a tub → the matter in the Both show convection. The stuff in the tub is a liquid, the spatial or time scales at which things
mantle but the rock in the mantle is a occur. It is important for students to not
molten rock. only recognize the affordances models
have for explaining how phenomena work,
but also where models are limited.
B. Hot cup of water → Earth’s core Both are the source of The core is much hotter than a
(heat source) thermal energy that will cup of water.
heat the matter above it
through conduction.

C. Movement of liquid → movement of Both can show us The mantle is molten rock
mantle matter direction of energy and (like putty, as we learned in
matter flow. Lesson 5) and it doesn’t move
as fast as it did in our

D. Movement of the → movement of the Both show how The plates are large slabs of
surface crust (or plates) something at the surface really thick rocks. In the water
can be pushed and pulled demonstration, there wasn’t
by something from anything on the surface. In the
below. oil video, the stuff on the
surface moved. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 113

E. Direction of the → Direction the Both can show us the The movement of the plates
movement at the plates move at the direction energy and is more complicated because
surface surface matter move at the they are moving in all
surface. different directions.


MATERIALS: Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Earth Model (Lesson 5)

Revisit Relief Map with Arrows. Display slide H and make sure the Relief Map with Arrows (from Lesson 3) and the revised Earth Model ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
(Lesson 5) are viewable by students. Students will map parts of the convection movement in the mantle to specific types of movement ENGAGING IN USING MATHEMATICAL
Point to a convection cell on the revised Earth Model and ask, If this upward movement reaches the plates and then spreads out in different Mapping the speed and direction of
directions, how would we represent that movement at the surface? Give students a moment to respond and ask a student to discuss and movement in mantle convection to the
draw their thinking on the Earth Model. It should be two arrows moving away from one another at the surface. See example below. type of speed and direction of movement
Importantly, press students to describe what they think would happen as the plates move away from one another. Listen for ideas, such at the surface, helps students explain how
as: the plates move the way they do. While
this is an oversimplified model of mantle
There would be crack there. convection, it does help students see the
There would be a hole there. relationship between the rates in vertical
The stuff in the mantle would push through. movement in the mantle to the rates of
lateral movement at the surface. It will also
Ask students to draw and describe what they think might happen when the magma would get to the surface. help students explain the varied speeds
and directions of plate movement.
Then ask students, If two convection cells are coming together in another part of the mantle, what kind of movement would we expect to see at the
surface? Give students a moment to respond and ask a student to draw their thinking on the Model of Earth. It should be two arrows
pointed toward each other at the surface. See example below.

Challenge students to think about how differences in the mantle convection might cause plate movement to change at the
surface.✱ Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 114

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

If two plates are moving away from one Maybe a hole opens up? What kind of hole? Would it be empty or
another at the surface, what do you think would something else fill that space?
happens there?

If two plates are moving toward each other They would hit or run into each other? What do you think happens when two plates
at the surface, what would you think happens hit or run into each other?

If the convection currents below the surface If the stuff in the mantle is moving faster
are really strong and hot, how would that because it has more energy (higher
impact the speed and/or direction of plate temperature) then it could push the plates
movement? even faster at the surface.

What if the convection current is pretty weak There would be less energy to move the
and there isn’t as much upward movement in plates at the surface. The plates would
the mantle? probably move slower or not much at all.

8 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Prepare to revisit Mt. Everest. Say, Ok, so we have figured out what is causing the plates to move. We have some general ideas about how plates
spread apart or move together at the surface. Now we need to take all of our ideas to explain what is happening at Everest. Display slide I. Ask
students to take a moment to think about these two questions:
How can we represent the plate movement at Mt. Everest? How do they move when earthquakes happen?
What movement in the mantle could explain how the Eurasian and Indian Plates are moving where Mt. Everest is located? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 115

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 116

Lesson 6: Teacher Reference

Convection Demonstration Options

No flame, hot water option
4 empty coffee cups
1 cup with hot water (use electric coil to heat)
Ceramic coffee cup with water (to place the coil heater after it heats the first cup)
Clear plastic bin with room temperature water
Food dye
Empty cup or dish (to hold some dye)
Paper towel
Watch for video setup instructions.
1. Fill the clear tub with tap water - it should be cold or room temperature.
2. Place the tub on four empty cups to support.
3. Gently fill the pipette with food dye and wipe the outside of the pipette.
4. Put the pipette it the tub and gently release the dye into the bottom of the tub, with the dye pooling in the
bottom of the tub.
5. At this point, ask students to draw and write what they notice in Part 2 of the handout, How are the plates
6. Heat the water using the coil heater. It should take about one minute or more to get really hot. Put the coil
heater in the empty ceramic cup of water to cool off.
7. Place the cup of hot water under the tub, under the pool of dye. Ask students to observe closely the
movement inside the water and at the surface and draw and write what they see on Part 3. Students should
view the cross-section of the tub and also the motion at the surface, looking top down.
The coil heater can get very hot. Handle it carefully and place it in a cup of water to cool down while the demonstration is running. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 117

Open flame, Sterno cans/candles option
1 heat-safe glass baking dish (8x8 in. or 9x13 in.)
2 equal size coffee cups, Mason jars, or wooden blocks
2 Sterno cans or candles
4-6 cups of vegetable oil
Dried herbs (such as thyme or parsley)
Hot mitt
Option: A mixture of pearlescent soap (1 -2 cups) and water can be substituted for oil, and food dye can be
substituted for herbs.
Note: Before doing this demonstration if the classroom, watch Lesson 6: Moving Mantle Setup video at .  You may also choose to just show students to recorded
video of the demonstration at .

1. Choose a place in the classroom that has a steady, level, heat-safe surface, where students can gather
around from all sides.
2. Set the heat-safe glass dish on top of two equal size mugs/jars/blocks. The dish should sit about 5-6 inches
off the surface, well above the Sterno can or candle flame.
3. Fill the dish with oil. Quantities will vary, depending on the depth of the dish. Do not fill to the brim - leave
at least 1 inch of space at the top.
4. Sprinkle the surface with herbs and place the Sterno cans or candles underneath the dish.
5. Ask students to begin making observations at this point, using Part 2 of the handout, How are the plates
moving?. In Part 1, they should map the components of the demonstration to what they represent in the real-
world. Use the Earth Model from Lesson 5 if students need help with this. In Part 2, they should draw or write
what they are observing before heat is added.
6. Light the Sterno cans or candles. Make sure the flame is below the glass dish, but not too close or touching
the dish.
7. Ask students to look closely at what is happening as heat is added to the system. Students should view the
cross-section of the glass dish and also the motion at the surface, looking top down.
8. When complete, use the hot mitt and Sterno can lids to snuff the flame or blow out the candles.
Ensure the flame is completely out. The glass dish, oil, and Sterno cans/candles will be hot. Handle all materials with hot mitts until they have cooled
Storage and Disposal: The dish can be washed and stored for future use. The Sterno cans/candles can also be stored. Dispose of the oil/herbs using a funnel
to pour it back into the original bottle. If using the soap/water/dye variation, it may be poured down a drain. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 6 • 12/19/19 Page 118

LESSON 7: How much have the plates moved near Mt. Everest?
PREVIOUS LESSON We considered how movement in the Earth’s interior causes the plates at the surface to move in different ways. We used a convection demonstration to make
observations of motion before and after a heat source is added. We mapped our observations onto the Earth Model to consider consider how energy flowing
and matter cycling can explain movement in the mantle. Finally, we showed how movement in the mantle causes movement of plates on the surface.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we model how the Eurasian and Indian plates are currently moving and infer where they
would have been, at different points in the past. We use data about plate movement from previous lessons,
INVESTIGATION to go back in time 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 100,000 years ago to determine where two points on the plate
boundaries would be in relation to each other at these different points in time. As a class, we develop a time
1 day series representation to show the location of the edges of the two plates, starting from 50 million years ago
-when the interaction between the two began -to the present.

NEXT LESSON We will develop a Gotta-Have-It Checklist and consensus model to explain the different kinds of movement at Mt. Everest. We will revisit other locations we’ve
investigated to see whether we can explain what is happening and realize that we need a new model to explain plates spreading apart. We will revise our
Gotta-Have-It Checklist and consensus model to explain locations where plates spread apart. We recognize we cannot explain the presence of volcanoes and
the differences in earthquake patterns and decide to gather more information.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Apply mathematical concepts (ratio, proportion) to measure and calculate how far two points on Earth’s plates moved over certain amounts
2, MS-ESS2-3 of time (scale,) ranging from a few years to millions of years.


The current rates of the Eurasian and Indian plate movement can be used to determine where these plates would have been in the
The plates on Earth have been moving for millions of years at relatively slow rates (cm per year) and this has resulted in them
moving vast distances (many kilometers) over that length of time. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 119

Lesson 7 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Revisit Mt. Everest and what we know about how it is moving

2 25 min DEVELOP A MODEL FOR LOCATION OF MT. EVEREST OVER TIME B 4 meter sticks, flexible tape measure or 5th meter stick, 2 paper clips, small
The class will conceptualize how the two plates near Mt. Everest are sticky notes, chart paper, Compass Rose, Relief map with Eurasian and Indian
moving. Using this, they will work back in time to capture where these Plate, Instructions for whole-group discussion and modeling of plate movements
two plates were in the past.


Using data collected from whole group investigation, make sense of what
happens when plates move over time.

As a class, use what we modeled for plate movement and our answers to
the sense-making questions to develop a time series model of the two
plates to show where Mt. Everest is located over time.

Brainstorm how this can help us explain what is happening at Mt.
End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 120

Lesson 7 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook 4 meter sticks

flexible tape measure or 5th meter stick
2 paper clips
small sticky notes
chart paper
Compass Rose
Relief map with Eurasian and Indian Plate
Instructions for whole-group discussion and modeling of plate movements

Materials preparation (20 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Before facilitating this investigation with students, it would be helpful to look over Instructions for whole-group discussion and modeling of plate movements to give you an idea of how to
incrementally build a representation on the floor to help students visualize the movement of the plates. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 121

Lesson 7 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
Students begin to put some pieces together to describe how the plates are moving on Earth. Prior to this lesson, they have figured out that earthquakes happen at many different
locations on Earth and that they tend to happen where plates meet or interact. Last lesson, students figured out that plates move due to convection currents within the mantle. In this
lesson, we problematize the need to figure out how much the plates have moved over time.

Where We Are NOT Going

Though we are looking at how plates have moved over time, we are not concerned with attributing a name to this process - continental drift - at this time. We know plates do not move
unilaterally in one direction or at the same speed. To support students in developing a model of how the plates have moved over time, we have simplified this process to a unilateral
move. To accurately represent plate movement, plates on a sphere would require geometry and physics, which would be beyond grade band. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 122

1 · NAVIGATION 3 min


Project slide A. Remind students that back in Lesson 1 we read about how Mt. Everest is moving each year. We also figured out that Mt.
Everest is located near where two plates meet. And from our last class we figured out that the make-up of the mantle and the energy
that is transferred from the mantle causes plates to move. Using what we have figured out so far, ask students to turn and talk about
how the plates have moved over time.

Say, How could we figure out what the land, or Earth, was like at Mt. Everest in the past? How can we use the evidence we have collected so far to help
us with this? What other evidence would we need?

Have a few students share their ideas.


MATERIALS: science notebook, 4 meter sticks, flexible tape measure or 5th meter stick, 2 paper clips, small sticky notes, chart paper, Compass Rose, Relief map with Eurasian and Indian
Plate, Instructions for whole-group discussion and modeling of plate movements

Ask students to come sit in a Scientists Circle with their science notebooks. Tell students that as a class they are going to work together ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
to represent what has happened over time with the two plates that are interacting near Mt. Everest. Point out that there is a compass
rose taped to the floor. While sitting together in this circle, tell the students we are going to try to figure out where these two plates The years chosen for the students to work
would have been in the past, using evidence we have from earlier lessons about the plates and how they move. with are all round numbers that can easily
be found by moving the decimal. These
math calculations should be accessible to
ADDITIONAL This activity does not need to be done around the DQB, but it does need to be done in an area of the room middle school students, but you may wish
GUIDANCE where everyone can sit and see the center of the circle. In the center of the circle you will need enough to have calculators available for students to
space to tape down 4 meters sticks to represent the cardinal directions of N, S, NE and SW. These will be use.
used to model the movements of the two plates that are colliding to form Mt. Everest (the Eurasian and
the Indian plates). Before class, be sure to tape down the compass rose to the floor, in the center of the
area where the students will circle around.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Can someone look back in their notebook, or up on the DQB, and The Indian and the Eurasian plates
remind us what two plates are interacting near Mt. Everest?

Can someone remind us how these two plates are moving? Which The Indian plate is moving ~ 6cm a year towards the northeast.
direction and how fast? The Eurasian plate is moving ~2 cm a year towards the south.

Tape down a meter stick along the south line of the compass on the floor. Tape a second meter stick along the northeast line of the
compass. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 123

Say, Okay, we are going to use these meter sticks and the compass rose on the floor to model what we think is
happening with these two plates now, in the future, and in the past.

Show the students the two plate manipulatives: one for the Eurasian plate with a small flag on it and one
for the Indian plate with another small flag on it. Tell students, The flags are on these so that we can visualize
what happens over time with these plates and that they actually do not represent any real life flags at the plate
boundaries today. They are just so we can watch a point on each plate as we figure out what happens as they move.
Ask students whether these look familiar to the maps we have been looking at so far in the unit. Then,
place the two halves of the cardstock with the plate representations on them, on top of the two meter
sticks so they are right up against each other and the two flags are touching each other.

Tell students the two flags represent a spot on Earth, near the Himalayas today where the two plates
meet. As we do our investigation to figure out how much the plates near Mt. Everest have moved over
time, students should watch what happens to the two flags over time.

Project slide B. Ask students to set up a table, like the one on the slide, in their notebooks to record data.
Take a few minutes to make sense of what this set-up is representing. Make sure students realize that the
plates are not this small.
Also talk about the data from scientists, which show that the plates on Earth move in cm per year.
This is something we can see here with our model, but in real life when the plates move these
small distances, it may not be something we can actually see.

Say, Let’s start by recording how far apart the flags would be today. What should we write in our table for
how far apart the flags are? If they are right up against each other, then how many cm apart are they? Right,

Time How far apart are the two flags? (in Wonderings I have

Today 0 cm

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Are these two plates on Earth the same size as the ones here in our No! The plates on Earth are much larger.

In earlier lessons, we found out that plate movement is measured in Yes…we can see cm on a ruler or meter stick.
cm per year. If we use the plate models we have here to present this,
do you think we will be able to see how far apart the plates are in cm? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 124

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Okay, when the plates on Earth move in real life in cm, do you think Probably not. It is such a small amount to move and the plates are so
people can observe this movement? large! Also, does it move all at one time? Or constantly over the year?
It seems like it would be difficult to measure.

Say, Now let’s use our representation of the two plates to see if we can figure out some things about how the plates have moved over time. Then let’s
use this to figure out where the plates were years ago.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

If this represents how the land looks right now and where these two The Indian plate should be moved 6 cm along the NE ruler and the
flags are located, how would we change it to represent the future? Eurasian plate should move 2 cm along the S ruler.
What way would we move the two plates?

What do you see happening to the plates as they move into the They are running into each other and colliding. Maybe one has to go
future? under or over.We learned that plates are pretty thick and solid.

(Most likely students will begin to share questions they have about
this. Encourage them to record their questions in their notebooks for

Okay, let’s move the two plates back to where they are today. Now, We would want to move the Eurasian plate 2cm backwards. We
what if we want to show where they would have been one year ago? would move the Indian plate backwards 6 cm.

How would we show the plates moving backwards? In which direction North for the Eurasian plate since it is moving towards the south.
should we move them?
SW for the Indian plate since it is moving in the NE direction.
(Before moving the plates backwards, tape down a third meter stick
along the N line of the compass and a fourth meter stick along the
SW line of the compass.)

Move the two manipulatives for the plates to represent where they would be one year ago. You can ask a student volunteer to do this as
well. The flag on the Eurasian plate should be placed at 2 cm on the meter stick along the N compass line and the flag on the Indian
plate should be placed at the 6 cm mark on the meter stick along the SW line of the compass.

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

What are some things you notice when we There is space in between them. What does the space represent? What is the
move the plates to represent where they space or gap?
would have been one year ago?
(Encourage students to record any
wonderings they are sharing out loud in their

Say, Today, these two flags are right up against each other, but one year ago, they were rather far apart. Let’s measure how far apart they are in cm
in our representation. These two flags should measure about 7.5 cm apart. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 125

Time How far apart are the two flags? (in Wonderings I have

Today 0 cm

1 year 7.5 cm

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What if we wanted to represent where these two points on the plate-- We would need to move each plate backwards 10 times as much.
represented by the flags--would be 10 years ago? What would we do?
So the Indian plate would need to be moved SW 60 cm (6 cm times
10 years).

The Eurasian plate would need to be moved N 20 cm (2 cm times 10


Okay, before we move them backwards, make a prediction and record (Give students a minute to record their prediction in their notebook)
it in your notebook in the margin. How far apart would the two flags
be when we move them back in time ten years?

Ask a few volunteers to help with this measurement. One volunteer can move the Eurasian plate piece and another can move the Indian
plate piece. A third volunteer can use a meter stick or flexible tape measure to measure the distance between the two flags. It should be
about 75 cm apart. Have students record this in the table in their notebook.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What are some noticings you have about how far apart the flags are a It seems like there is a pattern that for every year back in time the
year ago and how far apart they are ten years ago? flags move another 7.5 cm apart.

Okay, if this pattern were to continue, could you figure out how far Yes… We could continue to move the two plates apart the correct
apart the flags would be 100 years ago? number of centimeters. We could just use multiplication to figure
this out because for one year, the flags were 7.5 cm apart and for 10
years they were 75 cm apart. That is just 7.5 x ten.

Could we measure that using our pieces and the meter sticks? No! We would need to have more room.
But we could just use multiplication to figure this out because for one
year, the flags were 7.5 cm apart and for 10 years they were 75 cm
apart. That is just 7.5 x ten. So couldn’t we do the same thing for 100
years. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 126

Say, It sounds like many of you have found a pattern to the data. Take a few minutes to work with an elbow partner to fill in the data table in your
notebook to determine how far apart the flags would be 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, and 1,000,000 years ago.

Give partners a few minutes to fill their tables for these points in the past. Below is a sample completed table:

Time How far apart are the two flags? Wonderings I have
(in cm)

Today 0 cm

1 year 7.5 cm

10 years 75 cm

100 years 750 cm

1000 years 7500 cm

1,000,000 years 7,500,000 cm

Facilitate a brief Initial Ideas Discussion. Examine the representation of the two plates and reiterate what has been figured out.

Say, Okay, let’s look at our two plate pieces again. Let’s start at the point they are today.

Place the two pieces back together so the flags are right up against each other. Then ask students which way the plates should be moved
to represent how they will move in the future. They should say the Eurasian plate will move south and the Indian plate will move
northeast. After they tell you this, move them so they run into and over each other. Ask students to reflect on what they see and ask
them what is happening. Encourage them to think about what they learned in the last lesson about how the mantle affects the
movement of the plates and how this might help us figure out what is going on here. Questions will erupt when this is demonstrated
about what happens to the land. Encourage students to record these questions in the wonderings section of the data table.

Say, As the plates continue to move, we saw they run into each other. What happened when we represented the past?

Bring the two plate pieces back to the center to represent today with the flags up against each other. Now ask which way the pieces
should be moved to represent where these points on the plates were in the past. Ask students to reflect on what they see happening
and ask them what the space in between the plates represents. Where did it come from?

KEY IDEAS Purpose: The manipulation of the plate pieces and the corresponding discussion will encourage students to
begin thinking about what happens to land when the plates move. Over multiple lessons, they will figure
out land can be deformed when plates move. When they see the plate pieces move over each other, it
leads to questions about how this really happens because large, solid pieces of Earth’s surface can’t just
move past each other or over each other.
Listen for:
Maybe when those two points on the plates move in the future and interact, the land will keep
pushing up and the mountains will get taller, or maybe one of them moves over the other one.
When we move the plates back in time, there is a large gap between the two points on the plate.
Maybe this gap is an old mountain or maybe this land is flat land. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 127

3 · MAKING SENSE 10 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Ask students to return to their seats to answer four making sense questions. Project slide C. Tell students, On the slide are four ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
questions. In your notebook, in your data table, answer these four questions individually. ENGAGING IN USING MATHEMATICAL
Give students a few minutes to answer these questions on their own✱:
a. What was in the gap that is created when the plates are moved to represent the past? The activity with the meter stick, along with
b. What happens to this gap as the plates continue to move in the future? this written explanation, are intended to
c. What new questions does this make you have? support students’ development of the
d. What about 10 million years ago? What would this have looked like? practice of mathematics and
computational thinking. By posing
questions that require mathematical
reasoning, students can gain conceptual
understanding of the impact of plate
movement over long periods of time.


MATERIALS: science notebook, chart paper, markers

Explain, Today we used representations of the Eurasian and Indian plates to figure out where they would
have been located in the past. Let’s take a few minutes to capture what we figured out on a poster. Let’s
capture different snapshots in time, but let’s start with today.

Project Slide D. With the class, talk through how to represent where the two plates would be at the
following times in the past: today, 10 years ago, 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, and 1 million
years ago. Ask students how many cm apart the flags should be at each time period. Use a chart
paper to capture where the two points on these two plates would be located today and 1 million
years ago with space in between to capture questions about what the land is like in between at
different points in time. Label the number of cm these two would be apart on the poster paper at
each point in time. Share with students, that according to research done by scientists, the collision
between these two plates began 50 million years ago. Then ask them how this could be
represented on our model.

Problematize how our model is only a representation of what is happening. Once the different
representations are up on the chart and labeled in cm, talk about how we usually don’t measure
such large distances in cm, but rather in kilometers or miles. Discuss with students how even
though the amount the plates movement on a yearly basis is measured in cm, and we can record this movement in cm on our model,
our model still just a representation of what is happening. Talk about how the size of the plates in our model are MUCH smaller that the
plates on earth.

ADDITIONAL You can ask students how we could represent these distances in km. Some students might know the
GUIDANCE conversion of 100,000 cm in a km. If they don’t, you can spend a short amount of time to reason it out
using what they know about cm to meters and meters to km. Don’t spend too much time with this though
as it is not the purpose. Instead, the purpose here is to help students grasp how far apart large numbers of
cm are. So it is okay to put up the conversion of 100,000 cm in 1 km. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 128

As a class, work through the conversions and then add the distance in km to the representations on the chart paper. Encourage students
to also add this to the data table in their notebooks. A sample data table with the conversions added is included here:
Time How far apart are the two flags? Wonderings I have
(in cm)/ (in km)

Today 0 cm/ 0 km

1 year 7.5 cm/ .000075 km

10 years 75 cm/.00075 km

100 years 750 cm/ .0075 km

1000 years 7500 cm/.075 km

1,000,000 years 7,500,000 cm/75 km

50,000,000 years 375,000,000 cm/ 3750 km

ADDITIONAL If students are more familiar with miles, or are asking about how many miles apart these two locations
GUIDANCE would be, share with them that there are about 1.6 km in every mile, or 3.1 miles for every 5 km. Then use
this to determine how many miles apart each location would be in that unit and label this on the chart

5 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Project slide E. Ask students to turn and talk with a partner about the questions on the slide:
How can this help us explain what is happening at Mt. Everest?
And how can this help us explain what is happening at the other site locations?

Some sample student responses:

When we moved the two paper Earth plate representations towards each other, they ran into each other and kind of pushed
up, so maybe that is what is happening, or what happened to cause the mountains to form.
Maybe what we saw happen with the plates when they ran into each other in our representation also happens where Mt.
Everest is and that is why there was an earthquake.
Maybe this happens at all the earthquake sites we have researched. We should look at some more data about our site

Allow students to share some thinking, as time permits. If there is still time after students share some of their ideas, offer time for
students to share some of their wonderings. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 129

Additional Lesson 7 Teacher Guidance
SUPPORTING In this lesson students collect data in a table about the distance between two points where two plates meet.
STUDENTS IN As the class represents where these two points on the plate edges would be in the past, a proportional
MAKING pattern is discovered. For every year the points are moved to represent the past, the distance between the
CONNECTIONS IN two increases by about 7.5 cm. Students use this relationship to extrapolate where the two points on the
MATH plate edges would have been 10, 100, 1000, 100,000 and 50 million years ago.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical
problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams,
or equations. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 130

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 131 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 132
Lesson 7: Teacher Reference

Relief map with Eurasian and Indian Plate Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 133 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 134
Lesson 7: Teacher Reference

Instructions for whole-group discussion and modeling of plate movements

This document provides suggestions for how to facilitate the whole-group discussion and investigation to demonstrate how the plates have moved over
time. The steps correspond to questions asked of the class and how to incrementally develop the model for student volunteers to manipulate during the
whole group investigation.The supplies needed for this investigation include 4 meters sticks and a flexible tape measure with cm on it, OR 5 meter sticks;
Compass Rose, and Relief map with Eurasian and Indian Plate.

1. Prior to the class investigation, you will need to prepare the paper representations of the Eurasian and
Indian plates. These are found in Teacher Reference: Relief map of the Eurasian and Indian Plates. You will
need to cut along the plate boundary between the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate.

2. You will need to make 2 mini flags out of paper clips and small sticky notes.                         

3. Tape one of the flags to the paper representation of the Eurasian plate, right on the boundary edge. Tape
the other flag on the boundary edge of the Indian plate, so that it is adjacent and right up against the other
flag. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 135

4. If possible, tape Teacher Reference: Compass Rose to the floor before students arrive. This should be taped
in the center of the space that students can sit in a circle around.

5. Once a volunteer shares that the Eurasian plate is moving towards the south, tape one meter stick along
the south line of the compass so that it won’t move around.         

6. After a volunteer shares that the Indian plate is moving towards the northeast (NE), tape a second meter
stick along the NE line of the compass so that it won’t move around. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 136

7. When a student volunteer shares that to move back in time, the Eurasian plate will need to move towards
the north (N), tape a third meter stick down along the N line of the compass.

8. When a student volunteer shares that to move back in time, the Indian plate will need to move towards
the southwest (SW), tape a fourth meter stick down along the SW line of the compass.

