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Prabin Raj Chalise

English 555 Theme and Trends in the Fiction

Dr. Rajkishor Singh

13 November 2020

“Dracula as evil” Trending to Harm in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Dracula is the term which got highlight form the Bram stoker’s novel Dracula. Now people

understand Dracula as part of terror and horror. If we watch some recent movies like twilight,

Van Helsing and others which tries to show the positive part of the Dracula. But still Dracula is

known as undead creature who survives on other bloods. This is not acceptable in human society;

this action can be comparable with an evil.

But “Dracula” this term is developed from the little character in a novel named Dracula (1897 in

Victorian era) by Bram Stoker” a count of Transylvania and vampire named Dracula. But it is

said that Stoker have been influence by a Vlad the Impaler who ruled in Wallachia (now a part of

Romania) in the 15th century. The named Dracula means “son of Dracul. In Romanian language

today, “Dracul” means “the devil” Vlad the Impaler is said to have killed from 40000 to 100000

European civilian (Political Rival, Criminal and anyone that he consider useless to humanity)

mainly by impaling. The term “evil” means evil is a powerful force that some people believe to

exist and which cause wicked and bad things to happen. (As per the Collins dictionary claim)

According to online etymology dictionary

“Old English yfel (Kentish evel) "bad, vicious, ill, wicked," from Proto-

Germanic *ubilaz (source also of Old Saxon ubil, Old Frisian and Middle Dutch evel,


Dutch euvel, Old High German ubil, German übel, Gothic ubils), from PIE *upelo-, from

root *wap- "bad, evil" (source also of Hittite huwapp- "evil").”In Old English and other

older Germanic languages other than Scandinavian, "this word is the most comprehensive

adjectival expression of disapproval, dislike or disparagement" [OED]. Evil was the word

the Anglo-Saxons used where we would use bad, cruel, unskillful, defective (adj.),

or harm (n.), crime, misfortune, disease (n.). In Middle English, had took the wider range

of senses and evil began to focus on moral badness. Both words have well as their

opposite. Evil-favored (1520s) meant "ugly." Evil child is attested as an English surname

from 13c. Harper, Douglas (2001). “Etymology for evil”

Evil means disadvantageous which trouble other on effects other and in the novel Dracula we

same nature in Count Dracula. His activities is similar to the evil creature who trend to harm

others and Character Count Dracula who belong to evil power whose intention is to harm other

for own survival in novel.

Dracula is an 1897 horror novel written by Bram stoker. It is a vampire fantasy. Where, a

character named Count Dracula’s activities. This novel helps to establish a culture for vampire

fantasy. The novel tells the story of Count Dracula who attempt to move from Transylvania to

London. He wants to find some new blood in England and spread his curse to new people. There

is battle between Count Dracula and other characters who are guided by Professor Van Helsing.

“Dracula as Evil” this title target to focus on the action of negative character Count Dracula

from the novel Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Motif of this paper is to find by going through the novel

Dracula and compare the activities of character Dracula with evilness. To analyses his action

how it hurts other characters in the novel. Tiffany. “Dracula Reader Review.” Book Review -

Fantasy Book Review, Fantasy Book Review, 17 Feb. 2017, 2 Nov 2020.

This book is a true literary work, with stunning use of language to portray the fascinating

romanticism of this gothic horror novel. To me this book was more about philosophical

meanings of life and death, and the meaning of true friendship, loyalty, and love. Although

sprinkled with several graphic horror scenes, this book was not written as some attempt

solely to scare people in some shallow way. It has so much depth to it, and I found myself

admiring Mina, a main character, for her courage and faith throughout the novel.

Beautifully crafted, this novel pieces together diaries and letters in a way that keeps the

reader engaged. The relationships these characters build with one another is very special. I

felt I went in a time machine back to a place where people truly cared for one another and

built intimate relationships based on true trust and friendships. I recommend this book for

mature Christians, since a common theme seemed to be relying on God for strength and

hope throughout the story.

All the good characters in the novel are helping each other. They are not being selfish rather they

help each other, to save life of Lucy; Quincy was ready to give his all the blood though he was

not the choice of Lucy as her fiancé. This book carry the traditional value of Christianity though

religion was not first choice of the writer of late Victorian era. Bram Stoker has nicely presented

the epistolary, which means combination of diaries, journal, telegram, letter, the best thing we

see in this novel is loyalty, friendship and trust upon god and goodness.

Floresiensis. “Bram Stoker Created a Masterpiece of the Horror Genre.” 6 Nov. 2020, p. 1.

