Sabarigiri English School, Anchal: Class - Viii Chemistry: Chapter - 6

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1. What is combustion?
A chemical process in which substance burns in oxygen to give off
heat and light is called combustion.
Eg: Burning of magnesium, charcoal etc.
2. Differentiate combustible and non combustible substance.
The substance that burn easily in air to produce heat and light are called
combustible substance.
Eg: Paper, Cloth etc.
The substance that not burn in air is called non combustible substance.
Eg: Iron nail, glass etc.
3. What are the conditions necessary for combustion?
The conditions which are necessary for combustion are:
❖ Presence of combustible substance
❖ Presence of oxygen
❖ Attainment of ignition temperature
4. How is it possible that water can be boiled in a paper cup without boiling
The heat is supplied to paper cup is transferred to water by
conduction, that is why water can be boiled in a paper cup without
burning it.
5. What are inflammable substance?
The substance which has very low ignition temperature and can
easily catch fire with a flame are called inflammable substance.
Eg: LPG, Kerosene, Paper etc.
6. Why is water is not used for extinguishing fire by petrol and fire in
electrical appliances? Explain in detail.
Water cannot be used to extinguish fire in electrical wiring caused
by an electrical short circuit because water is a good conductor of
electricity. When it is poured over burning electrical wires or appliances,
it causes electric shock to the people involved in the fire fighting
Water cannot be used to pull off fire caused by burning of oil or
petrol because water being heavier than oil, settle down at the bottom.
Oil floats over this water and continuous to burn.
7. What are the two main principles involved in fire fighting operations?
The two principles involved in fire fighting operations are:
1.Bringing down the temperature of the burning substance below their
ignition temperature.
2.Cutting of the air supply to the burning substances.
8. Explain how CO2 is able to control fire?
Fire caused by electrical equipment’s and inflammable substances
like petrol, are best extinguished by CO2. CO2, being heavier than
oxygen, covers the fire like a blanket. Since the contact between the fuel
and oxygen is cut off, therefore the fire is controlled.

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