9. Now the set-up is complete in order to be able to reason through how the plates have moved over time.
You will need a fifth meter stick or flexible tape measure to measure the distance between the two flags
at different points in time. A 12-inch ruler will be too short and measurements should be taken in
centimeters since that is the unit of measurement used thus far in the unit. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 137

How the set up looks from the side: Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 138

Lesson 7: Teacher Reference 1

Compass Rose Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 139 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 7 • 12/19/19 Page 140
LESSON 8: How does plate movement explain movement at Mt. Everest and other
places in the world?
PREVIOUS LESSON We modeled how two points on the edges of the Eurasian and Indian plates moved over time. Using data and evidence from earlier lessons, we figured out how
far apart the two points on the plate boundaries would have been at different points in time. We developed a time series model for these two points on the
plate boundaries today, at 10 years, 100,000 years and 50 million years ago.
THIS LESSON We develop a Gotta-Have-It Checklist and then a consensus model to explain the different kinds of
movement at Mt. Everest. We revisit other locations we investigated to determine if those locations can be
PUTTING PIECES TOGETHER, explained by our Mt. Everest model. We realize we need a new model to explain what is happening where
PROBLEMATIZING plates spread apart. We revise our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and develop a new consensus model for
explaining the locations where plates spread apart. We revisit locations where plates collide and recognize
2 days that we cannot explain the presence of volcanoes in some locations and the difference in earthquake
patterns. We decide we still need additional information to complete our models.

NEXT LESSON Students will obtain information and data from a variety of sources to find out why volcanoes form in some places. They will watch a video, view animations,
read a text, and analyze data to determine the cause of volcano formation, and they will consider if it is consistent with what they have learned so far about
Earth’s plates and how they move.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Develop a model based on evidence to explain the gradual and sudden movements at Mt. Everest due to plate motion and convection in the
2, MS-ESS2-3 mantle.
Construct an explanation using models to explain how Earth’s surface is changed suddenly and over long periods of time due to plate
movement and motion in the mantle.


When two plates collide, land is pushed up to form mountains.
When two plates spread apart, new crust forms between them.
Changes to Earth’s surface can happen quickly in fractions of a second (like the earthquake on Mt. Everest) or very slowly over long
periods of time (like forming the mountains) Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 141

Lesson 8 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

1 6 min NAVIGATION A-B initial consensus model (Lesson 1)

Students review the phenomena and questions we are trying to

2 15 min BUILD THE GOTTA-HAVE-IT CHECKLIST C Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson
Have students review artifacts from Lessons 1-7 to develop a Gotta- 8
Have-It Checklist.

3 5 min DEVELOP A MODEL FOR MT. EVEREST D colored pencils, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest
Give students time to work with a thought partner to revise their
models for explaining Mt. Everest.

4 15 min FACILITATE A CONSENSUS DISCUSSION TO EXPLAIN MT. EVEREST E-F Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Communicating in Scientific Ways
Gather in a Scientists Circle to develop a model for explaining what poster, initial consensus model (Lesson 1), Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3),
causes the different kinds of movement at Mt. Everest. Earth Model (Lesson 5 and 6), chart paper, markers

Celebrate the class’ accomplishments. Motivate wanting to modify
the model to explain other locations.
End of day 1

6 5 min NAVIGATION H Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Mt. Everest Consensus Model (made on day 1),
Have students examine the other locations they have investigated to Does it fit or not fit the Mt. Everest model? poster (made on day 2)
identify which fit and do not fit the Mt. Everest model.

7 5 min REVISE GOTTA-HAVE-IT CHECKLIST I Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, colored pencils
Have students revise their Gotta-Have-It Checklist to explain the
movement at a location where plates spread apart.

8 6 min INDIVIDUAL MODEL: SPREADING APART J Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, colored pencils
Give students time to develop a model in their science notebooks
with a thought partner. The model is for explaining observations at
locations where plates spread apart.

9 15 min FACILITATE A CONSENSUS DISCUSSION: SPREADING APART K Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Communicating in Scientific Ways
Gather students in a Scientists Circle to develop a model for poster, chart paper, markers
explaining what happens at locations where plates spread apart.

10 8 min CONSTRUCT AN EXPLANATION: SLOW AND RAPID CHANGE L Construct an Explanation: Quick and slow change
Students develop an explanation that describes how rapid and slow
changes happen at Mt. Everest due to plate motion.


Discuss observations not yet explained: the presence of volcanoes
and patterns in earthquake depth at different locations.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 142

Lesson 8 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook initial consensus model (Lesson 1)

Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8
colored pencils Communicating in Scientific Ways poster
Construct an Explanation: Quick and slow change Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)
Earth Model (Lesson 5 and 6)
chart paper
Mt. Everest Consensus Model (made on day 1)
Does it fit or not fit the Mt. Everest model? poster (made on day 2)

Materials preparation (20 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Make a space for a Scientists Circle on day 1 and day 2. Have the following charts nearby:
Initial Consensus Model (Lesson 1)
Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)
Earth Model (Lesson 5; modified Lesson 6)

Have a copy of the Communicating in Scientific Ways poster near your Scientists Circle or previously taped into your students’ science notebooks.

Prepare a space to record a class consensus model for Mt. Everest on day 1 and a class consensus model for plates spreading apart on day 2.

Prepare a poster ahead of day 2 to sort locations into whether they fit or do not fit the Mt. Everest model. Title this poster, Does it fit or not fit the Mt. Everest model? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 143

Lesson 8 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
In this lesson, students develop two models for explaining boundaries where plates collide and spread apart. Students will build an understanding of ESS2.B (Earth’s plates have moved
great distances, collided, and spread apart) and ESS1.C (tectonic processes continually generate new ocean seafloor at ridges). By the end of this lesson, students should understand that
plate movement is responsible for many features on the Earth’s surface, like the Himalayan mountains, and the cause of earthquake patterns worldwide.

Where We Are NOT Going

This lesson does not teach students about the three plate boundary types typical of traditional middle school earth science content. This lesson intentionally avoids the terminology of
convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Instead, the lesson helps students connect the energy flow and matter cycling below the crust to the creation of and continued change
happening on Earth’s crust. Students also connect earthquake patterns to plate boundaries, but will not yet be able to explain the patterns in earthquake depth at different boundaries, or
how volcanic activity connects to this pattern. This is the problematize move used to motivate Lesson 9. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 144

1 · NAVIGATION 6 min

MATERIALS: science notebook, initial consensus model (Lesson 1)

Take stock of where we are in our thinking about plate movement and experiences we have from that movement. Ask students, What
have we been up to? This navigation is to review aspects of the phenomenon and the science ideas to help explain them. Project slide A
that shows photos of Mt. Everest and the relief map of Earth’s surface. Have students think for a moment about what it is that the class
is trying to figure out related to plates moving and the original Mt. Everest phenomenon. Quickly review the investigations from Lessons
1–7 and take stock of what has been figured out through those investigations. Don’t spend too long here, as students will revisit their
Progress Trackers next in order to create a Gotta-Have-It Checklist. Sample prompts are included below.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What patterns did we notice with where Earthquakes happen? Some patterns were clusters and others were lines.
Some patterns were all shallow while other patterns went from
shallow to deep.

What did we find out about how plates move? They move all the time and in different directions, which means
different places are moving in different directions, toward or away
from each other.

What did we learn that causes plate movement? Energy from the core flows to the surface because the core is hotter
than the crust.
There is a circular movement of matter in the mantle and when it is
moving outward and back inward, its pushing and pulling on the crust.

Introduce the lesson question. Have students summarize some of the big questions we’ve been working on in the previous lessons
before presenting the new lesson question. Then show slide B and display the class’ initial consensus model. Introduce students to the
question, How does plate movement explain movement at Mt. Everest and other places in the world? Elicit a few ideas from students.

Establish the mission for the class. Say, So we know a lot more about what is happening with plates moving around and what causes that
movement. However, we are still trying to figure out how this is connected to Mt. Everest moving one way and then backwards during the earthquake.
Do we have enough information to answer this now? Elicit student ideas about where the class is in figuring out what happened at Mt.
Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 145


MATERIALS: science notebook, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8

ADDITIONAL Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8 is provided to you as an example of the different science ideas that ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
GUIDANCE students have developed from Lessons 2-7. These ideas are color-coded to help you reference them as USING MODELS
students share their Gotta-Have-It Checklist. Students’ ideas should be expressed in their own words.
An alternative to doing the Gotta-Have-It
Preview the purpose of the Gotta-Have-It Checklist.✱ Explain to students that they will create a Checklist in partners is to construct the
Gotta-Have-It Checklist where they decide on which ideas from their Progress Tracker and checklist together as a class, with a public
representation of the ideas the class agrees
investigations they believe are most important for explaining how plate movement relates to the should be part of the consensus model. If
movement at Mt.Everest. Clarify for students that they will first try to explain Mt. Everest and then you make a modification to the current
explain movement at other locations. activity, keep in mind the following
important components to make this
Pass out a copy of Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest to each student. This will be taped activity a productive one:
or glued into students’ science notebooks when complete. Use slide C to preview how to build the The process should be
checklist. Students will complete the left column now and leave the right columns blank. Direct collaborative and involve students
students to consult their Progress Tracker in their notebook. Tell students that these are important arguing from evidence for their
ideas they have figured out over the past lessons and that some of them may be more critical than ideas.
others for explaining how plate movement relates to the movement at Mt. Everest. There should be a public record,
or artifact, of the ideas students
Have students work with a partner to develop their checklist. Students do not need to record all of agree to include in their models.
their ideas from previous lessons - only the ones they want to include to answer the lesson
question, focusing first on Mt. Everest, then on other locations. Students should spend
approximately 8-10 minutes working with their partner.

Facilitate a sharing of ideas. Facilitate a brief sharing of ideas from the groups. Ask students to
mention an idea they included on the checklist and why it’s important. You can also ask which ideas they did not include and why those
ideas are less important. The example student responses below are not a comprehensive list of all the ideas, but may give you an idea
of what students will include or not include as important.

Suggested prompt Sample student responses

Can someone suggest an idea from a previous lesson that can help Earth’s surface is made up of many pieces of rock called plates,
explain the movement at Mt. Everest? that are touching.
The plates move all the time, in different directions and at
different speeds.
Earthquakes happen when plates move past each other, build
up tension, and then slip and release energy we feel as shaking.
Heat flow from the core to the surface causes molten rock in
the mantle to move around (hotter material rising to the
surface and cooler material sinking).
This circular movement (convection) within the mantle causes
the plates to move at the surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 146

Suggested prompt Sample student responses

Can someone suggest an idea we think is important, but maybe not Earthquakes happen in line and cluster patterns.
necessary for explaining movement at Mt. Everest? In some places earthquakes are mostly shallow and in other
places there is a pattern of shallow to deeper earthquakes.
Plates are made of different combinations of rock which make
some parts heavier or lighter.
The Earth’s crust gets hotter the deeper into the crust.
The mantle of the Earth is heated by the energy from the core,
which is being transferred from the interior out toward the
exterior parts of the mantle and crust.
New crust forms when molten rock (magma) seeps through the
crust and cools and hardens.
Because of the motion in the mantle, the plates have moved
great distances over long periods of time.


MATERIALS: science notebook, colored pencils, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest

ADDITIONAL Students should use 2 pages in the Progress Tracker section of their notebook to complete the model. Have ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
GUIDANCE students tape the Gotta-Have-It Checklist on one side, and use the three box Progress Tracker on the other USING MODELS
side. The template for the three box tracker is shown below:
Individual time gives students the
Question Source of Evidence opportunity to synthesize evidence and
formulate their ideas. This is important so
Write the question we are trying to explain List evidence from lessons 2-7 that students are prepared to defend their
ideas and evaluate others’ ideas when they
What we figured out in words and pictures share with the whole class. As students
work, circulate among them, prompting
them to defend their model (or part of
Write ideas and draw a graphic representation of those ideas to develop an explanation to the their model) using evidence collected
question. during investigations in Lessons 1-7. This
can help students think through where their
model may have a hole prior to the
collaborative whole class sharing.
Set a purpose for model building. Use slide D to orient students to the task and remind students about the 3 aspects of movement at
Mt. Everest that we want our model to explain, using what we’ve learned about plate movement. Students can work on their own or
with a thought partner. Remind students that the purpose of building individual models is to gather their thinking. Direct students to
develop their model on a new page in their science notebook near where they attached their Gotta-Have-It Checklist (shown on the
slide and the image to the right).

Give students time to develop their models.✱ Students should use their Gotta-Have-It Checklist to develop a model (words and
pictures) that explains movement at Mt. Everest. Remind students that as they use an idea from their checklist, students should check
the appropriate column on their list. If they decide not to include an idea from their list, they can check that on their list as well. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 147


MATERIALS: science notebook, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Communicating in Scientific Ways poster, initial consensus model (Lesson 1), Relief Map with Arrows
(Lesson 3), Earth Model (Lesson 5 and 6), chart paper, markers

Form a Scientists Circle for a Consensus Discussion. Have students bring their individual models in their science notebooks to the ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS
discussion circle. Display the class’ initial consensus model (Lesson 1), Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), and Earth Model (Lesson 5; CONSENSUS DISCUSSION
modified Lesson 6) nearby to reference throughout the discussion.
The purpose of the Consensus Discussion
Remind students of discussion norms for a Consensus Discussion.✱ Display slide E to review the purpose of the discussion. Show on day 1 is to build a common, class-level
students the Communicating in Scientific Ways chart and remind students of the discussion norms and sentence frames to use when model to explain movement at Mt.
having scientific discussions. Emphasize the importance of having a safe space where students can share their ideas and push each Everest, drawing on all the ideas learned in
other’s thinking. Remind students: Lessons 1–7. The teacher’s role is to prompt
how to agree or disagree respectfully, students to share what needs to be in the
model, to ensure students provide
how to push for justification, evidence they have to support their ideas,
that it’s OK to share an idea they’re not sure about, and and how to represent it. The students’ role
that it’s OK to disagree with someone’s or a group’s idea, but back up your thinking with evidence. is to offer proposals for ideas to include in
the model and how to represent those
Display slide F. Say, We’re going to take stock of the ideas in everyone’s models and try to build a class consensus model that everyone agrees upon ideas, support or challenge proposed ideas
to explain why Mt. Everest is getting taller, moving one way each year, and why it moved backwards during the earthquake. We’re going to use what from peers, and come to consensus about
we’ve learned about plates and movement of energy and matter in the mantle to do this. what should be included in the model.

Facilitate the Consensus Discussion and record a class consensus model. Start by having students offer proposals for what should go in ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
the model. It may be helpful to focus on different aspects of movement at Mt. Everest, and work on each one to reach consensus before
moving to the next type of movement. These include: The key ideas shared are suggestions for
Mt. Everest getting taller, important ideas the model could include.
Mt. Everest moving northeast each year, and Several of these ideas are also located on
Mt. Everest moving backwards during the earthquake. Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8.
Your class’s list of key ideas could be
As the class discusses each type of movement, encourage students to support or challenge proposals based on evidence. articulated differently and may include
other ideas not listed here. It is important,
Students can also suggest modification to another student’s proposal. however, to appropriate the words and
ideas that your students use during this
During the discussion, ask students how to represent their ideas visually and remind students of previously agreed upon conventions. discussion. Actively look for different ways
On the chart paper create a public representation of agreed-upon ideas as the class puts them together. Title the model, Mt. Everest students share and represent their ideas as
Consensus Model. an opportunity to communicate to your
students that different ways of
representing our thinking is valuable. These
KEY IDEAS Purpose of the discussion: To agree, based on evidence, why there are different kinds of movement at Mt. differences give the group an opportunity
Everest and how this can be explained by plate movement and the underlying convection within the to think more deeply about their evidence
mantle.✱ and what the evidence supports or does
not support.
Listen for student ideas:
Mt. Everest is getting taller because it’s located where two plates are colliding. Not all students are comfortable being the
Plates collide because energy from the core is flowing to the surface, causing the material within “only one” who voices a disagreement or a
the mantle to circle up and down, which pushes and pulls on the crust. potentially wrong idea. Ask students to
When two plates collide, the rock (or land) gets pushed upward, which makes mountains. think about what they heard their partner
One plate is pushing harder (or moving faster) than the other plate which is why Mt. Everest is or group members saying, and ask the
moving to the northeast. room if their partner or group member’s ideas
When the earthquake happened, the tension at the plate boundary caused the plate to slip and are represented in the class discussion. This
the land to move backwards a little. supports all students to share, to listen, to
be heard, and to be represented. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 148

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Why is Mt. Everest getting taller? Two plates are colliding and when they How can we represent the movement
collide there is nowhere to go but up. colliding and also the upward movement as
the mountains are made?
Do we all agree on how we represented this?

Why does Mt. Everest move northeast each The Indian plate is moving faster than the How can we show the difference inthe rate
year? Eurasian plate, so when they collide the each plate is moving?
faster one pushes harder against the other

What is causing the plate movement at the The heat from the core makes the stuff in When we modeled the mantle, which part of
surface? the mantle cycle around. the model represents what is happening
(reference the Earth Model from Lesson 5 right now at Mt.Everest?
and modified in Lesson 6)
How can we represent the cycling in the
mantle and how that relates to these two
colliding plates?

How does the movement in the mantle When the matter pushes upward, it causes Do we think matter is cycling up or down in
affect the movement at the surface? the surface to spread apart. When the the mantle where Mt. Everest is formed?
(reference the Relief Map with Arrows from matter sinks down, it pulls down. This is what
Lesson 3) happens where plates collide. Why do we think that?

Why did Mt. Everest move backwards during Earthquakes are when plates slip against How can we represent that in a side view?
the earthquake? each other, so it slips and when it settled in,
moved the plate backward.

ASSESSMENT Listen for students to suggest ideas including (1) heat flow from the core to the surface, which causes (2) up
OPPORTUNITY and down motion of material in the mantle, which affects (3) plate motion and at Mt.Everest two plates
are moving toward each other, and (4) when two plates collide the land lifts up, and (5) earthquakes
happen as the plates slip past each other and resettle. If students struggle to piece the ideas together, ask
them to tell the story beginning with energy flow from the core. Make connections back to the Motion in the
Mantle demonstration from Lesson 6 and ask students to cite evidence from the demonstration that
connects up and down movement in the mantle to surface movement spreading apart or colliding. Then
prompt students to explain how mountains form at the surface (uplift) once they have agreed upon the
ideas about convection in the mantle and Mt. Everest being formed where plates collide. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 149

The example model to the right depicts a
side view (cross-section) of the model and
a bird’s-eye view from above. The Question Source of Evidence
numbering on the model coincides with
the numbering from Gotta-Have-It How does plate movement explain GPS data, earthquake data,
Checklist: Key for Lesson 8 and may not movement at Mt. Everest? readings, simulation, Motion
match your students’ numbering on each in the Mantle demonstration
of their Gotta-Have-It Checklists.
What we figured out in words and pictures
As you develop this model, check that you
have included ideas from the Gotta-Have-
It Checklist that students believe are
important, and leverage the science ideas
built from previous lessons.
While students will mostly use ideas they
have previously figured out, one new
science idea may need to be added as the
class develops their model for explaining
why Mt. Everest gets taller.
When two plates collide, land is
pushed up to form mountains.

5 · NAVIGATION 4 min


Celebrate the class’s accomplishments. Take a moment to celebrate all that the students accomplished in today’s work. Today marks an
important milestone in the unit, in which students came to consensus for a model to explain the original anchoring phenomenon.

Motivate the need to explain the other cases the students have investigated. Display slide G depicting the world map of the locations
investigated. Use the prompt on the slide to initiate a brief sharing of ideas about which locations may have a similar model as Mt.
Everest, and which locations are very different. Listen for students to suggest that:
The Andes Mountains and Mt. Fuji in Japan are possibly similar to Mt. Everest.
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland, and Lake Baikal are different from Mt. Everest.

Say, Seems like we have more work to do if we want to explain the other places we’ve been investigating. In the next class, let’s work on changing our
model so that we can explain more than just want happened at Mt. Everest.

End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 150

6 · NAVIGATION 5 min

MATERIALS: Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Mt. Everest Consensus Model (made on day 1), Does it fit or not fit the Mt. Everest model? poster (made on day 2)

Facilitate a Turn and Talk about whether the model explains other locations. Display slide H. Have the class’ Mt.
Everest Consensus Model displayed prominently. You may also want the Relief Map with Arrows from Lesson 3
clearly displayed. Arrange students in partners and give them 2-3 minutes to discuss which of these locations
seem to fit their model for Mt. Everest.

Share ideas in a whole class discussion. Bring the students back together for a whole class discussion. As students
share, sort the locations in terms of whether they fit or don’t fit the Mt. Everest Model using your pre-made
poster (Does it fit or not fit the Mt. Everest model?). You can also include a grey area between these two
categories, labeled “don’t know.” If students sort by colliding or spreading apart, their sorting should look like this:
Fits: Andes, Japan (optional: Aleutians, Mexico)
Does not fit: Iceland, Lake Baikal, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Say, It seems clear that we only have a model for explaining what happens when plates collide, but we also have a couple places where the plates
are spreading apart. That's a big difference from Mt. Everest so we probably need to revise our model to explain what is happening in these places.

ADDITIONAL Students should sort the locations according to the motion of plates colliding or spreading apart. The
GUIDANCE students have yet to develop a subduction model, so it is OK at this moment if students sort all of the
colliding plates into one category.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, colored pencils

Revisit the Gotta-Have-It Checklist. Show slide I. Arrange students into partners to revise their Gotta-Have-It
Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest now thinking about what additional ideas should be added to explain a plate
boundary where plates are spreading apart. Encourage students to use a different colored pencil to mark ideas
they still need to explain where plates spread. Ask them to write new ideas to the list in this color too. Students
should suggest adding the following idea:

New crust forms when molten rock (magma) seeps through the crust and cools and hardens.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, colored pencils

Have students work with a thought partner to develop a model. Display slide J. Have students complete a three box Progress Tracker for
this new model on the next available page in the Progress Tracker section. Encourage students to ask each other questions as they work Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 151

together, but to record their own individual models in their science notebooks. Students should use their Gotta-Have-It Checklist to
develop a model (words and pictures) that explains their observations of plates spreading apart. Remind students that as they use an
idea from their checklist, students should check the appropriate column on their list. If they decide not to include an idea from their list,
they can check that on their list as well.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, Communicating in Scientific Ways poster, chart paper, markers

Form a Scientists Circle for a Consensus Discussion and review norms as needed. Have students bring their individual models in their ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
science notebooks to the discussion circle. Remind students of discussion norms for a Consensus Discussion (return to slide E if needed). ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
Facilitate the Consensus Discussion and record a class consensus model. Start by having students offer proposals for what should go in
the model to explain observations at locations where plates spread apart. It may be helpful to talk through a few questions to guide the As the class develops a new model for
discussion, starting with those provided on slide K. These include: explaining phenomena that happen where
How do the plates spread apart or away from each other? plates spread apart, emphasize to students
What happens as it spreads? that they are using many similar model
Where does new rock come from? ideas that they used for where plates
collide, which one or two important
How does this relate to what we observed at these places? differences. Even though they are
developing a specific model to explain
As the class discusses each of the questions, create a public representation of agreed-upon ideas as the class puts them together. Title Iceland, the Baikal Valley, and the mid-
the model, “Spreading Plates Consensus Model.”✱ Atlantic ridge, this model has underlying
science ideas that can help them explain
any kind of movement at Earth’s surface.
KEY IDEAS Purpose of the discussion: to agree, based on evidence, of what happens at plate boundaries that are
spreading apart.
Listen for students’ ideas:
There is convection happening below the surface, and this movement pushes upward and pushes
the plates apart.
Plates move away from each other.
New crust forms where the plates are spreading apart.
Underwater volcanoes are where magma is coming through the surface where plates are
Where the plates split, water can fill in the space because there is a gap, or low land in that

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How do the plates spread apart or away from The stuff in the mantle is rising upwards How does our Motion in the Mantle
each other? right at the plate boundary and this pushes demonstration support the idea we are
the plates apart. proposing to add?

What happens as it spreads? The plates move away from each other. How are the earthquakes different at this
plate boundary?
There are earthquakes as the plates are
pushed apart.
New crust forms in the middle from magma
(and the underwater volcanoes). Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 152

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Where does new rock come from? The magma from the mantle pushes Where these plates are dividing, how old
through and it cools down and makes new would we say this land or ocean floor is,
rock. compared to what was pushed away?

How does this relate to what we observe in There is a lot of heat, volcanoes, geysers, and
these places? hot springs in these places because the
magma and heat from the mantle is pushing
through the surface here.
There are shallow earthquakes when the
plates get pushed apart.

The example model to the right depicts a side view (cross-section) of the
model and a bird’s-eye view from above. The numbering on the model
coincides with the numbering from Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8
and may not match your students’ numbering on each of their Gotta-Have-
It Checklists.
As you develop this model, check that you have included ideas from the
Gotta-Have-It Checklist that students believe are important, and leverage
the science ideas built from previous lessons.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Construct an Explanation: Quick and slow change

Construct an explanation for rapid and slow changes. Display slide L and pass out 1 copy of Construct an Explanation: Quick and ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
slow change. Give students time to construct an explanation to explain what they observed about Mt. Everest that reflects rapid ENGAGING IN CONSTRUCTING
and slow changes to Earth’s surface.✱ Collect students’ responses as a formative assessment opportunity. EXPLAINING AND DESIGNING
ASSESSMENT Look for students’ explanations to include (1) identifying mountain building as a change requiring long Students construct an explanation to
OPPORTUNITY amounts of time because plates only move a small distance each year, and (2) explaining that an explain gradual and sudden changes to
earthquake is a quick change after built-up tension between plates is released suddenly that can cause the Earth’s surface based on the motion of
big movement of land around the earthquake. Encourage students to use their data from Lesson 3 to plates and convection in the mantle. They
support their ideas about gradual and sudden movements. Display the Relief Map with Arrows from Lesson do this in the context of Mt. Everest as an
3 as a scaffold to help students construct their explanations. example location where these gradual and
sudden changes occur. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 153



Problematize patterns in earthquake depths and volcanoes for students. At this point in the lesson, students have figured out most of
what they need to explain how the Himalayan mountains formed, but they have not yet figured out the different patterns that occur at
boundaries where plates collide.

Say, We thought that our Mt. Everest Model could explain the Andes mountains and Mt. Fuji in Japan. Can you think of anything about these two
other locations that we cannot explain yet? Listen for students to suggest the volcanoes in Japan and the Andes mountains.

Display slide M showing an earthquake map of the Andes compared to Himalayas. Ask students these questions:
Why do earthquakes get deeper in the Andes mountains in a line pattern, but are more spread out and shallow in the
Why are there a lot of volcanoes in the Andes mountains and very few in the Himalayas?
Give students a moment to think about these two questions. Allow one or two students to share their thinking. Likely, there will still be
some wondering about these two questions. Tell students this is where they are going next in the unit.