When Jonathan Hawker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula with the purchase of a

London house, he makes horrifying discoveries about his client and his castle. Soon

afterwards, a number of disturbing incidents unfold in England: an unmanned ship is


wrecked at Whit by; strange puncture marks appear on a young woman's neck; and the

inmate of a lunatic asylum raves about the imminent arrival of his 'Master'. In the ensuing

battle of wits between the sinister Count Dracula and a determined group of adversaries,

Bram Stoker created a masterpiece of the horror genre.

Dracula is horror genre, character Count Dracula terrify the many characters. Jonathan was not

able to go against the Count, he accepted all the command of the Count though he was free man

but he was not in front of because of the horror created by the Count. In the beginning of the

novel, when Jonathan use to tell he is traveling to Transylvania, in count castle. The native

people near Transylvania use to ignore him or stop talking to him. It happens because of the

horror created by Count in the native people life. In the ending of the novel when Jonathan and

other where chasing the cart of Count Dracula, they were try finish him before the sun set

because after the sun set Dracula will be stronger and it is very hard to destroy him which is

horror of the Dracula on the others character minds.

Beck, Meghan. Dracula: More than Good or Evil, pp. 4-5, 6 Nov 2020.

Dracula commits a number on inexcusable things throughout the course of the novel.

Firstly, he kills the beautiful, innocent, slightly naïve Lucy and she is transformed into the

“bloodier lady”. Lucy did not have a bad life, she was preparing for the married life with a

man she loved, but Dracula swooped in and changed everything. Suddenly, hearts are

broken, and not just her fiancé’s. The tragedy of Lucy’s death affected a score of people

and was painful to all. Additionally, Dracula tries to convert Mina although she was very

happy with her life. Mina is absolutely overjoyed with her marriage and the wealth she has

come in to. It is obvious she is very happy being the ever-doting wife and would do

anything for her husband and the other men surrounding her throughout the novel. And

yet, Dracula found it necessary to try to convert her to become the same type of being as

him, the one thing she truly despises and even fears, seeing as how Dracula killed off her

longtime friend.

Count Dracula activities can be comparable with an evil; he always tries for harming others. So,

he did this to Lucy. He attack Lucy for the blood and left her to be a vampire like him. He

convert Lucy as evil as he is. He also, attacks Mina to provide loss for Jonathan hawker. Count

Dracula survives upon others blood. He is the cause of Lucy’s death. Though Lucy was innocent

and she was going to get marry. But Count did not make this happen. The intention of Dracula is

clear that he wants to hurt other people for his survival. And he does this with his evil power. His

limitation proved that he is an evil creature who affects others.

Allen, Brooke. 2003. "Introduction." Dracula. New York, NY: Barnes and Noble


Dracula is not a straightforward narrative but a collection of documents that, taken

together, tell the tale in its entirety: journals and letters by the principal characters,

transcriptions of recordings on the newfangled phonograph, newspaper clippings, even a

ship’s log. The story constructed by these fragments is a rather complex one, and

dramatists and filmmakers, in adapting the novel, have usually felt free to alter the plot in

drastic ways, dropping major characters or amalgamating them into one another, changing

the various love interests around, and generally ignoring and upsetting Stoker’s carefully

built fictional edifice. In doing so they have sacrificed layers of meaning and radically

changed Stoker’s original intentions. – (Allen 2003, xv)


Dracula’s style is epistolary because this novel is composition of diaries, letter, journal,

newspaper telegram and memos. Here, we find multiple narrators in novel. Stoker has combine

different first person narration, which is remarkable. We find different points of view in this text,

narration shift from person to person several first person narration among the characters. And it

depend on theirs recoding, Mina, Jonathan, Dr. Seward and Lucy. Reader experiences the novel

through the collections of records which is based on the reflection of daily basis. Characters are

narrating straight forwardly, recording each event in detail. They narrate event in episodic way.

They have recorded in their own style journal, letter, and telegrams shortly after the event occurs.

And reader can find the reflection of their profession in their recoding. For example Dr. Seward,

who is students of science and he believe on objective truth, it is hard to understand Lucy illness.

But Dr. Van Helsing is also a students of Metaphysic so, he easily understands the reason

behinds Lucy illness. Whereas from Jonathan Hawkers journal creates excitement in readers

mind when he realizes that he is a prison in the Count Dracula castle. In this way a kind of

excitement, it raises up particularly dramatic moment though exclamatory style.

