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Introduced Species Summary Project

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
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Common Name: Dandelion
Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale
Classification: Plantae

Phylum or Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae

Identification: Dandelion derives its name from

the french term ‘dent de lion’ meaning ‘tooth of the lion’.  Dandelions
are perennial, herbaceous plants that grow best in moist, sunny areas
found in all parts of the northern temperate zone.  The plant grows year
round but goes dormant in areas that experience a cold winter.  The
dandelion taproot, thick, sturdy and dark brown, can penetrate the soil up
to 10 to 15 feet.  The buds grow from the uppermost area of the root
where a tight crown is formed.  Here additional plants can grow even if
the root has been cut into the soil and is only one inch in length. Leaves,
shiny and hairless, are 3 to 12 inches long and ½ to 2 ½ inches wide and
always form a basal rosette shape, meaning they all branch out from the
center. They resemble canine teeth pointing upright or backwards.  The
flowering stalk can reach lengths from 6 to 24 inches.  The head contains
100 to 300 ray flowers and when cut off, a bitter, milky substance leaks
out from the stem. Beneath the floret of bright golden yellow, five tiny
petals sit above a tube filled with an abundance of nectar. 
Original Distribution: Though
the dandelion has been carried from place to
place since before written history, it can at least be said that the plant is
native to Europe and Asia. The earliest recordings can be found in
Roman times and use has been noted by the Anglo Saxon tribes
of Britain and the Normans of France. In the tenth and eleventh centuries
there is mention of dandelions used for medicinal purposes in the works
of Arabian physicians. 
Current Distribution: Dandelions
have been established in
the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand amongst many other
temperate regions such as Austria, Italy, Poland, and Turkey and
throughout the United States. India, for example has largely cultivated
the plant to use as a remedy for liver problems. 
Dandelions can grow just about anywhere, namely
fields, lawns, forests, gardens or even
wastelands.  They tend to grow more in areas laden
with sunlight rather than under trees or shady
spots.  The plant can be found more commonly in
disturbed areas such as an avalanche site, a burned
forest and marshlands to name a few and anywhere from sea level to
high alpine elevations.
Site and Date of Introduction: Dandelions
have spread throughout the
northern hemisphere for so long that it is difficult to determine their
nonnative status.  It has been noted however, that the Puritans found
dandelions to be so useful that they brought them to settle in the new
Mode(s) of Introduction: Throughout history, dandelions
have been purposely carried across oceans and
continents by human beings.  European settlers brought
these plants intentionally to America.  Ships that came
ashore to the New World undoubtedly brought soil and
seeds along including the seeds of dandelions. While the
plant spread discretely in a pant cuff or in a boot sole, it was also an
invited species. 
Reason(s) Why it has Become Established:  There are many various reasons
why the dandelion has become established.  The most intended purposes
of the dandelion was for medicine, food and wine.  In the 17th century
when dandelions were brought to the New World, they were mainly used
by the Puritans as a source of medicine. Dandelion was not valued as a
food commodity but instead as hosting a variety of health benefits. As
the men toiled the land, the women would garden.  Though they did not
understand why, the leaf, root and flower were believed to have
significant results in alleviating ailments. Dandelion was also cultivated
because it was a plant they were familiar with and could trust in this
foreign land. Thus, the woman planted dandelion seeds for its medicinal
benefits and to spread a flower that reminded them of home. 
The dandelion species is not easy to contain.  Just by
blowing the puffball, the head flies away spreading a
couple hundred seeds up to hundred of miles away depending on the
wind strength.  It was reported that by 1672, the plant was well
established in New England. Spaniards brought dandelion
to California and Mexico, while the French introduced them
to Canada helping the plant to move swiftly across the continent. 
Ecological Role: Dandelion are associated with the following common
shrubs, grasses, and forbs; common snowberry, Wood’s rose, russet
buffalo berry, blueberry, chokecherry, black sagebrush, Wyoming big
sagebrush, Oregon-grape, rough fescue, Idaho fescue, slender
wheatgrass, prairie Junegrass, timber danthonia,
Richardson’s needlesgrass, tufted hairgrass, bluegrass,
aster, willowweed, prairie smoke avens, small-leaf angelic, Colorado
columbine, rhexia-leaved paintbrush, Oregon fleabane to name some.
While dandelion commonly cultivate in disturbed areas, the length of
time the plant remains prevalent varies from ecosystem to ecosystem.  It
may reach a peak after a few years or last steadily for as much as
ten.  After harvesting, dandelion is a predominant species. Once an area
has been overgrazed, dandelions germinate.  When there has been
overgrazing, dandelion appear. However, dandelion would not exist on
rangelands because they cannot withstand competition for water,
nutrients, and sunlight.
Benefit(s): Small birds feed off of the dandelion seeds.  Pigs, goats and
rabbits will eat the plant. The flower proves nectar for honey bees.
The dandelion has countless health benefits and palatable applications.
Europeans used the plant to treat fevers, boils, eye problems, diarrhea,
fluid retention, liver congestion, heartburn, and skin ailments. Dandelion
was used in China, India and Russia to treat
breast problems, liver diseases, appendicitis and
digestive problems.
Dandelion is seen as aiding digestion due to its
bitter principles thought to stimulate salivary and
gastric juices. The root can improve bile flow which
would help alleviate liver congestion, bile duct
inflammation, hepatitis, gallstones and
jaundice.  Dandelion leaves create diuretic activity
which can cause considerable weight loss.  Studies have shown that the
plant can produce antibodies to cancer and can buffer blood glucose
levels for diabetics. 
All parts of the plant can be eaten and are often found in salads, roasted,
fried, mixed in pancakes or made into wine, tea, or a coffee-like
drink.  Dandelions have a taste similar to chicory or endive with a bitter
Threat(s): Thedandelion has a low ecological impact and
provides no real damage to the ecosystem.  The major negative
aspect of the dandelion is the difficulty in exterminating it in
yards or places where people do not want the plant to grow.
Dandelions are often considered an annoying weed and are
found most commonly in highly disturbed ecosystems such as
Control Level Diagnosis: Dandelions
have a fairly low threat to
ecosystems.  It seems only necessary to control the species when seen as
an aesthetic problem or ‘weed’. 
Control Method: Dandelions are one of the most difficult weeds to control
since the seeds can spread quickly and easily by wind.  The seeds do not
need to be planted and can germinate on their own under most
conditions.  It is best to attempt to stop the proliferation when dandelions
are still seedlings because once established, the specie is very hard to
disrupt.  The ways to control dandelion growth are mainly sweep tillage
and disking, crop competition, forage management and herbicide
options. The most successful approach is to combine a cropping program
with the use of herbicides to prevent dandelion establishment.  With
good crop competition, dandelion germination can be stifled.  Using
herbicide application during the fall is most effective.  The measures that
can be taken in a direct seeding system are; pre-seeding, early spring in-
crop, pre-harvest, post-harvest, summer fallow, termination of perennial
forage.  To control dandelions, a combination of approaches should be
taken seriously since the plant can establish itself rapidly. 
References and Image Sources:
Author: Dara Hourdajian
Last Edited: November 13, 2006

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