Additional Lesson 8 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING In this unit, students will frequently engage in speaking, listening, and responding to others as part of their
STUDENTS IN participation in scientific and engineering practices. In this instance, students engage in peer-to-peer
MAKING discussion to share, express, and refine their thinking. As they do this, they must develop, present, and
CONNECTIONS IN defend their ideas to one another verbally in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence; sound,
ELA valid reasoning; and well-chosen details (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.8.1). Using the Communicating in Scientific
Ways sentence starters can help facilitate the discussion between and among students.
As students construct their explanations in this lesson they are also working toward:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas,
concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.A. Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies
such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings),
graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.B. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details,
quotations, or other information and examples.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.C. Use appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.D. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or
explain the topic. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 154

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 155 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 156
Lesson 8: Teacher Reference

Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 8

Instructions: Make a checklist of the ideas you need to develop a model to explain why Mt. Everest is moving and changing. You can use your Progress Tracker
or other information from your science notebook to help you decide what to include.

Our model needs to answer the question: Check off ideas as you
How does plate movement explain movement at Mt. Everest and other places in the world? use them in your model.
used did not use

1. Earthquakes happen in line and cluster patterns.

2. In some places earthquakes are mostly shallow and in other places there is a pattern of shallow to deeper earthquakes.
3. Earth’s surface is made up of many pieces of rock called plates, that are touching.
4. The plates move all the time, in different directions, and at different speeds.
5. Earthquakes happen when plates move past each other, build up tension, and then slip and release energy we feel as
6. Plates are made of different combinations of rock which make some parts heavier or lighter.
7. The Earth’s crust gets hotter the deeper into the crust.
8. The mantle of the Earth is heated by the energy from the core, which is  being transferred from the interior out toward
the exterior parts of the mantle and crust.
9. Heat flow from the core to the surface causes molten rock in the mantle to move around (hotter material rising to the
surface and cooler material sinking).
10. This circular movement (convection) within the mantle causes the plates to move at the surface.
11. New crust forms when molten rock (magma) seeps through the crust and cools and hardens.
12. Because of the motion in the mantle, the plates have moved great distances over long periods of time.

Use your checklist to develop a model to answer the question. As you use ideas from your checklist, put a check in the “used” column and label the concept
on your model with its row number. If you do not use an idea from your list, place a check in the “did not use” column.
Blue=example ideas from lesson 2; Purple=example ideas from lessons 3 & 4; Red=example ideas from lessons 5 & 6; Green=example ideas from lesson 7 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 157 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 8 • 12/19/19 Page 158
LESSON 9: Why do volcanoes form in some places?
PREVIOUS LESSON We developed a Gotta-Have-It Checklist and consensus model to explain the different kinds of movement at Mt. Everest. We revisited other locations we
investigated and realized that we need a new model to explain plates spreading apart. We revised our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and developed a consensus
model for explaining locations where plates spread apart. We realized that we could not explain the presence of volcanoes and the differences in earthquake
patterns and decided we need more information.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, students obtain information and data from a variety of sources to find out why volcanoes
form in some places. They watch a video, view animations, read text, and analyze data to determine the
INVESTIGATION cause of volcano formation and consider if it is consistent with what they have learned so far about Earth’s
plates and how they move.
2 days

NEXT LESSON We will update our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and review and track similarities and differences across three consensus models that explain the different types of
plate movement. We will construct explanations to account for the interactions between the mantle and the plates that explain earthquake patterns and
landforms. We will revisit our DQB to track our progress in the unit and to discuss possible next steps.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Integrate qualitative and quantitative scientific information in written text with that contained in media and visual displays to clarify claims
2, MS-ESS2-3 about how the Earth’s plates and mantle (systems) interact to form volcanoes.
Use graphical, cross-section displays of large earthquake data sets to identify spatial relationships and patterns in data to support the
formation of volcanoes along boundaries where one plate sinks below another.


When plates of different heaviness collide, volcanoes form because the heavier plate “sinks” into the mantle under the lighter plate.
As the sinking crust recycles back into the mantle, it melts and some (magma) pushes to the surface to form volcanoes and new crust.
Earthquakes occur at greater depths as one plate is sinking below another. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 159

Lesson 9 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Remind students that we still need to understand why some places have deep earthquakes and volcanoes
while others do not.

2 13 min REVISIT CASE LOCATION CARDS B Case Locations, chart paper, markers
Students revisit all case location cards to review earthquake patterns, the presence of volcanoes, and any
other facts that might help answer these questions.


Students watch a video and read a text to obtain information about how volcanoes form.

4 10 min CHART NEW IDEAS E 11 x 14 sheet of paper

In small groups and as a whole class, students come together to chart new ideas about volcano formation.
End of day 1

Remind students of the key pieces of information they worked with during the previous class.

6 10 min BUILDING UNDERSTANDINGS DISCUSSION F chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in

As a whole class, share new ideas about volcano formation to build understanding. some places?”, markers


In small groups, students will revisit Seismic Explorer and use the cross-section tool to gather evidence of,
volcano formation as it relates to earthquake depth. computer, projector

8 20 min CONSENSUS PROGRESS TRACKER H chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in

In a Consensus Discussion, the class develops a shared model of how volcanoes form using evidence some places?”, markers
obtained from several sources of information and data.

9 3 min Exit Ticket I notecard

Students write initial ideas about how the Himalayas are different from the Andes.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 160

Lesson 9 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials Case Locations 11 x 14 sheet of paper chart paper

science notebook computers markers
notecard computer
chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in some places?”

Materials preparation (20 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Load video, animations, and a new version of Seismic Explorer:

Dramatic video showing convection and movement of crust:
Animations of volcano formation:
Seismic Explorer, Version 4: . This version of Seismic Explorer has all earthquake data, the cross-section tool, and has added volcano data. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 161

Lesson 9 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
In this lesson, the focus is on obtaining information about volcanic formation. It will be important for students to make connections to previous ideas about (a) the plates are made of
different rocks that vary in heaviness, and (b) movement in the mantle can cause plates to move away from one another or towards one another. The new ideas they will obtain include:
(a) a heavier plate (typically an oceanic plate) will sink below a lighter plate, (b) when this occurs, the heavier plate sinks back into the mantle and begins to melt, and (c) that melting of
rocks and water causes it to super heat, putting pressure on the crust above, and (d) some magma will rise up through the crust and form volcanoes. Much of volcanic formation is out of
the scope of this unit, but it is important for students to realize that there are two main types of collisions. The first is when two plates of about the same density collide and uplift to
form mountains (e.g., the Himalayas). The second way they collide is when two plates have different densities and one sinks below the other. When this happens, one plate melts back
into the mantle, and in this process some superheated magma and gases will push through to the surface to form volcanic mountains.

Where We Are NOT Going

Most volcanic formation ideas are out of the scope of this unit. In particular, this unit does not cover hotspot volcanoes (e.g., Hawai’i) or rift volcanoes (e.g., the volcanoes in Africa, such
as Kilimanjaro). It is not necessary for students to explain all volcanic formations. Rather, the lesson focus is on important ideas that parts of plates can sink back into the mantle when
they collide with other plates, and in that process, volcanoes form at the surface. Students will not have the chemistry to explain the reactions of water and carbon-containing materials
as the oceanic plates melt back into the mantle. This lesson simply provides them information that this material is “superheated” and “puts pressure” on the crust above, ultimately
pushing magma to the surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 162

1 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Recognize that the class still cannot fully explain some of the case site locations. Display slide A showing an earthquake map of the
Andes compared to Himalayas. Ask students to consider these questions from last lesson:
Why do earthquakes get deeper in the Andes mountains in a line pattern, but are more spread out and shallow in the
Why are there a lot of volcanoes in the Andes mountains and very few in the Himalayas?

Give students a moment to think about their responses before allowing a few students to share their thinking.


MATERIALS: Case Locations, science notebook, chart paper, markers

Review Case Site Cards to determine if any information is available to answer our questions. Display slide B. In groups, ask students to
quickly revisit the case site locations to find any additional information that could help answer these two questions. In particular, have
students make a table in their science notebooks and list the sites that have these features:

Presence of volcanoes Presence of other hot stuff coming out of the ground

Andes Mid-Atlantic Ridge (black smoker, thermal vents)

Japan Iceland (hot springs, geysers)
Aleutians Baikal (thermal vents)
Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Students might also have additional questions arise which they should record into their notebooks.

When they have their tables ready, ask students to share what they noticed looking across all the case sites. Record student ideas on a t-
chart on the board or chart paper. Then ask students which of these things they have figured out. Say, Ok, so let’s review. We know in some
places plates are colliding and in other places they are spreading away from one another. Let’s add arrows to represent these movements.
Presence of volcanoes Presence of other hot stuff coming out of the ground

→←Andes ←→Mid-Atlantic Ridge (black smoker, thermal vents)

→←Japan ←→Iceland (hot springs, geysers)
→←Aleutians ←→Baikal (thermal vents)
←→Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Have a discussion to review what was figured out in the last lesson, and what they still can’t fully explain. Part of this discussion is
reviewing what is known, but should also make visible some key features at the case locations that still have lingering questions. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 163

Suggested prompt Sample student response

And last time, what did we figure out with the places that are moving The plates moving away from one another.
away from one another?
There are cracks or openings that allow magma to come through.

New magma can cool and harden into new crust.

How does this help us explain why volcanoes and other hot stuff Well, if the magma is so close to the surface, it could heat things up.
would be at that boundary?
Where the magma comes through, it could make a volcano.

But what about all these locations that are colliding with one another? They have volcanoes and they look like mountains.
What is happening there?

How would a volcano form in these locations (Andes, Japan)? Maybe the magma also gets through some cracks too when the
plates are hitting each other.

Use this discussion to motivate students to want to know more about how volcanoes form in different places. Students should have
some ideas from Lessons 6 and 8, and this lesson will build upon those ideas, with a particular emphasis on volcanoes where plates are


MATERIALS: science notebook, computer, projector

Present information that scientists have put forth to explain volcanoes. Tell students, Scientists have been studying the plates and volcanoes ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
for awhile now, and they have developed some ideas for how mountains and volcanoes form in different ways. We are going to watch and read about ENGAGING IN OBTAINING,
this and see if this is consistent with some of the data we have seen so far. Display slide C. EVALUATING, AND COMMUNICATING
Create a Notice and Wonder chart to track initial noticings and questions. Ask students to create a Notice and Wonder chart in their
science notebooks. It will be used for three sources of information, so it will need a third column to track the sources. Tell students they Students will obtain and integrate
will first watch a dramatic video, then you will show them an animation by a scientist, and then finally they will do a short reading. information from three different sources: a
They should track their noticings and wonderings across these sources of information.✱ video, several animations, and a text. As
students watch or read, they should simply
record their noticings and wonderings.
Source of Information What I notice What I wonder about After all three sources have been viewed or
read at least one time, students will then
Dramatic Video integrate new ideas to explain volcano
formation using Volcanoes and Earthquakes:
Animation Case Site Analysis.


Play the first video. Navigate to . Tell students that this is a dramatic
version of what scientists think causes some volcanoes to form in some places and remind them that the speed of movement on the
video is the course of millions of years (reference Lesson 7 if needed). Consider playing the two-minute video twice to give students Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 164

time to notice new things in the video. Then pause to let students write their ideas. This first resource should take about five minutes to
watch once or twice and write.

Play the animations. Navigate to

tectonics . Orient students to the animation. There are four options at the top: Continental
Rift Volcanism (African Rift Valley, Baikal Rift Valley), Continental Volcanic Arc (Andes,
Mexico), Hotspot Volcanoes (Hawai’i - this is not included in this unit), and Island Arc
volcanism (Japan, Aleutians). Do not play the Continental Rift Volcanism or Hotspot
Volcanoes for this activity.

Begin with the “Continental Volcanic Arc” button. Ask students what they noticed about the
different plates on the animation and which locations this might help explain. Students
should notice a continent and an ocean - which is the same as the Andes mountains and
Mexico. Have students watch the animation one or two times closely.

Then move to the “Volcanic-island-arc” button. Ask students what they notice is different about this animation (e.g., there are two ocean
plates). Ask students if they know which location this helps us explain (e.g., Japan, Aleutians). Students might also say Iceland and the
Azores, but when the animation plays, the movement of the plates in the animation is toward one another, which rules out Iceland and
the Azores, since plates are moving away from one another in those sites. Allow students to watch the animation one or two times and
track noticings and wonderings.

Total time to play animations and write on their Notice and Wonder chart is about five minutes.

Read and mark up a short scientific text. Display slide D and hand out Reading: How Volcanoes Form
to students. A full-color version of the reading is also included in the student edition. Give students
the remaining time to read the text, mark it up, and then add to their Notice and Wonder chart.
This will take approximately ten minutes for students to read and sketch their ideas.

4 · CHART NEW IDEAS 10 min

MATERIALS: 11 x 14 sheet of paper

In groups, students write and draw new ideas to answer the question, Why do volcanoes form in some places? They can pull
information from the video, animations, and readings to draw and write their ideas in small groups of two to four students.
Display slide E to guide their work in groups. Tell students they should be ready to share their new ideas with the whole class.

End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 165
5 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Recall the sources of information from the previous class. Ask one or two students to recall the sources of information they used in the
previous class to answer the question, “Why do volcanoes form in some places?” Students should remember consulting several sources:
a video, two animations, and a reading.


MATERIALS: chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in some places?”, markers

Facilitate a Building Understandings Discussion.✱ Using a chart ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS BUILDING
labeled “Why do volcanoes form in some places?” to anchor the UNDERSTANDINGS DISCUSSION
discussion, begin to ask students for their ideas and track them
onto the chart. It might be helpful to replicate the cross-section A Building Understandings Discussion is a
diagram at the end of Reading: How Volcanoes Form, although useful kind of discussion following an
students will have additional ideas beyond the continental- investigation because the purpose is to
ocean collision represented in that diagram. focus students on drawing conclusions
based on evidence. Your role during the
discussion is to invite students to share
Elicit ideas from different groups and ask for students to conclusions and claims and to push them
to support their conclusions and claims
volunteer to draw or write an idea on the shared with evidence. Students can disagree with
classroom chart. Press students to cite evidence from one of the each other and the class does not need to
sources to help support the thinking from their group. Here are reach consensus on all ideas shared, but
some sample questions and possible ways to follow-up with rather areas of disagreement can motivate
students. future investigations. Helpful prompts
during these kind of discussions include:
What can we conclude?
How did you arrive at that
What’s your evidence?
Does any group have evidence to
support Group A’s claim?
Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions What data do we have that
challenges Group B’s claim?
What new ideas do we have about how When a plate sinks into the mantle, it melts. And how does that form a volcano?
volcanoes form?
Why would one plate sink?

How do cracks form to let magma through? When a plate stretches it can form thin How is what happens at that plate able to
spots. form a volcano?

Or, when two plates move in opposite

directions, they leave an opening in the
middle too. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 166

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

Why are some plates heavier than other Well, we learned earlier that they are made Can you remind us of what those materials
plates? of different stuff. felt like when we held them? (refer to the
rock materials used in Lesson 4)
So if one of the heavier rocks collided with
one of the lighter rocks, we think the heavier
rock would go below and the lighter rock
would go above? How could we represent
that on our chart?

KEY IDEAS Purpose of this discussion: By eliciting ideas and evidence from groups, the class can begin to piece
together the mechanisms that cause volcanoes to form in some locations.

Listen for:
Thin or cracked parts of the crust allow magma to seep through.
Places that are moving away from one another allow magma to seep through.
When a heavy plate collides with a lighter plate, it causes the heavier plate to sink.
The heavier plate sinks into the mantle.
Really hot water, gas, and magma (or material in the mantle) heat up and push through to the
surface causing volcanoes to form in some places.

Tell students that the class will revisit this chart later, but right now they will look for more evidence to support this theory. Ask students,
Have you seen any other evidence that could help support this theory of volcano formation?

Students may or may not say something about how the heavier plate going back down into the mantle matches the pattern of
earthquakes at the Andes and in Japan. Students will have studied these cross-sections in the context of earthquake patterns, but may
not connect this as a source of evidence for why volcanoes form. If they do not, it is OK for you to offer that noticing to the students.

Display slide F. Ask students if anything about the pattern of earthquake activity matches what they have been figuring out about how
volcanoes form. Students will notice that the deeper earthquakes match the idea that a plate is sliding under another plate.


MATERIALS: computers,, computer, projector

Revisit the “Volcanoes” and “Other Hot Stuff” table from Day 1. Ask students to turn in their ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
notebook to the table from Day 1 where they visited the case site locations and tracked ENGAGING IN ANALYZING AND
which ones had volcanoes and which ones had other hot features. Ask students to circle the INTERPRETING DATA
places where two plates are colliding and one is possibly sinking below the other.
Students will use cross-section displays of
large data sets to identify spatial
Then tell students they will use Seismic Explorer one more time to see if the earthquake relationships in earthquake activity and
data matched their thinking about places that a) have volcanoes and b) we think a plate plate location to serve as evidence that one
might be sinking below another plate there. plate is sinking below another plate.

DEVELOPING AND USING PATTERNS Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 167

In groups, explore Seismic Explorer using the cross-section tool. Students will have used the cross-section tool in Lesson 4, but quickly Students will match the pattern of
remind them of how it is used again. Display slide G. Then open Seismic Explorer at . While projecting earthquake locations to that of one plate
the main screen, negotiate with students an interesting area to demonstrate the cross section tool: sinking below another plate to help explain
Display the relief map as the “Map Type.” how volcanoes might form in some places.
Zoom into one case site on the map.
Run the default earthquake mapping tool (1980-2019, magnitudes 0-10, earthquake data). Ask students to articulate what the
tool is showing. This should be familiar from previous lessons.
Then, click “Draw Cross Section” and click and drag to specify the area you will examine in cross section. Explain to students
that we will be able to look at the depth of the earthquakes that have occurred in the area selected.
Finally, click “Open 3D Model.” Ask students to articulate what the tool is showing. Listen for answers such as:
This shows a side view, or cross sectional view, of the area we selected.
It’s similar to the models we constructed of Earth’s crustal plates.
In this way, we can see the same earthquakes we saw from a bird’s-eye view, but can now also see their depths.

Students investigate site locations. Hand out Volcanoes and Earthquakes: Case Site Analysis.
Groups should visit each site location where volcanoes exist and two plates are colliding
and one might be sinking. Then groups will record evidence from Seismic Explorer onto the
handout.✱ Encourage students to study the earthquake depth patterns and see if it serves as
evidence for how scientists think volcanoes forms.✱

Consider modeling one site as a class to focus students on the expectations for the data analysis.

ADDITIONAL Students will likely turn on the volcano data layer and will see all the active and dormant volcanoes in the
GUIDANCE world. Two things might happen if they do this:
Students might notice that in places where two plates collide and volcanoes exist (such as Japan or
Andes), volcano locations almost always occur above earthquakes at 80-150 km. This is the part of
the mantle where the plate becomes so hot that it begins this reaction, pushing magma to the
surface. Because of this, volcanoes typically form at this depth (in subduction zones). The
subduction zones will continue to have deeper and deeper earthquakes, but at that point, the
melting plate is too deep to push anything to the surface.
Students might notice volcanoes in other places, such as rift valleys or hotspots. This type of
volcanism is not covered in this unit, but you can challenge students to wonder how magma
might get to the surface in those places. In the case of a hotspot volcano (e.g., Hawai’i), it is
thought to sit above a super heated convection point that allows magma to push through to the
surface. In the case of rift volcanoes (e.g. Africa), the stretching apart of a plate causes cracks and
fissures that allow volcanoes to form in thinner parts of the crust.

When students have completed their analysis of the cross-section data in Seismic Explorer, ask them to answer the following question
on their handout, “How does studying earthquake activity data help us understand why volcanoes form in some places and not in
others?” If time allows, ask a student or two to share their thinking. Listen for ideas about: Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 168

Earthquakes happen when plates bump into each other, so for earthquakes to happen that deep, it must mean one is going
under the other.
The pattern shows that earthquakes get deeper in a line and that matches what scientists think about a plate going under
another plate.


MATERIALS: science notebook, chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in some places?”, markers

Facilitate a Consensus Discussion.✱ Display slide H and talk through the norms on the slide. Then, ask students to create a three- ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS
column Progress Tracker in their science notebooks. Likewise, display the previous chart labeled “Why do volcanoes form in some CONSENSUS DISCUSSION
places?” at the front of the room. Ask students to write in the question we have been trying to answer: Why do volcanoes form in some
places? A Consensus Discussion is different from
other kinds of discussions because the
Ask students to recollect the sources of information and data we have worked with as a class to answer this question. These sources purpose of the discussion is to converge on
include: a video, animations, a reading, and earthquake data. one idea or a couple of ideas that the
whole class agrees upon. In this discussion,
Elicit ideas from students what we figured out as a class. Ask students to share words and pictures, and let students come to the your classroom community is pressing
chart to draw and write their ideas. These ideas might include: toward a common (class-level)
explanation, model, or model
One plate is heavier than another plate. representation. During this work, the class
One plate sinking below another plate. resolves disagreements where possible.
The sinking plate is melting and causing magma and gas to push through the crust to the surface (underneath the lighter plate Your role is to help students see where they
above). agree and where they still disagree.
Cracks and openings in thin parts of the plate also allow magma to push through forming volcanoes and/or new crust. Prompts that are helpful in these kinds of
Earthquakes get deeper as one crust sinks under another crust. discussions include:
What ideas are we in agreement
Question Sources of Evidence Would anyone have put this point
a different way?
Why do volcanoes form in some places? video, animations, reading, earthquake data Who feels like their idea is not
quite represented here?
What we figured out Are there still places where we
disagree? Can we clarify these?
one plate heavier than another plate and it sinks below the
other plate.
the sinking plate melting and causing magma and gas to push
through the crust to the surface (underneath the lighter plate
cracks and openings in thin parts of the plate also allowing
magma to push through forming volcanoes and/or new crust.
earthquakes get deeper as one crust sinks under another crust.

Allow time for students to not only draw and write on the shared Progress Tracker, but also on the one in their notebooks. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 169

9 · Exit Ticket 3 min

MATERIALS: notecard

Compare the Himalayas and the Andes. Pass out a notecard to each student and display slide I. Ask students to write an initial
comparison between the Himalayas and the Andes mountains as an exit ticket for the day. Pose the question, How are the Himalayas
mountains and the Andes mountains similar? How are they different?

Additional Lesson 9 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING This lesson has an explicit focus on developing standards from Common Core ELA, including:
STUDENTS IN CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
MAKING domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context
CONNECTIONS IN relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
ELA CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words
in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram,
model, graph, or table).
Students integrate ideas from video, animations, a reading, and an earthquake data tool to gather
information and data to explain volcano formation. Each reading is provided as a handout for students to
mark-up, calling out key words and ideas; questions they have; and data from tables and images. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 9 • 12/19/19 Page 170

LESSON 10: How do the mantle and plates interact to explain earthquakes and
landforms at locations on Earth’s surface?
PREVIOUS LESSON Students obtained information and data from a variety of sources to find out why volcanoes form in some places. They watched a video, viewed animations,
read a text, and analyzed data to determine the cause of volcano formation, and they considered if it was consistent with what they had learned so far about
Earth’s plates and how they move.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we update our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and review three consensus models that explain the
different types of plate movement. We identify similarities and differences across those types of
PUTTING PIECES TOGETHER, movements and construct an explanation to account for the interactions between the mantle and the plates
PROBLEMATIZING that explain earthquake patterns and landforms. Then, we complete an assessment using our learned science
ideas to predict and explain patterns found in other places on Earth. Finally, we revisit our DQB to track our
2 days progress so far in the unit and discuss possible next steps.

NEXT LESSON We will read from a transcript of an interview with a geologist about fossils found on Mt. Everest. From this interview, we will learn that these fossils are of
tropical sea creatures that were alive 400 million years ago. We will use this information to revisit our consensus model to see if we can explain how fossils of
sea creatures could be found at the top of Mt. Everest. This will lead to new questions that we will add to our DQB.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Develop and revise a model to describe unobservable movements within Earth’s interior that shift the Earth’s plates in different ways over
2, MS-ESS2-3 long periods of time and large distances, shaping what we see on the surface today.
Apply scientific ideas and evidence to construct an explanation of the interaction of systems on Earth that account for earthquake activity and
landform features at real-world places on a plate boundary.

Construct an explanation using models to predict and describe how the different plate movements account for patterns in mountain
locations, formation of volcanoes, and earthquake activity on the Earth’s surface.


A combination of energy from the mantle transferred to the crust causes plates to move in different ways.
The main movements are colliding or spreading away from one another.
When plates of similar density collide, they can push up mountains; when plates of different densities collide, one will sink and melt
into the mantle, causing volcanoes to form at the surface.
It is this interaction of movement within the mantle and plates that shapes the different places on Earth’s surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 171

Lesson 10 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Share out thinking to the exit ticket question from previous
lesson and then set the purpose for the day.

2 10 min UPDATE GOTTA-HAVE-IT CHECKLIST B Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest

Students add new ideas to the Gotta-Have-It Checklist.

3 20 min REVISIT MODELS OF THREE DIFFERENT PLATE MOVEMENTS C-D whiteboard, dry-erase marker, Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Earth Model (Lessons 5 &
Students revisit consensus models of three different plate 6), Mt. Everest Model (Lesson 8), Spreading Model (Lesson 8), Volcano Formation
movements, emphasizing similarities and differences across the Model (Lesson 9), 1 copy of Handout: Case Locations, Communicating in Scientific Ways
earthquake activity and features seen at each type of interaction. chart

4 10 min CONSTRUCT AN EXPLANATION OF EVEREST E Construct an Explanation: Another Place on Earth’s Surface
Students construct an explanation that tells the story of how Mt.
Everest formed and what is still happening today.
End of day 1


Students take an embedded assessment to demonstrate their
understanding of plate movement, earthquake activity, and
mountain building.

6 10 min REVISIT THE DQB F DQB, extra sticky notes, markers

Students revisit the DQB to assess which questions they have
answered, what questions they still have, and add any new

7 5 min WONDERINGS G chart paper, markers

Pose a question to students about other types of evidence used
to study Earth’s surface.
End of day 2 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 172

Lesson 10 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest Map with Arrows (Lesson 3)
science notebook Earth Model (Lessons 5 & 6)
whiteboard Mt. Everest Model (Lesson 8)
dry-erase marker Spreading Model (Lesson 8)
Construct an Explanation: Another Place on Earth’s Surface Volcano Formation Model (Lesson 9)
1 copy of Handout: Case Locations
Communicating in Scientific Ways chart
extra sticky notes
chart paper

Materials preparation (15 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Gather the following charts from previous lessons:

Lesson 3: Map with arrows
Lessons 4-6: Earth Model with convection arrows
Lesson 8: Everest Model and Spreading Model
Lesson 9: Volcano Formation Model Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 173

Lesson 10 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
This lesson is focused on students synthesizing patterns across three different plate movements: (1) colliding movement between two land plates of similar densities causing uplifted
mountains, (2) colliding movement between two plates of different densities, causing one to sink, melt, and form volcanic mountains, and (3) spreading movements between two
plates moving away from one another. By synthesizing similarities and differences across these movements, students will revisit the model ideas they have about patterns in earthquake
activities and types of landforms and features at a location being related to plate interaction.