The activities of the Dracula can be comparable as evil. Dracula is a creature who survives on

others bloods which is unusual which define him as evil characters in the novel. Stoker, Bram.

Dracula (PDF). Chapter II .Jonathan Hawker’s journal Page. 27

Having answered the Count's salutation, I turned to the glass again to see how I had been

mistaken. This time there could be no error, for the man was close to me, and I could see

him over my shoulder. But there was no reflection of him in the mirror! The whole room

behind me was displayed, but there was no sign of a man in it, except myself. This was

startling, and coming on the top of so many strange things, was beginning to increase that

vague feeling of uneasiness which I always have when the Count is near. But at the

instant I saw that the cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. I laid

down the razor, turning as I did so half round to look for some sticking plaster. When the

Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a

grab at my throat. I drew away and his hand touched the string of beads which held the

crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could

hardly believe that it was ever there

This dialogue is form Jonathan when he was shaving. He experience something unusual though

count Dracula was beside him but he was not able to see him in the mirror. Here we notice that

Dracula is not a living creature as in Hindu philosophy the person who are dead they cannot be

seen in mirror and same action took place when Jonathan was shaving; next thing is that Dracula

tries to harm Jonathan when he saw the blood coming from the chin of Jonathan and another

interesting thing is Dracula was unable to harm Jonathan when he see the cur fixed in the

Jonathan neck. And in Christianity it is believe that evil creature cannot harm god and holy cross

always shaves form the evil creature or evil spirits. This means that count Dracula is evil creature

because by seeing Jonathan’s blood he tried to harm him and he is afraid by the Crucifix which is

believe to be happening with evil creature.

Dracula chapter three Jonathan Hakers Journal Page 29

Well, now I promise you that when I am done with him you shall kiss him at

your will. Now go! go! I must awaken him, for there is work to be done.”

“Are we to have nothing to-night?” said one of them, with a low laugh, as she

pointed to the bag which he had thrown upon the floor, and which moved as

though there were some living thing within it. For answer he nodded his head.

One of the women jumped forward and opened it. If my ears did not deceive me

there was a gasp and a low wail, as of a half-smothered child.

This line is form the Jonathan journal where he clears now that the Count Dracula is a evil

creature. When Jonathan realizes that he is in prison Count castle. And he is trying to get out

form the castle but he is not able. One night when Count had gone somewhere by warning him

not go to the other rooms but Jonathan was not clear with the mystery of the Dracula. He enters

in the room where three lady vampires were sleeping. As he enter the room the lady vampire

seduce him and he is drag by theirs voice and later, Count comes and save his life by offering a

baby. And he knew all the mystery of the Count Dracula. By this event readers must be sure that

Count Dracula is an evil Creature. Both readers and Jonathan were curious about Dracula and his

Castle and curiosity is solving in this point.

Dracula, chapter four, Jonathan Hawker’s Journal- continued

“Monster, give me my child!”

She threw herself on her knees, and rising up her hands, cried the same

words in tones which wrung my heart. Then she tore her hair and beat her breast,

and abandoned herself to all the violence’s of extravagant emotion. Finally, she

threw herself forward, and, though I could not see her, I could hear the beating of

her naked hands against the door

This line is of a mother whose child was thief by Count Dracula for three Lady Vampires, who

are trying to shock the blood of Jonathan Hawkers. There is threat upon the native people of

Count Dracula who often hunt the weaker one. Here the action done by the Count to save own

life he victimize the other. This proves that Count is an evil. A Vampires others blood for own

survival. The other who is begging her form count Dracula is attack by one wolf. His activities

are so horrible and cruel and no living creature can do. This Count Dracula is a undead evil

creature who trend to harm other with unbearable painful situation.

Dracula Chapter four Jonathan Hakers journal

There, in one of the great boxes, of which there were fifty in all, on a pile of

newly dug earth, lay the Count! He was either dead or asleep, I could not say

which—for the eyes were open and stony, but without the glassiness of death—

and the cheeks had the warmth of life through all their pallor; the lips were as

red as ever. But there was no sign of movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating

of the heart. I bent over him, and tried to find any sign of life, but in vain. He

could not have lain there long, for the earthy smell would have passed away in a

few hours. By the side of the box was its cover, pierced with holes here and

there. I thought he might have the keys on him, but when I went to search I saw

the dead eyes, and in them, dead though they were, such a look of hate, though

unconscious of me or my presence, that I fled from the place, and leaving the

Count’s room by the window, crawled again up the castle wall. Regaining my

room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think....