Where We Are NOT Going

This unit does not account for all the different types of plate movement, such as transform boundaries, or shifts within plates at fault lines. While the three main movements students
review will account for major movements and associated surface features, it is important for students to understand that plates are complex systems that do not move unilaterally, and
that rifting and folding of the crust can occur all over the surface (not just at the boundaries). However, that is out of scope for this unit. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 174

1 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Revisit the Exit Ticket from the previous lesson. Display slide A and ask students to Turn and Talk with a partner to answer the questions,
How are the Himalayas mountains and the Andes mountains similar? How are they different? Give students a few minutes to share their
thinking with one another and then ask a few students to share with the whole class. Listen for:

Similarities Differences

both are mountain ranges, the Himalayas do not have volcanoes, but the Andes do;
both are on plate boundaries, the Himalayas formed where two land masses collided, but
both took a very long time to form, and the Andes are where an ocean and land mass are colliding;
both have earthquakes. earthquakes in the Himalayas are shallow and spread out
over a wide area, but earthquakes in the Andes can occur
very deep in the plate and generally form a line with the
mountain range;
a heavy plate sinks below a lighter plate at the Andes, but
the plates at the Himalayas are about the same density.

It is OK if not all of these similarities and differences come out at this point; students will revisit this again when they review the
different plate movement models later in the lesson.

Take a moment to take stock and set the purpose for the day. Say to students, Wow, we have learned so much about our Earth during the last
few weeks. Today we are going to really pull together all of our ideas to answer our final question which is, How do the mantle and plates interact to
explain earthquakes and landforms at locations on Earth’s surface? Write this question in a public space to revisit as needed during the class.


MATERIALS: Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest, science notebook

Review the purpose of the Gotta-Have-It Checklist.✱ Remind students of the Gotta-Have-It Checklist they created earlier in the unit ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
(Lesson 8) using ideas from their Progress Tracker and investigations. This checklist represents the most important ideas for explaining ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
how plate movement relates to movement at Mt. Everest and other places on Earth. They will need to add new ideas from Lesson 9 to USING MODELS
that checklist now, using the Progress Tracker.
In Lesson 8, if you chose the alternative
Ask students to turn to Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Explaining Mt. Everest in their science notebooks. Use slide B to guide their additions and strategy for building a Gotta-Have-It
revisions to the checklist. Students will add to the left column, but leave the right columns blank for now. Direct students to consult their Checklist, substitute that approach here.
Progress Tracker from the previous lesson to add new ideas that might help explain movement at Mt. Everest or other places on Earth. Have partners construct the checklist
together with a public representation of the
Have students work with a partner to add to their checklist. Students do not need to record all of the ideas from Lesson 9--only the ideas the class agrees should be part of the
consensus model. Keep in mind the
ones they want to include to answer the lesson question, focusing on Mt. Everest and, in particular, other locations they have studied following important components to make
with this unit. Students should spend up to 5 minutes working with their partner. this activity a productive one:
The process should be
collaborative and involve students Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 175

Facilitate a sharing of ideas. Facilitate a brief sharing of ideas from the class. Ask students to arguing from evidence for their
mention an idea they included on the checklist and why it’s important. You can also ask which ideas.
ideas they did not include and why those ideas are less important. The example student responses There should be a public record,
below are not a comprehensive list, but may give you an idea of what students will include or not or artifact, of the ideas students
identify as important ideas. agree to include in their models.

The ideas added from Lesson 9 should be similar to this:

When plates of different heaviness collide, the heavier plate “sinks” under the lighter plate.
As the sinking crust melts back into the mantle, some (magma) pushes to the surface to
form volcanoes and new crust.
Earthquakes occur at greater depths as one plate is sinking below another.


MATERIALS: science notebook, whiteboard, dry-erase marker, Map with Arrows (Lesson 3), Earth Model (Lessons 5 & 6), Mt. Everest Model (Lesson 8), Spreading Model (Lesson 8),
Volcano Formation Model (Lesson 9), 1 copy of Handout: Case Locations, Communicating in Scientific Ways chart

Form a Scientists Circle. Ask students to transition to a Scientists Circle and bring their notebooks, a whiteboard, and a dry erase marker.
Their science notebooks have their Progress Trackers, Class Consensus Models, and their Gotta-Have-It Checklists. Students should also
bring a colored pencil to make additional revisions or annotations as the class discusses the models.

Set the purpose for reviewing the models of plate movement. Orient students to the task and remind students we want to use our
models to explain plate movement and features at Mt. Everest, as well as other locations on Earth.

Set the stage by quickly telling a story of what the students have figured out so far (or ask students to tell this story using the charts
created in the lessons) - do not spend too much time here, but this is a good point to review the lessons so far:
From Lesson 2: The class realized that mountains and earthquakes are happening in many places around the world.
From Lesson 3: Students were introduced to the crust as broken pieces and GPS data provided evidence that those pieces are
moving in different directions. Remind students of this using the Relief Map with Arrows from Lesson 3.
From Lessons 4 and 5: Students begin figuring out that the plates are made of solid slabs of all kinds of rock. Some plates are
very thick and others are thin. Some are made of really heavy material and others are made of lighter material. All plates have
hotter temperatures as they get deeper into the interior of the Earth. This heat source is Earth’s core. The layer between the
core and the crust is the mantle, which consists of very hot, molten rock. Point to the Earth Model.
From Lesson 6: Students figured out that when heat from Earth’s core reaches the molten rock in the mantle, it causes a circular
movement (called convection) and this circular movement pushes and pulls the plates of the crust in different directions.
From Lesson 7: Students learn that this motion within the mantle over millions and billions of years has caused the plates to
continually shift and move around, creating new mountains, land masses, and oceans throughout this long period of time.
From Lesson 8: Students used all of these ideas to explain colliding movement at Mt. Everest and the spreading apart or
moving away of places from one another (e.g., Iceland, the Azores, Baikal).
From Lesson 9: Students figure out that there is one more way plates collide, and that is when one heavier plate sinks below a
lighter plate. Instead of causing mountains to uplift (like at Mt. Everest), the sinking plate melts back into the mantle, which
pushes some magma to the surface, creating volcanic mountain chains. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 176

Post the three main types of plate movements that students have figured out. Point to the consensus models from Lessons 8 and 9
(Mt. Everest Model, Spreading Model, and Volcanic Formation Model). Since students have previously drawn and written about their
ideas with these models, give them a brief moment to look over their models. At this point, the class will discuss similarities and
differences across the different types of plate movement.

Remind students of discussion norms for a Consensus Discussion.✱ Display slide C to review the purpose of the discussion. Show
students the Communicating in Scientific Ways chart and remind students of the discussion norms and sentence frames to use when
having scientific discussions. Emphasize the importance of having a safe space where students can share their ideas and push each
other’s thinking. Remind students:
how to agree or disagree respectfully,
how to push for justification,
that it’s OK to share an idea they’re not sure about, and
that it’s OK to disagree with someone’s or a group’s idea, but back up your thinking with evidence.

Facilitate a Consensus Discussion about similarities and differences across types of plate movement. Ask students to look across all three
models and think about how some things are similar or different. Also, give them an opportunity to add or revise these models to
account for anything important that may be missing.

Have students take a few minutes to draw a tri-venn diagram on

their individual whiteboards and label each circle to correspond
with the consensus model they have completed. Display slide D.
If necessary, explain to students how tri-venn diagrams work to
track similar features or differences across three or more things.
Consider modeling one feature for the students. For example,
earthquakes tend to be shallow at colliding boundaries that have
uplifted mountains (Mt. Everest) and spreading boundaries, but
there are also colliding boundaries where one plate sinks and, as
it sinks, it causes really deep earthquakes (which is different than
the other two boundary types).

As they work individually or in partners, walk around the

Scientists Circle and emphasize to students to consider patterns
of earthquakes (lines, clusters, depth), types of mountains, and
other features such as hot springs or geysers. They can consult
their Gotta-Have-It Checklist to remind them of different ideas
that explain plate movement in some places. Give students five
minutes to work.

Create a shared classroom diagram. On a new chart at the

front of the circle, begin to track student ideas. Ask others if they had something similar or different than their classmates. Also
press students to back up their thinking with any appropriate evidence from the lessons. A shared, completed diagram is shown here.

ASSESSMENT Use this as a formative assessment opportunity to gauge how well students are using their models of
OPPORTUNITY different plate movement to (1) explain the earthquake activity and landform features at different plate
boundaries, and (2) understand similarities and differences across the movement types.

Match case sites to the type of plate movement. Using a set of Handout: Case Locations, ask students to match each location to a type of
plate movement. Students should first use the Relief Map with Arrows (Lesson 3) to decide if the case site is at a boundary where plates
are spreading or colliding, and then if the case site is at a colliding boundary, students can recall data from Lesson 9 to decide if the site
is at a boundary where one plate is sinking below another. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 177

Colliding, uplifted mountains: Mt. Everest
Spreading locations: Iceland, Baikal, Azores
Colliding, volcano formation: Andes, Japan, Aleutians, and Mexico


MATERIALS: Construct an Explanation: Another Place on Earth’s Surface

Construct an explanation for one of the case site locations. Display slide E and pass out 1 copy of Construct an Explanation: Another ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Place on Earth’s Surface. Give students time to construct an explanation to account for how the interaction of the mantle and ENGAGING IN CONSTRUCTING
plates can explain the patterns found at a particular site location. Students can choose any location except for Mt. Everest. Collect EXPLAINING AND DESIGNING
students’ responses as a formative assessment opportunity.✱ SOLUTIONS
Students construct an explanation to
ASSESSMENT Look for students’ explanations to include (1) movement in the mantle pushes the plates in different account for the interaction between the
OPPORTUNITY directions at the surface, (2) depending on the direction of movement, the plates are either moving away motion of plates and convection in the
from one another or toward one another, (3) spreading boundaries characterized by shallow earthquakes in mantle. They do this in the context of one
a line pattern, some volcanic activity and mountain building, but also geothermal heating because magma case site location that is different from
is closer to the surface, and (4) colliding boundaries where one plate is heavier than another, sinks below, Everest.
and melts into the mantle, causing volcanoes to form on the crust above. Also, earthquakes at these
boundaries get deeper and deeper as the plate sinks into the mantle. Encourage students to use their data
and model ideas from Lessons 3 and 6 to support their ideas about direction of movement and models
from Lessons 8 and 9 to explain the plate movement, earthquake patterns, and landforms.

End of day 1



Administer Using Models to Explain Patterns individually to students. Have students return
to their regular seats and prepare for the assessment. Pass out one copy of the assessment
to each student. This assessment will take students approximately 30 minutes to complete. Once
completed, students should turn in their assessment to you for feedback. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 178

ASSESSMENT See Assessment System Overview and Using Models to Explain Patterns for scoring guidance.

6 · REVISIT THE DQB 10 min

MATERIALS: DQB, extra sticky notes, markers

Have students evaluate what questions the class has answered from the DQB. Project slide F which provides instructions for students ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
while they review the questions on the DQB. As a class, initially put the appropriate symbol next to each question to indicate whether ENGAGING IN ASKING QUESTIONS
they think the class has answered it: AND DEFINING PROBLEMS
We did not answer this question or any parts of it yet: ✓ Revisiting the DQB helps students track the
Our class answered some parts of this question, or the ideas we developed helped me see how I could now answer some parts progress the class is making toward
of this question: ✓✓ answering questions that are important to
Our class answered this question, or the ideas we developed helped me see how I could now answer this question: ✓✓✓ them. This helps build and sustain student
buy-in, keeps learning relevant to students,
Provide students time to write any new questions they might have now and add them to the DQB.✱ and can generate new questions that will
motivate new investigations to conduct in
Take stock of the DQB more generally now. Facilitate a short discussion with students focused on answered questions, lingering the classroom.
questions, and new questions. Here is a sample discussion:

Suggested prompt Sample student responses

What questions can we answer now? We know why some volcanoes form.
We know what caused Mt. Everest to move in an earthquake.
We know what caused Mt. Everest to form in the first place.

What are we still wondering about? Will Mt. Everest just keep growing?
How do we know how old the Earth is?

Do we want to add new questions or revise our questions? Is this the only way we get landforms? What about other places, like
the Grand Canyon? How did that form?

We could revise this questions to say “why….”

I think I want to add this question to...

7 · WONDERINGS 5 min

MATERIALS: chart paper, markers

Pose a question to students to consider and brainstorm ideas. Display slide G. Ask students to Turn and Talk to consider, What other kinds
of evidence do scientists use to study changes in the Earth’s surface today and long ago? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 179

Give students a couple of minutes to talk. Then ask them quickly to share ideas with the class. Jot down their ideas on chart paper and
tell them they will pick up with some of these ideas in the next class. For planning purposes, use this chart paper to help determine your
approach to re-anchoring in Lesson 11. Ideally a student will have provided “fossils” as a possible source of evidence and this can be used
to frame Lesson 11.

Additional Lesson 10 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING This lesson includes Consensus Discussion, which in the OpenSciEd units are intended to support
STUDENTS IN communication standards for Common Core ELA. This includes:
MAKING CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
CONNECTIONS IN groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas
ELA and expressing their own clearly.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect
on ideas under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.B Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and
define individual roles as needed.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making
comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.D Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.

Additionally, this lesson has two writing tasks that require students to also demonstrate writing standards
for Common Core ELA, including: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.A Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.B Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible
sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.C Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s)
and reasons.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.D Establish and maintain a formal style. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 180

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 181 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 182
Lesson 10: Teacher Reference

Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Key for Lesson 10

Instructions: Make a checklist of the ideas you need to develop a model to explain why Mt. Everest is moving and changing. You can use your Progress Tracker
or other information from your science notebook to help you decide what to include.
Our model needs to answer the question: Check off ideas as you use
How does plate movement explain movement at Mt. Everest (and other places in the world)? them in your model.

used did not use

1. Earthquakes happen in line and cluster patterns.

2. In some places earthquakes are mostly shallow and in other places there is a pattern of shallow to deeper earthquakes.
3. Earth’s surface is made up of many pieces of rock called plates, that are touching.
4. The plates move all the time, in different directions and at different speeds.
5. Earthquakes happen when plates move past each other, build up tension, and then slip and release energy we feel as shaking.  
6. Plates are made of different combinations of rock, which make some parts heavier and others lighter.
7. The Earth’s crust gets hotter the deeper into the crust.
8. The mantle of the Earth is heated by the energy from the core being transferred from the interior out toward the exterior parts of the
mantle and crust.

9. Heat flow from the core to the surface causes molten rock in the mantle to move around (hotter material rising to the surface and
cooler material sinking).

10. This circular movement (convection) within the mantle causes the plates to move at the surface.
11. New crust forms when molten rock (magma) seeps through the crust and cools and hardens.
12. Because of the motion in the mantle, the plates have moved great distances over long periods of time.
13.  When plates of different heaviness collide, the heavier plate “sinks” under the lighter plate.

14.  As the sinking crust melts back into the mantle, some magma pushes to the surface to form volcanoes and new crust.        

15.  Earthquakes occur at greater depths as one plate is sinking below another.

Blue=example ideas from Lesson 2                                        Green=example ideas from Lesson 7

Purple=example ideas from Lessons 3 and 4                        Orange=example ideas from Lesson 9
Red=example ideas from Lessons 5 and 6 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 183 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 184
Lesson 10: Answer Key

Using Models to Explain Patterns

The Himalayas are not the only mountains in their area of the world. As we have seen, the movement of Earth’s plates has
created other mountain ranges too. Below is a map of the Eurasian, African, Arabian, and Indian Plates. Here is their relative
movement and direction:

Eurasian Plate: South, 7-14 mm/year

African Plate: Northeast, 215 mm/year
Arabian Plate: Northwest, 6-14 mm/year
Indian Plate: Northeast, 26-36 mm/year
Using what you know about how the plates move on Earth’s surface, answer the following questions.

1a. What would you predict the pattern of mountain ranges would be on this map? Add them onto the map using words and pictures.
Mountain ranges drawn on the border of the Eurasian plate and the other three plates to the south. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 185

1b. Construct an explanation for why the mountain ranges exist in the pattern that you drew on the map. Also include what is happening in the mantle below
the plates.
The mountains formed in this pattern along the plate boundaries because the plates are moving toward each other and colliding and pushing the
land up.
The mantle below has currents moving toward each other which is pushing the plates together.
(optional) Because the plates in this area are continental crust, they are about the same heaviness. This would cause the land to uplift and buckle to
form these mountains.
1c. Draw and label a cross-section model for what you think is happening at this plate boundary, based on the three types of plate movements that you have

Use this question to elicit further student thinking from 1b, especially if students struggle with
writing but can show their ideas as a model/drawing. Score 1b and 1c together.
Example from previous lessons. Model does not need to look exactly like this:

2a. These plates are moving towards one another, but there are very few volcanoes in this area compared to other places in the world. Using this
information, which pattern of earthquakes would you expect to see here? Choose one.
A. Earthquakes are shallow and spread out over a large area.*
B. Earthquakes are shallow and happen in a straight line.
C. Earthquakes are deep and spread out over a large area.
D. Earthquakes are deep and happen in a straight line. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 186

2b. Construct an explanation that supports why you would expect to see the pattern of earthquakes that you chose above. 
The earthquakes form this pattern (shallow and spread out) because when the plates collide, they lift upwards and bend or bunkle in a lot of
different directions.
Nothing is sinking into the mantle, so the earthquakes stay shallow near the surface as all the rock in the crust gets push upward.
3. A small part of the African plate is made of heavier material and sinking below the Eurasian plate near the
southern part of Italy, Greece, and Turkey. This means it interacts with the Eurasian plate differently than at other
places along the plate boundary. The map shows a zoom in this area where there are a number of volcanoes.
3a. Draw a cross-section model that explains why volcanoes form at this type of plate boundary.
In your model include:
The heaviness of the plates
Pattern of earthquakes you would see at this boundary
Where the volcanoes form
Where the matter in the volcano comes from

3b. Use your model to explain why volcanoes are present in this area where the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate interact.
The two plates are moving toward each other and colliding. One plate is heavier (African Plate) and sinks below the other plate (Eurasian Plate). As the
sinking plate melts into the mantle, magma is pushed to the surface of the lighter plate, forming volcanoes. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 187 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 10 • 12/19/19 Page 188
LESSON 11: How could a fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest?
PREVIOUS LESSON We updated our Gotta-Have-It Checklist and reviewed and tracked similarities and differences across three consensus models that explain the different types
of plate movement. We constructed explanations to account for the interactions between the mantle and the plates that explain earthquake patterns and
landforms. We revisited our DQB to track our progress in the unit and we discussed possible next steps.
THIS LESSON We read a transcript of an interview with a geologist about fossils found on Mt. Everest. From this interview,
we learn that these fossils are from tropical sea creatures that were alive 400 million years ago. We use this
ANCHORING PHENOMENON, information to revisit our consensus model to explain how and why fossils of sea creatures could be found
INVESTIGATION at the top of Mt. Everest. This leads to new questions that we add to our DQB.

1 day

NEXT LESSON We will examine fossil evidence from around the world. We will study how fossils form through a video and reading, and find out that finding fossils from soft-
bodied organisms without bones is rare. We will use rock layer evidence from Utah, to predict whether specific locations may have once been covered by water.
Using our knowledge of mountain uplift, we will explain how older rock layers, and buried fossils, end up at higher elevations.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Ask questions to refine a model of how Mt. Everest is changing over time using evidence of fossils from sea creatures found at the top of the
2, MS-ESS2-3 mountain.


Fossils of tropical sea creatures have been found on top of Everest.
The fossils found at the top of Everest are older than the Himalayas.
The northern part of India used to be closer to the equator 400 million years ago. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 189

Lesson 11 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Revisit ideas for other sources of evidence scientists use to study Earth’s
surface and how it changes over time.

2 15 min READ AN INTERVIEW WITH A GEOLOGIST B-C How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest?, sticky notes
Read a transcription of an interview with a geologist about fossils that
were found on Mt. Everest.

3 20 min REVISITING OUR CONSENSUS MODELS & DQB D sticky notes, How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest?, Class Consensus Model
Add to the class consensus model(s) to explain how a fossil could be poster(s), Large World Relief Map, markers, Plate Movement Poster from
found at the top of Mt. Everest. Add new questions we have to the DQB. Lesson 7

We wonder how fossils of sea creatures got to the top of Mt. Everest
End of day 1 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 190

Lesson 11 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest? Class Consensus Model poster(s)
science notebook Large World Relief Map
sticky notes markers
Plate Movement Poster from Lesson 7
sticky notes

Materials preparation (15 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 191

Lesson 11 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
This is the first lesson of the second lesson set of the unit. In the first learning set, the focus was on what is occurring below the surface that results in the changes seen on the surface. In
this lesson, we read an interview with a geologist who shared a discovery about fossils of sea creatures from 400 million years ago being found at the top of Mt. Everest. The Earth
model developed in the first part of the unit can’t explain these fossils and therefore, new questions arise about other sources of evidence that scientists use to study the Earth and how
it changes over time.

Where We Are NOT Going

This lesson introduces fossils as a source of evidence for studying how the Earth changes. Students will continue to investigate what fossils are, how they form, and how they can be
used to date the Earth and explain changes to the Earth. Fossils are used in this unit as a way to do relative dating of different areas on Earth. Absolute dating, such as radiometric dating,
is not used, as this is above grade band. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 192

1 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Revisit students’ ideas about other types of evidence scientists could use to study the Earth’s surface. Display slide A and say, We have
figured out a lot about what happens underneath the Earth’s surface that leads to earthquakes, volcanoes, and sometimes changes to the landforms
on the Earth’s surface. This led us to brainstorm what other sources of evidence scientists use, besides earthquake and volcano data, to study how the
Earth’s surface changes. We had a lot of ideas for what some of these sources of evidence could be. Can someone remind us of what some of these
ideas were?

Have a couple of students share what they remember and/or read off from the list of student ideas recorded at the end of the last


MATERIALS: How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest?, science notebook, sticky notes

Set the stage to analyze a written record of an interview with a geologist. Say to students, Up until now, we have been focused on what is
going on underneath the surface of the Earth that results in Mt. Everest being formed. Yet, when we investigated our site locations, we also noticed
that different areas on Earth look different. Now we want to begin looking at what else causes changes to the landforms we see on Earth. One idea
we had was to look for fossils as sources of evidence that scientists use to study the Earth and how it has changed.

Share with students a transcription of an interview with a geologist who studies how the Earth changes over time. Say, There is an
interview that was done with a geologist who studies how Earth changes over time. We will not watch the interview, instead, I have a transcription of
the interview. A transcription is a written record of what is said in an interview.

ADDITIONAL The text students are interacting with comes from an interview with Mike Searle, a European geologist. The
GUIDANCE whole clip can be found at . The interview transcript is
from the first 1:33. Analyzing the interview transcript gives students time to process the details of the
interview and assimilate these new findings with what they have already figured out about how the Earth

Pass out a copy of How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest? to each student. Project slide B. Take a few minutes to set a purpose for
reading about the interview and ask students how this might help us more fully explain what has been happening to cause Mt. Everest
to form. Point out to students that as they read, there is space to the right of the text where they can record any wonderings they have
as they read the interview. Tell them that we will collect new questions we have on our DQB later in this lesson, so they should be sure
to record any that have as they read.

Display slide C. Give students a few minutes to read the interview on their own. When they have finished reading, students should tape
this interview into their science notebooks on the next blank page and record 1-2 questions they have on a sticky note. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 193


MATERIALS: sticky notes, science notebook, How did fossils get on the top of Mt. Everest?, Class Consensus Model poster(s), Large World Relief Map, markers, Plate Movement Poster from
Lesson 7

Convene in a Scientists Circle. Display slide D. Ask students to come together in a Scientists Circle with their notebooks and questions ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Say to the class, We have figured out a lot about what is going on below the surface that causes changes
above the surface. Let’s use what we read from the interview and see if we can use our class model(s) to At this point in the unit students have a
explain how fossils could be found at the top of Mt. Everest. Looking at our models, think about what parts of model for how Earth’s crust can move over
our model can be used to explain fossils on top of Everest and what is missing from our model. Then we can time. The purpose of this new generation
use these ideas to brainstorm how we might want to revise our model in the future. of questions is to refine the model to
account for the long periods of time in
which these processes play out. These
questions will also likely include questions
about the fossil record and other sources of
evidence scientists use to study the way in
which Earth’s crust changes over millions of

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What are some things from the interview that we will want to make There are sea creature fossils on top of Everest.
sure are represented in our model?
The fossils are from tropical creatures, but Everest is not tropical.

These creatures are from a tropical beach that used to be near the
equator at sea level, not 8,500 meters up.

India and Asia are colliding.

The northern area of India used to be near the equator.

The fossils are 400 million years old.

These creatures lived at sea level.

Can we use our model to explain how fossils of sea creatures from a No…right now Mt. Everest is very cold! There is not a sea at all at the
tropical sea are on top of Mt Everest? top of the mountain.

Maybe…we figured out that the plates that are in this area are
moving towards each other causing the mountains to continue to get
taller. So maybe long ago, when they were further apart, there was a
sea? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 194

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Okay, let’s revisit our models we have for how the plates have moved We have figured out the plates are moving all the time and that the
over time. What have we figured out about how the land and plates Indian plate is moving northeast and the Asian plate is moving south.
have moved in this area?
And, the geologist in the interview said that the land at the north of
India used to be at the equator, which our model can support because
we showed how the Indian plate would move backwards (or
southwest) if we went back in time.

So can we use our model to represent how India could have been at Yes! In Lesson 7, we figured out that the plate India is on has been
the equator? moving about 6 cm northeast over time. So if we were to move it back
in time for 400 million years, maybe it would be at, or close to the

How might we want to revise our model to capture this idea? We could use the same scale we used in Lesson 7 to add a new time
to the model for 400 million years.

If we add on another timeframe to represent 400 million years ago, The geologist in the interview said India was near the equator 400
besides using our map scale (the two points move apart 7.5 cm for million years ago…so maybe once we add on this new time point, we
every year), what else would be important to represent in our model? should label the equator.

Okay, so we have some ideas about how this land could have been Hmm...not really. Unless there can be tropical seas on the tops of
near the equator if we trace it back in time. But, can our model explain mountains?
how creatures found in a tropical sea are found at the top of the

Say to students, It sounds like we have some new questions to add to our DQB to help us
explain how the earth changes. We are going to take a few minutes to add these to our
Driving Question Board. If you feel your questions fit more on one of our class models instead of the
Large Relief Map, then place it on the poster instead of the DQB map.

Tell students that we will take a few minutes to capture any new questions we now have on
our DQB. As students are sharing their new questions, these can be added to the new part
added to the model poster from Lesson 7, that was just revised in addition to the current
DQB. There most likely won’t be enough time left to hear from everyone. If this occurs, then
tell students to add their questions to the DQB as they return to their seats. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 195

4 · NAVIGATION 3 min


Pose a question to students to consider and brainstorm ideas. Display slide E.

Say, Okay I think we figured out that the Himalayas began forming about 50 million years ago. So if that is the case, then it makes sense that if we
were to trace this part of the Earth’s surface back in time even further than 50 million years, then it could be near the equator. But I am still a little
confused…if we trace this land that has mountains on it back in time and find that it would have been closer to the equator, how is it that there was a
tropical sea there? There isn’t a sea on Mt. Everest today. So how could there have been a sea long ago?

Ask students to Turn and Talk to consider, What could have happened to cause fossils of sea creatures to be found at the top of Mt. Everest?

Additional Lesson 8 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually,
STUDENTS IN quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
CONNECTIONS IN Students will read a transcript from an interview to engage with the information shared by an expert
ELA geologist. By engaging with the transcription of the interview, students are using a new media format to
collect information and form questions about other sources scientists use to study the earth. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 11 • 12/19/19 Page 196

LESSON 12: How do fossils form?
PREVIOUS LESSON We read an interview transcript about fossils found on Mt. Everest. From this interview, we found that these fossils are from tropical sea creatures that were
alive 400 million years ago. We used this information to revisit our consensus model to explain how and why fossils of sea creatures could be found at the top
of Mt. Everest. This led to new questions that we added to our DQB.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we examine fossil evidence from around the world to understand that finding sea-creature
fossils far from water is common. We shift focus from Mt. Everest to fossil evidence found near Salt Lake
INVESTIGATION City, Utah, where we again see fossil evidence of a sea organism far from the ocean. As we wonder why we
see sea fossils far from the ocean, we study how fossils form through a video and a reading. From these, we
3 days learn about fossilization, and find out that finding fossils from soft-bodied organisms without bones is rare.
Using rock layer evidence in Utah, we examine the relative ages of fossils and figure out how to predict
whether specific locations may have once been covered by water, thus explaining the presence of ancient
sea-creature fossils. We review and use our knowledge of mountain uplift to explain how older rock layers,
and buried fossils, can end up at higher elevations in Utah. Finally, we apply our new understandings to
explain the presence of sea lily fossils at the top of Mt. Everest.
NEXT LESSON We will revisit the Mt. Everest fossil record and realize that only a small portion of the original seafloor is present. We will analyze pictures of other locations
where landscapes have changed, make predictions about what might be happening, and then explore stations that will give us clues to what might be
happening in our images. We will come together as a class to describe these changes, watch time-lapse videos to see if these changes happen rapidly or over a
long time, and then update our Progress Trackers with new ideas to explain the disappearing seafloor layer on top of Mt. Everest.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Use evidence to explain how information from rock layers is used to figure out the relative age and location of fossils from Earth’s geologic
2, MS-ESS2-3 history.

Analyze and interpret data regarding rock layers and fossil patterns to describe how the Earth’s surface has changed through past plate


Rocks can form in layers, with younger rock layers on top of older layers.
The relative age of a fossil can be determined by examining the surrounding rock layers.
Fossils arise from ancient plants and animals buried and preserved under many layers of rock.
Mountain uplift can move rock layers and fossils to higher elevations. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 197

Lesson 12 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Engage in a discussion to elicit prior knowledge about fossils.

2 8 min FOSSILS AROUND THE WORLD B-C Fossils From Around the World,
Think about the fossil on Mt. Everest by considering a parallel phenomenon--evidence of fossils from ancient sea Notice and Wonder chart,
and land-creatures throughout Utah. Record and share noticings and wonderings after examining maps of fossil markers
locations in Utah.

3 8 min FOSSILS IN UTAH D-F Notice and Wonder chart,

Examine ancient jellyfish fossil found in Utah, and think about how it’s location far away from any present-day ocean markers, Word Wall poster
is puzzling. Record and share noticings and wonderings after examining evidence about the jellyfish fossil.

4 5 min HOW DO FOSSILS FORM? G How Do Fossils Form? poster,

Engage in a discussion to elicit prior knowledge regarding fossil formation. markers, Word Wall poster


Find out more information regarding the formation of fossils from a video. Do Fossils Form? poster, markers,
Word Wall poster

6 12 min FOSSILS OF BONELESS ORGANISMS I Reading: Fossil Formation, How Do

Find out more information about fossil formation from a reading. Learn that finding fossils from boneless creatures Fossils Form? poster, markers
(mainly sea creatures) is relatively rare, that the presence of fossils from sea creatures is evidence of a past sea floor,
and that sea creature fossils are commonly found in limestone rock layers.
End of day 1

7 1 min NAVIGATION J How Do Fossils Form? poster

Re-engage with reading from previous day about fossils.


Use an analogy to better understand that the position within a rock stratum can be used to determine the relative age
of rocks. Explain how rocks in the lower layers are older than the rocks at higher depths, and that the relative age of a
fossil is determined by its position within the rock layers. Examine rock layer evidence from Utah indicating the
presence of an ancient beach or shoreline near Salt Lake City.

9 19 min UTAH THROUGH THE AGES R-S Utah Through the Ages,
Examine a time series of maps showing the approximate location of Utah through Earth’s geologic history. Use map
evidence to explain the locations of both sea and land-creature fossils throughout Utah. ?v=2yKNhbY3Nbk

10 10 min RETURN TO EVEREST T-U Evidence Jigsaw

Use the data from Utah, as well as new evidence regarding Mt. Everest’s rock layers and relative position throughout
Earth’s past, to explain how a fossil of an ancient sea lily ended up high on Mt. Everest.
End of day 2

Move into Scientists Circle to reconsider evidence from Mt. Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 198

Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Construct a model to explain how the fossil ended up on Mt. Everest. Reach consensus as a class regarding the individual whiteboards, markers,
presence of the sea lily fossil on Mt. Everest. https://www.edumedia-


Update our Progress Tracker with what we have figured out about why we see the fossil of an ancient sea creature
near the top of Mt. Everest.

Think about why there is so little of the ancient sea floor (in which the sea lily fossil was found) left on Mt. Everest.
End of day 3 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 199

Lesson 12 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials science notebook Fossils From Around the World Notice and Wonder chart
Reading: Fossil Formation Utah Through the Ages markers
Evidence Jigsaw Word Wall poster
small individual whiteboards How Do Fossils Form? poster

Materials preparation ( minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Test the video clip prior to day 1:

Becoming a fossil:

Test the video clip prior to day 2:

North America from 200mya to present:

Test the video clip prior today 3:

Animation of formation of Himalayas:

Be sure that the Word Wall poster is ready and visible during this lesson.

Prepare all posters using chart paper and markers:

Day 1 - Notice and Wonder chart
Day 1 - How Do Fossils Form? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 200

Lesson 12 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
Students engage with the re-anchoring phenomenon introduced in Lesson 11 (sea lily fossil found on Mt. Everest) by examining evidence from rock layers and maps of prehistoric Earth.
By examining a parallel phenomenon (jellyfish fossil found near ancient shorelines along Rocky Mountains in Utah), students explain how fossils of ancient sea creatures are found far
from present-day oceans (through the motion of plates on Earth’s surface), and how they arrive at higher elevations (through uplift). Additionally, students will understand how fossils of
boned and boneless organisms form in general.

Where We Are NOT Going

As part of this lesson, students will understand that the relative age of rock layers can be determined based on their location within rock strata. Students will neither be required to name
specific types of rock, nor will they need to recall the time periods in Earth’s past corresponding with the formation of specific rock layers. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 201

1 · NAVIGATION 4 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Review students’ ideas about how a fossil could be found near the top of Mt. Everest from Lesson 11. Display slide A. Say, In the last ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
class we found out that there are fossils up near the very peak of Mt. Everest and thought about how they ended up there. Before we continue our
investigation, let’s take a moment to see what we already know about fossils. This may give us more ideas about how a fossil got there. The purpose of this discussion is to provide
a space for students to openly share their
Elicit students’ prior knowledge regarding fossils.✱ For the next 3 minutes, facilitate a brief discussion in which students share their personal knowledge, experiences, and
knowledge and experiences regarding fossils. Say, When you hear the word fossil, what comes to mind? If students are hesitant to share, ideas about fossils. It’s important to model
provide further prompts from your own personal experiences such as, Fossils remind me of things I’ve seen in museums, great big dinosaurs for students that we are open to all ideas
towering over my head! As students share, acknowledge all responses and refrain from evaluating any responses for their accuracy. since we may know little about fossils and
how they form. If certain responses (such
as incorrect or partially correct ideas) cause
Suggested prompt Sample student response argument or conflict, you may offer that as
we figure out more, we may revisit some of
these initial ideas should it seem relevant
When you hear the word fossil, what comes to mind? I think of giant dinosaur bones, like the ones I see in museums! at the time.
I think fossils are like records of dead things.

Aren’t fossils just like a bunch of bones that make up an animal?


MATERIALS: science notebook, Fossils From Around the World, Notice and Wonder chart, markers

Transition to looking at fossil data from Utah. Say, We seem to have some interesting ideas about fossils. This makes me think back to the
fossil on Everest. It seems strange that we see fossils of tropical sea organisms on the top of Everest.

Pose the following question, Is it unusual to find fossils of ocean-dwelling organisms in a place without any water? Let’s take a look at some data
to see. Display slide B. Instruct students to construct a Notice and Wonder chart in their notebooks.

Give each group a set of three world maps. Ask students to examine three world maps on slide B, each displaying the locations of fossils
from three different types of sea life. Tell students that they will have 3 minutes to examine the three world maps and list any
interesting patterns regarding the locations of past sea life in their notebooks. Remind students to first write down their own noticings
before sharing with a partner.

Notice and Wonder. While students are examining the world maps, set up a Notice and Wonder poster. titled, “What do you notice in
these maps of past sea fossils? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 202

Mollusca Cnidaria Porifera
(Snails, octopus, clams) (Jellyfish) (Sponges)

Display slide C. Repeat the prompt from the previous slide, What do you notice in these maps of past sea fossils? For the next 2 minutes,
invite students to share their noticings. Record these on the Notice and Wonder chart.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What do we notice in these maps about past sea life? There are lots of fossils of sea creatures far away from present day

The US, Europe, China, and the west coast of South America seem to
have lots of sea fossils.

Ask students to now share what these patterns make them think or wonder about. Say, We’ve noticed some interesting patterns. What does
this make you wonder about in terms of the locations of past sea organisms?

For the next 2 minutes, invite students to share their questions and wonderings. Record these ideas on the Notice and Wonder poster.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

We’ve noticed some interesting patterns. What does this make you I wonder how those sea creatures got there?
wonder about in terms of the locations of past sea organisms?
I wonder if there used to be more ocean in the past, like when that
animal lived?

Transition away from the world maps by saying, From what some of you noticed, it seems as though finding fossils of sea life far away from
oceans isn’t that unusual. But, that brings up more questions like the ones you shared. To begin to understand this better, let’s take a look at a location
that’s closer to home than Mt. Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 203


MATERIALS: science notebook, Notice and Wonder chart, markers, Word Wall poster

Present fossil evidence from Utah. Display slide D. Present students with the evidence of the jellyfish fossil found near Salt Lake City,
Utah. For students unfamiliar with the location of Utah, consider displaying a United States map and indicating the location of Salt Lake
City. Say, Let’s zoom in on one place that’s a little closer to us here in the U.S. Let’s look at this 500 million-year-old jellyfish fossil found in Utah, not
far from Salt Lake City.

Invite students to examine the jellyfish fossil and its location on the map. Allow 2 minutes for students to share what they notice with
the class. This does not need to be recorded on the Notice and Wonder chart or poster. Display slide E. To help focus this share-out on
the location of the fossil, offer the following information:
Keep in mind that jellyfish live mainly in saltwater, and either tropical or deep oceans.
When we look at the map, we notice that this fossil is quite far from both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The closest body of water is Great Salt Lake, which contains freshwater.

ADDITIONAL Students may notice that Salt Lake City is located near the Rocky Mountains. Students may also begin
GUIDANCE describing how this is similar to Mt. Everest and the Himalayas, and then attempt to draw conclusions
about fossils, mountains, and plate movement. Rather than pursue this line of inquiry at this moment, tell
the class to make a note of this because it may help us explain something later in the lesson. By first
developing a deeper understanding around fossil formation and rock layers now, students will later be able
to make richer connections between the fossil found in Utah and the one at Mt. Everest.

Jellyfish fossil Location of jellyfish fossil Location of jellyfish fossil

(fossil on left, drawing on right) (road map) (satellite image)

Examine other fossils found near Salt Lake City, Utah. Display slide F. Say, Let’s compare this with other fossils of similar age found in Utah.

Turn and Talk. Give students 3 minutes to examine and discuss the three maps with a partner. Remind students to record their noticings
in their notebooks in the same Notice and Wonder chart from earlier. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 204

Jellyfish fossils Trilobite fossils Reptile Fossils
(sea organism) (land organism)

Invite students to share their noticings. Allow 2 minutes for students to share what they notice with the class. Record these on the
Notice and Wonder chart with a different colored marker than the noticings recorded earlier.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What patterns do you notice? Fossils from sea creatures seem to be mainly on the left half of the
Fossils from reptiles (land creatures) seem to be on the right half.
There’s way more reptile fossils than sea fossils.

Turn and Talk. Give students 2 minutes to discuss with a partner what these patterns make them wonder about. Say, What do these
patterns make you think or wonder about? Remind students to write down their questions in their Notice and Wonder chart in their

Invite students to share. For the next 2 minutes, have volunteers share their questions and wonderings with the class. To promote
greater equity and focus on classroom norms around active listening, consider asking students to share their partner’s ideas rather than
their own.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What do these patterns make you think or wonder about? Why are there more land animal fossils than sea animal fossils?
Why are there more sea fossils on one side and more land fossils on
the other side? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 205

Transition towards looking at the process of fossil formation. Say, I wondered about some of these things too! It turns out that there are
scientists who study these ancient fossils--we call those scientists paleontologists. Write the term Paleontologist on the Word Wall poster.
Say, Let’s consider some of our questions by first taking a closer look at how fossils form.

ADDITIONAL Some of the patterns noticed may involve examining the differences between fossils of land-based and
GUIDANCE sea-based organisms, and why we may see some more than others. This provides an opportunity to briefly
look at how fossils form in general, why we see fewer fossils from organisms without bones, and how the
presence of water may help preserve fossils from organisms without bones. We will pick up the storyline as
to why we see jellyfish in Utah and the sea-organism fossil on Mt. Everest, once we know how fossils form.


MATERIALS: science notebook, How Do Fossils Form? poster, markers, Word Wall poster

Turn and Talk. Display slide G. Allow 2 minutes for students to discuss with their partner what they know about fossil formation. While
students are talking with their partners, prepare the How Do Fossils Form? poster.

Facilitate a share-out. Allow 2 minutes for students to share their ideas. Remind students that they’ve already shared some initial
thoughts about fossils earlier in the lesson. Say, Earlier, we shared what knew about fossils. What thoughts do you have about how fossils form?
What does it take to make a fossil? As you share out I’ll record our ideas so we can see what we already know, and what new things we find out later.
Record all ideas on the How Do Fossils Form? poster with one color marker. You will use a second color to add to this poster later.

ADDITIONAL This share-out is meant to elicit all prior ideas students have about fossil formation. Remind students that
GUIDANCE they’ve already shared their initial knowledge of fossils earlier in the lesson. Push students to now think
more about fossil formation. Students’ experience with fossils will likely vary. It is important to encourage
students to share what they know, even if they have not seen or touched an actual fossil. Encourage
students to talk about how they’ve seen them in videos, shows, movies, books, and on the internet.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What thoughts do you have about how fossils form? Something dies and its bones are left behind and form a fossil.

What does it take to make a fossil? The bones of an organism get buried in the ground and then more dirt
goes on top.
Layers and layers of dirt collect on top of a dead organism.

Wrap-up share-out. Say, I’ve heard a number of people discuss and share that bones are involved somehow in fossil formation. You’re right!
Display slide F again. Say, Most of the large fossils we see today come from the bones left behind. In fact, all those reptile fossils we saw in the
map of Utah are from bones!

Problematize fossils formed from organisms without bones. Say, Lots of us mentioned bones earlier, but what about an organism that has no
bones, like a jellyfish? What gets left behind to form the fossil? If the idea of decomposition of everything (all tissue) but the bones comes up
in the previous share-out, then push students to consider the following: If the soft parts of an organism normally decompose, then what’s left
behind to form a fossil?

Say, It turns out that this problem may be why we don’t see as many fossils from soft-bodied organisms, like jellyfish. So, the jellyfish fossil found in
Utah might actually be quite rare! Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 206


MATERIALS: science notebook,, How Do Fossils Form? poster, markers, Word Wall poster

Introduce the video about fossil formation. Say, To better understand why we see more fossils from animals with bones than animals without
bones, let’s look at how fossils are actually formed.

Show the video. Display slide H. The video is located at . Explain to students that they will watch the video
twice. The first time, they should focus on watching and listening, not taking notes. They will have an opportunity to watch the video
again and to write notes. While video is playing, be sure to display the How Do Fossils Form? poster.

ADDITIONAL For this lesson, only show until timestamp 1:55. The rest of the video describes how fossils become exposed
GUIDANCE at the surface, which is more relevant for the next lesson.

Replay the video a second time. Prompt students to take notes on how a fossil forms during the video replay. Remind students to be
prepared to share with the class. These notes can be written in their notebooks or on scratch paper. The class poster will contain all the
relevant information in the end.

Revisit the How Do Fossils Form? poster. After the video replay, ask students which ideas from the video were already on the poster.
Put check marks next to those ideas. Give students a chance to rephrase any of the wording from the original ideas. Ask students what
new information about fossil formation they found out from the video. Record any new ideas on the How Do Fossils Form? poster
using a different colored marker.

ADDITIONAL The video describes in general the most common process of fossil formation. Here are some sample ideas:
GUIDANCE An animal dies at a particular location.
If the animal is buried quickly, scavengers cannot consume it, allowing more of it to become a
Eventually, the soft parts of the animal decays (decomposition).
Water helps the process because the soil at the bottom of a body of water is soft and the animal’s
body gets stuck in sediment and buried quickly before the remains can be scavenged.
Calcium in the hard parts (bones) is replaced by minerals from the environment which essentially
turns the bone into stone.
Added sediments press down on the animal’s hard remains (Deposition/Sedimentation).
With added pressure from sediments above, the remains harden to form fossils (Fossilization).
New rock layers continue to form on top.

If one or more of these ideas is not mentioned, consider playing the video one more time and pausing at
the moments they are discussed. Then, add them to the poster.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Reading: Fossil Formation, How Do Fossils Form? poster, markers

Introduce reading on fossil formation. Display slide I. Remind students that the video talked about how the soft parts of dead
organisms usually decay until only the bones are left. Say, For animals with entirely soft bodies, with no bones, shouldn’t they decay completely
until nothing is left? Then how do we get fossils from things like jellyfish? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 207

Guide students by explaining that there must be a different process at play when it comes to fossils formed from boneless organisms,
like the jellyfish in Utah.

Reading and annotation. Give students 10 minutes to read and annotate the reading, Fossil Formation. As this reading is brief and split
into clear sections addressing specific questions, it may not be necessary to use a thorough annotation protocol. Suggest to students
that they may use any method they are familiar with already. Consider asking students to highlight, underline, and write in the margins
of the reading.

Revisit the How Does a Fossil Form? poster. For the next 4 minutes, ask students to share any new ideas that should be added to the
How Does a Fossil Form? poster. Record these ideas with the same color marker used after the video.

Add words to word wall. Ask students if there are any new ideas or terms they’d like to add to the word wall from the video or reading.
Some words you should expect students to mention are: fossil, fossilization, sediment, and sedimentation.

Transition to Utah’s rock layers. Say, Now we know how fossils form from organisms with and without bones. But earlier, some of you mentioned
that we only see fossils from soft-bodied sea organisms (like the jellyfish) in one part of Utah, while we see many more fossils from land organisms
in another part! Why?

End of day 1

7 · NAVIGATION 1 min

MATERIALS: How Do Fossils Form? poster

Transition to Utah’s rock layers. Display slide J. Say, Now we know how fossils form from organisms with and without bones. But earlier, some of
you mentioned that we only see fossils from soft-bodied sea organisms (like the jellyfish) in one part of Utah, while we see many more fossils from
land organisms in another part! Why?


MATERIALS: science notebook

Introduce evidence regarding Utah’s rock layers. Display slide K. Say, In order to figure out why Utah has this interesting fossil distribution, we ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
may need to look into Utah’s past. Is there some evidence that might help us look back into Utah’s ancient past, even before humans existed? Allow 1
minute for share responses. Using analogies in science. Scientists use
analogies as a way to explain more
If no one brings up the idea of looking at Utah’s rock layers, explain to students that one way in which scientists attempt to recreate complicated concepts or processes. Often
what a location may have looked like in the distant past, before human records were kept, is to examine the rocks beneath the surface analogies involve substituting the technical
of the Earth. with the colloquial, thus granting access to
a larger audience and ensuring that more
Develop the laundry-bag analogy for examining rock layers. Display slide L. Say, When scientists dig beneath the Earth’s surface, they can people can engage in the thinking and
sense-making required to understand
see many of the rocks that have accumulated over time. From this, we can reconstruct a timeline of what a place may have looked like in the past. complex phenomena. Additionally, a
This idea seemed complicated until I thought of a different way to think about it. carefully selected analogy may help a
learner draw connections between a new
Explain to students that a useful analogy for thinking about the relationship between layers of rocks and the relative age of each layer, is concept and their own knowledge or lived
to think of clothes in a laundry bag as follows: experience. Ideally, this serves to increase
cognitive engagement and understanding
in the classroom. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 208

At the beginning of the week (i.e. Monday), you look down into the laundry bag and notice that it’s empty. As you finish with Monday’s clothes, you put ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
them in the laundry bag and put on new clothes on Tuesday. As each day goes by, you change into new clothes and place the old dirty clothes into the DEVELOPING AND USING PATTERNS
laundry bag. The clothes pile up, or accumulate, on top of the previous layer from the day before. By the end of the school week, you will find
Monday’s clothes near the bottom, and the Friday’s clothes near the top.✱ Students should notice the patterns below:
Most of the fossils from land
Pose the following as a quick check for understanding, If you wanted to see which socks you wore on Tuesday, could you just look at the top of organisms are located in an area
the pile in the laundry bag? Why or why not? Allow students 1 minute to share responses. currently home to the Traverse
Mountains and the Wasatch
Suggested prompt Sample student response The area between mountains is
lower in elevation and where we
If you wanted to remember which socks you wore on Tuesday, could You could NOT simply look down into the laundry bag. find most of the fossils from sea
you just look at the top of the pile in the laundry bag? organisms.
This is because when you look down into the bag, you only see the
Why or why not? top-most layers of clothes which are from Friday. If you want to see Should students struggle to see how the
the socks worn on Tuesday, you would need to dig through all the locations of the various fossils coincide
clothes on top from Friday, Thursday, and Wednesday. with the higher and lower elevations near
Salt Lake City, consider overlaying the fossil
maps over the relief map around Salt Lake
Connecting the analogy to rock layers. Display slide M. Prompt students to think about rock layers again. Say, I think we can look at the City.
layers of rock beneath the Earth in a similar way. How can we use the laundry bag analogy to understand the relationship between the age and the
depth of a particular layer of rock?

Suggested prompt Sample student response

How can we use the laundry bag analogy to understand the Just like with the clothes, the rocks that are deeper underground are
relationship between the age and the depth of a particular layer of older than the ones near the surface.
I’m not sure how to connect the two!

Ask a few students to respond. If students are struggling to make the connections, consider asking the following prompt: What process on
Earth is similar to new layers of dirty clothes falling on top of older layers?

Introduce the term sedimentation at this point if it has not come up already. For this lesson, sedimentation refers to the layering or
settling of new rocky material (soil, rocks, sand, etc…) on top of old rocky material. Add the term sedimentation to the Word Wall if it has
not already been added. If we wanted to find the oldest layers of rock, where should we look? Allow students 1 minute to respond.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What process on Earth is similar to new layers of dirty clothes falling It’s sort of like when new layers of rock or soil rest on top of older rocks
on top of older layers? that are already there.

If we wanted to find the oldest layers of rock, where should we look? You will need to look deeper beneath the Earth’s surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 209

Introduce Utah’s rock layers. Display slide N. Explain to students that the slide shows the result of
sedimentation after many millions of years. Say, Here, the different colors clearly show the different layers of
rock. Time permitting, consider asking for volunteers to identify which colors represent the older or
younger rock layers.

Connecting back to fossils. Prompt students to make the connection between the relative age of rock
layers, and the relative age of the fossils found in a particular layer. Say, What can we tell about an organism
when we find its fossil in a specific rock layer? Allow 1 minute for student responses.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What can we tell about an organism when we find its fossil in a We can tell it’s approximate age.
specific rock layer?
We can tell the organism’s relative age by comparing its location with
the layers of rock above and below it.

Guide students to think further by saying, So it seems that a fossil can not only tell us what lived in a particular place in the past, but also
approximately how long ago it lived there based on which layer of rock we find it in.

Display slide O. Explain to students that in the area near where the jellyfish fossil was found, there is a very large chain of mountains,
called the Rocky Mountains. In many places throughout the Rocky Mountains, sedimentary rock layers are clearly visible without the
need to dig deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

Turn and Talk. Remind students that by using what we figured out from previous lessons, we should be able to explain why the Rocky
Mountains likely exist. Ask students to develop an explanation for why the Rocky Mountains exist. Say, It’s incredible that we can see these
rock layers now on the sides of the great Big Rocky Mountains. But, how did this happen? How did the rock layers that were originally so deep
beneath the surface end up so high in the mountains? Allow students 2 minutes to discuss with a partner before sharing.