These lines are of Jonathan when he tries to scrape away and find some more about Count

Dracula. And he found Fifty Boxes which is filled with the newly dug earth. He was surprise and

full of quest why they are kept so. And suddenly, he encounters with the Count Dracula whose

below the head part is buried upon the Transylvanian soil. His lips are as read as ever. He is not
C H A L I S E | 10

moving though Jonathan is in front of hm. Here we analyze with no doubt, Dracula is a vampire

and he rest in the mid time. He became weak at the day time and he is gaining the power which

he neat in the coming days in London. Reader accepts that Dracula is evil creature whose

survival is on harming other. Ant these boxes are going to London is near days to harm people of

London with evil power.

Dracula Chapter ten Letter, Dr. Seward to Hon. Arthur Holmwood

“No trifling with me! I never jest! There is grim purpose in all I do; and I warn you that you do

not thwart me. Take care, for the sake of others if not for your own.”

These lines are of Professor Van Helsing who is in Lucy’s room. He put garland of Garlic in

room and around the neck of Lucy. And Mina makes jokes of it and Professor is serious and he is

the only person to notice the coming trouble in the Lucy’s life. No other is able to realize the

reason behind the illness of Lucy. The concept of using the Garlic is to protect form the evil and

this is practice in the Asian culture and especially in the south Asian culture. It is believe that

Garlics protect from the evil. And in novel we see same thing. Lucy’s mother threw away the

garlics and in the same night Dracula came and attack Lucy and she dies. This proves that Count

Dracula is an evil who has got some limitation. Limitation over his evil power, though he is

power but he cannot go against the god power. Bram Stoker: Dracula CHAPTER 21 (continued)

With that he pulled open his shirt, and with his long sharp nails opened a vein in his

breast. When the blood began to spurt out, he took my hands in one of his, holding

them tight, and with the other seized my neck and pressed my mouth to the wound, so

that I must either suffocate or swallow some to the. . .Oh, my God! My God! What

have I done? What have I done to deserve such a fate, I who have tried to walk in
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meekness and righteousness all my days? God pity me! Look down on a poor soul in

worse than mortal peril. And in mercy pity those to whom she is dear!" Then she

began to rub her lips as though to cleanse them from pollution.

This dialogue is from the Mina Murray who is attack by the Count Dracula. And Dracula is

forcing Mina to convert her into evil as he is a vampire. When Van Helsing and others were

traveling outside to destroy the boxes fill with Transylvanian soil, Dracula came into the Dr.

Seward cabin where she was placed for her safety but Dracula was able to come there with his

evil power. And he is trending to harm Jonathans as revenge. And this is known from the

help of Van Helsing. Evil nature of Count Dracula is quite clear.

Dracula Chapter seven

LOG OF THE "DEMETER" news paper

4 August.--Still fog, which the sunrise cannot pierce, I know there is sunrise because I am

a sailor, why else I know not. I dared not go below, I dared not leave the helm, so here all

night I stayed, and in the dimness of the night I saw it, Him! God, forgive me, but the

mate was right to jump overboard. It was better to die like a man. To die like a sailor in

blue water, no man can object. But I am captain, and I must not leave my ship. But I shall

baffle this fiend or monster, for I shall tie my hands to the wheel when my strength

begins to fail, and along with them I shall tie that which He, It, dare not touch. And then,

come good wind or foul, I shall save my soul, and my honor as a captain. I am growing

weaker, and the night is coming on. If He can look me in the face again, I may not have

time to act . . .If we are wrecked, mayhap this bottle may be found, and those who find it

may understand. If not . . . well, then all men shall know that I have been true to my trust.

God and the Blessed Virgin and the Saints help a poor ignorant soul trying to do his
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duty . . .No trace has ever been found of the great dog, at which there is much mourning,

for, with public opinion in its present state, he would, I believe, be adopted by the town.

Tomorrow will see the funeral, and so will end this one more `mystery of the sea'.

This event was printed is a newspaper explained by a captain of the ship which was coming from

the Russia to England. The captain shares his experience which was different from the usual.

Many sailors were victim of an evil creature. Day by day they were attack by the creature which

looks tall and thin different in the crew of sailor. The crew members were full of numb and fear.

Fog used to surround the ship suddenly. This was out of mind of the crew member in ship. This

event gives a clue that Count Dracula has come to England and his evil power. And he is going

to pollute this city with his Blood. This incident helps to get nearer to his real intention which

becomes clear in the later parts. Later count converted in a dog which was larger in size, and he

disappears from that place. This is mysterious for the crew members.