ADDITIONAL At this point, students will need to put together the following pieces from previous lessons to explain how
GUIDANCE the Rocky Mountains formed.
From Lesson 6, students should recall that the Earth’s surface undergoes constant change due to
convection in the Earth’s mantle.
As a result, we saw in Lesson 7 that the continents are actually moving around and have been in
different locations in the past.
Finally, we discovered in Lesson 9 that sometimes when continents collide, they produce
mountains through uplift.

If necessary, remind students to find relevant information in their science notebooks from Lessons 6, 7, and

Guide students to look closely at the rock layers revealed by mountain uplift near the jellyfish fossil location. Display slide P. As you
point to the first diagram, Say, If we zoom out and look at a relief map around the location of the jellyfish fossil, we notice that there are a number
of mountain ranges in the area. But let’s take a closer look at Traverse Mountains since that is near where the fossil was found. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 210

1st image - Relief map of Traverse 2nd image - Traverse Mts. showing 3rd image - Top view of the Traverse
Mts showing related mountain multiple layers with evidence of two Mts. Salt Lake City is located off the
ranges of the Rockies. distinct past shorelines. map to the left.

Help students orient themselves when viewing the top-down relief map of the area in Utah around Salt Lake City. Describe how there
are three mountain ranges surrounding Salt Lake City, all of which are part of the Rocky Mountains. We are going to focus on the
southernmost range, the Traverse Mountains, since that is in close proximity to the jellyfish fossil location.

Explain to students that the second image is a side-view photo of the Traverse Mountains. Point to the second diagram and say, Now if
we look at the mountains from the side, we see distinct rock layers.

Tell students that scientists have found large amounts of sand in the rock layers along the side of the Traverse Mountains. Ask students,
Where do we normally see sand? Students will likely say “at the beach” or “ near an ocean.” Tell students that this is precisely what scientists
think as well.

Explain that the third image shows where scientists believe two past shorelines used to be located, likely many millions of years ago.

Turn and Talk. Display slide Q. Remind students that if we look back at the locations of some of the fossils from our previous maps, we
may see an interesting pattern. Allow 2 minutes for students to discuss with a partner what patterns they notice. Ask for one or two
students to describe the patterns they noticed.✱

Summarize information. Say, When we look at the layers of rock on the side of the mountains near Salt Lake City, we see evidence of specific
types of rocks, particularly sand, indicating that a beach and shoreline existed in the past in the areas where we now have mountains. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 211


MATERIALS: science notebook, Utah Through the Ages,

Transition to looking at Utah’s past. Say, If we combine the fossil pattern we see in Utah with what we ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
know about how mountains form through uplift, can we explain what happened here in Utah many millions ENGAGING IN CONSTRUCTING
Allow 2 minutes for students to offer ideas about Utah’s past. Then say, You have some interesting
ideas about Utah’s past, or what it may have looked like long ago. I came across some information that may At this point, students should be able to
be useful. Let’s check it out! construct the following explanations:
Since parts of Utah were near an
Display slide R. Give one Utah Through the Ages to each group. Tell students to look over the maps ocean between 100-540 million
with their group or partner for the next 5 minutes. Ask students to make a note of any interesting years ago, it seems possible that
patterns in the Notice and Wonder chart from earlier. Say, What do you notice when looking at the this jellyfish could have swam in
the ocean near here. The jellyfish
maps? Remind students to also look at the caption for each image for more information. would have have died, sunk to the
ocean floor, and been covered up
To help students focus on the relevance of this information, say, What do you notice when looking at the approximate location of present-day by layers of sediment before it
Utah? could decay.
The part of Utah with sea-creature
Suggested prompt Sample student response fossils was likely covered by an
ocean or body of water. This body
of water formed a beach in the
What do you notice when looking at the maps? The continents are always moving. area of Utah that we’ve seen on
the relief maps. The areas to the
It looks like there was one giant ocean a long time ago. right (east) of the beach were
likely above sea level and are
The continents all moved. They are in different locations now than where we now find land-creature
they were before. fossils. The area to the left (west)
of the beach was the ocean and is
Continents seem to come together into a larger continent around where we find sea-creature fossils.
250mya, but were apart before and after that.
North America looks like it was an island starting around 400mya.

What do you notice when looking at the approximate location of Present day Utah seems to be near a large body of water as recently
present-day Utah? as 100mya.
It seems like Utah could have been a beachfront from 100mya all the
way back to 540mya.

Guide students to consider the jellyfish fossil. Say, It sounds like you’ve noticed that the area near Utah was in fact near an ocean long ago.
Keeping in mind that the jellyfish fossil from earlier was 500 million years old, can we now explain how the jellyfish could have lived in this area?
Allow students 2 minutes to share ideas with the class.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Can we now explain how the jellyfish could have lived in this area? Since parts of Utah were near an ocean between long ago, it seems
possible that this jellyfish could have swam in the ocean near here. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 212

Guide students to consider the sea-creature vs. land-creature fossil pattern. Say, Can we also use this new information to explain the locations
of sea and land-creature fossils in Utah? Allow students 2 minutes to share with the class.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Can we also use this new information to explain the locations of sea The part of Utah with sea-creature fossils was probably where an
and land-creature fossils in Utah? ocean existed. The areas to the right of this ocean formed a beach
where all the land creatures lived and then left their fossils after

Peer feedback opportunity. Display slide S. Explain to students that they will construct an explanation individually in their notebook,
then share it with a partner in order to receive feedback.✱

Say, Take everything you just heard and the information from the maps to construct your explanations. Remind students that the purpose for
giving and receiving feedback is to help clarify their explanation. Give students 3 minutes to individually develop an explanation for
prompts below:
Explain how the jellyfish could have lived in the area near Salt Lake City.
Explain the locations of sea and land-creature fossils in Utah.

Allow students an additional 3 minutes to share explanations and feedback with one partner. Finally, give students 2 minutes to revise
their individual explanation in their notebooks based on peer feedback.

Reaching consensus. Allow 2-4 minutes for volunteers to share their explanations with the class. Ask for additional responses should the
responses seem incomplete.

ADDITIONAL If students have difficulty visualizing the locations of the continents, specifically North America millions of
GUIDANCE years ago, consider using the following simulation: .
This simulation focuses on plate movement in and around North America from 200 million years ago to
present. Though useful as a visual aid, this simulation does not model go back 500 million years, which is
the approximate age of the jellyfish fossil. Some students may point out this discrepancy.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Evidence Jigsaw

Transition back to Mt. Everest fossil. Display slide T. Remind students that we now understand how fossils form and why it’s possible to
see fossils of ancient sea creatures so far away from oceans today. Ask students to think about how it’s possible to find a fossil on Mt.

Say, We can now explain the patterns of land and sea-creature fossils in Utah, near the Rocky Mountains. How can what happened in Utah’s past
help explain how the fossil ended up on Mt. Everest?

Rather than push for responses at this point, ask students to instead consider what type of evidence would help them construct a strong
argument for how the fossil ended up near the peak of Mt. Everest. Say, What additional evidence might help us construct a better
explanation? Allow 3 minutes for students to share responses. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 213

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What additional evidence might help us construct a better We could look at the rock layers in Mt. Everest to see if there was once
explanation? water in this area.
We could look at maps of where the continents used to be and see if
the area near Mt. Everest was near water.

If students have difficulty coming up with evidence, remind them of the types of evidence we used to figure out what happened to Utah
in the past. Though many types of evidence are useful, the ones that are most relevant to the activities from this lesson include the
Information on the rock layers in Mt. Everest to check for evidence of water in this area.
A map showing the locations of land and water 450-520 million years ago.

Evidence jigsaw. Say, You have some great ideas of where to look! I heard some ideas about looking back at ancient rocks to figure out how old they
are and to try to match them with the location of Mt. Everest long ago. Let’s see if the following helps us.

Display slide U. Split the class in half, with one half of the groups looking at evidence regarding the rock layers of Mt. Everest, while the
other half examines a time series of maps with Mt. Everest. Distribute the appropriate handouts from Evidence Jigsaw to each group.
Explain to students that they will have 3 minutes to examine and discuss the evidence with their group. Prompt students to write in
their notebooks their responses to the following:
What does the evidence show?
How does the evidence help us understand what Mt. Everest looked like in the past?
How does the evidence help us explain how sea fossils could be found near the peak of Everest?

Say, Tomorrow we will share our findings with one another to see if we can explain how the fossil got to the top of Mt. Everest.

Mt. Everest Rock Layers Evidence Mt. Everest Time Series Evidence

Present 66mya 100mya

200mya 252mya 300mya Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 214

End of day 2

11 · NAVIGATION 3 min

MATERIALS: science notebook

Gather the class into a Scientists Circle. Display slide U again. Remind students of evidence jigsaw from the previous day. Ask students
to use their notebooks to recall their responses from the previous day.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Utah Through the Ages, small individual whiteboards, markers,

Display slide V and W as needed. Explain that groups will now share how they used the evidence to explain how the fossil ended up on
Mt. Everest.

Remind students that listening carefully will be especially important because they need to gather new information based on the other
evidence and because this represents another opportunity to clarify uncertainties about their own evidence. Encourage students to also
point to the evidence on the slide if it helps to clarify their explanation.

Allow 5 minutes for students to share explanations. Encourage other students to ask clarifying questions when appropriate.

KEY IDEAS From the Mt. Everest Rock Layers evidence, students should notice that only the top two layers of rocks
contain fossils, that both layers are made of limestone (evidence for a past sea or ocean flow according to
the reading), and that we see sea fossils in the topmost layer (further evidence that this layer was once near
or under water).
From the Mt. Everest Time Series evidence, students should notice that the approximate location of where
Mt. Everest currently stands was once surrounded by water. This increases the likelihood that sea creatures
could have once lived near the area which would eventually form Mt. Everest. (The approximate location of
Mt. Everest is shown with a gray circle throughout each map.)

Construct a Model. While still in the Scientists Circle, distribute small whiteboards to each group. Display slide X. Ask students to use
their small whiteboard to construct a model explaining how the 500 million year old fossil of a sea-lily ended up near the top of Mt.
Everest. Allow 5 minutes for groups to construct their model(s). Suggest to students that they make a time-series in their model, like the
ones seen in this lesson, to show change over time. Models should include at least one diagram of the past, when the fossil started
forming, and one diagram showing the present location of the fossil (see diagrams below).

Say, Let’s put together the things we just figured out to explain how the fossil got to the top of Mt. Everest. On your whiteboard, draw a model to
explain how this could have happened.

Remind the students that their model(s) should do the following:

Show the current and past locations of the Indian plate, the Eurasian plate, Mt. Everest, and bodies of water.
Show the past location of an ancient sea lily.
Explain how the ancient sea lily became a fossil and ended up near the peak of Mt. Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 215

ADDITIONAL If students are struggling to construct these models, suggest to students that they may draw two models if
GUIDANCE needed. The first model could show the top-down view of the location of continents, Mt. Everest, and any
oceans at various times in the past and at present. The second model could show a side-view of the gradual
formation of the sea fossil on Mt. Everest over time, starting with the presence of an ancient sea or ocean.
For students struggling specifically to include mountain uplift as a way to explain how the fossil ends up
near the top of Mt. Everest, prompt them to revisit what they’ve figured out already during Lessons 7 and 8.
Consider taking a moment for the whole class to turn back to their progress tracker or a specific page in their
notebook where this idea was developed.

KEY IDEAS Final models will vary but should include the following pieces:
Time 1a - (540-300 million years ago) - No mountain chain yet, body of water is present, sea
organism dies and settles into sea sediment
Time 1b - (200-66 million years ago) - Body of water slowly disappears as plates get closer and
come into contact, fossil is buried under more rock layers
Time 2 - (66 million years ago to present) - Himalayas form as Indian and Eurasian plates push
into each other, fossil rise in elevation due to uplift eventually reaching the peak of Mt. Everest as
uplift continues.

For reference, the times listed in parentheses come from the time-series world maps. It is not necessary for
students to list actual dates, though some students may note this since to account for the approximate age
of the fossil.
Students may also combine Times 2 and 3 into one step in the model. However, be sure that the models
show the body of water disappearing and the mountains forming at some point.

Reaching consensus. Remain in a Scientists Circle. Prompt students to display their whiteboard models for everyone else. Say,
What did we find out and how do we represent it?

Prompt students to look at all the models, and to identify areas of strengths or any ideas needing clarification. Allow 5 minutes for
volunteers to share with the class. For the next 5 minutes, guide students in developing a class consensus model on the board. Begin
with the pieces that appear most often in students’ models. Say, It seems like many of you included this in your model. Let’s start with that.

Continue until all the common pieces are incorporated into the final model. As reference, the final model at this point will vary but
should look similar to the following: Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 216

How could fossils get to the top of Everest?
Time 1 (Shallow sea) Time 2 (Mountains forming)

ADDITIONAL Students may struggle to visualize how there may have been a body of water between the Indian and
GUIDANCE Eurasian plates which disappeared when the plates collided in the past to form the Himalayas.
Consider showing the the following animation to help visualize this process:

ASSESSMENT As an optional assessment, once the class consensus model is developed, consider providing students with
OPPORTUNITY a handout displaying a time series of world maps from 500 million years ago until the present. On each
map in the series, indicate the approximate location of present-day Mt. Everest. Ask students to then:
1. Draw the fossil of the ancient sea lily in each stage.
2. Explain what is happening to the mountain and the fossil at each stage. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 217


MATERIALS: science notebook

Update Progress Trackers in science notebooks. Project Slide Y. Tell students to turn to their Progress Tracker section in their science
notebooks, make another row in the two-column table, and record the question, Why do we see the fossil of an ancient sea creature near
the top of Mt. Everest? Individually, they should record what they have figured out about this so far. Below are some sample ideas:

Question What I figured out in words/pictures

Why do we see the fossil of an Older layers of rocks are found below new layers of rocks beneath the Earth’s
ancient sea creature near the surface.
top of Mt. Everest?
Fossils are the remains or impressions of organisms that lived in the past and
were buried beneath rocks at the Earth’s surface.
Evidence from rock layers can tell us the approximate location for ancient sea and
land organisms, and provide clues for where ancient bodies of water once
Plate movement and mountain uplift help explain how fossils buried in deep rock
layers can be found near the tops of mountains.

14 · NAVIGATION 2 min


Navigate to the next lesson. Display slide Z. Say, We now know how the sea lily fossil got to the top of Mt. Everest. If we look back at the rock
layers near Mt. Everest, it seems like we’re quite lucky to have found any fossils at all!

Problemitizing move. Say, It seems like fossils are only found in the very top layer of Everest. But why? If all of this area formed a solid sea floor so
long ago, what happened to the rest of the sea floor? Why is there so little of this layer left at the tops of these mountains? We’ll find out in the next

Additional Lesson 12 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING Students read an article about how fossils form. They use this information to consider how a marine fossil
STUDENTS IN could exist in places that are not near current oceans.
MAKING CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
CONNECTIONS IN as well as inferences drawn from the text.
ELA Unit 6.4 • Lesson 12 • 12/19/19 Page 218

LESSON 13: Why is there so little ancient seafloor left on the top of Mt. Everest?
PREVIOUS LESSON We examined fossil evidence from around the world and found that the presence of sea-creature fossils far from water is common. We learned about the
process of fossilization and found out that finding fossils from soft-bodied organisms without bones is rare. By learning about the relative ages of rocks and
fossils, we figured out how to predict whether specific locations may have once been covered by water. Finally, we explained how older rock layers, and buried
fossils, could end up at higher elevations in Utah and on Mt. Everest.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we look back at the Mt. Everest fossil record and realize that only a small portion of the
original seafloor is present. We analyze pictures of other locations where landscapes have changed to try to
INVESTIGATION understand what can move land and other objects without humans digging them up or moving them
around. After we make predictions about what might be happening, we explore stations that give us clues to
3 days what might be happening in our images. We come together as a class to describe these changes, watch
time-lapse videos to see if these changes happen rapidly or over a long time, and update our Progress
Trackers with new ideas to explain the disappearing seafloor layer on top of Mt. Everest.

NEXT LESSON We will develop a time-series model to explain how a marine fossil formed, got to the top of Mt. Everest, and was then exposed for climbers to find it. We will
then use these same ideas on an embedded assessment task. Finally, we will revisit the DQB and celebrate our accomplishments.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Critically read scientific texts adapted for classroom use to obtain information about the causes of rock to break down and move around at
2, MS-ESS2-3 Earth’s surface, changing the shape of the land over time (effect).

Apply scientific reasoning to show why weathering and erosion data can help explain how water and wind can shape the land over long
periods of time.


Natural forces (like wind, water, ice, rock, and living organisms) can break down solid rock and other materials at Earth’s surface into
smaller particles (weathering).
Particles, once weathered, are moved by forces and/or gravity to a new area or location (erosion).
Weathering and erosion tend to happen over a longer time period and can take years to occur.
The ocean floor that was once present at the top of Mt. Everest must have been worn away through these processes. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 219

Lesson 13 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Facilitate a Turn and Talk, followed by whole group discussion to take stock on what we’ve learned and what
we are wondering.

2 2 min PREPARE FOR OBSERVATIONS OF LANDSCAPE IMAGES B Image Observation Table, Landscape Images
Prepare students to make observations of 8 different landscape images. chart, markers


Display 8 images to the class and have students develop ideas of what may have happened to each
landscape, focusing on what caused the layers and materials to change.

4 10 min SHARE LANDSCAPE IDEAS K Image Observation Table

Students share their ideas of what happened at each station and in the images with a partner.

5 15 min FACILITATE A DISCUSSION ABOUT THE LANDSCAPE IMAGES L Image Observation Table, Landscape Images
Students go public with their ideas during an Initial Ideas Discussion. Record students’ ideas on a class chart chart, markers
to be revisited later.


Brainstorm with students about places within their communities where they might have seen similar
End of day 1

7 10 min SHARE SELF-DOCUMENTATION AND BRAINSTORM RELATED PHENOMENA self-documentation image or drawing, chart
Share self-documentation home learning assignment. Add any additional related phenomena. paper, markers

8 35 min MODEL LANDSCAPE CHANGES THROUGH JIGSAW STATIONS M-N Landscape Stations, Landscape Stations
Students investigate their ideas about how land can change.
End of day 2

9 15 min MAKE SENSE OF STATION LEARNING O Image Observation Table, Landscape Stations,
Facilitate student sharing of ideas from stations as students explain what might have caused the images to Landscape Images chart, markers
change over time.

10 10 min ANALYZE TIME-LAPSE VIDEOS P-W Landscape Images chart, markers,

Review time lapse videos and determine the timescale at which the events occurred. computer, projector

11 15 min REVISITING EVEREST X-Y chart paper, markers

Students use new understandings of weathering and erosion methods to explain why the layers of
seafloor on Everest are disappearing.

12 5 min EXIT TICKET Z notecard

Students complete an exit ticket over the formation of Horseshoe Bend in Arizona.
End of day 3 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 220

Lesson 13 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Landscape Stations materials 2 empty cups

2 pipettes
limestone or other rock with calcium carbonate
piece of brick or stone (without calcium carbonate in it)
paper towels
5 disposable baking pans
sand (wet and dry)
4 cups of gravel or aquarium rocks
low grit sandpaper
1 package powdered sugar or flour
textbooks to prop up baking pan
buried objects (shells
twisty party balloons
1 hand bicycle pump
1 small fan
1 large plastic tub (28 qt)
1 small watering can

Lesson materials Image Observation Table Landscape Images chart

self-documentation image or drawing markers
Landscape Stations chart paper
science notebook computer
notecard projector

Materials preparation (35-45 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Prepare a chart to record student observations of the 8 images on slides C to J. This chart should mirror the table shown on Image Observation Table. Title the chart “Landscape Images.”
Using multiple sheets of chart paper if needed. This will be the main public representation of student work for this lesson.

Day 2: Landscape Stations

Group size: 6 groups of 5 or less students
Setup: Prepare the stations ahead of time using Station Setup. Print five copies of Station Instructions and Breaking Rock Station Readings. Place the instructions and readings at
each corresponding station.
Notes for during the lab: While students are in their stations, rotate among the stations to make sure materials are being properly used and for the intended purposes. Students
may feel tempted to use the water and sand in other places and for other methods. Circulate to make sure that floors and other surfaces stay clean. At the end of the 10
minutes, have students reset the stations to their original setup to prepare them for the next group.
Safety: Remind students that the materials could be slippery and dangerous if they end up on the floor. Spilled water could cause a slipping hazard, and sand can reduce
traction on certain types of floors. Be aware and monitor any spills that may occur. Box cutters, any knives, or sharp scissors do present a cutting risk. Be careful to not cut open Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 221

any skin when preparing the materials. Sharp edges may also be present on any modified plastic pieces (plastic bottles that have been cut, etc.). Remind students to be careful
with the edges of cut plastic.
Disposal: All sand that is wet can be left out to dry and used again.
Storage: Sand and other materials can be stored in the large plastic bin used for one of the stations. Baking dishes can be stacked and all other materials placed inside the bin.
Sand and rocks can be placed in a plastic storage bag and used again. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 222

Lesson 13 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
In this lesson, students observe pictures of changes that have occurred in different landscapes. Students reason how these changes occurred. Students engage in learning stations and
readings to learn more about how forces could have changed the landscape. We will identify these changes as happening quickly or over time. We compare station learning and apply
this learning back to our images. We explain how each of the images have been altered by forces over time, and how some images have had multiple influences changing their
structures. We also name these forces with new vocabulary: weathering and erosion. We watch time-lapse videos to figure out the timescale at which these changes are occurring. Finally,
we take our learning back to Mt. Everest and determine what has caused the seafloor to vanish over time. We also use our learning to explain what has happened at Horseshoe Bend as
an exit ticket. We were left wondering why Mt. Everest was still getting taller, even though weathering and erosion were taking place on the mountain.

Where We Are NOT Going

We are not focused on specifically naming types of weathering and erosion (aeolian, oxidation, carbonation, exfoliation, etc.). Soil moisture content and the polarity and heat capacity
of water will not be explained in relation to the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition. We will not be identifying inputs and outputs of specific components in relation to
their energy, or specific timescales over which these changes occur. While we will be learning about chemical weathering, this lesson will not go in depth on the subject. We will not be
explaining the role of the carbon cycle in this process. We will not be going into how specific viscosities impact the process, nor will this lesson talk about solubility, recrystallization, or
viscosity. Exact measurements will not be taken, as this will be a more qualitative station lesson. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 223

1 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Take stock of where we are in our learning. Project slide A and give students a minute to discuss with a partner the questions on the
What did we figure out in our last lesson about Earth’s layers?
What are we now wondering about?

During the Turn and Talk, circulate to listen to students’ ideas.

Reconvene students and lead a brief whole class discussion of students’ responses.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

What did we figure out in our last lesson about rocks and their layers? We figured out that the rocks help us date things.

We can use the relative position of fossils within a rock layer to date

Fossils within the same layer are often the same age.
The fossils are made of different types of rock.

Sometimes rocks get lifted up and older rocks get closer to the

At the end of our lesson, we started to realize it’s pretty interesting We think forces wear away on the rocks, but why is the seafloor only
that fossils become exposed on their own. We saw that the seafloor left at the top of the mountains? Where did it go?
was only found at the top of mountains and there wasn’t much of the
seafloor left when compared to other layers. Where did the rest of the seafloor go?
What are we now wondering? Did all of the seafloor get lost the same way?

How did those fossils, if they were buried so far down at one time, get
to the top of Mt. Everest and then become exposed?

What causes some of the fossils to poke out of rocks if they were
once buried deep down?

Say, Last time we had a chance to look at the different layers of rock and we were wondering, “Why is there so little ancient seafloor left at the top
of Mt. Everest?” We have some pictures of other rock layers that also look like they have disappeared. Let’s take a look at these and see if we can
figure out what happened. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 224


MATERIALS: Image Observation Table, Landscape Images chart, markers

Set-up science notebooks with observation sheet. Project slide B. Pass out 1 copy of Image
Observation Table to each student. Students will use the table on the handout to record
observations of 8 images that appear on slides C -J. Display the class “Landscape Images” chart
made prior to Day 1 (see advance preparation section). Students will need to attach this handout
to their notebooks, either before or after their observations.

Remind students that as scientists, it’s important to document our ideas as we figure things out.
The handout will help us track how our ideas change as we learn new information.

Say, When we look at these photos, let’s try to figure out what has happened to the rock layers and sea floor,
and ask, “Why is it disappearing?” As we look at each image, we’ll record our ideas in the “what may have
happened,” column. Ask students to write down their own ideas before sharing their ideas with
someone else.


MATERIALS: Image Observation Table

Make observations of 8 different landscape images. Project slide C showing the first landscape image. Prompt students to make
observations of the image and record their ideas in the “What may have happened” column on their observation sheet. They will
complete the “What we figured out” column on Day 3.

Repeat this same process for the remaining 7 images. Display slides D-J showing different landscapes. Spend about 1 minute on each
image. Emphasize to students to focus on how changes could happen by a natural force (not from humans). Use the prompts on the
slide to guide student thinking as they make their observations.


MATERIALS: Image Observation Table

Have students find a partner and share their ideas. Project slide K. Tell students they will find a partner and share ideas on how each ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
location must have changed over time. Students should listen carefully to their partner’s ideas and write down any new ideas that they
learn from their partners on their observation table, in the same column they used for recording their initial ideas. Let students know This structure of sharing a partner’s ideas is
that they will be sharing their partner’s ideas with the whole class, not their own ideas.✱ As students share with a partner, circulate to important so that all ideas are heard. Some
listen to their ideas. students may not feel comfortable sharing
their ideas in front of others, or may want
to discuss ideas before going public with
the class. By having students share ideas
with a partner, then having that partner
share the ideas with the class, students
who may not normally contribute, have
their voices heard and validated by others.
This strategy also provides a lower barrier
for entry into the conversation for
emergent multilingual learners. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 225


MATERIALS: Image Observation Table, Landscape Images chart, markers

Facilitate an Initial Ideas Discussion and record ideas on a class chart.✱ Project slide L. Say, Wow, it seems like we have a lot of ideas! Let’s ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS INITIAL
generate a list of our ideas about how these areas have become exposed. Elicit one idea from each partner to add to the class chart. As ideas IDEAS DISCUSSION
repeat, add a checkmark to note that more than one person had the same idea.
This Initial Ideas Discussion is a quick way
to elicit student ideas and experiences
Suggested prompt Sample student response about different causes for why different
landscapes look the way they do. Students
Image 1 - Rock in Ocean Maybe something moved them. will notice broken rocks or landscapes have
something to do with water. Accept all
Look at the bottom of the rock. What must have happened for those The waves may have hit the rocks until they were worn away. student answers.
layers to go away?
It looks like something dug it out on the bottom. Maybe the rock was
softer there, like a different rock layer.

Maybe the water washed it away? There’s a lot of water around it.

Image 2 - Abandoned House in a Meadow It looks really wet. Maybe the rain did it, but how could rain tear down
a house?
Take a look at this house. It looks like someone tore part of it down, but
no one has touched it! What could have happened? Where are those Maybe the plants around it broke it up?
layers going?
It looks like the plants are growing up over it and taking it over. Could
the plants be making it crumble?

Is there possibly something eating away at the rocks?

Image 3 - A Road The road could have gotten washed away.

Something happened to break the road into pieces! What might have Maybe something really big hit the road.
happened to the road?

Image 4 - Sidewalk in a City Maybe something dug it up.

This sidewalk cracked, but humans didn’t crack it. What could have The tree branch could have broken it up, but how?
made this layer change its position?
Did they try to put the sidewalk over the tree root?

Image 5 - Rock in North Dakota The rocks may have fallen, but what would make them fall?
The rocks could have gotten knocked off by something.
Look at the fossil that was exposed under this rock. Humans did not do
this. What happened to the rock layers that were once around it? It looks dry so it probably couldn’t have been water. Could it be
something else?

Maybe something dug it out that wasn’t a person. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 226

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Image 6 - Rocks on a Mountain Something with a lot of force must have done that.
These rocks on the side of the mountain used to be part of the It looks like something was grinding up the rocks as it went. Is
mountainside. What happened to that rock layer to turn them into something grinding them up?
these pieces and move them?
It looks like something slid over it. Maybe it's water?

Image 7- House on a Cliff The waves could have washed them out.
This shoreline used to be so much further out! What happened to the A storm might have hit them with enough force to move them.
layers of shoreline?

Image 8 - Steps in a Forest People must have walked across them a lot!

These steps used to look great, but now they look all worn and old. The plants look like they’re growing in between them. The plants may
What has happened to these steps? have been breaking up the rock.

Once all ideas have been shared, reflect on the list and say, Do we think all our ideas are represented here?

Connect to local examples. Take a moment to draw out any student ideas or experiences with these kinds of images in their own
community. Say, Have you seen this happening where we live? Let students share some examples.



Introduce students to the self-documentation home learning assignment.✱ Explain to ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
students that self-documentation is a way to see where these things they are talking about
in class, happen in their own lives and in their own communities. Ask students to “photo In between day 1 and day 2 of class (or
document” or hand-draw an example of where they see a place near their home or in their even later in the unit) students can
community where the landscape is changing and/or rocks are breaking. If necessary, you document observations in their community
may want to brainstorm a few options together. For example, options can include: of places where rock is being broken or
worn down. By using the self-
documentation strategy, students will
broken sidewalks, connect weathering and erosion processes
a stream moving dirt, occurring in their local community.
waves on the side of a local lake, or
an old building where rocks are breaking down.

Preview with students the logistics for how to share the photos with you via the class’s
website, email, or airplaying them for the class.

The image to the right comes from the STEM Teaching Tools
( and depicts one example of how a teacher
printed and displayed images brought in by their students. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 227

ADDITIONAL The purpose of the self-documentation is to:
GUIDANCE (1) ask students to “photo document” aspects of their everyday lives (e.g., about a phenomena or topic),
(2) cluster their photos into similar types of changes or problems,
(3) identify which ones present possible areas of investigation for the unit,
(4) support students in engaging in investigations related to their focus, and
(5) arrange for students to present their results to members of the community/STEM experts.
This home learning supports students in step 1. Students will need to complete step 2 in the next class or
within the next few classes, depending on how much time you need to organize students’ photos.
Steps 3, 4, and 5 are not explicitly included in this version of the unit.

Source: and

End of day 1


MATERIALS: self-documentation image or drawing, chart paper, markers

ADDITIONAL You may need additional time to collect, print, and organize students’ photos from the self-documentation
GUIDANCE home learning. If so, use time during today’s class for students to verbally share what they have observed to The purpose of the self-documentation is
generate a list of local examples. When ready with printed photos, return to the self-documentation activity to broaden students’ experience of the
to complete step 2 of the process (see above callout box for steps). phenomenon, while also making the
phenomenon more personally connected
to them and their lives.
Have students share local examples from the home learning and construct a list of related phenomena. Give each student an
opportunity to share what they have self-documented as part of the home learning assignment.✱ Students do not need to share their
photo or drawing unless you have a quick and easy way to do it (e.g., airplay on tablets or previously uploaded images).

As students share their examples, record them on chart paper organizing the examples (as much as you can) into clusters. Clusters may
include: rocks breaking, broken sidewalks, sand/dirt moving, or exposed rock formations. After all students have shared at least 1
example, allow students to take a second pass at the list, offering examples that they may not have seen locally, but know about from
secondhand sources (news, internet, movies, etc.).


MATERIALS: Landscape Stations, Landscape Stations

ADDITIONAL Day 2 is dedicated to students exploring different ways that change can happen to Earth’s surface through
GUIDANCE lab stations. Because the stations are fairly involved and need to be reset in between groups, we estimate
approximately 45 minutes for this activity.

Prepare students to investigate. Project slide M. Say, One thing that we all seem to agree on is that it seems like something is breaking or
moving the material around. How could we try and figure out what causes the changes we see? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 228

Suggested prompt Sample student response

How could we try to figure this out? Maybe we could use water to see if it can wash things away.
We could use wind and see if it can move things.
We could test different types of rock to see if they wear away

We could try and break rocks by running things across or over them.

Say, Maybe if we try to simulate some of these areas, we could figure it out together! Unfortunately, we don’t have time to break rocks or even get
this many types of rocks in our short class period, so we will have to simulate some of these environments.

Setup for landscape stations. Group students into 6 groups. Three groups will rotate through stations 1-3. The three other groups will
rotate through stations 4-6. Explain that each station contains a different environment that is simulated. Several different potential
environments are simulated, but not all of them may apply to every picture. Say, If we work together, maybe we can figure out what
happened to each landscape and why!
Demonstrate each station. Project slide N. Pass out 1 copy of Landscape Stations to each student.
Explain that students will be given 10 minutes at each stationand each group will visit 3 stations
2 minutes for using station materials
4 minutes for reading
2 minutes for recording new ideas
2 minutes to reset the station for the next group

Take a moment to demonstrate each station before sending student groups to start the station
rotation. Explain the expectations on materials management and timing for every station. Set an 8
minute timer and let students know when to start a new activity at their station.

COLLABORATION Station rotations are limited to three stations per group. By limiting the group interactions to three stations,
students will gain experiences in engaging in the scientific process of sharing and disseminating
information. Students will discuss their findings with one another and engage in scientific discourse. By
having students go to every station, students may be less motivated to share their experiences or gain
information from peers on other stations. On Day 3, when students meet with a partner to share their
observations, students who rotated through stations 1-3 can meet with students who did stations 4-6.

Other group configurations could also be made to fit time and space constraints, as long as students have
the ability to visit at least one station and share with others what they have discovered.

ADDITIONAL The slide descriptions listed below are for your reference of the landscapes. Do not write the descriptions
GUIDANCE below on the chart for students. Only list the station number on the chart paper. The descriptions are for
teacher use only. This may give too much away in the beginning for students. Only list the station numbers
for students. The station numbers will also correspond with their data sheets that they use during the
activity. The stations are NOT set up to correspond to the sheets on purpose--we want students to
determine on their own what might be happening in each landscape based upon evidence collected and
data gained during the stations. Eight pictures were also chosen instead of 6 pictures so students would
think beyond the one-to-one correspondence of the stations with the landscape images and begin to
consider more than one force acting on each image. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 229

Below is guidance on how to introduce each station. Be aware to not tell too much about each station, as students will be figuring out
the science ideas as they investigate.

Station Number Sample Explanation

Station 1 biological At station 1, check out what happens when we use this liquid on the two substances. What do
weathering/erosion we notice happening, and what could be happening in our images that is like this station?
Make sure to only use the liquid in the tupperware and on the appropriate items. Only use
one drop at a time so you can really see what happens!

Station 2 glacial At station 2, observe what happens as this sandpaper slides down this slope. What is it doing
weathering/erosion to the environment?
Use different amounts of force as you slide it down, but be careful to not push too hard and
break the container or the hill. Remember, someone else will have to use this station after

Station 3 Wind Check out what the air from the fan is doing in this environment!
You can play around with the speed, but make sure that the hair dryer is always facing the
correct way that it is pointing now. You can play with the angle, but make sure that it is facing
forward the whole time.

Station 4 wave Make your own waves at this station by using the ruler in the water. Experiment with
weathering/erosion different wave sizes and see what it does to the environment.
Keep the water in the container at all times, it is not meant to be put on faces, people, tables,
or floors.

Station 5 rain/water At this station, you can use the water at the top of the environment to see what it does. Use
weathering/erosion the watering can and watch how the environment reacts.
You can use the watering can at different places in your station, but make sure that the water
stays in the station. Do not let it get on the floor or table. If it ends up there, please clean it

Station 6 biological Station 6 has some interesting parts. There is a balloon under this sand. Use the pump to see
weathering/erosion what happens to the sand as you inflate and deflate the balloon.
You can bury the balloon wherever you want in the sand and try different locations. You can
even get the sand wet in certain spots using the small cup of water next to the station. If
something gets on the floor, please clean it up. The balloon and sand STAY at the station. Do
not blow it up to the point where it breaks! Other groups will have to use it today.

Begin station rotation. Give students 8 minutes to conduct their first station. Remind students to transition from the landscape
simulation to the reading. As students complete their first station, stop the timer and instruct students to reset each station for the next
group. This will take roughly 2 minutes. Instruct students to transition to the next station. Students will have 8 minutes to complete their
second station, reset the stations, and then rotate to the third station. Plan to give students a few additional minutes after the third
station to return to their seat and record any final observations or ideas. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 230

ADDITIONAL Help students monitor their time by projecting a timer during stations. By projecting a timer, students can
GUIDANCE work on self-monitoring. These executive functioning skills are being constructed during the middle school
period of development and access to a visual timer can aid students in developing time management

End of day 2


MATERIALS: Image Observation Table, Landscape Stations, Landscape Images chart, markers

Students explain images using station observations. Project slide O. In partners (with someone they didn’t work with on Day 2),
allow students 5 minutes to share their data using Part 2 of Reading: Fossil Formation. Present the students the instructions below:
What did we figure out at each station?
Find a partner who visited another station and share your ideas. Do you both agree on what might be happening in the
different images?
Once you have shared with a partner, return to your seats.
As a class, we will record ideas on a chart paper.

Bring the class back together to share what they now think is happening in each image. Record their ideas on the Landscape Images
chart and students can update their chart alongside. Ask students to share what they think was the cause of the changes to the landscape
in the images and record student ideas in the third column.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Image 1 was an image of a rock in the middle of the water. What At station 4, when we moved the water back and forth like a wave, the
station seems to help explain what happened to the layers of that sand moved out of the way faster than the gravel. It’s like water wears
rock? away at certain layers more than others.
I think station 4 is what happened to the rock in the water. The water
kept pushing at the rock and broke it up over time.

I also read at station 1 that some organisms break down rock too. I
saw there is moss on the rock. Maybe the moss is breaking down the
rock too.

Image 2 was a picture of an old building that was being brought down, At station 1, we read that living things can break down rocks and other
but humans aren’t doing anything to it. What did we gain at our things. I think that slide D shows a building being eaten away by moss
stations that might help us explain what is happening to this house? and other organisms.
We saw at station 6 that roots and other things can push rocks out of
the way. The roots could be pushing the building apart.

I also noticed that it looks really damp. The water could be breaking it
down like station 5 and Mt. Rushmore. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 231

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Image 3 is of a road that was taken out in a large section. What forces The road looks like something moved it fast. It also looks like sections
could have caused this? What did we find at our stations that might are broken apart like station 5 when we moved land with water. I think
help explain this change? water washed it away.

Image 4 is of a sidewalk that has cracked. What explanation could we The sidewalk looks like it was pushed up by a tree root, like in station
now have from our stations? 6 where we were able to move land by blowing up a small balloon,
like a tree branch growing.
We read about trees and other things growing and breaking people’s
foundations. That looks like what is happening in slide F.

Image 5 was an awesome exposed fossil. What forces from our Image 5 was really dry, and we had one dry station where the rock
stations could have possibly helped cause this? was worn away by wind. The rocks could be exposed by wind like at
station 3.

Image 6 was a mountain that looked like something had crumbled the We saw at station 2 that if sheets of ice slide over land, it can move it
side of it. What could have caused the change in the layers of rock? and break it up. The rocks could have been broken up here by a big
sheet sliding across them and then it melted, or went away over time.

Image 7 was a house that was once far away from the cliff and is now At station 4, we had the water and it was pounding against the sand.
about to fall into the water. What at our stations could help explain When we hit the water really hard with the ruler, we saw that the
what happened to the layers of rock? water pushed on the sand more and made it collapse, just like the
house looks like it will collapse into the water. The waves must have
worn away at the side of the cliff.

Image 8 was a picture of steps that are very old. What forces could we We read at station 1 that small organisms can break down rocks. I
use to explain what happened to these steps over time? think that they may be breaking down part of the rocks.
We saw at station 6 that growing things can break up rocks too. It
looks like there are plants growing between the rocks. The rocks may
be getting broken up by the roots, like at station 6.

At station 5, the falling water out of the watering can also broke up
part of the sand. Maybe if enough water has gone across it, it has
worn down the rocks too.

Once all ideas have been shared, reflect on the list and say, Do we think all our ideas are represented here? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 232


MATERIALS: Landscape Images chart, markers, computer, projector

Show time-lapse videos. Project slide P. Say, it seems like these things can be ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
happening, but I’ve never actually seen these things happening in front of me. Do you DEVELOPING AND USING STABILITY
all think this is possible to see right now? (No, It probably takes a lot of time to see AND CHANGE
The processes of weathering and erosion
occur at different timescales, both
Say, Well, I found a couple of time-lapse videos of what we tried to describe observable with fast changes and non-
happening on our charts. Let’s see if these things may just take time to occur. observable with changes occuring over long
periods of time. Most weathering and
Show videos and update Landscape Images chart. Project slide Q. Show the erosion that occurs on Everest is slow and
first video of the glacier moving. Each video will only need to be viewed for not observable from day to day,
contributing to the notion that it is
30-45 seconds as there is no need to show the full video of each time-lapse. unchanging. However, when viewed over
Pause the video after 30-45 seconds and ask students if it takes place quickly longer periods of time, weathering and
or over time.✱ Document student ideas of the timescale over which these erosion work to create significant changes
events occur by writing, “changes over time,” or “changes quickly,” on the to the landscape. Press students to think
Landscape Images chart next to the corresponding row. This can be done in about small, slow changes as a normal
any free space given on the chart paper for each row, as it is only used so that process that is happening all the time, and
students can see that these processes tend to take time. Repeat this process one that can add up to big changes over
for the videos linked on slides R-W. millions of years.

Add new words to the Word Wall. Tell students that they have described ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
something scientists call weathering and erosion. Weathering is when wind
and water (rain, ice) break down solid rock at Earth’s surface into smaller It is important to make sure academic
particles. Thisphysically changes Earth’s surface, generally over a long period of words connect with student experiences
time. This is like the glacier grinding against the Earth’s surface and breaking off and what they have figured out. As
students encounter or figure out new
rocks. Erosion is when those particles are moved by those forces and/or words, revisit the Word Wall and add
gravity to a new area or location, just like glaciers moving the rocks down the words, such as “weathering” and “erosion,”
side of the mountain after they are broken off. Add these words to the Word to keep the new words visible and
Wall.✱ accessible for students. It is also a good
idea to draw a picture or visual that
represents the words as well.


MATERIALS: science notebook, chart paper, markers

Use ideas to explain what happens on Mt. Everest. Project slide X. Say, We figured out that the landscape can change over time, and there are
many ways that it can change. We also learned that weathering and erosion are two processes in which the landscape can change. Which of these
forces do we think is acting on Everest? Why do you think that we only see a small layer with fossils at the top of Everest? Why do we only have such
a small bit of ancient seafloor up there left?

Update Progress Tracker. Give students a few minutes to record their thinking into their notebook regarding the lesson question (Why is
there so little ancient seafloor left on the top of Mt. Everest?) and what they have figured out by investigating the stations and the time-
lapse videos. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 233

Elicit student ideas on what could be happening with Everest. Ask students to share with the whole class their ideas to the lesson
question, Why is there so little ancient seafloor left on the top of Mt. Everest? Students should develop these ideas:
Water (rain, ice, snow) can break down rock and wash it away.
For example, glaciers and other large sheets of ice and snow may have contributed to the breakdown of the ancient
ocean seafloor at the top of Mt. Everest.
Over time, wind has contributed to the weathering and erosion process.
For example, the continual harsh weather conditions that occur on Mt. Everest would wear down the seafloor and
erode parts of it away.

If time allows, as students share their thinking with the class, consider having a student draw some of these ideas on a chart as a shared
representation of these ideas.

ADDITIONAL If students are having a hard time coming up with ideas, review the conditions on Everest: cold, icy and
GUIDANCE snowy, harsh weather, and very windy. Students should say that the ice, wind, and snow could be
weathering the surface, which could explain why the seafloor that was once complete is now limited to just
small spots at the peaks of the mountains. The seafloor that is now at the top of the mountains could be

Drive the need for further learning. Project slide Y. Say, Ok awesome, it sounds like we may have figured out some ways that the fossils on
Everest might have been exposed and where those seafloor layers might possibly have gone. Let’s compare it to the data we have to see if that
might be happening.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Does our theory about weathering and erosion support our The layers of Everest only have a small bit at the top that are
hypothesis about how those seafloor layers must have disappeared? seafloor. Something dug it out and took it away. The glaciers and wind
and rain might have weathered the mountain and eroded it.
Why would we only have some fossils that were exposed, and what The whale bones were dug out by something other than people, and
made the other layers of rock disappear? we know that they’re made of a different kind of rock. We saw in some
of our stations that different rocks react differently, so maybe they
were impacted by weathering differently.

Looking at our height data, does anything seem off or confuse you? The data says that Everest is still growing, but if it’s getting worn
down, how is it growing?
Shouldn’t Mt. Everest be shrinking?

Say, That’s interesting. Looking at our data, it makes sense that Mt. Everest should be shrinking not growing. What do you all think? Let a few
students share ideas and evidence for whether Mt. Everest is growing or shrinking. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 234

12 · EXIT TICKET 5 min

MATERIALS: notecard

Use an exit ticket to gauge student understanding. Project slide Z. Give students a few minutes to consider the forces that caused
the formation of Horseshoe Bend.
EXIT TICKET Ask students to look at the image of Horseshoe Bend. Pass out a notecard to each student. On the card,
have students explain what might have shaped the walls of the canyon and exposed the rock layers. Have
students explain if this change happened over a short or long period of time and why.

HOME LEARNING Reminder: Have students identify a place around their neighborhood where weathering or erosion is
OPPORTUNITY occuring. Ask students to document if the changes happened in a shorter or longer time period, and how
those changes may have occurred.

Additional Lesson 13 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING This lesson has an explicit focus on developing standards from Common Core ELA, including:
STUDENTS IN CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
MAKING domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context
CONNECTIONS IN relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
ELA CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words
in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram,
model, graph, or table).
Students integrate ideas from images, observations from the stations, texts, and time-lapse videos to
gather information and data to explain how Earth’s surface is shaped from above through weathering and
erosion. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 235

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 236

Lesson 13: Teacher Reference

Station Setup
Place each station around the room in a location that is easily accessible to 4-5 students at a time. Each station has a set of instructions, Station Instructions
and a short reading, Breaking Rock Station Readings that accompanies the station to be read by students. Place 5 copies of these two handouts at each

Instructions for each station

Station 1: baking pan, 2 empty cups, 2 pipettes, vinegar, limestone
or other rock with calcium carbonate, piece of brick or stone
(without calcium carbonate in it), paper towels as needed
Put a rock calcium carbonate (limestone, chalk, marble, etc.)  and
a piece of stone or brick in a baking pan. This pan will be getting
wet with vinegar and water over the course of the day. Place
water in one cup and vinegar in another cup. Label the cup with
water “cup A” and the cup with vinegar “cup B.” Place the cups by
the pan with paper towels or a lab towel. Students will use the
liquids in the cup to see chemical weathering.

Station 1. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 237

Station 2: baking pan, sand and gravel/aquarium pebble mix,
powdered sugar or flour, low grit sandpaper
Put some sand mixed with gravel or aquarium rocks in a
disposable baking pan. If you do not want to use the disposable
baking pan, you can use a container with a lid to keep the sand
moist between classes. Wet the sand to the consistency of sand
used to build a sand castle. Build the sand up on one side of the
baking sheet to represent a mountainside. Sprinkle a small
amount of powdered sugar or flour on the side of the mountain
and place a very low-grit piece of sandpaper next to the station.
Students will use this station to visualize glacier movement.

Station 2.

Station 3: larger plastic tub (28 qt.), sand (dry), objects to be

buried (such as shells or rocks), small fan
Place dry sand in a container with higher walls (28 qt bin). Bury
small rocks or shells in the sand. Place a fan next to the container
for student use. Students will blow the sand around to see wind
weathering and erosion.

Station 3. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 238

Station 4: baking pan, sand, ruler, water
Place sand in a disposable baking pan and build it up on one side of
the container to represent a cliff. You may need to wet the sand a
small amount to get it to stay positioned on the side of the pan.
Pour water in the base of the container to represent water
surrounding a cliff. Place a ruler next to the station. Students will
use the ruler to simulate waves and see shoreline

Station 4.

Station 5:  baking pan, sand, aquarium rocks/gravel, textbooks to

prop the pan up, watering can or watering attachment, and soda
bottle with water in it.
Fill a baking pan with sand. Mix in aquarium rocks or gravel on one
side of the pan. Prop the pan up with something heavy and sturdy
under it to create an angle. Textbooks are recommended. Put
something at the bottom of the container to keep it from sliding if
it is on a slick surface. Here we have used an index card holder full
of washers instead of textbooks. Set a watering can next to the
station for student use. In between each rotation, check the
sand--some wet sand at the bottom may need to be replaced. If
there are multiple back-to-back classes, two sets of this system
could be made to reduce station reset time between classes.

Station 5. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 239

Station 6: baking pan, sand, twisty balloon, hand balloon pump,
cup of water
Fill a container with sand and place a balloon on top of the sand.
Place a small pump on the balloon and a cup of water next to the
container. Students will expand the balloon to see biological
mechanical weathering.

Station 6 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 13 • 12/19/19 Page 240

LESSON 14: How did a marine fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest?
PREVIOUS LESSON We revisited the Mt. Everest fossil record and realized that only a small portion of the original seafloor is present. We analyzed pictures of other locations
where landscapes have changed, made predictions about what might be happening, and explored stations that gave us clues to what might be happening in our
images. We came together as a class to describe these changes, watched time-lapse videos to see if these changes happen rapidly or over a long time, and
updated our Progress Trackers with new ideas to explain the disappearing seafloor layer on top of Mt. Everest.
THIS LESSON In this lesson, we put pieces together and use a time-series model to explain how a marine fossil formed,
how it ended up at the top of Mt. Everest, and was then exposed for climbers to find. First, we consider
PUTTING PIECES TOGETHER cycles of growth and decline in mountains. Then, we build a Gotta-Have-It Checklist to include items from
previous lessons to build our time-series model. Finally, we use these ideas on an embedded assessment
3 days task and revisit the DQB to celebrate our accomplishments.

NEXT LESSON There is no next lesson.


MS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2- Use mathematical representations of uplift and erosion rates on Mt. Everest to develop an idea that forces from below (Earth’s mantle) and
2, MS-ESS2-3 forces from above (weathering, erosion) shape what we see on Mt. Everest and all of Earth’s crust.

Develop a time-series model to show the relationships between uplift and erosion over time that would cause a marine fossil record to be on
the top of Mt. Everest.

Apply scientific ideas about the growth (uplift) and shrinking (weathering and erosion) of mountain ranges to explain the lifecycle (stability
and change) of a mountain range over long periods of time.


Mountains grow and shrink at big scales over long periods of time. Sometimes they are actively getting bigger or uplifted, but at
other times they are shrinking through weathering and erosion.
Fossil records and rock layers help scientists know what places were like a long time ago (such as an ancient sea) and what they
became today (such as the tallest mountain in the world). Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 241

Lesson 14 • Learning Plan Snapshot
Part Duration Summary Slide Materials

Consider the lingering issue of whether Mt. Everest is growing or shrinking.

2 10 min EXAMINE UPLIFT AND EROSION DATA FOR MT. EVEREST B whiteboard, dry-erase marker, eraser
Students examine uplift and erosion data to consider if Mt. Everest is growing or shrinking.

3 15 min BUILDING UNDERSTANDINGS: HOW MOUNTAINS GROW OR SHRINK C whiteboard, dry-erase marker, eraser, chart paper,
As a whole class, students build an understanding of how all mountains are in a process of either markers
growing or shrinking based on forces from below (mantle movement) or forces from above
(weather and erosion).

4 15 min GOTTA-HAVE-IT CHECKLIST D-E Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest

Students develop a Gotta-Have-It Checklist to account for how a fossil could form in an ancient
seabed and end up on top of Mt. Everest today.
End of day 1

5 2 min NAVIGATION: REVISIT GOTTA-HAVE-IT CHECKLIST Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest
Revisit the Gotta-Have-It Checklist to add or revise with any new thinking and to set the stage for
the day.

6 15 min GROUP MODEL DEVELOPMENT F three whiteboards, dry-erase markers, erasers

In small groups, students develop a time-series model to account for the fossil formation, how it
got to the top of Mt. Everest, and eventually become exposed at the top.

7 10 min GALLERY WALK G three whiteboards, dry-erase markers, erasers

Groups display their representations and view how others represented ideas for the three

8 15 min FINAL CONSENSUS MODEL H Initial Consensus Model (Lesson 11), chart paper,
In a Scientists Circle, students develop a consensus representation to explain the fossil on top of markers
Mt. Everest.


Students predict the future of Mt. Everest using information from Day 1.
End of day 2

10 30 min Assessment computer, projector,

Students complete an assessment using ideas from Lessons 11-13 to explain other phenomena.,

11 15 min REVISIT OUR DRIVING QUESTION BOARD (DQB) J-K Driving Question Board
Students revisit the DQB and take stock of all the questions we’ve now answered with the whole
class. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 242

Part Duration Summary Slide Materials


Students discuss what was challenging and rewarding about this unit and complete a quick write
about their learning experience.
End of day 3 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 243

Lesson 14 • Materials List
per student per group per class

Lesson materials whiteboard three whiteboards chart paper

dry-erase marker dry-erase markers markers
eraser erasers Initial Consensus Model (Lesson 11)
Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest computer
science notebook projector
Driving Question Board

Materials preparation (15 minutes)

Review teacher guide, slides, and teacher references or keys (if applicable).