Bram Stokers Dracula Dr. Seward's journal, Dracula, Chapter 16

I drew near and looked. The coffin was empty. It was certainly a surprise to me, and gave

me a considerable shock, but Van Helsing was unmoved. He was now surer than ever of

his ground, and so emboldened to proceed in his task. "Are you satisfied now, friend

John?" he asked.

This line is from the John Seward; Lucy has converted into a vampire. Dr. Van Helsing has

proved what he was guessing to Dr. Seward and others what he has been trying to explain them

in earlier part of the Novel. But Dr. Seward was not ready to believe the illness of Lucy and it
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reason. Lucy has become Vampire and she has been kidnaping the babies from the town, which

was not believed by others only by Van Helsing. This also clue that Count Dracula has come to

the London for Professor Helsing.

Dracula chapter 23 Dr. Seward’s dairy page 4

Suddenly with a single bound he leaped into the room. Winning a way past us before any

of us could raise a hand to stay him. There was something so panther like in the

movement, something so unhuman, that it seemed to sober us all from the shock of his

coming. The first to act was Harker, who with a quick movement threw himself before

the door leading into the room in the front of the house. As the Count saw us, a horrible

sort of snarl passed over his face, showing the eyeteeth long and pointed. But the evil

smile as quickly passed into a cold stare of lion-like disdain. His expression again

changed as, with a single impulse, we all advanced upon him. It was a pity that we had

not some better organized plan of attack, for even at the moment I wondered what we

were to do. I did not myself know whether our lethal weapons would avail us anything.

When Van Helsing and other were chasing Count Dracula, they had to kill Dracula before the

sunsets. After the sunsets it’s very difficult to defeat, this might be impossible. But Dracula is too

weak. Here we see one of the evil look of Count Dracula who still confident and Professor doubt

upon his weapons which they have brought to defeat him. Readers comes to know at this point

Count Dracula is complete evil creature who has got supernatural power of evil, which work for

gaining negative energy.

The name Dracula came from the Novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. This novel gives birth to a

new genre in gothic literature. Different critics have given theirs word to this novel. But still they
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praise the Bram Stoker work. This novel is popular among new generation than the generation a

when it was published. This gave broad concept for literature. Especially in the modern era of the

literature, different movies, television shows and comic series are made nowadays. They have

borrowed the ideas making films and comics from the Stoker Dracula.

When novel begins curiosity of the readers also begins. They become curious about Count

Dracula. The way native behave when they hear Jonathan is going to Transylvania, this generate

upon the noble. As Jonathan narrates the earlier parts in novel Dracula never eats, drink or take

meal with Jonathan. His reflection does not come in the mirror. This is mysterious one. Readers

put their close eyes on Count Dracula. Later it is all clear when Van Helsing comes. He is an evil

creature who survives on shocking others blood. Dracula had planned to shift in London. For

same hidden reason Jonathan was heir as solicitor. We know about him and his evil nature in

epistolary way.

Dracula kill innocent and prove himself as an evil creature. Dracula prison Jonathan, he kill a

small baby and his mother though a wolf. He kills the innocent Lucy, who was going to get

marry. He even tend to harm Mina to know about the Jonathans and others planning. This prove

that Dracula is absolutely an evil who survives on other painful situation. His action are equal to

evil and whose intention is to harm others.

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Lohnes, Kate, editor. Dracula Novel by Stoker, 5 Feb.


Beck, Meghan. Dracula: More than Good Or Evil, pp. 1–8.,


Quintero, Carlos. “An Analysis on Dracula from Cultural Perspective.” English Language and

Literature Studies, vol. 02, no. 1925-4776, ser. 4, 2012, pp. 1–



Floresiensis. “Dracula Reader Review.” Book Review - Fantasy Book Review, Fantasy Book

Review, 17 Feb. 2017,

Tiffany. “Dracula Reader Review.” Book Review - Fantasy Book Review, Fantasy Book Review,
17 Feb. 2017,

Allen, Brooke. 2003. "Introduction." Dracula. New York, NY: Barnes and Noble Classics, 11

Nov. 2020.

Stoker, Bram. Dracula. 1897. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Staff. “Was Dracula a Real Person?”, A&E Television Networks, 22
May 2013,
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”Bram Stoker – Novels”. Retrieved 8 October 2017.

“Evil (Adj.).” Index, Online Etymological Dictionary ,

“Dracula: Origin.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Mar. 2020,

“Dracula's Main Style.” SparkNotes, SparkNotes, 11 Nov. 2020,

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