Make copies of handouts and ensure sufficient copies of student references, readings, and procedures are available.

Post the Revised Consensus Model from Lesson 11 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 244

Lesson 14 • Where We Are Going and NOT Going
Where We Are Going
The focus of this final lesson is two-fold: (1) using time-series models to track a fossil from an ancient seabed to the top of Mt. Everest, and (2) more generally considering that all
mountains are in a process of growing or shrinking based on forces from below (uplift) and forces from above (weathering/erosion). The fossil is a piece of evidence to track through the
bigger ideas of Earth’s surface moving and changing over time. By the end of the lesson, students should understand that these cycles of growth and decline happen over millions of
years and that we can study Earth’s past by looking at evidence in fossil records and rock strata, along with current movement today. It also helps us think about what places, like Mt.
Everest, might look like in the future.

Where We Are NOT Going

Students do not need to label their time-series models with exact time periods on the geologic time scale; rather, they need to understand that the time points represent millions of
years of sedimentation, fossilization, uplift, and weather/erosion, and most importantly, that these processes continuously cycle to shape Earth’s surface. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 245

1 · NAVIGATION 5 min


Introduce a lingering idea from the previous lesson. Display slide A. At the end of the last class, students left wondering if Mt. Everest is
still growing when so much weathering and erosion are working to wear down the mountain. Ask a few students to share their
wonderings or questions about Mt. Everest growing or shrinking based on what they have been learning over the course of the unit.

Then tell students that we are going to look at some data to see if Mt. Everest is growing or shrinking.


MATERIALS: whiteboard, dry-erase marker, eraser

Examine data. Display slide B. Tell students that they have learned alot about Mt. Everest over the last few weeks. Ask students to look at
the data on the slide and write their initial ideas about what the data means for Mt. Everest using a whiteboard. They should answer
these three questions:
How can we represent what this data means for Mt. Everest using words, pictures, and symbols?
What does this data mean for Mt. Everest - is it growing taller, shrinking, or staying the same?
Why do you think that there are ranges in the data?
Students should write and draw their thinking in the space provided on the handout and then be prepared to share their thinking with
the whole class. Give students up to ten minutes to work individually. If they finish early, they can share their work with a partner.


MATERIALS: whiteboard, dry-erase marker, eraser, chart paper, markers

Facilitate a Building Understandings Discussion. Display slide C. Ask

students how they might describe what is happening with Mt. Everest
in terms of growing or shrinking in size. As students share their interpretation
and representation of the data, ask them to show others how they drew or
wrote about the data on their whiteboard.

Let many students share before trying to come to agreement on what the data
means and how to represent the uplift versus erosion for Mt. Everest. Through
this conversation it will be important to generalize to other mountain ranges
as well. Here is a sample conversation: Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 246

Suggested prompts Sample student responses Follow-up questions

How did you represent the data and what I drew the two plates at Mt. Everest colliding How did you represent upward motion?
does it mean for Mt. Everest? and pushing the Mt. up by 5-7 mm/year, but What causes that?
then I also showed that it gets smaller by
about 3 mm/year.
What causes it to get smaller?

What does this data mean for Mt. Everest - is Well it is lifting up faster than it is eroding, Can you show us how you represented that
it growing taller, shrinking, or staying the so it is still getting taller. on your whiteboard?

Why do you think the data is presented in Maybe the lifting up and the weathering and What would cause it to change?
ranges? erosion might change every year.

Do you think it is hard to measure uplift and It is probably really hard. It might have more Are there other ideas about how it might be
erosion of a mountain or is it pretty erosion if there is lots of rain or ice, but hard or easy to measure?
straightforward? maybe less in other places where it is dry.

So do you think other mountains are similar Yes, because the plates are moving all over OK, so using this data, what could we say
to Mt. Everest and the Himalayas? Do they Earth. about how mountains get taller or shrink,
grow or shrink? based on what we know about forces that lift
Yes, because it might rain more in some up mountains and other forces that break
places so maybe those mountains shrink them down?

KEY IDEAS Purpose: This discussion should focus on different aspects of growth and decline in mountains,
emphasizing that it is a combination of forces from below and forces from above that determine growth or
decline of mountains.

Look/listen for:
Mountains grow/get taller at active collision zones where the uplift is greater than weathering and
Mountains shrink/get shorter at collision zones that are not very active where weathering and
erosion are greater than uplift.
Mountains are in a life cycle of growth and decline--sometimes forces from below push up faster
than forces from above wear down.

At this point in the discussion, the class needs to agree on what this data means for
mountains in general. Track these ideas onto a chart and have students share. Example
ideas include:

Mountains grow/get taller at active collision zones where the uplift is

greater than weathering and erosion.
Mountains shrink/get shorter at collision zones that are not very active
where weathering and erosion are greater than uplift. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 247

ADDITIONAL It might be helpful to prompt students to think about the growth or shrinking of other things on Earth. For
GUIDANCE example, people grow pretty fast when they are young, but level off in adulthood. As we age, older people
often lose a little height as their vertebrae compress. Liken mountains ranges to other life cycles on Earth,
where young mountains are typically actively growing higher and older mountains are slowly wearing away.
Over Earth’s history, mountains have formed, eroded, and reformed as a continual process of growth and
decline of Earth’s crust.


MATERIALS: Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest

Take stock of where we are in our thinking about how fossils form, get to the top of mountains, and are exposed again. Display slide D. ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
Ask students, What have we been up to? This navigation is to review aspects of the phenomenon and the science ideas to help explain ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
them. Have students think for a moment about what it is that the class is trying to figure out related to what happens above Earth’s USING MODELS
surface to shape what we see.
An alternative to doing the Gotta-Have-It
Checklist in partners is to construct the
Suggested prompt Sample student response checklist together as a class, with a public
representation of the ideas the class agrees
How did the marine fossil become a fossil in the first place? It was buried and covered by sand and stuff and over time it hardened should be part of the consensus model. If
and became a fossil. you make a modification to the current
activity, keep in mind the following
important components to make this
How could a fossil from the sea get to the top of the highest mountain Because the two plates are colliding, they lifted the rock at the activity a productive one:
on Earth? bottom of the sea up to the top of the mountain. The process should be
collaborative and involve students
How did people see these fossils while near the top of Mt. Everest? All the ice and wind broke down the rock and exposed the fossils to arguing from evidence for their
the mountaineers at the top. ideas.
There should be a public record,
or artifact, of the ideas students
Develop a Gotta-Have-It Checklist to add new ideas. Display slide E and pass out Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest to students. agree upon to include in their
This is similar to the Gotta-Have-It Checklist used in Lessons 8 and 10, but has a new question they are answering. This will be taped or models.
glued into students’ science notebooks when complete, ideally near their first checklist from Lessons 1-10.

ADDITIONAL Sample Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest is provided to you as an example of the different science
GUIDANCE ideas that students have developed from Lessons 12 and 13, just by looking at uplift and erosion data. These
ideas are color-coded to help you reference them as students share their Gotta-Have-It Checklists. Students’
ideas should be expressed in their own words.

Preview the purpose of the Gotta-Have-It Checklist.✱ Explain to students that they will create a new Gotta-Have-It Checklist where they
decide on which ideas from their investigations they believe are most important for explaining how fossils form and get to the top of
mountains, and also how fossils become exposed at the surface. Clarify for students that they will use this list to explain the fossil on
top of Mt. Everest.

Students will complete the left column now and leave the right columns blank. Direct students to consult their Progress Tracker in their
notebooks. Tell students that these are important ideas they have figured out over the past lessons and that some of them may be
more critical than others for explaining fossils on Mt. Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 248

Have students work with a partner to develop their checklist. Students do not need to record all of their ideas from previous lessons -
only the ones they want to include to answer the lesson question, focusing on how the marine fossil became exposed at the top of Mt.
Everest. Students should spend approximately 5-8 minutes discussing with their partner.

Facilitate a sharing of ideas. Facilitate a brief sharing of ideas from the groups. Ask students to mention an idea they included on the
checklist and why it’s important. You can also ask which ideas they did not include and why those ideas are less important. The example
student responses below are not a comprehensive list of all the ideas, but may give you an idea of what students will include or not
include as important.

Suggested prompt Sample student response

Can someone suggest an idea from a previous lesson that can help It died and got buried on the bottom of an ocean floor. Then it
explain how the marine fossil formed to begin with? hardened into a fossil when all the rock hardened around it.

What ideas do we have about how it got to the top of Mt. Everest? We know that the Indian and Eurasian plates are colliding and making
mountains. But where they collided, there was a sea (or ocean), so
what was once at the bottom of the ocean is now at the top of the

What ideas do we have about how it was exposed for the climbers to After it got to the top of the mountain, it was exposed again by
see it? weathering and erosion.

Water and ice break down rock and carry it downhill because of

Can someone suggest an idea we think is important, but maybe not The layers of rock tell us the approximate ages of the rocks and
necessary for explaining the fossil on Mt. Everest? fossils with younger (newer) layers on top of older layers.

End class by summarizing what they have figured out over the last few lessons. Tomorrow they will use this checklist to develop a
model that tracks the fossil from when it first formed to today.

End of day 1


MATERIALS: Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest

Revisit the Gotta-Have-It Checklist. Offer students an opportunity to revise their Gotta-Have-It Checklists. Also, use this as an
opportunity to set the stage for the model development work for the day. Say, Today we are going to use our checklist to develop a time-
series model to capture our thinking about how a marine fossil is at the top of Mt. Everest. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 249


MATERIALS: three whiteboards, dry-erase markers, erasers

Set a purpose for model building. Use slide F to orient students to the task and remind students of the three questions we want our ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
model to explain, using what we’ve learned about fossil formation and how rocks break down over time. Remind students that the ENGAGING IN DEVELOPING AND
purpose of building individual models is to gather their thinking. Students will work in groups using three whiteboards for each time USING MODELS
point and associated question. The model should include the fossil at each time point. Here is an example of what students might draw:
Small group time gives students the
opportunity to synthesize evidence and
How did the fossil form? How did it get to the top of Mt. How did it get exposed for climbers formulate their ideas. This is important so
Everest? to see? that students are prepared to defend their
ideas and evaluate others’ ideas when they
share with the whole class. As students
work, circulate among them, prompting
them to defend their model (or part of
their model) using evidence collected
during investigations in Lessons 11-13. This
can help students think through where their
model may have a gap prior to the
collaborative whole class sharing.

Give students time to work in groups to develop their models.✱ Students should use their Gotta-Have-It Checklist to develop a time-
series model (words and pictures) that explains the fossil on Mt. Everest. Remind students that as they use an idea from their checklist,
they should check the appropriate column on their list. If they decide not to include an idea from their list, they can check that on their
list as well. The representations on the whiteboards need to be clear for other students to view.

7 · GALLERY WALK 10 min

MATERIALS: science notebook, three whiteboards, dry-erase markers, erasers

Set up for a gallery walk of the time-series models. Have groups of students arrange their time-series whiteboards so that they go into
order from Timepoint 1 to Timepoint 3. Students will walk around the classroom, observing other models, and noting similarities and

Display slide G to help students set up their notebooks for observations. Use the prompts on the slide to guide student observations as
they view the models during the gallery walk.
What do you see that is similar across the representations?
What do you see that is different across the representations? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 250

Allow students time to view at least a few other models before convening in a Scientists Circle.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Initial Consensus Model (Lesson 11), chart paper, markers

Form a Scientists Circle for a Consensus Discussion. Have students bring their individual models in their science notebooks to the ✱ STRATEGIES FOR THIS
discussion circle. Display the class’ Initial Consensus Model (Lesson 11) nearby to reference throughout the discussion. Place three blank CONSENSUS DISCUSSION
sheets of chart paper on the wall to represent the three timepoints.
The purpose of the Consensus Discussion is
Remind students of discussion norms for a Consensus Discussion.✱ Review the purpose of a consensus discussion. Show students the to build a common, class-level model to
Communicating in Scientific Ways chart and remind students of the discussion norms and sentence frames to use when having scientific explain how the fossil got to the top of Mt.
discussions. Emphasize the importance of having a safe space where students can share their ideas and push each other’s thinking. Everest, drawing on all the ideas learned in
Remind students: Lessons 11-13. The teacher’s role is to
how to agree or disagree respectfully, prompt students to share what needs to be
in the model, to ensure students provide
how to push for justification, evidence they have to support their ideas,
that it’s OK to share an idea they’re not sure about, and and how to represent it. The students’ role
that it’s OK to disagree with someone’s or a group’s idea, but back up your thinking with evidence. is to offer proposals for ideas to include in
the model and how to represent those
Display slide H. Say, Now that we have seen other groups’ representations of the different timepoints in how this fossil came to be on top of Mt. ideas, support or challenge proposed ideas
Everest, we are going to try to come to agreement on how to represent these shared ideas as a class. from peers, and come to consensus about
what should be included in the model.
Facilitate the Consensus Discussion and record a class consensus model. Start by having students offer proposals for what
should go in the model for the first timepoint: how the marine fossil was formed. It will be helpful to focus on ideas about the ✱ ATTENDING TO EQUITY
sea bed, the animal being buried under layers of sediment, and fossilizing over time. Ask students how they want to represent the fossil,
the layers of sediment, and another important ideas. The key ideas shared are suggestions for
important ideas the model could include.
Move to the next two timepoints and repeat the same process. For second timepoint (how the fossil got to the top of Mt. Everest), Several of these ideas are also located on
students should draw on ideas from Lessons 7 and 8 to show the two plates colliding and the seabed disappearing when the land was Sample Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt.
lifted up in the collision. For the third timepoint (how the fossil was exposed at the top), students should suggest to represent ice, snow, Everest. Your class’ list of key ideas could be
articulated differently and may include
or water drops, plus wind, as the mechanism that wore away at the ancient seabed rock layer and exposed the fossil. other ideas not listed here. It is important,
however, to appropriate the words and
During the discussion, ask students how to represent their ideas visually and remind students of any previously agreed upon ideas that your students use during this
conventions (i.e., arrows to show movement, patterns to show different layers of rock). discussion. Actively look for different ways
students share and represent their ideas as
an opportunity to communicate to your
KEY IDEAS Purpose of the discussion: To agree, based on evidence, how a marine fossil formed in an ancient seabed students that different ways of
rock layer, how it got to the top of Mt. Everest, and how it was exposed for climbers to see.✱ representing our thinking is valuable. These
differences give the group an opportunity
Listen for student ideas:
The animal died and was buried in the seabed floor (sediment, sand). to think more deeply about their evidence
Over time the sediment or sand hardened and the animal fossilized. and what the evidence supports or does
As the Indian and Eurasian plates collided, the seabed disappeared as it was lifted up. not support.
The uplift continued to build the Himalayas mountains. The seabed layer was lifted up to the top Not all students are comfortable being the
of the mountains. “only one” who voices a disagreement or a
Weathering and erosion can cause old buried rock layers to be exposed again. potentially wrong idea. Ask students to
Water (or ice, snow) and wind can break down the rock and wash it away.
think about what they heard their partner
or group members saying, and ask the
Update Progress Tracker. During and after the discussion, have the students update their three-column progress tracker in their science room if their partner or group member’s ideas
notebooks. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 251

are represented in the class discussion. This
Question Source of Evidence supports all students to share, to listen, to
be heard, and to be represented.
How did a marine fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest? Fossil in limestone, which indicates an ancient seabed.
Stations showed us ways that rock can break down.

What we figured out in words and pictures

The animal died and was buried under layers of soil, sediment, and rock. It then hardened into a
Over millions of years, the Indian and Eurasian plates collided and lifted up the land. The fossil layer
was lifted up near the top of Mt. Everest.
Rain, snow, ice, and wind broke down rock layers at the top and eventually the fossil was exposed
again for the climbers to see it.


MATERIALS: notecard

Link to mountain growth and decline. Display slide I. On Day 1 of this lesson students thought about mountains as going through a cycle
of growing or shrinking based on uplift and erosion rates. As the exit ticket, ask students to think about what they know about Mt.
Everest today and write 2-3 sentences about the distant future of Mt. Everest: What do you think Mt. Everest will be like in 100 million years?

End of day 2

10 · Assessment 30 min

MATERIALS: computer, projector,,

Administer the embedded assessment to students. Administer Part 1 of Explaining Earth Changes. Part 1 of the assessment is
intended to be an end-of-lesson set assessment and will take students up to 30 minutes to complete. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 252

Part 2 is optional, but strongly encouraged. To administer Part 2, you will follow these procedures:

Show two videos about a new crack that appeared in Africa and create a class Notice and Wonder chart:
Video 1: Split in Africa (2:23 minute):
Video 2: Debate about the cause (2:40 min):

Facilitate a short discussion of the two arguments that the videos present. Ask, Why does it matter that there are two different arguments for
how the crack appeared? After a short discussion, have students begin Part 2 of the assessment.

ASSESSMENT Scoring guidance for this assessment is provided in Key: Explaining Earth Changes.
Part 2 of the assessment is strongly encouraged for all field test classrooms. It is a transfer task and is closely
tied to a planned lesson set 3 in the revised version of the unit. If administering Part 2, plan for some
additional class time. However, if time is short, Part 2 may be omitted.


MATERIALS: science notebook, Driving Question Board

Mark patterns in questions answered using the sticky dots. Have students gather around the DQB, bringing with them their science ✱ SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN
notebooks. In pairs, students will focus the discussion on the questions they agree we can answer, answer parts of the question, or not ENGAGING IN ASKING QUESTIONS
answer at all. Display slide J. Using symbols, students can write the following onto each sticky note: AND DEFINING PROBLEMS
We did not answer this question or any parts of it yet: ?
Our class answered some parts of this question, or I think I could answer some parts of this question: ✓ Revisiting the DQB at the end of the unit
Our class answered this question, or using the ideas we have developed, I could now answer this question: ✓✓ helps students see the progress they have
made toward answering questions that are
Discuss the questions the class can now answer.✱ Present slide K if needed. Have the class discuss the answers to those questions as a important to them at the onset of the unit.
group. If you have space, you might make a “Take Aways” board that has a record of the answers the class comes up with. Students were tasked with asking questions
“that required sufficient and appropriate
evidence to answer.” Through the
ASSESSMENT While students are answering questions from the Driving Question Board, this is an excellent formative investigations in the unit, along with
OPPORTUNITY assessment opportunity to address partial understandings and see if any pieces need to be revisited. individual and whole-group sensemaking,
they can now answer many of the
questions. This final visit to the DQB also
Celebrate the class’s accomplishments. allows students to see how their hard work
toward a shared learning goal helps them
figure out the phenomenon and can also
explain a lot of other phenomena in the


MATERIALS: science notebook

Have students reflect upon their experiences with the unit. Have students return to their regular seats. Prompt students to find a new
page in their science notebooks and title the page: “Reflection.” Display slide L. Give students about 5 minutes to write a personal
reflection on their learning based on the following prompts:
What was most challenging in this unit?
What was most rewarding? Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 253

Think about how you engaged in sensemaking discussions with classmates. How would you want to engage with those
experiences the next time you are part of a classroom community that is working to try to figure out answers to the questions
the class formed together by investigating different sources of data and phenomena?
What would you do the same?
What would you do differently?

Then bring students together in a whole-group discussion to share one part of their reflection on the unit.

ADDITIONAL This unit asks students to do sensemaking that is difficult, but potentially rewarding. Taking time to reflect
GUIDANCE upon the process of this unit can allow students to think about what works well for them as learners.
Consider giving more time to answer these questions if needed.

Additional Lesson 14 Teacher Guidance

SUPPORTING Students compare uplift and erosion rates on Day 1 and conceptually consider what the rates mean for
STUDENTS IN growth or decline of mountains.
CONNECTIONS IN CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical
MATH problems. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 254

Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 255 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 256
Lesson 14: Teacher Reference

Sample Gotta-Have-It Checklist: Fossil on Mt. Everest

Instructions: Make a checklist of the ideas you need to develop a model to explain why marine fossils are found on Mt. Everest. You can use your Progress
Tracker or other information from your science notebook to help you decide what to include.
Our model needs to answer the question: Check off ideas as you
How did a marine fossil get to the top of Mt. Everest? use them in your model.
used did not use

1. When deposited soil and rock begin to harden, animals or plants can be buried and then harden to
form fossils in the rock layers.

2. Fossils are found in rocks and can be used to determine a relative time the rock was formed if we
know when the organism that produced the fossil was alive.

3. There are layers of rock. Younger rock layers are mostly on top of old layers, except where old layers
get exposed.

4. Over time, older rock and fossils can be exposed again due to weathering and erosion.

5. Wind and water (rain, ice) break down solid rock into smaller particles, which physically changes
Earth’s surface over a long time.

6. Gravity pulls water (liquid, ice) downhill and carries rocks and sand with it.

7. When rock or sand reach the lowest point, they can settle into layers over time with new layers above
older layers.

8. Mountains are in a life cycle of growth and decline--sometimes forces from below push up faster
than forces from above wear down, and other times they wear down faster than they grow.



Lesson 12: New ideas in blue; Lesson 13: New ideas in purple; Lesson 14: New ideas in red Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 257 Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 258
Lesson 14: Answer Key

Key: Explaining Earth Changes

Part 1
Mountains in the United States undergo the same processes as the Himalayas and other mountain ranges across the world. In the US, on the same
continent, there are mountain ranges that are getting taller and mountain ranges that are getting smaller.

The Rocky The

Mountains Appalachian

The Rocky Mountains - in the left photo - are still growing higher while the Appalachian mountains - in the right photo - are getting smaller over time.
1. How can one mountain range be growing while another is getting smaller? In your response, explain the relationships between the forces that are uplifting
mountains and the forces that are wearing them down and how they cause changes in the mountains over time.
+ The uplifting forces on the Rocky Mountains are stronger than the forces causing erosion, therefore, over time the mountains continue to grow.
+ The forces causing erosion on the Appalachian mountains are stronger than the uplift forces, therefore, over time the mountains get smaller and smaller.

In 1909, Earl Douglass was in the Rocky Mountains and his job was to look for dinosaur bones. In his journal, he
wrote about the day he found them:
At a t, in t o t de h he ov y be f di , a k f a d , I sa h o t il
bo fa n a r i x po on. It a b a ul h . Par t ed d e h e w a d ra
of  t e r ra wa r o n he u f y es d e t yo h un . It i y a t s
lo g i s u r c I av e f . The t os wo h es n a y .
Source: Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 259

The place he found the dinosaur fossils is now called Dinosaur National Monument and it is on the Utah/Colorado Border. There is a large slab of exposed
rock that reveals the fossils of dinosaurs from different time periods. It is called the “wall of bones,” which is a cliffside with over 1,500 fossils. The fossils are
from a river bed from the late Jurassic time period. Scientists think the dinosaurs and other reptiles died near the river bed and were buried. Eventually this
river bed was uplifted to become a cliff.
2. Draw a time-series model that explains how these bones became fossils and were buried in the river bed that then became the wall of bones discovered
by Earl Douglass.
Tim 1 : How t os b o fo l Tim 2: How t ri b ec he of ? Tim 3: How E r Do l ab se bo
t e v ed? sik ut h i ?

+ time 1 shows the dinosaur being buried and covered by sediment

+ time 1 shows the layers that cover the dinosaur and continue to form over time in the riverbed
+ time 1 states that the dinosaur bones harden or fossilize over time
+ time 2 shows arrows or a description that something is colliding or lifting up
+ time 2 shows the fossil also moving in the rock with the uplifting
+ time 3 describes the continued uplift of the Rocky Mountains and fossil
+ time 3 shows or describes the weathering and erosion of rock and cliffs that uncover the fossil
+ time 3 shows or describes how rocks break down and therefore, how Earl could see the fossil sticking out Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 260

Part 2
Note to the Teacher: Before students take this part of the assessment, you will show them two videos. Part
2 will take approximately 30 minutes in total class time.

Show two videos about a new crack that appeared in Africa and create a class Notice and Wonder chart:
Video 1: Split in Africa (2:23 minute):
Video 2: Debate about the cause (2:40 min):
Facilitate a short discussion of the two arguments that the videos present. Ask, Why does it matter that there
are two different arguments for how the crack appeared? After a short discussion, have students begin Part 2
of the assessment.
The videos about the Rift Valley in Africa present two different claims for why the crack suddenly appeared:
Claim 1: The plates have been slowly moving apart for hundreds of Claim 2: The tension and earthquakes at the divergent boundary
years and as they moved, the crack filled with soil and sediment so as the plates are moving apart caused the crack to appear in the
it was not visible. In 2018 it rained a lot and the dirt, sediment, and ground in a day.
soil washed away leaving a large crack in the ground.

1. Develop a Model. Create two models to show how each claim can explain what happened to create a visible crack in the Earth.
Model of CLAIM 1 Model of CLAIM 2

+ shows plates moving apart at the plate boundary over time

+ shows as the plates move apart, soil and sediment fill up the crack, + shows plates moving apart at the plate boundary over time
making the crack not visible + shows that an earthquake event or an increase in tension, pulls
+ demonstrates how the rain event in 2018 caused the dirt, apart the land and causes the crack to appear in short amount of
sediment, and soil to wash away and reveal the crack time Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 261

2. Gathering Evidence. Complete the table below to describe what evidence you need to help determine the most plausible explanation for the crack.
Provide at least 3 sources of evidence.
For each piece of evidence, say what question it will help you answer.
Evidence What question this evidence will help me answer
1.  Rainfall data Was there enough rain to cause a flood? Or push
the sediment out?

2. Historical data of the area Has this happened before in this area?

3. GPS data Was there a big shift all of the sudden or did the
crack develop slowly?

4. Observation or witness data Did anyone see what happened?

5. Plate boundary map How are the plates moving in this area?

6. Past erosion rate data Has there been a lot of erosion in the area that
could have caused the sediment to form and fill
up the crack?
7. Earthquake activity Was there an earthquake at the time this

Add more rows if you need them.

Additional Guidance on Evidence in the Table:
Evidence answers the question they are trying to answer.
Evidence provided covers questions that need to be answered for each claim.
For example, sediment and rainfall data, or something similar, are needed for Claim 1, while earthquake, GPS, witness data, and plate
boundary maps could help substantiate Claim 2.
Give credit for other plausible evidence options that coordinate with plausible questions the evidence can help answer. Unit 6.4 • Lesson 14 • 12/19/19 Page 262

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